int main(int argc, char **argv) { double communication_amount1[] = { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; double communication_amount2[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 }; double no_cost1[] = { 0.0 }; double no_cost[] = { 0.0, 0.0 }; SD_init(&argc, argv); SD_create_environment(argv[1]); SD_task_t root = SD_task_create("Root", NULL, 1.0); SD_task_t task1 = SD_task_create("Comm 1", NULL, 1.0); SD_task_t task2 = SD_task_create("Comm 2", NULL, 1.0); SD_task_schedule(root, 1, sg_host_list(), no_cost1, no_cost1, -1.0); SD_task_schedule(task1, 2, sg_host_list(), no_cost, communication_amount1, -1.0); SD_task_schedule(task2, 2, sg_host_list(), no_cost, communication_amount2, -1.0); SD_task_dependency_add(NULL, NULL, root, task1); SD_task_dependency_add(NULL, NULL, root, task2); SD_simulate(-1.0); printf("%g\n", SD_get_clock()); fflush(stdout); SD_task_destroy(root); SD_task_destroy(task1); SD_task_destroy(task2); SD_exit(); return 0; }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void test_init_TF() { /* TF卡 */ TCHAR *path = "0:"; LCD_P8x16Str(0,0, (BYTE*)"TF.."); if (!SD_init()) { /* 挂载TF卡文件系统 */ if (FR_OK == f_mount(&fatfs1, path, 1)) { /* 文件读写测试 */ if (!test_file_system()) { g_devices_init_status.TFCard_is_OK = 1; } } } if (g_devices_init_status.TFCard_is_OK) { LCD_P8x16Str(0,0, (BYTE*)"TF..OK"); } else { LCD_P8x16Str(0,0, (BYTE*)"TF..NOK"); suicide(); } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i, j; xbt_os_timer_t timer = xbt_os_timer_new(); SD_init(&argc, argv); SD_create_environment(argv[1]); sg_host_t *hosts = sg_host_list(); int host_count = sg_host_count(); /* Random number initialization */ srand( (int) (xbt_os_time()*1000) ); do { i = rand()%host_count; j = rand()%host_count; } while(i==j); sg_host_t h1 = hosts[i]; sg_host_t h2 = hosts[j]; printf("%d\tand\t%d\t\t",i,j); xbt_os_cputimer_start(timer); SD_route_get_list(h1, h2); xbt_os_cputimer_stop(timer); printf("%f\n", xbt_os_timer_elapsed(timer) ); xbt_free(hosts); SD_exit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { unsigned int ctr; const SD_workstation_t *workstations; int total_nworkstations; xbt_dict_t current_storage_list; char *mount_name; char *storage_name; xbt_dict_cursor_t cursor = NULL; SD_init(&argc, argv); /* Set the workstation model to default, as storage is not supported by the * ptask_L07 model yet. */ SD_config("host/model", "default"); SD_create_environment(argv[1]); workstations = SD_workstation_get_list(); total_nworkstations = SD_workstation_get_number(); for (ctr=0; ctr<total_nworkstations;ctr++){ current_storage_list = SD_workstation_get_mounted_storage_list(workstations[ctr]); xbt_dict_foreach(current_storage_list,cursor,mount_name,storage_name) XBT_INFO("Workstation '%s' mounts '%s'", SD_workstation_get_name(workstations[ctr]), mount_name); xbt_dict_free(¤t_storage_list); } SD_exit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { double communication_amount[] = { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; double no_cost[] = { 0.0, 0.0 }; SD_task_t task[TASK_NUM]; SD_init(&argc, argv); SD_create_environment(argv[1]); SD_task_t root = SD_task_create("Root", NULL, 1.0); sg_host_t *hosts = sg_host_list(); SD_task_schedule(root, 1, hosts, no_cost, no_cost, -1.0); for (int i = 0; i < TASK_NUM; i++) { task[i] = SD_task_create("Comm", NULL, 1.0); SD_task_schedule(task[i], 2, hosts, no_cost, communication_amount, -1.0); SD_task_dependency_add(NULL, NULL, root, task[i]); } xbt_free(hosts); SD_simulate(-1.0); printf("%g\n", SD_get_clock()); fflush(stdout); for (int i = 0; i < TASK_NUM; i++) { SD_task_destroy(task[i]); } SD_task_destroy(root); SD_exit(); return 0; }
