int RunModeSetIPSAutoFp(ConfigIPSParserFunc ConfigParser, const char *recv_mod_name, const char *verdict_mod_name, const char *decode_mod_name) { SCEnter(); char tname[TM_THREAD_NAME_MAX]; char qname[TM_QUEUE_NAME_MAX]; TmModule *tm_module ; const char *cur_queue = NULL; char *queues = NULL; int thread; /* Available cpus */ uint16_t ncpus = UtilCpuGetNumProcessorsOnline(); int nqueue = LiveGetDeviceCount(); int thread_max = TmThreadGetNbThreads(WORKER_CPU_SET); /* always create at least one thread */ if (thread_max == 0) thread_max = ncpus * threading_detect_ratio; if (thread_max < 1) thread_max = 1; queues = RunmodeAutoFpCreatePickupQueuesString(thread_max); if (queues == NULL) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "RunmodeAutoFpCreatePickupQueuesString failed"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } for (int i = 0; i < nqueue; i++) { /* create the threads */ cur_queue = LiveGetDeviceName(i); if (cur_queue == NULL) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "invalid queue number"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } memset(tname, 0, sizeof(tname)); snprintf(tname, sizeof(tname), "%s-Q%s", thread_name_autofp, cur_queue); ThreadVars *tv_receive = TmThreadCreatePacketHandler(tname, "packetpool", "packetpool", queues, "flow", "pktacqloop"); if (tv_receive == NULL) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "TmThreadsCreate failed"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } TmModule *tm_module = TmModuleGetByName(recv_mod_name); if (tm_module == NULL) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "TmModuleGetByName failed for %s", recv_mod_name); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } TmSlotSetFuncAppend(tv_receive, tm_module, (void *) ConfigParser(i)); tm_module = TmModuleGetByName(decode_mod_name); if (tm_module == NULL) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "TmModuleGetByName %s failed", decode_mod_name); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } TmSlotSetFuncAppend(tv_receive, tm_module, NULL); TmThreadSetCPU(tv_receive, RECEIVE_CPU_SET); if (TmThreadSpawn(tv_receive) != TM_ECODE_OK) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "TmThreadSpawn failed"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } for (thread = 0; thread < thread_max; thread++) { snprintf(tname, sizeof(tname), "%s#%02d", thread_name_workers, thread+1); snprintf(qname, sizeof(qname), "pickup%d", thread+1); SCLogDebug("tname %s, qname %s", tname, qname); ThreadVars *tv_detect_ncpu = TmThreadCreatePacketHandler(tname, qname, "flow", "verdict-queue", "simple", "varslot"); if (tv_detect_ncpu == NULL) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "TmThreadsCreate failed"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } TmModule *tm_module = TmModuleGetByName("FlowWorker"); if (tm_module == NULL) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "TmModuleGetByName for FlowWorker failed"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } TmSlotSetFuncAppend(tv_detect_ncpu, tm_module, NULL); TmThreadSetCPU(tv_detect_ncpu, WORKER_CPU_SET); TmThreadSetGroupName(tv_detect_ncpu, "Detect"); if (TmThreadSpawn(tv_detect_ncpu) != TM_ECODE_OK) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "TmThreadSpawn failed"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } /* create the threads */ for (int i = 0; i < nqueue; i++) { memset(tname, 0, sizeof(tname)); snprintf(tname, sizeof(tname), "%s#%02d", thread_name_verdict, i); ThreadVars *tv_verdict = TmThreadCreatePacketHandler(tname, "verdict-queue", "simple", "packetpool", "packetpool", "varslot"); if (tv_verdict == NULL) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "TmThreadsCreate failed"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } tm_module = TmModuleGetByName(verdict_mod_name); if (tm_module == NULL) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "TmModuleGetByName %s failed", verdict_mod_name); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } TmSlotSetFuncAppend(tv_verdict, tm_module, (void *)ConfigParser(i)); tm_module = TmModuleGetByName("RespondReject"); if (tm_module == NULL) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "TmModuleGetByName for RespondReject failed"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } TmSlotSetFuncAppend(tv_verdict, tm_module, NULL); TmThreadSetCPU(tv_verdict, VERDICT_CPU_SET); if (TmThreadSpawn(tv_verdict) != TM_ECODE_OK) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "TmThreadSpawn failed"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } SCFree(queues); return 0; }
/** * \brief Receives packets from a DAG interface. * * \param tv pointer to ThreadVars * \param data pointer to ErfDagThreadVars * \param slot slot containing task information * * \retval TM_ECODE_OK on success * \retval TM_ECODE_FAILED on failure */ TmEcode ReceiveErfDagLoop(ThreadVars *tv, void *data, void *slot) { SCEnter(); ErfDagThreadVars *dtv = (ErfDagThreadVars *)data; uint32_t diff = 0; int err; uint8_t *top = NULL; uint32_t pkts_read = 0; TmSlot *s = (TmSlot *)slot; dtv->slot = s->slot_next; while (1) { if (suricata_ctl_flags & (SURICATA_STOP | SURICATA_KILL)) { SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); } top = dag_advance_stream(dtv->dagfd, dtv->dagstream, &(dtv->btm)); if (top == NULL) { if (errno == EAGAIN) { if (dtv->dagstream & 0x1) { usleep(10 * 1000); dtv->btm = dtv->top; } continue; } else { SCLogError(SC_ERR_ERF_DAG_STREAM_READ_FAILED, "Failed to read from stream: %d, DAG: %s when " "using dag_advance_stream", dtv->dagstream, dtv->dagname); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } } diff = top - dtv->btm; if (diff == 0) { continue; } assert(diff >= dag_record_size); err = ProcessErfDagRecords(dtv, top, &pkts_read); if (err == TM_ECODE_FAILED) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_ERF_DAG_STREAM_READ_FAILED, "Failed to read from stream: %d, DAG: %s", dtv->dagstream, dtv->dagname); ReceiveErfDagCloseStream(dtv->dagfd, dtv->dagstream); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } StatsSyncCountersIfSignalled(tv); SCLogDebug("Read %d records from stream: %d, DAG: %s", pkts_read, dtv->dagstream, dtv->dagname); } SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); }
/** * \brief Process a DAG record into a TM packet buffer. * \param prec pointer to a DAG record. * \param */ static inline TmEcode ProcessErfDagRecord(ErfDagThreadVars *ewtn, char *prec) { SCEnter(); int wlen = 0; int rlen = 0; int hdr_num = 0; char hdr_type = 0; dag_record_t *dr = (dag_record_t*)prec; erf_payload_t *pload; Packet *p; hdr_type = dr->type; wlen = ntohs(dr->wlen); rlen = ntohs(dr->rlen); /* count extension headers */ while (hdr_type & 0x80) { if (rlen < (dag_record_size + (hdr_num * 8))) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_UNIMPLEMENTED, "Insufficient captured packet length."); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } hdr_type = prec[(dag_record_size + (hdr_num * 8))]; hdr_num++; } /* Check that the whole frame was captured */ if (rlen < (dag_record_size + (8 * hdr_num) + 2 + wlen)) { SCLogInfo("Incomplete frame captured."); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); } /* skip over extension headers */ pload = (erf_payload_t *)(prec + dag_record_size + (8 * hdr_num)); p = PacketGetFromQueueOrAlloc(); if (p == NULL) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_MEM_ALLOC, "Failed to allocate a Packet on stream: %d, DAG: %s", ewtn->dagstream, ewtn->dagname); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } PKT_SET_SRC(p, PKT_SRC_WIRE); SET_PKT_LEN(p, wlen); p->datalink = LINKTYPE_ETHERNET; /* Take into account for link type Ethernet ETH frame starts * after ther ERF header + pad. */ if (unlikely(PacketCopyData(p, pload->eth.dst, GET_PKT_LEN(p)))) { TmqhOutputPacketpool(ewtn->tv, p); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } /* Convert ERF time to timeval - from libpcap. */ uint64_t ts = dr->ts; p->ts.tv_sec = ts >> 32; ts = (ts & 0xffffffffULL) * 1000000; ts += 0x80000000; /* rounding */ p->ts.tv_usec = ts >> 32; if (p->ts.tv_usec >= 1000000) { p->ts.tv_usec -= 1000000; p->ts.tv_sec++; } StatsIncr(tv, ewtn->packets); ewtn->bytes += wlen; if (TmThreadsSlotProcessPkt(ewtn->tv, ewtn->slot, p) != TM_ECODE_OK) { TmqhOutputPacketpool(ewtn->tv, p); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); }
static const uint8_t *DetectEngineSMTPGetBufferForTX(uint64_t tx_id, DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx, Flow *f, File *curr_file, uint8_t flags, uint32_t *buffer_len, uint32_t *stream_start_offset) { SCEnter(); int index = 0; const uint8_t *buffer = NULL; *buffer_len = 0; *stream_start_offset = 0; uint64_t file_size = FileSize(curr_file); if (det_ctx->smtp_buffers_list_len == 0) { if (SMTPCreateSpace(det_ctx, 1) < 0) goto end; index = 0; if (det_ctx->smtp_buffers_list_len == 0) { det_ctx->smtp_start_tx_id = tx_id; } det_ctx->smtp_buffers_list_len++; } else { if ((tx_id - det_ctx->smtp_start_tx_id) < det_ctx->smtp_buffers_list_len) { if (det_ctx->smtp[(tx_id - det_ctx->smtp_start_tx_id)].buffer_len != 0) { *buffer_len = det_ctx->smtp[(tx_id - det_ctx->smtp_start_tx_id)].buffer_len; *stream_start_offset = det_ctx->smtp[(tx_id - det_ctx->smtp_start_tx_id)].offset; buffer = det_ctx->smtp[(tx_id - det_ctx->smtp_start_tx_id)].buffer; SCReturnPtr(buffer, "uint8_t"); } } else { if (SMTPCreateSpace(det_ctx, (tx_id - det_ctx->smtp_start_tx_id) + 1) < 0) goto end; if (det_ctx->smtp_buffers_list_len == 0) { det_ctx->smtp_start_tx_id = tx_id; } det_ctx->smtp_buffers_list_len++; } index = (tx_id - det_ctx->smtp_start_tx_id); } SCLogDebug("smtp_config.content_limit %u, smtp_config.content_inspect_min_size %u", smtp_config.content_limit, smtp_config.content_inspect_min_size); SCLogDebug("file %p size %"PRIu64", state %d", curr_file, file_size, curr_file->state); /* no new data */ if (curr_file->content_inspected == file_size) { SCLogDebug("no new data"); goto end; } if (file_size == 0) { SCLogDebug("no data to inspect for this transaction"); goto end; } if ((smtp_config.content_limit == 0 || file_size < smtp_config.content_limit) && file_size < smtp_config.content_inspect_min_size && !(flags & STREAM_EOF) && !(curr_file->state > FILE_STATE_OPENED)) { SCLogDebug("we still haven't seen the entire content. " "Let's defer content inspection till we see the " "entire content."); goto end; } StreamingBufferGetDataAtOffset(curr_file->sb, &det_ctx->smtp[index].buffer, &det_ctx->smtp[index].buffer_len, curr_file->content_inspected); det_ctx->smtp[index].offset = curr_file->content_inspected; /* updat inspected tracker */ curr_file->content_inspected = FileSize(curr_file); SCLogDebug("content_inspected %u, offset %u", (uint)curr_file->content_inspected, (uint)det_ctx->smtp[index].offset); buffer = det_ctx->smtp[index].buffer; *buffer_len = det_ctx->smtp[index].buffer_len; *stream_start_offset = det_ctx->smtp[index].offset; end: SCLogDebug("buffer %p, len %u", buffer, *buffer_len); SCReturnPtr(buffer, "uint8_t"); }
/** * \brief This function is used to match ftpbounce attacks * * \param payload Payload of the PORT command * \param payload_len Length of the payload * \param ip_orig IP source to check the ftpbounce condition * \param offset offset to the arguments of the PORT command * * \retval 1 if ftpbounce detected, 0 if not */ int DetectFtpbounceMatchArgs(uint8_t *payload, uint16_t payload_len, uint32_t ip_orig, uint16_t offset) { SCEnter(); SCLogDebug("Checking ftpbounce condition"); char *c = NULL; uint16_t i = 0; int octet = 0; int octet_ascii_len = 0; int noctet = 0; uint32_t ip = 0; /* PrintRawDataFp(stdout, payload, payload_len); */ if (payload_len < 7) { /* we need at least a differet ip address * in the format 1,2,3,4,x,y where x,y is the port * in two byte representation so let's look at * least for the IP octets in comma separated */ return 0; } if (offset + 7 >= payload_len) return 0; c =(char*) payload; if (c == NULL) { SCLogDebug("No payload to check"); return 0; } i = offset; /* Search for the first IP octect(Skips "PORT ") */ while (i < payload_len && !isdigit((unsigned char)c[i])) i++; for (;i < payload_len && octet_ascii_len < 4 ;i++) { if (isdigit((unsigned char)c[i])) { octet =(c[i] - '0') + octet * 10; octet_ascii_len++; } else { if (octet > 256) { SCLogDebug("Octet not in ip format"); return 0; } if (isspace((unsigned char)c[i])) while (i < payload_len && isspace((unsigned char)c[i]) ) i++; if (i < payload_len && c[i] == ',') { /* we have an octet */ noctet++; octet_ascii_len = 0; ip =(ip << 8) + octet; octet = 0; } else { SCLogDebug("Unrecognized character '%c'", c[i]); return 0; } if (noctet == 4) { /* Different IP than src, ftp bounce scan */ ip = SCByteSwap32(ip); if (ip != ip_orig) { SCLogDebug("Different ip, so Matched ip:%d <-> ip_orig:%d", ip, ip_orig); return 1; } SCLogDebug("Same ip, so no match here"); return 0; } } } SCLogDebug("No match"); return 0; }
