/** output method of display column to output file stream 'file' */
{  /*lint --e{715}*/
   assert(disp != NULL);
   assert(strcmp(SCIPdispGetName(disp), DISP_NAME_POOLSIZE) == 0);
   assert(scip != NULL);

   SCIPdispInt(SCIPgetMessagehdlr(scip), file, SCIPgetNPoolCuts(scip), DISP_WIDT_POOLSIZE);

   return SCIP_OKAY;
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPconshdlrBenders::sepaBenders(
		SCIP * scip,
		SCIP_CONSHDLR * conshdlr,
		SCIP_SOL * sol,
		whereFrom where,
		SCIP_RESULT * result)
	OsiCuts cs; /**< Benders cut placeholder */
	SCIP_Real * vals = NULL; /**< current solution */

#if 1
	if (scip_checkpriority_ < 0)
		/** consider incumbent solutions only */
		double primObj = SCIPgetPrimalbound(scip);
		double currObj = SCIPgetSolOrigObj(scip, sol);
		if (SCIPisLT(scip, primObj, currObj))
			DSPdebugMessage(" -> primObj %e currObj %e\n", primObj, currObj);
			return SCIP_OKAY;

	/** allocate memory */
	SCIP_CALL(SCIPallocMemoryArray(scip, &vals, nvars_));

	/** get current solution */
	SCIP_CALL(SCIPgetSolVals(scip, sol, nvars_, vars_, vals));

	/** TODO The following filter does not work, meaning that it provides suboptimal solution.
	 * I do not know the reason. */
#if 0
	double maxviol = 1.e-10;
	for (int j = 0; j < nvars_ - naux_; ++j)
		SCIP_VARTYPE vartype = SCIPvarGetType(vars_[j]);
		if (vartype == SCIP_VARTYPE_CONTINUOUS) continue;

		double viol = 0.5 - fabs(vals[j] - floor(vals[j]) - 0.5);
		if (viol > maxviol)
			maxviol = viol;
	DSPdebugMessage("maximum violation %e\n", maxviol);

	if (where != from_scip_check &&
		where != from_scip_enfolp &&
		where != from_scip_enfops &&
		maxviol > 1.e-7)
		printf("where %d maxviol %e\n", where, maxviol);
		/** free memory */
		SCIPfreeMemoryArray(scip, &vals);
		return SCIP_OKAY;

#ifdef DSP_DEBUG2
	double minvals = COIN_DBL_MAX;
	double maxvals = -COIN_DBL_MAX;
	double sumvals = 0.;
	double ssvals  = 0.;
	//printf("nvars_ %d naux_ %d nAuxvars_ %d\n", nvars_, naux_, tss_->nAuxvars_);
	for (int j = 0; j < nvars_ - naux_; ++j)
//		if (vals[j] < 0 || vals[j] > 1)
//			printf("solution %d has value %e.\n", j, vals[j]);
		sumvals += vals[j];
		ssvals  += vals[j] * vals[j];
		minvals = minvals > vals[j] ? vals[j] : minvals;
		maxvals = maxvals < vals[j] ? vals[j] : maxvals;
	DSPdebugMessage("solution: min %e max %e avg %e sum %e two-norm %e\n",
			minvals, maxvals, sumvals / nvars_, sumvals, sqrt(ssvals));

	if (SCIPgetStage(scip) == SCIP_STAGE_SOLVING ||
		SCIPgetStage(scip) == SCIP_STAGE_SOLVED ||
		bool addedPoolCut = false;
		int numPoolCuts = SCIPgetNPoolCuts(scip);
		int numCutsToScan = 100;
		SCIP_CUT ** poolcuts = SCIPgetPoolCuts(scip);
		for (int i = numPoolCuts - 1; i >= 0; --i)
			if (i < 0) break;
			if (numCutsToScan == 0) break;

			/** retrieve row */
			SCIP_ROW * poolcutrow = SCIPcutGetRow(poolcuts[i]);

			/** benders? */
			if (strcmp(SCIProwGetName(poolcutrow), "benders") != 0)

			/** counter */

			if (SCIPgetCutEfficacy(scip, sol, poolcutrow) > 1.e-6)
				if (where == from_scip_sepalp ||
					where == from_scip_sepasol ||
					where == from_scip_enfolp)
					/** add cut */
					SCIP_Bool infeasible;
					SCIP_CALL(SCIPaddCut(scip, sol, poolcutrow,
							FALSE, /**< force cut */

					if (infeasible)
						*result = SCIP_CUTOFF;
					else //if (*result != SCIP_CUTOFF)
						*result = SCIP_SEPARATED;
					*result = SCIP_INFEASIBLE;
				addedPoolCut = true;
		if (addedPoolCut)
			DSPdebugMessage("Added pool cut\n");
			/** free memory */
			SCIPfreeMemoryArray(scip, &vals);
			return SCIP_OKAY;

	/** generate Benders cuts */
	tss_->generateCuts(nvars_, vals, &cs);

	/** If found Benders cuts */
	for (int i = 0; i < cs.sizeCuts(); ++i)
		/** get cut pointer */
		OsiRowCut * rc = cs.rowCutPtr(i);
		if (!rc) continue;

		const CoinPackedVector cutrow = rc->row();
		if (cutrow.getNumElements() == 0) continue;

		/** is optimality cut? */
		bool isOptimalityCut = false;
		for (int j = nvars_ - naux_; j < nvars_; ++j)
			if (cutrow.getMaxIndex() == j)
				isOptimalityCut = true;

		double efficacy = rc->violated(vals) / cutrow.twoNorm();
		SCIP_Bool isEfficacious = efficacy > 1.e-6;

