void ModelDrawer::RenderObject (MdlObject *o, IView *v, int mapping) 
	// setup selector
	v->PushSelector (o->selector);

	// setup object transformation
	Matrix tmp, mat;
	o->GetTransform (mat);
	mat.transpose (&tmp);
	glPushMatrix ();
	glMultMatrixf ( (float*)&tmp );

	// render object origin
	if (v->GetConfig (CFG_OBJCENTERS)!=0.0f)
		glPointSize (ObjCenterSize);
		if (o->isSelected)	glColor3ub (255,0,0);
		else glColor3ub (255,255,255);
		glPointSize (1);
		glColor3ub (255,255,255);

	bool polySelect=v->GetConfig(CFG_POLYSELECT) != 0;

//	if(polySelect) {
		// render polygons
		for (int a=0;a<o->poly.size();a++)
			RenderPolygon (o, o->poly[a], v,mapping, polySelect);
/*	}
		// render geometry using drawing list
		if (!o->renderData)
			o->renderData = new RenderData;

		RenderData* rd = (RenderData*)o->renderData;

		if (rd->drawList)
		else {
			rd->drawList = glGenLists(1);
			glNewList(rd->drawList, GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE);

			// render polygons
			for (int a=0;a<o->poly.size();a++)
				RenderPolygon (o, o->poly[a], v,mapping, polySelect);

			glEndList ();

	for (int a=0;a<o->childs.size();a++)
		RenderObject (o->childs[a], v, mapping);

	glPopMatrix ();
	v->PopSelector ();
      Recursively computes the shading colors and then renders an Entity list.

      EntityList  : The list of Entities and sub-Entities to render. This 
                    pointer can be NULL (empty list).
      LightList   : List of Ligths. This pointer can be NULL (empty list).
      World       : Access to the world data such as view origin and 
                    orientation, etc.
   bool RenderShadeEntity(ListRec* EntityList, ListRec* LightList, WorldRec* World) 
      //---- Render each Entity ----
      ListRec* EntityNode = EntityList;
      while (EntityNode != NULL)
         #define Entity ((EntityRec*)EntityNode->Data)
         if (Entity == NULL) {return false;}

         //Determine the if shading is required
         bool ShadeFlag = ((Entity->Flags & ENTITY_SHADE) != ENTITY_NULL);
         if (ShadeFlag)
            //Process every vertex
            ListRec* VertexNode = Entity->VertexList;
            while (VertexNode != NULL)
               //Find the diffuse light color for this vertex
               if (!ShadeGouraud((VertexRec*)VertexNode->Data, LightList)) {return false;}
               VertexNode = VertexNode->Next;

         //Render each Polygon in the Entity
         ListRec* PolygonNode = Entity->PolygonList;
         while (PolygonNode != NULL)
            //Find the rendering color for this Polygon
            if (ShadeFlag) 
               if (!ShadeGouraud((PolygonRec*)PolygonNode->Data, LightList)) {return false;}
            /*//Shade flag debug
               ((PolygonRec*)PolygonNode->Data)->Shade[0] = 
               ((PolygonRec*)PolygonNode->Data)->Shade[1] = 
               ((PolygonRec*)PolygonNode->Data)->Shade[2] = 1.0f;

            //Render the Polygon
            if (!RenderPolygon((PolygonRec*)PolygonNode->Data, World)) {return false;}
            PolygonNode = PolygonNode->Next;

         //Recursively render the sub-Entities
         if (!RenderShadeEntity(Entity->EntityList, LightList, World)) {return false;}

         //Advance to the next Entity node
         EntityNode = EntityNode->Next;
         #undef Entity
      return true;
 * RenderObject
 * parameters IN:
 *	ObjectCell * currentObject
 * OBJECT_PATCH 	bicubic Bezier patches
void RenderObject (ObjectCell * currentObject)
	if (currentObject->type == OBJECT_SURFACE) {
	    for (vector<SurfaceCell *>::iterator it = currentObject->surfaceCellList.begin(); it != currentObject->surfaceCellList.end(); ++it) {
	  	    SurfaceCell * currentSurface = *it;
	       	for (vector<PolygonCell *>::iterator it = currentSurface->polygonCellList.begin(); it != currentSurface->polygonCellList.end(); ++it) {
	  	        PolygonCell * currentPolygon = *it;
	  	  	  	if (currentPolygon->polyVisible) {
	  	  	    	RenderPolygon (currentPolygon);