void ReadBackHelper(HANDLE hOut,
                    COORD coordReadBackPos,
                    DWORD dwReadBackLength,
                    wistd::unique_ptr<char[]>& pszReadBack)
    // Add one so it can be zero terminated.
    DWORD cbBuffer = dwReadBackLength + 1;
    wistd::unique_ptr<char[]> pszRead = wil::make_unique_failfast<char[]>(cbBuffer);
    ZeroMemory(pszRead.get(), cbBuffer * sizeof(char));

    DWORD dwRead = 0;
    VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(ReadConsoleOutputCharacterA(hOut, pszRead.get(), dwReadBackLength, coordReadBackPos, &dwRead), L"Read back data in the buffer.");
    VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(dwReadBackLength, dwRead, L"Verify API reports we read back the number of characters we asked for.");

void FileTests::TestWriteFileRaw()
    // \x7 is bell
    // \x8 is backspace
    // \x9 is tab
    // \xa is linefeed
    // \xd is carriage return
    // All should be ignored/printed in raw mode.
    PCSTR strTest = "z\x7y\x8z\x9y\xaz\xdy";
    DWORD const cchTest = (DWORD)strlen(strTest);
    String strReadBackExpected(strTest);

    HANDLE const hOut = GetStdOutputHandle();
    VERIFY_IS_NOT_NULL(hOut, L"Verify we have the standard output handle.");

    CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX csbiexBefore = { 0 };
    csbiexBefore.cbSize = sizeof(csbiexBefore);
    VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(hOut, &csbiexBefore), L"Retrieve screen buffer properties before writing.");

    VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(SetConsoleMode(hOut, 0), L"Set raw write mode.");

    COORD const coordZero = { 0 };
    VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(coordZero, csbiexBefore.dwCursorPosition, L"Cursor should be at 0,0 in fresh buffer.");

    DWORD dwWritten = 0;
    VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(WriteFile(hOut, strTest, cchTest, &dwWritten, nullptr), L"Write text into buffer using WriteFile");
    VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(cchTest, dwWritten);

    CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX csbiexAfter = { 0 };
    csbiexAfter.cbSize = sizeof(csbiexAfter);
    VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(hOut, &csbiexAfter), L"Retrieve screen buffer properties after writing.");

    csbiexBefore.dwCursorPosition.X += (SHORT)cchTest;
    VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(csbiexBefore.dwCursorPosition, csbiexAfter.dwCursorPosition, L"Verify cursor moved expected number of squares for the write length.");

    DWORD const cbReadBackBuffer = cchTest + 2; // +1 so we can read back a "space" that should be after what we wrote. +1 more so this can be null terminated for String class comparison.
    wistd::unique_ptr<char[]> strReadBack = wil::make_unique_failfast<char[]>(cbReadBackBuffer);
    ZeroMemory(strReadBack.get(), cbReadBackBuffer * sizeof(char));

    DWORD dwRead = 0;
    VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(ReadConsoleOutputCharacterA(hOut, strReadBack.get(), cchTest + 1, coordZero, &dwRead), L"Read back the data in the buffer.");
    // +1 to read back the space that should be after the text we wrote

    strReadBackExpected += " "; // add in the space that should appear after the written text (buffer should be space filled when empty)

    VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(strReadBackExpected, String(strReadBack.get()), L"Ensure that the buffer contents match what we expected based on what we wrote.");
// bBashMargin - sh.exe has pad in one space cell on right edge of window
BOOL OnReadConsoleClick(SHORT xPos, SHORT yPos, bool bForce, bool bBashMargin)
	TODO("Тут бы нужно еще учитывать, что консоль могла прокрутиться вверх на несколько строк, если был ENABLE_WRAP_AT_EOL_OUTPUT");
	TODO("Еще интересно, что будет, если координата начала вдруг окажется за пределами буфера (типа сузили окно, и курсор уехал)");

	if (!IsPromptActionAllowed(bForce, bBashMargin, &hConIn))
		return FALSE;

	BOOL lbRc = FALSE, lbWrite = FALSE;
    int nChars = 0;
    DWORD nWritten = 0, dwLastError = 0;


	if (GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hConOut, &csbi) && csbi.dwSize.X && csbi.dwSize.Y)
		bool bHomeEnd = false;
		lbRc = TRUE;