static xbt_dynar_t initDynamicThrottling(int *argc, char *argv[]) { /* Initialize SD */ SD_init(argc, argv); /* Check parameters */ checkParameters(*argc,argv); /* Create environment */ SD_create_environment(argv[1]); /* Load DAX file */ xbt_dynar_t dax = SD_daxload(argv[2]); // createDottyFile(dax, argv[2]); // Schedule DAX fprintf(stdout, "Scheduling DAX...\n"); scheduleDAX(dax); fprintf(stdout, "DAX scheduled\n"); xbt_dynar_t ret = SD_simulate(-1); xbt_dynar_free(&ret); fprintf(stdout, "Simulation end. Time: %f\n", SD_get_clock()); return dax; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; const char *user_data = "some user_data"; const SD_link_t *links; /* initialization of SD */ SD_init(&argc, argv); /* creation of the environment */ SD_create_environment(argv[1]); links = SD_link_get_list(); int count = SD_link_get_number(); XBT_INFO("Link count: %d", count); qsort((void *)links, count, sizeof(SD_link_t), cmp_link); for(i=0; i<SD_link_get_number();i++){ XBT_INFO("%s: latency = %.5f, bandwidth = %f", SD_link_get_name(links[i]), SD_link_get_current_latency(links[i]), SD_link_get_current_bandwidth(links[i])); SD_link_set_data(links[i], (void*) user_data); if(strcmp(user_data, (const char*)SD_link_get_data(links[i]))){ XBT_ERROR("User data was corrupted."); } } SD_exit(); return 0; }
int main() { char ret; USART_init(51); USART_printstr("\r\n"); USART_println("Initializing"); USART_printstr(" SPI..."); SPI_init(); USART_println("done"); USART_printstr(" SD..."); if ((ret = SD_init())) { USART_printstr("error: "); USART_printhex(ret); USART_printstr("\r\n"); return -1; } USART_println("done"); USART_printstr(" FAT16..."); if ((ret = FAT16_init())) { USART_printstr("error: "); USART_printhex(ret); USART_printstr("\r\n"); return -1; } USART_println("done"); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { double comm_cost[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; double comp_cost[] = { 1.0 }; SD_task_t taskA, taskB; xbt_dynar_t ret; SD_init(&argc, argv); SD_create_environment(argv[1]); taskA = SD_task_create("Task A", NULL, 1.0); taskB = SD_task_create("Task B", NULL, 1.0); SD_task_schedule(taskA, 1, SD_workstation_get_list(), comp_cost, comm_cost, -1.0); SD_task_schedule(taskB, 1, SD_workstation_get_list(), comp_cost, comm_cost, -1.0); ret = SD_simulate(-1.0); xbt_dynar_free(&ret); SD_task_destroy(taskA); SD_task_destroy(taskB); XBT_INFO("Simulation time: %f", SD_get_clock()); SD_exit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { xbt_dynar_t dot; unsigned int cursor; SD_task_t task; /* initialization of SD */ SD_init(&argc, argv); /* Check our arguments */ xbt_assert(argc > 2, "Usage: %s platform_file dot_file [trace_file]" "example: %s ../2clusters.xml dag.mytrace", argv[0], argv[0]); /* creation of the environment */ SD_create_environment(argv[1]); /* load the DOT file */ dot = SD_dotload(argv[2]); if(dot == NULL){ XBT_CRITICAL("No dot loaded. Do you have a cycle in your graph?"); SD_exit(); exit(2); } char *tracefilename; char *last = strrchr(argv[2], '.'); tracefilename = bprintf("%.*s.trace", (int) (last == NULL ? strlen(argv[2]) : last - argv[2]),argv[2]); if (argc == 4) tracefilename = xbt_strdup(argv[3]); /* Display all the tasks */ XBT_INFO("------------------- Display all tasks of the loaded DAG ---------------------------"); xbt_dynar_foreach(dot, cursor, task) { SD_task_dump(task); }
