void TMXLayer::draw(Renderer *renderer, const Mat4& transform, uint32_t flags)
    if( flags != 0 || _dirty || _quadsDirty )
        Size s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
        auto rect = Rect(0, 0, s.width, s.height);
        Mat4 inv = transform;
        rect = RectApplyTransform(rect, inv);
        _dirty = false;
    if(_renderCommands.size() < static_cast<size_t>(_primitives.size()))
    int index = 0;
    for(const auto& iter : _primitives)
        if(iter.second->getCount() > 0)
            auto& cmd = _renderCommands[index++];
			//修改混合模式,满足美术需求和PS一样 added by tokentong 20150327
            cmd.init(iter.first, _texture->getName(), getGLProgramState(), BlendFunc::ALPHA_PREMULTIPLIED, iter.second, _modelViewTransform, flags);
文件: UIEditBox.cpp 项目: 289/DouPo
static Rect getRect(Node * pNode)
	Size contentSize = pNode->getContentSize();
	Rect rect = Rect(0, 0, contentSize.width, contentSize.height);
	return RectApplyTransform(rect, pNode->getNodeToWorldTransform());
void TMXLayer::updateTiles(const Rect& culledRect)
    Rect visibleTiles = culledRect;
    Size mapTileSize = CC_SIZE_PIXELS_TO_POINTS(_mapTileSize);
    Size tileSize = CC_SIZE_PIXELS_TO_POINTS(_tileSet->_tileSize);
    Mat4 nodeToTileTransform = _tileToNodeTransform.getInversed();
    //transform to tile
    visibleTiles = RectApplyTransform(visibleTiles, nodeToTileTransform);
    // tile coordinate is upside-down, so we need to make the tile coordinate use top-left for the start point.
    visibleTiles.origin.y += 1;
    // if x=0.7, width=9.5, we need to draw number 0~10 of tiles, and so is height.
    visibleTiles.size.width = ceil(visibleTiles.origin.x + visibleTiles.size.width)  - floor(visibleTiles.origin.x);
    visibleTiles.size.height = ceil(visibleTiles.origin.y + visibleTiles.size.height) - floor(visibleTiles.origin.y);
    visibleTiles.origin.x = floor(visibleTiles.origin.x);
    visibleTiles.origin.y = floor(visibleTiles.origin.y);

    // for the bigger tiles.
    int tilesOverX = 0;
    int tilesOverY = 0;
    // for diagonal oriention tiles
    float tileSizeMax = std::max(tileSize.width, tileSize.height);
    if (_layerOrientation == FAST_TMX_ORIENTATION_ORTHO)
        tilesOverX = ceil(tileSizeMax / mapTileSize.width) - 1;
        tilesOverY = ceil(tileSizeMax / mapTileSize.height) - 1;
        if (tilesOverX < 0) tilesOverX = 0;
        if (tilesOverY < 0) tilesOverY = 0;
    else if(_layerOrientation == FAST_TMX_ORIENTATION_ISO)
        Rect overTileRect(0, 0, tileSizeMax - mapTileSize.width, tileSizeMax - mapTileSize.height);
        if (overTileRect.size.width < 0) overTileRect.size.width = 0;
        if (overTileRect.size.height < 0) overTileRect.size.height = 0;
        overTileRect = RectApplyTransform(overTileRect, nodeToTileTransform);
        tilesOverX = ceil(overTileRect.origin.x + overTileRect.size.width) - floor(overTileRect.origin.x);
        tilesOverY = ceil(overTileRect.origin.y + overTileRect.size.height) - floor(overTileRect.origin.y);
        //do nothing, do not support
        //CCASSERT(0, "TMX invalid value");
    for(const auto& iter : _indicesVertexZOffsets)
        _indicesVertexZNumber[iter.first] = iter.second;
    int yBegin = std::max(0.f,visibleTiles.origin.y - tilesOverY);
    int yEnd = std::min(_layerSize.height,visibleTiles.origin.y + visibleTiles.size.height + tilesOverY);
    int xBegin = std::max(0.f,visibleTiles.origin.x - tilesOverX);
    int xEnd = std::min(_layerSize.width,visibleTiles.origin.x + visibleTiles.size.width + tilesOverX);
    for (int y =  yBegin; y < yEnd; ++y)
        for (int x = xBegin; x < xEnd; ++x)
            int tileIndex = getTileIndexByPos(x, y);
            if(_tiles[tileIndex] == 0) continue;
            int vertexZ = getVertexZForPos(Vec2(x,y));
            auto iter = _indicesVertexZNumber.find(vertexZ);
            int offset = iter->second;
            int quadIndex = _tileToQuadIndex[tileIndex];
            CC_ASSERT(-1 != quadIndex);
            (*_indices)[6 * offset + 0] = quadIndex * 4 + 0; //[CY MOD]
            (*_indices)[6 * offset + 1] = quadIndex * 4 + 1; //[CY MOD]
            (*_indices)[6 * offset + 2] = quadIndex * 4 + 2; //[CY MOD]
            (*_indices)[6 * offset + 3] = quadIndex * 4 + 3; //[CY MOD]
            (*_indices)[6 * offset + 4] = quadIndex * 4 + 2; //[CY MOD]
            (*_indices)[6 * offset + 5] = quadIndex * 4 + 1; //[CY MOD]
        } // for x
    } // for y
    for(const auto& iter : _indicesVertexZOffsets)
        _indicesVertexZNumber[iter.first] -= iter.second;
        if(_indicesVertexZNumber[iter.first] == 0)