文件: thread.c 项目: chulup/Easyhook
		ULONG InTargetPID,
		ULONG InInjectionOptions,
		WCHAR* InLibraryPath_x86,
		WCHAR* InLibraryPath_x64,
		PVOID InPassThruBuffer,
        ULONG InPassThruSize)

    Injects a library into the target process. This is a very stable operation.
    The problem so far is, that only the NET layer will support injection
    through WOW64 boundaries and into other terminal sessions. It is quite
    complex to realize with unmanaged code and that's why it is not supported!

    If you really need this feature I highly recommend to at least look at C++.NET
    because using the managed injection can speed up your development progress
    about orders of magnitudes. I know by experience that writing the required
    multi-process injection code in any unmanaged language is a rather daunting task!


    - InTargetPID

        The process in which the library should be injected.
    - InWakeUpTID

        If the target process was created suspended (RhCreateAndInject), then
        this parameter should be set to the main thread ID of the target.
        You may later resume the process from within the injected library
        by calling RhWakeUpProcess(). If the process is already running, you
        should specify zero.

    - InInjectionOptions

        All flags can be combined.

            No special behavior. The given libraries are expected to be unmanaged DLLs.
            Further they should export an entry point named 
            "NativeInjectionEntryPoint" (in case of 64-bit) and
            "_NativeInjectionEntryPoint@4" (in case of 32-bit). The expected entry point 
            signature is REMOTE_ENTRY_POINT.

            The given user library is a NET assembly. Further they should export a class
            named "EasyHook.InjectionLoader" with a static method named "Main". The
            signature of this method is expected to be "int (String)". Please refer
            to the managed injection loader of EasyHook for more information about
            writing such managed entry points.


            Uses the experimental stealth thread creation. If it fails
            you may try it with default settings. 

			Is only used internally to workaround the managed process creation bug.
			For curiosity, NET seems to hijack our remote thread if a managed process
			is created suspended. It doesn't do anything with the suspended main thread,

    - InLibraryPath_x86

        A relative or absolute path to the 32-bit version of the user library being injected.
        If you don't want to inject into 32-Bit processes, you may set this parameter to NULL.

    - InLibraryPath_x64

        A relative or absolute path to the 64-bit version of the user library being injected.
        If you don't want to inject into 64-Bit processes, you may set this parameter to NULL.

    - InPassThruBuffer

        An optional buffer containg data to be passed to the injection entry point. Such data
        is available in both, the managed and unmanaged user library entry points.
        Set to NULL if no used.

    - InPassThruSize

        Specifies the size in bytes of the pass thru data. If "InPassThruBuffer" is NULL, this
        parameter shall also be zero.



	HANDLE					hProc = NULL;
	HANDLE					hRemoteThread = NULL;
	HANDLE					hSignal = NULL;
	UCHAR*					RemoteInjectCode = NULL;
    LPREMOTE_INFO           RemoteInfo = NULL;
	ULONG					RemoteInfoSize = 0;
	BYTE*					Offset = 0;
    ULONG                   CodeSize;
    BOOL                    Is64BitTarget;
    NTSTATUS				NtStatus;
    LONGLONG                Diff;
    HANDLE                  Handles[2];

    ULONG                   UserLibrarySize;
    ULONG                   PATHSize;
    ULONG                   EasyHookPathSize;
    ULONG                   EasyHookEntrySize;
    ULONG                   Code;

    SIZE_T                  BytesWritten;
    WCHAR                   UserLibrary[MAX_PATH+1];
    WCHAR					PATH[MAX_PATH + 1];
    WCHAR					EasyHookPath[MAX_PATH + 1];
#ifdef _M_X64
	CHAR*					EasyHookEntry = "HookCompleteInjection";
	CHAR*					EasyHookEntry = "_HookCompleteInjection@4";

    // validate parameters
    if(InPassThruSize > MAX_PASSTHRU_SIZE)
        THROW(STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_7, L"The given pass thru buffer is too large.");

    if(InPassThruBuffer != NULL)
        if(!IsValidPointer(InPassThruBuffer, InPassThruSize))
            THROW(STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_6, L"The given pass thru buffer is invalid.");
    else if(InPassThruSize != 0)
        THROW(STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_7, L"If no pass thru buffer is specified, the pass thru length also has to be zero.");

	if(InTargetPID == GetCurrentProcessId())
		THROW(STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED, L"For stability reasons it is not supported to inject into the calling process.");

	// open target process
	if((hProc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, InTargetPID)) == NULL)
		if(GetLastError() == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)
		    THROW(STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED, L"Unable to open target process. Consider using a system service.")
			THROW(STATUS_NOT_FOUND, L"The given target process does not exist!");

		Check bitness...