//Init Msg_Init From Ruby static void sd_init(VALUE Class, VALUE args) { char **argv = NULL; const char *tmp; int argc, type, i; VALUE *ptr; type = TYPE(args); if (type != T_ARRAY) { rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "Bad Argument to SD_init"); return; } ptr = RARRAY_PTR(args); argc = RARRAY_LEN(args); argc++; argv = xbt_new0(char *, argc); argv[0] = strdup("ruby"); for (i = 0; i < argc - 1; i++) { VALUE value = ptr[i]; type = TYPE(value); tmp = RSTRING_PTR(value); argv[i + 1] = strdup(tmp); } SD_init(&argc, argv); free(argv); // XBT_INFO("SD Init...Done"); printf("SD Init...Done\n"); return; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { double time; double comm_amount[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; double comp_cost[] = { 1.0, 1.0 }; SD_task_t task; xbt_dynar_t ret; SD_init(&argc, argv); SD_create_environment(argv[1]); task = SD_task_create("partask", NULL, 1.0); SD_task_schedule(task, 2, SD_workstation_get_list(), comp_cost, comm_amount, -1.0); ret = SD_simulate(-1.0); xbt_dynar_free(&ret); time = SD_get_clock(); printf("%g\n", time); fflush(stdout); SD_task_destroy(task); SD_exit(); return 0; }
static void zero_cost_test2(int *argc, char *argv[]) { double time; SD_task_t task; xbt_dynar_t ret; SD_init(argc, argv); SD_create_environment(argv[1]); task = create_root_with_costs(); ret = SD_simulate(-1.0); xbt_dynar_free(&ret); SD_task_destroy(task); SD_application_reinit(); task = create_empty_cost_root(); ret = SD_simulate(-1.0); xbt_dynar_free(&ret); SD_task_destroy(task); ret = SD_simulate(-1.0); xbt_dynar_free(&ret); time = SD_get_clock(); printf("%g\n", time); fflush(stdout); SD_exit(); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { double comm_cost[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; double comp_cost[] = { 1.0 }; SD_task_t taskA, taskB; xbt_dynar_t ret; SD_init(&argc, argv); SD_create_environment(argv[1]); taskA = SD_task_create("Task A", NULL, 1.0); taskB = SD_task_create("Task B", NULL, 1.0); SD_task_schedule(taskA, 1, SD_workstation_get_list(), comp_cost, comm_cost, -1.0); SD_task_schedule(taskB, 1, SD_workstation_get_list(), comp_cost, comm_cost, -1.0); ret = SD_simulate(-1.0); xbt_assert(xbt_dynar_length(ret) == 2, "I was expecting the terminaison of 2 tasks, but I got %lu instead", xbt_dynar_length(ret)); xbt_dynar_free(&ret); SD_task_destroy(taskA); SD_task_destroy(taskB); XBT_INFO("Simulation time: %f", SD_get_clock()); SD_exit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { xbt_dict_cursor_t cursor = NULL; char *key, *data; char noexist[] = "NoProp"; const char *value; char exist[] = "Hdd"; /* SD initialization */ SD_init(&argc, argv); xbt_assert(argc > 1, "Usage: %s platform_file\n\tExample: %s ../../platforms/prop.xml", argv[0], argv[0]); SD_create_environment(argv[1]); /* init of platform elements */ sg_host_t h1 = sg_host_by_name("host1"); sg_host_t h2 = sg_host_by_name("host2"); const char *name1 = sg_host_get_name(h1); const char *name2 = sg_host_get_name(h2); /* Get the property list of 'host1' */ XBT_INFO("Property list for host %s", name1); xbt_dict_t props = sg_host_get_properties(h1); /* Trying to set a new property */ xbt_dict_set(props, "NewProp", strdup("newValue"), NULL); /* Print the properties of 'host1' */ xbt_dict_foreach(props, cursor, key, data) { XBT_INFO("\tProperty: %s has value: %s", key, data); }
/* simple test trying to load a Parallel Task Graph (PTG) as a DOT file. */ int main(int argc, char **argv){ xbt_dynar_t dot; unsigned int cursor; SD_task_t task; /* initialization of SD */ SD_init(&argc, argv); /* Check our arguments */ if (argc < 2) { XBT_INFO("Usage: %s platform_file dot_file ", argv[0]); XBT_INFO("example: %s ../2clusters.xml", argv[0]); exit(1); } /* creation of the environment */ SD_create_environment(argv[1]); /* load the DOT file */ dot = SD_PTG_dotload(argv[2]); if(dot == NULL){ SD_exit(); xbt_die("No dot load may be you have a cycle in your graph"); } /* Display all the tasks */ XBT_INFO ("------------------- Display all tasks of the loaded DAG ---------------------------"); xbt_dynar_foreach(dot, cursor, task) { SD_task_dump(task); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { xbt_dynar_t dax; unsigned int cursor; SD_task_t task; /* SD initialization */ SD_init(&argc, argv); /* Check our arguments */ xbt_assert(argc > 2, "Usage: %s platform_file dax_file [jedule_file]\n" "\tExample: %s simulacrum_7_hosts.xml Montage_25.xml Montage_25.jed", argv[0], argv[0]); char *last = strrchr(argv[2], '.'); char * tracefilename = bprintf("%.