    this->mainWindow = SDL_CreateWindow("Highway Crossing Frog", SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, this->width, this->height, SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN);
    this->mainRenderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(this->mainWindow, -1, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED);
    if(SDL_GameControllerAddMapping(GASIA_PS2_MAP) == 1){
        printf("Managed to add silly PS2 adapter thing.\n");
    if(SDL_GameControllerAddMapping(GASIA_PS2_LIN) == 1){
        printf("Managed to add silly PS2 adapter thing on Linux.\n");
    if(SDL_NumJoysticks() > 0){
        for (int i = 0; i < SDL_NumJoysticks(); i++) {
                this->gamePad = SDL_GameControllerOpen(i);
                    printf("Opened controller %i\n", i);
                } else {
                    printf("Failed to open controller %i\n", i);
    } else {
        printf("No controllers found.\n");
    this->gWorld = new GameWorld(this->mainRenderer);
    this->running = true;
void InputDaemon::refreshMapping(QString mapping, InputDevice *device)
    bool found = false;

    for (int i=0; i < SDL_NumJoysticks() && !found; i++)
        SDL_Joystick *joystick = SDL_JoystickOpen(i);
        SDL_JoystickID joystickID = SDL_JoystickInstanceID(joystick);

        if (device->getSDLJoystickID() == joystickID)
            found = true;

            if (SDL_IsGameController(i))
                // Mapping string updated. Perform basic refresh
                QByteArray tempbarray = mapping.toUtf8();
                // Previously registered as a plain joystick. Add
                // mapping and check for validity. If SDL accepts it,
                // close current device and re-open as
                // a game controller.

                if (SDL_IsGameController(i))

                    SDL_GameController *controller = SDL_GameControllerOpen(i);
                    GameController *damncontroller = new GameController(controller, i, settings, this);
                    connect(damncontroller, SIGNAL(requestWait()), eventWorker, SLOT(haltServices()));
                    SDL_Joystick *sdlStick = SDL_GameControllerGetJoystick(controller);
                    joystickID = SDL_JoystickInstanceID(sdlStick);
                    joysticks->insert(joystickID, damncontroller);
                    trackcontrollers.insert(joystickID, damncontroller);
                    emit deviceUpdated(i, damncontroller);

        // Make sure to decrement reference count
static void
    const char *hint = SDL_GetHint(SDL_HINT_GAMECONTROLLERCONFIG);
    if ( hint && hint[0] ) {
        int nchHints = SDL_strlen( hint );
        char *pUserMappings = SDL_malloc( nchHints + 1 );
        char *pTempMappings = pUserMappings;
        SDL_memcpy( pUserMappings, hint, nchHints );
        while ( pUserMappings ) {
            char *pchNewLine = NULL;

            pchNewLine = SDL_strchr( pUserMappings, '\n' );
            if ( pchNewLine )
                *pchNewLine = '\0';

            SDL_GameControllerAddMapping( pUserMappings );

            if ( pchNewLine )
                pUserMappings = pchNewLine + 1;
                pUserMappings = NULL;
 * Initialize the game controller system, mostly load our DB of controller config mappings
    int i = 0;
    const char *pMappingString = NULL;
    s_pSupportedControllers = NULL;
    pMappingString = s_ControllerMappings[i];
    while (pMappingString) {

        pMappingString = s_ControllerMappings[i];

    /* load in any user supplied config */

    /* watch for joy events and fire controller ones if needed */
    SDL_AddEventWatch(SDL_GameControllerEventWatcher, NULL);

    /* Send added events for controllers currently attached */
    for (i = 0; i < SDL_NumJoysticks(); ++i) {
        if (SDL_IsGameController(i)) {
            SDL_Event deviceevent;
            deviceevent.type = SDL_CONTROLLERDEVICEADDED;
            deviceevent.cdevice.which = i;

    return (0);
void DEV_Joystick::Init()
#ifdef WITH_SDL

	if (!(SDL_CHECK(SDL_InitSubSystem)) || !(SDL_CHECK(SDL_GameControllerAddMapping))) {