/** * \brief Initialize analyzer description * * \return 0 if ok */ static int SetupAnalyzer(idmef_analyzer_t *analyzer) { int ret; prelude_string_t *string; SCEnter(); ret = idmef_analyzer_new_model(analyzer, &string); if (unlikely(ret < 0)) { SCLogDebug("%s: error creating analyzer model: %s.", prelude_strsource(ret), prelude_strerror(ret)); SCReturnInt(ret); } ret = prelude_string_set_constant(string, ANALYZER_MODEL); if (unlikely(ret < 0)) { SCLogDebug("%s: error setting analyzer model: %s.", prelude_strsource(ret), prelude_strerror(ret)); SCReturnInt(ret); } ret = idmef_analyzer_new_class(analyzer, &string); if (unlikely(ret < 0)) { SCLogDebug("%s: error creating analyzer class: %s.", prelude_strsource(ret), prelude_strerror(ret)); SCReturnInt(ret); } ret = prelude_string_set_constant(string, ANALYZER_CLASS); if (unlikely(ret < 0)) { SCLogDebug("%s: error setting analyzer class: %s.", prelude_strsource(ret), prelude_strerror(ret)); SCReturnInt(ret); } ret = idmef_analyzer_new_manufacturer(analyzer, &string); if (unlikely(ret < 0)) { SCLogDebug("%s: error creating analyzer manufacturer: %s.", prelude_strsource(ret), prelude_strerror(ret)); SCReturnInt(ret); } ret = prelude_string_set_constant(string, ANALYZER_MANUFACTURER); if (unlikely(ret < 0)) { SCLogDebug("%s: error setting analyzer manufacturer: %s.", prelude_strsource(ret), prelude_strerror(ret)); SCReturnInt(ret); } ret = idmef_analyzer_new_version(analyzer, &string); if (unlikely(ret < 0)) { SCLogDebug("%s: error creating analyzer version: %s.", prelude_strsource(ret), prelude_strerror(ret)); SCReturnInt(ret); } ret = prelude_string_set_constant(string, VERSION); if (unlikely(ret < 0)) { SCLogDebug("%s: error setting analyzer version: %s.", prelude_strsource(ret), prelude_strerror(ret)); SCReturnInt(ret); } SCReturnInt(0); }
/** * \brief Add Source and Target fields to the IDMEF alert. * These objects contains IP addresses, source and destination * ports (see sections and of RFC 4765). * * \return 0 if ok */ static int EventToSourceTarget(const PacketAlert *pa, const Packet *p, idmef_alert_t *alert) { int ret; idmef_node_t *node; idmef_source_t *source; idmef_target_t *target; idmef_address_t *address; idmef_service_t *service; prelude_string_t *string; static char saddr[128], daddr[128]; uint8_t ip_vers; uint8_t ip_proto; uint16_t sp, dp; uint8_t invert = 0; SCEnter(); if ( !p ) SCReturnInt(0); if ( ! IPH_IS_VALID(p) ) SCReturnInt(0); if (pa->s->flags & SIG_FLAG_HAS_TARGET) { if (pa->s->flags & SIG_FLAG_SRC_IS_TARGET) { invert = 1; } else { invert = 0; } } else { invert = 0; } if (PKT_IS_IPV4(p)) { ip_vers = 4; ip_proto = IPV4_GET_RAW_IPPROTO(p->ip4h); if (invert) { PrintInet(AF_INET, (const void *)GET_IPV4_DST_ADDR_PTR(p), saddr, sizeof(saddr)); PrintInet(AF_INET, (const void *)GET_IPV4_SRC_ADDR_PTR(p), daddr, sizeof(daddr)); sp = p->dp; dp = p->sp; } else { PrintInet(AF_INET, (const void *)GET_IPV4_SRC_ADDR_PTR(p), saddr, sizeof(saddr)); PrintInet(AF_INET, (const void *)GET_IPV4_DST_ADDR_PTR(p), daddr, sizeof(daddr)); sp = p->sp; dp = p->dp; } } else if (PKT_IS_IPV6(p)) { ip_vers = 6; ip_proto = IPV6_GET_L4PROTO(p); if (invert) { PrintInet(AF_INET6, (const void *)GET_IPV6_DST_ADDR(p), saddr, sizeof(saddr)); PrintInet(AF_INET6, (const void *)GET_IPV6_SRC_ADDR(p), daddr, sizeof(daddr)); sp = p->dp; dp = p->sp; } else { PrintInet(AF_INET6, (const void *)GET_IPV6_SRC_ADDR(p), saddr, sizeof(saddr)); PrintInet(AF_INET6, (const void *)GET_IPV6_DST_ADDR(p), daddr, sizeof(daddr)); sp = p->sp; dp = p->dp; } } else SCReturnInt(0); ret = idmef_alert_new_source(alert, &source, IDMEF_LIST_APPEND); if (unlikely(ret < 0)) SCReturnInt(ret); ret = idmef_source_new_service(source, &service); if (unlikely(ret < 0)) SCReturnInt(ret); if ( p->tcph || p->udph ) idmef_service_set_port(service, sp); idmef_service_set_ip_version(service, ip_vers); idmef_service_set_iana_protocol_number(service, ip_proto); ret = idmef_source_new_node(source, &node); if (unlikely(ret < 0)) SCReturnInt(ret); ret = idmef_node_new_address(node, &address, IDMEF_LIST_APPEND); if (unlikely(ret < 0)) SCReturnInt(ret); ret = idmef_address_new_address(address, &string); if (unlikely(ret < 0)) SCReturnInt(ret); prelude_string_set_ref(string, saddr); ret = idmef_alert_new_target(alert, &target, IDMEF_LIST_APPEND); if (unlikely(ret < 0)) SCReturnInt(ret); ret = idmef_target_new_service(target, &service); if (unlikely(ret < 0)) SCReturnInt(ret); if ( p->tcph || p->udph ) idmef_service_set_port(service, dp); idmef_service_set_ip_version(service, ip_vers); idmef_service_set_iana_protocol_number(service, ip_proto); ret = idmef_target_new_node(target, &node); if (unlikely(ret < 0)) SCReturnInt(ret); ret = idmef_node_new_address(node, &address, IDMEF_LIST_APPEND); if (unlikely(ret < 0)) SCReturnInt(ret); ret = idmef_address_new_address(address, &string); if (unlikely(ret < 0)) SCReturnInt(ret); prelude_string_set_ref(string, daddr); SCReturnInt(0); }
/** * \brief Check the threshold of the sigs that match, set actions, break on pass action * This function iterate the packet alerts array, removing those that didn't match * the threshold, and those that match after a signature with the action "pass". * The array is sorted by action priority/order * \param de_ctx detection engine context * \param det_ctx detection engine thread context * \param p pointer to the packet */ void PacketAlertFinalize(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx, Packet *p) { SCEnter(); int i = 0; Signature *s = NULL; SigMatch *sm = NULL; while (i < p->alerts.cnt) { SCLogDebug("Sig->num: %"PRIu16, p->alerts.alerts[i].num); s = de_ctx->sig_array[p->alerts.alerts[i].num]; int res = PacketAlertHandle(de_ctx, det_ctx, s, p, i); if (res > 0) { /* Now, if we have an alert, we have to check if we want * to tag this session or src/dst host */ sm = s->sm_lists[DETECT_SM_LIST_TMATCH]; while (sm) { /* tags are set only for alerts */ sigmatch_table[sm->type].Match(NULL, det_ctx, p, s, sm); sm = sm->next; } if (s->flags & SIG_FLAG_IPONLY) { if ((p->flowflags & FLOW_PKT_TOSERVER && !(p->flowflags & FLOW_PKT_TOSERVER_IPONLY_SET)) || (p->flowflags & FLOW_PKT_TOCLIENT && !(p->flowflags & FLOW_PKT_TOCLIENT_IPONLY_SET))) { SCLogDebug("testing against \"ip-only\" signatures"); if (p->flow != NULL) { /* Update flow flags for iponly */ FLOWLOCK_WRLOCK(p->flow); FlowSetIPOnlyFlagNoLock(p->flow, p->flowflags & FLOW_PKT_TOSERVER ? 1 : 0); if (s->action & ACTION_DROP) p->flow->flags |= FLOW_ACTION_DROP; if (s->action & ACTION_REJECT) p->flow->flags |= FLOW_ACTION_DROP; if (s->action & ACTION_REJECT_DST) p->flow->flags |= FLOW_ACTION_DROP; if (s->action & ACTION_REJECT_BOTH) p->flow->flags |= FLOW_ACTION_DROP; if (s->action & ACTION_PASS) p->flow->flags |= FLOW_ACTION_PASS; FLOWLOCK_UNLOCK(p->flow); } } } /* set verdict on packet */ p->action |= p->alerts.alerts[i].action; if (p->action & ACTION_PASS) { /* Ok, reset the alert cnt to end in the previous of pass * so we ignore the rest with less prio */ p->alerts.cnt = i; break; /* if the signature wants to drop, check if the * PACKET_ALERT_FLAG_DROP_FLOW flag is set. */ } else if (p->action & ACTION_DROP && ((p->alerts.alerts[i].flags & PACKET_ALERT_FLAG_DROP_FLOW) || (s->flags & SIG_FLAG_APPLAYER)) && p->flow != NULL) { FLOWLOCK_WRLOCK(p->flow); /* This will apply only on IPS mode (check StreamTcpPacket) */ p->flow->flags |= FLOW_ACTION_DROP; FLOWLOCK_UNLOCK(p->flow); } } /* Thresholding removes this alert */ if (res == 0 || res == 2) { PacketAlertRemove(p, i); if (p->alerts.cnt == 0) break; } else { i++; } } /* At this point, we should have all the new alerts. Now check the tag * keyword context for sessions and hosts */ TagHandlePacket(de_ctx, det_ctx, p); }
/* * \brief RunModeFilePcapAuto set up the following thread packet handlers: * - Receive thread (from pcap file) * - Decode thread * - Stream thread * - Detect: If we have only 1 cpu, it will setup one Detect thread * If we have more than one, it will setup num_cpus - 1 * starting from the second cpu available. * - Outputs thread * By default the threads will use the first cpu available * except the Detection threads if we have more than one cpu. * * \param de_ctx Pointer to the Detection Engine. * * \retval 0 If all goes well. (If any problem is detected the engine will * exit()). */ int RunModeFilePcapAuto(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx) { SCEnter(); char tname[16]; uint16_t cpu = 0; TmModule *tm_module; int cuda = 0; RunModeInitialize(); /* Available cpus */ uint16_t ncpus = UtilCpuGetNumProcessorsOnline(); char *file = NULL; if (ConfGet("pcap-file.file", &file) == 0) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "Failed retrieving pcap-file from Conf"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } SCLogDebug("file %s", file); TimeModeSetOffline(); #if defined(__SC_CUDA_SUPPORT__) if (PatternMatchDefaultMatcher() == MPM_B2G_CUDA) { cuda = 1; } #endif if (cuda == 0) { /* create the threads */ ThreadVars *tv_receivepcap = TmThreadCreatePacketHandler("ReceivePcapFile", "packetpool", "packetpool", "detect-queue1", "simple", "pktacqloop"); if (tv_receivepcap == NULL) { printf("ERROR: TmThreadsCreate failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } tm_module = TmModuleGetByName("ReceivePcapFile"); if (tm_module == NULL) { printf("ERROR: TmModuleGetByName failed for ReceivePcap\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } TmSlotSetFuncAppend(tv_receivepcap, tm_module, file); TmThreadSetCPU(tv_receivepcap, RECEIVE_CPU_SET); tm_module = TmModuleGetByName("DecodePcapFile"); if (tm_module == NULL) { printf("ERROR: TmModuleGetByName DecodePcap failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } TmSlotSetFuncAppend(tv_receivepcap, tm_module, NULL); tm_module = TmModuleGetByName("StreamTcp"); if (tm_module == NULL) { printf("ERROR: TmModuleGetByName StreamTcp failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } TmSlotSetFuncAppend(tv_receivepcap, tm_module, (void *)de_ctx); TmThreadSetCPU(tv_receivepcap, DECODE_CPU_SET); if (TmThreadSpawn(tv_receivepcap) != TM_ECODE_OK) { printf("ERROR: TmThreadSpawn failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } #if defined(__SC_CUDA_SUPPORT__) } else { /* create the threads */ ThreadVars *tv_receivepcap = TmThreadCreatePacketHandler("ReceivePcapFile", "packetpool", "packetpool", "cuda-pb", "simple", "pktacqloop"); if (tv_receivepcap == NULL) { printf("ERROR: TmThreadsCreate failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } tm_module = TmModuleGetByName("ReceivePcapFile"); if (tm_module == NULL) { printf("ERROR: TmModuleGetByName failed for ReceivePcap\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } TmSlotSetFuncAppend(tv_receivepcap, tm_module, file); TmThreadSetCPU(tv_receivepcap, RECEIVE_CPU_SET); tm_module = TmModuleGetByName("DecodePcapFile"); if (tm_module == NULL) { printf("ERROR: TmModuleGetByName DecodePcap failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } TmSlotSetFuncAppend(tv_receivepcap, tm_module, NULL); TmThreadSetCPU(tv_receivepcap, DECODE_CPU_SET); if (TmThreadSpawn(tv_receivepcap) != TM_ECODE_OK) { printf("ERROR: TmThreadSpawn failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } ThreadVars *tv_cuda_PB = TmThreadCreate("CUDA_PB", "cuda-pb", "simple", "detect-queue1", "simple", "custom", SCCudaPBTmThreadsSlot1, 0); if (tv_cuda_PB == NULL) { printf("ERROR: TmThreadsCreate failed for CUDA_PB\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } tv_cuda_PB->type = TVT_PPT; tm_module = TmModuleGetByName("CudaPacketBatcher"); if (tm_module == NULL) { printf("ERROR: TmModuleGetByName CudaPacketBatcher failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } TmSlotSetFuncAppend(tv_cuda_PB, tm_module, de_ctx); tm_module = TmModuleGetByName("StreamTcp"); if (tm_module == NULL) { printf("ERROR: TmModuleGetByName StreamTcp failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } TmSlotSetFuncAppend(tv_cuda_PB, tm_module, NULL); if (TmThreadSpawn(tv_cuda_PB) != TM_ECODE_OK) { printf("ERROR: TmThreadSpawn failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } #endif } /* start with cpu 1 so that if we're creating an odd number of detect * threads we're not creating the most on CPU0. */ if (ncpus > 0) cpu = 1; /* always create at least one thread */ int thread_max = TmThreadGetNbThreads(DETECT_CPU_SET); if (thread_max == 0) thread_max = ncpus * threading_detect_ratio; if (thread_max < 1) thread_max = 1; int thread; for (thread = 0; thread < thread_max; thread++) { snprintf(tname, sizeof(tname), "Detect%"PRIu16, thread+1); char *thread_name = SCStrdup(tname); if (unlikely(thread_name == NULL)) { printf("ERROR: Can not strdup thread name\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } SCLogDebug("Assigning %s affinity to cpu %u", thread_name, cpu); ThreadVars *tv_detect_ncpu = TmThreadCreatePacketHandler(thread_name, "detect-queue1", "simple", "alert-queue1", "simple", "1slot"); if (tv_detect_ncpu == NULL) { printf("ERROR: TmThreadsCreate failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } tm_module = TmModuleGetByName("Detect"); if (tm_module == NULL) { printf("ERROR: TmModuleGetByName Detect failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } TmSlotSetFuncAppend(tv_detect_ncpu, tm_module, (void *)de_ctx); TmThreadSetCPU(tv_detect_ncpu, DETECT_CPU_SET); char *thread_group_name = SCStrdup("Detect"); if (unlikely(thread_group_name == NULL)) { printf("Error allocating memory\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } tv_detect_ncpu->thread_group_name = thread_group_name; if (TmThreadSpawn(tv_detect_ncpu) != TM_ECODE_OK) { printf("ERROR: TmThreadSpawn failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if ((cpu + 1) == ncpus) cpu = 0; else cpu++; } ThreadVars *tv_outputs = TmThreadCreatePacketHandler("Outputs", "alert-queue1", "simple", "packetpool", "packetpool", "varslot"); if (tv_outputs == NULL) { printf("ERROR: TmThreadCreatePacketHandler for Outputs failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } SetupOutputs(tv_outputs); TmThreadSetCPU(tv_outputs, OUTPUT_CPU_SET); if (TmThreadSpawn(tv_outputs) != TM_ECODE_OK) { printf("ERROR: TmThreadSpawn failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return 0; }
