void BKE_icon_set(int icon_id, struct Icon *icon) { Icon *old_icon = NULL; old_icon = BLI_ghash_lookup(gIcons, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(icon_id)); if (old_icon) { printf("BKE_icon_set: Internal error, icon already set: %d\n", icon_id); return; } BLI_ghash_insert(gIcons, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(icon_id), icon); }
PyObject *BPY_app_handlers_struct(void) { PyObject *ret; PyStructSequence_InitType(&BlenderAppCbType, &app_cb_info_desc); ret= make_app_cb_info(); /* prevent user from creating new instances */ BlenderAppCbType.tp_init= NULL; BlenderAppCbType.tp_new= NULL; /* assign the C callbacks */ if(ret) { static bCallbackFuncStore funcstore_array[BLI_CB_EVT_TOT]= {{NULL}}; bCallbackFuncStore *funcstore; int pos= 0; for(pos= 0; pos < BLI_CB_EVT_TOT; pos++) { funcstore= &funcstore_array[pos]; funcstore->func= bpy_app_generic_callback; funcstore->alloc= 0; funcstore->arg= SET_INT_IN_POINTER(pos); BLI_add_cb(funcstore, pos); } } return ret; }
int BKE_icon_getid(struct ID* id) { Icon* new_icon = NULL; if (!id || G.background) return 0; if (id->icon_id) return id->icon_id; id->icon_id = get_next_free_id(); if (!id->icon_id){ printf("BKE_icon_getid: Internal error - not enough IDs\n"); return 0; } new_icon = MEM_callocN(sizeof(Icon), "texicon"); new_icon->obj = id; new_icon->type = GS(id->name); /* next two lines make sure image gets created */ new_icon->drawinfo = NULL; new_icon->drawinfo_free = NULL; BLI_ghash_insert(gIcons, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(id->icon_id), new_icon); return id->icon_id; }
/** * Return icon id of given preview, or create new icon if not found. */ int BKE_icon_preview_ensure(PreviewImage *preview) { Icon *new_icon = NULL; if (!preview || G.background) return 0; if (preview->icon_id) return preview->icon_id; preview->icon_id = get_next_free_id(); if (!preview->icon_id) { printf("%s: Internal error - not enough IDs\n", __func__); return 0; } new_icon = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(Icon), __func__); new_icon->obj = preview; new_icon->type = 0; /* Special, tags as non-ID icon/preview. */ /* next two lines make sure image gets created */ new_icon->drawinfo = NULL; new_icon->drawinfo_free = NULL; BLI_ghash_insert(gIcons, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(preview->icon_id), new_icon); return preview->icon_id; }
void BKE_icon_id_delete(struct ID *id) { if (!id->icon_id) return; /* no icon defined for library object */ BLI_ghash_remove(gIcons, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(id->icon_id), NULL, icon_free); id->icon_id = 0; }
bool *BKE_objdef_validmap_get(Object *ob, const int defbase_tot) { bDeformGroup *dg; ModifierData *md; bool *vgroup_validmap; GHash *gh; int i, step1 = 1; //int defbase_tot = BLI_countlist(&ob->defbase); if (ob->defbase.first == NULL) { return NULL; } gh = BLI_ghash_str_new("BKE_objdef_validmap_get gh"); /* add all names to a hash table */ for (dg = ob->defbase.first; dg; dg = dg->next) { BLI_ghash_insert(gh, dg->name, NULL); } BLI_assert(BLI_ghash_size(gh) == defbase_tot); /* now loop through the armature modifiers and identify deform bones */ for (md = ob->modifiers.first; md; md = !md->next && step1 ? (step1 = 0), modifiers_getVirtualModifierList(ob) : md->next) { if (!(md->mode & (eModifierMode_Realtime | eModifierMode_Virtual))) continue; if (md->type == eModifierType_Armature) { ArmatureModifierData *amd = (ArmatureModifierData *) md; if (amd->object && amd->object->pose) { bPose *pose = amd->object->pose; bPoseChannel *chan; for (chan = pose->chanbase.first; chan; chan = chan->next) { if (chan->bone->flag & BONE_NO_DEFORM) continue; if (BLI_ghash_remove(gh, chan->name, NULL, NULL)) { BLI_ghash_insert(gh, chan->name, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(1)); } } } } } vgroup_validmap = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*vgroup_validmap) * defbase_tot, "wpaint valid map"); /* add all names to a hash table */ for (dg = ob->defbase.first, i = 0; dg; dg = dg->next, i++) { vgroup_validmap[i] = (BLI_ghash_lookup(gh, dg->name) != NULL); } BLI_assert(i == BLI_ghash_size(gh)); BLI_ghash_free(gh, NULL, NULL); return vgroup_validmap; }
