文件: mrb_sdl.c 项目: Qard/mruby-sdl
static mrb_value mrb_sdl_video_unlock_surface (mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self) {
  mrb_value surface = mrb_nil_value();
  mrb_get_args(mrb, "|o", &surface);
  SDL_UnlockSurface(mrb_value_to_sdl_surface(mrb, surface));
  return mrb_nil_value();
Overridable function, if necessary, for doing all of the drawing.
Base class version checks whether a redraw is needed and does nothing if not. See Redraw() function.
If a redraw is needed then there is an option to either redraw the whole screen or just redraw the moving objects.
If redrawing the whole screen then:
1a) SetupBackgroundBuffer is called to draw the background to the background buffer.
1b) DrawScreen is called to copy the background buffer onto the screen, then draw the moving objects.
1c) SDL_UpdateRect() is called to actually redraw the whole screen.
If only redrawing the moving objects then:
2a) DrawChangingObjects() is called to remove the objects from their old positions, and redraw them in their new positions.
2b) GetUpdateRectanglesForChangingObjects() is called to calculate where on the screen needs redrawing.
2c) SDL_UpdateRects() is called to redraw the parts of the screen which changed.
void BaseEngine::GameRender(void)
	if ( !m_bNeedsRedraw )

	// Just drawn so no more redraw needed
	m_bNeedsRedraw = false;
	// Note: the redraw flags must only be set early in this method, not at the end, since the drawing/moving of the moving objects may
	// potentially flag a win/lose condition and a state change, which will set the redraw flag again to force a full draw after the 
	// state changes.

	if ( m_bWholeScreenUpdate )
		// Drawn whole screen now, so no need to draw it again. See note above about the importance of not resetting this after DrawChangingObjects()
		m_bWholeScreenUpdate = false;

		// Lock surface if needed
		if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(m_pActualScreen))
			m_bInsideDraw = true;
			if (SDL_LockSurface(m_pActualScreen) < 0) 

		// Draw the screen as it should appear now.
		// First draw the background
		//this->CopyBackgroundPixels( 100, 100, 100, 100 );
		// Draw the text for the user
		DrawStrings(); // Single function in case people want to use that instead
		DrawStringsUnderneath();	// Draw the string underneath the other objects here
		// Then draw the changing objects
		// Another option for where to put the draw strings code - if you want it on top of the moving objects

		// Unlock if needed
		if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(m_pActualScreen)) 
		m_bInsideDraw = false;

		SDL_UpdateTexture( m_pSDL2Texture,NULL,m_pActualScreen->pixels,m_pActualScreen->pitch );
		//SDL_RenderClear( m_pSDL2Renderer );
		SDL_RenderCopy( m_pSDL2Renderer,m_pSDL2Texture,NULL,NULL );
		SDL_RenderPresent( m_pSDL2Renderer );

		//SDL_UpdateRect(m_pActualScreen, 0, 0, m_iScreenWidth, m_iScreenHeight);    
		// Here we assume that the background buffer has already been set up

		// Lock surface if needed
		if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(m_pActualScreen))
			m_bInsideDraw = true;
			if (SDL_LockSurface(m_pActualScreen) < 0) 

		// Remove objects from their old positions
		// Remove the old strings be re-drawing the background
		// Draw the text for the user
		DrawStrings(); // Single function in case people want to use that instead
		DrawStringsUnderneath();	// Draw the string underneath the other objects here
		// Draw objects at their new positions
		// Another option for where to put the draw strings code - if you want it on top of the moving objects

		// Unlock if needed
		if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(m_pActualScreen)) 
		m_bInsideDraw = false;

		// Copy the screen display into the window and display it
		SDL_UpdateTexture( m_pSDL2Texture,NULL,m_pActualScreen->pixels,m_pActualScreen->pitch );
		//SDL_RenderClear( m_pSDL2Renderer );
		SDL_RenderCopy( m_pSDL2Renderer,m_pSDL2Texture,NULL,NULL );
		SDL_RenderPresent( m_pSDL2Renderer );
/* The general purpose software blit routine */
static int
SDL_SoftBlit(SDL_Surface * src, SDL_Rect * srcrect,
             SDL_Surface * dst, SDL_Rect * dstrect)
    int okay;
    int src_locked;
    int dst_locked;

    /* Everything is okay at the beginning...  */
    okay = 1;

    /* Lock the destination if it's in hardware */
    dst_locked = 0;
    if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(dst)) {
        if (SDL_LockSurface(dst) < 0) {
            okay = 0;
        } else {
            dst_locked = 1;
    /* Lock the source if it's in hardware */
    src_locked = 0;
    if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(src)) {
        if (SDL_LockSurface(src) < 0) {
            okay = 0;
        } else {
            src_locked = 1;

    /* Set up source and destination buffer pointers, and BLIT! */
    if (okay && !SDL_RectEmpty(srcrect)) {
        SDL_BlitFunc RunBlit;
        SDL_BlitInfo *info = &src->map->info;

        /* Set up the blit information */
        info->src = (Uint8 *) src->pixels +
            (Uint16) srcrect->y * src->pitch +
            (Uint16) srcrect->x * info->src_fmt->BytesPerPixel;
        info->src_w = srcrect->w;
        info->src_h = srcrect->h;
        info->src_pitch = src->pitch;
        info->src_skip =
            info->src_pitch - info->src_w * info->src_fmt->BytesPerPixel;
        info->dst =
            (Uint8 *) dst->pixels + (Uint16) dstrect->y * dst->pitch +
            (Uint16) dstrect->x * info->dst_fmt->BytesPerPixel;
        info->dst_w = dstrect->w;
        info->dst_h = dstrect->h;
        info->dst_pitch = dst->pitch;
        info->dst_skip =
            info->dst_pitch - info->dst_w * info->dst_fmt->BytesPerPixel;
        RunBlit = (SDL_BlitFunc) src->map->data;

        /* Run the actual software blit */

    /* We need to unlock the surfaces if they're locked */
    if (dst_locked) {
    if (src_locked) {
    /* Blit is done! */
    return (okay ? 0 : -1);
 * @brief Loads a surface into an opengl texture.
 *    @param surface Surface to load into a texture.
 *    @param flags Flags to use.
 *    @param[out] rw Real width of the texture.
 *    @param[out] rh Real height of the texture.
 *    @return The opengl texture id.
static GLuint gl_loadSurface( SDL_Surface* surface, int *rw, int *rh, unsigned int flags, int freesur )
   GLuint texture;
   GLfloat param;

   /* Prepare the surface. */
   surface = gl_prepareSurface( surface );
   if (rw != NULL)
      (*rw) = surface->w;
   if (rh != NULL)
      (*rh) = surface->h;

   /* opengl texture binding */
   glGenTextures( 1, &texture ); /* Creates the texture */
   glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture ); /* Loads the texture */

   /* Filtering, LINEAR is better for scaling, nearest looks nicer, LINEAR
    * also seems to create a bit of artifacts around the edges */
   if ((gl_screen.scale != 1.) || (flags & OPENGL_TEX_MIPMAPS)) {
   else {

   /* Always wrap just in case. */

   /* now lead the texture data up */
   SDL_LockSurface( surface );
   if (gl_texHasCompress()) {
      glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, surface->format->BytesPerPixel,
            surface->w, surface->h, 0, GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA,
            GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, surface->pixels );
   else {
      glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, surface->format->BytesPerPixel,
            surface->w, surface->h, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, surface->pixels );
   SDL_UnlockSurface( surface );

   /* Create mipmaps. */
   if ((flags & OPENGL_TEX_MIPMAPS) && gl_texHasMipmaps()) {
      /* Do fancy stuff. */
      if (gl_hasExt("GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic")) {
         glGetFloatv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, &param);
         glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, param);
      glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL, 0);
      glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL, 9);

      /* Now generate the mipmaps. */

   /* cleanup */
   if (freesur)
      SDL_FreeSurface( surface );

   return texture;
int SDL_SaveBMP_RW (SDL_Surface *saveme, SDL_RWops *dst, int freedst)
	long fp_offset;
	int i, pad;
	SDL_Surface *surface;
	Uint8 *bits;

	/* The Win32 BMP file header (14 bytes) */
	char   magic[2] = { 'B', 'M' };
	Uint32 bfSize;
	Uint16 bfReserved1;
	Uint16 bfReserved2;
	Uint32 bfOffBits;

	/* The Win32 BITMAPINFOHEADER struct (40 bytes) */
	Uint32 biSize;
	Sint32 biWidth;
	Sint32 biHeight;
	Uint16 biPlanes;
	Uint16 biBitCount;
	Uint32 biCompression;
	Uint32 biSizeImage;
	Sint32 biXPelsPerMeter;
	Sint32 biYPelsPerMeter;
	Uint32 biClrUsed;
	Uint32 biClrImportant;

	/* Make sure we have somewhere to save */
	surface = NULL;
	if ( dst ) {
		if ( saveme->format->palette ) {
			if ( saveme->format->BitsPerPixel == 8 ) {
				surface = saveme;
			} else {
				SDL_SetError("%d bpp BMP files not supported",
		else if ( (saveme->format->BitsPerPixel == 24) &&
				(saveme->format->Rmask == 0x00FF0000) &&
				(saveme->format->Gmask == 0x0000FF00) &&
				(saveme->format->Bmask == 0x000000FF)
				(saveme->format->Rmask == 0x000000FF) &&
				(saveme->format->Gmask == 0x0000FF00) &&
				(saveme->format->Bmask == 0x00FF0000)
			  ) {
			surface = saveme;
		} else {
			SDL_Rect bounds;

			/* Convert to 24 bits per pixel */
			surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE,
					saveme->w, saveme->h, 24,
					0x00FF0000, 0x0000FF00, 0x000000FF,
					0x000000FF, 0x0000FF00, 0x00FF0000,
			if ( surface != NULL ) {
				bounds.x = 0;
				bounds.y = 0;
				bounds.w = saveme->w;
				bounds.h = saveme->h;
				if ( SDL_LowerBlit(saveme, &bounds, surface,
							&bounds) < 0 ) {
					"Couldn't convert image to 24 bpp");
					surface = NULL;

	if ( surface && (SDL_LockSurface(surface) == 0) ) {
		const int bw = surface->w*surface->format->BytesPerPixel;

		/* Set the BMP file header values */
		bfSize = 0;		 /* We'll write this when we're done */
		bfReserved1 = 0;
		bfReserved2 = 0;
		bfOffBits = 0;		/* We'll write this when we're done */

		/* Write the BMP file header values */
		fp_offset = SDL_RWtell(dst);
		SDL_RWwrite(dst, magic, 2, 1);
		SDL_WriteLE32(dst, bfSize);
		SDL_WriteLE16(dst, bfReserved1);
		SDL_WriteLE16(dst, bfReserved2);
		SDL_WriteLE32(dst, bfOffBits);

		/* Set the BMP info values */
		biSize = 40;
		biWidth = surface->w;
		biHeight = surface->h;
		biPlanes = 1;
		biBitCount = surface->format->BitsPerPixel;
		biCompression = BI_RGB;
		biSizeImage = surface->h*surface->pitch;
		biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
		biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
		if ( surface->format->palette ) {
			biClrUsed = surface->format->palette->ncolors;
		} else {
			biClrUsed = 0;
		biClrImportant = 0;

		/* Write the BMP info values */
		SDL_WriteLE32(dst, biSize);
		SDL_WriteLE32(dst, biWidth);
		SDL_WriteLE32(dst, biHeight);
		SDL_WriteLE16(dst, biPlanes);
		SDL_WriteLE16(dst, biBitCount);
		SDL_WriteLE32(dst, biCompression);
		SDL_WriteLE32(dst, biSizeImage);
		SDL_WriteLE32(dst, biXPelsPerMeter);
		SDL_WriteLE32(dst, biYPelsPerMeter);
		SDL_WriteLE32(dst, biClrUsed);
		SDL_WriteLE32(dst, biClrImportant);

		/* Write the palette (in BGR color order) */
		if ( surface->format->palette ) {
			SDL_Color *colors;
			int       ncolors;

			colors = surface->format->palette->colors;
			ncolors = surface->format->palette->ncolors;
			for ( i=0; i<ncolors; ++i ) {
				SDL_RWwrite(dst, &colors[i].b, 1, 1);
				SDL_RWwrite(dst, &colors[i].g, 1, 1);
				SDL_RWwrite(dst, &colors[i].r, 1, 1);
				SDL_RWwrite(dst, &colors[i].unused, 1, 1);

		/* Write the bitmap offset */
		bfOffBits = SDL_RWtell(dst)-fp_offset;
		if ( SDL_RWseek(dst, fp_offset+10, RW_SEEK_SET) < 0 ) {
		SDL_WriteLE32(dst, bfOffBits);
		if ( SDL_RWseek(dst, fp_offset+bfOffBits, RW_SEEK_SET) < 0 ) {

		/* Write the bitmap image upside down */
		bits = (Uint8 *)surface->pixels+(surface->h*surface->pitch);
		pad  = ((bw%4) ? (4-(bw%4)) : 0);
		while ( bits > (Uint8 *)surface->pixels ) {
			bits -= surface->pitch;
			if ( SDL_RWwrite(dst, bits, 1, bw) != bw) {
			if ( pad ) {
				const Uint8 padbyte = 0;
				for ( i=0; i<pad; ++i ) {
					SDL_RWwrite(dst, &padbyte, 1, 1);

