HRESULT CHdmvClipInfo::ReadInfo(LPCTSTR strFile) { m_bIsHdmv = false; m_hFile = CreateFile(strFile, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY | FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL); if (m_hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { BYTE Buff[100]; ReadBuffer(Buff, 4); if (memcmp(Buff, "HDMV", 4)) { return CloseFile(VFW_E_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT); } ReadBuffer(Buff, 4); if ((memcmp(Buff, "0200", 4) != 0) && (memcmp(Buff, "0100", 4) != 0)) { return CloseFile(VFW_E_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT); } SequenceInfo_start_address = ReadDword(); ProgramInfo_start_address = ReadDword(); ReadProgramInfo(); m_bIsHdmv = true; return CloseFile(S_OK); } return AmHresultFromWin32(GetLastError()); }
void DumpHeap(void) { uint32 free_list_ptr = *(uint32*)(&corehelp->heap_free_list_ptr); uint32 alloc_list_ptr = *(uint32*)(&corehelp->heap_alloc_list_ptr); struct block_t *free_blk = (struct block_t*)ReadDword(free_list_ptr); struct block_t *alloc_blk = (struct block_t*)ReadDword(alloc_list_ptr); printf("free_list = %08x -> %08x\n", free_list_ptr, (uint32)free_blk); printf("alloc_list = %08x -> %08x\n", alloc_list_ptr, (uint32)alloc_blk); while (1) { if (free_blk && (free_blk < alloc_blk)) { DumpBlock("free ", free_blk); free_blk = (struct block_t*)ReadDword((uint32)&free_blk->next); } else if (alloc_blk) { DumpBlock("alloc", alloc_blk); alloc_blk = (struct block_t*)ReadDword((uint32)&alloc_blk->next); } else { break; } } // DumpMemory(0xf1000000, 16384); }
void CMsregPacketCatalogOrderRequest::ReadDataFromFile(CFile& cfFile, DWORD& dwChecksum) { CString csKey; CString csValue; TRY { // Read inherited data. CMsregPacket::ReadDataFromFile(cfFile, dwChecksum); // Read the product name. m_csProductName = ReadString(cfFile, dwChecksum); // Read the field count. DWORD dwFields = ReadDword(cfFile, dwChecksum); // Read Fields. DeleteAllFields(); for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwFields; i++) { csKey = ReadString(cfFile, dwChecksum); csValue = ReadString(cfFile, dwChecksum); AddField(csKey, csValue); } // Read the tax. m_dwTax = ReadDword(cfFile, dwChecksum); // Read the shipping. m_dwShipping = ReadDword(cfFile, dwChecksum); // Read the total. m_dwTotal = ReadDword(cfFile, dwChecksum); // Read the offer code. m_csOfferCode = ReadString(cfFile, dwChecksum); // Read the request code. m_csRequestCode = ReadString(cfFile, dwChecksum); // Read the line items. m_LineItems.ReadDataFromFile(cfFile, dwChecksum); } CATCH_ALL(e) { csKey.Empty(); csValue.Empty(); THROW_LAST(); } END_CATCH_ALL }
static void DumpBlock(const char *type, struct block_t *blk) { uint32 size = (ReadDword((uint32)&blk->size) - sizeof(*blk) - sizeof(uint32)) & ~7; uint32 seq_id = ReadDword((uint32)&blk->seq_id); uint32 line = ReadDword((uint32)&blk->line); char *file = DupString(ReadDword((uint32)&blk->file)); char *func = DupString(ReadDword((uint32)&blk->func)); uint32 ptr = (uint32)blk + sizeof(*blk); printf("%s %08x = seq:%5d, size:%5d, %-30.30s (%4d) %s\n", type, ptr, seq_id, size, func, line, basename(file)); free(file); free(func); }
void CMsregPacketRegistrationRequest::ReadDataFromFile(CFile& cfFile, DWORD& dwChecksum) { CString csKey; CString csValue; TRY { // Read inherited data. CMsregPacket::ReadDataFromFile(cfFile, dwChecksum); // Read the product name. m_csProductName = ReadString(cfFile, dwChecksum); // Read the field count. DWORD dwFields = ReadDword(cfFile, dwChecksum); // Read Fields. DeleteAllFields(); for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwFields; i++) { csKey = ReadString(cfFile, dwChecksum); csValue = ReadString(cfFile, dwChecksum); AddField(csKey, csValue); } } CATCH_ALL(e) { csKey.Empty(); csValue.Empty(); THROW_LAST(); } END_CATCH_ALL }