	/* Initializing Game Controller related subsystems */
	bool success = (SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_GAMECONTROLLER | SDL_INIT_HAPTIC) != -1 );

	if (success) {

		/* Loading Game Controller mapping data base from a string */
		unsigned short i = 0;
		const char *mapping_string = NULL;
		mapping_string = controller_mappings[i];

		while (mapping_string) {
			mapping_string = controller_mappings[i];
	else {
		CM_Error("initializing SDL Game Controller: " << SDL_GetError());
文件: controller.hpp 项目: Rapptz/gum
inline bool add_controller_mapping(const std::string& mapping) {
    int result = SDL_GameControllerAddMapping(mapping.c_str());
    if(result == -1) {
    return result == 1;
	int GameController::setMapping(State & state, SDL_GameController * gamecontroller){
		Stack * stack = state.stack;
		if (stack->is<LUA_TSTRING>(1)){
			const std::string mapping = stack->to<const std::string>(1);
		return 0;
int Java_org_libsdl_app_SDLActivity_nativeInit(JNIEnv* env, jclass cls, jobject obj) {
    setenv("OPENMW_DECOMPRESS_TEXTURES", "1", 1);

    // On Android, we use a virtual controller with guid="Virtual"

    return 0;
 * SDL.gameControllerAddMapping(name)
 * Arguments:
 *	name the mapping string
 * Returns:
 *	1, 0 or -1
 *	The error message
static int
l_gameControllerAddMapping(lua_State *L)
	const char *mapping = luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
	int ret;

	ret = SDL_GameControllerAddMapping(mapping);
	if (ret < 0)
		return commonPushSDLError(L, 1);

	return commonPush(L, "i", ret);
文件: psp2.cpp 项目: digitall/scummvm
void OSystem_PSP2::initBackend() {

	ConfMan.set("joystick_num", 0);
	ConfMan.registerDefault("fullscreen", true);
	ConfMan.registerDefault("aspect_ratio", false);
	ConfMan.registerDefault("gfx_mode", "2x");
	ConfMan.registerDefault("filtering", true);
	ConfMan.registerDefault("kbdmouse_speed", 3);
	ConfMan.registerDefault("joystick_deadzone", 2);
	ConfMan.registerDefault("shader", 0);
	ConfMan.registerDefault("touchpad_mouse_mode", false);
	ConfMan.registerDefault("frontpanel_touchpad_mode", false);

	if (!ConfMan.hasKey("fullscreen")) {
		ConfMan.setBool("fullscreen", true);
	if (!ConfMan.hasKey("aspect_ratio")) {
		ConfMan.setBool("aspect_ratio", false);
	if (!ConfMan.hasKey("gfx_mode")) {
		ConfMan.set("gfx_mode", "2x");
	if (!ConfMan.hasKey("filtering")) {
		ConfMan.setBool("filtering", true);
	if (!ConfMan.hasKey("shader")) {
		ConfMan.setInt("shader", 2);
	if (!ConfMan.hasKey("touchpad_mouse_mode")) {
		ConfMan.setBool("touchpad_mouse_mode", false);
	if (!ConfMan.hasKey("frontpanel_touchpad_mode")) {
		ConfMan.setBool("frontpanel_touchpad_mode", false);

	// Create the savefile manager
	if (_savefileManager == 0)
		_savefileManager = new DefaultSaveFileManager("ux0:data/scummvm/saves");

	// Controller mappings for Vita, various names have been used in various SDL versions
	SDL_GameControllerAddMapping("50535669746120436f6e74726f6c6c65,PSVita Controller,y:b0,b:b1,a:b2,x:b3,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b5,dpdown:b6,dpleft:b7,dpup:b8,dpright:b9,back:b10,start:b11,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a3,");
	SDL_GameControllerAddMapping("50535669746120636f6e74726f6c6c65,PSVita controller,y:b0,b:b1,a:b2,x:b3,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b5,dpdown:b6,dpleft:b7,dpup:b8,dpright:b9,back:b10,start:b11,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a3,");
	SDL_GameControllerAddMapping("50535669746120636f6e74726f6c6c65,PSVita controller 2,y:b0,b:b1,a:b2,x:b3,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b5,dpdown:b6,dpleft:b7,dpup:b8,dpright:b9,back:b10,start:b11,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a3,");
	SDL_GameControllerAddMapping("50535669746120636f6e74726f6c6c65,PSVita controller 3,y:b0,b:b1,a:b2,x:b3,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b5,dpdown:b6,dpleft:b7,dpup:b8,dpright:b9,back:b10,start:b11,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a3,");
	SDL_GameControllerAddMapping("50535669746120636f6e74726f6c6c65,PSVita controller 4,y:b0,b:b1,a:b2,x:b3,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b5,dpdown:b6,dpleft:b7,dpup:b8,dpright:b9,back:b10,start:b11,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a3,");
	SDL_GameControllerAddMapping("505356697461206275696c74696e206a,PSVita builtin joypad,y:b0,b:b1,a:b2,x:b3,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b5,dpdown:b6,dpleft:b7,dpup:b8,dpright:b9,back:b10,start:b11,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a3,");