		// When we are outside of standard ReadConsole[A|W]
		// it's almost impossible to detect where readline was started.
		// So, it's more safe do not try to go upper lines at all.
		if (!gReadConsoleInfo.InReadConsoleTID && (yPos < csbi.dwCursorPosition.Y))
			yPos = csbi.dwCursorPosition.Y;

		nChars = (csbi.dwSize.X * (yPos - csbi.dwCursorPosition.Y))
			+ (xPos - csbi.dwCursorPosition.X);

		if (nChars != 0)
			char* pszLine = (char*)malloc(csbi.dwSize.X+1);
			wchar_t* pwszLine = (wchar_t*)malloc((csbi.dwSize.X+1)*sizeof(*pwszLine));

			if (pszLine && pwszLine)
				int nChecked = 0;
				int iCount;
				DWORD nRead;
				COORD cr;
				SHORT nPrevSpaces = 0, nPrevChars = 0;
				SHORT nWhole = 0, nPrint = 0;
				bool bDBCS = false;
				// Если в консоли выбрана DBCS кодировка - там все не просто
				DWORD nCP = GetConsoleOutputCP();
				if (nCP && nCP != CP_UTF7 && nCP != CP_UTF8 && nCP != 1200 && nCP != 1201)
					CPINFO cp = {};
					if (GetCPInfo(nCP, &cp) && (cp.MaxCharSize > 1))
						bDBCS = true;

				TODO("DBCS!!! Must to convert cursor pos ('DBCS') to char pos!");
				// Ok, теперь нужно проверить, не был ли клик сделан "за пределами строки ввода"

				SHORT y = csbi.dwCursorPosition.Y;
				while (true)
					cr.Y = y;
					if (nChars > 0)
						cr.X = (y == csbi.dwCursorPosition.Y) ? csbi.dwCursorPosition.X : 0;
						iCount = (y == yPos) ? (xPos - cr.X) : (csbi.dwSize.X - cr.X);
						if (iCount < 0)
						cr.X = 0;
						iCount = ((y == csbi.dwCursorPosition.Y) ? csbi.dwCursorPosition.X : csbi.dwSize.X)
							- ((y == yPos) ? xPos : 0);
						if (iCount < 0)

					// Считать строку
					if (bDBCS)
						// На DBCS кодировках "ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW" фигню возвращает
						BOOL bReadOk = ReadConsoleOutputCharacterA(hConOut, pszLine, iCount, cr, &nRead);
						dwLastError = GetLastError();

						if (!bReadOk || !nRead)
							// Однако и ReadConsoleOutputCharacterA может глючить, пробуем "W"
							bReadOk = ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW(hConOut, pwszLine, iCount, cr, &nRead);
							dwLastError = GetLastError();

							if (!bReadOk || !nRead)

							bDBCS = false; // Thread string as simple Unicode.
							nRead = MultiByteToWideChar(nCP, 0, pszLine, nRead, pwszLine, csbi.dwSize.X);

						// Check chars count
						if (((int)nRead) <= 0)
						if (!ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW(hConOut, pwszLine, iCount, cr, &nRead) || !nRead)

					if (nRead > (DWORD)csbi.dwSize.X)
						_ASSERTEX(nRead <= (DWORD)csbi.dwSize.X);
					pwszLine[nRead] = 0;

					nWhole = nPrint = (SHORT)nRead;
					// Сначала посмотреть сколько в конце строки пробелов
					while ((nPrint > 0) && (pwszLine[nPrint-1] == L' '))

					// В каком направлении идем
					if (nChars > 0) // Вниз
						// Если знаков (не пробелов) больше 0 - учитываем и концевые пробелы предыдущей строки
						if (nPrint > 0)
							nChecked += nPrevSpaces + nPrint;
							// Если на предыдущей строке значащих символов не было - завершаем
							if (nPrevChars <= 0)
					else // Вверх
						if (nPrint <= 0)
							break; // На первой же пустой строке мы останавливаемся
						nChecked += nWhole;
					nPrevChars = nPrint;
					nPrevSpaces = nWhole - nPrint;

					// Цикл + условие
					if (nChars > 0)
						if ((++y) > yPos)
						if ((--y) < yPos)

