= SCRIPT_PutNumber
void SCRIPT_PutNumber
   int32 scripthandle,
   char  * sectionname,
   char  * entryname,
   int32 number,
   boolean hexadecimal,
   boolean defaultvalue
	/* DDOI - I don't know what "defaultvalue" is for so it's ignored */
	scriptnode_t *head;
	scriptnode_t *section;
	scriptnode_t *node;

	if(scripthandle >= MAX_SCRIPTS || scripthandle < 0)

	head = script_headnode[scripthandle];

	/* We're screwed if there's no head */
	if (head == NULL) return;

	section = SCRIPT_findinchildren (head, sectionname);
	if (section == NULL)
		/* Add the section if it does not exist */
		section = SCRIPT_constructnode ();
		section->type = SCRIPTFLAG_CATEGORY;
		section->key = SCRIPT_copystring (sectionname);
		SCRIPT_addchild (head, section);

	node = SCRIPT_findinchildren (section, entryname);
	if (node == NULL)
		/* Add the section if it does not exist */
		node = SCRIPT_constructnode ();
		node->key = SCRIPT_copystring (entryname);
		SCRIPT_addchild (section, node);

	if (hexadecimal)
		node->type = SCRIPTFLAG_HEX;
		node->type = SCRIPTFLAG_DECIMAL;
	node->data.number = number;
= SCRIPT_PutDoubleString
void SCRIPT_PutDoubleString
   int32 scripthandle,
   char  * sectionname,
   char  * entryname,
   char  * string1,
   char  * string2
	scriptnode_t *head;
	scriptnode_t *section;
	scriptnode_t *node;

	if(scripthandle >= MAX_SCRIPTS || scripthandle < 0)

	head = script_headnode[scripthandle];

	/* We're screwed if there's no head */
	if (head == NULL) return;

	section = SCRIPT_findinchildren (head, sectionname);
	if (section == NULL)
		/* Add the section if it does not exist */
		section = SCRIPT_constructnode ();
		section->type = SCRIPTFLAG_CATEGORY;
		section->key = SCRIPT_copystring (sectionname);
		SCRIPT_addchild (head, section);

	node = SCRIPT_findinchildren (section, entryname);
	if (node == NULL)
		/* Add the section if it does not exist */
		node = SCRIPT_constructnode ();
		node->key = SCRIPT_copystring (entryname);
		SCRIPT_addchild (section, node);
	} else {
		free (node->data.string[0]);
		free (node->data.string[1]);

	node->data.string[0] = SCRIPT_copystring (string1);
	node->data.string[1] = SCRIPT_copystring (string2);
int32 SCRIPT_Load ( char  * filename )
	FILE *fp;
	char  curline[128];
	scriptnode_t *headnode = NULL;
	scriptnode_t *cur_subsection = NULL;

	if (script_numscriptsopen == MAX_SCRIPTS) return -1;

	/* The main program does not check for any sort of */
	/* error in loading, so each SCRIPT_ function needs */
	/* to check if the handle is -1 before doing anything */
	fp = fopen (filename, "r");

	if (fp == NULL) return -1;

	/* Start loading the script */
	/* Loads and parse the entire file into a tree */

	/* script_nexthandle is the current handle until we increment it */
	script_headnode[script_nexthandle] = SCRIPT_constructnode ();
	headnode = script_headnode[script_nexthandle];

	memset (curline, 0, 128);
	while (fgets (curline, 128, fp))
		/* Skip comments */
		if (curline[0] == ';') continue;

		/* Parse line */
		/* We have two options... it starts with a [, making it */
		/* a new subsection (child of headnode) or it starts with */
		/* a letter, making it a child of a subsection. */
		if (curline[0] == '[')
			scriptnode_t *node;
			int i;
			/* Remove [] manually */
			for (i = 0; i < 127; i++)
				curline[i] = curline[i+1];
			for (i = 127; i >= 0; i--)
				if (curline[i] == ']') {
					curline[i] = '\0';
				} else {
					curline[i] = '\0';