/* Set the vertex's unique ID in the log */ static void bm_log_vert_id_set(BMLog *log, BMVert *v, unsigned int id) { void *vid = SET_INT_IN_POINTER(id); BLI_ghash_remove(log->id_to_elem, vid, NULL, NULL); BLI_ghash_insert(log->id_to_elem, vid, v); BLI_ghash_remove(log->elem_to_id, v, NULL, NULL); BLI_ghash_insert(log->elem_to_id, v, vid); }
/* Set the face's unique ID in the log */ static void bm_log_face_id_set(BMLog *log, BMFace *f, unsigned int id) { void *fid = SET_INT_IN_POINTER(id); BLI_ghash_remove(log->id_to_elem, fid, NULL, NULL); BLI_ghash_insert(log->id_to_elem, fid, f); BLI_ghash_remove(log->elem_to_id, f, NULL, NULL); BLI_ghash_insert(log->elem_to_id, f, fid); }
/* draw settings for envelope modifier */ static void draw_modifier__envelope(uiLayout *layout, ID *id, FModifier *fcm, short UNUSED(width)) { FMod_Envelope *env = (FMod_Envelope *)fcm->data; FCM_EnvelopeData *fed; uiLayout *col, *row; uiBlock *block; uiBut *but; PointerRNA ptr; int i; /* init the RNA-pointer */ RNA_pointer_create(id, &RNA_FModifierEnvelope, fcm, &ptr); /* general settings */ col = uiLayoutColumn(layout, TRUE); uiItemL(col, IFACE_("Envelope:"), ICON_NONE); uiItemR(col, &ptr, "reference_value", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE); row = uiLayoutRow(col, TRUE); uiItemR(row, &ptr, "default_min", 0, IFACE_("Min"), ICON_NONE); uiItemR(row, &ptr, "default_max", 0, IFACE_("Max"), ICON_NONE); /* control points header */ /* TODO: move this control-point control stuff to using the new special widgets for lists * the current way is far too cramped */ row = uiLayoutRow(layout, FALSE); block = uiLayoutGetBlock(row); uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 1, IFACE_("Control Points:"), 0, 0, 7.5 * UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); but = uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_FMODIFIER_REDRAW, IFACE_("Add Point"), 0, 0, 7.5 * UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, TIP_("Add a new control-point to the envelope on the current frame")); uiButSetFunc(but, fmod_envelope_addpoint_cb, env, NULL); /* control points list */ for (i = 0, fed = env->data; i < env->totvert; i++, fed++) { /* get a new row to operate on */ row = uiLayoutRow(layout, TRUE); block = uiLayoutGetBlock(row); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); but = uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_FMODIFIER_REDRAW, IFACE_("Fra:"), 0, 0, 4.5 * UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, &fed->time, -MAXFRAMEF, MAXFRAMEF, 10, 1, TIP_("Frame that envelope point occurs")); uiButSetFunc(but, validate_fmodifier_cb, fcm, NULL); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_FMODIFIER_REDRAW, IFACE_("Min:"), 0, 0, 5 * UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, &fed->min, -UI_FLT_MAX, UI_FLT_MAX, 10, 2, TIP_("Minimum bound of envelope at this point")); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_FMODIFIER_REDRAW, IFACE_("Max:"), 0, 0, 5 * UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, &fed->max, -UI_FLT_MAX, UI_FLT_MAX, 10, 2, TIP_("Maximum bound of envelope at this point")); but = uiDefIconBut(block, BUT, B_FMODIFIER_REDRAW, ICON_X, 0, 0, 0.9 * UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, TIP_("Delete envelope control point")); uiButSetFunc(but, fmod_envelope_deletepoint_cb, env, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(i)); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); } }