void CMsregPacketProductInformationResponse::ReadDataFromFile(CFile& cfFile, DWORD& dwChecksum) { // Read inherited data. CMsregPacket::ReadDataFromFile(cfFile, dwChecksum); // Read the product name. m_csProductName = ReadString(cfFile, dwChecksum); // Read the result value. m_dwResult = ReadDword(cfFile, dwChecksum); // Read the message (normally empty if successful). m_csMessage = ReadString(cfFile, dwChecksum); // Read the invoice number. m_dwInvoiceNumber = ReadDword(cfFile, dwChecksum); }
void CPipeServer::RvaMap() { void *image=(void *)ReadQword(); UINT32 offset=ReadDword(); void *result=mono_image_rva_map(image, offset); WriteQword((UINT_PTR)result); }
VOID TraceControl( IN HANDLE CurrentProcess, IN HANDLE CurrentThread, IN LPSTR ArgumentString ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine dumps LDT selectors. The selectors are dumped from the user mode Ldt, rather than the system ldt. Arguments: CurrentProcess -- Supplies a handle to the process to dump selectors for CurrentThread -- Supplies a handle to the thread to dump selectors for ArgumentString -- Supplies the arguments to the !sel command Return Value None. --*/ { PVOID pMem; BOOL bTrace; int Count; hCurrentProcess = CurrentProcess; if (!ReadMemExpression("ntvdm!bDpmiTraceOn", &bTrace, 4)) { return; } pMem = (PVOID)(*GetExpression)("ntvdm!bDpmiTraceOn"); if (!pMem) { PRINTF("DPMI trace history not available\n"); return; } if (!ReadDword(pMem, bTrace)) { PRINTF("Error reading memory\n"); return; } if (!bTrace) { int Count = 0; bTrace = 1; WriteDword(pMem, bTrace); pMem = (PVOID)(*GetExpression)("ntvdm!bDpmiTraceCount"); WriteDword(pMem, Count); (*Print)("Trace is now on and reset\n"); } else { bTrace = 0; WriteDword(pMem, bTrace); (*Print)("Trace is now off\n"); } }
void CRulesManager::ReadRule(LPCTSTR RuleName, USB_DK_HIDE_RULE &Rule) const { Rule.Type = ReadDword(RuleName, USBDK_HIDE_RULE_TYPE); Rule.Hide = ReadBool(RuleName, USBDK_HIDE_RULE_SHOULD_HIDE); Rule.VID = ReadDwordMask(RuleName, USBDK_HIDE_RULE_VID); Rule.PID = ReadDwordMask(RuleName, USBDK_HIDE_RULE_PID); Rule.BCD = ReadDwordMask(RuleName, USBDK_HIDE_RULE_BCD); Rule.Class = ReadDwordMask(RuleName, USBDK_HIDE_RULE_CLASS); }
Stream* Stream::Deserialize(bool decompress) { Stream* value = new Stream(); unsigned int length = ReadDword(); StreamBuffer tmpBuffer(length, 0); ReadData(tmpBuffer); value->WriteData(tmpBuffer); value->Rewind(); if (decompress) value->Inflate(); return value; }
void CMsregPacketRegistrationResponse::ReadDataFromFile(CFile& cfFile, DWORD& dwChecksum) { // Read inherited data. CMsregPacket::ReadDataFromFile(cfFile, dwChecksum); // Read the product name. m_csProductName = ReadString(cfFile, dwChecksum); // Read the registered flag. m_dwRegistered = ReadDword(cfFile, dwChecksum); // Read the message (normally empty if successful). m_csMessage = ReadString(cfFile, dwChecksum); }
std::string Stream::ReadString() { unsigned int length = ReadDword(); if (streamMode == SmMemory) { std::string value(reinterpret_cast<const char*>( + position), length); position += length; return value; } else { std::string value(length, '\0');<char*>(, length); return value; } return ""; }
void CMsregPacketHeader::ReadDataFromFile(CFile& cfFile, DWORD& dwChecksum) { // Read inherited data. CMsregPacket::ReadDataFromFile(cfFile, dwChecksum); // Read customer ID. m_csCustomerId = ReadString(cfFile, dwChecksum); // Read packet count. DWORD dwPackets = ReadDword(cfFile, dwChecksum); // Read packets. DeleteAllPackets(); for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwPackets; i++) { AddPacket(ReadPacket(cfFile)); } }
BOOL CNodedMemoryBuffer::ReadNextFieldHeader() { ASSERT(IsLoading()); m_iNodeType = ID_END_OF_FIELDS; m_dwFieldSize = 0; m_iFieldType = ReadInt(); switch(m_iFieldType) { case ID_END_OF_FIELDS: return FALSE; case ID_FIELD_IS_NODE: m_iNodeType = ReadInt(); return TRUE; default: m_dwFieldSize = ReadDword(); return TRUE; } }
int main() { HANDLE hProc = GetCurrentProcess(); HANDLE hToken = NULL; if (!OpenProcessToken(hProc, TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES, &hToken)) printf("Failed to open access token\n"); if (!SetPrivilege(hToken, SE_DEBUG_NAME, TRUE)) printf("Failed to set debug privilege\n"); DWORD pid = 5356; HANDLE hTargetProc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, pid); if (!hTargetProc) printf("Failed to open process: %u\n", GetLastError()); DWORD_PTR address = 0x001E0000; WriteDword(hTargetProc, address, 0xDEADBEEF); printf("Result of reading dword at 0x%llx address = 0x%x\n", address, ReadDword(hTargetProc, address)); CloseHandle(hTargetProc); return 0; }
