int main(int argc, char **argv){
	Camera cam(0);
	Screen screen;
	BeagleTracker tracker;
	Mat img;
	Rect2d bounderies = Rect2d(100, 100, 50, 50);
	char c=0;
	bool tracking = false;
	bool initialized = false;
	int skipFrames = 0;
		img = cam.getImage();
		if(c == 'p'){
			tracking = !tracking;
		if(tracking) {
				tracker.initialTraining(img, bounderies);
				initialized = !initialized;
			}else if(skipFrames == 0){
				tracker.update(img, bounderies);
		skipFrames = (skipFrames+1)%12;
		screen.drawRectangle(img, bounderies);
		c = waitKey(10);
bool Segment2d::containsPoint(const Vector2d &point) const {
	if (getLine().containsPoint(point)) {
		return Rect2d(_begin, _end).containsPoint(point);

	return false;
		// Generate Search Windows for detector from aspect ratio of initial BBs
		void TLDDetector::generateScanGrid(int rows, int cols, Size initBox, std::vector<Rect2d>& res, bool withScaling)
			//Scales step: SCALE_STEP; Translation steps: 10% of width & 10% of height; minSize: 20pix
			for (double h = initBox.height, w = initBox.width; h < cols && w < rows;)
				for (double x = 0; (x + w + 1.0) <= cols; x += (0.1 * w))
					for (double y = 0; (y + h + 1.0) <= rows; y += (0.1 * h))
						res.push_back(Rect2d(x, y, w, h));
				if (withScaling)
					if (h <= initBox.height)
						h /= SCALE_STEP; w /= SCALE_STEP;
						if (h < 20 || w < 20)
							h = initBox.height * SCALE_STEP; w = initBox.width * SCALE_STEP;
							CV_Assert(h > initBox.height || w > initBox.width);
						h *= SCALE_STEP; w *= SCALE_STEP;
int TrackerTLDImpl::Pexpert::additionalExamples(std::vector<Mat_<uchar> >& examplesForModel, std::vector<Mat_<uchar> >& examplesForEnsemble)

    std::vector<Rect2d> closest, scanGrid;
    Mat scaledImg, blurredImg;

    double scale = scaleAndBlur(img_, cvRound(log(1.0 * resultBox_.width / (initSize_.width)) / log(SCALE_STEP)),
                                scaledImg, blurredImg, GaussBlurKernelSize, SCALE_STEP);
    TLDDetector::generateScanGrid(img_.rows, img_.cols, initSize_, scanGrid);
    getClosestN(scanGrid, Rect2d(resultBox_.x / scale, resultBox_.y / scale, resultBox_.width / scale, resultBox_.height / scale), 10, closest);

    for( int i = 0; i < (int)closest.size(); i++ )
        for( int j = 0; j < 10; j++ )
            Point2f center;
            Size2f size;
            Mat_<uchar> standardPatch(STANDARD_PATCH_SIZE, STANDARD_PATCH_SIZE), blurredPatch(initSize_);
            center.x = (float)(closest[i].x + closest[i].width * (0.5 + rng.uniform(-0.01, 0.01)));
            center.y = (float)(closest[i].y + closest[i].height * (0.5 + rng.uniform(-0.01, 0.01)));
            size.width = (float)(closest[i].width * rng.uniform((double)0.99, (double)1.01));
            size.height = (float)(closest[i].height * rng.uniform((double)0.99, (double)1.01));
            float angle = (float)rng.uniform(-5.0, 5.0);

            for( int y = 0; y < standardPatch.rows; y++ )
                for( int x = 0; x < standardPatch.cols; x++ )
                    standardPatch(x, y) += (uchar)rng.gaussian(5.0);
            GaussianBlur(standardPatch, blurredPatch, GaussBlurKernelSize, 0.0);
            resize(blurredPatch, blurredPatch, initSize_);
            resample(blurredImg, RotatedRect(center, size, angle), blurredPatch);
            resample(scaledImg, RotatedRect(center, size, angle), standardPatch);
    return 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv){
	Screen screen;
	Camera cam(1);
	FaceDetection face;
	Mat img, processed;
	Rect2d target;
	vector<Rect> faces;
	Rect2d selected_face;
	Point center = Point(DEFAULT_WIDTH/2, DEFAULT_HEIGHT/2);
	fstream fs;
	char c = 0;
		img = cam.getImage();

