// Accepts ASCI0I input in unsigned hexadecimal (base 16) format
// Input: SCI port
// Output: 16-bit unsigned number
// No '$' or '0x' need be entered, just the 1 to 4 hex digits
// It will convert lower case a-f to uppercase A-F
//     and converts to a 16 bit unsigned number
//     value range is 0 to FFFF
// If you enter a number above FFFF, it will truncate without an error
// Backspace will remove last digit typed
unsigned short SCI_InUHex(unsigned char port){	
unsigned short number=0, digit, length=0;
char character;
  character = SCI_InChar(port);
  while(character != CR){	
    digit = 0x10; // assume bad
    if((character>='0') && (character<='9')){
      digit = character-'0';
    else if((character>='A') && (character<='F')){ 
      digit = (character-'A')+0xA;
    else if((character>='a') && (character<='f')){ 
      digit = (character-'a')+0xA;
// If the character is not 0-9 or A-F, it is ignored and not echoed
    if(digit<=0xF ){	
      number = number*0x10+digit;
      SCI_OutChar(port, character);
// Backspace outputted and return value changed if a backspace is inputted
    else if((character==BS) && length){
      number /= 0x10;
      SCI_OutChar(port, character);
    character = SCI_InChar(port);
  return number;
 * \fn BOOL Packet_Put(const UINT8 command, const UINT8 parameter1, const UINT8 parameter2, const UINT8 parameter3)
 * \brief Builds a packet and places it in the transmit FIFO buffer.
 * \param command command byte
 * \param parameter1 first parameter byte
 * \param parameter2 second parameter byte
 * \param parameter3 third parameter byte
 * \return TRUE if a valid packet was queued for transmission successfully
BOOL Packet_Put(const UINT8 command, const UINT8 parameter1, const UINT8 parameter2, const UINT8 parameter3)
  return SCI_OutChar(command) &&
         SCI_OutChar(parameter1) &&
         SCI_OutChar(parameter2) &&
         SCI_OutChar(parameter3) &&
         SCI_OutChar(Packet_Checksum(command, parameter1, parameter2, parameter3));
// Output a 16 bit number in unsigned hexadecimal format
// Input: SCI port, 16-bit number to be transferred
// Output: none
// Variable format 1 to 4 digits with no space before or after
void SCI_OutUHex(unsigned char port, unsigned short number){
// This function uses recursion to convert the number of 
//   unspecified length as an ASCI0I string
  if(number >= 0x10){
    SCI_OutUHex(port, number/0x10);
    SCI_OutUHex(port, number%0x10);
  else if(number < 0xA){
    SCI_OutChar(port, number+'0');
    SCI_OutChar(port, (number-0x0A)+'A');
// Output a 16-bit number in signed decimal format
// Input: SCI port, 16-bit signed number to be transferred
// Output: none
// Variable format 2-6 digits with no space before or after
void SCI_OutSDec(unsigned char port, short n){
  if(n < 0){
    SCI_OutChar(port, '-'); /* negative */
    n = -n;
  SCI_OutUDec(port, n);
// Output a 16-bit number in unsigned decimal format
// Input: 16-bit number to be transferred
// Output: none
// Variable format 1-5 digits with no space before or after
void SCI_OutUDec(unsigned short n){
// This function uses recursion to convert decimal number
//   of unspecified length as an ASCII string 
  if(n >= 10){
    n = n%10;
  SCI_OutChar(n+'0'); /* n is between 0 and 9 */
// Output a 32-bit number in unsigned decimal format
// Input: SCI port, 32-bit number to be transferred
// Output: none
// Variable format 1-10 digits with no space before or after
void SCI_OutUDec32(unsigned char port, unsigned long n){
// This function uses recursion to convert decimal number
//   of unspecified length as an ASCI0I string 
  if(n >= 10){
    SCI_OutUDec32(port, n/10);
    n = n%10;
  SCI_OutChar(port, n+'0'); /* n is between 0 and 9 */
// Accepts ASCI0I characters from the serial port
//    and adds them to a string until <enter> is typed 
//    or until max length of the string is reached.  
// It echoes each character as it is inputted.  