bool Stream::ReadBoolean() { return ReadDword() >= 1; }
HRESULT CHdmvClipInfo::ReadCpiInfo(CAtlArray<SyncPoint>* sps) { sps->RemoveAll(); CAtlArray<ClpiEpMapEntry> ClpiEpMapList; LARGE_INTEGER Pos = {0, 0}; Pos.QuadPart = Cpi_start_addrress; SetFilePointerEx(m_hFile, Pos, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); DWORD len = ReadDword(); if (len == 0) { return E_FAIL; } BYTE* buf = NULL; ReadByte(); BYTE Type = ReadByte() & 0xF; DWORD ep_map_pos = Cpi_start_addrress + 4 + 2; ReadByte(); BYTE num_stream_pid = ReadByte(); DWORD size = num_stream_pid * 12; buf = DNew BYTE[size]; ReadBuffer(buf, size); CGolombBuffer gb(buf, size); for (int i = 0; i < num_stream_pid; i++) { ClpiEpMapEntry em; = gb.ReadShort(); gb.BitRead(10); em.ep_stream_type = gb.BitRead(4); em.num_ep_coarse = gb.ReadShort(); em.num_ep_fine = gb.BitRead(18); em.ep_map_stream_start_addr = gb.ReadDword() + ep_map_pos; em.coarse = DNew ClpiEpCoarse[em.num_ep_coarse]; em.fine = DNew ClpiEpFine[em.num_ep_fine]; ClpiEpMapList.Add(em); } delete[] buf; for (int i = 0; i < num_stream_pid; i++) { ClpiEpMapEntry* em = &ClpiEpMapList[i]; Pos.QuadPart = em->ep_map_stream_start_addr; SetFilePointerEx(m_hFile, Pos, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); DWORD fine_start = ReadDword(); size = em->num_ep_coarse * 8; buf = DNew BYTE[size]; ReadBuffer(buf, size); gb.Reset(buf, size); for (int j = 0; j < em->num_ep_coarse; j++) { em->coarse[j].ref_ep_fine_id = gb.BitRead(18); em->coarse[j].pts_ep = gb.BitRead(14); em->coarse[j].spn_ep = gb.ReadDword(); } delete[] buf; Pos.QuadPart = em->ep_map_stream_start_addr+fine_start; SetFilePointerEx(m_hFile, Pos, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); size = em->num_ep_fine * 4; buf = DNew BYTE[size]; ReadBuffer(buf, size); gb.Reset(buf, size); for (int j = 0; j < em->num_ep_fine; j++) { em->fine[j].is_angle_change_point = gb.BitRead(1); em->fine[j].i_end_position_offset = gb.BitRead(3); em->fine[j].pts_ep = gb.BitRead(11); em->fine[j].spn_ep = gb.BitRead(17); } delete[] buf; } if (ClpiEpMapList.GetCount() > 0) { const ClpiEpMapEntry* entry = &ClpiEpMapList[0]; for (int i = 0; i < entry->num_ep_coarse; i++) { int start, end; const ClpiEpCoarse* coarse = &entry->coarse[i]; start = coarse->ref_ep_fine_id; if (i < entry->num_ep_coarse - 1) { end = entry->coarse[i+1].ref_ep_fine_id; } else { end = entry->num_ep_fine; } for (int j = start; j < end; j++) { ClpiEpFine* fine = &entry->fine[j]; uint64 pts = ((uint64)(coarse->pts_ep & ~0x01) << 18) + ((uint64)fine->pts_ep << 8); uint32 spn = (coarse->spn_ep & ~0x1FFFF) + fine->spn_ep; SyncPoint sp = {REFERENCE_TIME(20000.0f*pts/90), (__int64)spn * 192}; sps->Add(sp); } } } for (size_t ii = 0; ii < ClpiEpMapList.GetCount(); ii++) { delete[] ClpiEpMapList[ii].coarse; delete[] ClpiEpMapList[ii].fine; } ClpiEpMapList.RemoveAll(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT CHdmvClipInfo::ReadChapters(CString strPlaylistFile, CAtlList<CHdmvClipInfo::PlaylistItem>& PlaylistItems, CAtlList<PlaylistChapter>& Chapters) { CPath Path(strPlaylistFile); // Get BDMV folder Path.RemoveFileSpec(); Path.RemoveFileSpec(); m_hFile = CreateFile(strPlaylistFile, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY | FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL); if (m_hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { REFERENCE_TIME* rtOffset = DEBUG_NEW REFERENCE_TIME[PlaylistItems.GetCount()]; REFERENCE_TIME rtSum = 0; int nIndex = 0; BYTE Buff[100]; bool bDuplicate = false; POSITION pos = PlaylistItems.