static void test_MsiInstallProduct(void)
    UINT r;
    CHAR path[MAX_PATH];
    LONG res;
    HKEY hkey;
    DWORD num, size, type;

    r = MsiInstallProductA(msifile, NULL);
        ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %u\n", r);

        ok(delete_pf("msitest\\cabout\\new\\five.txt", TRUE), "File not installed\n");
        ok(delete_pf("msitest\\cabout\\new", FALSE), "File not installed\n");
        ok(delete_pf("msitest\\cabout\\four.txt", TRUE), "File not installed\n");
        ok(delete_pf("msitest\\cabout", FALSE), "File not installed\n");
        ok(delete_pf("msitest\\changed\\three.txt", TRUE), "File not installed\n");
        ok(delete_pf("msitest\\changed", FALSE), "File not installed\n");
        ok(delete_pf("msitest\\first\\two.txt", TRUE), "File not installed\n");
        ok(delete_pf("msitest\\first", FALSE), "File not installed\n");
        ok(delete_pf("msitest\\one.txt", TRUE), "File not installed\n");
        ok(delete_pf("msitest", FALSE), "File not installed\n");

    res = RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Wine\\msitest", &hkey);
        ok(res == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %ld\n", res);

    size = MAX_PATH;
    type = REG_SZ;
    res = RegQueryValueExA(hkey, "Name", NULL, &type, (LPBYTE)path, &size);
        ok(res == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %ld\n", res);
        ok(!lstrcmpA(path, "imaname"), "Expected imaname, got %s\n", path);

    size = MAX_PATH;
    type = REG_SZ;
    res = RegQueryValueExA(hkey, "blah", NULL, &type, (LPBYTE)path, &size);
        ok(res == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Expected ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, got %ld\n", res);

    size = sizeof(num);
    type = REG_DWORD;
    res = RegQueryValueExA(hkey, "number", NULL, &type, (LPBYTE)&num, &size);
        ok(res == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %ld\n", res);
        ok(num == 314, "Expected 314, got %ld\n", num);

    RegDeleteKeyA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Wine\\msitest");
文件: debugger.c 项目: pstrealer/wine
static void test_ExitCode(void)
    static const char* AeDebug="Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\AeDebug";
    static const char* WineDbg="Software\\Wine\\WineDbg";
    char test_exe[MAX_PATH];
    DWORD ret;
    HKEY hkey;
    DWORD disposition;
    reg_save_value auto_value;
    reg_save_value debugger_value;

    GetModuleFileNameA(GetModuleHandle(NULL), test_exe, sizeof(test_exe));
    if (GetFileAttributes(test_exe) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES)
        strcat(test_exe, ".so");
    if (GetFileAttributesA(test_exe) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES)
        ok(0, "could not find the test executable '%s'\n", test_exe);

    ret=RegCreateKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, AeDebug, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkey, &disposition);
    if (ret == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        save_value(hkey, "auto", &auto_value);
        save_value(hkey, "debugger", &debugger_value);
        trace("HKLM\\%s\\debugger is set to '%s'\n", AeDebug, debugger_value.data);
    else if (ret == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)
        skip("not enough privileges to change the debugger\n");
    else if (ret != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
        ok(0, "could not open the AeDebug key: %d\n", ret);

    if (debugger_value.data && debugger_value.type == REG_SZ &&
        strstr((char*)debugger_value.data, "winedbg --auto"))
        HKEY hkeyWinedbg;
        ret=RegCreateKeyA(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, WineDbg, &hkeyWinedbg);
        if (ret == ERROR_SUCCESS)
            static DWORD zero;
            reg_save_value crash_dlg_value;
            save_value(hkeyWinedbg, "ShowCrashDialog", &crash_dlg_value);
            RegSetValueExA(hkeyWinedbg, "ShowCrashDialog", 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE *)&zero, sizeof(DWORD));
            crash_and_winedbg(hkey, test_exe);
            restore_value(hkeyWinedbg, &crash_dlg_value);
            ok(0, "Couldn't access WineDbg Key - error %u\n", ret);

    if (winetest_interactive)
        /* Since the debugging process never sets the debug event, it isn't recognized
           as a valid debugger and, after the debugger exits, Windows will show a dialog box
           asking the user what to do */
        crash_and_debug(hkey, test_exe, "dbg,none");
        skip("\"none\" debugger test needs user interaction\n");
    if (disposition == REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY)
        win_skip("'dbg,event,order' test doesn't finish on Win9x/WinMe\n");
        crash_and_debug(hkey, test_exe, "dbg,event,order");
    crash_and_debug(hkey, test_exe, "dbg,attach,event,code2");
    if (pDebugSetProcessKillOnExit)
        crash_and_debug(hkey, test_exe, "dbg,attach,event,nokill");
        win_skip("DebugSetProcessKillOnExit is not available\n");
    if (pDebugActiveProcessStop)
        crash_and_debug(hkey, test_exe, "dbg,attach,event,detach");
        win_skip("DebugActiveProcessStop is not available\n");

    if (disposition == REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY)
        RegDeleteKeyA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, AeDebug);
        restore_value(hkey, &auto_value);
        restore_value(hkey, &debugger_value);
static void test_legacy_filter_registration(void)
    IFilterMapper2 *pMapper2 = NULL;
    IFilterMapper *pMapper = NULL;
    HRESULT hr;
    static const WCHAR wszFilterName[] = {'T', 'e', 's', 't', 'f', 'i', 'l', 't', 'e', 'r', 0 };
    static const CHAR szFilterName[] = "Testfilter";
    static const WCHAR wszPinName[] = {'P', 'i', 'n', '1', 0 };
    CLSID clsidFilter;
    CHAR szRegKey[MAX_PATH];
    static const CHAR szClsid[] = "CLSID";
    WCHAR wszGuidstring[MAX_PATH];
    CHAR szGuidstring[MAX_PATH];
    LONG lRet;
    HKEY hKey = NULL;
    IEnumMoniker *pEnum = NULL;
    BOOL found;
    IEnumRegFilters *pRegEnum = NULL;

    /* Test if legacy filter registration scheme works (filter is added to HKCR\Filter). IFilterMapper_RegisterFilter
     * registers in this way. Filters so registered must then be accessible through both IFilterMapper_EnumMatchingFilters
     * and IFilterMapper2_EnumMatchingFilters. */
    hr = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_FilterMapper2, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
            &IID_IFilterMapper2, (LPVOID*)&pMapper2);
    ok(hr == S_OK, "CoCreateInstance failed with %x\n", hr);
    if (FAILED(hr)) goto out;

    hr = IFilterMapper2_QueryInterface(pMapper2, &IID_IFilterMapper, (void **)&pMapper);
    ok(hr == S_OK, "IFilterMapper2_QueryInterface failed with %x\n", hr);
    if (FAILED(hr)) goto out;

    /* Register a test filter. */
    hr = CoCreateGuid(&clsidFilter);
    ok(hr == S_OK, "CoCreateGuid failed with %x\n", hr);

    lRet = StringFromGUID2(&clsidFilter, wszGuidstring, MAX_PATH);
    ok(lRet > 0, "StringFromGUID2 failed\n");
    if (!lRet) goto out;
    WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wszGuidstring, -1, szGuidstring, MAX_PATH, 0, 0);

    lstrcpyA(szRegKey, szClsid);
    lstrcatA(szRegKey, "\\");
    lstrcatA(szRegKey, szGuidstring);

    /* Register---- functions need a filter class key to write pin and pin media type data to. Create a bogus
     * class key for it. */
    if (lRet == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)
        skip("Not authorized to register filters\n");
        ok(lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS, "RegCreateKeyExA failed with %x\n", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lRet));

        /* Set default value - this is interpreted as "friendly name" later. */
        lRet = RegSetValueExA(hKey, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)szFilterName, lstrlenA(szFilterName) + 1);
        ok(lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS, "RegSetValueExA failed with %x\n", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lRet));

        if (hKey) RegCloseKey(hKey);
        hKey = NULL;

        hr = IFilterMapper_RegisterFilter(pMapper, clsidFilter, wszFilterName, MERIT_UNLIKELY);
        ok(hr == S_OK, "IFilterMapper_RegisterFilter failed with %x\n", hr);

        hr = IFilterMapper_RegisterPin(pMapper, clsidFilter, wszPinName, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, GUID_NULL, NULL);
        ok(hr == S_OK, "IFilterMapper_RegisterPin failed with %x\n", hr);

        hr = IFilterMapper_RegisterPinType(pMapper, clsidFilter, wszPinName, GUID_NULL, GUID_NULL);
        ok(hr == S_OK, "IFilterMapper_RegisterPinType failed with %x\n", hr);

        hr = IFilterMapper2_EnumMatchingFilters(pMapper2, &pEnum, 0, TRUE, MERIT_UNLIKELY, TRUE,
                0, NULL, NULL, &GUID_NULL, FALSE, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &GUID_NULL);
        ok(hr == S_OK, "IFilterMapper2_EnumMatchingFilters failed with %x\n", hr);
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pEnum)
            found = enum_find_filter(wszFilterName, pEnum);
            ok(found, "IFilterMapper2_EnumMatchingFilters failed to return the test filter\n");

        if (pEnum) IEnumMoniker_Release(pEnum);
        pEnum = NULL;

        found = FALSE;
        hr = IFilterMapper_EnumMatchingFilters(pMapper, &pRegEnum, MERIT_UNLIKELY, TRUE, GUID_NULL, GUID_NULL,
        ok(hr == S_OK, "IFilterMapper_EnumMatchingFilters failed with %x\n", hr);
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pRegEnum)
            ULONG cFetched;
            REGFILTER *prgf;

            while(!found && IEnumRegFilters_Next(pRegEnum, 1, &prgf, &cFetched) == S_OK)
                CHAR val[512];

                WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, prgf->Name, -1, val, sizeof(val), 0, 0);
                if (!lstrcmpA(val, szFilterName)) found = TRUE;


        ok(found, "IFilterMapper_EnumMatchingFilters failed to return the test filter\n");

        hr = IFilterMapper_UnregisterFilter(pMapper, clsidFilter);
        ok(hr == S_OK, "FilterMapper_UnregisterFilter failed with %x\n", hr);

        lRet = RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szClsid, 0, KEY_WRITE | DELETE, &hKey);
        ok(lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS, "RegOpenKeyExA failed with %x\n", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lRet));

        lRet = RegDeleteKeyA(hKey, szGuidstring);
        ok(lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS, "RegDeleteKeyA failed with %x\n", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lRet));

    if (hKey) RegCloseKey(hKey);
    hKey = NULL;


    if (pMapper) IFilterMapper_Release(pMapper);
    if (pMapper2) IFilterMapper2_Release(pMapper2);
 *           VxDCall_VMM
static DWORD VxDCall_VMM( DWORD service, CONTEXT86 *context )
    switch ( LOWORD(service) )
    case 0x0011:  /* RegOpenKey */
        HKEY    hkey       = (HKEY)  stack32_pop( context );
        LPCSTR  lpszSubKey = (LPCSTR)stack32_pop( context );
        LPHKEY  retkey     = (LPHKEY)stack32_pop( context );
        return RegOpenKeyA( hkey, lpszSubKey, retkey );

    case 0x0012:  /* RegCreateKey */
        HKEY    hkey       = (HKEY)  stack32_pop( context );
        LPCSTR  lpszSubKey = (LPCSTR)stack32_pop( context );
        LPHKEY  retkey     = (LPHKEY)stack32_pop( context );
        return RegCreateKeyA( hkey, lpszSubKey, retkey );

    case 0x0013:  /* RegCloseKey */
        HKEY    hkey       = (HKEY)stack32_pop( context );
        return RegCloseKey( hkey );

    case 0x0014:  /* RegDeleteKey */
        HKEY    hkey       = (HKEY)  stack32_pop( context );
        LPCSTR  lpszSubKey = (LPCSTR)stack32_pop( context );
        return RegDeleteKeyA( hkey, lpszSubKey );

    case 0x0015:  /* RegSetValue */
        HKEY    hkey       = (HKEY)  stack32_pop( context );
        LPCSTR  lpszSubKey = (LPCSTR)stack32_pop( context );
        DWORD   dwType     = (DWORD) stack32_pop( context );
        LPCSTR  lpszData   = (LPCSTR)stack32_pop( context );
        DWORD   cbData     = (DWORD) stack32_pop( context );
        return RegSetValueA( hkey, lpszSubKey, dwType, lpszData, cbData );

    case 0x0016:  /* RegDeleteValue */
        HKEY    hkey       = (HKEY) stack32_pop( context );
        LPSTR   lpszValue  = (LPSTR)stack32_pop( context );
        return RegDeleteValueA( hkey, lpszValue );

    case 0x0017:  /* RegQueryValue */
        HKEY    hkey       = (HKEY)   stack32_pop( context );
        LPSTR   lpszSubKey = (LPSTR)  stack32_pop( context );
        LPSTR   lpszData   = (LPSTR)  stack32_pop( context );
        LPDWORD lpcbData   = (LPDWORD)stack32_pop( context );
        return RegQueryValueA( hkey, lpszSubKey, lpszData, lpcbData );

    case 0x0018:  /* RegEnumKey */
        HKEY    hkey       = (HKEY) stack32_pop( context );
        DWORD   iSubkey    = (DWORD)stack32_pop( context );
        LPSTR   lpszName   = (LPSTR)stack32_pop( context );
        DWORD   lpcchName  = (DWORD)stack32_pop( context );
        return RegEnumKeyA( hkey, iSubkey, lpszName, lpcchName );

    case 0x0019:  /* RegEnumValue */
        HKEY    hkey       = (HKEY)   stack32_pop( context );
        DWORD   iValue     = (DWORD)  stack32_pop( context );
        LPSTR   lpszValue  = (LPSTR)  stack32_pop( context );
        LPDWORD lpcchValue = (LPDWORD)stack32_pop( context );
        LPDWORD lpReserved = (LPDWORD)stack32_pop( context );
        LPDWORD lpdwType   = (LPDWORD)stack32_pop( context );
        LPBYTE  lpbData    = (LPBYTE) stack32_pop( context );
        LPDWORD lpcbData   = (LPDWORD)stack32_pop( context );
        return RegEnumValueA( hkey, iValue, lpszValue, lpcchValue,
                              lpReserved, lpdwType, lpbData, lpcbData );

    case 0x001A:  /* RegQueryValueEx */
        HKEY    hkey       = (HKEY)   stack32_pop( context );
        LPSTR   lpszValue  = (LPSTR)  stack32_pop( context );
        LPDWORD lpReserved = (LPDWORD)stack32_pop( context );
        LPDWORD lpdwType   = (LPDWORD)stack32_pop( context );
        LPBYTE  lpbData    = (LPBYTE) stack32_pop( context );
        LPDWORD lpcbData   = (LPDWORD)stack32_pop( context );
        return RegQueryValueExA( hkey, lpszValue, lpReserved,
                                 lpdwType, lpbData, lpcbData );

    case 0x001B:  /* RegSetValueEx */
        HKEY    hkey       = (HKEY)  stack32_pop( context );
        LPSTR   lpszValue  = (LPSTR) stack32_pop( context );
        DWORD   dwReserved = (DWORD) stack32_pop( context );
        DWORD   dwType     = (DWORD) stack32_pop( context );
        LPBYTE  lpbData    = (LPBYTE)stack32_pop( context );
        DWORD   cbData     = (DWORD) stack32_pop( context );
        return RegSetValueExA( hkey, lpszValue, dwReserved,
                               dwType, lpbData, cbData );

    case 0x001C:  /* RegFlushKey */
        HKEY    hkey       = (HKEY)stack32_pop( context );
        return RtlNtStatusToDosError (NtFlushKey (hkey));

    case 0x001D:  /* RegQueryInfoKey */
        /* NOTE: This VxDCall takes only a subset of the parameters that the
                 corresponding Win32 API call does. The implementation in Win95
                 ADVAPI32 sets all output parameters not mentioned here to zero. */

        HKEY    hkey              = (HKEY)   stack32_pop( context );
        LPDWORD lpcSubKeys        = (LPDWORD)stack32_pop( context );
        LPDWORD lpcchMaxSubKey    = (LPDWORD)stack32_pop( context );
        LPDWORD lpcValues         = (LPDWORD)stack32_pop( context );
        LPDWORD lpcchMaxValueName = (LPDWORD)stack32_pop( context );
        LPDWORD lpcchMaxValueData = (LPDWORD)stack32_pop( context );
        return RegQueryInfoKeyA( hkey, NULL, NULL, NULL, lpcSubKeys, lpcchMaxSubKey,
                                 NULL, lpcValues, lpcchMaxValueName, lpcchMaxValueData,
                                 NULL, NULL );

    case 0x0021:  /* RegLoadKey */
        HKEY    hkey       = (HKEY)  stack32_pop( context );
        LPCSTR  lpszSubKey = (LPCSTR)stack32_pop( context );
        LPCSTR  lpszFile   = (LPCSTR)stack32_pop( context );
        return RegLoadKeyA( hkey, lpszSubKey, lpszFile );

    case 0x0022:  /* RegUnLoadKey */
        HKEY    hkey       = (HKEY)  stack32_pop( context );
        LPCSTR  lpszSubKey = (LPCSTR)stack32_pop( context );
        FIXME ("(%p, %s): stub (should call NtUnloadKey)\n",
               (void *)hkey, lpszSubKey);
        return ERROR_SUCCESS;

    case 0x0023:  /* RegSaveKey */
        HKEY    hkey       = (HKEY)  stack32_pop( context );
        LPCSTR  lpszFile   = (LPCSTR)stack32_pop( context );
        LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa = (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)stack32_pop( context );
        return RegSaveKeyA( hkey, lpszFile, sa );