		int fileX = (center.x - (selected_face.x+selected_face.width/2))/((DEFAULT_WIDTH-selected_face.width)/2)*70;
		int fileY = -(center.y - (selected_face.y+selected_face.height/2))/((DEFAULT_HEIGHT-selected_face.height)/2)*70;
		fileX = ((abs(fileX)<20)||(selected_face.width>DEFAULT_HEIGHT*0.40))?0:fileX;
		fileY = (abs(fileY)<20||(selected_face.height>DEFAULT_HEIGHT*0.40))?0:fileY;"/usr/eye", fstream::out);
		fs << fileX << "," << fileY;
		cout << fileX << "," << fileY << endl;
		#ifdef WITH_SCREEN
		screen.drawRectangle(img, selected_face);
		faces = face.detectFaces(processed);
		#ifdef WITH_SCREEN
		face.drawFaces( img, faces);
			int i = rand()%(int)faces.size();
			selected_face = Rect2d(faces[i].x,faces[i].y,faces[i].width,faces[i].height);
			fs << "0,0";
		#ifdef WITH_SCREEN
		c = waitKey(10);
Rect2d getBoundingBox_d(Point2d p0, Point2d p1, Point2d p2, Point2d p3)
	double tf_x = p0.x, tf_y = p0.y;
	double rb_x = p0.x, rb_y = p0.y;
	if (p1.x < tf_x) tf_x = p1.x;
	if (p1.x > rb_x) rb_x = p1.x;
	if (p1.y < tf_y) tf_y = p1.y;
	if (p1.y > rb_y) rb_y = p1.y;

	if (p2.x < tf_x) tf_x = p2.x;
	if (p2.x > rb_x) rb_x = p2.x;
	if (p2.y < tf_y) tf_y = p2.y;
	if (p2.y > rb_y) rb_y = p2.y;

	if (p3.x < tf_x) tf_x = p3.x;
	if (p3.x > rb_x) rb_x = p3.x;
	if (p3.y < tf_y) tf_y = p3.y;
	if (p3.y > rb_y) rb_y = p3.y;

	return Rect2d(tf_x, tf_y, rb_x - tf_x, rb_y - tf_y);
    // Test object detection network from Darknet framework.
    void testDarknetModel(const std::string& cfg, const std::string& weights,
                          const std::vector<std::vector<int> >& refClassIds,
                          const std::vector<std::vector<float> >& refConfidences,
                          const std::vector<std::vector<Rect2d> >& refBoxes,
                          double scoreDiff, double iouDiff, float confThreshold = 0.24, float nmsThreshold = 0.4)

        Mat img1 = imread(_tf("dog416.png"));
        Mat img2 = imread(_tf("street.png"));
        std::vector<Mat> samples(2);
        samples[0] = img1; samples[1] = img2;

        // determine test type, whether batch or single img
        int batch_size = refClassIds.size();
        CV_Assert(batch_size == 1 || batch_size == 2);

        Mat inp = blobFromImages(samples, 1.0/255, Size(416, 416), Scalar(), true, false);

        Net net = readNet(findDataFile("dnn/" + cfg, false),
                          findDataFile("dnn/" + weights, false));
        std::vector<Mat> outs;
        net.forward(outs, getOutputsNames(net));

        for (int b = 0; b < batch_size; ++b)
            std::vector<int> classIds;
            std::vector<float> confidences;
            std::vector<Rect2d> boxes;
            for (int i = 0; i < outs.size(); ++i)
                Mat out;
                if (batch_size > 1){
                    // get the sample slice from 3D matrix (batch, box, classes+5)
                    Range ranges[3] = {Range(b, b+1), Range::all(), Range::all()};
                    out = outs[i](ranges).reshape(1, outs[i].size[1]);
                    out = outs[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < out.rows; ++j)
                    Mat scores = out.row(j).colRange(5, out.cols);
                    double confidence;
                    Point maxLoc;
                    minMaxLoc(scores, 0, &confidence, 0, &maxLoc);

                    if (confidence > confThreshold) {
                        float* detection = out.ptr<float>(j);
                        double centerX = detection[0];
                        double centerY = detection[1];
                        double width = detection[2];
                        double height = detection[3];
                        boxes.push_back(Rect2d(centerX - 0.5 * width, centerY - 0.5 * height,
                                            width, height));