void BKE_icon_set(int icon_id, struct Icon *icon) { void **val_p; if (BLI_ghash_ensure_p(gIcons, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(icon_id), &val_p)) { printf("%s: Internal error, icon already set: %d\n", __func__, icon_id); return; } *val_p = icon; }
static void ui_template_node_link_menu(bContext *C, uiLayout *layout, void *but_p) { Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C); Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C); uiBlock *block = uiLayoutGetBlock(layout); uiBut *but = (uiBut *)but_p; uiLayout *split, *column; NodeLinkArg *arg = (NodeLinkArg *)but->func_argN; bNodeSocket *sock = arg->sock; bNodeTreeType *ntreetype = arg->ntree->typeinfo; UI_block_flag_enable(block, UI_BLOCK_NO_FLIP); UI_block_layout_set_current(block, layout); split = uiLayoutSplit(layout, 0.0f, false); arg->bmain = bmain; arg->scene = scene; arg->layout = split; if (ntreetype && ntreetype->foreach_nodeclass) ntreetype->foreach_nodeclass(scene, arg, node_menu_column_foreach_cb); column = uiLayoutColumn(split, false); UI_block_layout_set_current(block, column); if (sock->link) { uiItemL(column, IFACE_("Link"), ICON_NONE); but = block->buttons.last; but->drawflag = UI_BUT_TEXT_LEFT; but = uiDefBut(block, UI_BTYPE_BUT, 0, IFACE_("Remove"), 0, 0, UI_UNIT_X * 4, UI_UNIT_Y, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, TIP_("Remove nodes connected to the input")); UI_but_funcN_set(but, ui_node_link, MEM_dupallocN(arg), SET_INT_IN_POINTER(UI_NODE_LINK_REMOVE)); but = uiDefBut(block, UI_BTYPE_BUT, 0, IFACE_("Disconnect"), 0, 0, UI_UNIT_X * 4, UI_UNIT_Y, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, TIP_("Disconnect nodes connected to the input")); UI_but_funcN_set(but, ui_node_link, MEM_dupallocN(arg), SET_INT_IN_POINTER(UI_NODE_LINK_DISCONNECT)); } ui_node_menu_column(arg, NODE_CLASS_GROUP, N_("Group")); }
LinkNode *modifiers_calcDataMasks(struct Scene *scene, Object *ob, ModifierData *md, CustomDataMask dataMask, int required_mode) { LinkNode *dataMasks = NULL; LinkNode *curr, *prev; /* build a list of modifier data requirements in reverse order */ for(; md; md = md->next) { ModifierTypeInfo *mti = modifierType_getInfo(md->type); CustomDataMask mask = 0; if(modifier_isEnabled(scene, md, required_mode)) if(mti->requiredDataMask) mask = mti->requiredDataMask(ob, md); BLI_linklist_prepend(&dataMasks, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(mask)); } /* build the list of required data masks - each mask in the list must * include all elements of the masks that follow it * * note the list is currently in reverse order, so "masks that follow it" * actually means "masks that precede it" at the moment */ for(curr = dataMasks, prev = NULL; curr; prev = curr, curr = curr->next) { if(prev) { CustomDataMask prev_mask = (CustomDataMask)GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(prev->link); CustomDataMask curr_mask = (CustomDataMask)GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(curr->link); curr->link = SET_INT_IN_POINTER(curr_mask | prev_mask); } else { CustomDataMask curr_mask = (CustomDataMask)GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(curr->link); curr->link = SET_INT_IN_POINTER(curr_mask | dataMask); } } /* reverse the list so it's in the correct order */ BLI_linklist_reverse(&dataMasks); return dataMasks; }