#if 0 /* Functions are not yet implemented in misc/registry.c */
    case 0x0024:  /* RegRemapPreDefKey */
    case 0x0026:  /* RegQueryMultipleValues */

    case 0x0027:  /* RegReplaceKey */
        HKEY    hkey       = (HKEY)  stack32_pop( context );
        LPCSTR  lpszSubKey = (LPCSTR)stack32_pop( context );
        LPCSTR  lpszNewFile= (LPCSTR)stack32_pop( context );
        LPCSTR  lpszOldFile= (LPCSTR)stack32_pop( context );
        FIXME ("(%p, %s, %s, %s): stub (should call NtReplaceKey)\n",
               (void *)hkey, lpszSubKey, lpszNewFile, lpszOldFile);
        return ERROR_SUCCESS;
    case 0x0000: /* PageReserve */
	LPVOID address;
	LPVOID ret;
	DWORD psize = getpagesize();
	ULONG page   = (ULONG) stack32_pop( context );
	ULONG npages = (ULONG) stack32_pop( context );
	ULONG flags  = (ULONG) stack32_pop( context );

	TRACE("PageReserve: page: %08lx, npages: %08lx, flags: %08lx partial stub!\n",
	      page, npages, flags );

	if ( page == PR_SYSTEM ) {
	  ERR("Can't reserve ring 1 memory\n");
	  return -1;
	/* FIXME: This has to be handled separately for the separate
	   address-spaces we now have */
	if ( page == PR_PRIVATE || page == PR_SHARED ) page = 0;
	/* FIXME: Handle flags in some way */
	address = (LPVOID )(page * psize);
	ret = VirtualAlloc ( address, ( npages * psize ), MEM_RESERVE, 0 );
	TRACE("PageReserve: returning: %08lx\n", (DWORD )ret );
	if ( ret == NULL )
	  return -1;
	  return (DWORD )ret;

    case 0x0001: /* PageCommit */
	LPVOID address;
	LPVOID ret;
	DWORD virt_perm;
	DWORD psize = getpagesize();
	ULONG page   = (ULONG) stack32_pop( context );
	ULONG npages = (ULONG) stack32_pop( context );
	ULONG hpd  = (ULONG) stack32_pop( context );
	ULONG pagerdata   = (ULONG) stack32_pop( context );
	ULONG flags  = (ULONG) stack32_pop( context );

	TRACE("PageCommit: page: %08lx, npages: %08lx, hpd: %08lx pagerdata: "
	      "%08lx, flags: %08lx partial stub\n",
	      page, npages, hpd, pagerdata, flags );

	if ( flags & PC_USER )
	  if ( flags & PC_WRITEABLE )
	    virt_perm = PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE;
	    virt_perm = PAGE_EXECUTE_READ;
	  virt_perm = PAGE_NOACCESS;

	address = (LPVOID )(page * psize);
	ret = VirtualAlloc ( address, ( npages * psize ), MEM_COMMIT, virt_perm );
	TRACE("PageCommit: Returning: %08lx\n", (DWORD )ret );
	return (DWORD )ret;

    case 0x0002: /* PageDecommit */
	LPVOID address;
	BOOL ret;
	DWORD psize = getpagesize();
	ULONG page = (ULONG) stack32_pop( context );
	ULONG npages = (ULONG) stack32_pop( context );
	ULONG flags = (ULONG) stack32_pop( context );

	TRACE("PageDecommit: page: %08lx, npages: %08lx, flags: %08lx partial stub\n",
	      page, npages, flags );
	address = (LPVOID )( page * psize );
	ret = VirtualFree ( address, ( npages * psize ), MEM_DECOMMIT );
	TRACE("PageDecommit: Returning: %s\n", ret ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" );
	return ret;
    case 0x000d: /* PageModifyPermissions */
	DWORD pg_old_perm;
	DWORD pg_new_perm;
	DWORD virt_old_perm;
	DWORD virt_new_perm;
	LPVOID address;
	DWORD psize = getpagesize();
	ULONG page = stack32_pop ( context );
	ULONG npages = stack32_pop ( context );
	ULONG permand = stack32_pop ( context );
	ULONG permor = stack32_pop ( context );

	TRACE("PageModifyPermissions %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx partial stub\n",
	      page, npages, permand, permor );
	address = (LPVOID )( page * psize );

	VirtualQuery ( address, &mbi, sizeof ( MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION ));
	virt_old_perm = mbi.Protect;

	switch ( virt_old_perm & mbi.Protect ) {
	  pg_old_perm = PC_USER;
	  pg_old_perm = PC_USER | PC_WRITEABLE;
	  pg_old_perm = 0;
	pg_new_perm = pg_old_perm;
	pg_new_perm &= permand & ~PC_STATIC;
	pg_new_perm |= permor  & ~PC_STATIC;

	virt_new_perm = ( virt_old_perm )  & ~0xff;
	if ( pg_new_perm & PC_USER )
	  if ( pg_new_perm & PC_WRITEABLE )
	    virt_new_perm |= PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE;
	    virt_new_perm |= PAGE_EXECUTE_READ;

	if ( ! VirtualProtect ( address, ( npages * psize ), virt_new_perm, &virt_old_perm ) ) {
	  ERR("Can't change page permissions for %08lx\n", (DWORD )address );
	  return 0xffffffff;
	TRACE("Returning: %08lx\n", pg_old_perm );
	return pg_old_perm;
    case 0x000a: /* PageFree */
	BOOL ret;
	LPVOID hmem = (LPVOID) stack32_pop( context );
	DWORD flags = (DWORD ) stack32_pop( context );

	TRACE("PageFree: hmem: %08lx, flags: %08lx partial stub\n",
	      (DWORD )hmem, flags );

	ret = VirtualFree ( hmem, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
	context->Eax = ret;
	TRACE("Returning: %d\n", ret );

	return 0;
    case 0x001e: /* GetDemandPageInfo */
	 DWORD dinfo = (DWORD)stack32_pop( context );
         DWORD flags = (DWORD)stack32_pop( context );

	 /* GetDemandPageInfo is supposed to fill out the struct at
          * "dinfo" with various low-level memory management information.
          * Apps are certainly not supposed to call this, although it's
          * demoed and documented by Pietrek on pages 441-443 of "Windows
          * 95 System Programming Secrets" if any program needs a real
          * implementation of this.

	 FIXME("GetDemandPageInfo(%08lx %08lx): stub!\n", dinfo, flags);

	 return 0;
        if (LOWORD(service) < N_VMM_SERVICE)
            FIXME( "Unimplemented service %s (%08lx)\n",
                          VMM_Service_Name[LOWORD(service)], service);
            FIXME( "Unknown service %08lx\n", service);

    return 0xffffffff;  /* FIXME */
文件: reg.c 项目: andrei1489/wine
static void test_add(void)
    HKEY hkey, subkey;
    LONG err;
    DWORD r, dword, type, size;
    char buffer[22];

    run_reg_exe("reg add", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE, "got exit code %d, expected 1\n", r);

    run_reg_exe("reg add /?", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);

    err = RegDeleteKeyA(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, KEY_BASE);
    ok(err == ERROR_SUCCESS || err == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "got %d\n", err);

    err = RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, KEY_BASE, 0, KEY_READ, &hkey);
    ok(err == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "got %d\n", err);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);

    err = RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, KEY_BASE, 0, KEY_READ, &hkey);
    ok(err == ERROR_SUCCESS, "key creation failed, got %d\n", err);

    /* Test empty type */
    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v emptyType /t \"\" /d WineTest /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE, "got exit code %u\n", r);

    /* Test input key formats */
    run_reg_exe("reg add \\HKCU\\" KEY_BASE "\\keytest0 /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE, "got exit code %u\n", r);
    err = RegDeleteKeyA(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, KEY_BASE "\\keytest0");
    ok(err == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "got exit code %d\n", r);

    run_reg_exe("reg add \\\\HKCU\\" KEY_BASE "\\keytest1 /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE, "got exit code %u\n", r);
    err = RegDeleteKeyA(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, KEY_BASE "\\keytest1");
    ok(err == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "got exit code %d\n", r);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE "\\keytest2\\\\ /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE || broken(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS /* WinXP */),
        "got exit code %u\n", r);
    err = RegDeleteKeyA(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, KEY_BASE "\\keytest2");
    ok(err == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND || broken(err == ERROR_SUCCESS /* WinXP */),
        "got exit code %d\n", r);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE "\\keytest3\\ /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %u\n", r);
    err = RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, KEY_BASE "\\keytest3", 0, KEY_READ, &subkey);
    ok(err == ERROR_SUCCESS, "key creation failed, got %d\n", err);
    err = RegDeleteKeyA(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, KEY_BASE "\\keytest3");
    ok(err == ERROR_SUCCESS, "got exit code %d\n", r);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE "\\keytest4 /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %u\n", r);
    err = RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, KEY_BASE "\\keytest4", 0, KEY_READ, &subkey);
    ok(err == ERROR_SUCCESS, "key creation failed, got %d\n", err);
    err = RegDeleteKeyA(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, KEY_BASE "\\keytest4");
    ok(err == ERROR_SUCCESS, "got exit code %d\n", r);

