A3DLine A3DPlane::Reflection(const A3DLine& line) const { /* * [x] [a1] 2.(d1.(a1 - c1) + d2.(a2 - c2) + d3.(a3 - c3)) [d1] * [y] = [a2] - ------------------------------------------------.[d2] * [z] [a3] d1.d1 + d2.d2 + d3.d3 [d3] */ return A3DLine(Reflection(line.Start), Reflection(line.Vector + Point) - Point); }
A3DPlane A3DPlane::Reflection(const A3DPlane& plane) const { /* * [x] [a1] 2.(d1.(a1 - c1) + d2.(a2 - c2) + d3.(a3 - c3)) [d1] * [y] = [a2] - ------------------------------------------------.[d2] * [z] [a3] d1.d1 + d2.d2 + d3.d3 [d3] */ return A3DPlane(Reflection(plane.Point), Reflection(plane.Normal + Point) - Point); }
Color Ray::IntersectColor(Scene& sc, Ratio weight) { Inter inter=Intersection(sc); if(inter.second>=0) { Color cl=LocalShading(sc,inter); //Color cl=Ambient(sc,inter); //cl=cl+LocalShading(sc,inter); Ratio reflect=sc.obj[inter.second].prop.specular_reflection; Ratio refract=sc.obj[inter.second].prop.refraction; if(weight.b>=1./256.||weight.g>=1./256||weight.r>=1./256) { Vector inter_node=end+inter.first*direction; if(reflect.b+reflect.g+reflect.r>=1./256) { Ray rfray=Reflection(sc.obj[inter.second],inter_node); cl=cl+rfray.IntersectColor(sc,weight*reflect)*reflect; } if(refract.b+refract.g+refract.r>=1./256) { Ray rfray=Refraction(sc.obj[inter.second],inter_node); cl=cl+rfray.IntersectColor(sc,weight*refract)*refract; } } //cout << cl << endl ; return cl; } else { //cout << "(0,0,0)" << endl ; return Color(); } }
void CHC_GameSystem::RefreshBackTrace(int x, int y, int d, CHC_Color & col) { mark[x][y][d] = true; now_map[x][y].col[d/2].add(col); x += dx[d/2], y += dy[d/2]; if (!InMap(x, y) || mark[x][y][d]) return; now_map[x][y].col[(d / 2 + 2) % 4].add(col); int d_1, d_2; if (now_map[x][y].isMirror()) { if (now_map[x][y].mirror_s == 0) { d_1 = Reflection(d, now_map[x][y].dir, 0); if (d_1 < 0) return; RefreshBackTrace(x, y, d_1, col); } else if (now_map[x][y].mirror_s == 2) { d_1 = Reflection(d, now_map[x][y].dir, 0); d_2 = Reflection(d, (now_map[x][y].dir + 4) % NUM_MIRROR_STATE, 0); if (d_1 >= 0) RefreshBackTrace(x, y, d_1, col); else if (d_2 >= 0) RefreshBackTrace(x, y, d_2, col); } else if (now_map[x][y].mirror_s == 4) { d_1 = Reflection(d, now_map[x][y].dir, 0); d_2 = Reflection(d, (now_map[x][y].dir + 4) % NUM_MIRROR_STATE, 0); if (d_1 >= 0) RefreshBackTrace(x, y, d_1, col); else if (d_2 >= 0) RefreshBackTrace(x, y, d_2, col); if (d / 2 % 2 == 1) { // - if (now_map[x][y].dir != 0 && now_map[x][y].dir != 4) RefreshBackTrace(x, y, d, col); } else { // | if (now_map[x][y].dir != 2 && now_map[x][y].dir != 6) RefreshBackTrace(x, y, d, col); } } } else if (now_map[x][y].isSender()) { return; } else { RefreshBackTrace(x, y, d, col); } }
namespace CGAL { const Translation TRANSLATION = Translation(); const Rotation ROTATION = Rotation(); const Scaling SCALING = Scaling(); const Reflection REFLECTION = Reflection(); const Identity_transformation IDENTITY = Identity_transformation(); const Origin ORIGIN = Origin(); const Null_vector NULL_VECTOR = Null_vector(); } //namespace CGAL