/** * \brief Thread entry function for reading ERF records from a DAG card. * * Reads a new ERF record the DAG input buffer and copies it to * an internal Suricata packet buffer -- similar to the way the * pcap packet handler works. * * We create new packet structures using PacketGetFromQueueOrAlloc * for each packet between the top and btm pointers except for * the first packet for which a Packet buffer is provided * from the packetpool. * * We always read up to dag_max_read_packets ERF packets from the * DAG buffer, but we might read less. This differs from the * ReceivePcap handler -- it will only read pkts up to a maximum * of either the packetpool count or the pcap_max_read_packets. * * \param tv pointer to ThreadVars * \param p data pointer * \param data * \param pq pointer to the PacketQueue (not used here) * \param postpq * \retval TM_ECODE_FAILED on failure and TM_ECODE_OK on success. * \note We also use the packetpool hack first used in the source-pcap * handler so we don't keep producing packets without any dying. * This implies that if we are in this situation we run the risk * of dropping packets at the interface. */ TmEcode ReceiveErfDag(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, void *data, PacketQueue *pq, PacketQueue *postpq) { SCEnter(); uint16_t packet_q_len = 0; uint32_t diff = 0; int err; uint8_t *top = NULL; uint32_t pkts_read = 0; assert(p); assert(pq); assert(postpq); ErfDagThreadVars *ewtn = (ErfDagThreadVars *)data; /* NOTE/JNM: Hack copied from source-pcap.c * * Make sure we have at least one packet in the packet pool, to * prevent us from alloc'ing packets at line rate */ while (packet_q_len == 0) { packet_q_len = PacketPoolSize(); if (packet_q_len == 0) { PacketPoolWait(); } } if (postpq == NULL) { ewtn->dag_max_read_packets = 1; } while(pkts_read == 0) { if (suricata_ctl_flags != 0) { break; } /* NOTE/JNM: This might not work well if we start restricting the * number of ERF records processed per call to a small number as * the over head required here could exceed the time it takes to * process a small number of ERF records. * * XXX/JNM: Possibly process the DAG stream buffer first if there * are ERF packets or else call dag_advance_stream and then process * the DAG stream buffer. */ top = dag_advance_stream(ewtn->dagfd, ewtn->dagstream, &(ewtn->btm)); if (NULL == top) { if((ewtn->dagstream & 0x1) && (errno == EAGAIN)) { usleep(10 * 1000); ewtn->btm = ewtn->top; continue; } else { SCLogError(SC_ERR_ERF_DAG_STREAM_READ_FAILED, "Failed to read from stream: %d, DAG: %s when using dag_advance_stream", ewtn->dagstream, ewtn->dagname); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } } diff = top - ewtn->btm; if (diff == 0) { continue; } assert(diff >= dag_record_size); err = ProcessErfDagRecords(ewtn, p, top, postpq, &pkts_read); if (err == TM_ECODE_FAILED) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_ERF_DAG_STREAM_READ_FAILED, "Failed to read from stream: %d, DAG: %s", ewtn->dagstream, ewtn->dagname); ReceiveErfDagCloseStream(ewtn->dagfd, ewtn->dagstream); SCReturnInt(err); } } SCLogDebug("Read %d records from stream: %d, DAG: %s", pkts_read, ewtn->dagstream, ewtn->dagname); if (suricata_ctl_flags != 0) { SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } SCReturnInt(err); }
TmEcode ProcessErfDagRecords(ErfDagThreadVars *ewtn, Packet *p, uint8_t* top, PacketQueue *postpq, uint32_t *pkts_read) { SCEnter(); int err = 0; dag_record_t* dr = NULL; char *prec = NULL; int rlen; *pkts_read = 0; while(((top-(ewtn->btm))>=dag_record_size) && ((*pkts_read)<(ewtn->dag_max_read_packets))) { prec = (char*)ewtn->btm; dr = (dag_record_t*)prec; rlen = ntohs(dr->rlen); if (rlen == 20) { rlen = 28; SCLogWarning(SC_WARN_ERF_DAG_REC_LEN_CHANGED, "Warning, adjusted the length of ERF from 20 to 28 on stream: %d, DAG: %s", ewtn->dagstream, ewtn->dagname); } /* If we don't have enough data to finsih processing this ERF record * return and maybe next time we will. */ if ((top-(ewtn->btm)) < rlen) SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); p = p ? p : PacketGetFromQueueOrAlloc(); if (p == NULL) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_MEM_ALLOC, "Failed to allocate a Packet on stream: %d, DAG: %s", ewtn->dagstream, ewtn->dagname); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } err = ProcessErfDagRecord(ewtn, prec, p); if (err != TM_ECODE_OK) SCReturnInt(err); ewtn->btm += rlen; /* XXX/JNM: Hack to get around the fact that the first Packet from * Suricata is added explicitly by the Slot code and shouldn't go * onto the post queue -- else it is added twice to the next queue. */ if (*pkts_read) { PacketEnqueue(postpq, p); } (*pkts_read)++; p = NULL; } SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); }
static uint8_t *DetectEngineSMTPGetBufferForTX(uint64_t tx_id, DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx, Flow *f, File *curr_file, uint8_t flags, uint32_t *buffer_len, uint32_t *stream_start_offset) { SCEnter(); int index = 0; uint8_t *buffer = NULL; *buffer_len = 0; *stream_start_offset = 0; FileData *curr_chunk = NULL; if (det_ctx->smtp_buffers_list_len == 0) { if (SMTPCreateSpace(det_ctx, 1) < 0) goto end; index = 0; if (det_ctx->smtp_buffers_list_len == 0) { det_ctx->smtp_start_tx_id = tx_id; } det_ctx->smtp_buffers_list_len++; } else { if ((tx_id - det_ctx->smtp_start_tx_id) < det_ctx->smtp_buffers_list_len) { if (det_ctx->smtp[(tx_id - det_ctx->smtp_start_tx_id)].buffer_len != 0) { *buffer_len = det_ctx->smtp[(tx_id - det_ctx->smtp_start_tx_id)].buffer_len; *stream_start_offset = det_ctx->smtp[(tx_id - det_ctx->smtp_start_tx_id)].offset; buffer = det_ctx->smtp[(tx_id - det_ctx->smtp_start_tx_id)].buffer; SCReturnPtr(buffer, "uint8_t"); } } else { if (SMTPCreateSpace(det_ctx, (tx_id - det_ctx->smtp_start_tx_id) + 1) < 0) goto end; if (det_ctx->smtp_buffers_list_len == 0) { det_ctx->smtp_start_tx_id = tx_id; } det_ctx->smtp_buffers_list_len++; } index = (tx_id - det_ctx->smtp_start_tx_id); } SCLogDebug("smtp_config.content_limit %u, smtp_config.content_inspect_min_size %u", smtp_config.content_limit, smtp_config.content_inspect_min_size); SCLogDebug("file %p size %"PRIu64", state %d", curr_file, curr_file->content_len_so_far, curr_file->state); /* no new data */ if (curr_file->content_inspected == curr_file->content_len_so_far) { SCLogDebug("no new data"); goto end; } curr_chunk = curr_file->chunks_head; if (curr_chunk == NULL) { SCLogDebug("no data chunks to inspect for this transaction"); goto end; } if ((smtp_config.content_limit == 0 || curr_file->content_len_so_far < smtp_config.content_limit) && curr_file->content_len_so_far < smtp_config.content_inspect_min_size && !(flags & STREAM_EOF) && !(curr_file->state > FILE_STATE_OPENED)) { SCLogDebug("we still haven't seen the entire content. " "Let's defer content inspection till we see the " "entire content."); goto end; } int first = 1; curr_chunk = curr_file->chunks_head; while (curr_chunk != NULL) { /* see if we can filter out chunks */ if (curr_file->content_inspected > 0) { if (curr_chunk->stream_offset < curr_file->content_inspected) { if ((curr_file->content_inspected - curr_chunk->stream_offset) > smtp_config.content_inspect_window) { curr_chunk = curr_chunk->next; continue; } else { /* include this one */ } } else { /* include this one */ } } if (first) { det_ctx->smtp[index].offset = curr_chunk->stream_offset; first = 0; } /* see if we need to grow the buffer */ if (det_ctx->smtp[index].buffer == NULL || (det_ctx->smtp[index].buffer_len + curr_chunk->len) > det_ctx->smtp[index].buffer_size) { void *ptmp; det_ctx->smtp[index].buffer_size += curr_chunk->len * 2; if ((ptmp = SCRealloc(det_ctx->smtp[index].buffer, det_ctx->smtp[index].buffer_size)) == NULL) { SCFree(det_ctx->smtp[index].buffer); det_ctx->smtp[index].buffer = NULL; det_ctx->smtp[index].buffer_size = 0; det_ctx->smtp[index].buffer_len = 0; goto end; } det_ctx->smtp[index].buffer = ptmp; } memcpy(det_ctx->smtp[index].buffer + det_ctx->smtp[index].buffer_len, curr_chunk->data, curr_chunk->len); det_ctx->smtp[index].buffer_len += curr_chunk->len; curr_chunk = curr_chunk->next; } /* updat inspected tracker */ curr_file->content_inspected = curr_file->chunks_tail->stream_offset + curr_file->chunks_tail->len; SCLogDebug("curr_file->content_inspected now %"PRIu64, curr_file->content_inspected); buffer = det_ctx->smtp[index].buffer; *buffer_len = det_ctx->smtp[index].buffer_len; *stream_start_offset = det_ctx->smtp[index].offset; end: SCLogDebug("buffer %p, len %u", buffer, *buffer_len); SCReturnPtr(buffer, "uint8_t"); }
/** * \brief Main Napatech reading Loop function */ TmEcode NapatechStreamLoop(ThreadVars *tv, void *data, void *slot) { SCEnter(); int32_t status; char errbuf[100]; uint64_t pkt_ts; NtNetBuf_t packet_buffer; NapatechThreadVars *ntv = (NapatechThreadVars *)data; NtNetRx_t stat_cmd; SCLogInfo("Opening NAPATECH Stream: %lu for processing", ntv->stream_id); if ((status = NT_NetRxOpen(&(ntv->rx_stream), "SuricataStream", NT_NET_INTERFACE_PACKET, ntv->stream_id, ntv->hba)) != NT_SUCCESS) { NT_ExplainError(status, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)); SCLogError(SC_ERR_NAPATECH_OPEN_FAILED, "Failed to open NAPATECH Stream: %lu - %s", ntv->stream_id, errbuf); SCFree(ntv); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } stat_cmd.cmd = NT_NETRX_READ_CMD_STREAM_DROP; SCLogInfo("Napatech Packet Stream Loop Started for Stream ID: %lu", ntv->stream_id); TmSlot *s = (TmSlot *)slot; ntv->slot = s->slot_next; while (!(suricata_ctl_flags & (SURICATA_STOP | SURICATA_KILL))) { /* make sure we have at least one packet in the packet pool, to prevent * us from alloc'ing packets at line rate */ PacketPoolWait(); /* * Napatech returns packets 1 at a time */ status = NT_NetRxGet(ntv->rx_stream, &packet_buffer, 1000); if (unlikely(status == NT_STATUS_TIMEOUT || status == NT_STATUS_TRYAGAIN)) { /* * no frames currently available */ continue; } else if (unlikely(status != NT_SUCCESS)) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_NAPATECH_STREAM_NEXT_FAILED, "Failed to read from Napatech Stream: %lu", ntv->stream_id); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } Packet *p = PacketGetFromQueueOrAlloc(); if (unlikely(p == NULL)) { NT_NetRxRelease(ntv->rx_stream, packet_buffer); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } pkt_ts = NT_NET_GET_PKT_TIMESTAMP(packet_buffer); /* * Handle the different timestamp forms that the napatech cards could use * - NT_TIMESTAMP_TYPE_NATIVE is not supported due to having an base of 0 as opposed to NATIVE_UNIX which has a base of 1/1/1970 */ switch(NT_NET_GET_PKT_TIMESTAMP_TYPE(packet_buffer)) { case NT_TIMESTAMP_TYPE_NATIVE_UNIX: p->ts.tv_sec = pkt_ts / 100000000; p->ts.tv_usec = ((pkt_ts % 100000000) / 100) + (pkt_ts % 100) > 50 ? 1 : 0; break; case NT_TIMESTAMP_TYPE_PCAP: p->ts.tv_sec = pkt_ts >> 32; p->ts.tv_usec = pkt_ts & 0xFFFFFFFF; break; case NT_TIMESTAMP_TYPE_PCAP_NANOTIME: p->ts.tv_sec = pkt_ts >> 32; p->ts.tv_usec = ((pkt_ts & 0xFFFFFFFF) / 1000) + (pkt_ts % 1000) > 500 ? 1 : 0; break; case NT_TIMESTAMP_TYPE_NATIVE_NDIS: /* number of seconds between 1/1/1601 and 1/1/1970 */ p->ts.tv_sec = (pkt_ts / 100000000) - 11644473600; p->ts.tv_usec = ((pkt_ts % 100000000) / 100) + (pkt_ts % 100) > 50 ? 1 : 0; break; default: SCLogError(SC_ERR_NAPATECH_TIMESTAMP_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED, "Packet from Napatech Stream: %lu does not have a supported timestamp format", ntv->stream_id); NT_NetRxRelease(ntv->rx_stream, packet_buffer); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } SCLogDebug("p->ts.tv_sec %"PRIuMAX"", (uintmax_t)p->ts.tv_sec); p->datalink = LINKTYPE_ETHERNET; ntv->pkts++; ntv->bytes += NT_NET_GET_PKT_WIRE_LENGTH(packet_buffer); // Update drop counter if (unlikely((status = NT_NetRxRead(ntv->rx_stream, &stat_cmd)) != NT_SUCCESS)) { NT_ExplainError(status, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)); SCLogWarning(SC_ERR_NAPATECH_STAT_DROPS_FAILED, "Couldn't retrieve drop statistics from the RX stream: %lu - %s", ntv->stream_id, errbuf); } else { ntv->drops += stat_cmd.u.streamDrop.pktsDropped; } if (unlikely(PacketCopyData(p, (uint8_t *)NT_NET_GET_PKT_L2_PTR(packet_buffer), NT_NET_GET_PKT_WIRE_LENGTH(packet_buffer)))) { TmqhOutputPacketpool(ntv->tv, p); NT_NetRxRelease(ntv->rx_stream, packet_buffer); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } if (unlikely(TmThreadsSlotProcessPkt(ntv->tv, ntv->slot, p) != TM_ECODE_OK)) { TmqhOutputPacketpool(ntv->tv, p); NT_NetRxRelease(ntv->rx_stream, packet_buffer); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } NT_NetRxRelease(ntv->rx_stream, packet_buffer); StatsSyncCountersIfSignalled(tv); } SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); }