    /* REG_NONE */
    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v none0 /d deadbeef /t REG_NONE /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %d\n", r);
    verify_reg(hkey, "none0", REG_NONE, "d\0e\0a\0d\0b\0e\0e\0f\0\0", 18, 0);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v none1 /t REG_NONE /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %u, expected 0\n", r);
    verify_reg(hkey, "none1", REG_NONE, "\0", 2, 0);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /ve /t REG_NONE /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %u, expected 0\n", r);
    verify_reg(hkey, NULL, REG_NONE, "\0", 2, 0);

    /* REG_SZ */
    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /d WineTest /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS || broken(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE /* WinXP */),
       "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);
    if (r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS)
        verify_reg(hkey, "", REG_SZ, "WineTest", 9, 0);
        win_skip("broken reg.exe detected\n");

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v test /d deadbeef /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);
    verify_reg(hkey, "test", REG_SZ, "deadbeef", 9, 0);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v test /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);
    verify_reg(hkey, "test", REG_SZ, "", 1, 0);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v test1 /t REG_SZ /f /d", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE, "got exit code %d, expected 1\n", r);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\" KEY_BASE " /ve /d WineTEST /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);
    verify_reg(hkey, "", REG_SZ, "WineTEST", 9, 0);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /t REG_SZ /v test2 /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);
    verify_reg(hkey, "test2", REG_SZ, "", 1, 0);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /t REG_SZ /v test3 /f /d \"\"", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);
    verify_reg(hkey, "test3", REG_SZ, "", 1, 0);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /ve /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %u, expected 0\n", r);
    verify_reg(hkey, NULL, REG_SZ, "", 1, 0);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /ve /t REG_SZ /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %u, expected 0\n", r);
    verify_reg(hkey, NULL, REG_SZ, "", 1, 0);

    /* REG_EXPAND_SZ */
    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v expand0 /t REG_EXpand_sz /d \"dead%PATH%beef\" /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %u\n", r);
    verify_reg(hkey, "expand0", REG_EXPAND_SZ, "dead%PATH%beef", 15, 0);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v expand1 /t REG_EXpand_sz /d \"dead^%PATH^%beef\" /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %u\n", r);
    verify_reg(hkey, "expand1", REG_EXPAND_SZ, "dead^%PATH^%beef", 17, 0);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /v expand2 /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %u\n", r);
    verify_reg(hkey, "expand2", REG_EXPAND_SZ, "", 1, 0);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\" KEY_BASE " /ve /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d WineTEST /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %u\n", r);
    verify_reg(hkey, "", REG_EXPAND_SZ, "WineTEST", 9, 0);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /v expand3 /f /d \"\"", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %u\n", r);
    verify_reg(hkey, "expand3", REG_EXPAND_SZ, "", 1, 0);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /ve /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %u, expected 0\n", r);
    verify_reg(hkey, NULL, REG_EXPAND_SZ, "", 1, 0);

    /* REG_BINARY */
    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /t REG_BINARY /v bin0 /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %u\n", r);
    verify_reg(hkey, "bin0", REG_BINARY, buffer, 0, 0);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\" KEY_BASE " /ve /t REG_BINARY /d deadbeef /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %u\n", r);
    dword = 0xefbeadde;
    verify_reg(hkey, "", REG_BINARY, &dword, sizeof(DWORD), 0);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /t REG_BINARY /v bin1 /f /d 0xDeAdBeEf", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE, "got exit code %u\n", r);
    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /t REG_BINARY /v bin2 /f /d x01", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE, "got exit code %u\n", r);
    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /t REG_BINARY /v bin3 /f /d 01x", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE, "got exit code %u\n", r);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /t REG_BINARY /v bin4 /f /d DeAdBeEf0DD", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %u\n", r);
    /* Remaining nibble prefixed */
    buffer[0] = 0x0d; buffer[1] = 0xea; buffer[2] = 0xdb;
    buffer[3] = 0xee; buffer[4] = 0xf0; buffer[5] = 0xdd;
    /* Remaining nibble suffixed on winXP */
    buffer[6] = 0xde; buffer[7] = 0xad; buffer[8] = 0xbe;
    buffer[9] = 0xef; buffer[10] = 0x0d; buffer[11] = 0xd0;
    size = 6;
    err = RegQueryValueExA(hkey, "bin4", NULL, &type, (void *) (buffer+12), &size);
    ok(err == ERROR_SUCCESS, "RegQueryValueEx failed: got %d\n", err);
    ok(type == REG_BINARY, "got wrong type %u\n", type);
    ok(size == 6, "got wrong size %u\n", size);
    ok(memcmp(buffer, buffer+12, 6) == 0 ||
        broken(memcmp(buffer+6, buffer+12, 6) == 0 /* WinXP */), "got wrong data\n");

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /t REG_BINARY /v bin5 /d \"\" /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %u\n", r);
    verify_reg(hkey, "bin5", REG_BINARY, buffer, 0, 0);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v bin6 /t REG_BINARY /f /d", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE, "got exit code %d, expected 1\n", r);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /ve /t REG_BINARY /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %u, expected 0\n", r);
    verify_reg(hkey, NULL, REG_BINARY, buffer, 0, 0);

    /* REG_DWORD */
    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /t REG_DWORD /f /d 12345678", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS || broken(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE /* WinXP */),
       "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);
    dword = 12345678;
    if (r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS)
        verify_reg(hkey, "", REG_DWORD, &dword, sizeof(dword), 0);
        win_skip("broken reg.exe detected\n");

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v dword0 /t REG_DWORD /f /d", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE, "got exit code %d, expected 1\n", r);
    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v dword1 /t REG_DWORD /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE || broken(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS /* WinXP */),
       "got exit code %d, expected 1\n", r);
    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v dword2 /t REG_DWORD /d zzz /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE, "got exit code %d, expected 1\n", r);
    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v dword3 /t REG_DWORD /d deadbeef /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE, "got exit code %d, expected 1\n", r);
    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v dword4 /t REG_DWORD /d 123xyz /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE, "got exit code %d, expected 1\n", r);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v dword5 /t reg_dword /d 12345678 /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);
    dword = 12345678;
    verify_reg(hkey, "dword5", REG_DWORD, &dword, sizeof(dword), 0);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v dword6 /t REG_DWORD /D 0123 /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);
    size = sizeof(dword);
    err = RegQueryValueExA(hkey, "dword6", NULL, &type, (LPBYTE)&dword, &size);
    ok(err == ERROR_SUCCESS, "RegQueryValueEx failed: got %d\n", err);
    ok(type == REG_DWORD, "got wrong type %d, expected %d\n", type, REG_DWORD);
    ok(size == sizeof(DWORD), "got wrong size %d, expected %d\n", size, (int)sizeof(DWORD));
    ok(dword == 123 || broken(dword == 0123 /* WinXP */), "got wrong data %d, expected 123\n", dword);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v dword7 /t reg_dword /d 0xabcdefg /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE, "got exit code %d, expected 1\n", r);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v dword8 /t REG_dword /d 0xdeadbeef /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);
    dword = 0xdeadbeef;
    verify_reg(hkey, "dword8", REG_DWORD, &dword, sizeof(dword), 0);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /t REG_DWORD /v dword9 /f /d -1", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE || broken(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS /* WinXP */), "got exit code %u\n", r);
    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /t REG_DWORD /v dword10 /f /d -0x1", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE || broken(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS /* WinXP */), "got exit code %u\n", r);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v dword8 /t REG_dword /d 0x01ffffffff /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE || broken(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS /* WinXP */), "got exit code %d\n", r);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v dword12 /t REG_DWORD /d 0xffffffff /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);
    dword = ~0u;
    verify_reg(hkey, "dword12", REG_DWORD, &dword, sizeof(dword), 0);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v dword13 /t REG_DWORD /d 00x123 /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE, "got exit code %d, expected 1\n", r);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v dword14 /t REG_DWORD /d 0X123 /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);
    dword = 0x123;
    verify_reg(hkey, "dword14", REG_DWORD, &dword, sizeof(dword), 0);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v dword15 /t REG_DWORD /d 4294967296 /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE || broken(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS /* WinXP */), "got exit code %u\n", r);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /ve /t REG_DWORD /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE || broken(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS /* WinXP */), "got exit code %u\n", r);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v DWORD_LE /t REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN /d 456 /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);
    dword = 456;
    verify_reg(hkey, "DWORD_LE", REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN, &dword, sizeof(dword), 0);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v DWORD_BE /t REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN /d 456 /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %u\n", r);
    dword = 456;
    verify_reg(hkey, "DWORD_BE", REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN, &dword, sizeof(dword), 0);
    /* REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN is broken in every version of windows. It behaves like
     * an ordinary REG_DWORD - that is little endian. GG */

