mitk::ExampleDataStructureWriterService::ExampleDataStructureWriterService() : AbstractFileWriter(mitk::ExampleDataStructure::GetStaticNameOfClass(), CustomMimeType(mitk::ExampleIOMimeTypes::EXAMPLE_MIMETYPE()), "Default writer for the example data structure") { RegisterService(); }
// CreateProxyRegistrationForRealService() checks to see if the given port is currently // in use, and if so, advertises the specified service as present on that port. // This is useful for advertising existing real services (Personal Web Sharing, Personal // File Sharing, etc.) that currently don't register with mDNS Service Discovery themselves. static DNSServiceErrorType CreateProxyRegistrationForRealService(RegisteredService *rs, const char *servicetype, UInt16 PortAsNumber, const char txtinfo[]) { mDNSOpaque16 OpaquePort = mDNSOpaque16fromIntVal(PortAsNumber); InetAddress ia; TBind bindReq; OSStatus err; TEndpointInfo endpointinfo; EndpointRef ep = OTOpenEndpoint(OTCreateConfiguration(kTCPName), 0, &endpointinfo, &err); if (!ep || err) { printf("OTOpenEndpoint (CreateProxyRegistrationForRealService) failed %d", err); return(err); } ia.fAddressType = AF_INET; ia.fPort = OpaquePort.NotAnInteger; ia.fHost = 0; bindReq.addr.maxlen = sizeof(ia); bindReq.addr.len = sizeof(ia); bindReq.addr.buf = (UInt8*)&ia; bindReq.qlen = 0; err = OTBind(ep, &bindReq, NULL); if (err == kOTBadAddressErr) err = RegisterService(rs, OpaquePort, "", servicetype, "local.", txtinfo); else if (err) printf("OTBind failed %d", err); OTCloseProvider(ep); return(err); }
mitk::LegacyFileWriterService::LegacyFileWriterService(mitk::FileWriter::Pointer legacyWriter, const std::string &description) : AbstractFileWriter(legacyWriter->GetSupportedBaseData()), m_LegacyWriter(legacyWriter) { this->SetMimeTypePrefix(IOMimeTypes::DEFAULT_BASE_NAME() + ".legacy."); this->SetDescription(description); CustomMimeType customMimeType; std::vector<std::string> extensions = legacyWriter->GetPossibleFileExtensions(); for (auto ext = extensions.begin(); ext != extensions.end(); ++ext) { if (ext->empty()) continue; std::string extension = *ext; if (extension.size() > 1 && extension[0] == '*') { // remove "*" extension = extension.substr(1); } if (extension.size() > 1 && extension[0] == '.') { // remove "." extension = extension.substr(1); } std::transform(extension.begin(), extension.end(), extension.begin(), ::tolower); customMimeType.AddExtension(extension); } this->SetMimeType(customMimeType); m_ServiceRegistration = RegisterService(); }
UPnpCDS::UPnpCDS( UPnpDevice *pDevice, const QString &sSharePath ) : Eventing( "UPnpCDS", "CDS_Event" ) { m_extensions.setAutoDelete( true ); m_root.m_eType = OT_Container; m_root.m_sId = "0"; m_root.m_sParentId = "-1"; m_root.m_sTitle = "MythTv"; m_root.m_sClass = "object.container"; m_root.m_bRestricted= true; m_root.m_bSearchable= true; AddVariable( new StateVariable< QString >( "TransferIDs" , true ) ); AddVariable( new StateVariable< QString >( "ContainerUpdateIDs", true ) ); AddVariable( new StateVariable< unsigned short >( "SystemUpdateID" , true ) ); SetValue< unsigned short >( "SystemUpdateID", 1 ); QString sUPnpDescPath = UPnp::g_pConfig->GetValue( "UPnP/DescXmlPath", sSharePath ); m_sSharePath = sSharePath; m_sServiceDescFileName = sUPnpDescPath + "CDS_scpd.xml"; m_sControlUrl = "/CDS_Control"; // Add our Service Definition to the device. RegisterService( pDevice ); }
