bool QueryRouters( void *theEnv, const char *logicalName) { struct router *currentPtr; currentPtr = RouterData(theEnv)->ListOfRouters; while (currentPtr != NULL) { if (QueryRouter(theEnv,logicalName,currentPtr) == true) return(true); currentPtr = currentPtr->next; } return(false); }
void SetNCommandString( void *theEnv, const char *str, unsigned length) { FlushCommandString(theEnv); CommandLineData(theEnv)->CommandString = (char *) genrealloc(theEnv,CommandLineData(theEnv)->CommandString,(unsigned) CommandLineData(theEnv)->MaximumCharacters, (unsigned) CommandLineData(theEnv)->MaximumCharacters + length + 1); genstrncpy(CommandLineData(theEnv)->CommandString,str,length); CommandLineData(theEnv)->CommandString[CommandLineData(theEnv)->MaximumCharacters + length] = 0; CommandLineData(theEnv)->MaximumCharacters += (length + 1); RouterData(theEnv)->CommandBufferInputCount += (int) length; }
globle int QueryRouters( void *theEnv, char *logicalName) { struct router *currentPtr; currentPtr = RouterData(theEnv)->ListOfRouters; while (currentPtr != NULL) { if (QueryRouter(theEnv,logicalName,currentPtr) == TRUE) return(TRUE); currentPtr = currentPtr->next; } return(FALSE); }
static void DeallocateRouterData( void *theEnv, EXEC_STATUS) { struct router *tmpPtr, *nextPtr; tmpPtr = RouterData(theEnv,execStatus)->ListOfRouters; while (tmpPtr != NULL) { nextPtr = tmpPtr->next; genfree(theEnv,execStatus,tmpPtr->name,strlen(tmpPtr->name) + 1); rtn_struct(theEnv,execStatus,router,tmpPtr); tmpPtr = nextPtr; } }
struct router *EnvFindRouter( void *theEnv, const char *routerName) { struct router *currentPtr; for (currentPtr = RouterData(theEnv)->ListOfRouters; currentPtr != NULL; currentPtr = currentPtr->next) { if (strcmp(currentPtr->name,routerName) == 0) { return(currentPtr); } } return(NULL); }
void SetCommandString( void *theEnv, const char *str) { size_t length; FlushCommandString(theEnv); length = strlen(str); CommandLineData(theEnv)->CommandString = (char *) genrealloc(theEnv,CommandLineData(theEnv)->CommandString,(unsigned) CommandLineData(theEnv)->MaximumCharacters, (unsigned) CommandLineData(theEnv)->MaximumCharacters + length + 1); genstrcpy(CommandLineData(theEnv)->CommandString,str); CommandLineData(theEnv)->MaximumCharacters += (length + 1); RouterData(theEnv)->CommandBufferInputCount += (int) length; }
bool EnvActivateRouter( void *theEnv, const char *routerName) { struct router *currentPtr; currentPtr = RouterData(theEnv)->ListOfRouters; while (currentPtr != NULL) { if (strcmp(currentPtr->name,routerName) == 0) { currentPtr->active = true; return(true); } currentPtr = currentPtr->next; } return(false); }
globle int EnvActivateRouter( void *theEnv, char *routerName) { struct router *currentPtr; currentPtr = RouterData(theEnv)->ListOfRouters; while (currentPtr != NULL) { if (strcmp(currentPtr->name,routerName) == 0) { currentPtr->active = TRUE; return(TRUE); } currentPtr = currentPtr->next; } return(FALSE); }
int LLGetcBatch( Environment *theEnv, const char *logicalName, bool returnOnEOF) { int rv = EOF, flag = 1; /*=================================================*/ /* Get a character until a valid character appears */ /* or no more batch files are left. */ /*=================================================*/ while ((rv == EOF) && (flag == 1)) { if (FileCommandData(theEnv)->BatchType == FILE_BATCH) { rv = getc(FileCommandData(theEnv)->BatchFileSource); } else { rv = ReadRouter(theEnv,FileCommandData(theEnv)->BatchLogicalSource); } if (rv == EOF) { if (FileCommandData(theEnv)->BatchCurrentPosition > 0) WriteString(theEnv,STDOUT,(char *) FileCommandData(theEnv)->BatchBuffer); flag = RemoveBatch(theEnv); } } /*=========================================================*/ /* If the character retrieved is an end-of-file character, */ /* then there are no batch files with character input */ /* remaining. Remove the batch router. */ /*=========================================================*/ if (rv == EOF) { if (FileCommandData(theEnv)->BatchCurrentPosition > 0) WriteString(theEnv,STDOUT,(char *) FileCommandData(theEnv)->BatchBuffer); DeleteRouter(theEnv,"batch"); RemoveBatch(theEnv); if (returnOnEOF == true) { return (EOF); } else { return ReadRouter(theEnv,logicalName); } } /*========================================*/ /* Add the character to the