// Returns a sample into the specular lobe. This is a type of importance sampling Sample Raytracer::SampleSpecularLobe(const Vec3 &R, float phong_exp) { double s, t; Sample sample; double r = 1.0; s = rand(0.0, 1.0); t = rand(0.0, 1.0); //Punt aleatori a la semiesfera. double x = sqrt(1 - pow(t, 2 / (phong_exp + 1)))* cos(2 * Pi*s); double y = sqrt(1 - pow(t, 2 / (phong_exp + 1)))* sin(2 * Pi*s); double z = sqrt(1 - x*x - y*y); //Obtenim un punt aleatori de la nostra esfera. Vec3 reflected_sample = Vec3(x, y, z); sample.P = (Reflection(-reflected_sample , Unit(R + Vec3(0,0,1)))); // Assigns the weight sample.w = Pi; return sample; }
// Returns a sample into the project hemishpere. This is a type of importance sampling. Sample Raytracer::SampleProjectedHemisphere(const Vec3 &N) { double s, t; Sample sample; double r = 1.0; s = rand(0.0, 1.0); t = rand(0.0, 1.0); //Punt aleatori a la semiesfera. double x = sqrt(t)*cos(2 * Pi*s); double y = sqrt(t)*sin(2 * Pi*s); double z = sqrt(1 - x*x - y*y); //Obtenim un punt aleatori de la nostra esfera. Vec3 reflected_sample = Vec3(x, y, z); sample.P = (Reflection(-reflected_sample, Unit( N + Vec3(0, 0, 1)))); // Assigns the weight sample.w = Pi; return sample; }
namespace corecvs { template<> Reflection BaseReflection<DistortionApplicationParameters>::reflection = Reflection(); template<> int BaseReflection<DistortionApplicationParameters>::dummy = DistortionApplicationParameters::staticInit(); } // namespace corecvs
namespace corecvs { template<> Reflection BaseReflection<Draw3dParameters>::reflection = Reflection(); template<> int BaseReflection<Draw3dParameters>::dummy = Draw3dParameters::staticInit(); } // namespace corecvs
namespace corecvs { template<> Reflection BaseReflection<OmnidirectionalBaseParameters>::reflection = Reflection(); template<> int BaseReflection<OmnidirectionalBaseParameters>::dummy = OmnidirectionalBaseParameters::staticInit(); } // namespace corecvs
namespace corecvs { template<> Reflection BaseReflection<ExtrinsicsPlacerParameters>::reflection = Reflection(); template<> int BaseReflection<ExtrinsicsPlacerParameters>::dummy = ExtrinsicsPlacerParameters::staticInit(); } // namespace corecvs
namespace corecvs { template<> Reflection BaseReflection<InputFilterParameters>::reflection = Reflection(); template<> int BaseReflection<InputFilterParameters>::dummy = InputFilterParameters::staticInit(); } // namespace corecvs
namespace corecvs { template<> Reflection BaseReflection<ThickeningParameters>::reflection = Reflection(); template<> int BaseReflection<ThickeningParameters>::dummy = ThickeningParameters::staticInit(); } // namespace corecvs