// CreateProxyRegistrationForRealService() checks to see if the given port is currently // in use, and if so, advertises the specified service as present on that port. // This is useful for advertising existing real services (Personal Web Sharing, Personal // File Sharing, etc.) that currently don't register with mDNS Service Discovery themselves. mDNSlocal OSStatus CreateProxyRegistrationForRealService(mDNS *m, UInt16 PortAsNumber, const char txtinfo[], const char *servicetype, ServiceRecordSet *recordset) { InetAddress ia; TBind bindReq; OSStatus err; TEndpointInfo endpointinfo; EndpointRef ep = OTOpenEndpoint(OTCreateConfiguration(kTCPName), 0, &endpointinfo, &err); if (!ep || err) { printf("OTOpenEndpoint (CreateProxyRegistrationForRealService) failed %d", err); return(err); } ia.fAddressType = AF_INET; ia.fPort = mDNSOpaque16fromIntVal(PortAsNumber).NotAnInteger; ia.fHost = 0; bindReq.addr.maxlen = sizeof(ia); bindReq.addr.len = sizeof(ia); bindReq.addr.buf = (UInt8*)&ia; bindReq.qlen = 0; err = OTBind(ep, &bindReq, NULL); if (err == kOTBadAddressErr) RegisterService(m, recordset, PortAsNumber, txtinfo, &m->nicelabel, servicetype, "local."); else if (err) debugf("OTBind failed %d", err); OTCloseProvider(ep); return(noErr); }
UPnpCMGR::UPnpCMGR ( UPnpDevice *pDevice, const QString &sSharePath, const QString &sSourceProtocols, const QString &sSinkProtocols ) : Eventing( "UPnpCMGR", "CMGR_Event", sSharePath) { AddVariable( new StateVariable< QString >( "SourceProtocolInfo" , true ) ); AddVariable( new StateVariable< QString >( "SinkProtocolInfo" , true ) ); AddVariable( new StateVariable< QString >( "CurrentConnectionIDs", true ) ); AddVariable( new StateVariable< QString >( "FeatureList" , true ) ); SetValue< QString >( "CurrentConnectionIDs", "0" ); SetValue< QString >( "SourceProtocolInfo" , sSourceProtocols ); SetValue< QString >( "SinkProtocolInfo" , sSinkProtocols ); SetValue< QString >( "FeatureList" , "" ); QString sUPnpDescPath = UPnp::GetConfiguration()->GetValue( "UPnP/DescXmlPath", m_sSharePath ); m_sServiceDescFileName = sUPnpDescPath + "CMGR_scpd.xml"; m_sControlUrl = "/CMGR_Control"; // Add our Service Definition to the device. RegisterService( pDevice ); }
void CMainApp::RunService() { SetServiceInfo( (CHAR*)CAppConfig::Instance().GetServiceName(), (CHAR*)CAppConfig::Instance().GetServiceName()); RegisterService(g_nArgc, g_pszArgv); }
// RegisterFakeServiceForTesting() simulates the effect of services being registered on // dynamically-allocated port numbers. No real service exists on that port -- this is just for testing. mDNSlocal void RegisterFakeServiceForTesting(mDNS *m, ServiceRecordSet *recordset, const char txtinfo[], const char name[], const char type[], const char domain[]) { static UInt16 NextPort = 0xF000; domainlabel n; MakeDomainLabelFromLiteralString(&n, name); RegisterService(m, recordset, NextPort++, txtinfo, &n, type, domain); }
/************************************************************ * main function for Windows * Parse command line arguments for startup options, * to start as service or console mode application in windows. * Invokes appropriate startup functions depending on the * parameters passed *************************************************************/ int __cdecl _tmain(int argc, TCHAR * argv[]) { /* * Define Service Name and Description, which appears in windows SCM */ LPCTSTR lpszServiceName = app_name_long; /* Service Registry Name */ LPCTSTR lpszServiceDisplayName = _T("Net-SNMP Agent"); /* Display Name */ LPCTSTR lpszServiceDescription = #ifdef IFDESCR _T("SNMPv2c / SNMPv3 command responder from Net-SNMP. Supports MIB objects for IP,ICMP,TCP,UDP, and network interface sub-layers."); #else _T("SNMPv2c / SNMPv3 command responder from Net-SNMP"); #endif InputParams InputOptions; int nRunType = RUN_AS_CONSOLE; int quiet = 0; #if 0 _CrtSetDbgFlag(_CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF /*| _CRTDBG_CHECK_ALWAYS_DF*/); #endif nRunType = ParseCmdLineForServiceOption(argc, argv, &quiet); switch (nRunType) { case REGISTER_SERVICE: /* * Register As service */ InputOptions.Argc = argc; InputOptions.Argv = argv; return RegisterService(lpszServiceName, lpszServiceDisplayName, lpszServiceDescription, &InputOptions, quiet); case UN_REGISTER_SERVICE: /* * Unregister service */ return UnregisterService(lpszServiceName, quiet); case RUN_AS_SERVICE: /* * Run as service */ /* * Register Stop Function */ RegisterStopFunction(StopSnmpAgent); return RunAsService(SnmpDaemonMain); default: /* * Run in console mode */ return SnmpDaemonMain(argc, argv); } }