batch buffer. */ /*========================================*/ if (RouterData(theEnv)->InputUngets == 0) { FileCommandData(theEnv)->BatchBuffer = ExpandStringWithChar(theEnv,(char) rv,FileCommandData(theEnv)->BatchBuffer,&FileCommandData(theEnv)->BatchCurrentPosition, &FileCommandData(theEnv)->BatchMaximumPosition,FileCommandData(theEnv)->BatchMaximumPosition+BUFFER_SIZE); } /*======================================*/ /* If a carriage return is encountered, */ /* then flush the batch buffer. */ /*======================================*/ if ((char) rv == '\n') { WriteString(theEnv,STDOUT,(char *) FileCommandData(theEnv)->BatchBuffer); FileCommandData(theEnv)->BatchCurrentPosition = 0; if ((FileCommandData(theEnv)->BatchBuffer != NULL) && (FileCommandData(theEnv)->BatchMaximumPosition > BUFFER_SIZE)) { rm(theEnv,FileCommandData(theEnv)->BatchBuffer,FileCommandData(theEnv)->BatchMaximumPosition); FileCommandData(theEnv)->BatchMaximumPosition = 0; FileCommandData(theEnv)->BatchBuffer = NULL; } } /*=============================*/ /* Increment the line counter. */ /*=============================*/ if (((char) rv == '\r') || ((char) rv == '\n')) { IncrementLineCount(theEnv); } /*=====================================================*/ /* Return the character retrieved from the batch file. */ /*=====================================================*/ return(rv); }
globle int EnvUngetcRouter( void *theEnv, int ch, char *logicalName) { struct router *currentPtr; /*===================================================*/ /* If the "fast load" option is being used, then the */ /* logical name is actually a pointer to a file and */ /* ungetc can be called directly to bypass querying */ /* all of the routers. */ /*===================================================*/ if (((char *) RouterData(theEnv)->FastLoadFilePtr) == logicalName) { if ((ch == '\r') || (ch == '\n')) { if (((char *) RouterData(theEnv)->FastLoadFilePtr) == RouterData(theEnv)->LineCountRouter) { DecrementLineCount(theEnv); } } return(ungetc(ch,RouterData(theEnv)->FastLoadFilePtr)); } /*===============================================*/ /* If the "fast string get" option is being used */ /* for the specified logical name, then bypass */ /* the router system and unget the character */ /* directly from the fast get string. */ /*===============================================*/ if (RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetRouter == logicalName) { if ((ch == '\r') || (ch == '\n')) { if (RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetRouter == RouterData(theEnv)->LineCountRouter) { DecrementLineCount(theEnv); } } if (RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetIndex > 0) RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetIndex--; return(ch); } /*===============================================*/ /* Search through the list of routers until one */ /* is found that will handle the ungetc request. */ /*===============================================*/ currentPtr = RouterData(theEnv)->ListOfRouters; while (currentPtr != NULL) { if ((currentPtr->charunget != NULL) ? QueryRouter(theEnv,logicalName,currentPtr) : FALSE) { if ((ch == '\r') || (ch == '\n')) { if ((RouterData(theEnv)->LineCountRouter != NULL) && (strcmp(logicalName,RouterData(theEnv)->LineCountRouter) == 0)) { DecrementLineCount(theEnv); } } if (currentPtr->environmentAware) { return((*currentPtr->charunget)(theEnv,ch,logicalName)); } else { return(((int (*)(int,char *)) (*currentPtr->charunget))(ch,logicalName)); } } currentPtr = currentPtr->next; } /*=====================================================*/ /* The logical name was not recognized by any routers. */ /*=====================================================*/ UnrecognizedRouterMessage(theEnv,logicalName); return(-1); }
globle void AbortExit( void *theEnv) { RouterData(theEnv)->Abort = TRUE; }
void AppendNCommandString( void *theEnv, const char *str, unsigned length) { CommandLineData(theEnv)->CommandString = AppendNToString(theEnv,str,CommandLineData(theEnv)->CommandString,length,&RouterData(theEnv)->CommandBufferInputCount,&CommandLineData(theEnv)->MaximumCharacters); }
void AbortExit( void *theEnv) { RouterData(theEnv)->Abort = true; }