/** * \internal * \brief Apply the nocase keyword to the last pattern match, either content or uricontent * \param det_ctx detection engine ctx * \param s signature * \param nullstr should be null * \retval 0 ok * \retval -1 failure */ static int DetectTransformCompressWhitespaceSetup (DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, Signature *s, const char *nullstr) { SCEnter(); int r = DetectSignatureAddTransform(s, DETECT_TRANSFORM_COMPRESS_WHITESPACE); SCReturnInt(r); }
/** * \param de_ctx detection engine, can be NULL */ int RunModeSetIPSAutoFp(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, ConfigIPSParserFunc ConfigParser, char *recv_mod_name, char *verdict_mod_name, char *decode_mod_name) { SCEnter(); char tname[TM_THREAD_NAME_MAX]; char qname[TM_QUEUE_NAME_MAX]; TmModule *tm_module ; char *cur_queue = NULL; char *queues = NULL; int thread; /* Available cpus */ uint16_t ncpus = UtilCpuGetNumProcessorsOnline(); int nqueue = LiveGetDeviceCount(); int thread_max = TmThreadGetNbThreads(DETECT_CPU_SET); /* always create at least one thread */ if (thread_max == 0) thread_max = ncpus * threading_detect_ratio; if (thread_max < 1) thread_max = 1; RunmodeSetFlowStreamAsync(); queues = RunmodeAutoFpCreatePickupQueuesString(thread_max); if (queues == NULL) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "RunmodeAutoFpCreatePickupQueuesString failed"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } for (int i = 0; i < nqueue; i++) { /* create the threads */ cur_queue = LiveGetDeviceName(i); if (cur_queue == NULL) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "invalid queue number"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } memset(tname, 0, sizeof(tname)); snprintf(tname, sizeof(tname), "Recv-Q%s", cur_queue); char *thread_name = SCStrdup(tname); if (unlikely(thread_name == NULL)) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "thread name creation failed"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } ThreadVars *tv_receive = TmThreadCreatePacketHandler(thread_name, "packetpool", "packetpool", queues, "flow", "pktacqloop"); if (tv_receive == NULL) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "TmThreadsCreate failed"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } TmModule *tm_module = TmModuleGetByName(recv_mod_name); if (tm_module == NULL) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "TmModuleGetByName failed for %s", recv_mod_name); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } TmSlotSetFuncAppend(tv_receive, tm_module, (void *) ConfigParser(i)); tm_module = TmModuleGetByName(decode_mod_name); if (tm_module == NULL) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "TmModuleGetByName %s failed", decode_mod_name); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } TmSlotSetFuncAppend(tv_receive, tm_module, NULL); TmThreadSetCPU(tv_receive, RECEIVE_CPU_SET); if (TmThreadSpawn(tv_receive) != TM_ECODE_OK) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "TmThreadSpawn failed"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } for (thread = 0; thread < thread_max; thread++) { snprintf(tname, sizeof(tname), "Detect%"PRIu16, thread+1); snprintf(qname, sizeof(qname), "pickup%"PRIu16, thread+1); SCLogDebug("tname %s, qname %s", tname, qname); char *thread_name = SCStrdup(tname); if (unlikely(thread_name == NULL)) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_MEM_ALLOC, "Can't allocate thread name"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } ThreadVars *tv_detect_ncpu = TmThreadCreatePacketHandler(thread_name, qname, "flow", "verdict-queue", "simple", "varslot"); if (tv_detect_ncpu == NULL) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "TmThreadsCreate failed"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } TmModule *tm_module = TmModuleGetByName("StreamTcp"); if (tm_module == NULL) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "TmModuleGetByName StreamTcp failed"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } TmSlotSetFuncAppend(tv_detect_ncpu, tm_module, NULL); if (de_ctx != NULL) { tm_module = TmModuleGetByName("Detect"); if (tm_module == NULL) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "TmModuleGetByName Detect failed"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } TmSlotSetFuncAppendDelayed(tv_detect_ncpu, tm_module, (void *)de_ctx, de_ctx->delayed_detect); } TmThreadSetCPU(tv_detect_ncpu, DETECT_CPU_SET); SetupOutputs(tv_detect_ncpu); char *thread_group_name = SCStrdup("Detect"); if (unlikely(thread_group_name == NULL)) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "Error allocating memory"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } tv_detect_ncpu->thread_group_name = thread_group_name; if (TmThreadSpawn(tv_detect_ncpu) != TM_ECODE_OK) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "TmThreadSpawn failed"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } /* create the threads */ for (int i = 0; i < nqueue; i++) { memset(tname, 0, sizeof(tname)); snprintf(tname, sizeof(tname), "Verdict%"PRIu16, i); char *thread_name = SCStrdup(tname); if (unlikely(thread_name == NULL)) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "Error allocating memory"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } ThreadVars *tv_verdict = TmThreadCreatePacketHandler(thread_name, "verdict-queue", "simple", "packetpool", "packetpool", "varslot"); if (tv_verdict == NULL) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "TmThreadsCreate failed"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } tm_module = TmModuleGetByName(verdict_mod_name); if (tm_module == NULL) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "TmModuleGetByName %s failed", verdict_mod_name); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } TmSlotSetFuncAppend(tv_verdict, tm_module, (void *)ConfigParser(i)); tm_module = TmModuleGetByName("RespondReject"); if (tm_module == NULL) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "TmModuleGetByName for RespondReject failed"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } TmSlotSetFuncAppend(tv_verdict, tm_module, NULL); TmThreadSetCPU(tv_verdict, VERDICT_CPU_SET); if (TmThreadSpawn(tv_verdict) != TM_ECODE_OK) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "TmThreadSpawn failed"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } SCFree(queues); return 0; }
/** * \brief RunModeFilePcapAuto set up the following thread packet handlers: * - Receive thread (from pcap file) * - Decode thread * - Stream thread * - Detect: If we have only 1 cpu, it will setup one Detect thread * If we have more than one, it will setup num_cpus - 1 * starting from the second cpu available. * - Outputs thread * By default the threads will use the first cpu available * except the Detection threads if we have more than one cpu. * * \param de_ctx Pointer to the Detection Engine * * \retval 0 If all goes well. (If any problem is detected the engine will * exit()). */ int RunModeFilePcapAutoFp(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx) { SCEnter(); char tname[12]; char qname[12]; uint16_t cpu = 0; char queues[2048] = ""; RunModeInitialize(); /* Available cpus */ uint16_t ncpus = UtilCpuGetNumProcessorsOnline(); /* start with cpu 1 so that if we're creating an odd number of detect * threads we're not creating the most on CPU0. */ if (ncpus > 0) cpu = 1; /* always create at least one thread */ int thread_max = TmThreadGetNbThreads(DETECT_CPU_SET); if (thread_max == 0) thread_max = ncpus * threading_detect_ratio; if (thread_max < 1) thread_max = 1; int thread; for (thread = 0; thread < thread_max; thread++) { if (strlen(queues) > 0) strlcat(queues, ",", sizeof(queues)); snprintf(qname, sizeof(qname), "pickup%"PRIu16, thread+1); strlcat(queues, qname, sizeof(queues)); } SCLogDebug("queues %s", queues); char *file = NULL; if (ConfGet("pcap-file.file", &file) == 0) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "Failed retrieving pcap-file from Conf"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } SCLogDebug("file %s", file); TimeModeSetOffline(); /* create the threads */ ThreadVars *tv_receivepcap = TmThreadCreatePacketHandler("ReceivePcapFile", "packetpool", "packetpool", queues, "flow", "pktacqloop"); if (tv_receivepcap == NULL) { printf("ERROR: TmThreadsCreate failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } TmModule *tm_module = TmModuleGetByName("ReceivePcapFile"); if (tm_module == NULL) { printf("ERROR: TmModuleGetByName failed for ReceivePcap\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } TmSlotSetFuncAppend(tv_receivepcap, tm_module, file); tm_module = TmModuleGetByName("DecodePcapFile"); if (tm_module == NULL) { printf("ERROR: TmModuleGetByName DecodePcap failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } TmSlotSetFuncAppend(tv_receivepcap, tm_module, NULL); if (threading_set_cpu_affinity) { TmThreadSetCPUAffinity(tv_receivepcap, 0); if (ncpus > 1) TmThreadSetThreadPriority(tv_receivepcap, PRIO_MEDIUM); } if (TmThreadSpawn(tv_receivepcap) != TM_ECODE_OK) { printf("ERROR: TmThreadSpawn failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } for (thread = 0; thread < thread_max; thread++) { snprintf(tname, sizeof(tname), "Detect%"PRIu16, thread+1); snprintf(qname, sizeof(qname), "pickup%"PRIu16, thread+1); SCLogDebug("tname %s, qname %s", tname, qname); char *thread_name = SCStrdup(tname); if (unlikely(thread_name == NULL)) { printf("ERROR: Can not strdup thread name\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } SCLogDebug("Assigning %s affinity to cpu %u", thread_name, cpu); ThreadVars *tv_detect_ncpu = TmThreadCreatePacketHandler(thread_name, qname, "flow", "packetpool", "packetpool", "varslot"); if (tv_detect_ncpu == NULL) { printf("ERROR: TmThreadsCreate failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } tm_module = TmModuleGetByName("StreamTcp"); if (tm_module == NULL) { printf("ERROR: TmModuleGetByName StreamTcp failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } TmSlotSetFuncAppend(tv_detect_ncpu, tm_module, NULL); tm_module = TmModuleGetByName("Detect"); if (tm_module == NULL) { printf("ERROR: TmModuleGetByName Detect failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } TmSlotSetFuncAppend(tv_detect_ncpu, tm_module, (void *)de_ctx); if (threading_set_cpu_affinity) { TmThreadSetCPUAffinity(tv_detect_ncpu, (int)cpu); /* If we have more than one core/cpu, the first Detect thread * (at cpu 0) will have less priority (higher 'nice' value) * In this case we will set the thread priority to +10 (default is 0) */ if (cpu == 0 && ncpus > 1) { TmThreadSetThreadPriority(tv_detect_ncpu, PRIO_LOW); } else if (ncpus > 1) { TmThreadSetThreadPriority(tv_detect_ncpu, PRIO_MEDIUM); } } char *thread_group_name = SCStrdup("Detect"); if (unlikely(thread_group_name == NULL)) { printf("Error allocating memory\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } tv_detect_ncpu->thread_group_name = thread_group_name; /* add outputs as well */ SetupOutputs(tv_detect_ncpu); if (TmThreadSpawn(tv_detect_ncpu) != TM_ECODE_OK) { printf("ERROR: TmThreadSpawn failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if ((cpu + 1) == ncpus) cpu = 0; else cpu++; } return 0; }