/************************************************************ * main function for Windows * Parse command line arguments for startup options, * to start as service or console mode application in windows. * Invokes appropriate startup funcitons depending on the * parameters passesd *************************************************************/ int __cdecl _tmain(int argc, TCHAR * argv[]) { /* * Define Service Name and Description, which appears in windows SCM */ LPCTSTR lpszServiceName = g_szAppName; /* Service Registry Name */ LPCTSTR lpszServiceDisplayName = _T("Net SNMP Agent Daemon"); /* Display Name */ LPCTSTR lpszServiceDescription = _T("SNMP agent for windows from Net-SNMP"); InputParams InputOptions; int nRunType = RUN_AS_CONSOLE; nRunType = ParseCmdLineForServiceOption(argc, argv); switch (nRunType) { case REGISTER_SERVICE: /* * Register As service */ InputOptions.Argc = argc; InputOptions.Argv = argv; RegisterService(lpszServiceName, lpszServiceDisplayName, lpszServiceDescription, &InputOptions); exit(0); break; case UN_REGISTER_SERVICE: /* * Unregister service */ UnregisterService(lpszServiceName); exit(0); break; case RUN_AS_SERVICE: /* * Run as service */ /* * Register Stop Function */ RegisterStopFunction(StopSnmpAgent); return RunAsService(SnmpDaemonMain); break; default: /* * Run Net-Snmpd in console mode */ /* * Invoke SnmpDeamonMain with input arguments */ return SnmpDaemonMain(argc, argv); break; } }
/************************************************************ * main function for Windows * Parse command line arguments for startup options, * to start as service or console mode application in windows. * Invokes appropriate startup functions depending on the * parameters passed *************************************************************/ int __cdecl _tmain(int argc, TCHAR * argv[]) { /* * Define Service Name and Description, which appears in windows SCM */ LPCTSTR lpszServiceName = app_name_long; /* Service Registry Name */ LPCTSTR lpszServiceDisplayName = _T("Net-SNMP Trap Handler"); /* Display Name */ LPCTSTR lpszServiceDescription = #ifdef IFDESCR _T("SNMPv2c / SNMPv3 trap/inform receiver from Net-SNMP. Supports MIB objects for IP,ICMP,TCP,UDP, and network interface sub-layers."); #else _T("SNMPv2c / SNMPv3 trap/inform receiver from Net-SNMP"); #endif InputParams InputOptions; int nRunType = RUN_AS_CONSOLE; int quiet = 0; nRunType = ParseCmdLineForServiceOption(argc, argv, &quiet); switch (nRunType) { case REGISTER_SERVICE: /* * Register As service */ InputOptions.Argc = argc; InputOptions.Argv = argv; exit (RegisterService(lpszServiceName, lpszServiceDisplayName, lpszServiceDescription, &InputOptions, quiet)); break; case UN_REGISTER_SERVICE: /* * Unregister service */ exit (UnregisterService(lpszServiceName, quiet)); exit(0); break; case RUN_AS_SERVICE: /* * Run as service */ /* * Register Stop Function */ RegisterStopFunction(StopSnmpTrapd); return RunAsService(SnmpTrapdMain); break; default: /* * Run in console mode */ return SnmpTrapdMain(argc, argv); break; } }
AutoDiscoveryServerImpl::AutoDiscoveryServerImpl(const std::string& type, unsigned int port) { HeapSetInformation(NULL, HeapEnableTerminationOnCorruption, NULL, 0); std::ostringstream ss; ss << port; DNSServiceErrorType err = RegisterService(&client, "", type.c_str(), "", NULL, ss.str().c_str(), this); if (!client || err != kDNSServiceErr_NoError) { OSG_WARN << "AutoDiscoveryImpl :: DNSService call failed " << (long int)err << std::endl; } }