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos) { CHdmvClipInfo::PlaylistItem& PI = PlaylistItems.GetNext(pos); rtOffset[nIndex] = rtSum - PI.m_rtIn; rtSum = rtSum + PI.Duration(); nIndex++; } ReadBuffer(Buff, 4); if (memcmp(Buff, "MPLS", 4)) { SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(rtOffset); return CloseFile(VFW_E_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT); } ReadBuffer(Buff, 4); if ((memcmp(Buff, "0200", 4) != 0) && (memcmp(Buff, "0100", 4) != 0)) { SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(rtOffset); return CloseFile(VFW_E_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT); } LARGE_INTEGER Pos; unsigned short nMarkCount; ReadDword(); // PlayList_start_address Pos.QuadPart = ReadDword(); // PlayListMark_start_address // PlayListMark() SetFilePointerEx(m_hFile, Pos, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); ReadDword(); // length nMarkCount = ReadShort(); // number_of_PlayList_marks for (size_t i = 0; i < nMarkCount; i++) { PlaylistChapter Chapter; ReadByte(); // reserved_for_future_use Chapter.m_nMarkType = (PlaylistMarkType)ReadByte(); // mark_type Chapter.m_nPlayItemId = ReadShort(); // ref_to_PlayItem_id Chapter.m_rtTimestamp = 20000i64 * ReadDword() / 90 + rtOffset[Chapter.m_nPlayItemId]; // mark_time_stamp Chapter.m_nEntryPID = ReadShort(); // entry_ES_PID Chapter.m_rtDuration = 20000i64 * ReadDword() / 90; // duration Chapters.AddTail(Chapter); //TRACE(_T("Chapter %d : %s\n"), i, ReftimeToString(Chapter.m_rtTimestamp)); } CloseFile(S_OK); SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(rtOffset); return bDuplicate ? S_FALSE : S_OK; } return AmHresultFromWin32(GetLastError()); }
ULONG64 CRulesManager::ReadBool(LPCTSTR RuleName, LPCTSTR ValueName) const { return HideRuleBoolFromRegistry(ReadDword(RuleName, ValueName)); }
bool CVobFile::Open(CString fn, CAtlList<CString>& vobs, ULONG nProgNum /*= 1*/, bool bAuthenticate /*= true*/) { if (!m_ifoFile.Open(fn, CFile::modeRead | CFile::typeBinary | CFile::shareDenyNone)) { return false; } char hdr[IFO_HEADER_SIZE + 1]; m_ifoFile.Read(hdr, IFO_HEADER_SIZE); hdr[IFO_HEADER_SIZE] = '\0'; if (strcmp(hdr, VTS_HEADER)) { return false; } // Audio streams ... m_ifoFile.Seek(0x202, CFile::begin); BYTE buffer[SUBTITLE_BLOCK_SIZE]; m_ifoFile.Read(buffer, AUDIO_BLOCK_SIZE); CGolombBuffer gb(buffer, AUDIO_BLOCK_SIZE); int stream_count = gb.ReadShort(); for (int i = 0; i < std::min(stream_count, 8); i++) { BYTE Coding_mode = (BYTE)gb.BitRead(3); gb.BitRead(5);// skip int ToAdd = 0; switch (Coding_mode) { case 0: ToAdd = 0x80; break; case 4: ToAdd = 0xA0; break; case 6: ToAdd = 0x88; break; default: break; } gb.ReadByte();// skip char lang[2]; gb.ReadBuffer((BYTE*)lang, 2); gb.ReadDword();// skip if (ToAdd) { m_pStream_Lang[ToAdd + i] = ISO6391ToLanguage(lang); } } // Subtitle streams ... m_ifoFile.Seek(0x254, CFile::begin); m_ifoFile.Read(buffer, SUBTITLE_BLOCK_SIZE); CGolombBuffer gb_s(buffer, SUBTITLE_BLOCK_SIZE); stream_count = gb_s.ReadShort(); for (int i = 0; i < std::min(stream_count, 32); i++) { gb_s.ReadShort(); char lang[2]; gb_s.ReadBuffer((BYTE*)lang, 2); gb_s.ReadShort(); m_pStream_Lang[0x20 + i] = ISO6391ToLanguage(lang); } // Chapters ... m_ifoFile.Seek(0xCC, CFile::begin); //Get VTS_PGCI address DWORD pcgITPosition = ReadDword() * 2048; m_ifoFile.Seek(pcgITPosition, CFile::begin); WORD nProgCount = (WORD)ReadShort(); if (nProgNum > nProgCount) { return false; } m_ifoFile.Seek(pcgITPosition + 8 * nProgNum + 4, CFile::begin); DWORD chainOffset = ReadDword(); m_ifoFile.Seek(pcgITPosition + chainOffset + 2, CFile::begin); BYTE programChainPrograms = ReadByte(); m_iChaptersCount = programChainPrograms; m_ifoFile.Seek(pcgITPosition + chainOffset + 230, CFile::begin); int programMapOffset = ReadShort(); m_ifoFile.Seek(pcgITPosition + chainOffset + 0xE8, CFile::begin); int cellTableOffset = ReadShort(); REFERENCE_TIME rtDuration = 0; m_pChapters[0] = 0; for (BYTE currentProgram = 0; currentProgram < programChainPrograms; currentProgram++) { m_ifoFile.Seek(pcgITPosition + chainOffset + programMapOffset + currentProgram, CFile::begin); byte entryCell = ReadByte(); byte exitCell = entryCell; if (currentProgram < (programChainPrograms - 