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v DWORD_BE2 /t REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN /f /d", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE, "got exit code %u, expected 1\n", r);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v DWORD_BE3 /t REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE || broken(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS /* WinXP */), "got exit code %u\n", r);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /ve /t REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE || broken(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS /* WinXP */), "got exit code %u\n", r);

    /* REG_MULTI_SZ */
    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v multi0 /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d \"three\\0little\\0strings\" /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %u, expected 0\n", r);
    memcpy(buffer, "three\0little\0strings\0", 22);
    verify_reg(hkey, "multi0", REG_MULTI_SZ, buffer, 22, 0);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /t REG_MULTI_SZ /v multi1 /s \"#\" /d \"three#little#strings\" /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %u, expected 0\n", r);
    verify_reg(hkey, "multi1", REG_MULTI_SZ, buffer, 22, 0);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /t REG_MULTI_SZ /v multi2 /d \"\" /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %u, expected 0\n", r);
    verify_reg(hkey, "multi2", REG_MULTI_SZ, &buffer[21], 1, 0);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /t REG_MULTI_SZ /v multi3 /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %u\n", r);
    verify_reg(hkey, "multi3", REG_MULTI_SZ, &buffer[21], 1, 0);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /t REG_MULTI_SZ /v multi4 /s \"#\" /d \"threelittlestrings\" /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %u, expected 0\n", r);
    verify_reg(hkey, "multi4", REG_MULTI_SZ, "threelittlestrings\0", 20, 0);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /t REG_MULTI_SZ /v multi5 /s \"#randomgibberish\" /d \"three#little#strings\" /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE, "got exit code %u\n", r);
    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /t REG_MULTI_SZ /v multi6 /s \"\\0\" /d \"three\\0little\\0strings\" /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE, "got exit code %u\n", r);
    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /t REG_MULTI_SZ /v multi7 /s \"\" /d \"three#little#strings\" /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE, "got exit code %u\n", r);
    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /t REG_MULTI_SZ /v multi8 /s \"#\" /d \"##\" /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE, "got exit code %u\n", r);
    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /t REG_MULTI_SZ /v multi9 /s \"#\" /d \"two##strings\" /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE, "got exit code %u\n", r);
    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /t REG_MULTI_SZ /v multi10 /s \"#\" /d \"#a\" /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE, "got exit code %u\n", r);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /t REG_MULTI_SZ /v multi11 /s \"#\" /d \"a#\" /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %u, expected 0\n", r);
    buffer[0]='a'; buffer[1]=0; buffer[2]=0;
    verify_reg(hkey, "multi11", REG_MULTI_SZ, buffer, 3, 0);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v multi12 /t REG_MULTI_SZ /f /d", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE, "got exit code %d, expected 1\n", r);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v multi13 /t REG_MULTI_SZ /f /s", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE, "got exit code %d, expected 1\n", r);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v multi14 /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d \"\\0a\" /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE, "got exit code %u, expected 1\n", r);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v multi15 /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d \"a\\0\" /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %u, expected 0\n", r);
    verify_reg(hkey, "multi15", REG_MULTI_SZ, buffer, 3, 0);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /t REG_MULTI_SZ /v multi16 /d \"two\\0\\0strings\" /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE, "got exit code %u, expected 1\n", r);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v multi17 /t REG_MULTI_SZ /s \"#\" /d \"#\" /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %u, expected 0\n", r);
    buffer[0] = 0; buffer[1] = 0;
    verify_reg(hkey, "multi17", REG_MULTI_SZ, buffer, 2, 0);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v multi18 /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d \"\\0\" /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %u, expected 0\n", r);
    verify_reg(hkey, "multi18", REG_MULTI_SZ, buffer, 2, 0);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v multi19 /t REG_MULTI_SZ /s \"#\" /d \"two\\0#strings\" /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %u, expected 0\n", r);
    verify_reg(hkey, "multi19", REG_MULTI_SZ, "two\\0\0strings\0", 15, 0);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v multi20 /t REG_MULTI_SZ /s \"#\" /d \"two#\\0strings\" /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %u, expected 0\n", r);
    verify_reg(hkey, "multi20", REG_MULTI_SZ, "two\0\\0strings\0", 15, 0);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v multi21 /t REG_MULTI_SZ /s \"#\" /d \"two\\0\\0strings\" /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %u, expected 0\n", r);
    verify_reg(hkey, "multi21", REG_MULTI_SZ, "two\\0\\0strings\0", 16, 0);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /ve /t REG_MULTI_SZ /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %u, expected 0\n", r);
    verify_reg(hkey, NULL, REG_MULTI_SZ, buffer, 1, 0);


    /* Test duplicate switches */
    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v dup1 /t REG_DWORD /d 123 /f /t REG_SZ", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE || broken(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS /* WinXP */),
       "got exit code %u, expected 1\n", r);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v dup2 /t REG_DWORD /d 123 /f /d 456", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE, "got exit code %u, expected 1\n", r);

    /* Test invalid switches */
    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v invalid1 /a", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE, "got exit code %u, expected 1\n", r);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v invalid2 /ae", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE, "got exit code %u, expected 1\n", r);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v invalid3 /", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE, "got exit code %u, expected 1\n", r);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v invalid4 -", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE, "got exit code %u, expected 1\n", r);

    err = RegDeleteKeyA(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, KEY_BASE);
    ok(err == ERROR_SUCCESS, "got %d\n", err);
    HANDLE hReg,
    HKEY hUsers,
    long long PreviousRun,
    long long Now,
    DWORD dwError = 0;
    HKEY hKey = NULL;
    USER_MONITOR_PASSWD old = { 0 };
    DWORD dwNow = Now;
    PSTR pEncodedUser = NULL;

    dwError = LwURLEncodeString(

    dwError = RegOpenKeyExA(
        UMN_LOG_INFO("Adding user '%s' (uid %d)",
                        pUser->userInfo.pszUnixName, pUser->userInfo.uid);

        dwError = RegCreateKeyExA(

        dwError = UmnSrvWriteADUserValues(
        if (dwError == ERROR_NO_UNICODE_TRANSLATION)
            UMN_LOG_ERROR("Ignoring user with URL encoding %s because one of their fields has no UCS-2 representation", pEncodedUser);

            // Delete the key so it does not show up with blank values next
            // time.
            dwError = RegCloseKey(
            hKey = NULL;

            dwError = RegDeleteKeyA(


        dwError = UmnSrvWriteADUserEvent(

        dwError = UmnSrvReadUser(
                        "AD Users",

        if (strcmp((pUser->userInfo.pszPasswd ?
                        pUser->userInfo.pszPasswd : "x"),
                    old.pw_passwd) ||
                pUser->userInfo.uid != old.pw_uid ||
                pUser->userInfo.gid != old.pw_gid ||
                !UmnSrvStringsEqual(pUser->userInfo.pszGecos, old.pw_gecos) ||
                !UmnSrvStringsEqual(pUser->userInfo.pszHomedir, old.pw_dir) ||
                !UmnSrvStringsEqual(pUser->userInfo.pszShell, old.pw_shell) ||
            UMN_LOG_INFO("User '%s' (uid %d) changed",
                            pUser->userInfo.pszUnixName, pUser->userInfo.uid);
            dwError = UmnSrvWriteADUserValues(

            dwError = UmnSrvWriteADUserEvent(

    dwError = RegSetValueExA(

    if (hKey)
    return dwError;
    goto cleanup;
文件: oid.c 项目: austin987/wine
static void test_registerOIDFunction(void)
    BOOL ret;