		/* Write the BMP file size */
		bfSize = SDL_RWtell(dst)-fp_offset;
		if ( SDL_RWseek(dst, fp_offset+2, RW_SEEK_SET) < 0 ) {
		SDL_WriteLE32(dst, bfSize);
		if ( SDL_RWseek(dst, fp_offset+bfSize, RW_SEEK_SET) < 0 ) {

		/* Close it up.. */
		if ( surface != saveme ) {

	if ( freedst && dst ) {
	return((SDL_strcmp(SDL_GetError(), "") == 0) ? 0 : -1);
static void isoactor_load_cfields(struct isoactor *actor, int ctw,
                                  int cth, const char *c_sprite_filename)
    SDL_Surface *image;
    int images_wide, images_high;
    int hindex, windex, index;
    int ba_h = ceil(actor->ch / cth); /* Height of the bitmask array */
    int ba_w = ceil(actor->cw / ctw); /* Width of the bitmask array */
    int (*ba)[ba_w]; /* Bitmask array */
    Uint32 maskcolour;

    if(ba_w > ISO_BFBW) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error! Collision tilemap is too wide "
                "for bitmask variable. \n");

    /* Load the image file that contains the collision sprites */
    image = IMG_Load(c_sprite_filename);
    if(!image) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error! Could not load collision sprite: %s\n",

    maskcolour = SDL_MapRGB(image->format, 0, 0, 0);

    /* Calculate how many sprite images are contained on the
     * surface we have been given */
    images_wide = (int)(image->w/actor->cw);
    images_high = (int)(image->h/actor->ch);

    ba = malloc(ba_h * ba_w * sizeof(*ba));
    if(!ba) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error! Could not malloc bitmask array\n");

    for(hindex = 0; hindex < images_high; hindex++) {
        for(windex = 0; windex < images_wide; windex++) {
            index = hindex * images_wide + windex;

            memset(ba, 0, sizeof(ba) * ba_h * ba_w);
            fprintf(stderr, "loading collision sprite index %d\n\n", index);

            int i, j;
            for(i = 0; i < actor->ch; i++) {
                for(j = 0; j < actor->cw; j++) {
                    if(get_pixel(image, j + windex * actor->cw,
                                 (actor->ch - 1 - i) + hindex * actor->ch) == maskcolour) {
                        ba[i / cth][j / ctw] += 1;


            actor->cfields[index] = malloc(ba_h *
            if(!(actor->cfields[index])) {
                        "Error! Could not allocate memory for collision bit-field\n");
            memset(actor->cfields[index], 0, ba_h *

            for(i = 0; i < ba_h; i++) {
                for(j = 0; j < ba_w; j++) {
                    if(ba[i][j] > ctw * cth / 2.) {
                        /* This line produces the binary number
                         * 00010000000 where there are j 0's before
                         * the leading 1 */
                        actor->cfields[index][i] |= (isobf_t)1 <<
                                                    (ISO_BFBW - j - 1);
                        fprintf(stderr, "1");

                    } else {
                        fprintf(stderr, "0");
                fprintf(stderr, "\n");


    fprintf(stderr, "\n");


文件: zemu.cpp 项目: mkoloberdin/zemu
void Render(void)
	static int sn = 0;

	if (params.antiFlicker)
		renderSurf = scrSurf[sn];
		sn = 1 - sn;
	} else renderSurf = screen;

	if ((drawFrame || isAvgImageWrited /* isLongImageWrited */) && SDL_MUSTLOCK(renderSurf))
		if (SDL_LockSurface(renderSurf) < 0)
			printf("Can't lock surface\n");

	renderPitch = renderSurf->pitch / 4;

	if (dev_extport.Is16Colors()) renderPtr = Render16c;
	else if (dev_extport.IsMulticolor()) renderPtr = RenderMulticolor;
//	else if (dev_extport.Is512x192()) renderPtr = Render512x192;
//	else if (dev_extport.Is384x304()) renderPtr = Render384x304;
	else renderPtr = RenderSpeccy;

	prevRenderClk = 0;

	while (cpuClk < INT_LENGTH)

	if (drawFrame || isAvgImageWrited /* isLongImageWrited */)
		while (cpuClk < MAX_FRAME_TACTS)
		while (cpuClk < MAX_FRAME_TACTS) {

	renderPtr = NULL;
	lastDevClk = devClk;
	devClk = cpuClk;

	if ((drawFrame || isAvgImageWrited /* isLongImageWrited */) && SDL_MUSTLOCK(renderSurf)) SDL_UnlockSurface(renderSurf);
	if (params.antiFlicker && (drawFrame || isAvgImageWrited /* isLongImageWrited */)) AntiFlicker(renderSurf, scrSurf[sn]);

	// if (isLongImageWrited)
	// {
	//	int * src = (int *)screen->pixels + (PITCH * (32 + longImagePos)) + 32;
	//	for (int i = 256; i--;)
	//	{
	//		unsigned int c = *src;
	//		int r = GETR(c);
	//		int g = GETG(c);
	//		int b = GETB(c);
	//		longImageFile.PutBYTE(r);
	//		longImageFile.PutBYTE(g);
	//		longImageFile.PutBYTE(b);
	//		*(src++) = DRGB(255 - r, 255 - g, 255 - b);
	//	}
	//	longImageHeight++;
	//	longImagePos = (longImagePos + 1) % 192;
	// }

	if (isAvgImageWrited)
		int * src = (int *)screen->pixels;
		long * dst = avgImageBuffer;

		for (int i = HEIGHT; i--;)
			int * line = src;

			for (int j = WIDTH; j--;)
				unsigned int c = *(line++);

				*(dst++) += (long)GETR(c);
				*(dst++) += (long)GETG(c);
				*(dst++) += (long)GETB(c);

			src += PITCH;

		// avgImageFrames++;
 * @brief Wrapper for gl_loadImagePad that includes transparency mapping.
 *    @param name Name to load with.
 *    @param surface Surface to load.
 *    @param rw RWops containing data to hash.
 *    @param flags Flags to use.
 *    @param w Non-padded width.
 *    @param h Non-padded height.
 *    @param sx X sprites.
 *    @param sy Y sprites.
 *    @param freesur Whether or not to free the surface.
 *    @return The glTexture for surface.
glTexture* gl_loadImagePadTrans( const char *name, SDL_Surface* surface, SDL_RWops *rw,
      unsigned int flags, int w, int h, int sx, int sy, int freesur )
   glTexture *texture;
   int i, filesize;
   size_t cachesize, pngsize;
   uint8_t *trans;
   char *cachefile, *data;
   char digest[33];
   md5_state_t md5;
   md5_byte_t *md5val;

   if (name != NULL) {
      texture = gl_texExists( name );
      if (texture != NULL)
         return texture;

   if (flags & OPENGL_TEX_MAPTRANS)
      flags ^= OPENGL_TEX_MAPTRANS;

   /* Appropriate size for the transparency map, see SDL_MapTrans */
   cachesize = gl_transSize(w, h);

   cachefile = NULL;
   trans     = NULL;

   if (rw != NULL) {
      md5val = malloc(16);

      pngsize = SDL_RWseek( rw, 0, SEEK_END );
      SDL_RWseek( rw, 0, SEEK_SET );

      data = malloc(pngsize);
      if (data == NULL)
         WARN("Out of memory!");
      else {
         SDL_RWread( rw, data, pngsize, 1 );
         md5_append( &md5, (md5_byte_t*)data, pngsize );
      md5_finish( &md5, md5val );

      for (i=0; i<16; i++)
         nsnprintf( &digest[i * 2], 3, "%02x", md5val[i] );

      cachefile = malloc( PATH_MAX );
      nsnprintf( cachefile, PATH_MAX, "%scollisions/%s",
         nfile_cachePath(), digest );

      /* Attempt to find a cached transparency map. */
      if (nfile_fileExists(cachefile)) {
         trans = (uint8_t*)nfile_readFile( &filesize, cachefile );

         /* Consider cached data invalid if the length doesn't match. */
         if (trans != NULL && cachesize != (unsigned int)filesize) {
            trans = NULL;
         /* Cached data matches, no need to overwrite. */
         else {
            cachefile = NULL;
   else {
      /* We could hash raw pixel data here, but that's slower than just
       * generating the map from scratch.
      WARN("Texture '%s' has no RWops", name);

   if (trans == NULL) {
      trans = SDL_MapTrans( surface, w, h );

      if (cachefile != NULL) {
         /* Cache newly-generated transparency map. */
         nfile_dirMakeExist( "%s/collisions/", nfile_cachePath() );
         nfile_writeFile( (char*)trans, cachesize, cachefile );

   texture = gl_loadImagePad( name, surface, flags, w, h, sx, sy, freesur );
   texture->trans = trans;
   return texture;
	SDL_SetColorKey(image->surf, SDL_TRUE, 0);
	//TODO: RLE if compressed and bpp>1
文件: output.c 项目: rimio/trace-tlk
 * out_unlock_surface - unlock output surface
out_unlock_surface () {
	SDL_UnlockSurface (out_surface);
void DrawPict(SDL_Surface *screen, char *bmpfile,
					int speedy, int flip, int nofade)
	SDL_Surface *picture;
	SDL_Rect dest, update;
	int i, centered;
	int ncolors;
	SDL_Color *colors, *cmap;

	/* Load the image into a surface */
	if ( bmpfile == NULL ) {
		bmpfile = "sample.bmp";		/* Sample image */
fprintf(stderr, "Loading picture: %s\n", bmpfile);
	picture = SDL_LoadBMP(bmpfile);
	if ( picture == NULL ) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't load %s: %s\n", bmpfile,

	/* Set the display colors -- on a hicolor display this is a no-op */
	if ( picture->format->palette ) {
		ncolors = picture->format->palette->ncolors;
		colors  = (SDL_Color *)malloc(ncolors*sizeof(SDL_Color));
		cmap    = (SDL_Color *)malloc(ncolors*sizeof(SDL_Color));
		memcpy(colors, picture->format->palette->colors,
	} else {
		int       r, g, b;

		/* Allocate 256 color palette */
		ncolors = 256;
		colors  = (SDL_Color *)malloc(ncolors*sizeof(SDL_Color));
		cmap    = (SDL_Color *)malloc(ncolors*sizeof(SDL_Color));

		/* Set a 3,3,2 color cube */
		for ( r=0; r<8; ++r ) {
			for ( g=0; g<8; ++g ) {
				for ( b=0; b<4; ++b ) {
					i = ((r<<5)|(g<<2)|b);
					colors[i].r = r<<5;
					colors[i].g = g<<5;
					colors[i].b = b<<6;
NOTICE("testwin: setting colors\n");
	if ( ! SDL_SetColors(screen, colors, 0, ncolors) &&
				(screen->format->palette != NULL) ) {
"Warning: Couldn't set all of the colors, but SDL will map the image\n"
"         (colormap fading will suffer - try the -warp option)\n"

	/* Set the screen to black (not really necessary) */
	if ( SDL_LockSurface(screen) == 0 ) {
		Uint32 black;
		Uint8 *pixels;

		black = SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 0, 0, 0);
		pixels = (Uint8 *)screen->pixels;
		for ( i=0; i<screen->h; ++i ) {
			memset(pixels, black,
			pixels += screen->pitch;
		SDL_UpdateRect(screen, 0, 0, 0, 0);
	/* Display the picture */
	if ( speedy ) {
		SDL_Surface *displayfmt;

fprintf(stderr, "Converting picture\n");
		displayfmt = SDL_DisplayFormat(picture);
		if ( displayfmt == NULL ) {
				"Couldn't convert image: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
			goto done;
		picture = displayfmt;
	printf("(image surface located in %s memory)\n", 
			(picture->flags&SDL_HWSURFACE) ? "video" : "system");
	centered = (screen->w - picture->w)/2;
	if ( centered < 0 ) {
		centered = 0;
	dest.y = (screen->h - picture->h)/2;
	dest.w = picture->w;
	dest.h = picture->h;
NOTICE("testwin: moving image\n");
	for ( i=0; i<=centered; ++i ) {
		dest.x = i;
		update = dest;
		if ( SDL_BlitSurface(picture, NULL, screen, &update) < 0 ) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Blit failed: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
		if ( flip ) {
		} else {
			SDL_UpdateRects(screen, 1, &update);

	if ( SDL_SaveBMP(screen, "screen.bmp") < 0 )
		printf("Couldn't save screen: %s\n", SDL_GetError());

	/* Let it sit there for a while */
	/* Fade the colormap */
	if ( ! nofade ) {
		int maxstep;
		SDL_Color final;
		SDL_Color palcolors[256];
		struct {
			Sint16 r, g, b;
		} cdist[256];

NOTICE("testwin: fading out...\n");
		memcpy(cmap, colors, ncolors*sizeof(SDL_Color));
		maxstep = 32-1;
		final.r = 0xFF;
**  Toggle full screen mode.
void ToggleFullScreen()
#ifdef USE_MAEMO
	// On Maemo is only supported fullscreen mode
#ifdef USE_WIN32
	long framesize;
	SDL_Rect clip;
	Uint32 flags;
	int w;
	int h;
	int bpp;
	unsigned char *pixels = NULL;
	SDL_Color *palette = NULL;
	int ncolors = 0;

	if (!TheScreen) { // don't bother if there's no surface.

	flags = TheScreen->flags;
	w = TheScreen->w;
	h = TheScreen->h;
	bpp = TheScreen->format->BitsPerPixel;

	if (!SDL_VideoModeOK(w, h, bpp,	flags ^ SDL_FULLSCREEN)) {

	SDL_GetClipRect(TheScreen, &clip);

	// save the contents of the screen.
	framesize = w * h * TheScreen->format->BytesPerPixel;

#if defined(USE_OPENGL) || defined(USE_GLES)
	if (!UseOpenGL)
		if (!(pixels = new unsigned char[framesize])) { // out of memory
		memcpy(pixels, TheScreen->pixels, framesize);

		if (TheScreen->format->palette) {
			ncolors = TheScreen->format->palette->ncolors;
			if (!(palette = new SDL_Color[ncolors])) {
				delete[] pixels;
			memcpy(palette, TheScreen->format->palette->colors,
				   ncolors * sizeof(SDL_Color));

	TheScreen = SDL_SetVideoMode(w, h, bpp, flags ^ SDL_FULLSCREEN);
	if (!TheScreen) {
		TheScreen = SDL_SetVideoMode(w, h, bpp, flags);
		if (!TheScreen) { // completely screwed.
#if defined(USE_OPENGL) || defined(USE_GLES)
			if (!UseOpenGL)
				delete[] pixels;
				delete[] palette;
			fprintf(stderr, "Toggle to fullscreen, crashed all\n");

	// Cannot hide cursor on Windows with touchscreen, as it switches
	// to relative mouse coordinates in fullscreen. See above initial
	// call to ShowCursor
	// Windows shows the SDL cursor when starting in fullscreen mode
	// then switching to window mode.  This hides the cursor again.