// Shade assigns a color to a point on a surface, as it is seen // from another point. The coordinates of these points, the normal // of the surface, and the surface material are all recorded in the // HitInfo structure. The shader will typically make calls to Trace // to handle shadows and reflections. Color Raytracer::Shade(const HitInfo &hit, const Scene &scene, int max_tree_depth) { Color color = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; Vec3 point = hit.geom.point + hit.geom.normal*Epsilon; HitInfo hitObstacle = hit; Ray ray, ray2; Color diffuse = Color(0,0,0), specular = Color(0,0,0); Color direct = Color(0,0,0), indirect = Color(0,0,0); Sample lightPoint; Vec3 V; Color irradiant = Color(0,0,0); int espec = 0; Color indirect_hemisphere = Color(0, 0, 0), indirect_lobe = Color(0, 0, 0); //if (max_tree_depth >= 0) { if (hit.material.Emitter()) { return hit.material.m_Diffuse; }else{ for (Object *object = scene.first; object != NULL; object = object->next) { if (object->material.Emitter() == true) { lightPoint = object->GetSample(hit.geom.point, hit.geom.normal); ray.origin = hit.geom.point; //lightPoint.P = lightPoint.P + hit.geom.normal*Epsilon; ray.direction = Unit(lightPoint.P - hit.geom.point); hitObstacle.geom.distance = Length(lightPoint.P - point); V = Unit(hit.geom.origin - hit.geom.point); Vec3 N = (hit.geom.normal); Vec3 H = Unit(V + ray.direction); //V = Unit(hit.geom.origin - hit.geom.point); Vec3 L = (-ray.direction);// Unit(point - lightPoint.P); Vec3 R = Unit(Reflection(-L, N));//Unit((2*N*(N*L))-L); espec = hit.material.m_Phong_exp; double c = (L*H); double g = sqrt((pow(1.4 / 1, 2.0))+ pow(c,2)-1); Color f0 = hit.material.m_Specular; double F = (f0.red + (1.0 - f0.red, 1.0 - f0.green, 1.0 - f0.blue)*(pow((1 - (N*V)), 5)), f0.green + (1.0 - f0.red, 1.0 - f0.green, 1.0 - f0.blue)*(pow((1 - (N*V)), 5)), f0.blue+(1.0 - f0.red, 1.0 - f0.green, 1.0 - f0.blue)*(pow((1 - (N*V)), 5))); //double F = (1 / 2)*((pow(g - c, 2))/(pow(g + c, 2)))*(1+pow((c*(g+c)-1),2)/ (1 + pow((c*(g - c) + 1), 2))); double D = ((espec + 2) / (2 * Pi))*(pow((H*N), espec)); //double D = 1/(sqrt(2*Pi)) double G = min(min(1.0, (2 * (N*H)*(N*V)) / (V*H)), (2 * (N*H)*(N*L)) / (L*H)); if (G < 0) G = 0; if (D < 0) D = 0; if (F < 0) F = 0; if (!Cast(ray, scene, hitObstacle)) { if (N * L > 0) { diffuse = (N*L)*hit.material.m_Diffuse/Pi; } else { diffuse = Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } irradiant = object->material.m_Emission*(lightPoint.w); if ((R*V) > 0 && hit.material.m_Phong_exp > 0) { specular = /*(espec + 2)/(2*Pi) * pow((R*V), espec)*/(F*D*G / (4 * (N*L)*(N*V)))*hit.material.m_Specular; } else { specular = Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } direct += (diffuse + specular)*irradiant; } } } if (hit.material.m_Phong_exp > 0) { Vec3 N = (hit.geom.normal); Vec3 L = Unit(-ray.direction); V = -Unit(hit.geom.point - hit.geom.origin); Vec3 R = Unit(Reflection(-V, N)); Vec3 H = Unit(V + ray.direction); double c = (L*H); double g = sqrt((pow(1.4 / 1, 2.0)) + pow(c, 2) - 1); Color f0 = hit.material.m_Specular; double F = (f0.red + (1.0 - f0.red, 1.0 - f0.green, 1.0 - f0.blue)*(pow((1 - (N*V)), 5)), f0.green + (1.0 - f0.red, 1.0 - f0.green, 1.0 - f0.blue)*(pow((1 - (N*V)), 5)), f0.blue + (1.0 - f0.red, 1.0 - f0.green, 1.0 - f0.blue)*(pow((1 - (N*V)), 5))); //double F = (1 / 2)*((pow(g - c, 2))/(pow(g + c, 2)))*(1+pow((c*(g+c)-1),2)/ (1 + pow((c*(g - c) + 1), 2))); double D = ((espec + 2) / (2 * Pi))*(pow((H*N), espec)); double G = min(min(1.0, (2 * (N*H)*(N*V)) / (V*H)), (2 * (N*H)*(N*L)) / (L*H)); if (G < 0) G = 0; if (D < 0) D = 0; if (F < 0) F = 0; float phong_exp = hit.material.m_Phong_exp; ray2.origin = point; Sample sample_hemisphere = SampleProjectedHemisphere(N); ray2.direction = Unit(sample_hemisphere.P); //ray2.no_emitters = true; indirect_hemisphere = Trace(ray2, scene, max_tree_depth-1)* hit.material.m_Diffuse; Sample specular_sample = SampleSpecularLobe(R, phong_exp); ray2.direction = Unit(specular_sample.P); indirect_lobe = Trace(ray2, scene, max_tree_depth - 1)*F*D*G / (4 * (N*L)*(N*V));// *hit.material.m_Specular; indirect = indirect_hemisphere + indirect_lobe;// *(F*D*G / (4 * (N*L)*(N*V))); } return (direct) + indirect; } //} }
// public GeneratedApplication() [instance] :240 void GeneratedApplication::ctor_4() { ctor_3(uArray::Init< ::g::Uno::Net::IPEndPoint*>(::TYPES[0/*Uno.Net.IPEndPoint[]*/], 2, (::g::Uno::Net::IPEndPoint*)::g::Uno::Net::IPEndPoint::New1(::g::Uno::Net::IPAddress::Parse(::STRINGS[0/*""*/]), 12124), (::g::Uno::Net::IPEndPoint*)::g::Uno::Net::IPEndPoint::New1(::g::Uno::Net::IPAddress::Parse(::STRINGS[1/*""*/]), 12124)), ::STRINGS[2/*"C:\\Users\\...*/]); Reflection((uObject*)::g::Outracks::Simulator::Reflection::Native::NativeReflection::New1((uObject*)::g::Outracks::Simulator::Reflection::Native::SimpleTypeMap::New1())); }
void Simplex::OneCall() { // calcola l,h e centroide Initialize(); Reflection(); double ystar = EvalFunction(m_Pstar); double y_l = EvalFunction(m_P[m_l]); double y_h = EvalFunction(m_P[m_h]); // il punto riflesso sta sotto y_l if (ystar < y_l) { Expansion(); // espansione riuscita if (EvalFunction(m_Pstarstar) < y_l) { m_P[m_h]->SetPoint(m_Pstarstar); return; } // espansione fallita else { m_P[m_h]->SetPoint(m_Pstar); return; } } // il punto riflesso non sta sotto y_l else { // calcola se il punto riflesso è maggiore di tutti gli altri int counter = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if ( ystar > EvalFunction(m_P[i]) ) {counter++;} } // il punto non è maggiore di tutti gli i != h if (counter < 2) { m_P[m_h]->SetPoint(m_Pstar); return; } // il punto è maggiore di tutti gli i (!)= h else { // se non è maggiore di h, sostituisco h if (counter < 3) { m_P[m_h]->SetPoint(m_Pstar); y_h = EvalFunction(m_P[m_h]); } Contraction(); // il punto contratto non è maggiore di y_h if (EvalFunction(m_Pstarstar) <= y_h) { m_P[m_h]->SetPoint(m_Pstarstar); return; } // il punto contratto è maggiore di y_h else { double x_point_l = m_P[m_l]->GetX(); double y_point_l = m_P[m_l]->GetY(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { m_P[i]->SetX(0.5*(m_P[i]->GetX() + x_point_l)); m_P[i]->SetY(0.5*(m_P[i]->GetY() + y_point_l)); } return; } } } }
mat3x3 S(const vec3& axis) { return Rotation(axis, 360.0/n)*Reflection(axis); }