				// Changed?
				nChars = (nChars > 0) ? nChecked : -nChecked;
				//nChars = (csbi.dwSize.X * (yPos - csbi.dwCursorPosition.Y))
				//	+ (xPos - csbi.dwCursorPosition.X);

		if (nChars != 0)
			int nCount = bHomeEnd ? 1 : (nChars < 0) ? (-nChars) : nChars;
			if (!bHomeEnd && (nCount > (csbi.dwSize.X * (csbi.srWindow.Bottom - csbi.srWindow.Top))))
				bHomeEnd = true;
				nCount = 1;

			INPUT_RECORD* pr = (INPUT_RECORD*)calloc((size_t)nCount,sizeof(*pr));
			if (pr != NULL)
				WORD vk = bHomeEnd ? ((nChars < 0) ? VK_HOME : VK_END) :
					((nChars < 0) ? VK_LEFT : VK_RIGHT);
				HKL hkl = GetKeyboardLayout(gReadConsoleInfo.InReadConsoleTID ? gReadConsoleInfo.InReadConsoleTID : gReadConsoleInfo.LastReadConsoleInputTID);
				WORD sc = MapVirtualKeyEx(vk, 0/*MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC*/, hkl);
				if (!sc)
					_ASSERTEX(sc!=NULL && "Can't determine SC?");
					sc = (vk == VK_LEFT)  ? 0x4B :
						 (vk == VK_RIGHT) ? 0x4D :
						 (vk == VK_HOME)  ? 0x47 :
						 (vk == VK_RIGHT) ? 0x4F : 0;

				for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
					pr[i].EventType = KEY_EVENT;
					pr[i].Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown = TRUE;
					pr[i].Event.KeyEvent.wRepeatCount = 1;
					pr[i].Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode = vk;
					pr[i].Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualScanCode = sc;
					pr[i].Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState = ENHANCED_KEY;

				while (nCount > 0)
					lbWrite = WriteConsoleInputW(hConIn, pr, min(nCount,256), &nWritten);
					if (!lbWrite || !nWritten)
					nCount -= nWritten;


	return lbRc;
// Консоль любит глючить, при попытках запроса более определенного количества ячеек.
// MAX_CONREAD_SIZE подобрано экспериментально
BOOL ReadConsoleOutputEx(HANDLE hOut, CHAR_INFO *pData, COORD bufSize, SMALL_RECT rgn)

	DWORD nTick1 = GetTickCount(), nTick2 = 0, nTick3 = 0, nTick4 = 0, nTick5 = 0;

	static bool bDBCS = false, bDBCS_Checked = false;
	if (!bDBCS_Checked)
		bDBCS = (GetSystemMetrics(SM_DBCSENABLED) != 0);
		bDBCS_Checked = true;

	bool   bDBCS_CP = bDBCS;
	LPCSTR szLeads = NULL;
	UINT   MaxCharSize = 0;
	DWORD  nCP, nCP1, nMode;

	if (bDBCS)
		nCP = GetConsoleOutputCP();
		nCP1 = GetConsoleCP();
		GetConsoleMode(hOut, &nMode);

		szLeads = GetCpInfoLeads(nCP, &MaxCharSize);
		if (!szLeads || !*szLeads || MaxCharSize < 2)
			bDBCS_CP = false;

	size_t nBufWidth = bufSize.X;
	int nWidth = (rgn.Right - rgn.Left + 1);
	int nHeight = (rgn.Bottom - rgn.Top + 1);
	int nCurSize = nWidth * nHeight;

	_ASSERTE(bufSize.X >= nWidth);
	_ASSERTE(bufSize.Y >= nHeight);
	_ASSERTE(rgn.Top>=0 && rgn.Bottom>=rgn.Top);
	_ASSERTE(rgn.Left>=0 && rgn.Right>=rgn.Left);

	//MSectionLock RCS;
	//if (gpSrv->pReqSizeSection && !RCS.Lock(gpSrv->pReqSizeSection, TRUE, 30000))
	//	return FALSE;


	COORD bufCoord = {0,0};
	DWORD dwErrCode = 0;

	nTick2 = GetTickCount();

	if (!bDBCS_CP && (nCurSize <= MAX_CONREAD_SIZE))
		if (ReadConsoleOutputW(hOut, pData, bufSize, bufCoord, &rgn))
			lbRc = TRUE;
		nTick3 = GetTickCount();

	if (!lbRc)
		// Придется читать построчно
		// Теоретически - можно и блоками, но оверхед очень маленький, а велик
		// шанс обломаться, если консоль "глючит". Поэтому построчно...

