int main(int argc, char **argv)
  //Initiate ROS
  ros::init(argc, argv, "subscribe_and_publish");

  // Create the vector of topics that will be used to store the list of current topics
  ros::master::V_TopicInfo topics;

  // Create the string that will be searched for in the topics:
  std::string searchString = "/vrpn_client_node/";

  //Create an object of class SubscribeAndPublish that will take care of everything
  SubscribeAndPublish SAPObject("testingishere");
  SubscribeAndPublish SAPObject2("testingishere2");

// Will I need a while ros::ok() loop?

  ros::master::TopicInfo testing;
  int i=0;
  std::string topicToCreate;
  // Here we need to create a vector of SubPubs, so that we can create many objects
  std::vector<SubscribeAndPublish> SubPubVector;
  //for (i=0;i<topics.size();i++){
  for (i=(topics.size()-1);i>0;i--){
      ROS_INFO("we are at %d", i);
      testing =;
      std::size_t pos =;
      if (pos != std::string::npos){
	// Need to create a Subscribe and Publish
    // The topics we are looking for in this case will look something like:
    // /vrpn_client_node/Ardrone/pose
    // Generically, they could look like anything in the searchString
        topicToCreate = (;// The pos is there in case the search string doesn't start at the beginning of the topic name
        ROS_INFO("We are going to create %s", topicToCreate.c_str());
        SubscribeAndPublish SAPObject(topicToCreate);

      } // end if
  } // end for


  return 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv)

    ros::init(argc, argv, "Odometry_publisher");
    ros::NodeHandle nh_private("~");
    std::string talker_topic = "";
    if(!nh_private.getParam("talker_topic", talker_topic)){
        talker_topic = "/talker_boost_serial";

    SubscribeAndPublish SAPObject(talker_topic);

    SAPObject.current_time = ros::Time::now();
    SAPObject.last_time = ros::Time::now();