	// Event source
	if (_eventSource == 0)
		_eventSource = new PSP2EventSource();

	// Graphics Manager
	if (_graphicsManager == 0)
		_graphicsManager = new PSP2SdlGraphicsManager(_eventSource, _window);

	// Invoke parent implementation of this method
static int _SaveMappings()
    char bind[2056];
    const char* name;

    if (_this->controller != NULL) {    
        name = SDL_GameControllerName(_this->controller);
    } else {
        name = SDL_JoystickName(_this->joystick);

    SDL_JoystickGUID guid = SDL_JoystickGetGUID(_this->joystick);
    char guid_string[33];
    SDL_JoystickGetGUIDString(guid, guid_string, 33);
    guid_string[32] = 0;

    snprintf(bind, 2056, "%s,%s,platform:%s,", guid_string, name, SDL_GetPlatform());

    int index = strlen(bind);
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_MAPPINGS; ++i) {
        const char* to = NULL;
        if (_this->mappings[i].type == SDL_CONTROLLER_BINDTYPE_AXIS) {
            to = SDL_GameControllerGetStringForAxis(_this->mappings[i].value.axis);
        } else if (_this->mappings[i].type != SDL_CONTROLLER_BINDTYPE_BUTTON){
            to = SDL_GameControllerGetStringForButton(_this->mappings[i].value.button);

        if (to == NULL) {

        char from[10];
        if (_this->mappings[i].bind.bindType == SDL_CONTROLLER_BINDTYPE_AXIS) {
            snprintf(from, 10, "a%d", _this->mappings[i].bind.value.axis);
        } else if (_this->mappings[i].bind.bindType
                   == SDL_CONTROLLER_BINDTYPE_BUTTON) {
            snprintf(from, 10, "b%d", _this->mappings[i].bind.value.button);
        } if (_this->mappings[i].bind.bindType == SDL_CONTROLLER_BINDTYPE_HAT) {
            snprintf(from, 10, "h%d.%d", _this->mappings[i].bind.value.hat.hat,
        } else {
        snprintf(bind, 2056 - index, "%s:%s,", to, from);
        index += strlen(to) + strlen(from);
    // TODO Save to file
    SDL_Log("Mapping: %s\n", bind);
void SDLEventReader::initSDL()
#ifdef USE_SDL_2
    // SDL_INIT_GAMECONTROLLER should automatically initialize SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK
    // but it doesn't seem to be the case with v2.0.4
    // Video support is required to use event system in SDL 1.2.

    sdlIsOpen = true;

#ifdef USE_SDL_2
    //QSettings settings(PadderCommon::configFilePath, QSettings::IniFormat);
    QStringList mappings = settings->allKeys();
    QStringListIterator iter(mappings);
    while (iter.hasNext())
        QString tempstring = iter.next();
        QString mappingSetting = settings->value(tempstring, QString()).toString();
        if (!mappingSetting.isEmpty())
            QByteArray temparray = mappingSetting.toUtf8();
            char *mapping = temparray.data();
            SDL_GameControllerAddMapping(mapping); // Let SDL take care of validation