			/* Insert into head */
			node = SCRIPT_constructnode ();
			node->type = SCRIPTFLAG_CATEGORY;
			node->key = SCRIPT_copystring (curline);
			SCRIPT_addchild (headnode, node);
			cur_subsection = node;
			/* printf ("Working in section \"%s\"\n", node->key); */
		} else if (isalpha (curline[0])) {
			scriptnode_t *node;

			/* Ignore if not under a subsection */
			if (cur_subsection == NULL)

			node = SCRIPT_constructnode ();
			/* TODO: Parse line here */
			SCRIPT_parseline (curline, node);
			if (node != NULL)
				/* printf ("Adding node with key \"%s\"\n", node->key); */
				SCRIPT_addchild (cur_subsection, node);
		memset (curline, 0, 128);

	fclose (fp);

	return script_nexthandle++;	/* postincrement is important here */
/* Fills in a scriptnode with the interpreted contents of a line */
static void SCRIPT_parseline (char  *curline, scriptnode_t *node)
	char  token[128];
	int i;

	/* Needs to handle 5 cases: */
	/* 	key = someint */
	/* 	key = 0xsomehexnum */
	/* 	key = ~ */
	/* 	key = "onestring" */
	/* 	key = "two" "strings" */

	assert (node != NULL);
	assert (curline != NULL);

	i = SCRIPT_getnexttoken (curline, token, 0);
	node->key = SCRIPT_copystring (token);

	i = SCRIPT_getnexttoken (curline, token, i);
	/* Sanity check... this token should be "=" */
	if (strcmp (token, "=")) {
		/* Error state, free the memory allocated */
		SCRIPT_recursivefree (node);

	/* This is where the real fun begins... */
	/* we can begin to determine which of the 6 */
	/* possibilities the node is now */
	i = SCRIPT_getnexttoken (curline, token, i);

	if (!strncmp (token, "0x", 2)) {
		/* Found a hex digit! */
		node->type = SCRIPTFLAG_HEX;
		node->data.number = strtol (token, NULL, 16);
	}else if (token[strlen(token) - 1] == 'f') {
		/* Found a float */
		node->type = SCRIPTFLAG_FLOAT;
		node->data.floatnumber = atof(token);
	}else if (isdigit (token[0])) {
		/* Found a number! */
		node->type = SCRIPTFLAG_DECIMAL;
		node->data.number = atoi (token); 
	}else if (token[0] == '-' && isdigit (token[1])) {
		/* Found a negative number! */
		node->type = SCRIPTFLAG_DECIMAL;
		node->data.number = atoi (token); 
		//- FIX_00067: *.cfg parser fails to read negative values (as it could be for the Midi selection)
		// was node->data.number = 0; Can't find a reason for this.
	}else if (token[0] == '~') {
		/* Found a ... who knows */
		node->type = SCRIPTFLAG_DECIMAL;
		node->data.number = -1;
	}else if (token[0] == '"') {
		char  workbuf[128];
		int r;

		/* Found one of possibly two strings */
		strcpy (workbuf, token);
		while (token != NULL && workbuf[strlen(workbuf)-1] != '"')
			i = SCRIPT_getnexttoken (curline, token, i);
			strcat (workbuf, " ");
			strcat (workbuf, token);
		r = sscanf(workbuf, "\"%[^\"]\"", workbuf);
		if (r == 0) workbuf[0] = '\0';

		node->data.string[0] = SCRIPT_copystring (workbuf);
		/* Check for a second string */
		i = SCRIPT_getnexttoken (curline, token, i);
		if (token[0] == '"') {
			strcpy (workbuf, token);
			while (token != NULL && workbuf[strlen(workbuf)-1] != '"')
				i = SCRIPT_getnexttoken (curline, token, i);
				strcat (workbuf, " ");
				strcat (workbuf, token);
			r = sscanf(workbuf, "\"%[^\"]\"", workbuf);
			if (r == 0) workbuf[0] = '\0';

			node->data.string[1] = SCRIPT_copystring (workbuf);
	} else {
		/* Error state! */
		SCRIPT_recursivefree (node);