static void DecodeIPV6ExtHdrs(ThreadVars *tv, DecodeThreadVars *dtv, Packet *p, uint8_t *pkt, uint16_t len, PacketQueue *pq) { SCEnter(); uint8_t *orig_pkt = pkt; uint8_t nh = 0; /* careful, 0 is actually a real type */ uint16_t hdrextlen = 0; uint16_t plen; char dstopts = 0; char exthdr_fh_done = 0; int hh = 0; int rh = 0; int eh = 0; int ah = 0; nh = IPV6_GET_NH(p); plen = len; while(1) { /* No upper layer, but we do have data. Suspicious. */ if (nh == IPPROTO_NONE && plen > 0) { ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_DATA_AFTER_NONE_HEADER); SCReturn; } if (plen < 2) { /* minimal needed in a hdr */ SCReturn; } switch(nh) { case IPPROTO_TCP: IPV6_SET_L4PROTO(p,nh); DecodeTCP(tv, dtv, p, pkt, plen, pq); SCReturn; case IPPROTO_UDP: IPV6_SET_L4PROTO(p,nh); DecodeUDP(tv, dtv, p, pkt, plen, pq); SCReturn; case IPPROTO_ICMPV6: IPV6_SET_L4PROTO(p,nh); DecodeICMPV6(tv, dtv, p, pkt, plen, pq); SCReturn; case IPPROTO_SCTP: IPV6_SET_L4PROTO(p,nh); DecodeSCTP(tv, dtv, p, pkt, plen, pq); SCReturn; case IPPROTO_ROUTING: IPV6_SET_L4PROTO(p,nh); hdrextlen = 8 + (*(pkt+1) * 8); /* 8 bytes + length in 8 octet units */ SCLogDebug("hdrextlen %"PRIu8, hdrextlen); if (hdrextlen > plen) { ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_TRUNC_EXTHDR); SCReturn; } if (rh) { ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_EXTHDR_DUPL_RH); /* skip past this extension so we can continue parsing the rest * of the packet */ nh = *pkt; pkt += hdrextlen; plen -= hdrextlen; break; } rh = 1; IPV6_EXTHDR_SET_RH(p); uint8_t ip6rh_type = *(pkt + 2); if (ip6rh_type == 0) { ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_EXTHDR_RH_TYPE_0); } p->ip6eh.rh_type = ip6rh_type; nh = *pkt; pkt += hdrextlen; plen -= hdrextlen; break; case IPPROTO_HOPOPTS: case IPPROTO_DSTOPTS: { IPV6OptHAO hao_s, *hao = &hao_s; IPV6OptRA ra_s, *ra = &ra_s; IPV6OptJumbo jumbo_s, *jumbo = &jumbo_s; uint16_t optslen = 0; IPV6_SET_L4PROTO(p,nh); hdrextlen = (*(pkt+1) + 1) << 3; if (hdrextlen > plen) { ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_TRUNC_EXTHDR); SCReturn; } uint8_t *ptr = pkt + 2; /* +2 to go past nxthdr and len */ /* point the pointers to right structures * in Packet. */ if (nh == IPPROTO_HOPOPTS) { if (hh) { ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_EXTHDR_DUPL_HH); /* skip past this extension so we can continue parsing the rest * of the packet */ nh = *pkt; pkt += hdrextlen; plen -= hdrextlen; break; } hh = 1; optslen = ((*(pkt + 1) + 1 ) << 3) - 2; } else if (nh == IPPROTO_DSTOPTS) { if (dstopts == 0) { optslen = ((*(pkt + 1) + 1 ) << 3) - 2; dstopts = 1; } else if (dstopts == 1) { optslen = ((*(pkt + 1) + 1 ) << 3) - 2; dstopts = 2; } else { ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_EXTHDR_DUPL_DH); /* skip past this extension so we can continue parsing the rest * of the packet */ nh = *pkt; pkt += hdrextlen; plen -= hdrextlen; break; } } if (optslen > plen) { /* since the packet is long enough (we checked * plen against hdrlen, the optlen must be malformed. */ ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_EXTHDR_INVALID_OPTLEN); /* skip past this extension so we can continue parsing the rest * of the packet */ nh = *pkt; pkt += hdrextlen; plen -= hdrextlen; break; } /** \todo move into own function to loaded on demand */ uint16_t padn_cnt = 0; uint16_t other_cnt = 0; uint16_t offset = 0; while(offset < optslen) { if (*ptr == IPV6OPT_PAD1) { padn_cnt++; offset++; ptr++; continue; } if (offset + 1 >= optslen) { ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_EXTHDR_INVALID_OPTLEN); break; } /* length field for each opt */ uint8_t ip6_optlen = *(ptr + 1); /* see if the optlen from the packet fits the total optslen */ if ((offset + 1 + ip6_optlen) > optslen) { ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_EXTHDR_INVALID_OPTLEN); break; } if (*ptr == IPV6OPT_PADN) /* PadN */ { //printf("PadN option\n"); padn_cnt++; /* a zero padN len would be weird */ if (ip6_optlen == 0) ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_EXTHDR_ZERO_LEN_PADN); } else if (*ptr == IPV6OPT_RA) /* RA */ { ra->ip6ra_type = *(ptr); ra->ip6ra_len = ip6_optlen; if (ip6_optlen < sizeof(ra->ip6ra_value)) { ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_EXTHDR_INVALID_OPTLEN); break; } memcpy(&ra->ip6ra_value, (ptr + 2), sizeof(ra->ip6ra_value)); ra->ip6ra_value = SCNtohs(ra->ip6ra_value); //printf("RA option: type %" PRIu32 " len %" PRIu32 " value %" PRIu32 "\n", // ra->ip6ra_type, ra->ip6ra_len, ra->ip6ra_value); other_cnt++; } else if (*ptr == IPV6OPT_JUMBO) /* Jumbo */ { jumbo->ip6j_type = *(ptr); jumbo->ip6j_len = ip6_optlen; if (ip6_optlen < sizeof(jumbo->ip6j_payload_len)) { ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_EXTHDR_INVALID_OPTLEN); break; } memcpy(&jumbo->ip6j_payload_len, (ptr+2), sizeof(jumbo->ip6j_payload_len)); jumbo->ip6j_payload_len = SCNtohl(jumbo->ip6j_payload_len); //printf("Jumbo option: type %" PRIu32 " len %" PRIu32 " payload len %" PRIu32 "\n", // jumbo->ip6j_type, jumbo->ip6j_len, jumbo->ip6j_payload_len); } else if (*ptr == IPV6OPT_HAO) /* HAO */ { hao->ip6hao_type = *(ptr); hao->ip6hao_len = ip6_optlen; if (ip6_optlen < sizeof(hao->ip6hao_hoa)) { ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_EXTHDR_INVALID_OPTLEN); break; } memcpy(&hao->ip6hao_hoa, (ptr+2), sizeof(hao->ip6hao_hoa)); //printf("HAO option: type %" PRIu32 " len %" PRIu32 " ", // hao->ip6hao_type, hao->ip6hao_len); //char addr_buf[46]; //PrintInet(AF_INET6, (char *)&(hao->ip6hao_hoa), // addr_buf,sizeof(addr_buf)); //printf("home addr %s\n", addr_buf); other_cnt++; } else { if (nh == IPPROTO_HOPOPTS) ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_HOPOPTS_UNKNOWN_OPT); else ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_DSTOPTS_UNKNOWN_OPT); other_cnt++; } uint16_t optlen = (*(ptr + 1) + 2); ptr += optlen; /* +2 for opt type and opt len fields */ offset += optlen; } /* flag packets that have only padding */ if (padn_cnt > 0 && other_cnt == 0) { if (nh == IPPROTO_HOPOPTS) ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_HOPOPTS_ONLY_PADDING); else ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_DSTOPTS_ONLY_PADDING); } nh = *pkt; pkt += hdrextlen; plen -= hdrextlen; break; } case IPPROTO_FRAGMENT: { IPV6_SET_L4PROTO(p,nh); /* store the offset of this extension into the packet * past the ipv6 header. We use it in defrag for creating * a defragmented packet without the frag header */ if (exthdr_fh_done == 0) { p->ip6eh.fh_offset = pkt - orig_pkt; exthdr_fh_done = 1; } uint16_t prev_hdrextlen = hdrextlen; hdrextlen = sizeof(IPV6FragHdr); if (hdrextlen > plen) { ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_TRUNC_EXTHDR); SCReturn; } /* for the frag header, the length field is reserved */ if (*(pkt + 1) != 0) { ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_FH_NON_ZERO_RES_FIELD); /* non fatal, lets try to continue */ } if (IPV6_EXTHDR_ISSET_FH(p)) { ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_EXTHDR_DUPL_FH); nh = *pkt; pkt += hdrextlen; plen -= hdrextlen; break; } /* set the header flag first */ IPV6_EXTHDR_SET_FH(p); /* parse the header and setup the vars */ DecodeIPV6FragHeader(p, pkt, hdrextlen, plen, prev_hdrextlen); /* if FH has offset 0 and no more fragments are coming, we * parse this packet further right away, no defrag will be * needed. It is a useless FH then though, so we do set an * decoder event. */ if (p->ip6eh.fh_more_frags_set == 0 && p->ip6eh.fh_offset == 0) { ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_EXTHDR_USELESS_FH); nh = *pkt; pkt += hdrextlen; plen -= hdrextlen; break; } /* the rest is parsed upon reassembly */ p->flags |= PKT_IS_FRAGMENT; SCReturn; } case IPPROTO_ESP: { IPV6_SET_L4PROTO(p,nh); hdrextlen = sizeof(IPV6EspHdr); if (hdrextlen > plen) { ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_TRUNC_EXTHDR); SCReturn; } if (eh) { ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_EXTHDR_DUPL_EH); SCReturn; } eh = 1; nh = IPPROTO_NONE; pkt += hdrextlen; plen -= hdrextlen; break; } case IPPROTO_AH: { IPV6_SET_L4PROTO(p,nh); /* we need the header as a minimum */ hdrextlen = sizeof(IPV6AuthHdr); /* the payload len field is the number of extra 4 byte fields, * IPV6AuthHdr already contains the first */ if (*(pkt+1) > 0) hdrextlen += ((*(pkt+1) - 1) * 4); SCLogDebug("hdrextlen %"PRIu8, hdrextlen); if (hdrextlen > plen) { ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_TRUNC_EXTHDR); SCReturn; } IPV6AuthHdr *ahhdr = (IPV6AuthHdr *)pkt; if (ahhdr->ip6ah_reserved != 0x0000) { ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_EXTHDR_AH_RES_NOT_NULL); } if (ah) { ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_EXTHDR_DUPL_AH); nh = *pkt; pkt += hdrextlen; plen -= hdrextlen; break; } ah = 1; nh = *pkt; pkt += hdrextlen; plen -= hdrextlen; break; } case IPPROTO_IPIP: IPV6_SET_L4PROTO(p,nh); DecodeIPv4inIPv6(tv, dtv, p, pkt, plen, pq); SCReturn; /* none, last header */ case IPPROTO_NONE: IPV6_SET_L4PROTO(p,nh); SCReturn; case IPPROTO_ICMP: ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p,IPV6_WITH_ICMPV4); SCReturn; /* no parsing yet, just skip it */ case IPPROTO_MH: case IPPROTO_HIP: case IPPROTO_SHIM6: hdrextlen = 8 + (*(pkt+1) * 8); /* 8 bytes + length in 8 octet units */ if (hdrextlen > plen) { ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_TRUNC_EXTHDR); SCReturn; } nh = *pkt; pkt += hdrextlen; plen -= hdrextlen; break; default: ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_UNKNOWN_NEXT_HEADER); IPV6_SET_L4PROTO(p,nh); SCReturn; } } SCReturn; }
/** * \brief Recieves packets from an interface via libpfring. * * This function recieves packets from an interface and passes * the packet on to the pfring callback function. * * \param tv pointer to ThreadVars * \param data pointer that gets cast into PfringThreadVars for ptv * \param slot slot containing task information * \retval TM_ECODE_OK on success * \retval TM_ECODE_FAILED on failure */ TmEcode ReceivePfringLoop(ThreadVars *tv, void *data, void *slot) { SCEnter(); PfringThreadVars *ptv = (PfringThreadVars *)data; Packet *p = NULL; struct pfring_pkthdr hdr; TmSlot *s = (TmSlot *)slot; time_t last_dump = 0; struct timeval current_time; ptv->slot = s->slot_next; /* we have to enable the ring here as we need to do it after all * the threads have called pfring_set_cluster(). */ int rc = pfring_enable_ring(ptv->pd); if (rc != 0) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_PF_RING_OPEN, "pfring_enable_ring failed returned %d ", rc); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } while(1) { if (suricata_ctl_flags & (SURICATA_STOP | SURICATA_KILL)) { SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); } /* make sure we have at least one packet in the packet pool, to prevent * us from alloc'ing packets at line rate */ PacketPoolWait(); p = PacketGetFromQueueOrAlloc(); if (p == NULL) { SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } PKT_SET_SRC(p, PKT_SRC_WIRE); /* Some flavours of PF_RING may fail to set timestamp - see PF-RING-enabled libpcap code*/ hdr.ts.tv_sec = hdr.ts.tv_usec = 0; /* Depending on what compile time options are used for pfring we either return 0 or -1 on error and always 1 for success */ u_char *pkt_buffer = GET_PKT_DIRECT_DATA(p); u_int buffer_size = GET_PKT_DIRECT_MAX_SIZE(p); int r = pfring_recv(ptv->pd, &pkt_buffer, buffer_size, &hdr, LIBPFRING_WAIT_FOR_INCOMING); /* Check for Zero-copy if buffer size is zero */ if (buffer_size == 0) { PacketSetData(p, pkt_buffer, hdr.caplen); } if (r == 1) { //printf("RecievePfring src %" PRIu32 " sport %" PRIu32 " dst %" PRIu32 " dstport %" PRIu32 "\n", // hdr.parsed_pkt.ipv4_src,hdr.parsed_pkt.l4_src_port, hdr.parsed_pkt.ipv4_dst,hdr.parsed_pkt.l4_dst_port); PfringProcessPacket(ptv, &hdr, p); if (TmThreadsSlotProcessPkt(ptv->tv, ptv->slot, p) != TM_ECODE_OK) { TmqhOutputPacketpool(ptv->tv, p); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } /* Trigger one dump of stats every second */ TimeGet(¤t_time); if (current_time.tv_sec != last_dump) { PfringDumpCounters(ptv); last_dump = current_time.tv_sec; } } else { SCLogError(SC_ERR_PF_RING_RECV,"pfring_recv error %" PRId32 "", r); TmqhOutputPacketpool(ptv->tv, p); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } StatsSyncCountersIfSignalled(tv); } return TM_ECODE_OK; }