            // here we need NMS of boxes
            std::vector<int> indices;
            NMSBoxes(boxes, confidences, confThreshold, nmsThreshold, indices);

            std::vector<int> nms_classIds;
            std::vector<float> nms_confidences;
            std::vector<Rect2d> nms_boxes;

            for (size_t i = 0; i < indices.size(); ++i)
                int idx = indices[i];
                Rect2d box = boxes[idx];
                float conf = confidences[idx];
                int class_id = classIds[idx];

            normAssertDetections(refClassIds[b], refConfidences[b], refBoxes[b], nms_classIds,
                             nms_confidences, nms_boxes, format("batch size %d, sample %d\n", batch_size, b).c_str(), confThreshold, scoreDiff, iouDiff);
namespace cv {namespace tld

//debug functions and variables
#define ALEX_DEBUG
#define dfprintf(x) fprintf x
#define dprintf(x) printf x
#define dfprintf(x)
#define dprintf(x)
#define MEASURE_TIME(a)\
    clock_t start; float milisec = 0.0; \
    start = clock(); {a} milisec = 1000.0 * (clock() - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; \
    dprintf(("%-90s took %f milis\n", #a, milisec));\
#define HERE dprintf(("line %d\n", __LINE__)); fflush(stderr);
#define START_TICK(name)\
{ \
    clock_t start; double milisec = 0.0; start = clock();
#define END_TICK(name) milisec = 1000.0 * (clock() - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; \
    dprintf(("%s took %f milis\n", name, milisec)); \
extern Rect2d etalon;
void myassert(const Mat& img);
void printPatch(const Mat_<uchar>& standardPatch);
std::string type2str(const Mat& mat);
void drawWithRects(const Mat& img, std::vector<Rect2d>& blackOnes, Rect2d whiteOne = Rect2d(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0));
void drawWithRects(const Mat& img, std::vector<Rect2d>& blackOnes, std::vector<Rect2d>& whiteOnes, String fileName = "");

//aux functions and variables
template<typename T> inline T CLIP(T x, T a, T b){ return std::min(std::max(x, a), b); }
/** Computes overlap between the two given rectangles. Overlap is computed as ratio of rectangles' intersection to that
 * of their union.*/
double overlap(const Rect2d& r1, const Rect2d& r2);
/** Resamples the area surrounded by r2 in img so it matches the size of samples, where it is written.*/
void resample(const Mat& img, const RotatedRect& r2, Mat_<uchar>& samples);
/** Specialization of resample() for rectangles without retation for better performance and simplicity.*/
void resample(const Mat& img, const Rect2d& r2, Mat_<uchar>& samples);
/** Computes the variance of single given image.*/
double variance(const Mat& img);
/** Computes normalized corellation coefficient between the two patches (they should be
 * of the same size).*/
double NCC(const Mat_<uchar>& patch1, const Mat_<uchar>& patch2);
void getClosestN(std::vector<Rect2d>& scanGrid, Rect2d bBox, int n, std::vector<Rect2d>& res);
double scaleAndBlur(const Mat& originalImg, int scale, Mat& scaledImg, Mat& blurredImg, Size GaussBlurKernelSize, double scaleStep);
int getMedian(const std::vector<int>& values, int size = -1);