		After this we can assume hooking a target that is running in the same
		WOW64 level.
#ifdef _M_X64
	FORCE(RhIsX64Process(InTargetPID, &Is64BitTarget));
        THROW(STATUS_WOW_ASSERTION, L"It is not supported to directly hook through the WOW64 barrier.");

    if(!GetFullPathNameW(InLibraryPath_x64, MAX_PATH, UserLibrary, NULL))
        THROW(STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_5, L"Unable to get full path to the given 64-bit library.");
	FORCE(RhIsX64Process(InTargetPID, &Is64BitTarget));
        THROW(STATUS_WOW_ASSERTION, L"It is not supported to directly hook through the WOW64 barrier.");

	if(!GetFullPathNameW(InLibraryPath_x86, MAX_PATH, UserLibrary, NULL))
        THROW(STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_4, L"Unable to get full path to the given 32-bit library.");

		Validate library path...
    #ifdef _M_X64
        THROW(STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_5, L"The given 64-Bit library does not exist!");
        THROW(STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_4, L"The given 32-Bit library does not exist!");

	// import strings...
    RtlGetWorkingDirectory(PATH, MAX_PATH - 1);
    RtlGetCurrentModulePath(EasyHookPath, MAX_PATH);

	// allocate remote information block
    EasyHookPathSize = (RtlUnicodeLength(EasyHookPath) + 1) * 2;
    EasyHookEntrySize = (RtlAnsiLength(EasyHookEntry) + 1);
    PATHSize = (RtlUnicodeLength(PATH) + 1 + 1) * 2;
    UserLibrarySize = (RtlUnicodeLength(UserLibrary) + 1 + 1) * 2;

    PATH[PATHSize / 2 - 2] = ';';
    PATH[PATHSize / 2 - 1] = 0;

	RemoteInfoSize = EasyHookPathSize + EasyHookEntrySize + PATHSize + InPassThruSize + UserLibrarySize;

	RemoteInfoSize += sizeof(REMOTE_INFO);

	if((Info = (LPREMOTE_INFO)RtlAllocateMemory(TRUE, RemoteInfoSize)) == NULL)
		THROW(STATUS_NO_MEMORY, L"Unable to allocate memory in current process.");

	Info->LoadLibraryW = (PVOID)GetProcAddress(hKernel32, "LoadLibraryW");
	Info->FreeLibrary = (PVOID)GetProcAddress(hKernel32, "FreeLibrary");
	Info->GetProcAddress = (PVOID)GetProcAddress(hKernel32, "GetProcAddress");
	Info->VirtualFree = (PVOID)GetProcAddress(hKernel32, "VirtualFree");
	Info->VirtualProtect = (PVOID)GetProcAddress(hKernel32, "VirtualProtect");
	Info->ExitThread = (PVOID)GetProcAddress(hKernel32, "ExitThread");
	Info->GetLastError = (PVOID)GetProcAddress(hKernel32, "GetLastError");

    Info->WakeUpThreadID = InWakeUpTID;
    Info->IsManaged = InInjectionOptions & EASYHOOK_INJECT_MANAGED;

	// allocate memory in target process
	CodeSize = GetInjectionSize();

	if((RemoteInjectCode = (BYTE*)VirtualAllocEx(hProc, NULL, CodeSize + RemoteInfoSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE)) == NULL)
        THROW(STATUS_NO_MEMORY, L"Unable to allocate memory in target process.");

	// save strings
	Offset = (BYTE*)(Info + 1);

	Info->EasyHookEntry = (char*)Offset;
	Info->EasyHookPath = (wchar_t*)(Offset += EasyHookEntrySize);
	Info->PATH = (wchar_t*)(Offset += EasyHookPathSize);
	Info->UserData = (BYTE*)(Offset += PATHSize);
    Info->UserLibrary = (WCHAR*)(Offset += InPassThruSize);

