void DrawStartSeverLevelshot(void)
	char startmap[MAX_QPATH];
	char mapshotname[MAX_QPATH];
	int i = s_startmap_list.curvalue;

	Q_strlcpy (startmap, strchr(mapnames[i], '\n') + 1, sizeof(startmap));

	SCR_FillRect (SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 + 44, SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 - 100, 244, 184, colorWhite);

	if (levelshotvalid[i] == M_UNSET)
		// init levelshot
		Com_sprintf(mapshotname, sizeof(mapshotname), "levelshots/%s.png", startmap);
		if (RE_Draw_RegisterPic(mapshotname))
			levelshotvalid[i] = M_FOUND;
			levelshotvalid[i] = M_MISSING;

	if (levelshotvalid[i] == M_FOUND)
		Com_sprintf (mapshotname, sizeof(mapshotname), "levelshots/%s.png", startmap);
		SCR_DrawPic (SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 + 46, SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 - 98, 240, 180, mapshotname);
	else if (levelshotvalid[nummaps] == M_FOUND)
		SCR_DrawPic (SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 + 46, SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 - 98, 240, 180, "levelshots/unknownmap.png");
		SCR_FillRect (SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 + 46, SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 - 98, 240, 180, colorBlack);
void PlayerConfig_DrawSkinSelection (void)
	char	scratch[MAX_QPATH];
	float	icon_x = SCREEN_WIDTH*0.5 - 5; //width - 325
	float	icon_y = SCREEN_HEIGHT - 108;
	float	icon_offset = 0;
	float	x, y, w, h;
	int		i, count, color[3];

	TextColor((int)Cvar_VariableValue("alt_text_color"), &color[0], &color[1], &color[2]);

	if (s_pmi[s_player_model_box.curvalue].nskins<NUM_SKINBOX_ITEMS || s_player_skin_box.curvalue<4)
	else if (s_player_skin_box.curvalue > s_pmi[s_player_model_box.curvalue].nskins-4)

	// left arrow
	if (i>0)
		Com_sprintf (scratch, sizeof(scratch), "/gfx/ui/arrows/arrow_left.pcx");
		Com_sprintf (scratch, sizeof(scratch), "/gfx/ui/arrows/arrow_left_d.pcx");
	SCR_DrawPic (icon_x-39, icon_y+2, 32, 32,  ALIGN_CENTER, scratch, 1.0);

	// background
	SCR_DrawFill (icon_x-3, icon_y-3, NUM_SKINBOX_ITEMS*34+4, 38, ALIGN_CENTER, 0,0,0,255);
	if (R_DrawFindPic("/gfx/ui/listbox_background.pcx")) {
		x = icon_x-2;	y = icon_y-2;	w = NUM_SKINBOX_ITEMS*34+2;	h = 36;
		SCR_AdjustFrom640 (&x, &y, &w, &h, ALIGN_CENTER);
		R_DrawTileClear ((int)x, (int)y, (int)w, (int)h, "/gfx/ui/listbox_background.pcx");
		SCR_DrawFill (icon_x-2, icon_y-2, NUM_SKINBOX_ITEMS*34+2, 36, ALIGN_CENTER, 60,60,60,255);
	for (count=0; count<NUM_SKINBOX_ITEMS; i++,count++)
		if (i<0 || i>=s_pmi[s_player_model_box.curvalue].nskins)

		Com_sprintf (scratch, sizeof(scratch), "/players/%s/%s_i.pcx", 
			s_pmi[s_player_model_box.curvalue].skindisplaynames[i] );

		if (i==s_player_skin_box.curvalue)
			SCR_DrawFill (icon_x + icon_offset-1, icon_y-1, 34, 34, ALIGN_CENTER, color[0],color[1],color[2],255);
		SCR_DrawPic (icon_x + icon_offset, icon_y, 32, 32,  ALIGN_CENTER, scratch, 1.0);
		icon_offset += 34;

	// right arrow
	icon_offset = NUM_SKINBOX_ITEMS*34;
	if (s_pmi[s_player_model_box.curvalue].nskins-i>0)
		Com_sprintf (scratch, sizeof(scratch), "/gfx/ui/arrows/arrow_right.pcx");
		Com_sprintf (scratch, sizeof(scratch), "/gfx/ui/arrows/arrow_right_d.pcx"); 
	SCR_DrawPic (icon_x+icon_offset+5, icon_y+2, 32, 32,  ALIGN_CENTER, scratch, 1.0);
void Menu_DrawBanner (char *name)
	int w, h;