*s.trace",(int) (last == NULL ? strlen(argv[2]):last - argv[2]), argv[2]); if (argc == 4) tracefilename = xbt_strdup(argv[3]); /* creation of the environment */ SD_create_environment(argv[1]); /* load the DAX file */ dax = SD_daxload(argv[2]); if (!dax){ XBT_ERROR("A problem occurred during DAX parsing (cycle or syntax). Do not continue this test"); free(tracefilename); SD_exit(); exit(255); } /* Display all the tasks */ XBT_INFO("------------------- Display all tasks of the loaded DAG ---------------------------"); xbt_dynar_foreach(dax, cursor, task) { SD_task_dump(task); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *platformFile = NULL; unsigned int totalHosts, totalLinks; int timings=0; int version = 4; const char *link_ctn = "link_ctn"; unsigned int i; xbt_dict_t props = NULL; xbt_dict_cursor_t cursor = NULL; xbt_lib_cursor_t cursor_src = NULL; xbt_lib_cursor_t cursor_dst = NULL; char *src,*dst,*key,*data; sg_netcard_t value1; sg_netcard_t value2; const sg_host_t *hosts; const SD_link_t *links; xbt_os_timer_t parse_time = xbt_os_timer_new(); SD_init(&argc, argv); if (parse_cmdline(&timings, &platformFile, argc, argv) || !platformFile) { xbt_die("Invalid command line arguments: expected [--timings] platformFile"); } XBT_DEBUG("%d,%s", timings, platformFile); create_environment(parse_time, platformFile); if (timings) { XBT_INFO("Parsing time: %fs (%zu hosts, %d links)", xbt_os_timer_elapsed(parse_time), sg_host_count(), sg_link_count()); } else { printf("<?xml version='1.0'?>\n"); printf("<!DOCTYPE platform SYSTEM \"\">\n"); printf("<platform version=\"%d\">\n", version); printf("<AS id=\"AS0\" routing=\"Full\">\n"); // Hosts totalHosts = sg_host_count(); hosts = sg_host_list(); qsort((void *) hosts, totalHosts, sizeof(sg_host_t), name_compare_hosts); for (i = 0; i < totalHosts; i++) { printf(" <host id=\"%s\" speed=\"%.0f\"", sg_host_get_name(hosts[i]), sg_host_speed(hosts[i])); props = sg_host_get_properties(hosts[i]); if (sg_host_core_count(hosts[i])>1) { printf(" core=\"%d\"", sg_host_core_count(hosts[i])); } if (props && !xbt_dict_is_empty(props)) { printf(">\n"); xbt_dict_foreach(props, cursor, key, data) { printf(" <prop id=\"%s\" value=\"%s\"/>\n", key, data); } printf(" </host>\n"); } else {
int main(int argc, char **argv) { const char *platform_file; const SD_workstation_t *workstations; int ws_nr; SD_workstation_t w1 = NULL; SD_workstation_t w2 = NULL; const char *name1, *name2; int i, j, k; /* initialisation of SD */ SD_init(&argc, argv); /* xbt_log_control_set("sd.thres=debug"); */ if (argc < 2) { XBT_INFO("Usage: %s platform_file", argv[0]); XBT_INFO("example: %s sd_platform.xml", argv[0]); exit(1); } /* creation of the environment */ platform_file = argv[1]; SD_create_environment(platform_file); /* test the estimation functions */ workstations = SD_workstation_get_list(); ws_nr = SD_workstation_get_number(); /* Show routes between all workstation */ for (i = 0; i < ws_nr; i++) { for (j = 0; j < ws_nr; j++) { const SD_link_t *route; int route_size; w1 = workstations[i]; w2 = workstations[j]; name1 = SD_workstation_get_name(w1); name2 = SD_workstation_get_name(w2); XBT_INFO("Route between %s and %s:", name1, name2); route = SD_route_get_list(w1, w2); route_size = SD_route_get_size(w1, w2); for (k = 0; k < route_size; k++) { XBT_INFO("\tLink %s: latency = %f, bandwidth = %f", SD_link_get_name(route[k]), SD_link_get_current_latency(route[k]), SD_link_get_current_bandwidth(route[k])); } } } SD_exit(); return 0; }