class TLDEnsembleClassifier
    static int makeClassifiers(Size size, int measurePerClassifier, int gridSize, std::vector<TLDEnsembleClassifier>& classifiers);
    void integrate(const Mat_<uchar>& patch, bool isPositive);
    double posteriorProbability(const uchar* data, int rowstep) const;
    double posteriorProbabilityFast(const uchar* data) const;
    void prepareClassifier(int rowstep);
    TLDEnsembleClassifier(const std::vector<Vec4b>& meas, int beg, int end);
    static void stepPrefSuff(std::vector<Vec4b> & arr, int pos, int len, int gridSize);
    int code(const uchar* data, int rowstep) const;
    int codeFast(const uchar* data) const;
    std::vector<Point2i> posAndNeg;
    std::vector<Vec4b> measurements;
    std::vector<Point2i> offset;
    int lastStep_;

class TrackerProxy
    virtual bool init(const Mat& image, const Rect2d& boundingBox) = 0;
    virtual bool update(const Mat& image, Rect2d& boundingBox) = 0;
    virtual ~TrackerProxy(){}

    //do nothing else

    //todo: don't know what happens if OpenGL context isn't valid

VisSurface::VisSurface(ExprPtr(Vec2d,Vec3d) surface):
        sharedInfo(new SharedSurfaceInfo(Rect2d(ZERO_VEC2d, ONE_VEC2d), Vec2i(64,64))){
    //do nothing else

VisSurface::VisSurface(ExprPtr(Vec2d,Vec3d) surface, Rect2d region, Vec2i divisions):
        sharedInfo(new SharedSurfaceInfo(region, divisions)){
    //do nothing else

VisSurface::~VisSurface() {
    //do nothing: resource deallocation handled by shared_ptrs

 * Methods                              *
	namespace tld
		char tldRootPath[100];
		int frameNum = 0;
		bool flagPNG = false;
		bool flagVOT = false;

		//TLD Dataset Parameters
		const char* tldFolderName[10] = {
		const  char* votFolderName[60] = {
			"bag", "ball1", "ball2", "basketball", "birds1", "birds2", "blanket", "bmx", "bolt1", "bolt2",
			"book", "butterfly", "car1", "car2", "crossing", "dinosaur", "fernando", "fish1", "fish2", "fish3",
			"fish4", "girl", "glove", "godfather", "graduate", "gymnastics1", "gymnastics2	", "gymnastics3", "gymnastics4", "hand",
			"handball1", "handball2", "helicopter", "iceskater1", "iceskater2", "leaves", "marching", "matrix", "motocross1", "motocross2",
			"nature", "octopus", "pedestrian1", "pedestrian2", "rabbit", "racing", "road", "shaking", "sheep", "singer1",
			"singer2", "singer3", "soccer1", "soccer2", "soldier", "sphere", "tiger", "traffic", "tunnel", "wiper"

		const Rect2d tldInitBB[10] = {
			Rect2d(165, 93, 51, 54), Rect2d(147, 110, 33, 32), Rect2d(47, 51, 21, 36), Rect2d(130, 134, 21, 53), Rect2d(154, 102, 24, 52),
			Rect2d(142, 125, 90, 39), Rect2d(290, 43, 23, 40), Rect2d(273, 77, 27, 25), Rect2d(337, 219, 54, 37), Rect2d(58, 100, 27, 22)
		const Rect2d votInitBB[60] = {
			Rect2d(142, 125, 90, 39), Rect2d(490, 400, 40, 40), Rect2d(273, 77, 27, 25), Rect2d(145, 84, 54, 37), Rect2d(58, 100, 27, 22),
			Rect2d(450, 380, 60, 60), Rect2d(290, 43, 23, 40), Rect2d(273, 77, 27, 25), Rect2d(225, 175, 50, 50), Rect2d(58, 100, 27, 22),

			Rect2d(142, 125, 90, 39), Rect2d(290, 43, 23, 40), Rect2d(273, 77, 27, 25), Rect2d(145, 84, 54, 37), Rect2d(560, 460, 50, 120),
			Rect2d(142, 125, 90, 39), Rect2d(290, 43, 23, 40), Rect2d(273, 77, 27, 25), Rect2d(145, 84, 54, 37), Rect2d(58, 100, 27, 22),