#if defined(USE_OPENGL) || defined(USE_GLES)
	if (UseOpenGL) {
	} else
		memcpy(TheScreen->pixels, pixels, framesize);
		delete[] pixels;

		if (TheScreen->format->palette) {
			// !!! FIXME : No idea if that flags param is right.
			SDL_SetPalette(TheScreen, SDL_LOGPAL, palette, 0, ncolors);
			delete[] palette;

	SDL_SetClipRect(TheScreen, &clip);

	Invalidate(); // Update display
#else // !USE_WIN32

	Video.FullScreen = (TheScreen->flags & SDL_FULLSCREEN) ? 1 : 0;
bool ImageWriter::writePNG(SDL_Surface *surface, const std::string &filename)
    // TODO Maybe someone can make this look nice?
    FILE *fp = fopen(filename.c_str(), "wb");
    if (!fp)
        logger->log("could not open file %s for writing", filename.c_str());
        return false;

    png_structp png_ptr;
    png_infop info_ptr;
    png_bytep *row_pointers;
    int colortype;

    if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(surface))

    png_ptr = png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, 0, 0, 0);
    if (!png_ptr)
        logger->log("Had trouble creating png_structp");
        return false;

    info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
    if (!info_ptr)
        png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, (png_infopp)NULL);
        logger->log("Could not create png_info");
        return false;

    if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr)))
        png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, (png_infopp)NULL);
        logger->log("problem writing to %s", filename.c_str());
        return false;

    png_init_io(png_ptr, fp);

    colortype = (surface->format->BitsPerPixel == 24) ?

    png_set_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, surface->w, surface->h, 8, colortype,

    png_write_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);


    row_pointers = new png_bytep[surface->h];
    if (!row_pointers)
        logger->log("Had trouble converting surface to row pointers");
        return false;

    for (int i = 0; i < surface->h; i++)
        row_pointers[i] = (png_bytep)(Uint8 *)surface->pixels + i * surface->pitch;

    png_write_image(png_ptr, row_pointers);
    png_write_end(png_ptr, info_ptr);


    delete [] row_pointers;

    png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, (png_infopp)NULL);

    if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(surface))

    return true;
static void
trackball_refresh( TrackBall  ball )
    int             diameter = ball->diameter;
    unsigned*       pixels   = ball->pixels;
    Fix16VectorRec  faxes[3];
    Fix16           dot_threshold = DOT_THRESHOLD * diameter;
    int             nn;

    SDL_LockSurface( ball->surface );

    fixedvector_from_vector( (Fix16Vector)&faxes[0], (Vector)&ball->axes[0] );
    fixedvector_from_vector( (Fix16Vector)&faxes[1], (Vector)&ball->axes[1] );
    fixedvector_from_vector( (Fix16Vector)&faxes[2], (Vector)&ball->axes[2] );

    for (nn = 0; nn < ball->sphere_count; nn++) {
        SphereCoord  coord = &ball->sphere_map[nn];
        unsigned     color = BACK_COLOR;

        if (coord->alpha > 0) {
            /* are we near one of the points ? */
            Fix16  ax = fixedvector_dot( (Fix16Vector)&coord->f, (Fix16Vector)&faxes[0] );
            Fix16  ay = fixedvector_dot( (Fix16Vector)&coord->f, (Fix16Vector)&faxes[1] );
            Fix16  az = fixedvector_dot( (Fix16Vector)&coord->f, (Fix16Vector)&faxes[2] );

            Fix16  best_dist = FIX16_ONE;
            int    pp;

            color = ball->ball_color;

            for (pp = 0; pp < DOT_MAX; pp++) {
                Fix16VectorRec  d;
                Fix16           dist;

                d[0] = ball->dots[pp][0] - ax;
                d[1] = ball->dots[pp][1] - ay;
                d[2] = ball->dots[pp][2] - az;

                if (d[0] > dot_threshold || d[0] < -dot_threshold ||
                    d[1] > dot_threshold || d[1] < -dot_threshold ||
                    d[2] > dot_threshold || d[2] < -dot_threshold )

                dist = fixedvector_len( (Fix16Vector)&d );

                if (dist < best_dist)
                    best_dist = dist;
            if (best_dist < DOT_THRESHOLD) {
                int  a = 256*(DOT_THRESHOLD - best_dist) / DOT_THRESHOLD;
                color = color_blend( color, ball->dot_color, a );

            if (coord->alpha < 256) {
                int  a = coord->alpha;
                color = color_blend( ball->ring_color, color, a );
            else if (coord->alpha > 256) {
                int  a = (coord->alpha - 256);
                color = color_blend( color, LIGHT_COLOR, a );
        else /* coord->alpha <= 0 */
            color = ball->ring_color;

            if (coord->alpha < 0) {
                int  a = -coord->alpha;
                color = color_blend( color, BACK_COLOR, a );

        pixels[coord->x + diameter*coord->y] = color;
    SDL_UnlockSurface( ball->surface );
GLTexture::GLTexture(SDL_Surface* image) :
#ifdef GL_VERSION_ES_CM_1_0
  texture_width = next_power_of_two(image->w);
  texture_height = next_power_of_two(image->h);
  if (GLEW_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two)
    texture_width  = image->w;
    texture_height = image->h;
    texture_width = next_power_of_two(image->w);
    texture_height = next_power_of_two(image->h);

  image_width  = image->w;
  image_height = image->h;

  SDL_Surface* convert = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE,
                                              texture_width, texture_height, 32,
                                              0xff000000, 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff);
  SDL_Surface* convert = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE,
                                              texture_width, texture_height, 32,
                                              0x000000ff, 0x0000ff00, 0x00ff0000, 0xff000000);

  if(convert == 0) {
    throw std::runtime_error("Couldn't create texture: out of memory");

  SDL_SetAlpha(image, 0, 0);
  SDL_BlitSurface(image, 0, convert, 0);

  assert_gl("before creating texture");
  glGenTextures(1, &handle);

  try {
    GLenum sdl_format;
    if(convert->format->BytesPerPixel == 3)
      sdl_format = GL_RGB;
    else if(convert->format->BytesPerPixel == 4)
      sdl_format = GL_RGBA;
    else {
      sdl_format = GL_RGBA;

    glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, handle);
    glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
    glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, convert->pitch/convert->format->BytesPerPixel);
    /* OpenGL ES doesn't support UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, let's hope SDL didn't add
     * padding bytes, otherwise we need some extra code here... */
    assert(convert->pitch == texture_width * convert->format->BytesPerPixel);


    if (true)
    { // no not use mipmaps
      glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, texture_width,
                 texture_height, 0, sdl_format,
                 GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, convert->pixels);
    { // build mipmaps
      gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_RGBA, texture_width,
                        texture_height, sdl_format,
                        GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, convert->pixels);


    assert_gl("creating texture");

  } catch(...) {
    glDeleteTextures(1, &handle);
/* Compare surfaces */
int SDLTest_CompareSurfaces(SDL_Surface *surface, SDL_Surface *referenceSurface, int allowable_error)
   int ret;
   int i,j;
   int bpp, bpp_reference;
   Uint8 *p, *p_reference;
   int dist;
   Uint8 R, G, B, A;
   Uint8 Rd, Gd, Bd, Ad;
   char imageFilename[128];
   char referenceFilename[128];

   /* Validate input surfaces */
   if (surface == NULL || referenceSurface == NULL) {
      return -1;

   /* Make sure surface size is the same. */
   if ((surface->w != referenceSurface->w) || (surface->h != referenceSurface->h)) {
      return -2;

   /* Sanitize input value */
   if (allowable_error<0) {
      allowable_error = 0;

   SDL_LockSurface( surface );
   SDL_LockSurface( referenceSurface );

   ret = 0;
   bpp = surface->format->BytesPerPixel;
   bpp_reference = referenceSurface->format->BytesPerPixel;
   /* Compare image - should be same format. */
   for (j=0; j<surface->h; j++) {
      for (i=0; i<surface->w; i++) {
         p  = (Uint8 *)surface->pixels + j * surface->pitch + i * bpp;
         p_reference = (Uint8 *)referenceSurface->pixels + j * referenceSurface->pitch + i * bpp_reference;

         SDL_GetRGBA(*(Uint32*)p, surface->format, &R, &G, &B, &A);
         SDL_GetRGBA(*(Uint32*)p_reference, referenceSurface->format, &Rd, &Gd, &Bd, &Ad);

         dist = 0;
         dist += (R-Rd)*(R-Rd);
         dist += (G-Gd)*(G-Gd);
         dist += (B-Bd)*(B-Bd);

         /* Allow some difference in blending accuracy */
         if (dist > allowable_error) {

   SDL_UnlockSurface( surface );
   SDL_UnlockSurface( referenceSurface );

   /* Save test image and reference for analysis on failures */
   if (ret != 0) {
      SDL_snprintf(imageFilename, 127, "CompareSurfaces%04d_TestOutput.bmp", _CompareSurfaceCount);
      SDL_SaveBMP(surface, imageFilename);
      SDL_snprintf(referenceFilename, 127, "CompareSurfaces%04d_Reference.bmp", _CompareSurfaceCount);
      SDL_SaveBMP(referenceSurface, referenceFilename);
      SDLTest_LogError("Surfaces from failed comparison saved as '%s' and '%s'", imageFilename, referenceFilename);

   return ret;
void DINGOOGUIWindowImp::prepareFonts() {

    Uint32 rmask, gmask, bmask, amask;

    Config *config=Config::GetInstance() ;
   unsigned char r,g,b ;
   const char *value=config->GetValue("BACKGROUND") ;
   if (value) {
      char2hex(value,&r) ;
      char2hex(value+2,&g) ;
      char2hex(value+4,&b) ;
   } else {
      r=0xFF ;
      g=0xFF ;
      b=0xFF ;      
   backgroundColor_=SDL_MapRGB(screen_->format, r,g,b) ;
   value=config->GetValue("FOREGROUND") ;
   if (value) {
      char2hex(value,&r) ;
      char2hex(value+2,&g) ;
      char2hex(value+4,&b) ;
   } else {
      r=0x00 ;
      g=0x00 ;
      b=0x00 ;      
   foregroundColor_=SDL_MapRGB(screen_->format, r,g,b) ;
    rmask = 0xff000000;
    gmask = 0x00ff0000;
    bmask = 0x0000ff00;
    amask = 0x000000ff;
    rmask = 0x000000ff;
    gmask = 0x0000ff00;
    bmask = 0x00ff0000;
    amask = 0xff000000;

	for (int i=0;i<FONT_COUNT;i++) {
	    fonts[i] = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_HWSURFACE, 8, 8, 16,
	                                   0, 0, 0, 0);
		if (fonts[i]==NULL) {
			Trace::Dump("Failed to create font surface %d",i) ;
		} else {
			SDL_LockSurface(fonts[i]) ;
			const unsigned char *src=font+i*8 ;
			unsigned short*dest=(unsigned short *)fonts[i]->pixels ;
  	  		for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++) {
    			for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++) {
					*dest =(*src)?backgroundColor_:foregroundColor_;
					src++ ;
				if (y<7) src+=FONT_WIDTH-8 ;
			SDL_UnlockSurface(fonts[i]) ;
		} ;
} ;
font *
ttf_write_tga (char *name, int32_t pointsize)
    uint32_t rmask, gmask, bmask, amask;
    double glyph_per_row;
    char filename[200];
    SDL_Surface *dst;
    uint32_t height;
    uint32_t width;
    double maxx;
    double maxy[TTF_GLYPH_MAX];
    uint32_t c;
    int x;
    int y;
    double h;
    font *f;

    snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s_pointsize%u.tga",
             name, pointsize);

    if (tex_find(filename)) {
        return (0);