1)) { m_ifoFile.Seek(pcgITPosition + chainOffset + programMapOffset + (currentProgram + 1), CFile::begin); exitCell = ReadByte() - 1; } REFERENCE_TIME rtTotalTime = 0; for (int currentCell = entryCell; currentCell <= exitCell; currentCell++) { int cellStart = cellTableOffset + ((currentCell - 1) * 0x18); m_ifoFile.Seek(pcgITPosition + chainOffset + cellStart, CFile::begin); BYTE bytes[4]; ReadBuffer(bytes, 4); int cellType = bytes[0] >> 6; if (cellType == 0x00 || cellType == 0x01) { m_ifoFile.Seek(pcgITPosition + chainOffset + cellStart + 4, CFile::begin); ReadBuffer(bytes, 4); short frames = GetFrames(bytes[3]); int fpsMask = bytes[3] >> 6; double fps = fpsMask == 0x01 ? 25 : fpsMask == 0x03 ? (30 / 1.001) : 0; CString tmp; int hours = bytes[0]; tmp.Format(_T("%x"), hours); _stscanf_s(tmp, _T("%d"), &hours); int minutes = bytes[1]; tmp.Format(_T("%x"), minutes); _stscanf_s(tmp, _T("%d"), &minutes); int seconds = bytes[2]; tmp.Format(_T("%x"), seconds); _stscanf_s(tmp, _T("%d"), &seconds); int mmseconds = 0; if (fps != 0) { mmseconds = (int)(1000 * frames / fps); } REFERENCE_TIME rtCurrentTime = 10000i64 * (((hours * 60 + minutes) * 60 + seconds) * 1000 + mmseconds); rtTotalTime += rtCurrentTime; } } rtDuration += rtTotalTime; m_pChapters[currentProgram + 1] = rtDuration; }
HRESULT CHdmvClipInfo::ReadChapters(CString strPlaylistFile, CPlaylist& PlaylistItems, CPlaylistChapter& Chapters) { BYTE Buff[4]; CPath Path(strPlaylistFile); // Get BDMV folder Path.RemoveFileSpec(); Path.RemoveFileSpec(); m_hFile = CreateFile(strPlaylistFile, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY|FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL); if (m_hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { REFERENCE_TIME* rtOffset = DNew REFERENCE_TIME[PlaylistItems.GetCount()]; REFERENCE_TIME rtSum = 0; USHORT nIndex = 0; POSITION pos = PlaylistItems.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos) { CHdmvClipInfo::PlaylistItem* PI = PlaylistItems.GetNext(pos); rtOffset[nIndex] = rtSum - PI->m_rtIn; rtSum = rtSum + PI->Duration(); nIndex++; } ReadBuffer(Buff, 4); if (memcmp(Buff, "MPLS", 4)) { SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(rtOffset); return CloseFile(VFW_E_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT); } ReadBuffer(Buff, 4); if ((memcmp(Buff, "0200", 4)!=0) && (memcmp(Buff, "0100", 4)!=0)) { SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(rtOffset); return CloseFile(VFW_E_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT); } LARGE_INTEGER Pos = {0, 0}; USHORT nMarkCount; ReadDword(); // PlayList_start_address Pos.QuadPart = ReadDword(); // PlayListMark_start_address // PlayListMark() SetFilePointerEx(m_hFile, Pos, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); ReadDword(); // length nMarkCount = ReadShort(); // number_of_PlayList_marks for (size_t i = 0; i < nMarkCount; i++) { PlaylistChapter Chapter; ReadByte(); // reserved_for_future_use Chapter.m_nMarkType = (PlaylistMarkType)ReadByte(); // mark_type Chapter.m_nPlayItemId = ReadShort(); // ref_to_PlayItem_id Chapter.m_rtTimestamp = REFERENCE_TIME(20000.0f*ReadDword()/90) + rtOffset[Chapter.m_nPlayItemId]; // mark_time_stamp Chapter.m_nEntryPID = ReadShort(); // entry_ES_PID Chapter.m_rtDuration = REFERENCE_TIME(20000.0f*ReadDword()/90); // duration if (Chapter.m_rtTimestamp < 0 || Chapter.m_rtTimestamp > rtSum) { continue; } Chapters.AddTail (Chapter); } CloseFile(S_OK); SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(rtOffset); return S_OK; } return AmHresultFromWin32(GetLastError()); }
