void StrokeMask::Read(const std::string& filename)
   * The format of the .stroke file is:
   * stroke 255
   * Mask.png
  std::string extension = Helpers::GetFileExtension(filename);
  if(extension != "stroke")
    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << "StrokeMask cannot read files with extension other than .stroke! Specified file had extension ." << extension
       << " You might want ReadFromImage instead.";
    throw std::runtime_error(ss.str());

  //Create an input stream for file
  std::ifstream fin(filename.c_str());

  if(!fin )
    throw std::runtime_error("File not found!");

  std::string line;
  std::stringstream linestream;
  std::string strokeString;
  int strokeValue;

  getline(fin, line);
  linestream << line;
  linestream >> strokeString >> strokeValue;

  if(strokeString != "stroke")
    throw std::runtime_error("Invalid .stroke file!");

  std::cout << "strokeValue: " << strokeValue << std::endl;

  std::string imageFileName;
  getline(fin, imageFileName);

  if(imageFileName.length() == 0)
    throw std::runtime_error("Image file name was empty!");

  std::string path = Helpers::GetPath(filename);

  std::string fullImageFileName = path + imageFileName;

  ReadFromImage(fullImageFileName, strokeValue);
void Mask::Read(const std::string& filename)
   * The format of the .mask file is:
   * hole 0
   * valid 255
   * Mask.png
   * OR
   * valid 255
   * hole 0
   * Mask.png
   * That is, the "valid VALUE" line can be either on the first or second line.
   * Note that the 0 and 255 here are arbitrary and can be anything.
  std::string extension = GetFileExtension(filename);
  if(extension != "mask")
    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << "Cannot read any file except .mask! Specified file was ." << extension
       << " You might want ReadFromImage instead.";
    throw std::runtime_error(ss.str());

  //Create an input stream for file
  std::ifstream fin(filename.c_str());

  if(!fin )
    throw std::runtime_error("File not found!");

  std::string line;
  std::stringstream linestream;
  int holeValue = 0;
  int validValue = 0;

  std::string type1;
  std::string type2;
  int value1 = 0;
  int value2 = 0;

  getline(fin, line);
  linestream << line;
  linestream >> type1 >> value1;

  if(type1 == "hole")
    holeValue = value1;
  else if(type1 == "valid")
    validValue = value1;
    throw std::runtime_error("Invalid .mask file!");

  getline(fin, line);
  linestream << line;
  linestream >> type2 >> value2;

  if(type1 == type2)
    throw std::runtime_error("Invalid .mask file! Valid or hole value listed twice!");

  if(type2 == "hole")
    holeValue = value2;
  else if(type2 == "valid")
    validValue = value2;
    throw std::runtime_error("Invalid .mask file!");

  std::string imageFileName;
//  linestream >> imageFileName;
  getline(fin, imageFileName);
  std::cout << "Mask image file: " << imageFileName << std::endl;

  std::string path = GetPath(filename);

  std::string fullImageFileName = path + imageFileName;

  std::cout << "Full mask image file: " << fullImageFileName << std::endl;

  ReadFromImage(fullImageFileName, HolePixelValueWrapper<int>(holeValue),
void ForegroundBackgroundSegmentMask::Read(const std::string& filename)
   * The format of the .fbmask (foreground/background mask) file is:
   * foreground 0
   * background 255
   * Mask.png
   * OR
   * background 255
   * foreground 0
   * Mask.png
   * That is, the "foreground [VALUE]" line can be either on the first or second line.
   * Note that the 0 and 255 here are arbitrary and can be anything.
  std::string extension = Helpers::GetFileExtension(filename);
  if(extension != "fbmask")
    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << "Cannot read files with extension other than .fbmask! Specified file had extension ." << extension
       << " You might want ReadFromImage instead.";
    throw std::runtime_error(ss.str());

  //Create an input stream for file
  std::ifstream fin(filename.c_str());

  if(!fin )
    throw std::runtime_error("File not found!");

  std::string line;
  std::stringstream linestream;
  int foregroundValue = 0;
  int backgroundValue = 0;

  std::string type1;
  std::string type2;
  int value1 = 0;
  int value2 = 0;

  getline(fin, line);
  linestream << line;
  linestream >> type1 >> value1;

  if(type1 == "foreground")
    foregroundValue = value1;
  else if(type1 == "background")
    backgroundValue = value1;
    throw std::runtime_error("Invalid .fbmask file!");

  getline(fin, line);
  linestream << line;
  linestream >> type2 >> value2;

  if(type1 == type2)
    throw std::runtime_error("Invalid .fbmask file! Foreground or background value listed twice!");

  if(type2 == "foreground")
    foregroundValue = value2;
  else if(type2 == "background")
    backgroundValue = value2;
    throw std::runtime_error("Invalid .fbmask file!");

  std::cout << "ForegroundBackgroundSegmentMask read from " << filename << ": "
            << "foregroundValue: " << foregroundValue
            << " backgroundValue: " << backgroundValue << std::endl;

  std::string imageFileName;
  getline(fin, imageFileName);

  if(imageFileName.length() == 0)
    throw std::runtime_error("Image file name was empty!");

  std::string path = Helpers::GetPath(filename);

  std::string fullImageFileName = path + imageFileName;

  ReadFromImage(fullImageFileName, ForegroundPixelValueWrapper<int>(foregroundValue),