		//bufSize.X = TextWidth;
		bufSize.Y = 1;
		bufCoord.X = 0; bufCoord.Y = 0;
		//rgn = gpSrv->sbi.srWindow;

		int Y1 = rgn.Top;
		int Y2 = rgn.Bottom;

		CHAR_INFO* pLine = pData;
		if (!bDBCS_CP)
			for (int y = Y1; y <= Y2; y++, rgn.Top++, pLine+=nBufWidth)
				nTick3 = GetTickCount();
				rgn.Bottom = rgn.Top;
				lbRc = ReadConsoleOutputW(hOut, pLine, bufSize, bufCoord, &rgn);
				if (!lbRc)
					dwErrCode = GetLastError();
					_ASSERTE(FALSE && "ReadConsoleOutputW failed in MyReadConsoleOutput");
				nTick4 = GetTickCount();
			DWORD nAttrsMax = bufSize.X;
			DWORD nCharsMax = nAttrsMax/* *4 */; // -- максимум там вроде на некоторых CP - 4 байта
			wchar_t* pszChars = (wchar_t*)malloc(nCharsMax*sizeof(*pszChars));
			char* pszCharsA = (char*)malloc(nCharsMax*sizeof(*pszCharsA));
			WORD* pnAttrs = (WORD*)malloc(bufSize.X*sizeof(*pnAttrs));
			if (pszChars && pszCharsA && pnAttrs)
				COORD crRead = {rgn.Left,Y1};
				DWORD nChars, nAttrs, nCharsA;
				CHAR_INFO* pLine = pData;
				for (; crRead.Y <= Y2; crRead.Y++, pLine+=nBufWidth)
					nTick3 = GetTickCount();
					rgn.Bottom = rgn.Top;

					nChars = nCharsA = nAttrs = 0;
					BOOL lbRcTxt = ReadConsoleOutputCharacterA(hOut, pszCharsA, nCharsMax, crRead, &nCharsA);
					dwErrCode = GetLastError();
					if (!lbRcTxt || !nCharsA)
						nCharsA = 0;
						lbRcTxt = ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW(hOut, pszChars, nCharsMax, crRead, &nChars);
						dwErrCode = GetLastError();
					BOOL lbRcAtr = ReadConsoleOutputAttribute(hOut, pnAttrs, bufSize.X, crRead, &nAttrs);
					dwErrCode = GetLastError();
					lbRc = lbRcTxt && lbRcAtr;

					if (!lbRc)
						dwErrCode = GetLastError();
						_ASSERTE(FALSE && "ReadConsoleOutputAttribute failed in MyReadConsoleOutput");

						CHAR_INFO* p = pLine;
						for (size_t i = 0; i < nAttrsMax; ++i, ++p)
							p->Attributes = 4; // red on black
							p->Char.UnicodeChar = 0xFFFE; // not a character

						if (nCharsA)
							nChars = MultiByteToWideChar(nCP, 0, pszCharsA, nCharsA, pszChars, nCharsMax);
						CHAR_INFO* p = pLine;
						wchar_t* psz = pszChars;
						WORD* pn = pnAttrs;
						//int i = nAttrsMax;
						//while ((i--) > 0)
						//	p->Attributes = *(pn++);
						//	p->Char.UnicodeChar = *(psz++);
						//	p++;
						size_t x1 = min(nChars,nAttrsMax);
						size_t x2 = nAttrsMax;
						for (size_t i = 0; i < x1; ++i, ++p)
							p->Attributes = *pn;
							p->Char.UnicodeChar = *psz;

							WARNING("Некорректно! pn может указывать на начало блока DBCS/QBCS");
							pn++; // += MaxCharSize;
						WORD nLastAttr = pnAttrs[max(0,(int)nAttrs-1)];
						for (size_t i = x1; i < x2; ++i, ++p)
							p->Attributes = nLastAttr;
							p->Char.UnicodeChar = L' ';
					nTick4 = GetTickCount();

		nTick5 = GetTickCount();

	return lbRc;