HRESULT CHdmvClipInfo::ReadPlaylist(CString strPlaylistFile, REFERENCE_TIME& rtDuration, CPlaylist& Playlist, BOOL bFullInfoRead) { BYTE Buff[5]; CPath Path (strPlaylistFile); bool bDuplicate = false; rtDuration = 0; // Get BDMV folder Path.RemoveFileSpec(); Path.RemoveFileSpec(); m_hFile = CreateFile(strPlaylistFile, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY|FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL); if (m_hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 3, _T("CHdmvClipInfo::ReadPlaylist() : %s"), strPlaylistFile)); ReadBuffer(Buff, 4); if (memcmp(Buff, "MPLS", 4)) { return CloseFile(VFW_E_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT); } ReadBuffer(Buff, 4); if ((memcmp(Buff, "0200", 4)) && (memcmp(Buff, "0100", 4))) { return CloseFile(VFW_E_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT); } LARGE_INTEGER Pos = {0, 0}; DWORD dwTemp; USHORT nPlaylistItems; Pos.QuadPart = ReadDword(); // PlayList_start_address ReadDword(); // PlayListMark_start_address // PlayList() SetFilePointerEx(m_hFile, Pos, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); ReadDword(); // length ReadShort(); // reserved_for_future_use nPlaylistItems = ReadShort(); // number_of_PlayItems ReadShort(); // number_of_SubPaths Pos.QuadPart += 10; __int64 TotalSize = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < nPlaylistItems; i++) { CAutoPtr<PlaylistItem> Item(DNew PlaylistItem); SetFilePointerEx(m_hFile, Pos, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); Pos.QuadPart += ReadShort() + 2; ReadBuffer(Buff, 5); Item->m_strFileName.Format(_T("%s\\STREAM\\%c%c%c%c%c.M2TS"), CString(Path), Buff[0], Buff[1], Buff[2], Buff[3], Buff[4]); ReadBuffer(Buff, 4); if (memcmp(Buff, "M2TS", 4)) { return CloseFile(VFW_E_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT); } if (!::PathFileExists(Item->m_strFileName)) { DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 3, _T(" ==> %s is missing, skip it"), Item->m_strFileName)); continue; } ReadBuffer(Buff, 3); dwTemp = ReadDword(); Item->m_rtIn = REFERENCE_TIME(20000.0f*dwTemp/90); dwTemp = ReadDword(); Item->m_rtOut = REFERENCE_TIME(20000.0f*dwTemp/90); Item->m_rtStartTime = rtDuration; rtDuration += (Item->m_rtOut - Item->m_rtIn); if (bFullInfoRead) { LARGE_INTEGER size = {0, 0}; HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(Item->m_strFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY|FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { GetFileSizeEx(hFile, &size); CloseHandle(hFile); } Item->m_SizeIn = TotalSize; TotalSize += size.QuadPart; Item->m_SizeOut = TotalSize; } POSITION pos = Playlist.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos) { PlaylistItem* pItem = Playlist.GetNext(pos); if (*pItem == *Item) { bDuplicate = true; break; } } DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 3, _T(" ==> %s, Duration : %s [%15I64d], Total duration : %s, Size : %I64d"), Item->m_strFileName, ReftimeToString(Item->Duration()), Item->Duration(), ReftimeToString(rtDuration), Item->Size())); Playlist.AddTail(Item); } CloseFile(S_OK); if (bFullInfoRead) { POSITION pos = Playlist.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos) { PlaylistItem* pItem = Playlist.GetNext(pos); CString fname = pItem->m_strFileName; fname.Replace(L"\\STREAM\\", L"\\CLIPINF\\"); fname.Replace(L".M2TS", L".CLPI"); ReadInfo(fname, &pItem->m_sps); } } return Playlist.IsEmpty() ? E_FAIL : bDuplicate ? S_FALSE : S_OK; } return AmHresultFromWin32(GetLastError()); }
Stream* Stream::ReadBitmapOld() { if (ReadDword() == -1) return NULL; return Deserialize(false); }
ULONG64 CRulesManager::ReadDwordMask(LPCTSTR RuleName, LPCTSTR ValueName) const { return HideRuleUlongMaskFromRegistry(ReadDword(RuleName, ValueName)); }
// function to read in a header bool DDSImage::ReadHeader(const char* pDataIn, DDS::DDSStruct& header) { const int headerSize=128; byte data[headerSize]; byte * pData=data; memcpy(pData, pDataIn, sizeof(byte) * headerSize); // verify DDS files if (! (pData[0]=='D' && pData[1]=='D' && pData[2]=='S' && pData[3]==' ') ) { return false; } pData+=4; header.size=ReadDword(pData); if (header.size!=124) { return false; } //convert the data header.flags=ReadDword(pData); header.height=ReadDword(pData); header.width=ReadDword(pData); header.sizeorpitch=ReadDword(pData); header.depth=ReadDword(pData); header.mipmapcount=ReadDword(pData); for (int i=0; i<11; ++i) { header.reserved[i]=ReadDword(pData); } //pixelfromat header.pixelformat.size=ReadDword(pData); header.pixelformat.flags=ReadDword(pData); header.pixelformat.fourCC=ReadDword(pData); header.pixelformat.RGBBitCount=ReadDword(pData); header.pixelformat.rBitMask=ReadDword(pData); header.pixelformat.gBitMask=ReadDword(pData); header.pixelformat.bBitMask=ReadDword(pData); header.pixelformat.alpahbitmask=ReadDword(pData); //caps header.ddscaps.caps1=ReadDword(pData); header.ddscaps.caps2=ReadDword(pData); header.ddscaps.reserved[0]=ReadDword(pData); header.ddscaps.reserved[1]=ReadDword(pData); header.reserved2=ReadDword(pData); headerdone_ = true; return headerdone_; }
