void GeometricRowScaling
( const Matrix<Field>& A,
        Matrix<Base<Field>>& geomScaling )
    typedef Base<Field> Real;
    Matrix<Real> maxScaling;
    RowMaxNorms( A, maxScaling );
    RowMinAbsNonzero( A, maxScaling, geomScaling );
    const Int m = A.Height();
    for( Int i=0; i<m; ++i )
        const Real maxAbs = maxScaling(i);
        const Real minAbs = geomScaling(i);
        geomScaling(i) = Sqrt(minAbs*maxAbs);
void GeometricRowScaling
( const DistMatrix<Field,      U,V   >& A,
        DistMatrix<Base<Field>,U,STAR>& geomScaling )
    typedef Base<Field> Real;
    DistMatrix<Real,U,STAR> maxScaling(A.Grid());
    RowMaxNorms( A, maxScaling );
    RowMinAbsNonzero( A, maxScaling, geomScaling );
    const Int mLocal = A.LocalHeight();
    auto& maxScalingLoc = maxScaling.Matrix();
    auto& geomScalingLoc = geomScaling.Matrix();
    for( Int iLoc=0; iLoc<mLocal; ++iLoc )
        const Real maxAbs = maxScalingLoc(iLoc);
        const Real minAbs = geomScalingLoc(iLoc);
        geomScalingLoc(iLoc) = Sqrt(minAbs*maxAbs);
void RuizEquil
( DistSparseMatrix<Field>& A,
  DistMultiVec<Base<Field>>& dRow,
  DistMultiVec<Base<Field>>& dCol,
  bool progress )
    typedef Base<Field> Real;
    const Int m = A.Height();
    const Int n = A.Width();
    mpi::Comm comm = A.Comm();
    dRow.SetComm( comm );
    dCol.SetComm( comm );
    Ones( dRow, m, 1 );
    Ones( dCol, n, 1 );

    // TODO(poulson): Expose to control structure
    // For, simply hard-code a small number of iterations
    const Int maxIter = 4;

    DistMultiVec<Real> scales(comm);
    const Int indent = PushIndent();
    for( Int iter=0; iter<maxIter; ++iter )
        // Rescale the columns
        // -------------------
        ColumnMaxNorms( A, scales );
        EntrywiseMap( scales, MakeFunction(DampScaling<Real>) );
        DiagonalScale( LEFT, NORMAL, scales, dCol );
        DiagonalSolve( RIGHT, NORMAL, scales, A );

        // Rescale the rows
        // ----------------
        RowMaxNorms( A, scales );
        EntrywiseMap( scales, MakeFunction(DampScaling<Real>) );
        DiagonalScale( LEFT, NORMAL, scales, dRow );
        DiagonalSolve( LEFT, NORMAL, scales, A );
    SetIndent( indent );
void RuizEquil
( Matrix<Field>& A,
  Matrix<Base<Field>>& dRow,
  Matrix<Base<Field>>& dCol,
  bool progress )
    typedef Base<Field> Real;
    const Int m = A.Height();
    const Int n = A.Width();
    Ones( dRow, m, 1 );
    Ones( dCol, n, 1 );

    // TODO(poulson): Expose these as control parameters
    // For now, simply hard-code the number of iterations
    const Int maxIter = 4;

    Matrix<Real> rowScale, colScale;
    const Int indent = PushIndent();
    for( Int iter=0; iter<maxIter; ++iter )
        // Rescale the columns
        // -------------------
        ColumnMaxNorms( A, colScale );
        EntrywiseMap( colScale, MakeFunction(DampScaling<Real>) );
        DiagonalScale( LEFT, NORMAL, colScale, dCol );
        DiagonalSolve( RIGHT, NORMAL, colScale, A );

        // Rescale the rows
        // ----------------
        RowMaxNorms( A, rowScale );
        EntrywiseMap( rowScale, MakeFunction(DampScaling<Real>) );
        DiagonalScale( LEFT, NORMAL, rowScale, dRow );
        DiagonalSolve( LEFT, NORMAL, rowScale, A );
    SetIndent( indent );
void StackedRuizEquil
( AbstractDistMatrix<Field>& APre,
  AbstractDistMatrix<Field>& BPre,
  AbstractDistMatrix<Base<Field>>& dRowAPre,
  AbstractDistMatrix<Base<Field>>& dRowBPre,
  AbstractDistMatrix<Base<Field>>& dColPre,
  bool progress )
    typedef Base<Field> Real;

    ElementalProxyCtrl control;
    control.colConstrain = true;
    control.rowConstrain = true;
    control.colAlign = 0;
    control.rowAlign = 0;

    DistMatrixReadWriteProxy<Field,Field,MC,MR> AProx( APre, control );
    DistMatrixReadWriteProxy<Field,Field,MC,MR> BProx( BPre, control );
    DistMatrixWriteProxy<Real,Real,MC,STAR> dRowAProx( dRowAPre, control );
    DistMatrixWriteProxy<Real,Real,MC,STAR> dRowBProx( dRowBPre, control );
    DistMatrixWriteProxy<Real,Real,MR,STAR> dColProx( dColPre, control );
    auto& A = AProx.Get();
    auto& B = BProx.Get();
    auto& dRowA = dRowAProx.Get();
    auto& dRowB = dRowBProx.Get();
    auto& dCol = dColProx.Get();

    const Int mA = A.Height();
    const Int mB = B.Height();
    const Int n = A.Width();
    const Int nLocal = A.LocalWidth();
    Ones( dRowA, mA, 1 );
    Ones( dRowB, mB, 1 );
    Ones( dCol, n, 1 );

    // TODO(poulson): Expose these as control parameters
    // For now, simply hard-code the number of iterations
    const Int maxIter = 4;

    DistMatrix<Real,MC,STAR> rowScale(A.Grid());
    DistMatrix<Real,MR,STAR> colScale(A.Grid()), colScaleB(B.Grid());
    auto& colScaleLoc = colScale.Matrix();
    auto& colScaleBLoc = colScaleB.Matrix();
    const Int indent = PushIndent();
    for( Int iter=0; iter<maxIter; ++iter )
        // Rescale the columns
        // -------------------
        ColumnMaxNorms( A, colScale );
        ColumnMaxNorms( B, colScaleB );
        for( Int jLoc=0; jLoc<nLocal; ++jLoc )
            colScaleLoc(jLoc) =
        EntrywiseMap( colScale, MakeFunction(DampScaling<Real>) );
        DiagonalScale( LEFT, NORMAL, colScale, dCol );
        DiagonalSolve( RIGHT, NORMAL, colScale, A );
        DiagonalSolve( RIGHT, NORMAL, colScale, B );

        // Rescale the rows
        // ----------------
        RowMaxNorms( A, rowScale );
        EntrywiseMap( rowScale, MakeFunction(DampScaling<Real>) );
        DiagonalScale( LEFT, NORMAL, rowScale, dRowA );
        DiagonalSolve( LEFT, NORMAL, rowScale, A );

        RowMaxNorms( B, rowScale );
        EntrywiseMap( rowScale, MakeFunction(DampScaling<Real>) );
        DiagonalScale( LEFT, NORMAL, rowScale, dRowB );
        DiagonalSolve( LEFT, NORMAL, rowScale, B );
    SetIndent( indent );