     * x glyphs horizontally and y vertically.
    glyph_per_row = 16;

    f = ttf_new(name, pointsize, TTF_STYLE_NORMAL);
    if (!f) {
        ERR("could not create font %s", name);

    maxx = 0;
    memset(maxy, 0, sizeof(maxy));

     * Find the largest font glyph pointsize.
    x = 0;
    y = 0;
    height = 0;

    for (c = TTF_GLYPH_MIN; c < TTF_GLYPH_MAX; c++) {

        if (f->tex[c].image) {
            maxx = max(maxx, f->tex[c].image->w);
            maxy[y] = max(maxy[y], f->tex[c].image->h);

        if (++x >= glyph_per_row) {
            x = 0;
            height += maxy[y];

    if (!maxx) {
        ERR("no glyphs in font %s", name);

    width = glyph_per_row * maxx;

    if (MULTIPLE_BITS(width)) {
        width = nextpoweroftwo(width);

    height += 40;

    if (MULTIPLE_BITS(height)) {
        height = nextpoweroftwo(height);

     * Make a large surface for all glyphs.
    rmask = 0xff000000;
    gmask = 0x00ff0000;
    bmask = 0x0000ff00;
    amask = 0x000000ff;
    rmask = 0x000000ff;
    gmask = 0x0000ff00;
    bmask = 0x00ff0000;
    amask = 0xff000000;

    dst = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, width, height, 32,
                               rmask, gmask, bmask, amask);
    if (!dst) {
        ERR("no surface created for size %dx%d font %s", width, height, name);

    newptr(dst, "SDL_CreateRGBSurface");

     * Blit each glyph to the large surface.
    x = 0;
    y = 0;
    h = 0;

    for (c = TTF_GLYPH_MIN; c < TTF_GLYPH_MAX; c++) {

        if (f->tex[c].image) {
            SDL_Rect dstrect = { maxx * x, h, maxx, maxy[y] };

            SDL_BlitSurface(f->tex[c].image, 0, dst, &dstrect);

        if (++x >= glyph_per_row) {
            x = 0;
            h += maxy[y];

     * Convert the black border smoothing that ttf adds into alpha.
        double x;
        double y;

        for (x = 0; x < dst->w; x++) {
            for (y = 0; y < dst->h; y++) {

                color c;

                c = getPixel(dst, x, y);

                if ((c.a == 255) &&
                    (c.r == 255) &&
                    (c.g == 255) &&
                    (c.b == 255)) {
                     * Do nothing.
                } else if ((c.a == 0) &&
                    (c.r == 0) &&
                    (c.g == 0) &&
                    (c.b == 0)) {
                     * Do nothing.
                } else {
                     * Convery gray to white with alpha.
                    c.a = (c.r + c.g + c.b) / 3;
                    c.r = 255;
                    c.g = 255;
                    c.b = 255;

                putPixel(dst, x, y, c);


    if (dst->h > MAX_TEXTURE_HEIGHT) {
        ERR("ttf is too large");

    uint8_t filled_pixel_row[MAX_TEXTURE_HEIGHT] = {0};

     * What the hell am I doing here? The ttf library returns incorrect
     * boounds for the top and bottom of glyphs, so I'm looking for a line of
     * no pixels above and below each glyph so I can really find the texture
     * bounds of a glyph. This allows squeezing of text together.
        int x;
        int y;

        for (y = 0; y < dst->h; y++) {
            for (x = 0; x < dst->w; x++) {
                color c;
                c = getPixel(dst, x, y);
                if (c.r || c.g || c.b || c.a) {
                    filled_pixel_row[y] = true;

     * Work our the tex co-ords for each glyph in the large tex.
    x = 0;
    y = 0;
    h = 0;

    int d1_max = 0;
    int d2_max = 0;

    for (c = TTF_GLYPH_MIN; c < TTF_GLYPH_MAX; c++) {

            int y = (h + (h + f->glyphs[c].height)) / 2;

            int miny = y;
            int maxy = y;

            for (;;) {
                if (!filled_pixel_row[miny]) {

                if (miny <= 0) {

            for (;;) {
                if (!filled_pixel_row[maxy]) {

                if (maxy >= MAX_TEXTURE_HEIGHT - 1) {

            int d1 = y - miny;
            if (d1 > d1_max) {
                d1_max = d1;

            int d2 = maxy - y;
            if (d2 > d2_max) {
                d2_max = d2;

        if (++x >= glyph_per_row) {
            x = 0;
            h += maxy[y];

    x = 0;
    y = 0;
    h = 0;

    for (c = TTF_GLYPH_MIN; c < TTF_GLYPH_MAX; c++) {

        f->glyphs[c].texMinX =
                        (double)(x * maxx) / (double)dst->w;
        f->glyphs[c].texMaxX =
                        (double)((x * maxx) + f->glyphs[c].width) /

            int y = (h + (h + f->glyphs[c].height)) / 2;

            int y1 = y - d1_max;
            int y2 = y + d2_max;

            if (y1 < 0) {
                y1 = 0;

            f->glyphs[c].texMinY =
                            (double)(y1) /
            f->glyphs[c].texMaxY =
                            (double)(y2) /

        if (++x >= glyph_per_row) {
            x = 0;
            h += maxy[y];

    stbi_write_tga(filename, dst->w, dst->h, STBI_rgb_alpha, dst->pixels);

    texp tex;
    tex = tex_from_surface(dst, filename, filename);
    if (!tex) {
        ERR("could not convert %s to tex", filename);

     * Work our the tex co-ords for each glyph in the large tex.
    x = 0;
    y = 0;
    h = 0;

    for (c = TTF_GLYPH_MIN; c < TTF_GLYPH_MAX; c++) {

        f->tex[c].image = dst;
        f->tex[c].tex = tex_get_gl_binding(tex);

     * Save the glyph data.
    snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s_pointsize%u.data",
             name, pointsize);

    FILE *out = fopen(filename, "w");

    fwrite(f->glyphs, sizeof(f->glyphs), 1, out);


    printf("wrote %s\n",filename);
    return (f);
static DFBResult
update_screen( int x, int y, int w, int h )
#if 0
     int                    i, n;
     void                  *dst;
     void                  *src;
     DFBResult              ret;
     CoreSurface           *surface;
     CoreSurfaceBuffer     *buffer;
     CoreSurfaceBufferLock  lock;
     u16                   *src16, *dst16;
     u8                    *src8;

     D_DEBUG_AT( SDL_Updates, "%s( %d, %d, %d, %d )\n", __FUNCTION__, x, y, w, h );

     D_DEBUG_AT( SDL_Updates, "  -> locking sdl lock...\n" );

     fusion_skirmish_prevail( &dfb_sdl->lock );
#if 0
     surface = dfb_sdl->primary;
     D_MAGIC_ASSERT_IF( surface, CoreSurface );

     D_DEBUG_AT( SDL_Updates, "  -> primary is %p\n", surface );

     if (!surface) {
          D_DEBUG_AT( SDL_Updates, "  -> unlocking sdl lock...\n" );
          fusion_skirmish_dismiss( &dfb_sdl->lock );
          D_DEBUG_AT( SDL_Updates, "  -> done.\n" );
          return DFB_OK;

     buffer = dfb_surface_get_buffer( surface, CSBR_FRONT );

     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( buffer, CoreSurfaceBuffer );

     D_DEBUG_AT( SDL_Updates, "  -> locking sdl surface...\n" );

     if (SDL_LockSurface( screen ) < 0) {
          D_ERROR( "DirectFB/SDL: "
                   "Couldn't lock the display surface: %s\n", SDL_GetError() );
          fusion_skirmish_dismiss( &dfb_sdl->lock );
          return DFB_FAILURE;

     D_DEBUG_AT( SDL_Updates, "  -> locking dfb surface...\n" );

     ret = dfb_surface_buffer_lock( buffer, CSAF_CPU_READ, &lock );
     if (ret) {
          D_ERROR( "DirectFB/SDL: Couldn't lock layer surface: %s\n",
                   DirectFBErrorString( ret ) );
          fusion_skirmish_dismiss( &dfb_sdl->lock );
          return ret;

     src = lock.addr;
     dst = screen->pixels;

     src += DFB_BYTES_PER_LINE( surface->config.format, x ) + y * lock.pitch;
     dst += DFB_BYTES_PER_LINE( surface->config.format, x ) + y * screen->pitch;

     D_DEBUG_AT( SDL_Updates, "  -> copying pixels...\n" );

     switch (screen->format->BitsPerPixel) {
          case 16:
               dfb_convert_to_rgb16( surface->config.format,
                                     src, lock.pitch, surface->config.size.h,
                                     dst, screen->pitch, w, h );

               direct_memcpy( dst, src, DFB_BYTES_PER_LINE( surface->config.format, w ) );

     D_DEBUG_AT( SDL_Updates, "  -> unlocking dfb surface...\n" );

     dfb_surface_buffer_unlock( &lock );

     D_DEBUG_AT( SDL_Updates, "  -> unlocking sdl surface...\n" );

     SDL_UnlockSurface( screen );
     D_DEBUG_AT( SDL_Updates, "  -> calling SDL_UpdateRect()...\n" );

     SDL_UpdateRect( dfb_sdl->screen, x, y, w, h );

     D_DEBUG_AT( SDL_Updates, "  -> unlocking sdl lock...\n" );

     fusion_skirmish_dismiss( &dfb_sdl->lock );

     D_DEBUG_AT( SDL_Updates, "  -> done.\n" );

     return DFB_OK;
 * Unlocks the surface after it's been locked
 * to resume blitting operations.
 * @sa lock()
void Surface::unlock()
文件: zemu.cpp 项目: mkoloberdin/zemu
void AntiFlicker(SDL_Surface *copyFrom, SDL_Surface *copyTo)
	int i, j;
	uint8_t *s1, *s2, *sr;
	uint8_t *s1w, *s2w, *srw;

	if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(screen)) {if (SDL_LockSurface(screen) < 0) return;}
	if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(scrSurf[0])) {if (SDL_LockSurface(scrSurf[0]) < 0) return;}
	if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(scrSurf[1])) {if (SDL_LockSurface(scrSurf[1]) < 0) return;}

	if (doCopyOfSurfaces)
		s1 = (uint8_t *)copyFrom->pixels;
		s2 = (uint8_t *)copyTo->pixels;

		for (i = HEIGHT; i--;)
			uint32_t *s1dw = (uint32_t *)s1;
			uint32_t *s2dw = (uint32_t *)s2;

			for (j = WIDTH; j--;) { *(s2dw++) = *(s1dw++); }

			s1 += copyFrom->pitch;
			s2 += copyTo->pitch;

		doCopyOfSurfaces = false;

	sr = (uint8_t *)screen->pixels;
	s1 = (uint8_t *)scrSurf[0]->pixels;
	s2 = (uint8_t *)scrSurf[1]->pixels;

	for (i = HEIGHT; i--;)
		srw = sr;
		s1w = s1;
		s2w = s2;

		for (j = WIDTH; j--;)
#if defined(ZEMU_BIG_ENDIAN) || defined(__APPLE__)
			*(srw++) = 0; s1w++; s2w++;

			*srw = (uint8_t)(((unsigned int)(*s1w) + (unsigned int)(*s2w)) >> 1);
			srw++; s1w++; s2w++;

			*srw = (uint8_t)(((unsigned int)(*s1w) + (unsigned int)(*s2w)) >> 1);
			srw++; s1w++; s2w++;

			*srw = (uint8_t)(((unsigned int)(*s1w) + (unsigned int)(*s2w)) >> 1);
			srw++; s1w++; s2w++;

#if !defined(ZEMU_BIG_ENDIAN) && !defined(__APPLE__)
			*(srw++) = 0; s1w++; s2w++;

		sr += screen->pitch;
		s1 += scrSurf[0]->pitch;
		s2 += scrSurf[1]->pitch;

	if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(scrSurf[1])) SDL_UnlockSurface(scrSurf[1]);
	if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(scrSurf[0])) SDL_UnlockSurface(scrSurf[0]);
	if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(screen)) SDL_UnlockSurface(screen);
void CollideImage(SDL_Surface* src,int x,int y,int sx,int sy,int w,int h,int cm,int wm,char id)
    if (x<0) x=0;
    if (y<0) y=0;
    if (x+w>640) w=640-x;
    if (y+h>479) h=479-y;
    int mc=SDL_MapRGB(src->format,255,0,255);
    for (int z=0;z<MAX_LAYERS;z++)
        if (wm & (1<<z))
            if (collision_layer[z])

                for (int ty=0;ty<h;ty++)
                    char* p2=(char*)collision_layer[z]->pixels;
                    char* p1=(char*)src->pixels;
                    for (int tx=0;tx<w;tx++)
                        int c=*p1 + (*(p1+1)<<8);

                        if (c!=mc) *p2=id;


//                printf("z %d\n",z);
    /*if (z==1)

    SDL_Rect srcRect;
	srcRect.x = 0;
	srcRect.y = 0;
	srcRect.w = 640;
	srcRect.h = 480;

	SDL_Rect dstRect;
	dstRect.x = 0;
	dstRect.y = 0;
	dstRect.w = 640;
	dstRect.h = 480;

