bool MaterialBasicRefractive::OutputRay( const Ray& incident, DifferentialGeometry* dg, RandomDeviate& rand, Ray* outputRay  ) const

	double randomNumber = rand.RandomDouble();
	if( dg->shapeFrontSide )
		if ( randomNumber < reflectivityFront.getValue()  )
			*outputRay = *ReflectedRay( incident, dg, rand );
			return true;
		else if ( randomNumber < ( reflectivityFront.getValue() + transmissivityFront.getValue() ) )
			*outputRay = *RefractedtRay( incident, dg, rand );
			return true;
		else return false;
		if ( randomNumber < reflectivityBack.getValue()  )
			*outputRay = *ReflectedRay( incident, dg, rand );
			return true;
		else if ( randomNumber < ( reflectivityBack.getValue() + transmissivityBack.getValue() ) )
			*outputRay = *RefractedtRay( incident, dg, rand );
			return true;
		else return false;

Color Raytracer::IndirectLighting(const Ray & aIncidentRay, const Intersection& aIntersection, int aDepth)
	int SecondaryRays = 1;

	Color AccumulatedColor;
	//Create 2 vectors orthonormal to the intersection normal and to each other
	vec3 rand = vec3(Utils::RandNormal(), Utils::RandNormal(), Utils::RandNormal());
	vec3 U = normalize(cross(aIntersection.Local.Normal, rand));
	vec3 V = normalize(cross(U, aIntersection.Local.Normal));

	for (int i = 0; i < SecondaryRays; i++)
		vec3 Alpha = Utils::RandNormal() * U;
		vec3 Beta = Utils::RandNormal() * V;

		Ray ReflectedRay(aIntersection.Local.Pos, normalize(aIntersection.Local.Normal + Alpha + Beta));

		Color TempColor;

		Trace(ReflectedRay, &TempColor, aDepth + 1);

		AccumulatedColor += TempColor;
	return AccumulatedColor / SecondaryRays;
bool MaterialAngleDependentRefractive::OutputRay( const Ray& incident, DifferentialGeometry* dg, RandomDeviate& rand, Ray* outputRay  ) const
	NormalVector dgNormal;
	if( dg->shapeFrontSide )	dgNormal = dg->normal;
		else	dgNormal = - dg->normal;
	double incidenceAngle = acos( DotProduct( -incident.direction(), dgNormal ) );
	std::vector< double>  reflectivityTransmissivity = OutputPropertyValue( m_frontReflectivityIncidenceAngle,  m_frontReflectivityValue, m_frontTransmissivityValue, incidenceAngle );
	double reflectivity = reflectivityTransmissivity[0];
	double transmissivity = reflectivityTransmissivity[1];
	double randomNumber = rand.RandomDouble();

	if( dg->shapeFrontSide )
		if ( randomNumber < reflectivity )
			*outputRay = *ReflectedRay( incident, dg, rand );
			return true;
		else if ( randomNumber < ( reflectivity + transmissivity ) )
			*outputRay = *RefractedtRay( incident, dg, rand );
			return true;
		else return false;
		if ( randomNumber < reflectivity  )
			*outputRay = *ReflectedRay( incident, dg, rand );
			return true;
		else if ( randomNumber < ( reflectivity + transmissivity ) )
			*outputRay = *RefractedtRay( incident, dg, rand );
			return true;
		else return false;

void Raytracer::Trace(const Ray& aRay, Color* aColor, int aDepth)
	aq_float T;
	Intersection RayIntersection;

	if (!mScene->Intersect(aRay, &T, &RayIntersection))
		*aColor = mScene->Properties.BackgroundColor;
	*aColor = COLOR::BLACK;

	for (Light* light : mScene->GetLights())
		*aColor += Shade(aRay, RayIntersection, *light);

	*aColor = clamp(*aColor, 0.0, 100.0);

	//Russian roulette for stopping recursive
	if (aDepth > mScene->Properties.RecursiveDepth)
		aq_float AvgReflectance = sum( / 3;
		if (AvgReflectance < Utils::RandFloatInterval(0.0, 1.2))

	//Ambient occlusion
	//*aColor += 0.2 * IndirectLighting(aRay, RayIntersection, aDepth);

	if (sum( > 0)
		Ray ReflectedRay(RayIntersection.Local.Pos, reflect(aRay.Dir, RayIntersection.Local.Normal));
		Color ReflectedColor;
		Trace(ReflectedRay, &ReflectedColor, aDepth + 1);
		*aColor = mix(*aColor, ReflectedColor,;

	if (RayIntersection.Mat.Transparency > 0)
		Ray RefractedRay(RayIntersection.Local.Pos, refract(aRay.Dir, RayIntersection.Local.Normal, RayIntersection.Mat.RefractiveIndex));
		Color RefractedColor;
		Trace(RefractedRay, &RefractedColor, aDepth + 1);
		*aColor = mix(*aColor, RefractedColor, RayIntersection.Mat.Transparency);