#define KK_TEST
#ifdef KK_TEST
		if (SCIPgetStage(scip) == SCIP_STAGE_INITSOLVE ||
			SCIPgetStage(scip) == SCIP_STAGE_SOLVING)
			/** create empty row */
			SCIP_ROW * row = NULL;
			SCIP_CALL(SCIPcreateEmptyRowCons(scip, &row, conshdlr, "benders", rc->lb(), SCIPinfinity(scip),
					FALSE, /**< is row local? */
					FALSE, /**< is row modifiable? */
					FALSE  /**< is row removable? can this be TRUE? */));

			/** cache the row extension and only flush them if the cut gets added */
			SCIP_CALL(SCIPcacheRowExtensions(scip, row));

			/** collect all non-zero coefficients */
			for (int j = 0; j < cutrow.getNumElements(); ++j)
				SCIP_CALL(SCIPaddVarToRow(scip, row, vars_[cutrow.getIndices()[j]], cutrow.getElements()[j]));

			DSPdebugMessage("found Benders (%s) cut: act=%f, lhs=%f, norm=%f, eff=%f, min=%f, max=%f (range=%f)\n",
				isOptimalityCut ? "opti" : "feas",
				SCIPgetRowLPActivity(scip, row), SCIProwGetLhs(row), SCIProwGetNorm(row),
				SCIPgetCutEfficacy(scip, sol, row),
				SCIPgetRowMinCoef(scip, row), SCIPgetRowMaxCoef(scip, row),
				SCIPgetRowMaxCoef(scip, row)/SCIPgetRowMinCoef(scip, row));

			/** flush all changes before adding cut */
			SCIP_CALL(SCIPflushRowExtensions(scip, row));

			DSPdebugMessage("efficacy %e isEfficatious %d\n", efficacy, isEfficacious);

			if (isEfficacious)
				if (where == from_scip_sepalp ||
					where == from_scip_sepasol ||
					where == from_scip_enfolp)
					/** add cut */
					SCIP_Bool infeasible;
					SCIP_CALL(SCIPaddCut(scip, sol, row,
							FALSE, /**< force cut */

					if (infeasible)
						*result = SCIP_CUTOFF;
					else //if (*result != SCIP_CUTOFF)
						*result = SCIP_SEPARATED;
					*result = SCIP_INFEASIBLE;

			/** add cut to global pool */
			SCIP_CALL(SCIPaddPoolCut(scip, row));
			DSPdebugMessage("number of cuts in global cut pool: %d\n", SCIPgetNPoolCuts(scip));

			/** release the row */
			SCIP_CALL(SCIPreleaseRow(scip, &row));
		else if (isEfficacious &&
					where != from_scip_sepalp &&
					where != from_scip_sepasol &&
					where != from_scip_enfolp)
			*result = SCIP_INFEASIBLE;
		if (where == from_scip_sepalp ||
			where == from_scip_sepasol ||
			where == from_scip_enfolp)
			/** create empty row */
			SCIP_ROW * row = NULL;
			SCIP_CALL(SCIPcreateEmptyRowCons(scip, &row, conshdlr, "benders", rc->lb(), SCIPinfinity(scip),
					FALSE, /**< is row local? */
					FALSE, /**< is row modifiable? */
					FALSE  /**< is row removable? can this be TRUE? */));

			/** cache the row extension and only flush them if the cut gets added */
			SCIP_CALL(SCIPcacheRowExtensions(scip, row));

			/** collect all non-zero coefficients */
			for (int j = 0; j < cutrow.getNumElements(); ++j)
				SCIP_CALL(SCIPaddVarToRow(scip, row, vars_[cutrow.getIndices()[j]], cutrow.getElements()[j]));

			DSPdebugMessage("found Benders (%s) cut: act=%f, lhs=%f, norm=%f, eff=%f, min=%f, max=%f (range=%f)\n",
				isOptimalityCut ? "opti" : "feas",
				SCIPgetRowLPActivity(scip, row), SCIProwGetLhs(row), SCIProwGetNorm(row),
				SCIPgetCutEfficacy(scip, NULL, row),
				SCIPgetRowMinCoef(scip, row), SCIPgetRowMaxCoef(scip, row),
				SCIPgetRowMaxCoef(scip, row)/SCIPgetRowMinCoef(scip, row));

			/** flush all changes before adding cut */
			SCIP_CALL(SCIPflushRowExtensions(scip, row));

			/** is cut efficacious? */
			if (isOptimalityCut)
				efficacy = SCIPgetCutEfficacy(scip, sol, row);
				isEfficacious = SCIPisCutEfficacious(scip, sol, row);
				efficacy = rc->violated(vals);
				isEfficacious = efficacy > 1.e-6;

			if (isEfficacious)
				/** add cut */
				SCIP_Bool infeasible;
				SCIP_CALL(SCIPaddCut(scip, sol, row,
						FALSE, /**< force cut */

				if (infeasible)
					*result = SCIP_CUTOFF;
				else if (*result != SCIP_CUTOFF)
					*result = SCIP_SEPARATED;

			/** add cut to global pool */
			SCIP_CALL(SCIPaddPoolCut(scip, row));

			/** release the row */
			SCIP_CALL(SCIPreleaseRow(scip, &row));
			if (isOptimalityCut)
				efficacy = rc->violated(vals) / cutrow.twoNorm();
				isEfficacious = efficacy > 0.05;
				efficacy = rc->violated(vals);
				isEfficacious = efficacy > 1.e-6;
			DSPdebugMessage("%s efficacy %e\n", isOptimalityCut ? "Opti" : "Feas", efficacy);

			if (isEfficacious == TRUE)
				*result = SCIP_INFEASIBLE;

	/** free memory */
	SCIPfreeMemoryArray(scip, &vals);

	return SCIP_OKAY;