QString Dialog::ChooseWord()
    srand (time(NULL));
    QList<QString> *wordList = new QList<QString>(ReadWords());

    QString word=wordList->value(rand() % wordList->length());
    return word;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  //This is the group of letters that must be present in the word
	const char *required = "ak";
  //Group of available letters (note that 'required' is a subset of available letters)
	const char *available = "akdid";

	const char *file = "Dictionary.txt";
	int count = GetNumEntriesInFile(file);
	char **words = ReadWords(file, count);
  std::cout << count <<"\n";

  //Walk the list of words and remove any word that doesn't contain all required letters or words that contain letters not in the available group.
  for (int x = 0; x < count; x++)
		if (AllLettersInSet(required, words[x]) && AllLettersInSet(words[x], available))
			// keep this word
			delete [] words[x];
			words[x] = 0;
	//All surviving words satify the query and should be reported
	for (int x = 0; x < count; x++)
		if (words[x] != 0)
			printf("%lu %s\n", strlen(words[x]), words[x]);
	return 0;
void reader(const char *filename, struct wordTuple** workQueue_ptr) {
    *workQueue_ptr = ReadWords(filename);