	SDL_BlitSurface(collision_layer[z], &srcRect, screen, &dstRect);
 * Scale functions
void scaleDynamic( SDL_Surface *srcSfc,
                   SDL_Rect srGsRect,
                   SDL_Surface *dstSfc,
                   SDL_Rect dstRect )
	const bool equalWidth  = (dstRect.w == srcSfc->w);
	const bool equalHeight = (dstRect.h == srcSfc->h);

	if(equalWidth && equalHeight)
		SDL_Rect sdldstrect;
		sdldstrect.x = dstRect.x; sdldstrect.y = dstRect.y;
		sdldstrect.w = dstRect.w; sdldstrect.h = dstRect.h;

        BlitSurface(srcSfc, &srGsRect, dstSfc, &sdldstrect);

    SDL_LockSurface( srcSfc );
    SDL_LockSurface( dstSfc );

    Uint32 *dstFirstPixel = static_cast<Uint32*>(dstSfc->pixels);
    Uint32 *srcFirstPixel = static_cast<Uint32*>(srcSfc->pixels);
    Uint32 *dstPixel = dstFirstPixel;
    Uint32 *srcPixel = srcFirstPixel;

    // Pass those numbers to the stack, they are used very often.
    const float wFac = (float(srcSfc->w)) / (float(dstRect.w));
    const float hFac = (float(srcSfc->h)) / (float(dstRect.h));

    int pitch = dstRect.y*dstSfc->w;

    if(pitch >= 0)
        dstPixel += pitch;

    if(dstRect.x >= 0)
        dstPixel += dstRect.x;

    if(dstRect.w > dstSfc->w)
        dstRect.w = dstSfc->w;

    if(dstRect.h > dstSfc->h)
        dstRect.h = dstSfc->h;

	float xSrc, ySrc;

    ySrc = 0.0f;

    //SDL_PixelFormat *format = srcSfc->format;

        for( int yDst = 0 ; yDst<dstSfc->h ; yDst++ )
            const Uint32 posY = (yDst*srcSfc->h)/dstSfc->h;
            memcpy(dstPixel, srcPixel+(posY*dstSfc->w), srcSfc->pitch);
            dstPixel += dstSfc->w;

        for( int yDst = 0 ; yDst<dstRect.h ; yDst++ )
            xSrc = 0.0f;

            pitch = Uint32(ySrc)*srcSfc->w;

            for( int xDst = 0; xDst<dstRect.w ; xDst++ )
                *dstPixel = srcPixel[pitch+Uint32(xSrc)];
                xSrc += wFac;

            ySrc += hFac;

            dstPixel = dstFirstPixel + (dstSfc->w*yDst);            

    SDL_UnlockSurface( dstSfc );
    SDL_UnlockSurface( srcSfc );
static VALUE
Game_update_screen(VALUE self)
  const Game* game;
  Data_Get_Struct(self, Game, game);

  volatile VALUE rbScreen = game->screen;
  const Texture* texture;
  Data_Get_Struct(rbScreen, Texture, texture);
  const Pixel* src = texture->pixels;
  SDL_Surface* sdlScreenBuffer = game->sdlScreenBuffer;
  Pixel* dst = (Pixel*)sdlScreenBuffer->pixels;
  const int screenPadding =
    sdlScreenBuffer->pitch / sdlScreenBuffer->format->BytesPerPixel - sdlScreenBuffer->w;
  const int textureWidth  = texture->width;
  const int textureHeight = texture->height;
  const int heightPadding = sdlScreenBuffer->w - texture->width + screenPadding;
  for (int j = 0; j < textureHeight; j++, dst += heightPadding) {
    for (int i = 0; i < textureWidth; i++, src++, dst++) {
      const uint8_t alpha = src->color.alpha;
      if (alpha == 255) {
        *dst = *src;
      } else if (alpha) {
        dst->color.red   = DIV255(src->color.red   * alpha);
        dst->color.green = DIV255(src->color.green * alpha);
        dst->color.blue  = DIV255(src->color.blue  * alpha);
      } else {
        dst->color.red   = 0;
        dst->color.green = 0;
        dst->color.blue  = 0;


  glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB,
               sdlScreenBuffer->w, sdlScreenBuffer->h,
               0, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, sdlScreenBuffer->pixels);
  glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
    int x1, y1, x2, y2;
    if (!game->isFullscreen) {
      x1 = 0;
      y1 = 0;
      x2 = game->sdlScreen->w;
      y2 = game->sdlScreen->h;
    } else {
      x1 = (game->sdlScreen->w - textureWidth)  / 2;
      y1 = (game->sdlScreen->h - textureHeight) / 2;
      x2 = x1 + textureWidth;
      y2 = y1 + textureHeight;
    const double tu = (double)textureWidth  / sdlScreenBuffer->w;
    const double tv = (double)textureHeight / sdlScreenBuffer->h;
    glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0);
    glVertex3i(x1, y1, 0);
    glTexCoord2f(tu, 0.0);
    glVertex3i(x2, y1, 0);
    glTexCoord2f(tu, tv);
    glVertex3i(x2, y2, 0);
    glTexCoord2f(0.0, tv);
    glVertex3i(x1, y2, 0);

  return Qnil;
void I_InitGraphics(void)
    SDL_Event dummy;
    byte *doompal;
    int flags = 0;
    char *env;

    // Pass through the XSCREENSAVER_WINDOW environment variable to 
    // SDL_WINDOWID, to embed the SDL window into the Xscreensaver
    // window.

    env = getenv("XSCREENSAVER_WINDOW");

    if (env != NULL)
        char winenv[30];
        int winid;

        sscanf(env, "0x%x", &winid);
        sprintf(winenv, "SDL_WINDOWID=%i", winid);



    if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0) 
        I_Error("Failed to initialize video: %s", SDL_GetError());

    // Check for command-line video-related parameters.


    doompal = W_CacheLumpName (DEH_String("PLAYPAL"),PU_CACHE);

    if (screensaver_mode)
        windowwidth = 0;
        windowheight = 0;
        if (autoadjust_video_settings)

        windowwidth = screen_width;
        windowheight = screen_height;

        screen_mode = I_FindScreenMode(windowwidth, windowheight);

        if (screen_mode == NULL)
            I_Error("I_InitGraphics: Unable to find a screen mode small "
                    "enough for %ix%i", windowwidth, windowheight);

        if (windowwidth != screen_mode->width
         || windowheight != screen_mode->height)
            printf("I_InitGraphics: %s (%ix%i within %ix%i)\n",
                   WindowBoxType(screen_mode, windowwidth, windowheight),
                   screen_mode->width, screen_mode->height,
                   windowwidth, windowheight);

        // Generate lookup tables before setting the video mode.

        if (screen_mode->InitMode != NULL)

    // Set up title and icon.  Windows cares about the ordering; this
    // has to be done before the call to SDL_SetVideoMode.


    // Set the video mode.


    if (fullscreen)
        flags |= SDL_FULLSCREEN;

    screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(windowwidth, windowheight, 8, flags);

    if (screen == NULL)
        I_Error("Error setting video mode: %s\n", SDL_GetError());

    // Start with a clear black screen
    // (screen will be flipped after we set the palette)

    if (SDL_LockSurface(screen) >= 0)
        byte *screenpixels;
        int y;

        screenpixels = (byte *) screen->pixels;

        for (y=0; y<screen->h; ++y)
            memset(screenpixels + screen->pitch * y, 0, screen->w);


    // Set the palette

    SDL_SetColors(screen, palette, 0, 256);



    // In screensaver mode, now find a screen_mode to use.

    if (screensaver_mode)
        screen_mode = I_FindScreenMode(screen->w, screen->h);

        if (screen_mode == NULL)
            I_Error("I_InitGraphics: Unable to find a screen mode small "
                    "enough for %ix%i", screen->w, screen->h);

        // Generate lookup tables before setting the video mode.

        if (screen_mode->InitMode != NULL)
    // On some systems, it takes a second or so for the screen to settle
    // after changing modes.  We include the option to add a delay when
    // setting the screen mode, so that the game doesn't start immediately
    // with the player unable to see anything.

    if (fullscreen && !screensaver_mode)

    // Check if we have a native surface we can use
    // If we have to lock the screen, draw to a buffer and copy
    // Likewise if the screen pitch is not the same as the width
    // If we have to multiply, drawing is done to a separate 320x200 buf

    native_surface = !SDL_MUSTLOCK(screen) 
                  && screen_mode == &mode_scale_1x
                  && screen->pitch == SCREENWIDTH
                  && aspect_ratio_correct;

    // If not, allocate a buffer and copy from that buffer to the 
    // screen when we do an update

    if (native_surface)
	screens[0] = (unsigned char *) screen->pixels;

        screens[0] += (screen->h - SCREENHEIGHT) / 2;
	screens[0] = (unsigned char *) Z_Malloc (SCREENWIDTH * SCREENHEIGHT, 
                                                 PU_STATIC, NULL);

    // "Loading from disk" icon


    // Clear the screen to black.

    memset(screens[0], 0, SCREENWIDTH * SCREENHEIGHT);

    // We need SDL to give us translated versions of keys as well


    // Repeat key presses - this is what Vanilla Doom does
    // Not sure about repeat rate - probably dependent on which DOS
    // driver is used.  This is good enough though.


    // clear out any events waiting at the start and center the mouse
    while (SDL_PollEvent(&dummy));

    if (usemouse && !nomouse && (fullscreen || grabmouse))

    initialized = true;
文件: sdlfn.c 项目: 8l/bcpl
  char tmpstr[256];

  //printf("sdlfn: fno=%d a1=%d a2=%d a3=%d a4=%d\n",
  //        a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4]);

  switch(a[0]) {
    printf("sdlfn: Unknown op: fno=%d a1=%d a2=%d a3=%d a4=%d\n",
            a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4]);
    return 0;

  case sdl_avail: // Test whether SDL is available
    return -1;    // SDL is available

  case gl_avail:  // Test whether OpenGL is available
#ifdef GLavail
    return -1;    // OpenGL is available
    return  0;    // OpenGL is not available

  case sdl_init:  // Initialise all SDL features
      // Enable Unicode translation of keyboard events.
    return res;

  case sdl_setvideomode:  // width, height, bbp, flags
  { SDL_Surface *scr;
    //printf("Calling SetVideoMode(%d, %d, %d, %8x)\n", a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4]);
    scr = SDL_SetVideoMode((int)a[1], (int)a[2], (int)a[3], (Uint32)a[4]);
    return (BCPLWORD) scr;
    //return (BCPLWORD) SDL_SetVideoMode((int)a[1], (int)a[2], (int)a[3], (Uint32)a[4]);

  case sdl_quit:      // Shut down SDL
    return -1;

  case sdl_locksurface: // surf
    // Return 0 on success
    // Return -1 on failure
    return (BCPLWORD) SDL_LockSurface((SDL_Surface*) a[1]);

  case sdl_unlocksurface: // surf
    SDL_UnlockSurface((SDL_Surface*) a[1]);
    return 0;

  case sdl_getsurfaceinfo:
  // surf, surfinfo -> [flag, format, w, h, pitch, pixels, cliprect, refcount]
  { SDL_Surface *surf = (SDL_Surface*)a[1];
    BCPLWORD *info = &W[a[2]];
    info[ 0] = (BCPLWORD) (surf->flags);
    info[ 1] = (BCPLWORD) (surf->format);
    info[ 2] = (BCPLWORD) (surf->w);
    info[ 3] = (BCPLWORD) (surf->h);
    info[ 4] = (BCPLWORD) (surf->pitch);
    info[ 5] = (BCPLWORD) (surf->pixels);
    //info[ 6] = (BCPLWORD) (surf->clip_rect); // fields: x,y, w, h
    info[ 7] = (BCPLWORD) (surf->refcount);
    //printf("getsurfaceinfo: format=%d\n", info[1]);
    return 0;        

  case sdl_getfmtinfo:
  // fmt, pxlinfo -> [palette, bitspp, bytespp, rmask, gmask, rmask, amask,
  //                  rloss, rshift, gloss, gshift, bloss, bshift, aloss, ashift,
  //                  colorkey, alpha]
  { SDL_PixelFormat *fmt = (SDL_PixelFormat*)(a[1]);
    BCPLWORD *info = &(W[a[2]]);
    //printf("getfmtinfo: format=%d\n", (BCPLWORD)fmt);
    info[ 0] = (BCPLWORD) (fmt->palette);
    info[ 1] = (BCPLWORD) (fmt->BitsPerPixel);
    info[ 2] = (BCPLWORD) (fmt->BytesPerPixel);
    info[ 3] = (BCPLWORD) (fmt->Rmask);
    info[ 4] = (BCPLWORD) (fmt->Gmask);
    info[ 5] = (BCPLWORD) (fmt->Bmask);
    info[ 6] = (BCPLWORD) (fmt->Amask);
    info[ 7] = (BCPLWORD) (fmt->Rshift);
    info[ 8] = (BCPLWORD) (fmt->Gshift);
    info[ 9] = (BCPLWORD) (fmt->Bshift);
    info[10] = (BCPLWORD) (fmt->Ashift);
    info[11] = (BCPLWORD) (fmt->Rloss);
    info[12] = (BCPLWORD) (fmt->Gloss);
    info[13] = (BCPLWORD) (fmt->Rloss);
    info[14] = (BCPLWORD) (fmt->Aloss);
    info[15] = (BCPLWORD) (fmt->colorkey);
    info[16] = (BCPLWORD) (fmt->alpha);