    //SDL_GameControllerAddMapping("03000000100800000100000010010000,Twin USB Joystick,a:b2,b:b1,x:b3,y:b0,back:b8,start:b9,leftshoulder:b6,rightshoulder:b7,leftstick:b10,rightstick:b11,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a3,righty:a2,lefttrigger:b4,righttrigger:b5,dpup:h0.1,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2");


    emit sdlStarted();
 * Add controller mapping from string
void S2D_AddControllerMapping(const char *map) {
  int result = SDL_GameControllerAddMapping(map);

  char guid[33];
  strncpy(guid, map, 32);

  switch (result) {
    case 1:
      S2D_Log(S2D_INFO, "Mapping added for GUID: %s", guid);
    case 0:
      S2D_Log(S2D_INFO, "Mapping updated for GUID: %s", guid);
    case -1:
      S2D_Error("SDL_GameControllerAddMapping", SDL_GetError());
 * Initialize the game controller system, mostly load our DB of controller config mappings
    int i = 0;
    const char *pMappingString = NULL;
    s_pSupportedControllers = NULL;
    pMappingString = s_ControllerMappings[i];
    while ( pMappingString )
        SDL_GameControllerAddMapping( pMappingString );

        pMappingString = s_ControllerMappings[i];

    /* load in any user supplied config */

    /* watch for joy events and fire controller ones if needed */
    SDL_AddEventWatch( SDL_GameControllerEventWatcher, NULL );

    return (0);
 * Add or update an entry into the Mappings Database
SDL_GameControllerAddMappingsFromRW(SDL_RWops * rw, int freerw)
    const char *platform = SDL_GetPlatform();
    int controllers = 0;
    char *buf, *line, *line_end, *tmp, *comma, line_platform[64];
    size_t db_size, platform_len;

    if (rw == NULL) {
        return SDL_SetError("Invalid RWops");
    db_size = (size_t)SDL_RWsize(rw);

    buf = (char *)SDL_malloc(db_size + 1);
    if (buf == NULL) {
        if (freerw) {
        return SDL_SetError("Could allocate space to not read DB into memory");

    if (SDL_RWread(rw, buf, db_size, 1) != 1) {
        if (freerw) {
        return SDL_SetError("Could not read DB");

    if (freerw) {

    buf[db_size] = '\0';
    line = buf;

    while (line < buf + db_size) {
        line_end = SDL_strchr(line, '\n');
        if (line_end != NULL) {
            *line_end = '\0';
        } else {
            line_end = buf + db_size;

        /* Extract and verify the platform */
        tmp = SDL_strstr(line, SDL_CONTROLLER_PLATFORM_FIELD);
        if (tmp != NULL) {
            tmp += SDL_strlen(SDL_CONTROLLER_PLATFORM_FIELD);
            comma = SDL_strchr(tmp, ',');
            if (comma != NULL) {
                platform_len = comma - tmp + 1;
                if (platform_len + 1 < SDL_arraysize(line_platform)) {
                    SDL_strlcpy(line_platform, tmp, platform_len);
                    if (SDL_strncasecmp(line_platform, platform, platform_len) == 0 &&
                        SDL_GameControllerAddMapping(line) > 0) {

        line = line_end + 1;

    return controllers;
void Remapper::dataIn( Node::DataType type, QMutex *mutex, void *data, size_t bytes, qint64 timeStamp ) {
    switch( type ) {
        case DataType::Input: {
            // Copy incoming data to our own buffer
            GamepadState gamepad;
                gamepad = *reinterpret_cast<GamepadState *>( data );

            int instanceID = gamepad.instanceID;
            int joystickID = gamepad.joystickID;
            QString GUID( QByteArray( reinterpret_cast<const char *>( gamepad.GUID.data ), 16 ).toHex() );

            // Do initial calibration if not done yet
                if( deadzoneFlag[ GUID ] ) {
                    deadzoneFlag[ GUID ] = false;

                    // Apply default value
                    for( int i = 0; i < gamepad.joystickNumAxes; i++ ) {
                        deadzones[ GUID ][ i ] = 10000;

                        // Check analog value at this moment. If its magnitude is less than 30000 then it's most likely
                        // an analog stick. Otherwise, it might be a trigger (with a centered value of -32768)
                        deadzoneModes[ GUID ][ i ] = ( qAbs( static_cast<int>( gamepad.joystickAxis[ i ] ) ) < 30000 );

                    // TODO: Replace with stored value from disk

            // Inject deadzone settings into gamepad
                for( int i = 0; i < gamepad.joystickNumAxes; i++ ) {
                    gamepad.deadzone[ i ] = deadzones[ GUID ][ i ];
                    gamepad.deadzoneMode[ i ] = deadzoneModes[ GUID ][ i ];

            // Send raw joystick data to the model
            // Do this before we apply joystick deadzones so the user sees completely unprocessed data
                // Copy current gamepad into buffer
                gamepadBuffer[ gamepadBufferIndex ] = gamepad;