/** * \brief Create event impact description (see section * of RFC 4765). * The impact contains the severity, completion (succeeded or failed) * and basic classification of the attack type. * Here, we don't set the completion since we don't know it (default * is unknown). * * \return 0 if ok */ static int EventToImpact(const PacketAlert *pa, const Packet *p, idmef_alert_t *alert) { int ret; prelude_string_t *str; idmef_impact_t *impact; idmef_assessment_t *assessment; idmef_impact_severity_t severity; SCEnter(); ret = idmef_alert_new_assessment(alert, &assessment); if (unlikely(ret < 0)) { SCLogDebug("%s: error creating assessment: %s.", prelude_strsource(ret), prelude_strerror(ret)); SCReturnInt(ret); } ret = idmef_assessment_new_impact(assessment, &impact); if (unlikely(ret < 0)) { SCLogDebug("%s: error creating assessment impact: %s.", prelude_strsource(ret), prelude_strerror(ret)); SCReturnInt(ret); } if ( (unsigned int)pa->s->prio < mid_priority ) severity = IDMEF_IMPACT_SEVERITY_HIGH; else if ( (unsigned int)pa->s->prio < low_priority ) severity = IDMEF_IMPACT_SEVERITY_MEDIUM; else if ( (unsigned int)pa->s->prio < info_priority ) severity = IDMEF_IMPACT_SEVERITY_LOW; else severity = IDMEF_IMPACT_SEVERITY_INFO; idmef_impact_set_severity(impact, severity); if (PACKET_TEST_ACTION(p, ACTION_DROP) || PACKET_TEST_ACTION(p, ACTION_REJECT) || PACKET_TEST_ACTION(p, ACTION_REJECT_DST) || PACKET_TEST_ACTION(p, ACTION_REJECT_BOTH) ) { idmef_action_t *action; ret = idmef_action_new(&action); if (unlikely(ret < 0)) SCReturnInt(ret); idmef_action_set_category(action, IDMEF_ACTION_CATEGORY_BLOCK_INSTALLED); idmef_assessment_set_action(assessment, action, 0); } if (pa->s->class_msg) { ret = idmef_impact_new_description(impact, &str); if (unlikely(ret < 0)) SCReturnInt(ret); prelude_string_set_ref(str, pa->s->class_msg); } SCReturnInt(0); }
TmEcode ReceiveIPFWLoop(ThreadVars *tv, void *data, void *slot) { SCEnter(); IPFWThreadVars *ptv = (IPFWThreadVars *)data; IPFWQueueVars *nq = NULL; uint8_t pkt[IP_MAXPACKET]; int pktlen=0; struct pollfd IPFWpoll; struct timeval IPFWts; Packet *p = NULL; uint16_t packet_q_len = 0; nq = IPFWGetQueue(ptv->ipfw_index); if (nq == NULL) { SCLogWarning(SC_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Can't get thread variable"); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } SCLogInfo("Thread '%s' will run on port %d (item %d)", tv->name, nq->port_num, ptv->ipfw_index); while (1) { if (suricata_ctl_flags & (SURICATA_STOP || SURICATA_KILL)) { SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); } IPFWpoll.fd = nq->fd; = POLLRDNORM; /* Poll the socket for status */ if ( (poll(&IPFWpoll, 1, IPFW_SOCKET_POLL_MSEC)) > 0) { if (!(IPFWpoll.revents & (POLLRDNORM | POLLERR))) continue; } if ((pktlen = recvfrom(nq->fd, pkt, sizeof(pkt), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&nq->ipfw_sin, &nq->ipfw_sinlen)) == -1) { /* We received an error on socket read */ if (errno == EINTR || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) { /* Nothing for us to process */ continue; } else { SCLogWarning(SC_WARN_IPFW_RECV, "Read from IPFW divert socket failed: %s", strerror(errno)); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } } /* We have a packet to process */ memset (&IPFWts, 0, sizeof(struct timeval)); gettimeofday(&IPFWts, NULL); /* make sure we have at least one packet in the packet pool, to prevent * us from alloc'ing packets at line rate */ do { packet_q_len = PacketPoolSize(); if (unlikely(packet_q_len == 0)) { PacketPoolWait(); } } while (packet_q_len == 0); p = PacketGetFromQueueOrAlloc(); if (p == NULL) { SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } PKT_SET_SRC(p, PKT_SRC_WIRE); SCLogDebug("Received Packet Len: %d", pktlen); p->ts.tv_sec = IPFWts.tv_sec; p->ts.tv_usec = IPFWts.tv_usec; ptv->pkts++; ptv->bytes += pktlen; p->datalink = ptv->datalink; p->ipfw_v.ipfw_index = ptv->ipfw_index; PacketCopyData(p, pkt, pktlen); SCLogDebug("Packet info: pkt_len: %" PRIu32 " (pkt %02x, pkt_data %02x)", GET_PKT_LEN(p), *pkt, GET_PKT_DATA(p)); if (TmThreadsSlotProcessPkt(tv, ((TmSlot *) slot)->slot_next, p) != TM_ECODE_OK) { TmqhOutputPacketpool(tv, p); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } SCPerfSyncCountersIfSignalled(tv, 0); } SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); }
/** * \brief Convert IP packet to an IDMEF alert (RFC 4765). * This function stores the alert SID (description and reference), * the payload of the packet, and pre-processed data. * * \return 0 if ok */ static int PacketToData(const Packet *p, const PacketAlert *pa, idmef_alert_t *alert, AlertPreludeCtx *ctx) { SCEnter(); if (unlikely(p == NULL)) SCReturnInt(0); AddIntData(alert, "snort_rule_sid", pa->s->id); AddIntData(alert, "snort_rule_rev", pa->s->rev); if (ctx->log_packet_header) { if ( PKT_IS_IPV4(p) ) PacketToDataV4(p, pa, alert); else if ( PKT_IS_IPV6(p) ) PacketToDataV6(p, pa, alert); if ( PKT_IS_TCP(p) ) { AddIntData(alert, "tcp_seq", TCP_GET_SEQ(p)); AddIntData(alert, "tcp_ack", TCP_GET_ACK(p)); AddIntData(alert, "tcp_off", TCP_GET_OFFSET(p)); AddIntData(alert, "tcp_res", TCP_GET_X2(p)); AddIntData(alert, "tcp_flags", TCP_GET_FLAGS(p)); AddIntData(alert, "tcp_win", TCP_GET_WINDOW(p)); AddIntData(alert, "tcp_sum", TCP_GET_SUM(p)); AddIntData(alert, "tcp_urp", TCP_GET_URG_POINTER(p)); if (p->tcpvars.ts_val != 0) { AddIntData(alert, "tcp_tsval", TCP_GET_TSVAL(p)); } if (p->tcpvars.ts_ecr != 0) { AddIntData(alert, "tcp_tsecr", TCP_GET_TSECR(p)); } if (p->tcph != NULL) { AddIntData(alert, "tcp_wscale", TCP_GET_WSCALE(p)); } if (TCP_HAS_SACKOK(p)) { AddIntData(alert, "tcp_sackok", TCP_GET_SACKOK(p)); } if (TCP_HAS_SACK(p)) { AddIntData(alert, "tcp_sack_cnt", TCP_GET_SACK_CNT(p)); } AddIntData(alert, "tcp_hlen", TCP_GET_HLEN(p)); } else if ( PKT_IS_UDP(p) ) { AddIntData(alert, "udp_len", UDP_GET_LEN(p)); AddIntData(alert, "udp_sum", UDP_GET_SUM(p)); } else if ( PKT_IS_ICMPV4(p) ) { AddIntData(alert, "icmp_type", ICMPV4_GET_TYPE(p)); AddIntData(alert, "icmp_code", ICMPV4_GET_CODE(p)); AddIntData(alert, "icmp_sum", ICMPV4_GET_RAW_CSUM(p)); } else if ( PKT_IS_ICMPV6(p) ) { AddIntData(alert, "icmp_type", ICMPV6_GET_TYPE(p)); AddIntData(alert, "icmp_code", ICMPV6_GET_CODE(p)); AddIntData(alert, "icmp_csum", ICMPV6_GET_RAW_CSUM(p)); } } if (ctx->log_packet_content) AddByteData(alert, "payload", p->payload, p->payload_len); SCReturnInt(0); }
/** * \brief This function sets the Verdict and processes the packet * * * \param tv pointer to ThreadVars * \param p pointer to the Packet */ TmEcode IPFWSetVerdict(ThreadVars *tv, IPFWThreadVars *ptv, Packet *p) { uint32_t verdict; struct pollfd IPFWpoll; IPFWQueueVars *nq = NULL; SCEnter(); if (p == NULL) { SCLogWarning(SC_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Packet is NULL"); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } nq = IPFWGetQueue(p->ipfw_v.ipfw_index); if (nq == NULL) { SCLogWarning(SC_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "No thread found"); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } IPFWpoll.fd = nq->fd; = POLLWRNORM; if (p->action & ACTION_DROP) { verdict = IPFW_DROP; } else { verdict = IPFW_ACCEPT; } if (verdict == IPFW_ACCEPT) { SCLogDebug("IPFW Verdict is to Accept"); ptv->accepted++; /* For divert sockets, accepting means writing the * packet back to the socket for ipfw to pick up */ SCLogDebug("IPFWSetVerdict writing to socket %d, %p, %u", nq->fd, GET_PKT_DATA(p),GET_PKT_LEN(p)); #if 0 while ((poll(&IPFWpoll,1,IPFW_SOCKET_POLL_MSEC)) < 1) { /* Did we receive a signal to shutdown */ if (TmThreadsCheckFlag(tv, THV_KILL) || TmThreadsCheckFlag(tv, THV_PAUSE)) { SCLogInfo("Received ThreadShutdown: IPFW divert socket writing interrupted"); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); } } #endif IPFWMutexLock(nq); if (sendto(nq->fd, GET_PKT_DATA(p), GET_PKT_LEN(p), 0,(struct sockaddr *)&nq->ipfw_sin, nq->ipfw_sinlen) == -1) { int r = errno; switch (r) { default: SCLogWarning(SC_WARN_IPFW_XMIT,"Write to ipfw divert socket failed: %s",strerror(r)); IPFWMutexUnlock(nq); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); case EHOSTDOWN: case ENETDOWN: break; } } IPFWMutexUnlock(nq); SCLogDebug("Sent Packet back into IPFW Len: %d",GET_PKT_LEN(p)); } /* end IPFW_ACCEPT */ if (verdict == IPFW_DROP) { SCLogDebug("IPFW SetVerdict is to DROP"); ptv->dropped++; /** \todo For divert sockets, dropping means not writing the packet back to the socket. * Need to see if there is some better way to free the packet from the queue */ } /* end IPFW_DROP */ SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); }
int LogStatsLogger(ThreadVars *tv, void *thread_data, const StatsTable *st) { SCEnter(); LogStatsLogThread *aft = (LogStatsLogThread *)thread_data; struct timeval tval; struct tm *tms; gettimeofday(&tval, NULL); struct tm local_tm; tms = SCLocalTime(tval.tv_sec, &local_tm); /* Calculate the Engine uptime */ int up_time = (int)difftime(tval.tv_sec, st->start_time); int sec = up_time % 60; // Seconds in a minute int in_min = up_time / 60; int min = in_min % 60; // Minutes in a hour int in_hours = in_min / 60; int hours = in_hours % 24; // Hours in a day int days = in_hours / 24; MemBufferWriteString(aft->buffer, "----------------------------------------------" "---------------------\n"); MemBufferWriteString(aft->buffer, "Date: %" PRId32 "/%" PRId32 "/%04d -- " "%02d:%02d:%02d (uptime: %"PRId32"d, %02dh %02dm %02ds)\n", tms->tm_mon + 1, tms->tm_mday, tms->tm_year + 1900, tms->tm_hour, tms->tm_min, tms->tm_sec, days, hours, min, sec); MemBufferWriteString(aft->buffer, "----------------------------------------------" "---------------------\n"); MemBufferWriteString(aft->buffer, "%-25s | %-25s | %-s\n", "Counter", "TM Name", "Value"); MemBufferWriteString(aft->buffer, "----------------------------------------------" "---------------------\n"); /* global stats */ uint32_t u = 0; if (aft->statslog_ctx->flags & LOG_STATS_TOTALS) { for (u = 0; u < st->nstats; u++) { if (st->stats[u].name == NULL) continue; if (!(aft->statslog_ctx->flags & LOG_STATS_NULLS) && st->stats[u].value == 0) continue; char line[1024]; size_t len = snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "%-25s | %-25s | %-" PRIu64 "\n", st->stats[u].name, st->stats[u].tm_name, st->stats[u].value); /* since we can have many threads, the buffer might not be big enough. * Expand if necessary. */ if (MEMBUFFER_OFFSET(aft->buffer) + len > MEMBUFFER_SIZE(aft->buffer)) { MemBufferExpand(&aft->buffer, OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE); } MemBufferWriteString(aft->buffer, "%s", line); } } /* per thread stats */ if (st->tstats != NULL && aft->statslog_ctx->flags & LOG_STATS_THREADS) { /* for each thread (store) */ uint32_t x; for (x = 0; x < st->ntstats; x++) { uint32_t offset = x * st->nstats; /* for each counter */ for (u = offset; u < (offset + st->nstats); u++) { if (st->tstats[u].name == NULL) continue; char line[1024]; size_t len = snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "%-25s | %-25s | %-" PRIu64 "\n", st->tstats[u].name, st->tstats[u].tm_name, st->tstats[u].value); /* since we can have many threads, the buffer might not be big enough. * Expand if necessary. */ if (MEMBUFFER_OFFSET(aft->buffer) + len > MEMBUFFER_SIZE(aft->buffer)) { MemBufferExpand(&aft->buffer, OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE); } MemBufferWriteString(aft->buffer, "%s", line); } } } SCMutexLock(&aft->statslog_ctx->file_ctx->fp_mutex); aft->statslog_ctx->file_ctx->Write((const char *)MEMBUFFER_BUFFER(aft->buffer), MEMBUFFER_OFFSET(aft->buffer), aft->statslog_ctx->file_ctx); SCMutexUnlock(&aft->statslog_ctx->file_ctx->fp_mutex); MemBufferReset(aft->buffer); SCReturnInt(0); }
static void DecodeIPV6ExtHdrs(ThreadVars *tv, DecodeThreadVars *dtv, Packet *p, uint8_t *pkt, uint16_t len, PacketQueue *pq) { SCEnter(); uint8_t *orig_pkt = pkt; uint8_t nh; uint16_t hdrextlen; uint16_t plen; char dstopts = 0; char exthdr_fh_done = 0; nh = IPV6_GET_NH(p); plen = len; while(1) { if (plen < 2) { /* minimal needed in a hdr */ SCReturn; } switch(nh) { case IPPROTO_TCP: IPV6_SET_L4PROTO(p,nh); DecodeTCP(tv, dtv, p, pkt, plen, pq); SCReturn; case IPPROTO_UDP: IPV6_SET_L4PROTO(p,nh); DecodeUDP(tv, dtv, p, pkt, plen, pq); SCReturn; case IPPROTO_ICMPV6: IPV6_SET_L4PROTO(p,nh); DecodeICMPV6(tv, dtv, p, pkt, plen, pq); SCReturn; case IPPROTO_SCTP: IPV6_SET_L4PROTO(p,nh); DecodeSCTP(tv, dtv, p, pkt, plen, pq); SCReturn; case IPPROTO_ROUTING: IPV6_SET_L4PROTO(p,nh); hdrextlen = 8 + (*(pkt+1) * 8); /* 8 bytes + length in 8 octet units */ SCLogDebug("hdrextlen %"PRIu8, hdrextlen); if (hdrextlen > plen) { ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_TRUNC_EXTHDR); SCReturn; } if (p->IPV6_EH_CNT < IPV6_MAX_OPT) { p->IPV6_EXTHDRS[p->IPV6_EH_CNT].type = nh; p->IPV6_EXTHDRS[p->IPV6_EH_CNT].next = *pkt; p->IPV6_EXTHDRS[p->IPV6_EH_CNT].len = hdrextlen; p->IPV6_EXTHDRS[p->IPV6_EH_CNT].data = pkt+2; p->IPV6_EH_CNT++; } if (IPV6_EXTHDR_ISSET_RH(p)) { ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_EXTHDR_DUPL_RH); /* skip past this extension so we can continue parsing the rest * of the packet */ nh = *pkt; pkt += hdrextlen; plen -= hdrextlen; break; } IPV6_EXTHDR_SET_RH(p, pkt); IPV6_EXTHDR_RH(p)->ip6rh_len = hdrextlen; /** \todo move into own function and load on demand */ if (IPV6_EXTHDR_RH(p)->ip6rh_type == 0) { uint8_t i; uint8_t n = IPV6_EXTHDR_RH(p)->ip6rh_len / 2; /* because we devide the header len by 2 (as rfc 2460 tells us to) * we devide the result by 8 and not 16 as the header fields are * sized */ for (i = 0; i < (n/8) && i < sizeof(IPV6_EXTHDR_RH(p)->ip6rh0_addr)/sizeof(struct in6_addr); ++i) { /* the address header fields are 16 bytes in size */ /** \todo do this without memcpy since it's expensive */ memcpy(&IPV6_EXTHDR_RH(p)->ip6rh0_addr[i], pkt+(i*16)+8, sizeof(IPV6_EXTHDR_RH(p)->ip6rh0_addr[i])); } IPV6_EXTHDR_RH(p)->ip6rh0_num_addrs = i; } nh = *pkt; pkt += hdrextlen; plen -= hdrextlen; break; case IPPROTO_HOPOPTS: case IPPROTO_DSTOPTS: { IPV6OptHAO *hao = NULL; IPV6OptRA *ra = NULL; IPV6OptJumbo *jumbo = NULL; uint8_t optslen = 0; IPV6_SET_L4PROTO(p,nh); hdrextlen = (*(pkt+1) + 1) << 3; if (hdrextlen > plen) { ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_TRUNC_EXTHDR); SCReturn; } if (p->IPV6_EH_CNT < IPV6_MAX_OPT) { p->IPV6_EXTHDRS[p->IPV6_EH_CNT].type = nh; p->IPV6_EXTHDRS[p->IPV6_EH_CNT].next = *pkt; p->IPV6_EXTHDRS[p->IPV6_EH_CNT].len = hdrextlen; p->IPV6_EXTHDRS[p->IPV6_EH_CNT].data = pkt+2; p->IPV6_EH_CNT++; } uint8_t *ptr = pkt + 2; /* +2 to go past nxthdr and len */ /* point the pointers to right structures * in Packet. */ if (nh == IPPROTO_HOPOPTS) { if (IPV6_EXTHDR_ISSET_HH(p)) { ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_EXTHDR_DUPL_HH); /* skip past this extension so we can continue parsing the rest * of the packet */ nh = *pkt; pkt += hdrextlen; plen -= hdrextlen; break; } IPV6_EXTHDR_SET_HH(p, pkt); hao = &IPV6_EXTHDR_HH_HAO(p); ra = &IPV6_EXTHDR_HH_RA(p); jumbo = &IPV6_EXTHDR_HH_JUMBO(p); optslen = ((IPV6_EXTHDR_HH(p)->ip6hh_len+1)<<3)-2; } else if (nh == IPPROTO_DSTOPTS) { if (dstopts == 0) { IPV6_EXTHDR_SET_DH1(p, pkt); hao = &IPV6_EXTHDR_DH1_HAO(p); ra = &IPV6_EXTHDR_DH1_RA(p); jumbo = &IPV6_EXTHDR_DH2_JUMBO(p); optslen = ((IPV6_EXTHDR_DH1(p)->ip6dh_len+1)<<3)-2; dstopts = 1; } else if (dstopts == 1) { IPV6_EXTHDR_SET_DH2(p, pkt); hao = &IPV6_EXTHDR_DH2_HAO(p); ra = &IPV6_EXTHDR_DH2_RA(p); jumbo = &IPV6_EXTHDR_DH2_JUMBO(p); optslen = ((IPV6_EXTHDR_DH2(p)->ip6dh_len+1)<<3)-2; dstopts = 2; } else { ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_EXTHDR_DUPL_DH); /* skip past this extension so we can continue parsing the rest * of the packet */ nh = *pkt; pkt += hdrextlen; plen -= hdrextlen; break; } } if (optslen > plen) { /* since the packet is long enough (we checked * plen against hdrlen, the optlen must be malformed. */ ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_EXTHDR_INVALID_OPTLEN); /* skip past this extension so we can continue parsing the rest * of the packet */ nh = *pkt; pkt += hdrextlen; plen -= hdrextlen; break; } /** \todo move into own function to loaded on demand */ uint16_t padn_cnt = 0; uint16_t other_cnt = 0; uint16_t offset = 0; while(offset < optslen) { if (*ptr == IPV6OPT_PADN) /* PadN */ { //printf("PadN option\n"); padn_cnt++; } else if (*ptr == IPV6OPT_RA) /* RA */ { ra->ip6ra_type = *(ptr); ra->ip6ra_len = *(ptr + 1); memcpy(&ra->ip6ra_value, (ptr + 2), sizeof(ra->ip6ra_value)); ra->ip6ra_value = ntohs(ra->ip6ra_value); //printf("RA option: type %" PRIu32 " len %" PRIu32 " value %" PRIu32 "\n", // ra->ip6ra_type, ra->ip6ra_len, ra->ip6ra_value); other_cnt++; } else if (*ptr == IPV6OPT_JUMBO) /* Jumbo */ { jumbo->ip6j_type = *(ptr); jumbo->ip6j_len = *(ptr+1); memcpy(&jumbo->ip6j_payload_len, (ptr+2), sizeof(jumbo->ip6j_payload_len)); jumbo->ip6j_payload_len = ntohl(jumbo->ip6j_payload_len); //printf("Jumbo option: type %" PRIu32 " len %" PRIu32 " payload len %" PRIu32 "\n", // jumbo->ip6j_type, jumbo->ip6j_len, jumbo->ip6j_payload_len); } else if (*ptr == IPV6OPT_HAO) /* HAO */ { hao->ip6hao_type = *(ptr); hao->ip6hao_len = *(ptr+1); memcpy(&hao->ip6hao_hoa, (ptr+2), sizeof(hao->ip6hao_hoa)); //printf("HAO option: type %" PRIu32 " len %" PRIu32 " ", // hao->ip6hao_type, hao->ip6hao_len); //char addr_buf[46]; //PrintInet(AF_INET6, (char *)&(hao->ip6hao_hoa), // addr_buf,sizeof(addr_buf)); //printf("home addr %s\n", addr_buf); other_cnt++; } else { if (nh == IPPROTO_HOPOPTS) ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_HOPOPTS_UNKNOWN_OPT); else ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_DSTOPTS_UNKNOWN_OPT); other_cnt++; } uint16_t optlen = (*(ptr + 1) + 2); ptr += optlen; /* +2 for opt type and opt len fields */ offset += optlen; } /* flag packets that have only padding */ if (padn_cnt > 0 && other_cnt == 0) { if (nh == IPPROTO_HOPOPTS) ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_HOPOPTS_ONLY_PADDING); else ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_DSTOPTS_ONLY_PADDING); } nh = *pkt; pkt += hdrextlen; plen -= hdrextlen; break; } case IPPROTO_FRAGMENT: IPV6_SET_L4PROTO(p,nh); /* store the offset of this extension into the packet * past the ipv6 header. We use it in defrag for creating * a defragmented packet without the frag header */ if (exthdr_fh_done == 0) { p->ip6eh.fh_offset = pkt - orig_pkt; exthdr_fh_done = 1; } hdrextlen = sizeof(IPV6FragHdr); if (hdrextlen > plen) { ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_TRUNC_EXTHDR); SCReturn; } if(p->IPV6_EH_CNT<IPV6_MAX_OPT) { p->IPV6_EXTHDRS[p->IPV6_EH_CNT].type = nh; p->IPV6_EXTHDRS[p->IPV6_EH_CNT].next = *pkt; p->IPV6_EXTHDRS[p->IPV6_EH_CNT].len = hdrextlen; p->IPV6_EXTHDRS[p->IPV6_EH_CNT].data = pkt+2; p->IPV6_EH_CNT++; } if (IPV6_EXTHDR_ISSET_FH(p)) { ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_EXTHDR_DUPL_FH); nh = *pkt; pkt += hdrextlen; plen -= hdrextlen; break; } /* set the header ptr first */ IPV6_EXTHDR_SET_FH(p, pkt); /* if FH has offset 0 and no more fragments are coming, we * parse this packet further right away, no defrag will be * needed. It is a useless FH then though, so we do set an * decoder event. */ if (IPV6_EXTHDR_GET_FH_FLAG(p) == 0 && IPV6_EXTHDR_GET_FH_OFFSET(p) == 0) { ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_EXTHDR_USELESS_FH); nh = *pkt; pkt += hdrextlen; plen -= hdrextlen; break; } /* the rest is parsed upon reassembly */ p->flags |= PKT_IS_FRAGMENT; SCReturn; case IPPROTO_ESP: { IPV6_SET_L4PROTO(p,nh); hdrextlen = sizeof(IPV6EspHdr); if (hdrextlen > plen) { ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_TRUNC_EXTHDR); SCReturn; } if(p->IPV6_EH_CNT<IPV6_MAX_OPT) { p->IPV6_EXTHDRS[p->IPV6_EH_CNT].type = nh; p->IPV6_EXTHDRS[p->IPV6_EH_CNT].next = IPPROTO_NONE; p->IPV6_EXTHDRS[p->IPV6_EH_CNT].len = hdrextlen; p->IPV6_EXTHDRS[p->IPV6_EH_CNT].data = pkt+2; p->IPV6_EH_CNT++; } if (IPV6_EXTHDR_ISSET_EH(p)) { ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_EXTHDR_DUPL_EH); SCReturn; } IPV6_EXTHDR_SET_EH(p, pkt); nh = IPPROTO_NONE; pkt += hdrextlen; plen -= hdrextlen; break; } case IPPROTO_AH: { IPV6_SET_L4PROTO(p,nh); /* we need the header as a minimum */ hdrextlen = sizeof(IPV6AuthHdr); /* the payload len field is the number of extra 4 byte fields, * IPV6AuthHdr already contains the first */ if (*(pkt+1) > 0) hdrextlen += ((*(pkt+1) - 1) * 4); SCLogDebug("hdrextlen %"PRIu8, hdrextlen); if (hdrextlen > plen) { ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_TRUNC_EXTHDR); SCReturn; } IPV6AuthHdr *ahhdr = (IPV6AuthHdr *)pkt; if (ahhdr->ip6ah_reserved != 0x0000) { ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_EXTHDR_AH_RES_NOT_NULL); } if(p->IPV6_EH_CNT < IPV6_MAX_OPT) { p->IPV6_EXTHDRS[p->IPV6_EH_CNT].type = nh; p->IPV6_EXTHDRS[p->IPV6_EH_CNT].next = *pkt; p->IPV6_EXTHDRS[p->IPV6_EH_CNT].len = hdrextlen; p->IPV6_EXTHDRS[p->IPV6_EH_CNT].data = pkt+2; p->IPV6_EH_CNT++; } if (IPV6_EXTHDR_ISSET_AH(p)) { ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, IPV6_EXTHDR_DUPL_AH); nh = *pkt; pkt += hdrextlen; plen -= hdrextlen; break; } IPV6_EXTHDR_SET_AH(p, pkt); nh = *pkt; pkt += hdrextlen; plen -= hdrextlen; break; } case IPPROTO_IPIP: IPV6_SET_L4PROTO(p,nh); DecodeIPv4inIPv6(tv, dtv, p, pkt, plen, pq); SCReturn; case IPPROTO_NONE: IPV6_SET_L4PROTO(p,nh); SCReturn; case IPPROTO_ICMP: ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p,IPV6_WITH_ICMPV4); SCReturn; default: IPV6_SET_L4PROTO(p,nh); SCReturn; } } SCReturn; }
/** * \brief Initialize the ERF receiver thread, generate a single * ErfDagThreadVar structure for each thread, this will * contain a DAG file descriptor which is read when the * thread executes. * * \param tv Thread variable to ThreadVars * \param initdata Initial data to the interface passed from the user, * this is processed by the user. * * We assume that we have only a single name for the DAG * interface. * * \param data data pointer gets populated with * */ TmEcode ReceiveErfDagThreadInit(ThreadVars *tv, void *initdata, void **data) { SCEnter(); int stream_count = 0; if (initdata == NULL) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Error: No DAG interface provided."); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } ErfDagThreadVars *ewtn = SCMalloc(sizeof(ErfDagThreadVars)); if (unlikely(ewtn == NULL)) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_MEM_ALLOC, "Failed to allocate memory for ERF DAG thread vars."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } memset(ewtn, 0, sizeof(*ewtn)); /* dag_parse_name will return a DAG device name and stream number * to open for this thread. */ if (dag_parse_name(initdata, ewtn->dagname, DAGNAME_BUFSIZE, &ewtn->dagstream) < 0) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Failed to parse DAG interface: %s", (char*)initdata); SCFree(ewtn); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } ewtn->livedev = LiveGetDevice(initdata); if (ewtn->livedev == NULL) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_INVALID_VALUE, "Unable to get %s live device", (char *)initdata); SCFree(ewtn); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } SCLogInfo("Opening DAG: %s on stream: %d for processing", ewtn->dagname, ewtn->dagstream); if ((ewtn->dagfd = dag_open(ewtn->dagname)) < 0) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_ERF_DAG_OPEN_FAILED, "Failed to open DAG: %s", ewtn->dagname); SCFree(ewtn); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } /* Check to make sure the card has enough available streams to * support reading from the one specified. */ if ((stream_count = dag_rx_get_stream_count(ewtn->dagfd)) < 0) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_ERF_DAG_OPEN_FAILED, "Failed to open stream: %d, DAG: %s, could not query stream count", ewtn->dagstream, ewtn->dagname); SCFree(ewtn); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } /* Check to make sure we have enough rx streams to open the stream * the user is asking for. */ if (ewtn->dagstream > stream_count * 2) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_ERF_DAG_OPEN_FAILED, "Failed to open stream: %d, DAG: %s, insufficient streams: %d", ewtn->dagstream, ewtn->dagname, stream_count); SCFree(ewtn); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } /* If we are transmitting into a soft DAG card then set the stream * to act in reverse mode. */ if (0 != (ewtn->dagstream & 0x01)) { /* Setting reverse mode for using with soft dag from daemon side */ if (dag_set_mode(ewtn->dagfd, ewtn->dagstream, DAG_REVERSE_MODE)) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_ERF_DAG_STREAM_OPEN_FAILED, "Failed to set mode to DAG_REVERSE_MODE on stream: %d, DAG: %s", ewtn->dagstream, ewtn->dagname); SCFree(ewtn); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } } if (dag_attach_stream(ewtn->dagfd, ewtn->dagstream, 0, 0) < 0) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_ERF_DAG_STREAM_OPEN_FAILED, "Failed to open DAG stream: %d, DAG: %s", ewtn->dagstream, ewtn->dagname); SCFree(ewtn); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } if (dag_start_stream(ewtn->dagfd, ewtn->dagstream) < 0) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_ERF_DAG_STREAM_START_FAILED, "Failed to start DAG stream: %d, DAG: %s", ewtn->dagstream, ewtn->dagname); SCFree(ewtn); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } SCLogInfo("Attached and started stream: %d on DAG: %s", ewtn->dagstream, ewtn->dagname); /* * Initialise DAG Polling parameters. */ timerclear(&ewtn->maxwait); ewtn->maxwait.tv_usec = MAXWAIT; timerclear(&ewtn->poll); ewtn->poll.tv_usec = POLL_INTERVAL; /* 32kB minimum data to return -- we still restrict the number of * pkts that are processed to a maximum of dag_max_read_packets. */ if (dag_set_stream_poll(ewtn->dagfd, ewtn->dagstream, MINDATA, &(ewtn->maxwait), &(ewtn->poll)) < 0) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_ERF_DAG_STREAM_SET_FAILED, "Failed to set poll parameters for stream: %d, DAG: %s", ewtn->dagstream, ewtn->dagname); SCFree(ewtn); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } ewtn->packets = StatsRegisterCounter("capture.dag_packets", tv); ewtn->drops = StatsRegisterCounter("capture.dag_drops", tv); ewtn->tv = tv; *data = (void *)ewtn; SCLogInfo("Starting processing packets from stream: %d on DAG: %s", ewtn->dagstream, ewtn->dagname); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); }
