Function Name :	UartInit
Arguments 	  : baud: baud rate(2400-1M bps)
				charSize: character size(5-8)
				parity: parity mode(0-None, 1-Reserved, 2-Even£¬3-Odd)
				stopbit: size of stop bits (1-2)
				frmSpace: setting value of min space time between frame
				          unit: 0.1ms
Return		  : TRUE-Initialization success
				FALSE-Initialization failed (invalid input)
Description	  : UART initialization
uint8 UartInit(uint32 baud, uint8 charSize, uint8 parity, uint8 stopbit, uint16 frmSpace)
	uint16	ubrrValue;
	//parameter check
	if ((baud < BAUD_MIN) || (baud > BAUD_MAX) || (charSize < 5) || (charSize > 8)
		|| (parity > 3) || (stopbit < 1) || (stopbit > 2))
		return FALSE;
	/* 	UBRR =	Fosc / (16 * BAUD) - 1          
	   	Note: MSB of ubrrValue must be 0, because UBRRH Register shares the 
	   	same I/O location as the UCSRC Register. So, the URSEL bit must used 
	   	to distinguish them.
	*///ubrrValue = (F_CPU / 16 / baud) - 1;
	ubrrValue = RoundDiv(F_CPU/16, baud) - 1;
	UBRR0H = ubrrValue >> 8; 
	UBRR0L = ubrrValue;

	/* 	Update USART Control & Status Reg C "UCSRC"	
		URSEL - 1 (UCSRC Access)
		UMSEL - 0 (Asynchronous Mode)
		UPM1  - 1 (Even Parity)
		UPM0  - 0 (Even Parity)
		USBS  - 0 (1 Stop bit)
		UCSZ1 - 1 (8 bit Character Size)
		UCSZ0 - 1 (8 bit Character Size)
		UCPOL - 0 (clock polarity)  */
	/* 	Note: (1<<URSEL) must be in forefront  */
	UCSR0C = ((parity<<UPM0) | ((stopbit-1)<<USBS) | ((charSize-5)<<UCSZ0));

	/*  Update USART Control & Status Reg B "UCSRB"
		RXCIE - 1 (RX Complete Interrupt Enable)
		TXCIE - 0 (TX Complete Interrupt Enable)
		UDRIE - 0 (UDR Empty Interrupt Enable)
		RXEN  - 1 (Enable Reciver)
		TXEN  - 1 (Enable Transmitter)
		UCSZ2 - 0 (8 Character Size)
		RXB8  - 0 (Receive Data Bit 8)
		TXB8  - 0 (Transmit Data Bit 8)  */	
	UCSR0B = ((1<<RXEN) | (1<<TXEN) | (1<<RXCIE));

	if (UartRxBufSet(buf1, BUF_SIZE1) == FALSE)
		return FALSE;
	if (UartTxBufSet(buf2, BUF_SIZE2) == FALSE)
		return FALSE;
	txCtrl.frmSpaceSet = frmSpace;
	return TRUE;
 std::string DecimalStr(const BigRat& q, const MachineInt& DecimalPlaces)
   if (IsNegative(DecimalPlaces) || !IsSignedLong(DecimalPlaces) || IsZero(DecimalPlaces))
     CoCoA_ERROR(ERR::BadArg, "FixedStr");
   if (IsOneDen(q)) return DecimalStr(num(q), DecimalPlaces);
   const long DigitsAfterPoint = AsSignedLong(DecimalPlaces);
   const BigInt N = RoundDiv(abs(num(q))*power(10,DigitsAfterPoint),den(q));
   string digits = ToString(N);
   if (len(digits) < 1+DigitsAfterPoint)
     digits = string(DigitsAfterPoint+1-len(digits), '0') + digits;
   string ans;
   if (q < 0) ans = '-';
   const long IntegerPart = len(digits) - DigitsAfterPoint;
   ans.insert(ans.end(), &digits[0], &digits[IntegerPart]);
   ans += '.';
   ans.insert(ans.end(), &digits[IntegerPart], &digits[IntegerPart+DigitsAfterPoint]);
   return ans;