                // Send buffer on its way
                emit rawJoystickData( &( this->mutex ), reinterpret_cast<void *>( &gamepadBuffer[ gamepadBufferIndex ] ) );

                // Increment the index
                gamepadBufferIndex = ( gamepadBufferIndex + 1 ) % 100;

            // Apply deadzones to each stick and both triggers independently
                qreal deadzone = 0.0;
                bool deadzoneMode = false;

                for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
                    int xAxis;
                    int yAxis;

                    // For the analog sticks, average the underlying joystick axes together to get the final deadzone value
                    // If either axis has deadzone mode set to true, it'll apply to both
                    // FIXME: If users complain about this, expand the code to handle this case (one axis true and one axis false) and treat axes indepenently
                    switch( i ) {
                        case 0: {
                            xAxis = SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTX;
                            yAxis = SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTY;

                            Val val = gameControllerToJoystick[ GUID ][ Key( AXIS, SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTX ) ];
                            int axisID = val.second.first;

                            if( val.first == AXIS ) {
                                deadzone = deadzones[ GUID ][ axisID ];
                                deadzoneMode = deadzoneModes[ GUID ][ axisID ];

                            Val val2 = gameControllerToJoystick[ GUID ][ Key( AXIS, SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTY ) ];
                            axisID = val2.second.first;

                            if( val2.first == AXIS ) {
                                deadzone += deadzones[ GUID ][ axisID ];
                                deadzone /= 2.0;
                                deadzoneMode = deadzoneMode || deadzoneModes[ GUID ][ axisID ];


                        case 1: {
                            xAxis = SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_RIGHTX;
                            yAxis = SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_RIGHTY;

                            Val val = gameControllerToJoystick[ GUID ][ Key( AXIS, SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_RIGHTX ) ];
                            int axisID = val.second.first;

                            if( val.first == AXIS ) {
                                deadzone = deadzones[ GUID ][ axisID ];
                                deadzoneMode = deadzoneModes[ GUID ][ axisID ];

                            Val val2 = gameControllerToJoystick[ GUID ][ Key( AXIS, SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_RIGHTY ) ];
                            axisID = val2.second.first;

                            if( val2.first == AXIS ) {
                                deadzone += deadzones[ GUID ][ axisID ];
                                deadzone /= 2.0;
                                deadzoneMode = deadzoneMode || deadzoneModes[ GUID ][ axisID ];


                        // For simplicity, just map the triggers to the line y = x
                        case 2: {
                            xAxis = SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_TRIGGERLEFT;
                            yAxis = SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_TRIGGERLEFT;
                            Val val = gameControllerToJoystick[ GUID ][ Key( AXIS, SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_TRIGGERLEFT ) ];
                            int axisID = val.second.first;

                            if( val.first == AXIS ) {
                                deadzone = deadzones[ GUID ][ axisID ];
                                deadzoneMode = deadzoneModes[ GUID ][ axisID ];


                        case 3: {
                            xAxis = SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_TRIGGERRIGHT;
                            yAxis = SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_TRIGGERRIGHT;
                            Val val = gameControllerToJoystick[ GUID ][ Key( AXIS, SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_TRIGGERRIGHT ) ];
                            int axisID = val.second.first;

                            if( val.first == AXIS ) {
                                deadzone = deadzones[ GUID ][ axisID ];
                                deadzoneMode = deadzoneModes[ GUID ][ axisID ];


                    // Map from [-32768, 32767] to [0, 32767]
                    if( !deadzoneMode ) {
                        gamepad.axis[ xAxis ] /= 2;
                        gamepad.axis[ yAxis ] /= 2;
                        gamepad.axis[ xAxis ] += 16384;
                        gamepad.axis[ yAxis ] += 16384;

                    // Get axis coords in cartesian coords
                    // Bottom right is positive -> top right is positive
                    qreal xCoord = gamepad.axis[ xAxis ];
                    qreal yCoord = -gamepad.axis[ yAxis ];

                    // Get radius from center
                    QVector2D position( static_cast<float>( xCoord ), static_cast<float>( yCoord ) );
                    qreal radius = static_cast<qreal>( position.length() );

                    if( !( radius > deadzone ) ) {
                        gamepad.axis[ xAxis ] = 0;
                        gamepad.axis[ yAxis ] = 0;