// If a backspace is inputted, the string is modified 
//    and the backspace is echoed
// terminates the string with a null character
// uses interrupt synchronization on RDRF
// Input: SCI port, pointer to empty buffer, size of buffer
// Output: Null terminated string
// -- Modified by Agustinus Darmawan + Mingjie Qiu --
void SCI_InString(unsigned char port, char *bufPt, unsigned short max) {	
int length=0;
char character;
  character = SCI_InChar(port);
  while(character != CR){
    if(character == BS){
        SCI_OutChar(port, BS);
    else if(length < max){
      *bufPt = character;
      SCI_OutChar(port, character);
    character = SCI_InChar(port);
  *bufPt = 0;
// InUDec accepts ASCI0I input in unsigned decimal format
//     and converts to a 16 bit unsigned number
//     valid range is 0 to 65535
// Input: SCI port
// Output: 16-bit unsigned number
// If you enter a number above 65535, it will truncate without an error
// Backspace will remove last digit typed
unsigned short SCI_InUDec(unsigned char port){	
unsigned short number=0, length=0;
char character;
  character = SCI_InChar(port);	
  while(character!=CR){ // accepts until carriage return input
// The next line checks that the input is a digit, 0-9.
// If the character is not 0-9, it is ignored and not echoed
    if((character>='0') && (character<='9')) {
      number = 10*number+(character-'0');   // this line overflows if above 65535
      SCI_OutChar(port, character);
// If the input is a backspace, then the return number is
// changed and a backspace is outputted to the screen
    else if((character==BS) && length){
      number /= 10;
      SCI_OutChar(port, character);
    character = SCI_InChar(port);	
  return number;
unsigned short SCI_InUDec2(void){	
unsigned short number1=0, number2=0, number3=0, number4=0,number5=0, contnum=1, length=0;
char character;
  character = SCI_InChar2();	
  while(character != CR){ // accepts until <enter> is typed

// The next line checks that the input is a digit, 0-9.
// If the character is not 0-9, it is ignored and not echoed
    if((character>='0') && (character<='9') && (contnum==1)) {
      number1 = 10*number1+(character-'0');   // this line overflows if above 65535
     character = SCI_InChar();	
  return number1;
unsigned short SCI_InUDec3(void){
unsigned short number1=0, number2=0, number3=0, number4=0,number5=0, contnum=1, length=0;
char character;
  character = SCI_InCharInitial();	
  while((character != CR)&&(InputTimeoutFlag==0)){ // accepts until <enter> is typed or timeout activated

// The next line checks that the input is a digit, 0-9.
// If the character is not 0-9, it is ignored and not echoed
    if((character>='0') && (character<='9') && (contnum==1)) {
      number1 = 10*number1+(character-'0');   // this line overflows if above 65535
    character = SCI_InCharSecondary();	

  return 66;

return number1;
void OutCRLF(void){
  PTJ ^= 0x20;          // toggle LED D2
// Output a CR,LF to SCI to go to a new line
// Input: none
// Output: none
// toggle PortT bit 0 each time, debugging profile
void OutCRLF(void){
// Output a 16-bit number in signed decimal fixed-point
// with resolution = 0.01 
// Input: SCI port, 16-bit signed number  -9999 to 9999
// Output: none
// fixed size, 6 characters, 4 digits of output, right justified
// if input is -1234, then display is -12.34 
void SCI_SOutFix2(unsigned char port, short num){ unsigned short n;
  if(num<0){ /* negative */
    n = -num;
    if(n < 10){
      SCI_OutString(port, " -0.0");
      SCI_OutChar(port, n+'0'); /* n is between 0 and 9 */
    } else if(n<100){
      SCI_OutString(port, " -0.");
      SCI_OutChar(port, n/10+'0'); /* tens digit */
      SCI_OutChar(port, n%10+'0'); /* ones digit */
    } else if(n<1000){
      SCI_OutString(port, " -");
      SCI_OutChar(port, n/100+'0'); /* hundreds digit */