			Rect2d(142, 125, 90, 39), Rect2d(290, 43, 23, 40), Rect2d(273, 77, 27, 25), Rect2d(145, 84, 54, 37), Rect2d(58, 100, 27, 22),
			Rect2d(142, 125, 90, 39), Rect2d(290, 43, 23, 40), Rect2d(273, 77, 27, 25), Rect2d(145, 84, 54, 37), Rect2d(58, 100, 27, 22),

			Rect2d(142, 125, 90, 39), Rect2d(290, 43, 23, 40), Rect2d(273, 77, 27, 25), Rect2d(145, 84, 54, 37), Rect2d(58, 100, 27, 22),
			Rect2d(142, 125, 90, 39), Rect2d(290, 43, 23, 40), Rect2d(273, 77, 27, 25), Rect2d(145, 84, 54, 37), Rect2d(58, 100, 27, 22),

			Rect2d(142, 125, 90, 39), Rect2d(290, 43, 23, 40), Rect2d(273, 77, 27, 25), Rect2d(145, 84, 54, 37), Rect2d(58, 100, 27, 22),
			Rect2d(142, 125, 90, 39), Rect2d(290, 43, 23, 40), Rect2d(273, 77, 27, 25), Rect2d(145, 84, 54, 37), Rect2d(58, 100, 27, 22),

			Rect2d(142, 125, 90, 39), Rect2d(290, 43, 23, 40), Rect2d(273, 77, 27, 25), Rect2d(145, 84, 54, 37), Rect2d(58, 100, 27, 22),
			Rect2d(142, 125, 90, 39), Rect2d(290, 43, 23, 40), Rect2d(273, 77, 27, 25), Rect2d(145, 84, 54, 37), Rect2d(58, 100, 27, 22),

		int tldFrameOffset[10] = { 100, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 };
		int votFrameOffset[60] = {
			1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
			1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
			1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
			1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
			1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
			1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
		bool tldFlagPNG[10] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 };
		bool votFlagPNG[60] = {
			0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
			0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
			0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
			0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
			0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
			0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,

		cv::Rect2d tld_InitDataset(int videoInd, const char* rootPath, int datasetInd)
			char* folderName = (char *)"";
			double x = 0,
				y = 0,
				w = 0,
				h = 0;

			//Index range
			// 1-10 TLD Dataset
			// 1-60 VOT 2015 Dataset
			int id = videoInd - 1;

			if (datasetInd == 0)
				folderName = (char*)tldFolderName[id];
				x = tldInitBB[id].x;
				y = tldInitBB[id].y;
				w = tldInitBB[id].width;
				h = tldInitBB[id].height;
				frameNum = tldFrameOffset[id];
				flagPNG = tldFlagPNG[id];
				flagVOT = false;
			if (datasetInd == 1)
					folderName = (char*)votFolderName[id];
					x = votInitBB[id].x;
					y = votInitBB[id].y;
					w = votInitBB[id].width;
					h = votInitBB[id].height;
					frameNum = votFrameOffset[id];
					flagPNG = votFlagPNG[id];
					flagVOT = true;

			strcpy(tldRootPath, rootPath);
			strcat(tldRootPath, "\\");
			strcat(tldRootPath, folderName);

			return cv::Rect2d(x, y, w, h);

		cv::Mat tld_getNextDatasetFrame()
			char fullPath[100];
			char numStr[10];
			strcpy(fullPath, tldRootPath);
			strcat(fullPath, "\\");
			if (flagVOT)
				strcat(fullPath, "000");
			if (frameNum < 10) strcat(fullPath, "0000");
			else if (frameNum < 100) strcat(fullPath, "000");
			else if (frameNum < 1000) strcat(fullPath, "00");
			else if (frameNum < 10000) strcat(fullPath, "0");

			sprintf(numStr, "%d", frameNum);
			strcat(fullPath, numStr);
			if (flagPNG) strcat(fullPath, ".png");
			else strcat(fullPath, ".jpg");

			return cv::imread(fullPath);