                        if( xAxis == SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_TRIGGERLEFT ) {
                            gamepad.digitalL2 = false;

                        if( xAxis == SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_TRIGGERRIGHT ) {
                            gamepad.digitalR2 = false;
                    } else {
                        if( xAxis == SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_TRIGGERLEFT ) {
                            gamepad.digitalL2 = true;

                        if( xAxis == SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_TRIGGERRIGHT ) {
                            gamepad.digitalR2 = true;

            // Apply deadzones to all joystick axes
            // Used only when detecting input for remapping
                for( int i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) {
                    qreal deadzoneRadius = deadzones[ GUID ][ i ];
                    qreal coord = gamepad.joystickAxis[ i ];

                    if( !deadzoneModes[ GUID ][ i ] ) {
                        coord += 32768;

                    if( !( qAbs( coord ) > deadzoneRadius ) ) {
                        gamepad.joystickAxis[ i ] = 0;

            // If ignoreMode is set, the user hasn't let go of the button they were remapping to
            // Do not let the button go through until they let go
                if( ignoreMode && ignoreModeGUID == GUID && ignoreModeInstanceID == gamepad.instanceID ) {
                    if( ignoreModeVal.first == BUTTON ) {
                        if( gamepad.joystickButton[ ignoreModeVal.second.first ] == SDL_PRESSED ) {
                            gamepad.joystickButton[ ignoreModeVal.second.first ] = SDL_RELEASED;
                        } else {
                            ignoreMode = false;
                    } else if( ignoreModeVal.first == HAT ) {
                        if( gamepad.joystickHat[ ignoreModeVal.second.first ] != SDL_HAT_CENTERED ) {
                            gamepad.joystickHat[ ignoreModeVal.second.first ] = SDL_HAT_CENTERED;
                        } else {
                            ignoreMode = false;
                    } else if( ignoreModeVal.first == AXIS ) {
                        if( gamepad.joystickAxis[ ignoreModeVal.second.first ] != 0 ) {
                            gamepad.joystickAxis[ ignoreModeVal.second.first ] = 0;
                        } else {
                            ignoreMode = false;

            // If we opened an SDL2 Game controller handle from this class, keep it and inject it into all gamepads we send out
                if( gameControllerHandles[ instanceID ] ) {
                    gamepad.gamecontrollerHandle = gameControllerHandles[ instanceID ];

            // If we are in remap mode, check for a button press from the stored GUID, and remap the stored button to that button
            // All game controller states are cleared past this point if in remap mode
                if( remapMode && GUID == remapModeGUID ) {
                    // Find a button press, the first one we encounter will be the new remapping
                    bool foundInput = false;
                    Key key = remapModeKey;
                    Val value = Val( INVALID, VHat( -1, -1 ) );

                    // Prioritize buttons and hats over analog sticks
                    for( int joystickButton = 0; joystickButton < 256; joystickButton++ ) {
                        if( gamepad.joystickButton[ joystickButton ] == SDL_PRESSED ) {
                            qCDebug( phxInput ).nospace() << "Button b" << joystickButton
                                                          << " from GUID " << GUID << " now activates " << keyToMappingString( key );

                            foundInput = true;
                            value.first = BUTTON;
                            value.second = VHat( joystickButton, -1 );

                    for( int joystickHat = 0; joystickHat < 16; joystickHat++ ) {
                        if( gamepad.joystickHat[ joystickHat ] != SDL_HAT_CENTERED ) {
                            qCDebug( phxInput ).nospace() << "Hat h" << joystickHat << "." << gamepad.joystickHat[ joystickHat ]
                                                          << " from GUID " << GUID << " now activates " << keyToMappingString( key );
                            foundInput = true;
                            value.first = HAT;
                            value.second = VHat( joystickHat, gamepad.joystickHat[ joystickHat ] );

                    for( int joystickAxis = 0; joystickAxis < 16; joystickAxis++ ) {
                        if( gamepad.joystickAxis[ joystickAxis ] != 0 ) {
                            qCDebug( phxInput ).nospace() << "Axis a" << joystickAxis
                                                          << " from GUID " << GUID << " now activates " << keyToMappingString( key );
                            foundInput = true;
                            value.first = AXIS;
                            value.second = VHat( joystickAxis, -1 );

                    if( foundInput ) {
                        // Store the new remapping internally
                        gameControllerToJoystick[ GUID ][ remapModeKey ] = value;