	Info->Size = RemoteInfoSize;
	Info->HostProcess = GetCurrentProcessId();
	Info->UserDataSize = 0;

	Offset += UserLibrarySize;

	if((ULONG)(Offset - ((BYTE*)Info)) > Info->Size)
        THROW(STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW, L"A buffer overflow in internal memory was detected.");

	RtlCopyMemory(Info->EasyHookPath, EasyHookPath, EasyHookPathSize);
	RtlCopyMemory(Info->PATH, PATH, PATHSize);
	RtlCopyMemory(Info->EasyHookEntry, EasyHookEntry, EasyHookEntrySize);
    RtlCopyMemory(Info->UserLibrary, UserLibrary, UserLibrarySize);

	if(InPassThruBuffer != NULL)
		RtlCopyMemory(Info->UserData, InPassThruBuffer, InPassThruSize);

		Info->UserDataSize = InPassThruSize;

	// copy code into target process
	if(!WriteProcessMemory(hProc, RemoteInjectCode, GetInjectionPtr(), CodeSize, &BytesWritten) || (BytesWritten != CodeSize))
		THROW(STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR, L"Unable to write into target process memory.");

	// create and export signal event>
	if((hSignal = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL)) == NULL)
        THROW(STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES, L"Unable to create event.");

	// Possible resource leck: the remote handles cannt be closed here if an error occurs
	if(!DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), hSignal, hProc, &Info->hRemoteSignal, EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, 0))
		THROW(STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR, L"Failed to duplicate remote event.");

	// relocate remote information
	RemoteInfo = (LPREMOTE_INFO)(RemoteInjectCode + CodeSize);
	Diff = ((BYTE*)RemoteInfo - (BYTE*)Info);

	Info->EasyHookEntry = (char*)(((BYTE*)Info->EasyHookEntry) + Diff);
	Info->EasyHookPath = (wchar_t*)(((BYTE*)Info->EasyHookPath) + Diff);
	Info->PATH = (wchar_t*)(((BYTE*)Info->PATH) + Diff);
    Info->UserLibrary = (wchar_t*)(((BYTE*)Info->UserLibrary) + Diff);

	if(Info->UserData != NULL)
		Info->UserData = (BYTE*)(((BYTE*)Info->UserData) + Diff);

	Info->RemoteEntryPoint = RemoteInjectCode;

	if(!WriteProcessMemory(hProc, RemoteInfo, Info, RemoteInfoSize, &BytesWritten) || (BytesWritten != RemoteInfoSize))
		THROW(STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR, L"Unable to write into target process memory.");

	if((InInjectionOptions & EASYHOOK_INJECT_STEALTH) != 0)
		FORCE(RhCreateStealthRemoteThread(InTargetPID, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)RemoteInjectCode, RemoteInfo, &hRemoteThread));
		if(!RTL_SUCCESS(NtCreateThreadEx(hProc, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)RemoteInjectCode, RemoteInfo, FALSE, &hRemoteThread)))
			// create remote thread and wait for injection completion
			if((hRemoteThread = CreateRemoteThread(hProc, NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)RemoteInjectCode, RemoteInfo, 0, NULL)) == NULL)
				THROW(STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED, L"Unable to create remote thread.");

	 * The assembler codes are designed to let us derive extensive error information...
    Handles[1] = hSignal;
	Handles[0] = hRemoteThread;

	Code = WaitForMultipleObjects(2, Handles, FALSE, INFINITE);

	if(Code == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
		// parse error code
		GetExitCodeThread(hRemoteThread, &Code);

		SetLastError(Code & 0x0FFFFFFF);