DWORD CMsregPacket::ReadStringLength(CFile& cfFile, DWORD& dwChecksum) { return ReadDword(cfFile, dwChecksum); }
HRESULT CHdmvClipInfo::ReadPlaylist(CString strPlaylistFile, REFERENCE_TIME& rtDuration, CAtlList<PlaylistItem>& Playlist) { CPath Path(strPlaylistFile); rtDuration = 0; // Get BDMV folder Path.RemoveFileSpec(); Path.RemoveFileSpec(); m_hFile = CreateFile(strPlaylistFile, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY | FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL); if (m_hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { BYTE Buff[100]; bool bDuplicate = false; ReadBuffer(Buff, 4); if (memcmp(Buff, "MPLS", 4)) { return CloseFile(VFW_E_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT); } ReadBuffer(Buff, 4); if ((memcmp(Buff, "0200", 4) != 0) && (memcmp(Buff, "0100", 4) != 0)) { return CloseFile(VFW_E_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT); } LARGE_INTEGER Pos; DWORD dwTemp; unsigned short nPlaylistItems; Pos.QuadPart = ReadDword(); // PlayList_start_address ReadDword(); // PlayListMark_start_address // PlayList() SetFilePointerEx(m_hFile, Pos, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); ReadDword(); // length ReadShort(); // reserved_for_future_use nPlaylistItems = ReadShort(); // number_of_PlayItems ReadShort(); // number_of_SubPaths Pos.QuadPart += 10; for (size_t i = 0; i < nPlaylistItems; i++) { PlaylistItem Item; SetFilePointerEx(m_hFile, Pos, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); Pos.QuadPart += ReadShort() + 2; ReadBuffer(Buff, 5); Item.m_strFileName.Format(_T("%s\\STREAM\\%c%c%c%c%c.M2TS"), Path, Buff[0], Buff[1], Buff[2], Buff[3], Buff[4]); ReadBuffer(Buff, 4); if (memcmp(Buff, "M2TS", 4)) { return CloseFile(VFW_E_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT); } ReadBuffer(Buff, 3); dwTemp = ReadDword(); Item.m_rtIn = 20000i64 * dwTemp / 90; // Carefull : 32->33 bits! dwTemp = ReadDword(); Item.m_rtOut = 20000i64 * dwTemp / 90; // Carefull : 32->33 bits! rtDuration += (Item.m_rtOut - Item.m_rtIn); if (Playlist.Find(Item) != NULL) { bDuplicate = true; } Playlist.AddTail(Item); //TRACE(_T("File : %s, Duration : %s, Total duration : %s\n"), strTemp, ReftimeToString (rtOut - rtIn), ReftimeToString (rtDuration)); } CloseFile(S_OK); return bDuplicate ? S_FALSE : S_OK; } return AmHresultFromWin32(GetLastError()); }
void CTapeBlock::ParseHeader(byte *header) { pulse_pilot = Convert(2168); pulse_sync1 = Convert(667); pulse_sync2 = Convert(735); pulse_zero = Convert(855); pulse_one = Convert(1710); block_lastbit = 0; tape_pilot = 0; tape_sync = 0; tape_pause = 0; data_size = 0; if (!tapeTzx) { tape_pilot = 6000; tape_sync = 2; tape_pause = 2000; data_size = ReadWord(header); data_type = BLOCK_DATA; } else { switch (header[0]) { case 0x10: tape_pilot = 6000; tape_sync = 2; tape_pause = ReadWord(header + 1); data_size = ReadWord(header + 3); data_type = BLOCK_DATA; break; case 0x11: pulse_pilot = Convert(ReadWord(header + 1)); pulse_sync1 = Convert(ReadWord(header + 3)); pulse_sync2 = Convert(ReadWord(header + 5)); pulse_zero = Convert(ReadWord(header + 7)); pulse_one = Convert(ReadWord(header + 9)); tape_pilot = ReadWord(header + 11); tape_sync = 2; block_lastbit = (8 - header[13]) * 2; tape_pause = ReadWord(header + 14); data_size = ReadWord3(header + 16); data_type = BLOCK_DATA; break; case 0x12: pulse_pilot = Convert(ReadWord(header + 1)); tape_pilot = ReadWord(header + 3); break; case 0x13: data_size = header[1] * 2; data_type = SEQUENCE_DATA; break; case 0x14: pulse_zero = Convert(ReadWord(header + 1)); pulse_one = Convert(ReadWord(header + 3)); block_lastbit = (8 - header[5]) * 2; tape_pause = ReadWord(header + 6); data_size = ReadWord3(header + 8); data_type = BLOCK_DATA; break; case 0x15: data_size = ReadWord3(header + 6) * 2; data_type = SKIP_DATA; break; case 0x20: tape_pause = ReadWord(header + 1); break; case 0x21: case 0x30: data_size = header[1]; data_type = SKIP_DATA; break; case 0x22: case 0x23: case 0x24: case 0x25: break; case 0x31: data_size = header[2]; data_type = SKIP_DATA; break; case 0x32: data_size = ReadWord(header + 1); data_type = SKIP_DATA; break; case 0x33: data_size = header[1] * 3; data_type = SKIP_DATA; break; case 0x34: break; case 0x35: data_size = ReadDword(header + 0x11); data_type = SKIP_DATA; break; case 0x40: data_size = ReadWord3(header + 9); data_type = SKIP_DATA; break; case 0x5A: break; default: data_size = ReadDword(header + 1); data_type = SKIP_DATA; break; } } }
HRESULT CHdmvClipInfo::ReadProgramInfo() { BYTE number_of_program_sequences; BYTE number_of_streams_in_ps; LARGE_INTEGER Pos; m_Streams.RemoveAll(); Pos.QuadPart = ProgramInfo_start_address; SetFilePointerEx(m_hFile, Pos, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); ReadDword(); //length ReadByte(); //reserved_for_word_align number_of_program_sequences = (BYTE)ReadByte(); int iStream = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < number_of_program_sequences; i++) { ReadDword(); //SPN_program_sequence_start ReadShort(); //program_map_PID number_of_streams_in_ps = (BYTE)ReadByte(); //number_of_streams_in_ps ReadByte(); //reserved_for_future_use for (size_t stream_index = 0; stream_index < number_of_streams_in_ps; stream_index++) { m_Streams.SetCount(iStream + 1); m_Streams[iStream].m_PID = ReadShort(); // stream_PID // == StreamCodingInfo Pos.QuadPart = 0; SetFilePointerEx(m_hFile, Pos, &Pos, FILE_CURRENT); Pos.QuadPart += ReadByte() + 1; // length m_Streams[iStream].m_Type = (PES_STREAM_TYPE)ReadByte(); switch (m_Streams[iStream].m_Type) { case VIDEO_STREAM_MPEG1: case VIDEO_STREAM_MPEG2: case VIDEO_STREAM_H264: case VIDEO_STREAM_VC1: { UINT8 Temp = ReadByte(); BDVM_VideoFormat VideoFormat = (BDVM_VideoFormat)(Temp >> 4); BDVM_FrameRate FrameRate = (BDVM_FrameRate)(Temp & 0xf); Temp = ReadByte(); BDVM_AspectRatio AspectRatio = (BDVM_AspectRatio)(Temp >> 4); m_Streams[iStream].m_VideoFormat = VideoFormat; m_Streams[iStream].m_FrameRate = FrameRate; m_Streams[iStream].m_AspectRatio = AspectRatio; } break; case AUDIO_STREAM_MPEG1: case AUDIO_STREAM_MPEG2: case AUDIO_STREAM_LPCM: case AUDIO_STREAM_AC3: case AUDIO_STREAM_DTS: case AUDIO_STREAM_AC3_TRUE_HD: case AUDIO_STREAM_AC3_PLUS: case AUDIO_STREAM_DTS_HD: case AUDIO_STREAM_DTS_HD_MASTER_AUDIO: case SECONDARY_AUDIO_AC3_PLUS: case SECONDARY_AUDIO_DTS_HD: { UINT8 Temp = ReadByte(); BDVM_ChannelLayout ChannelLayout = (BDVM_ChannelLayout)(Temp >> 4); BDVM_SampleRate SampleRate = (BDVM_SampleRate)(Temp & 0xF); ReadBuffer((BYTE*)m_Streams[iStream].m_LanguageCode, 3); m_Streams[iStream].m_LanguageCode[3] = '\0'; m_Streams[iStream].m_LCID = ISO6392ToLcid(m_Streams[iStream].m_LanguageCode); m_Streams[iStream].m_ChannelLayout = ChannelLayout; m_Streams[iStream].m_SampleRate = SampleRate; } break; case PRESENTATION_GRAPHICS_STREAM: case INTERACTIVE_GRAPHICS_STREAM: { ReadBuffer((BYTE*)m_Streams[iStream].m_LanguageCode, 3); m_Streams[iStream].m_LanguageCode[3] = '\0'; m_Streams[iStream].m_LCID = ISO6392ToLcid(m_Streams[iStream].m_LanguageCode); } break; case SUBTITLE_STREAM: { ReadByte(); // Should this really be here? ReadBuffer((BYTE*)m_Streams[iStream].m_LanguageCode, 3); m_Streams[iStream].m_LanguageCode[3] = '\0'; m_Streams[iStream].m_LCID = ISO6392ToLcid(m_Streams[iStream].m_LanguageCode); } break; default: break; } iStream++; SetFilePointerEx(m_hFile, Pos, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); } } return S_OK; }
DWORD RegistryHandler::ReadDwordEx (LPCSTR szKey) { return ReadDword ("Software\\CedeSoft\\CommunicatorClient", szKey); }