                        // Tell SDL2 about it
                        QString mappingString;
                        QString platform( SDL_GetPlatform() );
                            QString friendlyName = QString( SDL_JoystickName( gamepad.joystickHandle ) );

                            mappingString.append( GUID ).append( "," ).append( friendlyName ).append( "," );

                            for( Key key : gameControllerToJoystick[ GUID ].keys() ) {
                                if( gameControllerToJoystick[ GUID ][ key ].first != INVALID ) {
                                    mappingString.append( keyToMappingString( key ) ).append( ':' )
                                    .append( valToMappingString( gameControllerToJoystick[ GUID ][ key ] ) ).append( ',' );

                            mappingString.append( "platform:" ).append( platform ).append( "," );
                            qDebug().nospace() << mappingString;

                            // Give SDL the new mapping string
                            SDL_GameControllerAddMapping( mappingString.toUtf8().constData() );

                            // If this is not a game controller, reopen as one
                            SDL_GameController *gamecontrollerHandle = nullptr;

                            if( !gameControllerHandles[ instanceID ] ) {
                                gamecontrollerHandle = SDL_GameControllerOpen( joystickID );
                                gamepad.gamecontrollerHandle = gamecontrollerHandle;
                                // Store internally so we can inject it into all future events from this instanceID
                                gameControllerHandles[ instanceID ] = gamecontrollerHandle;
                                qDebug() << "Opened newly remapped joystick as a game controller:" << gamecontrollerHandle;

                        // Store this mapping to disk
                            if( !userDataPath.isEmpty() ) {
                                QFile mappingFile( userDataPath + "/gamecontrollerdb.txt" );

                                mappingFile.open( QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Text );
                                QByteArray mappingFileData = mappingFile.readAll();

                                if( !mappingFile.isOpen() ) {
                                    qWarning() << "Unable to open mapping file for reading" << mappingFile.errorString();


                                QTextStream mappingFileStreamIn( &mappingFileData );
                                mappingFileStreamIn.setCodec( "UTF-8" );

                                mappingFile.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text );

                                if( !mappingFile.isOpen() ) {
                                    qWarning() << "Unable to open mapping file for writing" << mappingFile.errorString();

                                QTextStream mappingFileStreamOut( &mappingFile );
                                mappingFileStreamOut.setCodec( "UTF-8" );

                                QString line = "";

                                while( !line.isNull() ) {
                                    line = mappingFileStreamIn.readLine();

                                    // We want to replace the line (any line) for our platform that contains our GUID
                                    // We'll also filter out empty lines
                                    if( line.isEmpty() || ( line.contains( GUID ) && line.contains( platform ) ) ) {

                                    mappingFileStreamOut << line << endl;

                                mappingFileStreamOut << mappingString << endl;
                            } else {
                                qWarning() << "Unable to open controller mapping file, user data path not set";

                        // End remap mode, start ignore mode
                            remapMode = false;
                            ignoreMode = true;
                            ignoreModeGUID = GUID;
                            ignoreModeVal = value;
                            ignoreModeInstanceID = gamepad.instanceID;

                        // Tell the model we're done
                            emit setMapping( GUID, keyToMappingString( key ), valToFriendlyString( value ) );
                            emit remappingEnded();

                    // Clear all game controller states (joystick states are untouched)
                    for( int i = 0; i < SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_MAX; i++ ) {
                        gamepad.button[ i ] = 0;

                    for( int i = 0; i < SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_MAX; i++ ) {
                        gamepad.axis[ i ] = 0;
                } else if( remapMode ) {
                    // Clear all gamepad states
                    for( int i = 0; i < SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_MAX; i++ ) {
                        gamepad.button[ i ] = 0;

                    for( int i = 0; i < SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_MAX; i++ ) {
                        gamepad.axis[ i ] = 0;

            // OR all joystick button, hat and analog states together by GUID for RemapperModel to indicate presses
                for( int i = 0; i < 256; i++ ) {
                    pressed[ GUID ] |= gamepad.joystickButton[ i ];

                for( int i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) {
                    pressed[ GUID ] |= ( gamepad.joystickHat[ i ] != SDL_HAT_CENTERED );

                for( int i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) {
                    pressed[ GUID ] |= ( gamepad.joystickAxis[ i ] != 0 );