/* SimDag Incomplete Test * Scenario: * - Create a bunch of tasks * - schedule only a subset of them (init, A and D) * - run the simulation * - Verify that we detect which tasks are not scheduled and show their state. * The scheduled task A sends 1GB. Simulation time should be * 1e9/1.25e8 + 1e-4 = 8.0001 seconds * Task D is scheduled but depends on unscheduled task C. */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { SD_task_t taskInit; SD_task_t taskA, taskB, taskC, taskD; xbt_dynar_t ret; const SD_workstation_t *workstation; double communication_amount1 = 1e9; double no_cost = 0.0; /* initialization of SD */ SD_init(&argc, argv); /* creation of the environment */ SD_create_environment(argv[1]); /* creation of the tasks and their dependencies */ taskInit = SD_task_create("Init", NULL, 1.0); taskA = SD_task_create("Task A", NULL, 1.0); taskB = SD_task_create("Task B", NULL, 1.0); taskC = SD_task_create("Task C", NULL, 1.0); taskD = SD_task_create("Task D", NULL, 1.0); /* scheduling parameters */ workstation = SD_workstation_get_list(); SD_task_dependency_add(NULL, NULL, taskInit, taskA); SD_task_dependency_add(NULL, NULL, taskInit, taskB); SD_task_dependency_add(NULL, NULL, taskC, taskD); /* let's launch the simulation! */ SD_task_schedule(taskInit, 1, SD_workstation_get_list(), &no_cost, &no_cost, -1.0); SD_task_schedule(taskA, 1, &workstation[0], &no_cost, &communication_amount1, -1.0); SD_task_schedule(taskD, 1, &workstation[0], &no_cost, &communication_amount1, -1.0); ret = SD_simulate(-1.); xbt_dynar_free(&ret); SD_task_destroy(taskA); SD_task_destroy(taskB); SD_task_destroy(taskC); SD_task_destroy(taskD); SD_task_destroy(taskInit); XBT_INFO("Simulation time: %f", SD_get_clock()); SD_exit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { unsigned int ctr; SD_task_t task; xbt_dynar_t changed_tasks; SD_init(&argc, argv); SD_create_environment(argv[1]); const sg_host_t *hosts = sg_host_list(); SD_task_t t1 = SD_task_create_comp_seq("t1", NULL, 25000000); SD_task_t c1 = SD_task_create_comm_e2e("c1", NULL, 125000000); SD_task_t t2 = SD_task_create_comp_seq("t2", NULL, 25000000); SD_task_t c2 = SD_task_create_comm_e2e("c2", NULL, 62500000); SD_task_t t3 = SD_task_create_comp_seq("t3", NULL, 25000000); SD_task_t c3 = SD_task_create_comm_e2e("c3", NULL, 31250000); SD_task_t t4 = SD_task_create_comp_seq("t4", NULL, 25000000); /* Add dependencies: t1->c1->t2->c2->t3 */ SD_task_dependency_add(NULL, NULL, t1, c1); SD_task_dependency_add(NULL, NULL, c1, t2); SD_task_dependency_add(NULL, NULL, t2, c2); SD_task_dependency_add(NULL, NULL, c2, t3); SD_task_dependency_add(NULL, NULL, t3, c3); SD_task_dependency_add(NULL, NULL, c3, t4); /* Schedule tasks t1 and w3 on first host, t2 on second host */ /* Transfers are auto-scheduled */ SD_task_schedulel(t1, 1, hosts[0]); SD_task_schedulel(t2, 1, hosts[1]); SD_task_schedulel(t3, 1, hosts[0]); SD_task_schedulel(t4, 1, hosts[1]); /* Add some watchpoint upon task completion */ SD_task_watch(t1, SD_DONE); SD_task_watch(c1, SD_DONE); SD_task_watch(t2, SD_DONE); SD_task_watch(c2, SD_DONE); SD_task_watch(t3, SD_DONE); SD_task_watch(c3, SD_DONE); SD_task_watch(t4, SD_DONE); while (!xbt_dynar_is_empty((changed_tasks = SD_simulate(-1.0)))) { XBT_INFO("link1: bw=%.0f, lat=%f", SD_route_get_bandwidth(hosts[0], hosts[1]), SD_route_get_latency(hosts[0], hosts[1])); XBT_INFO("Jupiter: speed=%.0f", sg_host_speed(hosts[0])* sg_host_get_available_speed(hosts[0])); XBT_INFO("Tremblay: speed=%.0f", sg_host_speed(hosts[1])* sg_host_get_available_speed(hosts[1])); xbt_dynar_foreach(changed_tasks, ctr, task) { XBT_INFO("Task '%s' start time: %f, finish time: %f", SD_task_get_name(task), SD_task_get_start_time(task), SD_task_get_finish_time(task)); if (SD_task_get_state(task)==SD_DONE) SD_task_destroy(task); } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { unsigned int ctr; SD_task_t task; xbt_dynar_t changed_tasks; SD_init(&argc, argv); xbt_assert(argc > 1, "Usage: %s platform_file\n\nExample: %s two_clusters.xml", argv[0], argv[0]); SD_create_environment(argv[1]); sg_host_t *hosts = sg_host_list(); /* creation of some typed tasks and their dependencies */ /* chain of five tasks, three compute tasks with two data transfers in between */ SD_task_t taskA = SD_task_create_comp_seq("Task A", NULL, 5e9); SD_task_t taskB = SD_task_create_comm_e2e("Task B", NULL, 1e7); SD_task_t taskC = SD_task_create_comp_seq("Task C", NULL, 5e9); SD_task_t taskD = SD_task_create_comm_e2e("Task D", NULL, 1e7); SD_task_t taskE = SD_task_create_comp_seq("Task E", NULL, 5e9); SD_task_dependency_add(NULL, NULL, taskA, taskB); SD_task_dependency_add(NULL, NULL, taskB, taskC); SD_task_dependency_add(NULL, NULL, taskC, taskD); SD_task_dependency_add(NULL, NULL, taskD, taskE); /* Add watchpoints on completion of compute tasks */ SD_task_watch(taskA, SD_DONE); SD_task_watch(taskC, SD_DONE); SD_task_watch(taskE, SD_DONE); /* Auto-schedule the compute tasks on three different workstations */ /* Data transfer tasks taskB and taskD are automagically scheduled */ SD_task_schedulel(taskA, 1, hosts[0]); SD_task_schedulel(taskC, 1, hosts[1]); SD_task_schedulel(taskE, 1, hosts[0]); while (!xbt_dynar_is_empty((changed_tasks = SD_simulate(-1.0)))) { XBT_INFO("Simulation stopped after %.4f seconds", SD_get_clock()); xbt_dynar_foreach(changed_tasks, ctr, task) { XBT_INFO("Task '%s' start time: %f, finish time: %f", SD_task_get_name(task), SD_task_get_start_time(task), SD_task_get_finish_time(task)); } /* let throttle the communication for taskD if its parent is SD_DONE */ /* the bandwidth is 1.25e8, the data size is 1e7, and we want to throttle the bandwidth by a factor 2. * The rate is then 1.25e8/(2*1e7)=6.25 * Changing the rate is possible before the task execution starts (in SD_RUNNING state). */ if (SD_task_get_state(taskC) == SD_DONE && SD_task_get_state(taskD) < SD_RUNNING) SD_task_set_rate(taskD, 6.25); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *platformFile = NULL; int totalHosts, totalLinks; unsigned int i; xbt_dict_t props = NULL; xbt_dict_cursor_t cursor = NULL; xbt_lib_cursor_t cursor_src = NULL; xbt_lib_cursor_t cursor_dst = NULL; char *src,*dst,*key,*data; char **value; xbt_ex_t e; const SD_workstation_t *hosts; const SD_link_t *links; SD_init(&argc, argv); platformFile = argv[1]; XBT_DEBUG("%s", platformFile); TRY { SD_create_environment(platformFile); } CATCH(e) { xbt_die("Error while loading %s: %s",platformFile,e.msg); } printf("<?xml version='1.0'?>\n"); printf("<!DOCTYPE platform SYSTEM \"\">\n"); printf("<platform version=\"3\">\n"); printf("<AS id=\"AS0\" routing=\"Full\">\n"); // Hosts totalHosts = SD_workstation_get_number(); hosts = SD_workstation_get_list(); qsort((void *) hosts, totalHosts, sizeof(SD_workstation_t), name_compare_hosts); for (i = 0; i < totalHosts; i++) { printf(" <host id=\"%s\" power=\"%.0f\"", SD_workstation_get_name(hosts[i]), SD_workstation_get_power(hosts[i])); props = SD_workstation_get_properties(hosts[i]); if (props && xbt_dict_length(props) > 0) { printf(">\n"); xbt_dict_foreach(props, cursor, key, data) { printf(" <prop id=\"%s\" value=\"%s\"/>\n", key, data); } printf(" </host>\n"); } else {