BOOL CRemotePolicyApp::InitInstance() { CWinApp::InitInstance(); ::OutputDebugString(_T("RemotePolicy InitInstance\n")); // 使用Mutex确保程序只有一个实例运行 m_hServerMutex = ::CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE,"RemotePolicy_Mutex"); if(m_hServerMutex==NULL) { return FALSE; } else { if(GetLastError()==ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { ::OutputDebugString(_T("RemotePolicy is already running!\n")); return FALSE; } } m_hStop = CreateEvent(0, TRUE, FALSE, 0); if(m_hStop == NULL) return FALSE; // Socket 初始化 if(!AfxSocketInit()) return FALSE; //载入注册表参数 /* if(LoadRegistry()) { //注册表的接收参数载入成功 if(m_RegParam.bRecvOK) { //线程数加1,开始接收客户端请求--CPoolThread // dwThreads++; TRACE(_T("Begin Listening Client Thread!\n")); // m_pPoolThread = (CPoolThread*)AfxBeginThread(RUNTIME_CLASS(CPoolThread)); } else { //参数出错处理 TRACE(_T("One of Receiver param is error,so the NDReceiver exit!\n")); return FALSE; } } else { //载入注册表出错处理 TRACE(_T("Read Registory error!\n")); return FALSE; } */ // NTSercie 注册服务 RegisterService(__argc, __argv); return TRUE; }
mitk::FiberBundleVtkWriter::FiberBundleVtkWriter() : mitk::AbstractFileWriter(mitk::FiberBundle::GetStaticNameOfClass(), mitk::DiffusionIOMimeTypes::FIBERBUNDLE_VTK_MIMETYPE_NAME(), "VTK Fiber Bundle Writer") { Options defaultOptions; defaultOptions["Save as binary file"] = true; defaultOptions["Save as xml file (vtp style)"] = false; defaultOptions["Save color information"] = true; defaultOptions["Save fiber weights"] = true; this->SetDefaultOptions(defaultOptions); RegisterService(); }
nsresult MulticastDNSDeviceProvider::Init() { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); if (mInitialized) { return NS_OK; } nsresult rv; mMulticastDNS = do_GetService(DNSSERVICEDISCOVERY_CONTRACT_ID, &rv); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { return rv; } mWrappedListener = new DNSServiceWrappedListener(); if (NS_WARN_IF(!mWrappedListener)) { return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv = mWrappedListener->SetListener(this)))) { return rv; } mPresentationServer = do_CreateInstance(TCP_PRESENTATION_SERVER_CONTACT_ID, &rv); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { return rv; } mDiscoveryTimer = do_CreateInstance(NS_TIMER_CONTRACTID, &rv); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { return rv; } Preferences::AddStrongObservers(this, kObservedPrefs); mDiscoveryEnabled = Preferences::GetBool(PREF_PRESENTATION_DISCOVERY); mDiscveryTimeoutMs = Preferences::GetUint(PREF_PRESENTATION_DISCOVERY_TIMEOUT_MS); mDiscoverable = Preferences::GetBool(PREF_PRESENTATION_DISCOVERABLE); mServiceName = Preferences::GetCString(PREF_PRESENTATION_DEVICE_NAME); if (mDiscoveryEnabled && NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv = ForceDiscovery()))) { return rv; } if (mDiscoverable && NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv = RegisterService()))) { return rv; } mInitialized = true; return NS_OK; }
MythFEXML::MythFEXML( UPnpDevice *pDevice , const QString sSharePath) : Eventing( "MythFEXML", "MYTHTV_Event", sSharePath) { QString sUPnpDescPath = UPnp::GetConfiguration()->GetValue( "UPnP/DescXmlPath", m_sSharePath ); m_sServiceDescFileName = sUPnpDescPath + "MFEXML_scpd.xml"; m_sControlUrl = "/MythFE"; // Add our Service Definition to the device. RegisterService( pDevice ); }
nsresult MulticastDNSDeviceProvider::OnDiscoverableChanged(bool aEnabled) { LOG_I("Discoverable = %d\n", aEnabled); MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); mDiscoverable = aEnabled; if (mDiscoverable) { return RegisterService(); } return UnregisterService(NS_OK); }