    return 0;        

  case sdl_geterror:   // str -- fill str with BCPL string for the latest SDL error
  { char *str = SDL_GetError();
    printf("sdl_geterror: %s\n", str);
    return c2b_str(str, a[1]); // Convert to BCPL string format

  case sdl_updaterect: // surf, left, top, right, bottom
    return 0;     // Not yet available

  case sdl_loadbmp:    // filename of a .bmp image
  { char tmpstr[256];
    b2c_str(a[1], tmpstr);
    return (BCPLWORD) SDL_LoadBMP(tmpstr);

  case sdl_mksurface: //(format, w, h)
  { SDL_PixelFormat *fmt = (SDL_PixelFormat*)(a[1]);
    Uint32 rmask = fmt->Rmask;
    Uint32 gmask = fmt->Gmask;
    Uint32 bmask = fmt->Bmask;
    Uint32 amask = fmt->Amask;
    //printf("rmask=%8x gmask=%8x bmask=%8x amask=%8x\n", rmask, gmask, bmask, amask);
    return (BCPLWORD)SDL_CreateRGBSurface(
                         a[2], a[3], // Width, Height
                         32,     // Not using a palette
                         rmask, gmask, bmask, amask);

  case sdl_blitsurface: // src, srcrect, dest, destrect
    //printf("blitsurface: %d, %d, %d, %d)\n", a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4]);
  { BCPLWORD *p = &W[a[4]];
    SDL_Rect dstrect = {p[0],p[1],p[2],p[3]};
    //printf("x=%d, y=%d, w=%d, h=%d\n", p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]);
    return (BCPLWORD) SDL_BlitSurface((SDL_Surface*) a[1],
                                      (SDL_Rect*)    0,
                                      (SDL_Surface*) a[3],

  case sdl_setcolourkey: //(surf, key)
    // If key=-1 unset colour key
    // otherwise set colour key to given value.
    // key must be in the pixel format of the given surface
    //printf("sdl_setcolourkey: %8x\n", a[2]);
    if(a[2]==-1) {
      return (BCPLWORD)SDL_SetColorKey((SDL_Surface*)a[1], 0, (Uint32)a[2]);
    } else {
      return (BCPLWORD)SDL_SetColorKey((SDL_Surface*)a[1], SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, (Uint32)a[2]);

  case sdl_freesurface: // surf
    return 0;

  case sdl_setalpha:    // surf, flags, alpha
    return 0;     // Not yet available

  case sdl_imgload:     // filename -- using the SDL_image library
    return 0;     // Not yet available

  case sdl_delay:       // msecs -- the SDL delay function
    return 0;

  case sdl_getticks:    // return msecs since initialisation
    return (BCPLWORD)SDL_GetTicks();

  case sdl_showcursor:  // Show the cursor
    return (BCPLWORD)SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_ENABLE);

  case sdl_hidecursor:  // Hide the cursor
    return (BCPLWORD)SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_DISABLE);

  case sdl_flip:        // surf -- Double buffered update of the screen
    return (BCPLWORD) SDL_Flip((SDL_Surface*)a[1]);

  case sdl_displayformat: // surf -- convert surf to display format
    return 0;     // Not yet available

  case sdl_waitevent:    // (pointer) to [type, args, ... ] to hold details of the next event
                 // return 0 if no events available
    return 0;     // Not yet available

  case sdl_pollevent:    // (pointer) to [type, args, ... ] to hold details of
			 // the next event
    { SDL_Event test_event;
      if (SDL_PollEvent(&test_event))
      { decodeevent(&test_event, &W[a[1]]);
        return -1;
      decodeevent(0, &W[a[1]]);
      return 0;

  case sdl_getmousestate: // pointer to [x, y] returns bit pattern of buttons currently pressed
    return 0;     // Not yet available

  case sdl_loadwav:      // file, spec, buff, len
    return 0;     // Not yet available

  case sdl_freewav:      // buffer
    return 0;     // Not yet available

  case sdl_wm_setcaption:      // surf, string
  { char tmpstr[256];
    b2c_str(a[1], tmpstr);
    SDL_WM_SetCaption(tmpstr, 0);
    return 0;

  case sdl_videoinfo:      // buffer
  { const SDL_VideoInfo* p = SDL_GetVideoInfo();
    BCPLWORD *info = &W[a[1]];
    info[ 0] = (BCPLWORD) ((p->hw_available) |
                           (p->hw_available)<<1 |
                           (p->blit_hw)<<2 |
                           (p->blit_hw_CC)<<3 |
                           (p->blit_hw_A)<<4 |
                           (p->blit_sw)<<5 |
                           (p->blit_sw_CC)<<6 |
    info[ 1] = (BCPLWORD) (p->blit_fill);
    info[ 2] = (BCPLWORD) (p->video_mem);
    info[ 3] = (BCPLWORD) (p->vfmt);
    info[ 4] = (BCPLWORD) (p->vfmt->BitsPerPixel);
    //printf("videoinfo: a[2]=%d %8X %8X %d %d %d\n",
    //          a[2], info[0], info[1], info[2], info[3], info[4]);
    return 0;

  case sdl_maprgb:      // format, r, g, b
    return (BCPLWORD) SDL_MapRGB((SDL_PixelFormat*)(a[1]), a[2], a[3], a[4]); 

  case sdl_drawline:
  { SDL_Surface *surf = (SDL_Surface*)(a[1]);
    //printf("\nDraw Line: %d %d %d %d %d %8x\n", a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5], a[6]);
    Draw_Line(surf, a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5], a[6]);
    return 0;

  case sdl_drawhline:
  case sdl_drawvline:
  case sdl_drawcircle:
  case sdl_drawrect:
  case sdl_drawpixel:
  case sdl_drawellipse:
  case sdl_drawfillellipse:
  case sdl_drawround:
  case sdl_drawfillround:
    return 0;

  case sdl_drawfillcircle:
  { SDL_Surface *surf = (SDL_Surface*)(a[1]);
    Draw_FillCircle(surf, a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5]);
    return 0;
    //  case sdl_drawfillrect:
    //return  Draw_FillRect((SDL_Surface*)a[1], 500,200, 50,70, 0xF0FF00);

  case sdl_fillrect:
  { SDL_Rect rect = {a[2],a[3],a[4],a[5]};
    //printf("\nfillrect: surface=%d rect=(%d,%d,%d,%d) col=%8x\n",
    //       a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5], a[6]);
    SDL_FillRect((SDL_Surface*)(a[1]), &rect, a[6]);
    return 0;

  case sdl_fillsurf:
    //printf("\nfillsurf: surface=%d col=%8x\n",
    //        a[1], a[2]);
    SDL_FillRect((SDL_Surface*)(a[1]), 0, a[2]);
    return 0;

// Joystick functions
  case sdl_numjoysticks:
    return SDL_NumJoysticks();

  case sdl_joystickopen:       // 42 (index) => joy
    return (BCPLWORD)SDL_JoystickOpen(a[1]);

  case sdl_joystickclose:      // 43 (joy)
    SDL_JoystickClose((SDL_Joystick *)a[1]);
    return 0;

  case sdl_joystickname:       // 44 (index)
  { const char *name = SDL_JoystickName(a[1]);
    return c2b_str(name, a[1]);

  case sdl_joysticknumaxes:    // 45 (joy)
    return SDL_JoystickNumAxes((SDL_Joystick*)a[1]);

  case sdl_joysticknumbuttons: // 46 (joy)
    return SDL_JoystickNumButtons((SDL_Joystick*)a[1]);

  case sdl_joysticknumballs:   // 47 (joy)
    return SDL_JoystickNumBalls((SDL_Joystick*)a[1]);

  case sdl_joysticknumhats:    // 47 (joy)
    return SDL_JoystickNumHats((SDL_Joystick*)a[1]);

  case sdl_joystickeventstate: //49  sdl_enable=1 or sdl_ignore=0
    return SDL_JoystickEventState(a[1]);

  case sdl_joystickgetbutton: // 55 (joy)
    return SDL_JoystickGetButton((SDL_Joystick*)a[1], a[2]);

  case sdl_joystickgetaxis: // 56 (joy)
    return SDL_JoystickGetAxis((SDL_Joystick*)a[1], a[2]);

  case sdl_joystickgethat: // 58 (joy)
    return SDL_JoystickGetHat((SDL_Joystick*)a[1], a[2]);

  case gl_setvideomode: // 200 (width, height)
  { // Setup minimum bit sizes, a depth buffer and double buffering.
    const SDL_VideoInfo* info = NULL;
    int bpp = 0;
    SDL_Surface *scr;

    info = SDL_GetVideoInfo();
    if(!info) return 0;
    bpp = info->vfmt->BitsPerPixel;
    printf("bpp=%d width=%d height=%d\n", bpp, a[1], a[2]);
    SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, 5);
    SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE, 5);
    SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE, 5);
    SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, 16);
    SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1);
    printf("Calling SDL_SetVideoMode\n");
    scr = SDL_SetVideoMode((int)a[1], (int)a[2], bpp, SDL_OPENGL);
    return (BCPLWORD)scr;

#ifdef GLavail
  case gl_ShadeModel:
    //printf("gl_ShadeModel: a[1]=%d GL_SMOOTH=%d\n", a[1], GL_SMOOTH);
    return 0;
  case gl_CullFace:
    //printf("gl_CullFace: %d GL_BACK=%d\n", a[1], GL_BACK);
    return 0;
  case gl_FrontFace:
    //printf("gl_FrontFace: %d\n", a[1]);
    //printf("   GL_CCW=%d\n", GL_CCW);
    return 0;
  case gl_Enable:
    //printf("gl_Enable: %d\n", a[1]);
    //printf("   GL_CULLFACE=%d\n", GL_CULL_FACE);
    return 0;
  case gl_ClearColor:
    //printf("gl_ClearColor: %d %d %d %d\n", a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4]);
    glClearColor(a[1]/255.0, a[2]/255.0, a[3]/255.0, a[4]/255.0);
    return 0;
  case gl_ViewPort:
    printf("sdlfn: gl_Viewport: %d %d %d %d\n", a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4]);
    glViewport(a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4]);
    //glViewport(0, 0, 800, 500);
    return 0;
  case gl_MatrixMode:
    //printf("gl_MatrixMode: %d\n", a[1]);
    //printf("   GL_PROJECTION=%d\n", GL_PROJECTION);
    //printf("   GL_MODELVIEW=%d\n", GL_MODELVIEW);
    return 0;
  case gl_LoadIdentity:
    return 0;
  case glu_Perspective:
    //printf("gl_Perspective: %d %d %d %d\n", a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4]);
    //gluPerspective(((float)a[1])/1000000, ((float)a[2])/1000000,
    //               ((float)a[3])/1000, ((float)a[4])/1000);  
    //gluPerspective(60.0, 800.0/500.0, 1.0, 1024.0);
    return 0;
  case gl_Clear:
    //printf("gl_Clear: #x%8X\n", a[1]);
    //printf("   GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT=%8X\n", GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);
    //printf("   GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT=%8X\n", GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);
    return 0;
  case gl_Translate:
    //printf("gl_Translate: %d %d %d\n", a[1], a[2], a[3]);
    glTranslatef(a[1]/1000.0, a[2]/1000.0, a[3]/1000.0);
    return 0;
  case gl_Rotate:
    //printf("gl_Rotate: %d %d %d %d\n", a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4]);
    glRotatef(a[1]/1000000.0, a[2]/1000.0, a[3]/1000.0, a[4]/1000.0);
    return 0;
  case gl_Begin:
    //printf("gl_Begin: %d\n", a[1]);
    //printf("   GL_TRIANGLES=%d\n", GL_TRIANGLES);
    return 0;
  case gl_End:
    return 0;
  case gl_Color4v:
    //printf("gl_Color4v: %d\n", a[1]);
    glColor4ub(W[a[1]], W[a[1]+1], W[a[1]+2], W[a[1]+3]);
    return 0;
  case gl_Vertex3v:
    //printf("gl_Vertex3v: %d -> [%d %d %d]\n", a[1], W[a[1]], W[a[1]+1], W[a[1]+2]);
    glVertex3f(W[a[1]]/1000.0, W[a[1]+1]/1000.0, W[a[1]+2]/1000.0);
    return 0;
  case gl_SwapBuffers:
    return 0;

// more to come ...