void sys_init() { int status = 0; //Set SD card clock to 10 KHz. Clock_1_SetDivider(39); //Source clock 400KHz. Divider setting 39 (+ 1) /* Place your initialization/startup code here (e.g. MyInst_Start()) */ SPIM_Start(); status = SD_init(); //Not able to init SD card. //assert(status == 0); //Boost the SD card clocks to 100 KHz. Clock_1_SetDivider(3); //Source clock 400KHz. Divider setting 3 (+ 1). }
/* Basic SimDag Test 5 * Scenario: * - Create a no-op Init task * - Create two tasks: send 100kB and compute 10Mflops * - Schedule them concurrently * The two tasks should overlap smoothly as they use different resources. * Simulated time should be: * MAX(1e5/(1.25e8), 1e7/4e9) = MAX(.0009, .0025) = 0.0025 seconds */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* creation of the tasks and their dependencies */ SD_task_t taskInit; SD_task_t taskA; SD_task_t taskB; xbt_dynar_t ret; /* scheduling parameters */ double no_cost[] = { 0., 0., 0., 0. }; double amount[] = { 0., 100000., 0., 0. }; double comput[] = { 10000000. }; /* initialization of SD */ SD_init(&argc, argv); /* creation of the environment */ SD_create_environment(argv[1]); /* creation of the tasks and their dependencies */ taskInit = SD_task_create("Task Init", NULL, 1.0); taskA = SD_task_create("Task A", NULL, 1.0); taskB = SD_task_create("Task B", NULL, 1.0); /* let's launch the simulation! */ SD_task_schedule(taskInit, 1, SD_workstation_get_list(), no_cost, no_cost, -1.0); SD_task_schedule(taskA, 2, SD_workstation_get_list(), no_cost, amount, -1.0); SD_task_schedule(taskB, 1, SD_workstation_get_list(), comput, no_cost, -1.0); SD_task_dependency_add(NULL, NULL, taskInit, taskA); SD_task_dependency_add(NULL, NULL, taskInit, taskB); ret = SD_simulate(-1.0); xbt_dynar_free(&ret); SD_task_destroy(taskInit); SD_task_destroy(taskA); SD_task_destroy(taskB); XBT_INFO("Simulation time: %f", SD_get_clock()); SD_exit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { xbt_dynar_t dax, changed; unsigned int cursor; SD_task_t task; /* initialisation of SD */ SD_init(&argc, argv); /* Check our arguments */ if (argc < 3) { XBT_INFO("Usage: %s platform_file dax_file [trace_file]", argv[0]); XBT_INFO ("example: %s ../sd_platform.xml Montage_50.xml Montage_50.mytrace", argv[0]); exit(1); } char *tracefilename; if (argc == 3) { char *last = strrchr(argv[2], '.'); tracefilename = bprintf("%.*s.trace", (int) (last == NULL ? strlen(argv[2]) : last - argv[2]), argv[2]); } else { tracefilename = xbt_strdup(argv[3]); } /* creation of the environment */ SD_create_environment(argv[1]); /* load the DAX file */ dax = SD_daxload(argv[2]); if (!dax){ XBT_ERROR("A problem occurred during DAX parsing (cycle or syntax). Do not continue this test"); free(tracefilename); SD_exit(); exit(255); } /* Display all the tasks */ XBT_INFO ("------------------- Display all tasks of the loaded DAG ---------------------------"); xbt_dynar_foreach(dax, cursor, task) { SD_task_dump(task); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { const SD_workstation_t *workstations; SD_workstation_t w1; SD_workstation_t w2; const char *name1; const char *name2; xbt_dict_t props; xbt_dict_cursor_t cursor = NULL; char *key, *data; char noexist[] = "NoProp"; const char *value; char exist[] = "Hdd"; /* initialisation of SD */ SD_init(&argc, argv); if (argc < 2) { XBT_INFO("Usage: %s platform_file", argv[0]); XBT_INFO("example: %s sd_platform.xml", argv[0]); exit(1); } SD_create_environment(argv[1]); /* init of platform elements */ workstations = SD_workstation_get_list(); w1 = workstations[0]; w2 = workstations[1]; SD_workstation_set_access_mode(w2, SD_WORKSTATION_SEQUENTIAL_ACCESS); name1 = SD_workstation_get_name(w1); name2 = SD_workstation_get_name(w2); /* The host properties can be retrived from all interfaces */ XBT_INFO("Property list