	R_DrawGetPicSize (&w, &h, name );
	SCR_DrawPic (SCREEN_WIDTH/2-w/2, SCREEN_HEIGHT/2-150, w, h, ALIGN_CENTER, name, 1.0);
void DrawMenuCrosshair (void)
	SCR_DrawFill2 (SCREEN_WIDTH*0.5 - 18, s_options_ingame_menu.y + 42,
					36, 36, ALIGN_CENTER, 60,60,60,255);
	SCR_DrawFill2 (SCREEN_WIDTH*0.5 - 17, s_options_ingame_menu.y + 43,
					34, 34, ALIGN_CENTER,  0,0,0,255);
/*	R_DrawFill2 (
		viddef.width/2 - SCR_ScaledVideo(18),
		s_options_ingame_menu.y + SCR_ScaledVideo(42),
		SCR_ScaledVideo(36), SCR_ScaledVideo(36), 60,60,60,255);

	R_DrawFill2 (
		viddef.width/2 - SCR_ScaledVideo(17),
		s_options_ingame_menu.y + SCR_ScaledVideo(43),
		SCR_ScaledVideo(34), SCR_ScaledVideo(34), 0,0,0,255);
	if (s_options_ingame_crosshair_box.curvalue < 1)

	SCR_DrawPic (SCREEN_WIDTH*0.5-16, s_options_ingame_menu.y + 44,
					32, 32, ALIGN_CENTER, crosshair_names[s_options_ingame_crosshair_box.curvalue], 1.0);
/*	R_DrawStretchPic (
		viddef.width/2 - SCR_ScaledVideo(16),
		s_options_ingame_menu.y + SCR_ScaledVideo(44),
		SCR_ScaledVideo(32), SCR_ScaledVideo(32), crosshair_names[s_options_ingame_crosshair_box.curvalue], 1.0);
void M_Quit_Draw (void)
	Menu_AdjustCursor( &s_quit_menu, 1 );
	Menu_Draw( &s_quit_menu );
	int		w, h;

	R_DrawGetPicSize (&w, &h, "quit");
	SCR_DrawPic (SCREEN_WIDTH/2-w/2, SCREEN_HEIGHT/2-h/2, w, h, ALIGN_CENTER, "quit", 1.0);
void DrawMenuCrosshair (void)
	SCR_DrawFill (SCREEN_WIDTH*0.5 - 18, s_options_screen_menu.y + 42,
					36, 36, ALIGN_CENTER, 60,60,60,255);
	SCR_DrawFill (SCREEN_WIDTH*0.5 - 17, s_options_screen_menu.y + 43,
					34, 34, ALIGN_CENTER,  0,0,0,255);

	if (s_options_screen_crosshair_box.curvalue < 1)

	SCR_DrawPic (SCREEN_WIDTH*0.5-16, s_options_screen_menu.y + 44,
					32, 32, ALIGN_CENTER, crosshair_names[s_options_screen_crosshair_box.curvalue], 1.0);
void DrawSaveshot(qboolean loadmenu)
    char shotname [MAX_QPATH];
    char mapshotname [MAX_QPATH];
    int  i;

    if (loadmenu)
        i = s_loadgame_actions[s_loadgame_menu.cursor].generic.localdata[0];
        i = s_savegame_actions[s_savegame_menu.cursor].generic.localdata[0];

    SCR_DrawFill(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 + 44, SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 - 60, 244, 184, ALIGN_CENTER, 60, 60, 60, 255);

    if (m_savevalid[i] && m_saveshotvalid[i])
        Com_sprintf(shotname, sizeof(shotname), "/save/kmq2save%i/shot.jpg", i);

        SCR_DrawPic(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 + 46, SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 - 58, 240, 180, ALIGN_CENTER, shotname, 1.0);
    else if (loadmenu && (i == 0) && m_savevalid[i] && m_mapshotvalid)   // autosave shows mapshot
        Com_sprintf(mapshotname, sizeof(mapshotname), "/levelshots/%s.pcx", m_mapname);

        SCR_DrawPic(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 + 46, SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 - 58, 240, 180, ALIGN_CENTER, mapshotname, 1.0);
    else if (m_saveshotvalid[MAX_SAVEGAMES])
        SCR_DrawPic(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 + 46, SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 - 58, 240, 180, ALIGN_CENTER, "/gfx/ui/noscreen.pcx", 1.0);
        SCR_DrawFill(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 + 46, SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 - 58, 240, 180, ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0, 0, 255);
void M_Main_Draw (void)
	int32_t i;
	int32_t w, h, last_h;
	int32_t ystart;
	int32_t	xoffset;
	int32_t widest = -1;
	int32_t totalheight = 0;
	char litname[80];