static void ui_template_node_link_menu(bContext *C, uiLayout *layout, void *but_p) { Main *bmain= CTX_data_main(C); Scene *scene= CTX_data_scene(C); uiBlock *block = uiLayoutGetBlock(layout); uiBut *but = (uiBut*)but_p; uiLayout *split, *column; NodeLinkArg *arg = (NodeLinkArg*)but->func_argN; bNodeSocket *sock = arg->sock; bNodeTreeType *ntreetype= ntreeGetType(arg->ntree->type); uiBlockSetCurLayout(block, layout); split= uiLayoutSplit(layout, 0, 0); arg->bmain= bmain; arg->scene= scene; arg->layout= split; if (ntreetype && ntreetype->foreach_nodeclass) ntreetype->foreach_nodeclass(scene, arg, node_menu_column_foreach_cb); column= uiLayoutColumn(split, 0); uiBlockSetCurLayout(block, column); if (sock->link) { uiItemL(column, "Link", ICON_NONE); but= block->buttons.last; but->flag= UI_TEXT_LEFT; but = uiDefBut(block, BUT, 0, "Remove", 0, 0, UI_UNIT_X*4, UI_UNIT_Y, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, "Remove nodes connected to the input"); uiButSetNFunc(but, ui_node_link, MEM_dupallocN(arg), SET_INT_IN_POINTER(UI_NODE_LINK_REMOVE)); but = uiDefBut(block, BUT, 0, "Disconnect", 0, 0, UI_UNIT_X*4, UI_UNIT_Y, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, "Disconnect nodes connected to the input"); uiButSetNFunc(but, ui_node_link, MEM_dupallocN(arg), SET_INT_IN_POINTER(UI_NODE_LINK_DISCONNECT)); } ui_node_menu_column(arg, NODE_CLASS_GROUP, IFACE_("Group")); }
Icon *BKE_icon_get(int icon_id) { Icon *icon = NULL; icon = BLI_ghash_lookup(gIcons, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(icon_id)); if (!icon) { printf("%s: Internal error, no icon for icon ID: %d\n", __func__, icon_id); return NULL; } return icon; }
static void face_edges_add( struct ISectState *s, const int f_index, BMEdge *e, const bool use_test) { void *f_index_key = SET_INT_IN_POINTER(f_index); BLI_assert(e->head.htype == BM_EDGE); BLI_assert(BM_edge_in_face(e, s->bm->ftable[f_index]) == false); BLI_assert(BM_elem_index_get(s->bm->ftable[f_index]) == f_index); ghash_insert_link(s->face_edges, f_index_key, e, use_test, s->mem_arena); }
/* assign only one texid per buffer to avoid sampling the same texture twice */ static void codegen_set_texid(GHash *bindhash, GPUInput *input, int *texid, void *key) { if (BLI_ghash_haskey(bindhash, key)) { /* Reuse existing texid */ input->texid = GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(BLI_ghash_lookup(bindhash, key)); } else { /* Allocate new texid */ input->texid = *texid; (*texid)++; input->bindtex = true; BLI_ghash_insert(bindhash, key, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(input->texid)); } }
static void node_add_sub_menu_blender(bContext *C, uiLayout *layout, void *arg_nodeclass) { uiItemMenuF(layout, IFACE_(N_("Color")), 0, node_add_menu, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(NODE_CLASS_OP_COLOR)); uiItemMenuF(layout, IFACE_(N_("Vector")), 0, node_add_menu, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(NODE_CLASS_OP_VECTOR)); uiItemMenuF(layout, IFACE_(N_("Filter")), 0, node_add_menu, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(NODE_CLASS_OP_FILTER)); uiItemMenuF(layout, IFACE_(N_("Convertor")), 0, node_add_menu, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(NODE_CLASS_CONVERTOR)); uiItemMenuF(layout, IFACE_(N_("Matte")), 0, node_add_menu, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(NODE_CLASS_MATTE)); uiItemMenuF(layout, IFACE_(N_("Distort")), 0, node_add_menu, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(NODE_CLASS_DISTORT)); }
/** * Return icon id of given preview, or create new icon if not found. */ int BKE_icon_preview_ensure(ID *id, PreviewImage *preview) { Icon *new_icon = NULL; if (!preview || G.background) return 0; if (id) { BLI_assert(BKE_previewimg_id_ensure(id) == preview); } if (preview->icon_id) { BLI_assert(!id || !id->icon_id || id->icon_id == preview->icon_id); return preview->icon_id; } if (id && id->icon_id) { preview->icon_id = id->icon_id; return preview->icon_id; } preview->icon_id = get_next_free_id(); if (!preview->icon_id) { printf("%s: Internal error - not enough IDs\n", __func__); return 0; } /* Ensure we synchronize ID icon_id with its previewimage if available, and generate suitable 'ID' icon. */ if (id) { id->icon_id = preview->icon_id; return icon_id_ensure_create_icon(id); } new_icon = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(Icon), __func__); new_icon->obj = preview; new_icon->type = 0; /* Special, tags as non-ID icon/preview. */ /* next two lines make sure image gets created */ new_icon->drawinfo = NULL; new_icon->drawinfo_free = NULL; BLI_ghash_insert(gIcons, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(preview->icon_id), new_icon); return preview->icon_id; }