//Will get the relative bounding rectangle of the object itself (not including children)
//this can be overridden in case of non 2x2 squares
Rect2d Drawable::GetBoundingRect2()
	//by default (all squares drawn in this program) squares are all from -1,-1 to 1,1
	return Rect2d(Point2d(-1,-1) * Scale + Pos, Point2d( 1, 1) * Scale + Pos);
	//return Rect2d(Point2d(-1,-1), Point2d( 1, 1));
		bool TLDDetector::ocl_detect(const Mat& img, const Mat& imgBlurred, Rect2d& res, std::vector<LabeledPatch>& patches, Size initSize)
			Mat tmp;
			int dx = initSize.width / 10, dy = initSize.height / 10;
			Size2d size = img.size();
			double scale = 1.0;
			int npos = 0, nneg = 0;
			double maxSc = -5.0;
			Rect2d maxScRect;
			int scaleID;
			std::vector <Mat> resized_imgs, blurred_imgs;
			std::vector <Point> varBuffer, ensBuffer;
			std::vector <int> varScaleIDs, ensScaleIDs;

			//Detection part
			//Generate windows and filter by variance
			scaleID = 0;
				Mat_<double> intImgP, intImgP2;
				computeIntegralImages(resized_imgs[scaleID], intImgP, intImgP2);
				for (int i = 0, imax = cvFloor((0.0 + resized_imgs[scaleID].cols - initSize.width) / dx); i < imax; i++)
					for (int j = 0, jmax = cvFloor((0.0 + resized_imgs[scaleID].rows - initSize.height) / dy); j < jmax; j++)
						if (!patchVariance(intImgP, intImgP2, originalVariancePtr, Point(dx * i, dy * j), initSize))
						varBuffer.push_back(Point(dx * i, dy * j));
				size.width /= SCALE_STEP;
				size.height /= SCALE_STEP;
				scale *= SCALE_STEP;
				resize(img, tmp, size, 0, 0, DOWNSCALE_MODE);
				GaussianBlur(resized_imgs[scaleID], tmp, GaussBlurKernelSize, 0.0f);
			} while (size.width >= initSize.width && size.height >= initSize.height);

			//Encsemble classification
			for (int i = 0; i < (int)varBuffer.size(); i++)
				if (ensembleClassifierNum(&blurred_imgs[varScaleIDs[i]].at<uchar>(varBuffer[i].y, varBuffer[i].x)) <= ENSEMBLE_THRESHOLD)

			//NN classification
			//Prepare batch of patches
			int numOfPatches = (int)ensBuffer.size();
			Mat_<uchar> stdPatches(numOfPatches, 225);
			double *resultSr = new double[numOfPatches];
			double *resultSc = new double[numOfPatches];

			uchar *patchesData =;
			for (int i = 0; i < (int)ensBuffer.size(); i++)
				resample(resized_imgs[ensScaleIDs[i]], Rect2d(ensBuffer[i], initSize), standardPatch);
				uchar *stdPatchData =;
				for (int j = 0; j < 225; j++)
					patchesData[225*i+j] = stdPatchData[j];
			//Calculate Sr and Sc batches
			ocl_batchSrSc(stdPatches, resultSr, resultSc, numOfPatches);

			for (int i = 0; i < (int)ensBuffer.size(); i++)
				LabeledPatch labPatch; = &[225 * i];
				double curScale = pow(SCALE_STEP, ensScaleIDs[i]);
				labPatch.rect = Rect2d(ensBuffer[i].x*curScale, ensBuffer[i].y*curScale, initSize.width * curScale, initSize.height * curScale);

				double srValue, scValue;

				srValue = resultSr[i];

				////To fix: Check the paper, probably this cause wrong learning
				labPatch.isObject = srValue > THETA_NN;
				labPatch.shouldBeIntegrated = abs(srValue - THETA_NN) < 0.1;

				if (!labPatch.isObject)
				scValue = resultSc[i];
				if (scValue > maxSc)
					maxSc = scValue;
					maxScRect = labPatch.rect;

			if (maxSc < 0)
				return false;
			res = maxScRect;
			return true;