HRESULT FusionBind::GetAssemblyFromFusion(IApplicationContext* pFusionContext, FusionSink* pSink, IAssemblyName* pFusionAssemblyName, CodeBaseInfo* pCodeBase, IAssembly** ppFusionAssembly) { if(pSink == NULL) { pSink = new FusionSink(); if(pSink == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else pSink->AddRef(); HRESULT hr = RemoteLoad(pCodeBase, pFusionContext, pFusionAssemblyName, pSink, ppFusionAssembly); pSink->Release(); return hr; }
/** * @brief Performs data loading. * * Invokes pg_bulkload() user-defined function with given parameters * in single transaction. * * @return exitcode (always 0). */ static int LoaderLoadMain(List *options) { PGresult *res; const char *params[1]; StringInfoData buf; int encoding; int errors; ListCell *cell; if (options == NIL) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(EXIT_FAILURE), errmsg("requires control file or command line options"))); initStringInfo(&buf); reconnect(ERROR); encoding = PQclientEncoding(connection); elog(NOTICE, "BULK LOAD START"); /* form options as text[] */ appendStringInfoString(&buf, "{\""); foreach (cell, options) { const char *item = lfirst(cell); if (buf.len > 2) appendStringInfoString(&buf, "\",\""); /* escape " and \ */ while (*item) { if (*item == '"' || *item == '\\') { appendStringInfoChar(&buf, '\\'); appendStringInfoChar(&buf, *item); item++; } else if (!IS_HIGHBIT_SET(*item)) { appendStringInfoChar(&buf, *item); item++; } else { int n = PQmblen(item, encoding); appendBinaryStringInfo(&buf, item, n); item += n; } } } appendStringInfoString(&buf, "\"}"); command("BEGIN", 0, NULL); params[0] =; res = execute("SELECT * FROM pg_bulkload($1)", 1, params); if (PQresultStatus(res) == PGRES_COPY_IN) { PQclear(res); res = RemoteLoad(connection, stdin, type_binary); if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) elog(ERROR, "copy failed: %s", PQerrorMessage(connection)); } command("COMMIT", 0, NULL); errors = atoi(PQgetvalue(res, 0, 2)) + /* parse errors */ atoi(PQgetvalue(res, 0, 3)); /* duplicate errors */ elog(NOTICE, "BULK LOAD END\n" "\t%s Rows skipped.\n" "\t%s Rows successfully loaded.\n" "\t%s Rows not loaded due to parse errors.\n" "\t%s Rows not loaded due to duplicate errors.\n" "\t%s Rows replaced with new rows.", PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0), PQgetvalue(res, 0, 1), PQgetvalue(res, 0, 2), PQgetvalue(res, 0, 3), PQgetvalue(res, 0, 4)); PQclear(res); disconnect(); termStringInfo(&buf); if (errors > 0) { elog(WARNING, "some rows were not loaded due to errors."); return E_PG_USER; } else return 0; /* succeeded without errors */ }