    /* oddly, this succeeds under WinXP; the function name key is merely
     * omitted.  This may be a side effect of the registry code, I don't know.
     * I don't check it because I doubt anyone would depend on it.
    ret = CryptRegisterOIDFunction(X509_ASN_ENCODING, NULL,
     "", bogusDll, NULL);
    /* On windows XP, GetLastError is incorrectly being set with an HRESULT,
    ret = CryptRegisterOIDFunction(X509_ASN_ENCODING, "foo", NULL, bogusDll,
    ok(!ret && GetLastError() == E_INVALIDARG,
     "Expected E_INVALIDARG: %d\n", GetLastError());
    /* This has no effect, but "succeeds" on XP */
    ret = CryptRegisterOIDFunction(X509_ASN_ENCODING, "foo",
     "", NULL, NULL);
    ok(ret, "Expected pseudo-success, got %d\n", GetLastError());
    ret = CryptRegisterOIDFunction(X509_ASN_ENCODING, "CryptDllEncodeObject",
     "", bogusDll, NULL);
    if (!ret && GetLastError() == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)
        skip("Need admin rights\n");
    ok(ret, "CryptRegisterOIDFunction failed: %d\n", GetLastError());
    ret = CryptUnregisterOIDFunction(X509_ASN_ENCODING, "CryptDllEncodeObject",
    ok(ret, "CryptUnregisterOIDFunction failed: %d\n", GetLastError());
    ret = CryptRegisterOIDFunction(X509_ASN_ENCODING, "bogus",
     "", bogusDll, NULL);
    ok(ret, "CryptRegisterOIDFunction failed: %d\n", GetLastError());
    ret = CryptUnregisterOIDFunction(X509_ASN_ENCODING, "bogus",
    ok(ret, "CryptUnregisterOIDFunction failed: %d\n", GetLastError());
    /* Unwanted Cryptography\OID\EncodingType 1\bogus\ will still be there */
     "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Cryptography\\OID\\EncodingType 1\\bogus"),
     "Could not delete bogus key\n");
    /* Shouldn't have effect but registry keys are created */
    ret = CryptRegisterOIDFunction(PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, "CryptDllEncodeObject",
     "", bogusDll, NULL);
    ok(ret, "CryptRegisterOIDFunction failed: %d\n", GetLastError());
    ret = CryptUnregisterOIDFunction(PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, "CryptDllEncodeObject",
    ok(ret, "CryptUnregisterOIDFunction failed: %d\n", GetLastError());
    /* Check with bogus encoding type. Registry keys are still created */
    ret = CryptRegisterOIDFunction(0, "CryptDllEncodeObject",
     "", bogusDll, NULL);
    ok(ret, "CryptRegisterOIDFunction failed: %d\n", GetLastError());
    ret = CryptUnregisterOIDFunction(0, "CryptDllEncodeObject",
    ok(ret, "CryptUnregisterOIDFunction failed: %d\n", GetLastError());
    /* Unwanted Cryptography\OID\EncodingType 0\CryptDllEncodeObject\
     * will still be there
     "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Cryptography\\OID\\EncodingType 0\\CryptDllEncodeObject"),
     "Could not delete CryptDllEncodeObject key\n");
    /* This is written with value 3 verbatim.  Thus, the encoding type isn't
     * (for now) treated as a mask. Registry keys are created.
    ret = CryptRegisterOIDFunction(3, "CryptDllEncodeObject",
     "", bogusDll, NULL);
    ok(ret, "CryptRegisterOIDFunction failed: %d\n", GetLastError());
    ret = CryptUnregisterOIDFunction(3, "CryptDllEncodeObject",
    ok(ret, "CryptUnregisterOIDFunction failed: %d\n", GetLastError());
    /* Unwanted Cryptography\OID\EncodingType 3\CryptDllEncodeObject
     * will still be there.
     "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Cryptography\\OID\\EncodingType 3\\CryptDllEncodeObject"),
     "Could not delete CryptDllEncodeObject key\n");
     "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Cryptography\\OID\\EncodingType 3"),
     "Could not delete 'EncodingType 3' key\n");
文件: reg.c 项目: andrei1489/wine
static void test_query(void)
    DWORD r;
    HKEY key, subkey;
    LONG err;
    const char hello[] = "Hello";
    const char world[] = "World";
    const char empty1[] = "Empty1";
    const char empty2[] = "Empty2";
    const DWORD dword1 = 0x123;
    const DWORD dword2 = 0xabc;

    run_reg_exe("reg query", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE, "got exit code %d, expected 1\n", r);

    run_reg_exe("reg query /?", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);

    /* Create a test key */
    ok(err == ERROR_SUCCESS, "got %d, expected 0\n", err);

    run_reg_exe("reg query HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /ve", &r);
    todo_wine ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS || broken(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE /* WinXP */),
       "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);

    err = RegSetValueExA(key, "Test", 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)hello, sizeof(hello));
    ok(err == ERROR_SUCCESS, "got %d, expected 0\n", err);

    err = RegSetValueExA(key, "Wine", 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE *)&dword1, sizeof(dword1));
    ok(err == ERROR_SUCCESS, "got %d, expected 0\n", err);

    err = RegSetValueExA(key, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)empty1, sizeof(empty1));
    ok(err == ERROR_SUCCESS, "got %d, expected 0\n", err);

    run_reg_exe("reg query HKCU\\" KEY_BASE, &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);

    run_reg_exe("reg query HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE, "got exit code %d, expected 1\n", r);

    run_reg_exe("reg query HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v Missing", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE, "got exit code %d, expected 1\n", r);

    run_reg_exe("reg query HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v Test", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);

    run_reg_exe("reg query HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v Wine", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);

    run_reg_exe("reg query HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /ve", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);

    /* Create a test subkey */
    err = RegCreateKeyExA(key, "Subkey", 0, NULL, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &subkey, NULL);
    ok(err == ERROR_SUCCESS, "got %d\n", err);

    err = RegSetValueExA(subkey, "Test", 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)world, sizeof(world));
    ok(err == ERROR_SUCCESS, "got %d, expected 0\n", err);

    err = RegSetValueExA(subkey, "Wine", 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE *)&dword2, sizeof(dword2));
    ok(err == ERROR_SUCCESS, "got %d, expected 0\n", err);

    err = RegSetValueExA(subkey, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)empty2, sizeof(empty2));
    ok(err == ERROR_SUCCESS, "got %d, expected 0\n", err);

    err = RegCloseKey(subkey);
    ok(err == ERROR_SUCCESS, "got %d, expected 0\n", err);

    run_reg_exe("reg query HKCU\\" KEY_BASE "\\subkey", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);

    run_reg_exe("reg query HKCU\\" KEY_BASE "\\subkey /v Test", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);

    run_reg_exe("reg query HKCU\\" KEY_BASE "\\subkey /v Wine", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);

    run_reg_exe("reg query HKCU\\" KEY_BASE "\\subkey /ve", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);

    /* Test recursion */
    run_reg_exe("reg query HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /s", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);

    run_reg_exe("reg query HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v Test /s", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS || r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE /* WinXP */,
       "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);

    run_reg_exe("reg query HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v Wine /s", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS || r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE /* WinXP */,
       "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);

    run_reg_exe("reg query HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /ve /s", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS || r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE /* WinXP */,
       "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);

    /* Clean-up, then query */
    err = RegDeleteKeyA(key, "subkey");
    ok(err == ERROR_SUCCESS, "got %d, expected 0\n", err);

    err = RegCloseKey(key);
    ok(err == ERROR_SUCCESS, "got %d, expected 0\n", err);

    run_reg_exe("reg query HKCU\\" KEY_BASE "\\subkey", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE, "got exit code %d, expected 1\n", r);

    err = RegDeleteKeyA(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, KEY_BASE);
    ok(err == ERROR_SUCCESS, "got %d, expected 0\n", err);

    run_reg_exe("reg query HKCU\\" KEY_BASE, &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE, "got exit code %d, expected 1\n", r);
文件: reg.c 项目: Dietr1ch/wine
static void test_add(void)
    HKEY hkey;
    LONG err;
    DWORD r, dword, type, size;

    run_reg_exe("reg add", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE, "got exit code %d, expected 1\n", r);

    err = RegDeleteKeyA(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, KEY_BASE);
    ok(err == ERROR_SUCCESS || err == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "got %d\n", err);

    err = RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, KEY_BASE, 0, KEY_READ, &hkey);
    ok(err == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "got %d\n", err);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);

    err = RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, KEY_BASE, 0, KEY_READ, &hkey);
    ok(err == ERROR_SUCCESS, "key creation failed, got %d\n", err);

    /* REG_SZ */
    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /d WineTest /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS || broken(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE /* WinXP */),
       "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);
    if (r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS)
        verify_reg(hkey, "", REG_SZ, "WineTest", 9, 0);
        win_skip("broken reg.exe detected\n");

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v test /d deadbeef /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);
    verify_reg(hkey, "test", REG_SZ, "deadbeef", 9, 0);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v test /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);
    verify_reg(hkey, "test", REG_SZ, "", 1, TODO_REG_SIZE);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\" KEY_BASE " /ve /d WineTEST /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);
    verify_reg(hkey, "", REG_SZ, "WineTEST", 9, 0);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /t REG_SZ /v test2 /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);
    verify_reg(hkey, "test2", REG_SZ, "", 1, TODO_REG_SIZE);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /t REG_SZ /v test3 /f /d \"\"", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);
    verify_reg(hkey, "test3", REG_SZ, "", 1, 0);