mitk::ContourModelWriter::ContourModelWriter() : AbstractFileWriter(ContourModel::GetStaticNameOfClass()) , m_IndentDepth(0) , m_Indent(2) { std::string category = "Contour File"; mitk::CustomMimeType customMimeType; customMimeType.SetCategory(category); customMimeType.AddExtension("cnt"); this->SetDescription(category); this->SetMimeType(customMimeType); RegisterService(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { WSADATA wsaData; /* initialize socket subsystem */ if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,0), &wsaData)) fatal("Cannot start the network subsystem"); /* service cmdline */ if (argc >= 3) { if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-service")) { cf_quiet = 1; cf_config_file = argv[2]; win32_servicestart(); return 0; } if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-regservice")) { int i; win32_load_config(argv[2]); for (i = 3; i < argc; i++) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-U") && i + 1 < argc) { service_username = argv[++i]; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-P") && i + 1 < argc) { service_password = argv[++i]; } else { printf("unknown arg: %s\n", argv[i]); usage(1, argv[0]); } } RegisterService(); return 0; } if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-unregservice")) { win32_load_config(argv[2]); UnRegisterService(); return 0; } } return exec_real_main(argc, argv); }
nsresult MulticastDNSDeviceProvider::OnServiceNameChanged(const nsACString& aServiceName) { LOG_I("serviceName = %s\n", PromiseFlatCString(aServiceName).get()); MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); mServiceName = aServiceName; nsresult rv; if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv = UnregisterService(NS_OK)))) { return rv; } if (mDiscoverable) { return RegisterService(); } return NS_OK; }
NS_IMETHODIMP MulticastDNSDeviceProvider::OnRegistrationFailed(nsIDNSServiceInfo* aServiceInfo, int32_t aErrorCode) { LOG_E("OnRegistrationFailed: %d", aErrorCode); MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); mRegisterRequest = nullptr; nsresult rv; if (aErrorCode == nsIDNSRegistrationListener::ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_RUNNING) { if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv = RegisterService()))) { return rv; } } return NS_OK; }
// nsITCPPresentationServerListener NS_IMETHODIMP MulticastDNSDeviceProvider::OnClose(nsresult aReason) { LOG_I("OnClose: %x", aReason); MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); UnregisterService(aReason); nsresult rv; if (mDiscoveryEnabled && NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv = ForceDiscovery()))) { return rv; } if (mDiscoverable && NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv = RegisterService()))) { return rv; } return NS_OK; }
int BthUtils::OpenServerConnection(BYTE *rgbSdpRecord, int cSdpRecord, int iChannelOffset, void (*funcPtr)(WCHAR *)) { int iNameLen=0; if(m_socketServer==INVALID_SOCKET) { m_socketServer = socket (AF_BT, SOCK_STREAM, BTHPROTO_RFCOMM); if (m_socketServer == INVALID_SOCKET) { return WSAGetLastError (); } SOCKADDR_BTH sa; memset (&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); sa.addressFamily = AF_BT; sa.port = 0; if (bind (m_socketServer, (SOCKADDR *)&sa, sizeof(sa))) { return WSAGetLastError (); } iNameLen = sizeof(sa); if (getsockname(m_socketServer, (SOCKADDR *)&sa, &iNameLen)) { return WSAGetLastError (); } if(RegisterService(rgbSdpRecord, cSdpRecord, iChannelOffset, (UCHAR)sa.port)!=0) return WSAGetLastError(); if (listen (m_socketServer, SOMAXCONN)) { return WSAGetLastError (); } } pCallBackFunction=funcPtr; m_hReadThread= CreateThread(NULL, 0, ReadData, (LPVOID)this, 0, NULL); return 0; }