static int icon_id_ensure_create_icon(struct ID *id) { Icon *new_icon = NULL; new_icon = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(Icon), __func__); new_icon->obj = id; new_icon->type = GS(id->name); /* next two lines make sure image gets created */ new_icon->drawinfo = NULL; new_icon->drawinfo_free = NULL; BLI_ghash_insert(gIcons, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(id->icon_id), new_icon); return id->icon_id; }
static void setMPolyMaterial(ExportMeshData *export_data, MPoly *mpoly, int which_orig_mesh) { Object *orig_object; GHash *material_hash; Material *orig_mat; if (which_orig_mesh == CARVE_MESH_LEFT) { /* No need to change materian index for faces from left operand */ return; } material_hash = export_data->material_hash; orig_object = which_object(export_data, which_orig_mesh); /* Set material, based on lookup in hash table. */ orig_mat = give_current_material(orig_object, mpoly->mat_nr + 1); if (orig_mat) { /* For faces from right operand check if there's requested material * in the left operand. And if it is, use index of that material, * otherwise fallback to first material (material with index=0). */ if (!BLI_ghash_haskey(material_hash, orig_mat)) { int a, mat_nr; mat_nr = 0; for (a = 0; a < export_data->ob_left->totcol; a++) { if (give_current_material(export_data->ob_left, a + 1) == orig_mat) { mat_nr = a; break; } } BLI_ghash_insert(material_hash, orig_mat, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(mat_nr)); mpoly->mat_nr = mat_nr; } else mpoly->mat_nr = GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(BLI_ghash_lookup(material_hash, orig_mat)); } else { mpoly->mat_nr = 0; } }
/** * Remove icon and free data. */ void BKE_icon_delete(int icon_id) { Icon *icon; if (!icon_id) return; /* no icon defined for library object */ icon = BLI_ghash_popkey(gIcons, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(icon_id), NULL); if (icon) { if (icon->type) { ((ID *)(icon->obj))->icon_id = 0; } else { ((PreviewImage *)(icon->obj))->icon_id = 0; } icon_free(icon); } }
/* create an id for a new icon and make sure that ids from deleted icons get reused * after the integer number range is used up */ static int get_next_free_id(void) { int startId = gFirstIconId; /* if we haven't used up the int number range, we just return the next int */ if (gNextIconId >= gFirstIconId) return gNextIconId++; /* now we try to find the smallest icon id not stored in the gIcons hash */ while (BLI_ghash_lookup(gIcons, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(startId)) && startId >= gFirstIconId) startId++; /* if we found a suitable one that isn't used yet, return it */ if (startId >= gFirstIconId) return startId; /* fail */ return 0; }
void BKE_icon_changed(int id) { Icon *icon = NULL; if (!id || G.background) return; icon = BLI_ghash_lookup(gIcons, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(id)); if (icon) { PreviewImage *prv = BKE_previewimg_id_ensure((ID *)icon->obj); /* all previews changed */ if (prv) { int i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_ICON_SIZES; ++i) { prv->flag[i] |= PRV_CHANGED; prv->changed_timestamp[i]++; } } } }