	FindMenuCoords (&xoffset, &ystart, &totalheight, &widest);

	for (i = 0; main_names[i] != 0; i++)
		if (i != m_main_cursor) {
			R_DrawGetPicSize (&w, &h, main_names[i]);
			SCR_DrawPic (xoffset, (ystart + i*40+3), w, h, ALIGN_CENTER, main_names[i], 1.0);

	strcpy (litname, main_names[m_main_cursor]);
	strcat (litname, "_sel");
	R_DrawGetPicSize (&w, &h, litname);
	SCR_DrawPic (xoffset-1, (ystart + m_main_cursor*40+2), w+2, h+2, ALIGN_CENTER, litname, 1.0);

	// Draw our nifty quad damage model as a cursor if it's loaded.
	if (quadModel_loaded)
		UI_DrawMainCursor3D (xoffset-27, ystart+(m_main_cursor*40+1));
		UI_DrawMainCursor (xoffset-25, ystart+(m_main_cursor*40+1), (int32_t)(cls.realtime/100)%NUM_MAINMENU_CURSOR_FRAMES);

	R_DrawGetPicSize (&w, &h, "m_main_plaque");
	SCR_DrawPic (xoffset-(w/2+50), ystart, w, h, ALIGN_CENTER, "m_main_plaque", 1.0);
	last_h = h;

	R_DrawGetPicSize (&w, &h, "m_main_logo");
	SCR_DrawPic (xoffset-(w/2+50), ystart+last_h+20, w, h, ALIGN_CENTER, "m_main_logo", 1.0);

Draws an animating cursor with the point at
x,y.  The pic will extend to the left of x,
and both above and below y.
void UI_DrawMainCursor (int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t f)
	char	cursorname[80];
	static	qboolean cached;
	int32_t		w,h;

	if (!cached)
		int32_t i;

		for (i = 0; i < NUM_MAINMENU_CURSOR_FRAMES; i++) {
			Com_sprintf (cursorname, sizeof(cursorname), "m_cursor%d", i);
			R_DrawFindPic (cursorname);
		cached = true;

	Com_sprintf (cursorname, sizeof(cursorname), "m_cursor%d", f);
	R_DrawGetPicSize (&w, &h, cursorname);
	SCR_DrawPic (x, y, w, h, ALIGN_CENTER, cursorname, 1.0);

Draws the console with the solid background
void Con_DrawSolidConsole( float frac )
	int    i, x, y;
	int    rows;
	int    row;
	int    lines;
//	qhandle_t    conShader;
	int    currentColor;
	vec4_t color;
	float  yVer;
	float  totalwidth;
	float  currentWidthLocation = 0;

	const int charHeight = SCR_ConsoleFontCharHeight();

	if ( scr_conUseOld->integer )
		lines = cls.glconfig.vidHeight * frac;

		if ( lines <= 0 )

		if ( lines > cls.glconfig.vidHeight )
			lines = cls.glconfig.vidHeight;
		lines = cls.glconfig.vidHeight * frac;
	lines += charHeight / ( CONSOLE_FONT_VPADDING + 1 );

	// on wide screens, we will center the text
	if (!scr_conUseOld->integer)
		con.xadjust = 15;

	SCR_AdjustFrom640 (&con.xadjust, NULL, NULL, NULL);

	// draw the background
	if ( scr_conUseOld->integer )
		yVer = 5 + charHeight;
		y = frac * SCREEN_HEIGHT;

		if ( y < 1 )
			y = 0;
			if ( scr_conUseShader->integer )
				SCR_DrawPic( 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, y, cls.consoleShader );
				// This will be overwritten, so i'll just abuse it here, no need to define another array
				color[ 0 ] = scr_conColorRed->value;
				color[ 1 ] = scr_conColorGreen->value;
				color[ 2 ] = scr_conColorBlue->value;
				color[ 3 ] = scr_conColorAlpha->value;

				SCR_FillRect( 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, y, color );

		color[ 0 ] = scr_conBarColorRed->value;
		color[ 1 ] = scr_conBarColorGreen->value;
		color[ 2 ] = scr_conBarColorBlue->value;
		color[ 3 ] = scr_conBarColorAlpha->value;

		SCR_FillRect( 0, y, SCREEN_WIDTH, scr_conBarSize->value, color );
		yVer = 10;
		SCR_AdjustFrom640( NULL, &yVer, NULL, NULL );
		yVer = floor( yVer + 5 + charHeight );

		color[ 0 ] = scr_conColorRed->value;
		color[ 1 ] = scr_conColorGreen->value;
		color[ 2 ] = scr_conColorBlue->value;
		color[ 3 ] = frac * 2 * scr_conColorAlpha->value;
		SCR_FillRect( 10, 10, 620, 460 * scr_conHeight->integer * 0.01, color );

		color[ 0 ] = scr_conBarColorRed->value;
		color[ 1 ] = scr_conBarColorGreen->value;
		color[ 2 ] = scr_conBarColorBlue->value;
		color[ 3 ] = frac * 2 * scr_conBarColorAlpha->value;
		SCR_FillRect( 10, 10, 620, 1, color );  //top
		SCR_FillRect( 10, 460 * scr_conHeight->integer * 0.01 + 10, 621, 1, color );  //bottom
		SCR_FillRect( 10, 10, 1, 460 * scr_conHeight->integer * 0.01, color );  //left
		SCR_FillRect( 630, 10, 1, 460 * scr_conHeight->integer * 0.01, color );  //right

