bool Rect3DRay3DIntersection(const glm::vec3 & base,
                             const glm::vec3 & right,
                             const glm::vec3 & up,
                             const glm::vec3 & origin,
                             const glm::vec3 & dir,
                             float & t)
    auto plane = Rect3D(base, right, up).plane();
    auto valid = PlaneRay3DIntersection(plane.normal(), plane.d(),
                                      origin, dir, t);
    if (!valid)
        return false;

    auto point = origin + t * dir;
    point -= base;

    // Project point on right and up
    // Projection on r=pr, Projection on u=pu

    auto pr = glm::dot(point, right) / glm::dot(right, right);
    if (pr < 0.0f || pr > 1.0f)
        return false;

    auto pu = glm::dot(point, up) / glm::dot(up, up);
    if (pu < 0.0f || pu > 1.0f)
        return false;

    return true;
glm::vec2 Rect3DRay3DIntersectionPoint(
    const glm::vec3 & base,
    const glm::vec3 & right,
    const glm::vec3 & up,
    const glm::vec3 & origin,
    const glm::vec3 & delta,
    bool &            valid)
    auto  plane = Rect3D(base, right, up).plane();
    float t;
    valid = Ray3DPlaneIntersection(plane.normal(), plane.d(), origin, delta, t);
    if (!valid)
        return {};

    auto point = origin + t * delta;
    point -= base;

    // Project point on right and up
    // Projection on r=pr, Projection on u=pu

    auto pr = glm::dot(point, right) / glm::dot(right, right);
    if (pr < 0.0f || pr > 1.0f)
        valid = false;
        return {};

    auto pu = glm::dot(point, up) / glm::dot(up, up);
    if (pu < 0.0f || pu > 1.0f)
        valid = false;
        return {};

    valid = true;
    return {pr, pu};
bool Toolbar::initialise()
	int barPosition;

	// get height of the window
	barPosition = (-WindowManager::getInstance()->getWindowResolution().height * 0.8f) / 2;

	// initialise Sprites

	// Background
	m_background = new Sprite;
	if (!m_background)
		return false;
	m_result = m_background->initialise(Rect3D(728, 88), "");
	if (!m_result)
		return false;

	// Toolbar Icons
	m_toolbarIcons = new InstancedSprite;
	if (!m_toolbarIcons)
		return false;
	m_result = m_toolbarIcons->initialise(Rect3D(64, 64), "");
	if (!m_result)
		return false;

	// Highlighter
	m_highlighter = new Sprite;
	if (!m_highlighter)
		return false;
	m_result = m_highlighter->initialise(Rect3D(92, 92), "");
	if (!m_result)
		return false;

	// initialise Tools

	// Add Icon Data
	m_toolData.push_back(InstanceData(D3DXVECTOR3(-320, barPosition, 1), D3DXVECTOR2(31, 17), D3DXVECTOR2(32, 21))); // Pickaxe
	m_toolData.push_back(InstanceData(D3DXVECTOR3(-240, barPosition, 1), D3DXVECTOR2(18, 11), D3DXVECTOR2(32, 21))); // Dirt
	m_toolData.push_back(InstanceData(D3DXVECTOR3(-160, barPosition, 1), D3DXVECTOR2(3, 12),  D3DXVECTOR2(32, 21))); // Sand
	m_toolData.push_back(InstanceData(D3DXVECTOR3(-80,  barPosition, 1), D3DXVECTOR2(10, 8),  D3DXVECTOR2(32, 21))); // Cobblestone
	m_toolData.push_back(InstanceData(D3DXVECTOR3(  0,  barPosition, 1), D3DXVECTOR2(7, 12),  D3DXVECTOR2(32, 21))); // Stone
	m_toolData.push_back(InstanceData(D3DXVECTOR3( 80,  barPosition, 1), D3DXVECTOR2(6, 9),   D3DXVECTOR2(32, 21))); // Wood
	m_toolData.push_back(InstanceData(D3DXVECTOR3(160,  barPosition, 1), D3DXVECTOR2(30, 1),  D3DXVECTOR2(32, 21))); // Water Bucket

	// create Instanced Sprite
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_toolData.size(); i++)

	// initialise Vars

	m_selectedIndex = 0;

	return true;
// Initialising
bool Ocean::initialise(string textureFilename, Rect3D waterResolution)
	PrimitiveFactory primitiveFactory;
	Texture* refractionTexture;
	Texture* reflectionTexture;
	// create Model

	m_model = new Model;
	if (!m_model)
		return false;

	// onload Model
	m_result = primitiveFactory.createPlane(waterResolution, Rect3D(1, 1), 1.0f, *m_model);
	if (!m_result)
		return false;

	// create Material

	// Retrieve refraction and reflection texture pointers
	AssetManager::getInstance()->loadTexture(&refractionTexture, "RefractionTexture");
	AssetManager::getInstance()->loadTexture(&reflectionTexture, "ReflectionTexture");

	// create material
	Material* newMaterial = new Material;
	m_result = newMaterial->setNormalTexture(textureFilename);
	if (!m_result)
		return false;
	newMaterial->setTexture("RefractionTexture", refractionTexture);
	newMaterial->setTexture("ReflectionTexture", reflectionTexture);

	newMaterial->setFloat("WaterHeight", waterResolution.depth);
	newMaterial->setVector2("NormalMapTiling", D3DXVECTOR2(0.01f, 0.02f));
	newMaterial->setFloat("WaterTranslation", 0.0f);
	newMaterial->setFloat("ReflectRefractScale", 0.03f);
	newMaterial->setVector4("RefractionTint", D3DXVECTOR4(0.0f, 0.8f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
	newMaterial->setFloat("WaveHeight", 1.5f);
	newMaterial->setFloat("TessellationAmount", 58.0f);


	// create Transform

	m_transform = new Transform;
	if (!m_transform)
		return false;

	// initialise Vars

	m_frame = 0.0f;
	m_waveSpeed = 0.025f;
	m_waterTranslation = 0.0f;

	m_reflective = renderMode::Off;
	m_culled = renderMode::Off;
	m_depth = renderMode::On;
	m_postprocessing = renderMode::On;
	m_blendMode = BlendMode::NoBlending;

	m_isActive = true;


	// Clean Up
	newMaterial = 0;
	refractionTexture = 0;
	reflectionTexture = 0;

	return true;