PyObject *BPY_app_handlers_struct(void) { PyObject *ret; #if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(FREE_WINDOWS) BPyPersistent_Type.ob_base.ob_base.ob_type = &PyType_Type; #endif if (PyType_Ready(&BPyPersistent_Type) < 0) { BLI_assert(!"error initializing 'bpy.app.handlers.persistent'"); } PyStructSequence_InitType(&BlenderAppCbType, &app_cb_info_desc); ret = make_app_cb_info(); /* prevent user from creating new instances */ BlenderAppCbType.tp_init = NULL; BlenderAppCbType.tp_new = NULL; BlenderAppCbType.tp_hash = (hashfunc)_Py_HashPointer; /* without this we can't do set(sys.modules) [#29635] */ /* assign the C callbacks */ if (ret) { static bCallbackFuncStore funcstore_array[BLI_CB_EVT_TOT] = {{NULL}}; bCallbackFuncStore *funcstore; int pos = 0; for (pos = 0; pos < BLI_CB_EVT_TOT; pos++) { funcstore = &funcstore_array[pos]; funcstore->func = bpy_app_generic_callback; funcstore->alloc = 0; funcstore->arg = SET_INT_IN_POINTER(pos); BLI_callback_add(funcstore, pos); } } return ret; }
static DerivedMesh *explodeMesh(ExplodeModifierData *emd, ParticleSystemModifierData *psmd, Scene *scene, Object *ob, DerivedMesh *to_explode) { DerivedMesh *explode, *dm = to_explode; MFace *mf = NULL, *mface; /* ParticleSettings *part=psmd->psys->part; */ /* UNUSED */ ParticleSimulationData sim = {NULL}; ParticleData *pa = NULL, *pars = psmd->psys->particles; ParticleKey state, birth; EdgeHash *vertpahash; EdgeHashIterator *ehi; float *vertco = NULL, imat[4][4]; float rot[4]; float cfra; /* float timestep; */ const int *facepa = emd->facepa; int totdup = 0, totvert = 0, totface = 0, totpart = 0, delface = 0; int i, v, u; unsigned int ed_v1, ed_v2, mindex = 0; MTFace *mtface = NULL, *mtf; totface = dm->getNumTessFaces(dm); totvert = dm->getNumVerts(dm); mface = dm->getTessFaceArray(dm); totpart = psmd->psys->totpart; sim.scene = scene; sim.ob = ob; sim.psys = psmd->psys; sim.psmd = psmd; /* timestep = psys_get_timestep(&sim); */ cfra = BKE_scene_frame_get(scene); /* hash table for vertice <-> particle relations */ vertpahash = BLI_edgehash_new(__func__); for (i = 0; i < totface; i++) { if (facepa[i] != totpart) { pa = pars + facepa[i]; if ((pa->alive == PARS_UNBORN && (emd->flag & eExplodeFlag_Unborn) == 0) || (pa->alive == PARS_ALIVE && (emd->flag & eExplodeFlag_Alive) == 0) || (pa->alive == PARS_DEAD && (emd->flag & eExplodeFlag_Dead) == 0)) { delface++; continue; } } /* do mindex + totvert to ensure the vertex index to be the first * with BLI_edgehashIterator_getKey */ if (facepa[i] == totpart || cfra < (pars + facepa[i])->time) mindex = totvert + totpart; else mindex = totvert + facepa[i]; mf = &mface[i]; /* set face vertices to exist in particle group */ BLI_edgehash_reinsert(vertpahash, mf->v1, mindex, NULL); BLI_edgehash_reinsert(vertpahash, mf->v2, mindex, NULL); BLI_edgehash_reinsert(vertpahash, mf->v3, mindex, NULL); if (mf->v4) BLI_edgehash_reinsert(vertpahash, mf->v4, mindex, NULL); } /* make new vertice indexes & count total vertices after duplication */ ehi = BLI_edgehashIterator_new(vertpahash); for (; !BLI_edgehashIterator_isDone(ehi); BLI_edgehashIterator_step(ehi)) { BLI_edgehashIterator_setValue(ehi, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(totdup)); totdup++; } BLI_edgehashIterator_free(ehi); /* the final duplicated vertices */ explode = CDDM_from_template_ex(dm, totdup, 0, totface - delface, 0, 0, CD_MASK_DERIVEDMESH | CD_MASK_FACECORNERS); mtface = CustomData_get_layer_named(&explode->faceData, CD_MTFACE, emd->uvname); /*dupvert = CDDM_get_verts(explode);*/ /* getting back to object space */ invert_m4_m4(imat, ob->obmat); psmd->psys->lattice_deform_data = psys_create_lattice_deform_data(&sim); /* duplicate & displace vertices */ ehi = BLI_edgehashIterator_new(vertpahash); for (; !BLI_edgehashIterator_isDone(ehi); BLI_edgehashIterator_step(ehi)) { MVert source; MVert *dest; /* get particle + vertex from hash */ BLI_edgehashIterator_getKey(ehi, &ed_v1, &ed_v2); ed_v2 -= totvert; v = GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(BLI_edgehashIterator_getValue(ehi)); dm->getVert(dm, ed_v1, &source); dest = CDDM_get_vert(explode, v); DM_copy_vert_data(dm, explode, ed_v1, v, 1); *dest = source; if (ed_v2 != totpart) { /* get particle */ pa = pars + ed_v2; psys_get_birth_coords(&sim, pa, &birth, 0, 0); state.time = cfra; psys_get_particle_state(&sim, ed_v2, &state, 1); vertco = CDDM_get_vert(explode, v)->co; mul_m4_v3(ob->obmat, vertco); sub_v3_v3(vertco, birth.co); /* apply rotation, size & location */ sub_qt_qtqt(rot, state.rot, birth.rot); mul_qt_v3(rot, vertco); if (emd->flag & eExplodeFlag_PaSize) mul_v3_fl(vertco, pa->size); add_v3_v3(vertco, state.co); mul_m4_v3(imat, vertco); } } BLI_edgehashIterator_free(ehi); /*map new vertices to faces*/ for (i = 0, u = 0; i < totface; i++) { MFace source; int orig_v4; if (facepa[i] != totpart) { pa = pars + facepa[i]; if (pa->alive == PARS_UNBORN && (emd->flag & eExplodeFlag_Unborn) == 0) continue; if (pa->alive == PARS_ALIVE && (emd->flag & eExplodeFlag_Alive) == 0) continue; if (pa->alive == PARS_DEAD && (emd->flag & eExplodeFlag_Dead) == 0) continue; } dm->getTessFace(dm, i, &source); mf = CDDM_get_tessface(explode, u); orig_v4 = source.v4; if (facepa[i] != totpart && cfra < pa->time) mindex = totvert + totpart; else mindex = totvert + facepa[i]; source.v1 = edgecut_get(vertpahash, source.v1, mindex); source.v2 = edgecut_get(vertpahash, source.v2, mindex); source.v3 = edgecut_get(vertpahash, source.v3, mindex); if (source.v4) source.v4 = edgecut_get(vertpahash, source.v4, mindex); DM_copy_tessface_data(dm, explode, i, u, 1); *mf = source; /* override uv channel for particle age */ if (mtface) { float age = (cfra - pa->time) / pa->lifetime; /* Clamp to this range to avoid flipping to the other side of the coordinates. */ CLAMP(age, 0.001f, 0.999f); mtf = mtface + u; mtf->uv[0][0] = mtf->uv[1][0] = mtf->uv[2][0] = mtf->uv[3][0] = age; mtf->uv[0][1] = mtf->uv[1][1] = mtf->uv[2][1] = mtf->uv[3][1] = 0.5f; } test_index_face(mf, &explode->faceData, u, (orig_v4 ? 4 : 3)); u++; } /* cleanup */ BLI_edgehash_free(vertpahash, NULL); /* finalization */ CDDM_calc_edges_tessface(explode); CDDM_tessfaces_to_faces(explode); explode->dirty |= DM_DIRTY_NORMALS; if (psmd->psys->lattice_deform_data) { end_latt_deform(psmd->psys->lattice_deform_data); psmd->psys->lattice_deform_data = NULL; } return explode; }
static DerivedMesh *cutEdges(ExplodeModifierData *emd, DerivedMesh *dm) { DerivedMesh *splitdm; MFace *mf = NULL, *df1 = NULL; MFace *mface = dm->getTessFaceArray(dm); MVert *dupve, *mv; EdgeHash *edgehash; EdgeHashIterator *ehi; int totvert = dm->getNumVerts(dm); int totface = dm->getNumTessFaces(dm); int *facesplit = MEM_callocN(sizeof(int) * totface, "explode_facesplit"); int *vertpa = MEM_callocN(sizeof(int) * totvert, "explode_vertpa2"); int *facepa = emd->facepa; int *fs, totesplit = 0, totfsplit = 0, curdupface = 0; int i, v1, v2, v3, v4, esplit, v[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}, /* To quite gcc barking... */ uv[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; /* To quite gcc barking... */ int numlayer; unsigned int ed_v1, ed_v2; edgehash = BLI_edgehash_new(__func__); /* recreate vertpa from facepa calculation */ for (i = 0, mf = mface; i < totface; i++, mf++) { vertpa[mf->v1] = facepa[i]; vertpa[mf->v2] = facepa[i]; vertpa[mf->v3] = facepa[i]; if (mf->v4) vertpa[mf->v4] = facepa[i]; } /* mark edges for splitting and how to split faces */ for (i = 0, mf = mface, fs = facesplit; i < totface; i++, mf++, fs++) { v1 = vertpa[mf->v1]; v2 = vertpa[mf->v2]; v3 = vertpa[mf->v3]; if (v1 != v2) { BLI_edgehash_reinsert(edgehash, mf->v1, mf->v2, NULL); (*fs) |= 1; } if (v2 != v3) { BLI_edgehash_reinsert(edgehash, mf->v2, mf->v3, NULL); (*fs) |= 2; } if (mf->v4) { v4 = vertpa[mf->v4]; if (v3 != v4) { BLI_edgehash_reinsert(edgehash, mf->v3, mf->v4, NULL); (*fs) |= 4; } if (v1 != v4) { BLI_edgehash_reinsert(edgehash, mf->v1, mf->v4, NULL); (*fs) |= 8; } /* mark center vertex as a fake edge split */ if (*fs == 