		switch(Code & 0xF0000000)
		case 0x10000000: THROW(STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR, L"Unable to find internal entry point.");
		case 0x20000000: THROW(STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR, L"Unable to make stack executable.");
		case 0x30000000: THROW(STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR, L"Unable to release injected library.");
		case 0x40000000: THROW(STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR, L"Unable to find EasyHook library in target process context.");
		case 0xF0000000: // error in C++ injection completion
				switch(Code & 0xFF)
#ifdef _M_X64
                case 20: THROW(STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_5, L"Unable to load the given 64-bit library into target process.");
                case 21: THROW(STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_5, L"Unable to find the required native entry point in the given 64-bit library.");
                case 12: THROW(STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_5, L"Unable to find the required managed entry point in the given 64-bit library.");
                case 20: THROW(STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_4, L"Unable to load the given 32-bit library into target process.");
                case 21: THROW(STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_4, L"Unable to find the required native entry point in the given 32-bit library.");
                case 12: THROW(STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_4, L"Unable to find the required managed entry point in the given 32-bit library.");
                case 13: THROW(STATUS_DLL_INIT_FAILED, L"The user defined managed entry point failed in the target process. Make sure that EasyHook is registered in the GAC. Refer to event logs for more information.");
				case 1: THROW(STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR, L"Unable to allocate memory in target process.");
				case 2: THROW(STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR, L"Unable to adjust target's PATH variable.");
                case 10: THROW(STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR, L"Unable to load 'mscoree.dll' into target process.");
				case 11: THROW(STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR, L"Unable to bind NET Runtime to target process.");
				case 22: THROW(STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR, L"Unable to signal remote event.");
				default: THROW(STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR, L"Unknown error in injected C++ completion routine.");
		case 0:
			THROW(STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR, L"C++ completion routine has returned success but didn't raise the remote event.");
			THROW(STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR, L"Unknown error in injected assembler code.");
	else if(Code != WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1)
		THROW(STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR, L"Unable to wait for injection completion due to timeout. ");


		// release resources
		if(hProc != NULL)

		if(Info != NULL)

		if(hRemoteThread != NULL)

		if(hSignal != NULL)

        return NtStatus;
extern "C" int main(int argc, wchar_t* argv[])
    HMODULE                 hUser32 = LoadLibraryA("user32.dll");
    NTSTATUS                NtStatus;
    ULONG                   ACLEntries[1] = {0};
    UNICODE_STRING*         NameBuffer = NULL;
	HANDLE					hRemoteThread;

	// test driver...
	printf("Installing support driver...\n");


	printf("Installing test driver...\n");

		FORCE(RhInstallDriver(L"TestDriver64.sys", L"TestDriver64.sys"))
		FORCE(RhInstallDriver(L"TestDriver32.sys", L"TestDriver32.sys"));

	// test stealth thread creation...
	printf("Testing stealth thread creation...\n");

	hRemoteThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, TestThread, NULL, 0, NULL);

	FORCE(RhCreateStealthRemoteThread(GetCurrentProcessId(), HijackEntry, (PVOID)0x12345678, &hRemoteThread));


        The following shows how to install and remove local hooks...
            GetProcAddress(hUser32, "MessageBeep"),

    // won't invoke the hook handler because hooks are inactive after installation

    // activate the hook for the current thread
    FORCE(LhSetInclusiveACL(ACLEntries, 1, hHook));

    // will be redirected into the handler...

    // this will also invalidate "hHook", because it is a traced handle...

    // this will do nothing because the hook is already removed...

    // now we can safely release the traced handle
    delete hHook;

    hHook = NULL;

    // even if the hook is removed, we need to wait for memory release

        In many situations you will need the handler utilities.
    HANDLE          Handle = CreateEventA(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, "MyEvent");
    ULONG           RequiredSize;
    ULONG           RealThreadId;
    ULONG           ThreadId;

    // handle to name
    if(!SUCCEEDED(NtStatus = DbgHandleToObjectName(Handle, NULL, 0, &RequiredSize)))
        goto ERROR_ABORT;

    NameBuffer = (UNICODE_STRING*)malloc(RequiredSize);

    FORCE(DbgHandleToObjectName(Handle, NameBuffer, RequiredSize, &RequiredSize));

    printf("\n[Info]: Event name is \"%S\".\n", NameBuffer->Buffer);

    // handle to thread ID
    Handle = CreateThread(NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CREATE_SUSPENDED, &RealThreadId);

    FORCE(DbgGetThreadIdByHandle(Handle, &ThreadId));

    if(ThreadId != RealThreadId)
        return EXIT_FAILURE;


	return 0;


    if(hHook != NULL)
        delete hHook;

    if(NameBuffer != NULL)
        free(NameBuffer );

	printf("\n[Error(0x%p)]: \"%S\" (code: %d {0x%p})\n", (PVOID)NtStatus, RtlGetLastErrorString(), RtlGetLastError(), (PVOID)RtlGetLastError());


    return NtStatus;