            // Apply axis to d-pad, if enabled
            // This will always be enabled if we're not currently playing so GlobalGamepad can use the analog stick
                if( analogToDpad[ GUID ] || !playing ) {
                    // TODO: Support other axes?
                    int xAxis = SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTX;
                    int yAxis = SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTY;

                    // TODO: Let user configure these

                    qreal threshold = 16384.0;

                    // Size in degrees of the arc covering and centered around each cardinal direction
                    // If <90, there will be gaps in the diagonals
                    // If >180, this code will always produce diagonal inputs
                    qreal rangeDegrees = 180.0 - 45.0;

                    // Get axis coords in cartesian coords
                    // Bottom right is positive -> top right is positive
                    qreal xCoord = gamepad.axis[ xAxis ];
                    qreal yCoord = -gamepad.axis[ yAxis ];

                    // Get radius from center
                    QVector2D position( static_cast<float>( xCoord ), static_cast<float>( yCoord ) );
                    qreal radius = static_cast<qreal>( position.length() );

                    // Get angle in degrees
                    qreal angle = qRadiansToDegrees( qAtan2( yCoord, xCoord ) );

                    if( angle < 0.0 ) {
                        angle += 360.0;

                    if( radius > threshold ) {
                        qreal halfRange = rangeDegrees / 2.0;

                        if( angle > 90.0 - halfRange && angle < 90.0 + halfRange ) {
                            gamepad.button[ SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_UP ] = true;

                        if( angle > 270.0 - halfRange && angle < 270.0 + halfRange ) {
                            gamepad.button[ SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN ] = true;

                        if( angle > 180.0 - halfRange && angle < 180.0 + halfRange ) {
                            gamepad.button[ SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT ] = true;

                        if( angle > 360.0 - halfRange || angle < 0.0 + halfRange ) {
                            gamepad.button[ SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT ] = true;

            // Apply d-pad to axis, if enabled
                if( dpadToAnalog[ GUID ] ) {
                    gamepad = mapDpadToAnalog( gamepad );

            // Send updated data out
                // Copy current gamepad into buffer
                gamepadBuffer[ gamepadBufferIndex ] = gamepad;

                // Send buffer on its way
                emit dataOut( DataType::Input, &( this->mutex ),
                              reinterpret_cast<void *>( &gamepadBuffer[ gamepadBufferIndex ] ), 0,
                              nodeCurrentTime() );

                // Increment the index
                gamepadBufferIndex = ( gamepadBufferIndex + 1 ) % 100;

        case DataType::KeyboardInput: {
            // Unpack keyboard states and write to gamepad according to remap data
                KeyboardState keyboard = *reinterpret_cast<KeyboardState *>( data );

                for( int i = keyboard.head; i < keyboard.tail; i = ( i + 1 ) % 128 ) {
                    int key = keyboard.key[ i ];
                    bool pressed = keyboard.pressed[ i ];

                    if( keyboardKeyToSDLButton.contains( key ) ) {
                        keyboardGamepad.button[ keyboardKeyToSDLButton[ key ] ] = pressed ? SDL_PRESSED : SDL_RELEASED;


            // OR all key states together and store that value
            for( int i = 0; i < SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_MAX; i++ ) {
                keyboardKeyPressed |= keyboardGamepad.button[ i ];

            // Apply d-pad to axis, if enabled
            if( dpadToAnalogKeyboard ) {
                keyboardGamepad = mapDpadToAnalog( keyboardGamepad, true );

            // Send gamepad on its way
                // Copy current gamepad into buffer
                gamepadBuffer[ gamepadBufferIndex ] = keyboardGamepad;

                // Send buffer on its way
                emit dataOut( DataType::Input, &( this->mutex ),
                              reinterpret_cast< void * >( &gamepadBuffer[ gamepadBufferIndex ] ), 0,
                              nodeCurrentTime() );

                // Increment the index
                gamepadBufferIndex = ( gamepadBufferIndex + 1 ) % 100;

        default: {
            emit dataOut( type, mutex, data, bytes, timeStamp );
	void Gamepad::AddMapping (const char* content) {

		SDL_GameControllerAddMapping (content);