	// draw the version number

	color[ 0 ] = 1.0f;
	color[ 1 ] = 1.0f;
	color[ 2 ] = 1.0f;
	color[ 3 ] = ( scr_conUseOld->integer ? 0.75f : frac * 0.75f );
	re.SetColor( color );

	i = strlen( Q3_VERSION );
	totalwidth = SCR_ConsoleFontStringWidth( Q3_VERSION, i ) + cl_conXOffset->integer;

	if ( !scr_conUseOld->integer )
		totalwidth += 30;

	currentWidthLocation = cls.glconfig.vidWidth - totalwidth;

	for ( x = 0; x < i; x++ )
		int ch = Q_UTF8CodePoint( &Q3_VERSION[ x ] );
		SCR_DrawConsoleFontUnichar( currentWidthLocation, yVer, ch );
		currentWidthLocation += SCR_ConsoleFontUnicharWidth( ch );

	// engine string
	i = strlen( Q3_ENGINE );
	totalwidth = SCR_ConsoleFontStringWidth( Q3_ENGINE, i ) + cl_conXOffset->integer;

	if ( !scr_conUseOld->integer )
		totalwidth += 30;

	currentWidthLocation = cls.glconfig.vidWidth - totalwidth;

	for ( x = 0; x < i; x++ )
		int ch = Q_UTF8CodePoint( &Q3_ENGINE[ x ] );
		SCR_DrawConsoleFontUnichar( currentWidthLocation, yVer + charHeight, ch );
		currentWidthLocation += SCR_ConsoleFontUnicharWidth( ch );

	// draw the input prompt, user text, and cursor if desired
	// moved back here (have observed render issues to do with time taken)

	// draw the text
	con.vislines = lines;
	rows = ( lines ) / SCR_ConsoleFontCharHeight() - 3; // rows of text to draw

	if ( scr_conUseOld->integer )

	y = lines - ( SCR_ConsoleFontCharHeight() * 3 ) + 10;

	// draw from the bottom up
	if ( con.display != con.current )
		// draw arrows to show the buffer is backscrolled
		const int hatWidth = SCR_ConsoleFontUnicharWidth( '^' );

		color[ 0 ] = 1.0f;
		color[ 1 ] = 0.0f;
		color[ 2 ] = 0.0f;
		color[ 3 ] = ( scr_conUseOld->integer ? 1.0f : frac * 2.0f );
		re.SetColor( color );

		for ( x = 0; x < con.linewidth - ( scr_conUseOld->integer ? 0 : 4 ); x += 4 )
			SCR_DrawConsoleFontUnichar( con.xadjust + ( x + 1 ) * hatWidth, y, '^' );

		y -= charHeight;

	row = con.display;

	if ( con.x == 0 )

	currentColor = 7;
	color[ 0 ] = g_color_table[ currentColor ][ 0 ];
	color[ 1 ] = g_color_table[ currentColor ][ 1 ];
	color[ 2 ] = g_color_table[ currentColor ][ 2 ];
	color[ 3 ] = ( scr_conUseOld->integer ? 1.0f : frac * 2.0f );
	re.SetColor( color );

	for ( i = 0; i < rows; i++, y -= charHeight, row-- )
		conChar_t *text;

		if ( row < 0 )

		if ( con.current - row >= con.totallines )
			// past scrollback wrap point

		text = con.text + CON_LINE( row );

		currentWidthLocation = cl_conXOffset->integer;

		for ( x = 0; x < con.linewidth && text[x].ch; ++x )
			if ( text[ x ].ink != currentColor )
				currentColor = text[ x ].ink;
				color[ 0 ] = g_color_table[ currentColor ][ 0 ];
				color[ 1 ] = g_color_table[ currentColor ][ 1 ];
				color[ 2 ] = g_color_table[ currentColor ][ 2 ];
				color[ 3 ] = ( scr_conUseOld->integer ? 1.0f : frac * 2.0f );
				re.SetColor( color );

			SCR_DrawConsoleFontUnichar( con.xadjust + currentWidthLocation, y, text[ x ].ch );
			currentWidthLocation += SCR_ConsoleFontUnicharWidth( text[ x ].ch );

	re.SetColor( NULL );