bool EnvAddRouterWithContext( void *theEnv, const char *routerName, int priority, bool (*queryFunction)(void *,const char *), int (*printFunction)(void *,const char *,const char *), int (*getcFunction)(void *,const char *), int (*ungetcFunction)(void *,int,const char *), int (*exitFunction)(void *,int), void *context) { struct router *newPtr, *lastPtr, *currentPtr; char *nameCopy; /*==================================================*/ /* Reject the router if the name is already in use. */ /*==================================================*/ for (currentPtr = RouterData(theEnv)->ListOfRouters; currentPtr != NULL; currentPtr = currentPtr->next) { if (strcmp(currentPtr->name,routerName) == 0) { return 0; } } newPtr = get_struct(theEnv,router); nameCopy = (char *) genalloc(theEnv,strlen(routerName) + 1); genstrcpy(nameCopy,routerName); newPtr->name = nameCopy; newPtr->active = true; newPtr->context = context; newPtr->priority = priority; newPtr->query = queryFunction; newPtr->printer = printFunction; newPtr->exiter = exitFunction; newPtr->charget = getcFunction; newPtr->charunget = ungetcFunction; newPtr->next = NULL; if (RouterData(theEnv)->ListOfRouters == NULL) { RouterData(theEnv)->ListOfRouters = newPtr; return(1); } lastPtr = NULL; currentPtr = RouterData(theEnv)->ListOfRouters; while ((currentPtr != NULL) ? (priority < currentPtr->priority) : false) { lastPtr = currentPtr; currentPtr = currentPtr->next; } if (lastPtr == NULL) { newPtr->next = RouterData(theEnv)->ListOfRouters; RouterData(theEnv)->ListOfRouters = newPtr; } else { newPtr->next = currentPtr; lastPtr->next = newPtr; } return(1); }
void AppendCommandString( void *theEnv, const char *str) { CommandLineData(theEnv)->CommandString = AppendToString(theEnv,str,CommandLineData(theEnv)->CommandString,&RouterData(theEnv)->CommandBufferInputCount,&CommandLineData(theEnv)->MaximumCharacters); }
globle FILE *GetFastSave( void *theEnv, EXEC_STATUS) { return(RouterData(theEnv,execStatus)->FastSaveFilePtr); }
globle FILE *GetFastLoad( void *theEnv) { return(RouterData(theEnv)->FastLoadFilePtr); }
globle void SetFastLoad( void *theEnv, FILE *filePtr) { RouterData(theEnv)->FastLoadFilePtr = filePtr; }
/******************************************************************************* NAME : CreateGetAndPutHandlers DESCRIPTION : Creates two message-handlers with the following syntax for the slot: (defmessage-handler <class> get-<slot-name> primary () ?self:<slot-name>) For single-field slots: (defmessage-handler <class> put-<slot-name> primary (?value) (bind ?self:<slot-name> ?value)) For multifield slots: (defmessage-handler <class> put-<slot-name> primary ($?value) (bind ?self:<slot-name> ?value)) INPUTS : The class slot descriptor RETURNS : Nothing useful SIDE EFFECTS : Message-handlers created NOTES : A put handler is not created for read-only slots *******************************************************************************/ globle void CreateGetAndPutHandlers( void *theEnv, SLOT_DESC *sd) { char *className,*slotName; unsigned bufsz; char *buf,*handlerRouter = "*** Default Public Handlers ***"; int oldPWL,oldCM; char *oldRouter; char *oldString; long oldIndex; if ((sd->createReadAccessor == 0) && (sd->createWriteAccessor == 0)) return; className = ValueToString(sd->cls->; slotName = ValueToString(sd->slotName->name); bufsz = (sizeof(char) * (strlen(className) + (strlen(slotName) * 2) + 80)); buf = (char *) gm2(theEnv,bufsz); oldPWL = GetPrintWhileLoading(theEnv); SetPrintWhileLoading(theEnv,FALSE); oldCM = EnvSetConserveMemory(theEnv,TRUE); if (sd->createReadAccessor) { sprintf(buf,"%s get-%s () ?self:%s)",className,slotName,slotName); oldRouter = RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetRouter; oldString = RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetString; oldIndex = RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetIndex; RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetRouter = handlerRouter; RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetIndex = 0; RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetString = buf; ParseDefmessageHandler(theEnv,handlerRouter); DestroyPPBuffer(theEnv); /* if (OpenStringSource(theEnv,handlerRouter,buf,0)) { ParseDefmessageHandler(handlerRouter); DestroyPPBuffer(); CloseStringSource(theEnv,handlerRouter); } */ RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetRouter = oldRouter; RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetIndex = oldIndex; RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetString = oldString; } if (sd->createWriteAccessor) { sprintf(buf,"%s put-%s ($?value) (bind ?self:%s ?value))", className,slotName,slotName); oldRouter = RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetRouter; oldString = RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetString; oldIndex = RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetIndex; RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetRouter = handlerRouter; RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetIndex = 0; RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetString = buf; ParseDefmessageHandler(theEnv,handlerRouter); DestroyPPBuffer(theEnv); /* if (OpenStringSource(theEnv,handlerRouter,buf,0)) { ParseDefmessageHandler(handlerRouter); DestroyPPBuffer(); CloseStringSource(theEnv,handlerRouter); } */ RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetRouter = oldRouter; RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetIndex = oldIndex; RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetString = oldString; } SetPrintWhileLoading(theEnv,oldPWL); EnvSetConserveMemory(theEnv,oldCM); rm(theEnv,(void *) buf,bufsz); }
size_t EnvInputBufferCount( void *theEnv) { return RouterData(theEnv)->CommandBufferInputCount; }
globle void SetFastSave( void *theEnv, FILE *filePtr) { RouterData(theEnv)->FastSaveFilePtr = filePtr; }
globle int EnvGetcRouter( void *theEnv, char *logicalName) { struct router *currentPtr; int inchar; /*===================================================*/ /* If the "fast load" option is being used, then the */ /* logical name is actually a pointer to a file and */ /* getc can be called directly to bypass querying */ /* all of the routers. */ /*===================================================*/ if (((char *) RouterData(theEnv)->FastLoadFilePtr) == logicalName) { inchar = getc(RouterData(theEnv)->FastLoadFilePtr); if ((inchar == '\r') || (inchar == '\n')) { if (((char *) RouterData(theEnv)->FastLoadFilePtr) == RouterData(theEnv)->LineCountRouter) { IncrementLineCount(theEnv); } } /* if (inchar == '\r') return('\n'); */ return(inchar); } /*===============================================*/ /* If the "fast string get" option is being used */ /* for the specified logical name, then bypass */ /* the router system and extract the character */ /* directly from the fast get string. */ /*===============================================*/ if (RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetRouter == logicalName) { inchar = (unsigned char) RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetString[RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetIndex]; RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetIndex++; if (inchar == '\0') return(EOF); if ((inchar == '\r') || (inchar == '\n')) { if (RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetRouter == RouterData(theEnv)->LineCountRouter) { IncrementLineCount(theEnv); } } return(inchar); } /*==============================================*/ /* Search through the list of routers until one */ /* is found that will handle the getc request. */ /*==============================================*/ currentPtr = RouterData(theEnv)->ListOfRouters; while (currentPtr != NULL) { if ((currentPtr->charget != NULL) ? QueryRouter(theEnv,logicalName,currentPtr) : FALSE) { SetEnvironmentRouterContext(theEnv,currentPtr->context); if (currentPtr->environmentAware) { inchar = (*currentPtr->charget)(theEnv,logicalName); } else { inchar = ((int (*)(char *)) (*currentPtr->charget))(logicalName); } if ((inchar == '\r') || (inchar == '\n')) { if ((RouterData(theEnv)->LineCountRouter != NULL) && (strcmp(logicalName,RouterData(theEnv)->LineCountRouter) == 0)) { IncrementLineCount(theEnv); } } return(inchar); } currentPtr = currentPtr->next; } /*=====================================================*/ /* The logical name was not recognized by any routers. */ /*=====================================================*/ UnrecognizedRouterMessage(theEnv,logicalName); return(-1); }
globle FILE *GetFastSave( void *theEnv) { return(RouterData(theEnv)->FastSaveFilePtr); }
globle void AbortExit( void *theEnv, EXEC_STATUS) { RouterData(theEnv,execStatus)->Abort = TRUE; }