int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { GlobalStartup(); DoApplicationSettings (); char curWd[4096], dirSlash = GetPlatformDirectoryChar (); getcwd (curWd,4096); _String baseDir (curWd); if (baseDir.getChar (baseDir.sLength-1) != dirSlash) { baseDir=baseDir & dirSlash; } _String libDir (_HYPHY_LIBDIRECTORY_); if (libDir.getChar (libDir.sLength-1) != dirSlash) { libDir=libDir & dirSlash; } pathNames&& &libDir; libDirectory = libDir; libArgDir = libDirectory; baseDirectory = baseDir; baseArgDir = baseDirectory; QApplication app(argc, argv); HyphyMain mainWindow; ReadInTemplateFiles (); _hyPrimaryConsoleWindow = & mainWindow; /*mainWindow.setGeometry( QStyle::alignedRect( Qt::LeftToRight, Qt::AlignCenter, mainWindow.size(), qApp->desktop()->availableGeometry() ));*/; mainWindow.raise(); return app.exec(); }
//__________________________________________________________________________________ long DisplayListOfChoices (void) { ReadInTemplateFiles(); if (!availableTemplateFiles.lLength) return -1; long choice = -1; char buffer[2048]; _String fileAbbr, *thisLine; _SimpleList categoryDelimiters; _List categoryHeadings; for (choice = 0; choice< availableTemplateFiles.lLength; choice++) { thisLine = (_String*)(*(_List*)availableTemplateFiles(choice))(2); if (thisLine->sData[0]=='!') { categoryDelimiters<<choice; fileAbbr = *thisLine; fileAbbr.Trim (1,-1); categoryHeadings && &fileAbbr; } } choice = -1; if (categoryDelimiters.lLength==0) { while (choice == -1) { for (choice = 0; choice<availableTemplateFiles.lLength; choice++) { printf ("\n\t(%s):%s",((_String*)(*(_List*)availableTemplateFiles(choice))(0))->getStr(), ((_String*)(*(_List*)availableTemplateFiles(choice))(1))->getStr()); } printf ("\n\n Please type in the abbreviation for the file you want to use (or press ENTER to process custom batch file):"); fgets (buffer,2048,stdin); fgets (buffer,2048,stdin); fileAbbr = buffer; if (fileAbbr.FirstNonSpaceIndex()<0) return -1; fileAbbr.UpCase(); for (choice = 0; choice<availableTemplateFiles.lLength; choice++) { if (fileAbbr.Equal((_String*)(*(_List*)availableTemplateFiles(choice))(0))) break; } if (choice==availableTemplateFiles.lLength) choice=-1; } } else { long categNumber = -1; while (choice==-1) { if (categNumber<0) { _String header ("***************** TYPES OF STANDARD ANALYSES *****************"), verString (GetVersionString().getStr()); if (verString.sLength<header.sLength-2) { _String padder (128,true); long poop = (header.sLength-2-verString.sLength)/2; if (!poop) poop = 1; for (choice=0; choice<poop; choice++) padder << ' '; padder.Finalize(); verString = padder & '/' & verString & "\\" & padder; } printf ("\n\033[2J\033[H%s\n%s\n\n",verString.getStr(), header.getStr()); for (choice = 0; choice<categoryHeadings.lLength; choice++) printf ("\n\t(%ld) %s",choice+1,((_String*)categoryHeadings(choice))->getStr()); printf ("\n\n Please select type of analyses you want to list (or press ENTER to process custom batch file):"); fgets (buffer,2048,stdin); fileAbbr = buffer; if (logInputMode) loggedUserInputs && & fileAbbr; if (fileAbbr.FirstNonSpaceIndex()<0) return -1; choice = fileAbbr.toNum(); if ( choice>0 && choice<=categoryHeadings.lLength) categNumber = choice-1; } else { printf ("\n\033[2J\033[H ***************** FILES IN '%s' ***************** \n\n",((_String*)categoryHeadings(categNumber))->getStr()); long start = categoryDelimiters.lData[categNumber]+1, end = categNumber==categoryDelimiters.lLength-1?availableTemplateFiles.lLength:categoryDelimiters.lData[categNumber+1]; for (choice = start; choice<end; choice++) printf ("\n\t(%ld) %s",choice-start+1,((_String*)(*(_List*)availableTemplateFiles(choice))(1))->getStr()); printf ("\n\n Please select the file you want to use (or press ENTER to return to the list of analysis types):"); fileAbbr = *StringFromConsole (); if (logInputMode) loggedUserInputs && & fileAbbr; if (fileAbbr.FirstNonSpaceIndex()<0) categNumber = -1; else { choice = fileAbbr.toNum(); if ((choice>0 && choice<=end-start)) return start+choice-1; } } choice = -1; } } return choice; }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { #ifdef __HYPHYMPI__ int rank, size; MPI_Init (&argc, &argv); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size); _hy_mpi_node_rank = rank; setParameter (mpiNodeID, (_Parameter)rank); setParameter (mpiNodeCount, (_Parameter)size); if (rank == 0) #endif gtk_init (&argc, &argv); /* set up globals */ char curWd[4096]; getcwd (curWd,4096); _String baseDir (curWd); baseDir=baseDir&'/'; pathNames&& &baseDir; baseDirectory = baseDir; for (long i=1; i<argc;i++) { _String thisArg (argv[i]); if (thisArg.beginswith ("BASEPATH=")) { baseDirectory = thisArg.Cut(9,-1); if (baseDirectory.sLength) { if (baseDirectory.sData[baseDirectory.sLength-1]!='/') baseDirectory = baseDirectory&"/"; } } else if (thisArg.beginswith ("USEPATH=")) { _String baseArgDir (thisArg,8,-1); errorFileName = baseArgDir & errorFileName; messageFileName = baseArgDir & messageFileName; pathNames.Delete (0); pathNames&& &baseDir; } else if (thisArg.beginswith ("CPU=")) { #ifdef __MP__ _String cpus = thisArg.Cut(4,-1); systemCPUCount = cpus.toNum(); if (systemCPUCount<1) systemCPUCount = 1; #ifdef __MP2__ pthread_setconcurrency (systemCPUCount+1); #endif #endif } #ifdef __HYPHYMPI__ else if (thisArg == _String("MPIOPTIMIZER")) { mpiParallelOptimizer = true; setParameter (mpiNodeCount, 0.0); } else if (thisArg == _String("MPIPARTITIONS")) { mpiPartitionOptimizer = true; setParameter (mpiNodeCount, 0.0); } #endif } #ifdef __HYPHYMPI__ if (rank == 0) #endif { baseDir = baseDirectory & "GTKResources"; _List scanRes; ScanDirectoryForFileNames(baseDir,scanRes,false); if (scanRes.lLength == 0) { GtkWidget * noRez = gtk_message_dialog_new (NULL, GTK_DIALOG_MODAL, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, GTK_BUTTONS_OK, "HYPHY_GTK was unable to find a required GTKResources directory in %s. Please use BASEPATH= command line option to specify where the installation directory of HyPhy can be found.", baseDirectory.sData); gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (noRez)); gtk_widget_destroy (noRez); return 1; } _String rcPath = baseDir & "/theme/theme.rc"; //printf ("Loading res files from %s\n", rcPath.sData); gtk_rc_parse (rcPath.sData); } GlobalStartup(); #ifdef __HYPHYMPI__ if (rank == 0) { #endif GdkDisplay * defDisplay = gdk_screen_get_display (gdk_screen_get_default()); hSizeCursor = gdk_cursor_new_for_display (defDisplay,GDK_SB_H_DOUBLE_ARROW); pickUpCursor = gdk_cursor_new_for_display (defDisplay,GDK_TARGET); dropOffCursor = gdk_cursor_new_for_display (defDisplay,GDK_TCROSS); screenPContext = gdk_pango_context_get_for_screen (gdk_screen_get_default()); tablePDMenuIcon = (GdkPixbuf*)ProcureIconResource(4020); /*{ GdkScreen * defD = gdk_screen_get_default(); fontConversionFactor = 72.27 / (gdk_screen_get_height (defD) *25.4 / gdk_screen_get_height_mm(defD)); printf ("Pango conversion factor computed at: %g\n", fontConversionFactor); }*/ ReadInTemplateFiles (); hyphyConsoleWindow = new _HYConsoleWindow ("HYPHY Console"); ReadPreferences (); SetStatusLine ("None","Idle","00:00:00"); while (gtk_events_pending()) gtk_main_iteration(); SetPreferences (); ReadGeneticCodes (); ReadModelTemplates (); ReadTreeProcessors (); MoveConsoleWindow (consolePositionRectangle); StringToConsole (hyphyCiteString); hyphyConsoleWindow->BringToFront(); #ifdef __HYPHYMPI__ { char statBuffer[1024]; sprintf (statBuffer,"MPI version of HyPhy running on %d nodes (a master and %d compute nodes) in %s mode\n", size, size-1, mpiPartitionOptimizer?"partition":(mpiParallelOptimizer?"rate heterogeneity":"normal")); BufferToConsole (statBuffer); } #endif g_timeout_add (100,GlobalQueueTimer,nil); g_timeout_add (1000,progressTimerFunction,nil); gtk_main (); WritePreferences(); #ifdef __HYPHYMPI__ } else // slave node { if (mpiParallelOptimizer || mpiPartitionOptimizer) mpiOptimizerLoop (rank, size); else mpiNormalLoop (rank, size, baseDir); } #endif GlobalShutdown(); return 0; }