     OGRXPlaneGSLayer::AddFeature(const char* pszNavaidID,
                                   const char* pszAptICAO,
                                   const char* pszRwyNum,
                                   double dfLat,
                                   double dfLon,
                                   double dfEle,
                                   double dfFreq,
                                   double dfRange,
                                   double dfTrueHeading,
                                   double dfSlope)
    int nCount = 0;
    OGRFeature* poFeature = new OGRFeature(poFeatureDefn);
    poFeature->SetGeometryDirectly( new OGRPoint( dfLon, dfLat ) );
    poFeature->SetField( nCount++, pszNavaidID );
    poFeature->SetField( nCount++, pszAptICAO );
    poFeature->SetField( nCount++, pszRwyNum );
    poFeature->SetField( nCount++, dfEle );
    poFeature->SetField( nCount++, dfFreq );
    poFeature->SetField( nCount++, dfRange );
    poFeature->SetField( nCount++, dfTrueHeading );
    poFeature->SetField( nCount++, dfSlope );


    return poFeature;
     OGRXPlaneDMELayer::AddFeature(const char* pszNavaidID,
                                   const char* pszNavaidName,
                                   const char* pszSubType,
                                   double dfLat,
                                   double dfLon,
                                   double dfEle,
                                   double dfFreq,
                                   double dfRange,
                                   double dfBias)
    int nCount = 0;
    OGRFeature* poFeature = new OGRFeature(poFeatureDefn);
    poFeature->SetGeometryDirectly( new OGRPoint( dfLon, dfLat ) );
    poFeature->SetField( nCount++, pszNavaidID );
    poFeature->SetField( nCount++, pszNavaidName );
    poFeature->SetField( nCount++, pszSubType );
    poFeature->SetField( nCount++, dfEle );
    poFeature->SetField( nCount++, dfFreq );
    poFeature->SetField( nCount++, dfRange );
    poFeature->SetField( nCount++, dfBias );


    return poFeature;
int CJabberProto::AddFeatures(LPCTSTR szFeatures)
	if (!szFeatures)
		return false;

	mir_cslockfull lck(m_csLists);
	BOOL ret = true;
	LPCTSTR szFeat = szFeatures;
	while (szFeat[0]) {
		JabberFeatCapPairDynamic *fcp = FindFeature(szFeat);
		// if someone is trying to add one of core features, RegisterFeature() will return false, so we don't have to perform this check here
		if (!fcp) { // if the feature is not registered yet
			if (!RegisterFeature(szFeat, NULL))
				ret = false;
				fcp = FindFeature(szFeat); // update fcp after RegisterFeature()
		if (fcp)
			m_uEnabledFeatCapsDynamic |= fcp->jcbCap;
			ret = false;
		szFeat += lstrlen(szFeat) + 1;

	if (m_bJabberOnline)
		SendPresence(m_iStatus, true);

	return ret;
     OGRXPlaneAirwaySegmentLayer::AddFeature(const char* pszAirwaySegmentName,
                                             const char* pszFirstPointName,
                                             const char* pszSecondPointName,
                                             double dfLat1,
                                             double dfLon1,
                                             double dfLat2,
                                             double dfLon2,
                                             int    bIsHigh,
                                             int    nBaseFL,
                                             int    nTopFL)
    int nCount = 0;
    OGRFeature* poFeature = new OGRFeature(poFeatureDefn);
    if (fabs(dfLon1 - dfLon2) < 270)
        OGRLineString* lineString = new OGRLineString();
        lineString->addPoint(dfLon1, dfLat1);
        lineString->addPoint(dfLon2, dfLat2);
        poFeature->SetGeometryDirectly( lineString );
        /* Crossing antemeridian */
        OGRMultiLineString* multiLineString = new OGRMultiLineString();
        OGRLineString* lineString1 = new OGRLineString();
        OGRLineString* lineString2 = new OGRLineString();
        double dfLatInt;
        lineString1->addPoint(dfLon1, dfLat1);
        if (dfLon1 < dfLon2)
            dfLatInt = dfLat1 + (dfLat2 - dfLat1) * (-180 - dfLon1) / ((dfLon2 - 360) - dfLon1);
            lineString1->addPoint(-180, dfLatInt);
            lineString2->addPoint(180, dfLatInt);
            dfLatInt = dfLat1 + (dfLat2 - dfLat1) * (180 - dfLon1) / ((dfLon2 + 360) - dfLon1);
            lineString1->addPoint(180, dfLatInt);
            lineString2->addPoint(-180, dfLatInt);
        lineString2->addPoint(dfLon2, dfLat2);
        multiLineString->addGeometryDirectly( lineString1 );
        multiLineString->addGeometryDirectly( lineString2 );
        poFeature->SetGeometryDirectly( multiLineString );
    poFeature->SetField( nCount++, pszAirwaySegmentName );
    poFeature->SetField( nCount++, pszFirstPointName );
    poFeature->SetField( nCount++, pszSecondPointName );
    poFeature->SetField( nCount++, bIsHigh );
    poFeature->SetField( nCount++, nBaseFL );
    poFeature->SetField( nCount++, nTopFL );


    return poFeature;
     OGRXPlaneFIXLayer::AddFeature(const char* pszFixName,
                                   double dfLat,
                                   double dfLon)
    int nCount = 0;
    OGRFeature* poFeature = new OGRFeature(poFeatureDefn);
    poFeature->SetGeometryDirectly( new OGRPoint( dfLon, dfLat ) );
    poFeature->SetField( nCount++, pszFixName );


    return poFeature;
     OGRXPlaneMarkerLayer::AddFeature(const char* pszAptICAO,
                                      const char* pszRwyNum,
                                      const char* pszSubType,
                                      double dfLat,
                                      double dfLon,
                                      double dfEle,
                                      double dfTrueHeading)
    int nCount = 0;
    OGRFeature* poFeature = new OGRFeature(poFeatureDefn);
    poFeature->SetGeometryDirectly( new OGRPoint( dfLon, dfLat ) );
    poFeature->SetField( nCount++, pszAptICAO );
    poFeature->SetField( nCount++, pszRwyNum );
    poFeature->SetField( nCount++, pszSubType );
    poFeature->SetField( nCount++, dfEle );
    poFeature->SetField( nCount++, dfTrueHeading );


    return poFeature;
     OGRXPlaneAirwayIntersectionLayer::AddFeature(const char* pszIntersectionName,
                                                  double dfLat,
                                                  double dfLon)
    OGRFeature* poFeature = new OGRFeature(poFeatureDefn);
    poFeature->SetGeometryDirectly( new OGRPoint( dfLon, dfLat ) );
    poFeature->SetField( 0, pszIntersectionName );

    if (CPLHashSetLookup(poSet, poFeature) == NULL)
        CPLHashSetInsert(poSet, poFeature->Clone());

        return poFeature;
        delete poFeature;
        return NULL;