UPnpMSRR::UPnpMSRR( UPnpDevice *pDevice, const QString &sSharePath ) : Eventing( "UPnpMSRR", "MSRR_Event", sSharePath) { AddVariable( new StateVariable< unsigned short >( "AuthorizationGrantedUpdateID", true ) ); AddVariable( new StateVariable< unsigned short >( "AuthorizationDeniedUpdateID" , true ) ); AddVariable( new StateVariable< unsigned short >( "ValidationSucceededUpdateID" , true ) ); AddVariable( new StateVariable< unsigned short >( "ValidationRevokedUpdateID" , true ) ); SetValue< unsigned short >( "AuthorizationGrantedUpdateID", 0 ); SetValue< unsigned short >( "AuthorizationDeniedUpdateID" , 0 ); SetValue< unsigned short >( "ValidationSucceededUpdateID" , 0 ); SetValue< unsigned short >( "ValidationRevokedUpdateID" , 0 ); QString sUPnpDescPath = UPnp::GetConfiguration()->GetValue( "UPnP/DescXmlPath", m_sSharePath ); m_sServiceDescFileName = sUPnpDescPath + "MSRR_scpd.xml"; m_sControlUrl = "/MSRR_Control"; // Add our Service Definition to the device. RegisterService( pDevice ); }
int _tmain(int argc, LPTSTR* argv) { g_errorCode = ERROR_NONE; switch (ParseCallerParameters(argc, argv)) { case REQUEST_REGISTER: g_errorCode = RegisterService(L"FileChecker", L"File Checker"); break; case REQUEST_UNREGISTER: g_errorCode = UnregisterService(L"FileChecker"); break; case REQUEST_RUN: RunService(); break; default: g_errorCode = ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST; } return HandleErrorCode(g_errorCode); }
/* * User pressed the install button. Make it go. */ void CBINDInstallDlg::OnInstall() { BOOL success = FALSE; int oldlen; if (CheckBINDService()) StopBINDService(); InstallTags(); UpdateData(); /* * Check that the Passwords entered match. */ if (m_accountPassword != m_accountPasswordConfirm) { MsgBox(IDS_ERR_PASSWORD); return; } /* * Check that there is not leading / trailing whitespace. * This is for compatability with the standard password dialog. * Passwords really should be treated as opaque blobs. */ oldlen = m_accountPassword.GetLength(); m_accountPassword.TrimLeft(); m_accountPassword.TrimRight(); if (m_accountPassword.GetLength() != oldlen) { MsgBox(IDS_ERR_WHITESPACE); return; } /* * Check the entered account name. */ if (ValidateServiceAccount() == FALSE) return; /* * For Registration we need to know if account was changed. */ if (m_accountName != m_currentAccount) m_accountUsed = FALSE; if (m_accountUsed == FALSE && m_serviceExists == FALSE) { /* * Check that the Password is not null. */ if (m_accountPassword.GetLength() == 0) { MsgBox(IDS_ERR_NULLPASSWORD); return; } } /* Directories */ m_etcDir = m_targetDir + "\\etc"; m_binDir = m_targetDir + "\\bin"; if (m_defaultDir != m_targetDir) { if (GetFileAttributes(m_targetDir) != 0xFFFFFFFF) { int install = MsgBox(IDS_DIREXIST, MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION, m_targetDir); if (install == IDNO) return; } else { int createDir = MsgBox(IDS_CREATEDIR, MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION, m_targetDir); if (createDir == IDNO) return; } } if (m_accountExists == FALSE) { success = CreateServiceAccount(m_accountName.GetBuffer(30), m_accountPassword.GetBuffer(30)); if (success == FALSE) { MsgBox(IDS_CREATEACCOUNT_FAILED); return; } m_accountExists = TRUE; } ProgramGroup(FALSE); try { CreateDirs(); CopyFiles(); RegisterService(); RegisterMessages(); HKEY hKey; /* Create a new key for named */ SetCurrent(IDS_CREATE_KEY); if (RegCreateKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, BIND_SUBKEY, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Get the install directory RegSetValueEx(hKey, "InstallDir", 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)(LPCTSTR)m_targetDir, m_targetDir.GetLength()); RegCloseKey(hKey); } SetCurrent(IDS_ADD_REMOVE); if (RegCreateKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, BIND_UNINSTALL_SUBKEY, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { CString buf(BIND_DISPLAY_NAME); RegSetValueEx(hKey, "DisplayName", 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)(LPCTSTR)buf, buf.GetLength()); buf.Format("%s\\BINDInstall.exe", m_binDir); RegSetValueEx(hKey, "UninstallString", 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)(LPCTSTR)buf, buf.GetLength()); RegCloseKey(hKey); } ProgramGroup(FALSE); if (m_startOnInstall) StartBINDService(); } catch(Exception e) { MessageBox(e.resString); SetCurrent(IDS_CLEANUP); FailedInstall(); MsgBox(IDS_FAIL); return; } catch(DWORD dw) { CString msg; msg.Format("A fatal error occured\n(%s)", GetErrMessage(dw)); MessageBox(msg); SetCurrent(IDS_CLEANUP); FailedInstall(); MsgBox(IDS_FAIL); return; } SetCurrent(IDS_INSTALL_DONE); MsgBox(IDS_SUCCESS); }