// Draw a string in the specified font
void BaseEngine::DrawString(int iX, int iY, const char* pText, 
							unsigned int uiColour, Font* pFont, SDL_Surface* pTarget )
	if ( pTarget == NULL )
		pTarget = m_pActualScreen;

	if ( pFont == NULL )
		pFont = g_pMainFont;

	if ( m_bInsideDraw )
		if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(m_pActualScreen)) 

	SDL_Color color = { (uiColour&0xff0000)>>16, (uiColour&0xff00)>>8, (uiColour&0xff), 0 };

	if ( ( pFont != NULL ) && ( pFont->GetFont() != NULL ) )
		SDL_Surface *sText = TTF_RenderText_Solid( pFont->GetFont(), pText, color );
		SDL_Rect rcDest = {iX,iY,0,0};

		SDL_BlitSurface( sText, NULL, pTarget, &rcDest );
		SDL_FreeSurface( sText );

	if ( m_bInsideDraw )
		if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(m_pActualScreen))

// Draw a triangle, as two vertical sided regions.
void BaseEngine::DrawTriangle(
		double fX1, double fY1,
		double fX2, double fY2,
		double fX3, double fY3, 
		unsigned int uiColour, 
		SDL_Surface* pTarget )
	if ( pTarget == NULL )
		pTarget = m_pActualScreen;

	// Ensure order is 1 2 3 from left to right
	if ( fX1 > fX2 ) { Swap( fX1,fX2 ); Swap( fY1,fY2 ); } // Bigger of 1 and 2 is in position 2
	if ( fX2 > fX3 ) { Swap( fX2,fX3 ); Swap( fY2,fY3 ); } // Bigger of new 2 and 3 is in position 3
	if ( fX1 > fX2 ) { Swap( fX1,fX2 ); Swap( fY1,fY2 ); } // Bigger of 1 and new 2 is in position 2

	if ( fX1 == fX2 )
		DrawVerticalSidedRegion( fX1, fX3, fY1, fY3, fY2, fY3, uiColour, pTarget );
	else if ( fX2 == fX3 )
		DrawVerticalSidedRegion( fX1, fX3, fY1, fY2, fY1, fY3, uiColour, pTarget );
		// Split into two triangles. Find position on line 1-3 to split at
		double dSplitPointY = (double)fY1 + 
			(   ( (double)((fX2-fX1)*(fY3-fY1)) )
			/ (double)(fX3-fX1)   );
		DrawVerticalSidedRegion( fX1, fX2, fY1, fY2, fY1, dSplitPointY, uiColour, pTarget );
		DrawVerticalSidedRegion( fX2, fX3, fY2, fY3, dSplitPointY, fY3, uiColour, pTarget );

// Draw a vertical sided region.
// If two points are the same then it is a triangle.
// To do an arbitrary triangle, just draw two next to each other, one for left and one for right.
void BaseEngine::DrawVerticalSidedRegion(
         double fX1, double fX2,// X positions
         double fY1a, double fY2a, // Start y positions for x1 and x2
         double fY1b, double fY2b, // End y positions for x1 and x2
         unsigned int uiColour,
         SDL_Surface* pTarget)
     if ( pTarget == NULL )
         pTarget = m_pActualScreen;

     // Ensure X1<  X2, otherwise steps will go wrong!
     // Switch the points if x and y are wrong way round
     if ( fX2<  fX1 ) { Swap(fX1,fX2); Swap(fY1a,fY2a); Swap(fY1b,fY2b);  }

     int iXStart = (int)(fX1+0.5);
     int iXEnd = (int)(fX2+0.5);

     // If integer x positions are the same then avoid floating point inaccuracy problems by a special case
     if ( iXStart == iXEnd )
         int iYStart = (int)(fY1a+0.5);
         int iYEnd = (int)(fY2a+0.5);
         for ( int iY = iYStart ; iY<= iYEnd ; iY++ )
             SafeSetPixel( iXStart, iY, uiColour, pTarget );
         // Draw left hand side
         int iYStart = (int)(fY1a+0.5);
         int iYEnd = (int)(fY1b+0.5);
         if ( iYStart>  iYEnd ) Swap( iYStart, iYEnd );
         //printf( "Firstline %d to %d (%f to %f)\n", iYStart, iYEnd, fY1a, fY1b );
         for ( int iY = iYStart ; iY<= iYEnd ; iY++ )
             SafeSetPixel( iXStart, iY, uiColour, pTarget );

         // Draw the middle
         for ( int iX = iXStart+1 ; iX<  iXEnd ; iX++ )
             double fYStart = fY1a + ( (((double)iX)-fX1)*(fY2a-fY1a)) /(fX2-fX1);
             double fYEnd = fY1b + ((((double)iX)-fX1)*(fY2b-fY1b))/(fX2-fX1);
             if ( fYEnd<  fYStart ) Swap( fYStart, fYEnd );
             int iYStart = (int)(fYStart+0.5);
             int iYEnd = (int)(fYEnd+0.5);
             //printf( "Line from %d to %d (%f to %f)\n", iYStart, iYEnd, fYStart, fYEnd );
             for ( int iY = iYStart ; iY<= iYEnd ; iY++ )
                 SafeSetPixel( iX, iY, uiColour, pTarget );

         // Draw right hand side
         iYStart = (int)(fY2a+0.5);
         iYEnd = (int)(fY2b+0.5);
         if ( iYStart>  iYEnd ) Swap( iYStart, iYEnd );
         //printf( "Last line %d to %d (%f to %f)\n", iYStart, iYEnd, fY2a, fY2b );
         for ( int iY = iYStart ; iY<= iYEnd ; iY++ )
             SafeSetPixel( iXEnd, iY, uiColour, pTarget );

// Draw a rectangle on the specified surface
void BaseEngine::DrawRectangle(int iX1, int iY1, int iX2, int iY2, 
									  unsigned int uiColour, SDL_Surface* pTarget)
	if ( pTarget == NULL )
		pTarget = m_pActualScreen;

	if ( iX2 < iX1 ) { int t = iX1; iX1 = iX2; iX2 = t; }
	if ( iY2 < iY1 ) { int t = iY1; iY1 = iY2; iY2 = t; }

	for ( int iX = iX1 ; iX <= iX2 ; iX++ )
		for ( int iY = iY1 ; iY <= iY2 ; iY++ )
			SafeSetPixel( iX, iY, uiColour, pTarget );

// Draw an oval on the specified surface
void BaseEngine::DrawOval(int iX1, int iY1, int iX2, int iY2, 
									unsigned int uiColour, SDL_Surface* pTarget)
	if ( pTarget == NULL )
		pTarget = m_pActualScreen;

	if ( iX2 < iX1 ) { int t = iX1; iX1 = iX2; iX2 = t; }
	if ( iY2 < iY1 ) { int t = iY1; iY1 = iY2; iY2 = t; }

	double fCentreX = ((double)(iX2+iX1))/2.0;
	double fCentreY = ((double)(iY2+iY1))/2.0;
	double fXFactor = (double)((iX2-iX1) * (iX2-iX1))/4.0;
	double fYFactor = (double)((iY2-iY1) * (iY2-iY1))/4.0;
	double fDist;
	for ( int iX = iX1 ; iX <= iX2 ; iX++ )
		for ( int iY = iY1 ; iY <= iY2 ; iY++ )
			fDist = ((double)iX - fCentreX) * ((double)iX - fCentreX)/fXFactor
				+ ((double)iY - fCentreY) * ((double)iY - fCentreY)/fYFactor;
			if ( fDist <= 1.0 )
				SafeSetPixel( iX, iY, uiColour, pTarget );

// Draw an oval on the specified surface
void BaseEngine::DrawHollowOval(	int iX1, int iY1, int iX2, int iY2, 
									int iX3, int iY3, int iX4, int iY4, 
									unsigned int uiColour, SDL_Surface* pTarget)
	if ( pTarget == NULL )
		pTarget = m_pActualScreen;

	if ( iX2 < iX1 ) Swap( iX1, iX2 );
	if ( iY2 < iY1 ) Swap( iY1, iY2 );
	if ( iX4 < iX3 ) Swap( iX3, iX4 );
	if ( iY4 < iY3 ) Swap( iY3, iY4 );

	double fCentreX1 = ((double)(iX2+iX1))/2.0;
	double fCentreY1 = ((double)(iY2+iY1))/2.0;
	double fXFactor1 = (double)((iX2-iX1) * (iX2-iX1))/4.0;
	double fYFactor1 = (double)((iY2-iY1) * (iY2-iY1))/4.0;
	double fCentreX2 = ((double)(iX4+iX3))/2.0;
	double fCentreY2 = ((double)(iY4+iY3))/2.0;
	double fXFactor2 = (double)((iX4-iX3) * (iX4-iX3))/4.0;
	double fYFactor2 = (double)((iY4-iY3) * (iY4-iY3))/4.0;
	double fDist1, fDist2;
	for ( int iX = iX1 ; iX <= iX2 ; iX++ )
		for ( int iY = iY1 ; iY <= iY2 ; iY++ )
			fDist1 = ((double)iX - fCentreX1) * ((double)iX - fCentreX1)/fXFactor1
				+ ((double)iY - fCentreY1) * ((double)iY - fCentreY1)/fYFactor1;
			fDist2 = ((double)iX - fCentreX2) * ((double)iX - fCentreX2)/fXFactor2
				+ ((double)iY - fCentreY2) * ((double)iY - fCentreY2)/fYFactor2;
			if ( ( fDist1 <= 1.0 ) && ( fDist2 >= 1.0 ) )
				SafeSetPixel( iX, iY, uiColour, pTarget );

// Draw a line on the specified surface
void BaseEngine::DrawLine(double fX1, double fY1, double fX2, double fY2, 
						unsigned int uiColour, SDL_Surface* pTarget)
	if ( pTarget == NULL )
		pTarget = m_pActualScreen;

	int iX1 = (int)(fX1+0.5);
	int iX2 = (int)(fX2+0.5);
	int iY1 = (int)(fY1+0.5);
	int iY2 = (int)(fY2+0.5);

	int iSteps = (iX2-iX1);
	if ( iSteps < 0 ) iSteps = -iSteps;
	if ( iY2 > iY1 ) iSteps += (iY2-iY1); else iSteps += (iY1-iY2);

	double fXStep = ((double)(fX2-fX1))/iSteps;
	double fYStep = ((double)(fY2-fY1))/iSteps;

	for ( int i = 0 ; i <= iSteps ; i++ )
		SafeSetPixel( (int)(0.5 + fX1 + fXStep*i), (int)(0.5 + fY1 + fYStep*i), uiColour, pTarget );

// Draw a thick line on the specified surface
void BaseEngine::DrawThickLine( double fX1, double fY1, double fX2, double fY2, 
							 unsigned int uiColour, int iThickness, SDL_Surface* pTarget)
	if ( pTarget == NULL )
		pTarget = m_pActualScreen;

	if ( iThickness < 2 )
	{ // Go to the quicker draw function
		DrawLine(fX1, fY1, fX2, fY2, uiColour, pTarget);

	double fAngle1 = GetAngle( fX1, fY1, fX2, fY2 );
	double fAngle1a = fAngle1 - ((5 * M_PI) / 4.0);
	double fAngle1b = fAngle1 + ((5 * M_PI) / 4.0);
	double fRectX1 = fX1 + iThickness * cos(fAngle1a) * 0.5;
	double fRectY1 = fY1 + iThickness * sin(fAngle1a) * 0.5;
	double fRectX2 = fX1 + iThickness * cos(fAngle1b) * 0.5;
	double fRectY2 = fY1 + iThickness * sin(fAngle1b) * 0.5;

	double fAngle2 = fAngle1 + M_PI;
	double fAngle2a = fAngle2 - ((5 * M_PI) / 4.0);
	double fAngle2b = fAngle2 + ((5 * M_PI) / 4.0);
	double fRectX3 = fX2 + iThickness * cos(fAngle2a) * 0.5;
	double fRectY3 = fY2 + iThickness * sin(fAngle2a) * 0.5;
	double fRectX4 = fX2 + iThickness * cos(fAngle2b) * 0.5;
	double fRectY4 = fY2 + iThickness * sin(fAngle2b) * 0.5;

	DrawTriangle( fRectX1, fRectY1, fRectX2, fRectY2, fRectX3, fRectY3, uiColour, pTarget );
	DrawTriangle( fRectX3, fRectY3, fRectX4, fRectY4, fRectX1, fRectY1, uiColour, pTarget );

// Draw a polygon on the specified surface
void BaseEngine::DrawPolygon( 
		int iPoints, double* pXArray, double* pYArray,
		unsigned int uiColour, SDL_Surface* pTarget)
	if ( pTarget == NULL )
		pTarget = m_pActualScreen;

	if ( iPoints == 1 )
		SafeSetPixel( pXArray[0], pYArray[0], uiColour, pTarget );

	if ( iPoints == 2 )
		DrawLine( pXArray[0], pYArray[0], pXArray[1], pYArray[1], uiColour, pTarget );

/*	if ( iPoints == 3 )
		printf( "Draw triangle for points 0, 1, 2 of %d available\n", iPoints );
		DrawTriangle( pXArray[0], pYArray[0], pXArray[1], pYArray[1], pXArray[2], pYArray[2],
				uiColour, pTarget );