      n = n%100;
      SCI_OutChar(port, '.');      /* decimal point */
      SCI_OutChar(port, n/10+'0'); /* tens digit */
      SCI_OutChar(port, n%10+'0'); /* ones digit */
    else if(n<10000){
      SCI_OutChar(port, '-');   
      SCI_OutChar(port, n/1000+'0'); /* thousands digit */
      n = n%1000;
      SCI_OutChar(port, n/100+'0'); /* hundreds digit */
      n = n%100;
      SCI_OutChar(port, '.');      /* decimal point */
      SCI_OutChar(port, n/10+'0'); /* tens digit */
      SCI_OutChar(port, n%10+'0'); /* ones digit */
    else {
    SCI_OutString(port, "-**.**");
  } else{         /* positive */
    n = num;
    if(n < 10){
      SCI_OutString(port, "  0.0");
      SCI_OutChar(port, n+'0');      /* n is between 0 and 9 */
    } else if(n<100){
      SCI_OutString(port, "  0.");
      SCI_OutChar(port, n/10+'0');   /* tens digit */
      SCI_OutChar(port, n%10+'0');   /* ones digit */
    } else if(n<1000){
      SCI_OutString(port, "  ");
      SCI_OutChar(port, n/100+'0');  /* hundreds digit */
      n = n%100;
      SCI_OutChar(port, '.');        /* decimal point */
      SCI_OutChar(port, n/10+'0');   /* tens digit */
      SCI_OutChar(port, n%10+'0');   /* ones digit */
    else if(n<10000){
     SCI_OutChar(port, ' ');   
      SCI_OutChar(port, n/1000+'0'); /* thousands digit */
      n = n%1000;
      SCI_OutChar(port, n/100+'0');  /* hundreds digit */
      n = n%100;
      SCI_OutChar(port, '.');      /* decimal point */
      SCI_OutChar(port, n/10+'0'); /* tens digit */
      SCI_OutChar(port, n%10+'0'); /* ones digit */
    else {
      SCI_OutString(port, " **.**");
// Output a 16-bit number in unsigned decimal fixed-point
// with resolution = 0.001 
// Input: SCI port, 16-bit unsigned number 
// Output: none
// fixed size is 6 characters of output, right justified
// if input is 12345, then display is 12.345 
void SCI_OutFix3(unsigned char port, unsigned short n){
  if(n < 10){
    SCI_OutString(port, " 0.00");
    SCI_OutChar(port, n+'0');  /* n is between 0 and 9 */
  } else if(n<100){
    SCI_OutString(port, " 0.0");
    SCI_OutChar(port, n/10+'0'); /* tens digit */
    SCI_OutChar(port, n%10+'0'); /* ones digit */
  } else if(n<1000){
      SCI_OutString(port, " 0.");
      SCI_OutChar(port, n/100+'0'); /* hundreds digit */
      n = n%100;
      SCI_OutChar(port, n/10+'0'); /* tens digit */
      SCI_OutChar(port, n%10+'0'); /* ones digit */
    else if(n<10000){
      SCI_OutChar(port, ' ');  
      SCI_OutChar(port, n/1000+'0'); /* thousands digit */
      SCI_OutChar(port, '.');      /* decimal point */
      n = n%1000;
      SCI_OutChar(port, n/100+'0'); /* hundreds digit */
      n = n%100;
      SCI_OutChar(port, n/10+'0'); /* tens digit */
      SCI_OutChar(port, n%10+'0'); /* ones digit */
    else {
      SCI_OutChar(port, n/10000+'0'); /* ten-thousands digit */
      n = n%10000;
      SCI_OutChar(port, n/1000+'0'); /* thousands digit */
      SCI_OutChar(port, '.');       /* decimal point */
      n = n%1000;
      SCI_OutChar(port, n/100+'0'); /* hundreds digit */
      n = n%100;
      SCI_OutChar(port, n/10+'0'); /* tens digit */
      SCI_OutChar(port, n%10+'0'); /* ones digit */
// Output a CR,LF to SCI0 to go to a new line
// Input: SCI port
// Output: none
// toggle PortT bit 0 each time, debugging profile
void SCI_OutCRLF(unsigned char port){
  SCI_OutChar(port, CR);
  SCI_OutChar(port, LF);
// Output String (NULL termination), busy-waiting synchronization
// Input: pointer to a NULL-terminated string to be transferred
// Output: none
void SCI_OutString(char *pt){
// Output String (NULL termination), interrupt synchronization
// Input: SCI port, pointer to a NULL-terminated string to be transferred
// Output: none
void SCI_OutString(unsigned char port, char *pt){
    SCI_OutChar(port, *pt);