    /* REG_DWORD */
    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /t REG_DWORD /f /d 12345678", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS || broken(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE /* WinXP */),
       "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);
    dword = 12345678;
    if (r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS)
        verify_reg(hkey, "", REG_DWORD, &dword, sizeof(dword), 0);
        win_skip("broken reg.exe detected\n");

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v dword1 /t REG_DWORD /f", &r);
    todo_wine ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE || broken(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS /* WinXP */),
       "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);
    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v dword2 /t REG_DWORD /d zzz /f", &r);
    todo_wine ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE, "got exit code %d, expected 1\n", r);
    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v dword3 /t REG_DWORD /d deadbeef /f", &r);
    todo_wine ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE, "got exit code %d, expected 1\n", r);
    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v dword4 /t REG_DWORD /d 123xyz /f", &r);
    todo_wine ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE, "got exit code %d, expected 1\n", r);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v dword5 /t reg_dword /d 12345678 /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);
    dword = 12345678;
    verify_reg(hkey, "dword5", REG_DWORD, &dword, sizeof(dword), 0);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v dword6 /t REG_DWORD /D 0123 /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);
    size = sizeof(dword);
    err = RegQueryValueExA(hkey, "dword6", NULL, &type, (LPBYTE)&dword, &size);
    ok(err == ERROR_SUCCESS, "RegQueryValueEx failed: got %d\n", err);
    ok(type == REG_DWORD, "got wrong type %d, expected %d\n", type, REG_DWORD);
    ok(size == sizeof(DWORD), "got wrong size %d, expected %d\n", size, (int)sizeof(DWORD));
    todo_wine ok(dword == 123 || broken(dword == 0123 /* WinXP */),
                 "got wrong data %d, expected %d\n", dword, 123);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v dword7 /t reg_dword /d 0xabcdefg /f", &r);
    todo_wine ok(r == REG_EXIT_FAILURE, "got exit code %d, expected 1\n", r);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v dword8 /t REG_dword /d 0xdeadbeef /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);
    dword = 0xdeadbeef;
    verify_reg(hkey, "dword8", REG_DWORD, &dword, sizeof(dword),
               (sizeof(long) > sizeof(DWORD)) ? 0 : TODO_REG_DATA);

    run_reg_exe("reg add HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /v DWORD_LE /t REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN /d 456 /f", &r);
    ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);
    dword = 456;
    verify_reg(hkey, "DWORD_LE", REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN, &dword, sizeof(dword), 0);


    err = RegDeleteKeyA(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, KEY_BASE);
    ok(err == ERROR_SUCCESS, "got %d\n", err);
static void setperusersecvalues_test(void)
    HRESULT hr;
    HKEY guid;

    lstrcpyA(peruser.szDispName, "displayname");
    lstrcpyA(peruser.szLocale, "locale");
    lstrcpyA(peruser.szStub, "stub");
    lstrcpyA(peruser.szVersion, "1,1,1,1");
    lstrcpyA(peruser.szCompID, "compid");
    peruser.dwIsInstalled = 1;
    peruser.bRollback = FALSE;

    /* try a NULL pPerUser */
    if (0)
        /* This crashes on systems with IE7 */
        hr = pSetPerUserSecValues(NULL);
        ok(hr == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %d\n", hr);
        ok(!OPEN_GUID_KEY(), "Expected guid key to not exist\n");

    /* at the very least, szGUID must be valid */
    peruser.szGUID[0] = '\0';
    hr = pSetPerUserSecValues(&peruser);
    ok(hr == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %d\n", hr);
    ok(!OPEN_GUID_KEY(), "Expected guid key to not exist\n");

    /* set initial values */
    lstrcpyA(peruser.szGUID, "guid");
    hr = pSetPerUserSecValues(&peruser);
    if (hr == E_FAIL)
        skip("SetPerUserSecValues is broken\n");
    ok(hr == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %08x\n", hr);
    ok(OPEN_GUID_KEY(), "Expected guid key to exist\n");
    ok(check_reg_str(guid, NULL, "displayname"), "Expected displayname\n");
    ok(check_reg_str(guid, "ComponentID", "compid"), "Expected compid\n");
    ok(check_reg_str(guid, "Locale", "locale"), "Expected locale\n");
    ok(check_reg_str(guid, "StubPath", "stub"), "Expected stub\n");
    ok(check_reg_str(guid, "Version", "1,1,1,1"), "Expected 1,1,1,1\n");
    ok(check_reg_dword(guid, "IsInstalled", 1), "Expected 1\n");
    ok(!REG_VAL_EXISTS(guid, "OldDisplayName"), "Expected OldDisplayName to not exist\n");
    ok(!REG_VAL_EXISTS(guid, "OldLocale"), "Expected OldLocale to not exist\n");
    ok(!REG_VAL_EXISTS(guid, "OldStubPath"), "Expected OldStubPath to not exist\n");
    ok(!REG_VAL_EXISTS(guid, "OldVersion"), "Expected OldVersion to not exist\n");
    ok(!REG_VAL_EXISTS(guid, "RealStubPath"), "Expected RealStubPath to not exist\n");

    /* raise the version, but bRollback is FALSE, so vals not saved */
    lstrcpyA(peruser.szVersion, "2,1,1,1");
    hr = pSetPerUserSecValues(&peruser);
    ok(hr == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %08x\n", hr);
    ok(check_reg_str(guid, NULL, "displayname"), "Expected displayname\n");
    ok(check_reg_str(guid, "ComponentID", "compid"), "Expected compid\n");
    ok(check_reg_str(guid, "Locale", "locale"), "Expected locale\n");
    ok(check_reg_str(guid, "StubPath", "stub"), "Expected stub\n");
    ok(check_reg_str(guid, "Version", "2,1,1,1"), "Expected 2,1,1,1\n");
    ok(check_reg_dword(guid, "IsInstalled", 1), "Expected 1\n");
    ok(!REG_VAL_EXISTS(guid, "OldDisplayName"), "Expected OldDisplayName to not exist\n");
    ok(!REG_VAL_EXISTS(guid, "OldLocale"), "Expected OldLocale to not exist\n");
    ok(!REG_VAL_EXISTS(guid, "OldStubPath"), "Expected OldStubPath to not exist\n");
    ok(!REG_VAL_EXISTS(guid, "OldVersion"), "Expected OldVersion to not exist\n");
    ok(!REG_VAL_EXISTS(guid, "RealStubPath"), "Expected RealStubPath to not exist\n");

    /* raise the version again, bRollback is TRUE so vals are saved */
    peruser.bRollback = TRUE;
    lstrcpyA(peruser.szVersion, "3,1,1,1");
    hr = pSetPerUserSecValues(&peruser);
    ok(hr == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %08x\n", hr);
    ok(check_reg_str(guid, NULL, "displayname"), "Expected displayname\n");
    ok(check_reg_str(guid, "ComponentID", "compid"), "Expected compid\n");
    ok(check_reg_str(guid, "Locale", "locale"), "Expected locale\n");
    ok(check_reg_dword(guid, "IsInstalled", 1), "Expected 1\n");
    ok(check_reg_str(guid, "Version", "3,1,1,1"), "Expected 3,1,1,1\n");
        ok(check_reg_str(guid, "OldDisplayName", "displayname"), "Expected displayname\n");
        ok(check_reg_str(guid, "OldLocale", "locale"), "Expected locale\n");
        ok(check_reg_str(guid, "RealStubPath", "stub"), "Expected stub\n");
        ok(check_reg_str(guid, "OldStubPath", "stub"), "Expected stub\n");
        ok(check_reg_str(guid, "OldVersion", "2,1,1,1"), "Expected 2,1,1,1\n");
        ok(check_reg_str(guid, "StubPath",
           "rundll32.exe advpack.dll,UserInstStubWrapper guid"),
           "Expected real stub\n");

// DllUnregisterServer
STDAPI DllUnregisterServer(void)
	HKEY hRootKey = NULL;
	HKEY hModuleKey = NULL;

	HKEY hLTMModuleKey = NULL;
	ULONG cBufferSize = MAX_NAME_LEN;
	GlobalModuleData* pModuleData = &g_pThisTestModule->m_gmd;
	CHAR szBuffer2[MAX_NAME_LEN];
	StringFromCLSID(*pModuleData->m_pguidModuleCLSID, &pwszCLSID);
	WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pwszCLSID, -1, szGuid, MAX_NAME_LEN, NULL, NULL);

	// Step 1: Remove our CLSID as an OLE Server
		if(ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyExA(hRootKey, szGuid, 0, KEY_WRITE, &hModuleKey))
			RegDeleteKeyA(hModuleKey, "InprocServer32");
			RegDeleteKeyA(hModuleKey, "ProgID");
		RegDeleteKeyA(hRootKey, szGuid);

	WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pModuleData->m_wszModuleName, -1, szBuffer2, MAX_NAME_LEN, NULL, NULL);
	strcpy(szBuffer, "LTMTest.");
	strcat(szBuffer, szBuffer2);
	if(ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szBuffer, 0, KEY_WRITE, &hRootKey))
		RegDeleteKeyA(hRootKey, "CLSID");
		RegDeleteKey(hRootKey, NULL);

	// Step 2: Remove LTM-specific registery entries 
	//Obtain the Key for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\LTM\Test Modules"
	if(ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\LTM\\Test Modules", 0, KEY_WRITE, &hLTMKey))
		//Obtain the Key for "...\{Guid}
		if(ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyExA(hLTMKey, szGuid, 0, KEY_WRITE | KEY_READ, &hLTMModuleKey))
			while(RegEnumKeyExA(hLTMModuleKey, 0, szBuffer, &cBufferSize, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
				HKEY hLTMCase = NULL;
				if(ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyExA(hLTMModuleKey, szBuffer, 0, KEY_WRITE | KEY_READ, &hLTMCase))
					cBufferSize = MAX_NAME_LEN;
					while(RegEnumKeyExA(hLTMCase, 0, szBuffer2, &cBufferSize, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
						RegDeleteKeyA(hLTMCase, szBuffer2);
						cBufferSize = MAX_NAME_LEN;

					RegCloseKey(hLTMCase); hLTMCase = NULL;
					RegDeleteKeyA(hLTMModuleKey, szBuffer);
					cBufferSize = MAX_NAME_LEN;
			RegDeleteKeyA(hLTMKey, szGuid);


	return S_OK;
int DeleteRegistryKeys( ) {

	LONG res = 0;
	HKEY hRootkey = NULL;	
	DWORD dwValue = 3;
	DWORD dwTypes = 7;
	LPSTR dllpath = APP_DLL_PATH;
	DWORD size = 0;
	int ret = 0;

	__try {

		// Open the main service key
		res = RegOpenKeyA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, ROOT_KEY_PATH, &hRootkey);
		if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
			printf("[-] Error :: RegOpenKeyA failed with error :: %d :: %d\n", GetLastError( ), res);
			ret = -1;
		printf("[+] Debug :: DeleteRegistrykeys :: root key %s opened successfully\n", ROOT_KEY_PATH);

		// Delete the existing key
		res = RegDeleteKeyA(hRootkey, APPS_KEY_NAME);
		if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
			printf("[-] Error :: RegDeleteKeyA failed with error :: %d :: %d\n", GetLastError(),res );
			ret = -1;
		printf("[+] Debug :: DeleteRegistrykeys :: key %s\\%s deleted successfully\n", ROOT_KEY_PATH,APPS_KEY_NAME);

	__finally {

		if (hRootkey != NULL) {
			hRootkey = NULL;


	__try {

		// Open the main service key
		if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
			printf("[-] Error :: RegOpenKeyA failed with error :: %d :: %d\n", GetLastError( ), res);
			ret = -1;
		printf("[+] Debug :: DeleteRegistrykeys :: root key %s opened successfully\n", ROOT_CRASH_KEY_PATH_LOCAL_DUMPS);

		// Delete the existing key
		res = RegDeleteKeyA(hRootkey, SVC_KEY_NAME);
		if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
			printf("[-] Error :: RegDeleteKeyA failed with error :: %d :: %d\n", GetLastError(),res );
			ret = -1;
		printf("[+] Debug :: DeleteRegistrykeys :: key %s\\%s deleted successfully\n", ROOT_CRASH_KEY_PATH_LOCAL_DUMPS,SVC_KEY_NAME);

	__finally {

		if (hRootkey != NULL) {
			hRootkey = NULL;


	return 0;
文件: mru.c 项目: AlexSteel/wine
/* Based on RegDeleteTreeW from dlls/advapi32/registry.c */
static LSTATUS mru_RegDeleteTreeA(HKEY hKey, LPCSTR lpszSubKey)
    LONG ret;
    DWORD dwMaxSubkeyLen, dwMaxValueLen;
    DWORD dwMaxLen, dwSize;
    CHAR szNameBuf[MAX_PATH], *lpszName = szNameBuf;
    HKEY hSubKey = hKey;

        ret = RegOpenKeyExA(hKey, lpszSubKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hSubKey);
        if (ret) return ret;

    /* Get highest length for keys, values */
    ret = RegQueryInfoKeyA(hSubKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
            &dwMaxSubkeyLen, NULL, NULL, &dwMaxValueLen, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    if (ret) goto cleanup;

    dwMaxLen = max(dwMaxSubkeyLen, dwMaxValueLen);
    if (dwMaxLen > sizeof(szNameBuf)/sizeof(CHAR))
        /* Name too big: alloc a buffer for it */
        if (!(lpszName = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, dwMaxLen*sizeof(CHAR))))
            ret = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
            goto cleanup;

    /* Recursively delete all the subkeys */
    while (TRUE)
        dwSize = dwMaxLen;
        if (RegEnumKeyExA(hSubKey, 0, lpszName, &dwSize, NULL,
                          NULL, NULL, NULL)) break;

        ret = mru_RegDeleteTreeA(hSubKey, lpszName);
        if (ret) goto cleanup;

    if (lpszSubKey)
        ret = RegDeleteKeyA(hKey, lpszSubKey);
        while (TRUE)
            dwSize = dwMaxLen;
            if (RegEnumValueA(hKey, 0, lpszName, &dwSize,
                  NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) break;

            ret = RegDeleteValueA(hKey, lpszName);
            if (ret) goto cleanup;

    /* Free buffer if allocated */
    if (lpszName != szNameBuf)
        HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, lpszName);
    return ret;
文件: shell.c 项目: AlexSteel/wine
 *           RegDeleteKey   [SHELL.4]
DWORD WINAPI RegDeleteKey16( HKEY hkey, LPCSTR name )
    fix_win16_hkey( &hkey );
    return RegDeleteKeyA( hkey, name );
static BOOL write_display_settings(HKEY parent_hkey, CGDirectDisplayID displayID)
    BOOL ret = FALSE;
    char display_key_name[19];
    HKEY display_hkey;
    CGDisplayModeRef display_mode;
    DWORD val;
    CFStringRef pixel_encoding;
    size_t len;
    WCHAR* buf = NULL;

    snprintf(display_key_name, sizeof(display_key_name), "Display 0x%08x", CGDisplayUnitNumber(displayID));
    /* @@ Wine registry key: HKLM\Software\Wine\Mac Driver\Initial Display Mode\Display 0xnnnnnnnn */
    if (RegCreateKeyExA(parent_hkey, display_key_name, 0, NULL,
                        REG_OPTION_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &display_hkey, NULL))
        return FALSE;

    display_mode = CGDisplayCopyDisplayMode(displayID);
    if (!display_mode)
        goto fail;

    val = CGDisplayModeGetWidth(display_mode);
    if (RegSetValueExA(display_hkey, "Width", 0, REG_DWORD, (const BYTE*)&val, sizeof(val)))
        goto fail;
    val = CGDisplayModeGetHeight(display_mode);
    if (RegSetValueExA(display_hkey, "Height", 0, REG_DWORD, (const BYTE*)&val, sizeof(val)))
        goto fail;
    val = CGDisplayModeGetRefreshRate(display_mode) * 100;
    if (RegSetValueExA(display_hkey, "RefreshRateTimes100", 0, REG_DWORD, (const BYTE*)&val, sizeof(val)))
        goto fail;
    val = CGDisplayModeGetIOFlags(display_mode);
    if (RegSetValueExA(display_hkey, "IOFlags", 0, REG_DWORD, (const BYTE*)&val, sizeof(val)))
        goto fail;

    if (CGDisplayModeGetPixelWidth != NULL && CGDisplayModeGetPixelHeight != NULL)
        val = CGDisplayModeGetPixelWidth(display_mode);
        if (RegSetValueExA(display_hkey, "PixelWidth", 0, REG_DWORD, (const BYTE*)&val, sizeof(val)))
            goto fail;
        val = CGDisplayModeGetPixelHeight(display_mode);
        if (RegSetValueExA(display_hkey, "PixelHeight", 0, REG_DWORD, (const BYTE*)&val, sizeof(val)))
            goto fail;

    pixel_encoding = CGDisplayModeCopyPixelEncoding(display_mode);
    len = CFStringGetLength(pixel_encoding);
    buf = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, (len + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
    CFStringGetCharacters(pixel_encoding, CFRangeMake(0, len), (UniChar*)buf);
    buf[len] = 0;
    if (RegSetValueExW(display_hkey, pixelencodingW, 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE*)buf, (len + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)))
        goto fail;

    ret = TRUE;

    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, buf);
    if (display_mode) CGDisplayModeRelease(display_mode);
    if (!ret)
        RegDeleteKeyA(parent_hkey, display_key_name);
    return ret;