void OpenServer( void ) /*FOLD00*/ { l.MsgBaseServer = RegisterService( WIDE("Benchmark Service"), functions, NUM_FUNCTIONS ); }
ComponentImpl::ComponentImpl() { RegisterService("my_microturbine", new ::my_microturbineWrapper(this)); }
void OpenServer( void ) { l.MsgBaseServer = RegisterService( WIDE("systray"), functions, NUM_FUNCTIONS ); xlprintf(LOG_ADVISORY)("l.MsgBaseServer is %lu", l.MsgBaseServer ); }
mDNSexport int main(int argc, char **argv) { mStatus status; sigset_t signals; if (argc < 3) goto usage; status = mDNS_Init(&mDNSStorage, &PlatformStorage, mDNS_Init_NoCache, mDNS_Init_ZeroCacheSize, mDNS_Init_DontAdvertiseLocalAddresses, mDNS_Init_NoInitCallback, mDNS_Init_NoInitCallbackContext); if (status) { fprintf(stderr, "Daemon start: mDNS_Init failed %d\n", (int)status); return(status); } mDNSPosixListenForSignalInEventLoop(SIGINT); mDNSPosixListenForSignalInEventLoop(SIGTERM); if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-")) { domainname proxyhostname; AuthRecord proxyrecord; if (argc < 5) goto usage; proxyhostname.c[0] = 0; AppendLiteralLabelString(&proxyhostname, argv[2]); AppendLiteralLabelString(&proxyhostname, "local"); RegisterNoSuchService(&mDNSStorage, &proxyrecord, &proxyhostname, argv[3], argv[4], "local."); } else { ProxyHost proxyhost; ServiceRecordSet proxyservice; proxyhost.ip.NotAnInteger = inet_addr(argv[1]); if (proxyhost.ip.NotAnInteger == INADDR_NONE) // INADDR_NONE is 0xFFFFFFFF { struct hostent *h = gethostbyname(argv[1]); if (h) proxyhost.ip.NotAnInteger = *(long*)h->h_addr; } if (proxyhost.ip.NotAnInteger == INADDR_NONE) // INADDR_NONE is 0xFFFFFFFF { fprintf(stderr, "%s is not valid host address\n", argv[1]); return(-1); } MakeDomainLabelFromLiteralString(&proxyhost.hostlabel, argv[2]); mDNS_RegisterProxyHost(&mDNSStorage, &proxyhost); if (argc >=6) RegisterService(&mDNSStorage, &proxyservice, argv[3], argv[4], "local.",, atoi(argv[5]), argc-6, &argv[6]); } do { struct timeval timeout = { 0x3FFFFFFF, 0 }; // wait until SIGINT or SIGTERM mDNSBool gotSomething; mDNSPosixRunEventLoopOnce(&mDNSStorage, &timeout, &signals, &gotSomething); } while ( !( sigismember( &signals, SIGINT) || sigismember( &signals, SIGTERM))); mDNS_Close(&mDNSStorage); return(0); usage: fprintf(stderr, "%s ip hostlabel [srvname srvtype port txt [txt ...]]\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, "ip Real IP address (or valid host name) of the host where the service actually resides\n"); fprintf(stderr, "hostlabel First label of the dot-local host name to create for this host, e.g. \"foo\" for \"foo.local.\"\n"); fprintf(stderr, "srvname Descriptive name of service, e.g. \"Stuart's Ink Jet Printer\"\n"); fprintf(stderr, "srvtype IANA service type, e.g. \"_ipp._tcp\" or \"_ssh._tcp\", etc.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "port Port number where the service resides (1-65535)\n"); fprintf(stderr, "txt Additional name/value pairs specified in service definition, e.g. \"pdl=application/postscript\"\n"); fprintf(stderr, "e.g. %s thehost (just create a dot-local host name)\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, "or %s thehost \"My Printer\" _printer._tcp. 515 rp=lpt1 pdl=application/postscript\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, "or %s - thehost \"My Printer\" _printer._tcp. (assertion of non-existence)\n", argv[0]); return(-1); }