void SPluginCategories::Construct( const FArguments& Args, const TSharedRef< SPluginsEditor > Owner )
	OwnerWeak = Owner;


	PluginCategoryTreeView =
		SNew( SPluginCategoryTreeView )

		// For now we only support selecting a single folder in the tree
		.SelectionMode( ESelectionMode::Single )
		.ClearSelectionOnClick( false )		// Don't allow user to select nothing.  We always expect a category to be selected!

		.TreeItemsSource( &RootPluginCategories )
		.OnGenerateRow( this, &SPluginCategories::PluginCategoryTreeView_OnGenerateRow ) 
		.OnGetChildren( this, &SPluginCategories::PluginCategoryTreeView_OnGetChildren )

		.OnSelectionChanged( this, &SPluginCategories::PluginCategoryTreeView_OnSelectionChanged )

	// Expand the root categories by default
	for( auto RootCategoryIt( RootPluginCategories.CreateConstIterator() ); RootCategoryIt; ++RootCategoryIt )
		const auto& Category = *RootCategoryIt;
		PluginCategoryTreeView->SetItemExpansion( Category, true );

	// Select the first item by default
	if( RootPluginCategories.Num() > 0 )
		PluginCategoryTreeView->SetSelection( RootPluginCategories[ 0 ] );

	ChildSlot.AttachWidget( PluginCategoryTreeView.ToSharedRef() );
void SPluginCategories::Tick( const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const double InCurrentTime, const float InDeltaTime )
	// Call parent implementation
	SCompoundWidget::Tick( AllottedGeometry, InCurrentTime, InDeltaTime );

	if( bNeedsRefresh )