	// Otherwise attempt to eliminate a point by filling the polygon, then call this again
	double fXCentre, fYCentre; //fX1, fX2, fX3, fY1, fY2, fY3;
	int i2, i3;
	double fAngle1, fAngle2, fAngle3;

	for ( int i1 = 0 ; i1 < iPoints ; i1++ )
		i2 = i1 + 1; if ( i2 >= iPoints ) i2 -= iPoints;
		i3 = i1 + 2; if ( i3 >= iPoints ) i3 -= iPoints;
		fXCentre = (pXArray[i1] + pXArray[i2] + pXArray[i3]) / 3.0;
		fYCentre = (pYArray[i1] + pYArray[i2] + pYArray[i3]) / 3.0;
		fAngle1 = GetAngle( fXCentre, fYCentre, pXArray[i1], pYArray[i1] );
		fAngle2 = GetAngle( fXCentre, fYCentre, pXArray[i2], pYArray[i2] );
		fAngle3 = GetAngle( fXCentre, fYCentre, pXArray[i3], pYArray[i3] );
		// Now work out the relative angle positions and make sure all are positive
		fAngle2 -= fAngle1; if ( fAngle2 < 0 ) fAngle2 += 2*M_PI;
		fAngle3 -= fAngle1; if ( fAngle3 < 0 ) fAngle3 += 2*M_PI;
		if ( fAngle2 < fAngle3 )
		{ // Then points are in clockwise order so central one can be eliminated as long as we don't
			// fill an area that we shouldn't
			bool bPointIsWithinTriangle = false;
			if ( iPoints > 3 )
			{ // Need to check that there isn't a point within the area - for convex shapes
				double fLineAngle12 = GetAngle( pXArray[i1], pYArray[i1], pXArray[i2], pYArray[i2] );
				if ( fLineAngle12 < 0 )
					fLineAngle12 += M_PI * 2.0;
				double fLineAngle23 = GetAngle( pXArray[i2], pYArray[i2], pXArray[i3], pYArray[i3] );
				if ( fLineAngle23 < 0 )
					fLineAngle23 += M_PI * 2.0;
				double fLineAngle31 = GetAngle( pXArray[i3], pYArray[i3], pXArray[i1], pYArray[i1] );
				if ( fLineAngle31 < 0 )
					fLineAngle31 += M_PI * 2.0;

				for ( int i = i3+1 ; i != i1 ; i++ )
					if ( i >= iPoints )
						i = 0;
						if ( i1 == 0 )
							break; // From the for loop - finished

					// Otherwise we need to work out whether point i is to right of line  i3 to i1
					double fPointAngle1 = GetAngle( pXArray[i1], pYArray[i1], pXArray[i], pYArray[i] );
					if ( fPointAngle1 < 0 )
						fPointAngle1 += M_PI * 2.0;
					fPointAngle1 -= fLineAngle12;
					if ( fPointAngle1 < 0 )
						fPointAngle1 += M_PI * 2.0;

					double fPointAngle2 = GetAngle( pXArray[i2], pYArray[i2], pXArray[i], pYArray[i] );
					if ( fPointAngle2 < 0 )
						fPointAngle2 += M_PI * 2.0;
					fPointAngle2 -= fLineAngle23;
					if ( fPointAngle2 < 0 )
						fPointAngle2 += M_PI * 2.0;

					double fPointAngle3 = GetAngle( pXArray[i3], pYArray[i3], pXArray[i], pYArray[i] );
					if ( fPointAngle3 < 0 )
						fPointAngle3 += M_PI * 2.0;
					fPointAngle3 -= fLineAngle31;
					if ( fPointAngle3 < 0 )
						fPointAngle3 += M_PI * 2.0;

					if ( ( fPointAngle1 < M_PI ) && ( fPointAngle2 < M_PI ) && ( fPointAngle3 < M_PI ) )
						bPointIsWithinTriangle = true;

			if ( !bPointIsWithinTriangle )
			{// If not then try the next position
				printf( "Draw for points %d, %d, %d of %d available\n", i1, i2, i3, iPoints );
				DrawTriangle( pXArray[i1], pYArray[i1], pXArray[i2], pYArray[i2], 
							pXArray[i3], pYArray[i3], /*GetColour(iPoints)*/uiColour, pTarget );
				// Remove the point i2 and then recurse			
				for ( int i = i2 ; i < (iPoints-1) ; i++ )
					printf( "\tCopy point %d to %d\n", i+1, i );
					pXArray[i] = pXArray[i+1];
					pYArray[i] = pYArray[i+1];
				if ( iPoints > 3 )
					DrawPolygon( iPoints - 1, pXArray, pYArray, uiColour, pTarget );
				return; // Done

/* Added in 2014 since it was used in the GroundMovement playback program so may be useful elsewhere too, but students can ignore this */
void BaseEngine::DrawShortenedArrow( int iX1,int iY1,int iX2,int iY2,
	int iShortenedStart,int iShortenedEnd,
	unsigned int uiColour,int iThickness,
	int iHeadSize,SDL_Surface* pTarget )
	if ( pTarget == NULL )
		pTarget = m_pActualScreen;

	//iShortenedStart += 10; // Test
	//iShortenedEnd += 10; // Test

	double dAngle1 = GetAngle( iX1,iY1,iX2,iY2 );
	double dAngle2 = dAngle1 + M_PI;

	double dX1 = iX1 + iShortenedStart * cos( dAngle1 );
	double dY1 = iY1 + iShortenedStart * sin( dAngle1 );
	double dX2 = iX2 + iShortenedEnd * cos( dAngle2 );
	double dY2 = iY2 + iShortenedEnd * sin( dAngle2 );

	// First draw the line
	if ( iThickness < 2 )
	{ // Go to the quicker draw function
		DrawLine( dX1,dY1,dX2,dY2,uiColour,pTarget );
		double dX1l = iX1 + iShortenedStart * cos( dAngle1 );
		double dY1l = iY1 + iShortenedStart * sin( dAngle1 );
		double dX2l = iX2 + (iShortenedEnd + iThickness*1.5) * cos( dAngle2 );
		double dY2l = iY2 + (iShortenedEnd + iThickness*1.5) * sin( dAngle2 );

		DrawThickLine( dX1l,dY1l,dX2l,dY2l,uiColour,iThickness,pTarget );

	// Now draw the arrow head.
	// Need three points - one is end of line and others are at 60 degrees from it.

		dX2 + iHeadSize * cos( dAngle2 + M_PI / 6.0 ),dY2 + iHeadSize * sin( dAngle2 + M_PI / 6.0 ),
		dX2 + iHeadSize * cos( dAngle2 - M_PI / 6.0 ),dY2 + iHeadSize * sin( dAngle2 - M_PI / 6.0 ),
		uiColour,pTarget );

/* Added in 2014 since it was used in the GroundMovement playback program so may be useful elsewhere too, but students can ignore this */
void BaseEngine::DrawShortenedLine( int iX1,int iY1,int iX2,int iY2,
	int iShortenedStart,int iShortenedEnd,
	unsigned int uiColour,int iThickness,SDL_Surface* pTarget )
	if ( pTarget == NULL )
		pTarget = m_pActualScreen;

	double dAngle1 = GetAngle( iX1,iY1,iX2,iY2 );
	double dAngle2 = dAngle1 + M_PI;

	// First draw the line
	if ( iThickness < 2 )
	{ // Go to the quicker draw function
		double dX1 = iX1 + iShortenedStart * cos( dAngle1 );
		double dY1 = iY1 + iShortenedStart * sin( dAngle1 );
		double dX2 = iX2 + iShortenedEnd * cos( dAngle2 );
		double dY2 = iY2 + iShortenedEnd * sin( dAngle2 );

		DrawLine( dX1,dY1,dX2,dY2,uiColour,pTarget );
		double dX1l = iX1 + iShortenedStart * cos( dAngle1 );
		double dY1l = iY1 + iShortenedStart * sin( dAngle1 );
		double dX2l = iX2 + iShortenedEnd * cos( dAngle2 );
		double dY2l = iY2 + iShortenedEnd * sin( dAngle2 );

		if ( iX1 == iX2 )
			printf( "Draw shortened line %d,%d to %d,%d shortened by %d,%d is %f,%f %f,%f\n",
			dX1l,dY1l,dX2l,dY2l );

		DrawThickLine( dX1l,dY1l,dX2l,dY2l,uiColour,iThickness,pTarget );

void BaseEngine::NotifyAllObjects( int iSignalNumber )

	if (displayableObjects != NULL)
		for (int i = 0; (*displayableObjects)[i] != NULL; i++)

/* Send a specified notification value to all displayable objects and count the number which give a non-zero response. */
int BaseEngine::NotifyAllObjectsGetCountNonZero( int iSignalNumber )
	int iReturn = 0;

	if (displayableObjects != NULL)
		for (int i = 0; (*displayableObjects)[i] != NULL; i++)
			if ((*displayableObjects)[i]->Notify(iSignalNumber) != 0)

	return iReturn;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	SDL_Surface *screen, *buffer;
	SDL_PixelFormat *fmt;
	Uint32 videoflags;
	SDL_TimerID refreshTimerID;
	int width, height, bpp, refresh;
	int done;
	Uint8 *buffp;
	Uint32 startTimer, runTimer;
	int i, j;
	SDL_Event event;

	/* Initialize SDL */
	  fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize SDL: %s\n",SDL_GetError());

	redrawEvent.type = SDL_USEREVENT;
	redrawEvent.user.code = 1;
	redrawEvent.user.data1 = NULL;
	redrawEvent.user.data2 = NULL;

	sqsize = SQSIZE;
        gapsize = GAPSIZE;
	width = 640;
	height = 480;
	bpp = 32;
	back = 0;
	fore = 255;
	refresh = REFRESHRATE;
	frequency = FREQUENCY;


	while ( argc > 1 ) {
	  if ( argv[argc-1] && (strcmp(argv[argc-1], "-w") == 0) ) {
	    width = atoi(argv[argc]);
	  } else if ( argv[argc-1] && (strcmp(argv[argc-1], "-h") == 0) ) {
	    height = atoi(argv[argc]);
	  } else if ( argv[argc-1] && (strcmp(argv[argc-1], "-gapsize") == 0) ) {
	    gapsize = atoi(argv[argc]);
	  } else if ( argv[argc-1] && (strcmp(argv[argc-1], "-sqsize") == 0) ) {
	    sqsize = atoi(argv[argc]);
	  } else if ( argv[argc-1] && (strcmp(argv[argc-1], "-freq") == 0) ) {
	    frequency = atof(argv[argc]);
	  } else if ( argv[argc-1] && (strcmp(argv[argc-1], "-bpp") == 0) ) {
	    bpp = atoi(argv[argc]);
	  } else if ( argv[argc] && (strcmp(argv[argc], "-sw") == 0) ) {
	    videoflags |= SDL_SWSURFACE;
	  } else if ( argv[argc] && (strcmp(argv[argc], "-i") == 0) ) {
	    back = 255;
	    fore = 0;
	  } else if ( argv[argc] && (strcmp(argv[argc], "-hw") == 0) ) {
	    videoflags |= SDL_HWSURFACE;
	  } else if ( argv[argc] && (strcmp(argv[argc], "-hwpalette") == 0) ) {
	    videoflags |= SDL_HWPALETTE;
	  } else if ( argv[argc] && (strcmp(argv[argc], "-window") == 0) ) {
	    videoflags ^= SDL_FULLSCREEN;
	  } else 
	      fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-window] [-bpp #] [-w #] [-h #] [-gapsize #] [-sqsize #] [-i] [-freq #] [-sw] [-hw] [-hwpalette]\n", argv[0]);

	/* Set video mode */
	screen = CreateScreen(width, height, bpp, videoflags);
	if ( screen == NULL ) {

	/* prepare stimulus */
	fmt = screen->format;
	bpp = screen->format->BytesPerPixel;
	buffer = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_HWSURFACE|SDL_HWACCEL, width, height, bpp, 0,0,0,0);
	buffer = SDL_DisplayFormat(buffer);
	buffp = (Uint8 *)buffer->pixels;
	SDL_FillRect(buffer, NULL,  SDL_MapRGB(fmt, back, back, back));
	for ( i=0; i<screen->h/(gapsize+sqsize); i++ ) {
	  for ( j=0; j<screen->w/(gapsize+sqsize); j++ ) {
	    grid.x = j*(gapsize+sqsize) + gapsize/2;
	    grid.y = i*(gapsize+sqsize) + gapsize/2;
	    grid.w = sqsize;
	    grid.h = sqsize;
	    SDL_FillRect(buffer, &grid,  SDL_MapRGB(fmt, fore, fore, fore));


	refreshTimerID = SDL_AddTimer((int)(1000/frequency), refreshTimer, (void *)screen);
	runTimer = SDL_GetTicks();

	done = 0;
	while ( !done && SDL_WaitEvent(&event) ) {
	  switch (event.type) {
	  case SDL_KEYDOWN:
	    /* Ignore ALT-TAB */
	    if ( (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_LALT) || (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_TAB) ) {
	    /* Any key quits */
	  case SDL_QUIT:
	    done = 1;
	    runTimer = SDL_GetTicks();
	    if((int)(runTimer/(1000/frequency))%2 == 0) 
	      SDL_BlitSurface(buffer, NULL, screen, NULL);
	    else {
	      /*	      SDL_LockSurface(screen);*/
	      SDL_FillRect(screen, NULL, SDL_MapRGB(fmt, back,back,back));
// Unlock func 2
static void unlockfct2(void *data, void *id, void * const *p_pixels) {
void Engine::Run()


            case SDL_ACTIVEEVENT:
                if (event_.active.gain == 0)
                    active_ ^= true;
            case SDL_VIDEORESIZE:
                screen_ = SDL_SetVideoMode(
                              bits_, videoFlags_

                Resize (event_.resize.w, event_.resize.h);
                width_  = event_.resize.w;
                height_ = event_.resize.h;
            case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
            case SDL_MOUSEMOTION:
            case SDL_KEYDOWN:
                if(event_.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_F1)
                    fullscreen_ ^= true;
                else if(event_.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_F2)
                    showFPS_ ^= true;
                else if(event_.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_F3)
                else if(event_.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE)
                    endProcess_ = true;
            case SDL_KEYUP:
            case SDL_QUIT:
                endProcess_ = true;