/** * \brief this function is used to parse filestore options * \brief into the current signature * * \param de_ctx pointer to the Detection Engine Context * \param s pointer to the Current Signature * \param str pointer to the user provided "filestore" option * * \retval 0 on Success * \retval -1 on Failure */ static int DetectFilestoreSetup (DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, Signature *s, char *str) { SCEnter(); DetectFilestoreData *fd = NULL; SigMatch *sm = NULL; char *args[3] = {NULL,NULL,NULL}; #define MAX_SUBSTRINGS 30 int ret = 0, res = 0; int ov[MAX_SUBSTRINGS]; sm = SigMatchAlloc(); if (sm == NULL) goto error; sm->type = DETECT_FILESTORE; if (str != NULL && strlen(str) > 0) { SCLogDebug("str %s", str); ret = pcre_exec(parse_regex, parse_regex_study, str, strlen(str), 0, 0, ov, MAX_SUBSTRINGS); if (ret < 1 || ret > 4) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_PCRE_MATCH, "parse error, ret %" PRId32 ", string %s", ret, str); goto error; } if (ret > 1) { const char *str_ptr; res = pcre_get_substring((char *)str, ov, MAX_SUBSTRINGS, 1, &str_ptr); if (res < 0) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_PCRE_GET_SUBSTRING, "pcre_get_substring failed"); goto error; } args[0] = (char *)str_ptr; if (ret > 2) { res = pcre_get_substring((char *)str, ov, MAX_SUBSTRINGS, 2, &str_ptr); if (res < 0) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_PCRE_GET_SUBSTRING, "pcre_get_substring failed"); goto error; } args[1] = (char *)str_ptr; } if (ret > 3) { res = pcre_get_substring((char *)str, ov, MAX_SUBSTRINGS, 3, &str_ptr); if (res < 0) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_PCRE_GET_SUBSTRING, "pcre_get_substring failed"); goto error; } args[2] = (char *)str_ptr; } } fd = SCMalloc(sizeof(DetectFilestoreData)); if (unlikely(fd == NULL)) goto error; memset(fd, 0x00, sizeof(DetectFilestoreData)); if (args[0] != NULL) { SCLogDebug("first arg %s", args[0]); if (strcasecmp(args[0], "request") == 0 || strcasecmp(args[0], "to_server") == 0) { fd->direction = FILESTORE_DIR_TOSERVER; fd->scope = FILESTORE_SCOPE_TX; } else if (strcasecmp(args[0], "response") == 0 || strcasecmp(args[0], "to_client") == 0) { fd->direction = FILESTORE_DIR_TOCLIENT; fd->scope = FILESTORE_SCOPE_TX; } else if (strcasecmp(args[0], "both") == 0) { fd->direction = FILESTORE_DIR_BOTH; fd->scope = FILESTORE_SCOPE_TX; } } else { fd->direction = FILESTORE_DIR_DEFAULT; } if (args[1] != NULL) { SCLogDebug("second arg %s", args[1]); if (strcasecmp(args[1], "file") == 0) { fd->scope = FILESTORE_SCOPE_DEFAULT; } else if (strcasecmp(args[1], "tx") == 0) { fd->scope = FILESTORE_SCOPE_TX; } else if (strcasecmp(args[1], "ssn") == 0 || strcasecmp(args[1], "flow") == 0) { fd->scope = FILESTORE_SCOPE_SSN; } } else { if (fd->scope == 0) fd->scope = FILESTORE_SCOPE_DEFAULT; } sm->ctx = fd; } else { sm->ctx = NULL; } SigMatchAppendSMToList(s, sm, DETECT_SM_LIST_FILEMATCH); s->filestore_sm = sm; if (s->alproto != ALPROTO_UNKNOWN && s->alproto != ALPROTO_HTTP) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_CONFLICTING_RULE_KEYWORDS, "rule contains conflicting keywords."); goto error; } AppLayerHtpNeedFileInspection(); s->alproto = ALPROTO_HTTP; s->flags |= SIG_FLAG_FILESTORE; return 0; error: if (sm != NULL) SCFree(sm); return -1; }
/** * \brief Process a chunk of records read from a DAG interface. * * This function takes a pointer to buffer read from the DAG interface * and processes it individual records. */ static inline TmEcode ProcessErfDagRecords(ErfDagThreadVars *ewtn, uint8_t *top, uint32_t *pkts_read) { SCEnter(); int err = 0; dag_record_t *dr = NULL; char *prec = NULL; int rlen; char hdr_type = 0; int processed = 0; *pkts_read = 0; while (((top - ewtn->btm) >= dag_record_size) && ((processed + dag_record_size) < BYTES_PER_LOOP)) { /* Make sure we have at least one packet in the packet pool, * to prevent us from alloc'ing packets at line rate. */ PacketPoolWait(); prec = (char *)ewtn->btm; dr = (dag_record_t*)prec; rlen = ntohs(dr->rlen); hdr_type = dr->type; /* If we don't have enough data to finish processing this ERF * record return and maybe next time we will. */ if ((top - ewtn->btm) < rlen) SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); ewtn->btm += rlen; processed += rlen; /* Only support ethernet at this time. */ switch (hdr_type & 0x7f) { case TYPE_PAD: /* Skip. */ continue; case TYPE_DSM_COLOR_ETH: case TYPE_COLOR_ETH: case TYPE_COLOR_HASH_ETH: /* In these types the color value overwrites the lctr * (drop count). */ break; case TYPE_ETH: if (dr->lctr) { StatsAddUI64(tv, ewtn->drops, ntohs(dr->lctr)); } break; default: SCLogError(SC_ERR_UNIMPLEMENTED, "Processing of DAG record type: %d not implemented.", dr->type); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } err = ProcessErfDagRecord(ewtn, prec); if (err != TM_ECODE_OK) { SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } (*pkts_read)++; } SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); }
/** \brief Byte jump match function * \param det_ctx thread detect engine ctx * \param s signature * \param m byte jump sigmatch * \param payload ptr to the payload * \param payload_len length of the payload * \retval 1 match * \retval 0 no match */ int DetectBytejumpDoMatch(DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx, const Signature *s, const SigMatchCtx *ctx, uint8_t *payload, uint32_t payload_len, uint8_t flags, int32_t offset) { SCEnter(); const DetectBytejumpData *data = (const DetectBytejumpData *)ctx; uint8_t *ptr = NULL; uint8_t *jumpptr = NULL; int32_t len = 0; uint64_t val = 0; int extbytes; if (payload_len == 0) { SCReturnInt(0); } /* Calculate the ptr value for the bytejump and length remaining in * the packet from that point. */ if (flags & DETECT_BYTEJUMP_RELATIVE) { ptr = payload + det_ctx->buffer_offset; len = payload_len - det_ctx->buffer_offset; ptr += offset; len -= offset; /* No match if there is no relative base */ if (ptr == NULL || len <= 0) { SCReturnInt(0); } } else { ptr = payload + offset; len = payload_len - offset; } /* Verify the to-be-extracted data is within the packet */ if (ptr < payload || data->nbytes > len) { SCLogDebug("Data not within payload " "pkt=%p, ptr=%p, len=%d, nbytes=%d", payload, ptr, len, data->nbytes); SCReturnInt(0); } /* Extract the byte data */ if (flags & DETECT_BYTEJUMP_STRING) { extbytes = ByteExtractStringUint64(&val, data->base, data->nbytes, (const char *)ptr); if(extbytes <= 0) { SCLogDebug("error extracting %d bytes of string data: %d", data->nbytes, extbytes); SCReturnInt(0); } } else { int endianness = (flags & DETECT_BYTEJUMP_LITTLE) ? BYTE_LITTLE_ENDIAN : BYTE_BIG_ENDIAN; extbytes = ByteExtractUint64(&val, endianness, data->nbytes, ptr); if (extbytes != data->nbytes) { SCLogDebug("error extracting %d bytes of numeric data: %d", data->nbytes, extbytes); SCReturnInt(0); } } //printf("VAL: (%" PRIu64 " x %" PRIu32 ") + %d + %" PRId32 "\n", val, data->multiplier, extbytes, data->post_offset); /* Adjust the jump value based on flags */ val *= data->multiplier; if (flags & DETECT_BYTEJUMP_ALIGN) { if ((val % 4) != 0) { val += 4 - (val % 4); } } val += data->post_offset; /* Calculate the jump location */ if (flags & DETECT_BYTEJUMP_BEGIN) { jumpptr = payload + val; //printf("NEWVAL: payload %p + %ld = %p\n", p->payload, val, jumpptr); } else { val += extbytes; jumpptr = ptr + val; //printf("NEWVAL: ptr %p + %ld = %p\n", ptr, val, jumpptr); } /* Validate that the jump location is still in the packet * \todo Should this validate it is still in the *payload*? */ if ((jumpptr < payload) || (jumpptr >= payload + payload_len)) { SCLogDebug("Jump location (%p) is not within " "payload (%p-%p)", jumpptr, payload, payload + payload_len - 1); SCReturnInt(0); } #ifdef DEBUG if (SCLogDebugEnabled()) { uint8_t *sptr = (flags & DETECT_BYTEJUMP_BEGIN) ? payload : ptr; SCLogDebug("jumping %" PRId64 " bytes from %p (%08x) to %p (%08x)", val, sptr, (int)(sptr - payload), jumpptr, (int)(jumpptr - payload)); } #endif /* DEBUG */ /* Adjust the detection context to the jump location. */ det_ctx->buffer_offset = jumpptr - payload; SCReturnInt(1); }
/** * \brief Main PCAP file reading Loop function */ TmEcode ReceivePcapFileLoop(ThreadVars *tv, void *data, void *slot) { SCEnter(); uint16_t packet_q_len = 0; PcapFileThreadVars *ptv = (PcapFileThreadVars *)data; int r; TmSlot *s = (TmSlot *)slot; ptv->slot = s->slot_next; ptv->cb_result = TM_ECODE_OK; while (1) { if (suricata_ctl_flags & (SURICATA_STOP | SURICATA_KILL)) { SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); } /* make sure we have at least one packet in the packet pool, to prevent * us from alloc'ing packets at line rate */ do { packet_q_len = PacketPoolSize(); if (unlikely(packet_q_len == 0)) { PacketPoolWait(); } } while (packet_q_len == 0); /* Right now we just support reading packets one at a time. */ r = pcap_dispatch(pcap_g.pcap_handle, (int)packet_q_len, (pcap_handler)PcapFileCallbackLoop, (u_char *)ptv); if (unlikely(r == -1)) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_PCAP_DISPATCH, "error code %" PRId32 " %s", r, pcap_geterr(pcap_g.pcap_handle)); if (! RunModeUnixSocketIsActive()) { /* in the error state we just kill the engine */ EngineKill(); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } else { pcap_close(pcap_g.pcap_handle); pcap_g.pcap_handle = NULL; UnixSocketPcapFile(TM_ECODE_DONE); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_DONE); } } else if (unlikely(r == 0)) { SCLogInfo("pcap file end of file reached (pcap err code %" PRId32 ")", r); if (! RunModeUnixSocketIsActive()) { EngineStop(); } else { pcap_close(pcap_g.pcap_handle); pcap_g.pcap_handle = NULL; UnixSocketPcapFile(TM_ECODE_DONE); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_DONE); } break; } else if (ptv->cb_result == TM_ECODE_FAILED) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_PCAP_DISPATCH, "Pcap callback PcapFileCallbackLoop failed"); if (! RunModeUnixSocketIsActive()) { EngineKill(); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } else { pcap_close(pcap_g.pcap_handle); pcap_g.pcap_handle = NULL; UnixSocketPcapFile(TM_ECODE_DONE); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_DONE); } } SCPerfSyncCountersIfSignalled(tv); } SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); }
static TmEcode LogFilestoreLogWrap(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, void *data, PacketQueue *pq, PacketQueue *postpq, int ipver) { SCEnter(); LogFilestoreLogThread *aft = (LogFilestoreLogThread *)data; uint8_t flags = 0; /* no flow, no htp state */ if (p->flow == NULL) { SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); } if (p->flowflags & FLOW_PKT_TOCLIENT) flags |= STREAM_TOCLIENT; else flags |= STREAM_TOSERVER; int file_close = (p->flags & PKT_PSEUDO_STREAM_END) ? 1 : 0; int file_trunc = 0; FLOWLOCK_WRLOCK(p->flow); file_trunc = StreamTcpReassembleDepthReached(p); FileContainer *ffc = AppLayerGetFilesFromFlow(p->flow, flags); SCLogDebug("ffc %p", ffc); if (ffc != NULL) { File *ff; for (ff = ffc->head; ff != NULL; ff = ff->next) { int file_fd = -1; if (FileForceMagic() && ff->magic == NULL) { FilemagicLookup(ff); } SCLogDebug("ff %p", ff); if (ff->flags & FILE_STORED) { SCLogDebug("stored flag set"); continue; } if (!(ff->flags & FILE_STORE)) { SCLogDebug("ff FILE_STORE not set"); continue; } FileData *ffd; for (ffd = ff->chunks_head; ffd != NULL; ffd = ffd->next) { SCLogDebug("ffd %p", ffd); if (ffd->stored == 1) { if (file_close == 1 && ffd->next == NULL) { LogFilestoreLogCloseMetaFile(ff); ff->flags |= FILE_STORED; } continue; } /* store */ SCLogDebug("trying to open file"); char filename[PATH_MAX] = ""; if (ff->file_id == 0) { ff->file_id = SC_ATOMIC_ADD(file_id, 1); snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/file.%u", g_logfile_base_dir, ff->file_id); file_fd = open(filename, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_NOFOLLOW | O_WRONLY, 0644); if (file_fd == -1) { SCLogDebug("failed to open file"); continue; } /* create a .meta file that contains time, src/dst/sp/dp/proto */ LogFilestoreLogCreateMetaFile(p, ff, filename, ipver); aft->file_cnt++; } else { snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/file.%u", g_logfile_base_dir, ff->file_id); file_fd = open(filename, O_APPEND | O_NOFOLLOW | O_WRONLY); if (file_fd == -1) { SCLogDebug("failed to open file %s: %s", filename, strerror(errno)); continue; } } ssize_t r = write(file_fd, (const void *)ffd->data, (size_t)ffd->len); if (r == -1) { SCLogDebug("write failed: %s", strerror(errno)); close(file_fd); continue; } close(file_fd); if (file_trunc && ff->state < FILE_STATE_CLOSED) ff->state = FILE_STATE_TRUNCATED; if (ff->state == FILE_STATE_CLOSED || ff->state == FILE_STATE_TRUNCATED || ff->state == FILE_STATE_ERROR || (file_close == 1 && ff->state < FILE_STATE_CLOSED)) { if (ffd->next == NULL) { LogFilestoreLogCloseMetaFile(ff); ff->flags |= FILE_STORED; } } ffd->stored = 1; } } FilePrune(ffc); } FLOWLOCK_UNLOCK(p->flow); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); }