for workstation %s", name1); /* Get the property list of the workstation 1 */ props = SD_workstation_get_properties(w1); /* Trying to set a new property */ xbt_dict_set(props, "NewProp", strdup("newValue"), NULL); /* Print the properties of the workstation 1 */ xbt_dict_foreach(props, cursor, key, data) { XBT_INFO("\tProperty: %s has value: %s", key, data); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { xbt_dynar_t dot, changed; unsigned int cursor; SD_task_t task; /* initialization of SD */ SD_init(&argc, argv); /* Check our arguments */ if (argc < 3) { XBT_INFO("Usage: %s platform_file dot_file [trace_file]", argv[0]); XBT_INFO("example: %s ../2clusters.xml dag.mytrace", argv[0]); exit(1); } /* creation of the environment */ SD_create_environment(argv[1]); /* load the DOT file and schedule tasks */ dot = SD_dotload_with_sched(argv[2]); if(!dot){ XBT_CRITICAL("The dot file with the provided scheduling is wrong, more information with the option : --log=sd_dotparse.thres:verbose"); SD_exit(); exit(2); } char *tracefilename; if (argc == 3) { char *last = strrchr(argv[2], '.'); tracefilename = bprintf("%.*s.trace", (int) (last == NULL ? strlen(argv[2]) : last - argv[2]), argv[2]); } else { tracefilename = xbt_strdup(argv[3]); } /* Display all the tasks */ XBT_INFO ("------------------- Display all tasks of the loaded DAG ---------------------------"); xbt_dynar_foreach(dot, cursor, task) { SD_task_dump(task); }
/* SimDag Incomplete Test * Scenario: * - Create a bunch of tasks * - schedule only a subset of them (init, A and D) * - run the simulation * - Verify that we detect which tasks are not scheduled and show their state. * The scheduled task A sends 1GB. Simulation time should be * 1e9/1.25e8 + 1e-4 = 8.0001 seconds * Task D is scheduled but depends on unscheduled task C. */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* scheduling parameters */ double communication_amount1 = 1e9; double no_cost = 0.0; /* initialization of SD */ SD_init(&argc, argv); /* creation of the environment */ SD_create_environment(argv[1]); /* creation of the tasks and their dependencies */ SD_task_t taskInit = SD_task_create("Init", NULL, 1.0); SD_task_t taskA = SD_task_create("Task A", NULL, 1.0); SD_task_t taskB = SD_task_create("Task B", NULL, 1.0); SD_task_t taskC = SD_task_create("Task C", NULL, 1.0); SD_task_t taskD = SD_task_create("Task D", NULL, 1.0); SD_task_dependency_add(taskInit, taskA); SD_task_dependency_add(taskInit, taskB); SD_task_dependency_add(taskC, taskD); sg_host_t *hosts = sg_host_list(); SD_task_schedule(taskInit, 1, hosts, &no_cost, &no_cost, -1.0); SD_task_schedule(taskA, 1, &hosts[0], &no_cost, &communication_amount1, -1.0); SD_task_schedule(taskD, 1, &hosts[0], &no_cost, &communication_amount1, -1.0); xbt_free(hosts); /* let's launch the simulation! */ SD_simulate(-1.); SD_task_destroy(taskA); SD_task_destroy(taskB); SD_task_destroy(taskC); SD_task_destroy(taskD); SD_task_destroy(taskInit); XBT_INFO("Simulation time: %f", SD_get_clock()); return 0; }
int main(void) { WdtGo(T3CON_ENABLE_DIS);//stop watch-dog uart_init(); led_init(); Radio_init();//inicializuje radio prenos SD_init();//nacita kartu a vytvori subor prijaty cez radio prenos for(i=0; i<29; i++) { Radio_recieve();//pocka na prijatie jedneho paketu if (RIE_Response == RIE_Success) { printf("\n\r-> %s \n@ RSSI %d ",Buffer,(int)RSSI); fr = f_printf(&fil,"\n\r-> %s \n@ RSSI %d \n",Buffer,(int)RSSI); } else { printf("\n\r-> ERROR"); fr = f_printf(&fil,"\n\r-> ERROR"); } } RIE_Response = RadioTerminateRadioOp(); fr=f_close(&fil);//koiec zapisu na kartu printf("\nzatvaram\n"); if(fr)printf("chyba pri zatvarani suboru %d\n",fr); while (1)//ukonceny zapis { DioTgl(pADI_GP4,BIT2); Delay(); } }