/* Physical GPIO number <N> may be accessed through /sys/class/gpio/gpio<M>/,
 * but <N> and <M> may differ by some offset <O>. To determine that constant,
 * we look for a directory named /sys/class/gpio/gpiochip<O>/ and check for
 * a 'label' file inside of it to find the expected the controller name.
static int FindGpioChipOffsetByLabel(unsigned *gpio_num, unsigned *offset,
                                     const char *name) {
  DIR *dir;
  struct dirent *ent;
  char filename[128];
  char chiplabel[128];
  int match = 0;

  dir = opendir(GPIO_BASE_PATH);
  if (!dir) {
    return 0;

  while(0 != (ent = readdir(dir))) {
    if (1 == sscanf(ent->d_name, "gpiochip%u", offset)) {
       * Read the file at gpiochip<O>/label to get the identifier
       * for this bank of GPIOs.
      snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/gpiochip%u/label",
               GPIO_BASE_PATH, *offset);
      if (ReadFileString(chiplabel, sizeof(chiplabel), filename)) {
        if (!strncasecmp(chiplabel, name, strlen(name)))

  return (1 == match);
const char* VbGetArchPropertyString(const char* name, char* dest,
                                    size_t size) {
  unsigned value;

  if (!strcasecmp(name,"arch")) {
    return StrCopy(dest, "x86", size);
  } else if (!strcasecmp(name,"hwid")) {
    return ReadFileString(dest, size, ACPI_BASE_PATH "/HWID");
  } else if (!strcasecmp(name,"fwid")) {
    return ReadFileString(dest, size, ACPI_BASE_PATH "/FWID");
  } else if (!strcasecmp(name,"ro_fwid")) {
    return ReadFileString(dest, size, ACPI_BASE_PATH "/FRID");
  } else if (!strcasecmp(name,"mainfw_act")) {
    if (ReadFileInt(ACPI_BINF_PATH ".1", &value) < 0)
      return NULL;
    switch(value) {
      case 0:
        return StrCopy(dest, "recovery", size);
      case 1:
        return StrCopy(dest, "A", size);
      case 2:
        return StrCopy(dest, "B", size);
        return NULL;
  } else if (!strcasecmp(name,"mainfw_type")) {
    return VbReadMainFwType(dest, size);
  } else if (!strcasecmp(name,"ecfw_act")) {
    if (ReadFileInt(ACPI_BINF_PATH ".2", &value) < 0)
      return NULL;
    switch(value) {
      case 0:
        return StrCopy(dest, "RO", size);
      case 1:
        return StrCopy(dest, "RW", size);
        return NULL;
  } else if (!strcasecmp(name,"platform_family")) {
    return ReadPlatformFamilyString(dest, size);

  return NULL;
int ReadFileInt(const char* filename) {
  char buf[64];
  int value;
  char* e = NULL;

  if (!ReadFileString(buf, sizeof(buf), filename))
    return -1;

  /* Convert to integer.  Allow characters after the int ("123 blah"). */
  value = strtol(buf, &e, 0);
  if (e == buf)
    return -1;  /* No characters consumed, so conversion failed */

  return value;
// see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd607324(v=vs.85).aspx
bool D3D12Shader::CompileSource(const ShaderDescriptor& shaderDesc)
    /* Get source code */
    std::string fileContent;
    const char* sourceCode      = nullptr;
    SIZE_T      sourceLength    = 0;

    if (shaderDesc.sourceType == ShaderSourceType::CodeFile)
        fileContent     = ReadFileString(shaderDesc.source);
        sourceCode      = fileContent.c_str();
        sourceLength    = fileContent.size();
        sourceCode      = shaderDesc.source;
        sourceLength    = shaderDesc.sourceSize;

    /* Get parameter from union */
    const char* entry   = shaderDesc.entryPoint;
    const char* target  = (shaderDesc.profile != nullptr ? shaderDesc.profile : "");
    auto        flags   = shaderDesc.flags;

    /* Compile shader code */
    ComPtr<ID3DBlob> code;

    auto hr = D3DCompile(
        nullptr,                            // LPCSTR               pSourceName
        nullptr,                            // D3D_SHADER_MACRO*    pDefines
        nullptr,                            // ID3DInclude*         pInclude
        entry,                              // LPCSTR               pEntrypoint
        target,                             // LPCSTR               pTarget
        DXGetCompilerFlags(flags),          // UINT                 Flags1
        0,                                  // UINT                 Flags2 (recommended to always be 0)
        code.ReleaseAndGetAddressOf(),      // ID3DBlob**           ppCode
        errors_.ReleaseAndGetAddressOf()    // ID3DBlob**           ppErrorMsgs

    /* Get byte code from blob */
    if (code)
        byteCode_ = DXGetBlobData(code.Get());

    /* Store if compilation was successful */
    return !FAILED(hr);
/* Read a GPIO of the specified signal type (see ACPI GPIO SignalType).
 * Returns 1 if the signal is asserted, 0 if not asserted, or -1 if error. */
static int ReadGpio(unsigned signal_type) {
  char name[128];
  int index = 0;
  unsigned gpio_type;
  unsigned active_high;
  unsigned controller_num;
  unsigned controller_offset = 0;
  char controller_name[128];
  unsigned value;
  const struct GpioChipset *chipset;

  /* Scan GPIO.* to find a matching signal type */
  for (index = 0; ; index++) {
    snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s.%d/GPIO.0", ACPI_GPIO_PATH, index);
    if (ReadFileInt(name, &gpio_type) < 0)
      return -1;                  /* Ran out of GPIOs before finding a match */
    if (gpio_type == signal_type)

  /* Read attributes and controller info for the GPIO */
  snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s.%d/GPIO.1", ACPI_GPIO_PATH, index);
  if (ReadFileInt(name, &active_high) < 0)
    return -1;
  snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s.%d/GPIO.2", ACPI_GPIO_PATH, index);
  if (ReadFileInt(name, &controller_num) < 0)
    return -1;
  /* Do not attempt to read GPIO that is set to -1 in ACPI */
  if (controller_num == 0xFFFFFFFF)
    return -1;

  /* Check for chipsets we recognize. */
  snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s.%d/GPIO.3", ACPI_GPIO_PATH, index);
  if (!ReadFileString(controller_name, sizeof(controller_name), name))
    return -1;
  chipset = FindChipset(controller_name);
  if (chipset == NULL)
    return -1;

  /* Modify GPIO number by driver's offset */
  if (!chipset->ChipOffsetAndGpioNumber(&controller_num, &controller_offset,
    return -1;
  controller_offset += controller_num;

  /* Try reading the GPIO value */
  snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s/gpio%d/value",
           GPIO_BASE_PATH, controller_offset);
  if (ReadFileInt(name, &value) < 0) {
    /* Try exporting the GPIO */
    FILE* f = fopen(GPIO_EXPORT_PATH, "wt");
    if (!f)
      return -1;
    fprintf(f, "%u", controller_offset);

    /* Try re-reading the GPIO value */
    if (ReadFileInt(name, &value) < 0)
      return -1;

  /* Normalize the value read from the kernel in case it is not always 1. */
  value = value ? 1 : 0;

  /* Compare the GPIO value with the active value and return 1 if match. */
  return (value == active_high ? 1 : 0);