15) BLI_edgehash_reinsert(edgehash, mf->v1, mf->v3, NULL); } else { (*fs) |= 16; /* mark face as tri */ if (v1 != v3) { BLI_edgehash_reinsert(edgehash, mf->v1, mf->v3, NULL); (*fs) |= 4; } } } /* count splits & create indexes for new verts */ ehi = BLI_edgehashIterator_new(edgehash); totesplit = totvert; for (; !BLI_edgehashIterator_isDone(ehi); BLI_edgehashIterator_step(ehi)) { BLI_edgehashIterator_setValue(ehi, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(totesplit)); totesplit++; } BLI_edgehashIterator_free(ehi); /* count new faces due to splitting */ for (i = 0, fs = facesplit; i < totface; i++, fs++) totfsplit += add_faces[*fs]; splitdm = CDDM_from_template(dm, totesplit, 0, totface + totfsplit, 0, 0); numlayer = CustomData_number_of_layers(&splitdm->faceData, CD_MTFACE); /* copy new faces & verts (is it really this painful with custom data??) */ for (i = 0; i < totvert; i++) { MVert source; MVert *dest; dm->getVert(dm, i, &source); dest = CDDM_get_vert(splitdm, i); DM_copy_vert_data(dm, splitdm, i, i, 1); *dest = source; } /* override original facepa (original pointer is saved in caller function) */ /* BMESH_TODO, (totfsplit * 2) over allocation is used since the quads are * later interpreted as tri's, for this to work right I think we probably * have to stop using tessface - campbell */ facepa = MEM_callocN(sizeof(int) * (totface + (totfsplit * 2)), "explode_facepa"); //memcpy(facepa, emd->facepa, totface*sizeof(int)); emd->facepa = facepa; /* create new verts */ ehi = BLI_edgehashIterator_new(edgehash); for (; !BLI_edgehashIterator_isDone(ehi); BLI_edgehashIterator_step(ehi)) { BLI_edgehashIterator_getKey(ehi, &ed_v1, &ed_v2); esplit = GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(BLI_edgehashIterator_getValue(ehi)); mv = CDDM_get_vert(splitdm, ed_v2); dupve = CDDM_get_vert(splitdm, esplit); DM_copy_vert_data(splitdm, splitdm, ed_v2, esplit, 1); *dupve = *mv; mv = CDDM_get_vert(splitdm, ed_v1); mid_v3_v3v3(dupve->co, dupve->co, mv->co); } BLI_edgehashIterator_free(ehi); /* create new faces */ curdupface = 0; //=totface; //curdupin=totesplit; for (i = 0, fs = facesplit; i < totface; i++, fs++) { mf = dm->getTessFaceData(dm, i, CD_MFACE); switch (*fs) { case 3: case 10: case 11: case 15: SET_VERTS(1, 2, 3, 4); break; case 5: case 6: case 7: SET_VERTS(2, 3, 4, 1); break; case 9: case 13: SET_VERTS(4, 1, 2, 3); break; case 12: case 14: SET_VERTS(3, 4, 1, 2); break; case 21: case 23: SET_VERTS(1, 2, 3, 4); break; case 19: SET_VERTS(2, 3, 1, 4); break; case 22: SET_VERTS(3, 1, 2, 4); break; } switch (*fs) { case 3: case 6: case 9: case 12: remap_faces_3_6_9_12(dm, splitdm, mf, facepa, vertpa, i, edgehash, curdupface, v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]); if (numlayer) remap_uvs_3_6_9_12(dm, splitdm, numlayer, i, curdupface, uv[0], uv[1], uv[2], uv[3]); break; case 5: case 10: remap_faces_5_10(dm, splitdm, mf, facepa, vertpa, i, edgehash, curdupface, v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]); if (numlayer) remap_uvs_5_10(dm, splitdm, numlayer, i, curdupface, uv[0], uv[1], uv[2], uv[3]); break; case 15: remap_faces_15(dm, splitdm, mf, facepa, vertpa, i, edgehash, curdupface, v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]); if (numlayer) remap_uvs_15(dm, splitdm, numlayer, i, curdupface, uv[0], uv[1], uv[2], uv[3]); break; case 7: case 11: case 13: case 14: remap_faces_7_11_13_14(dm, splitdm, mf, facepa, vertpa, i, edgehash, curdupface, v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]); if (numlayer) remap_uvs_7_11_13_14(dm, splitdm, numlayer, i, curdupface, uv[0], uv[1], uv[2], uv[3]); break; case 19: case 21: case 22: remap_faces_19_21_22(dm, splitdm, mf, facepa, vertpa, i, edgehash, curdupface, v[0], v[1], v[2]); if (numlayer) remap_uvs_19_21_22(dm, splitdm, numlayer, i, curdupface, uv[0], uv[1], uv[2]); break; case 23: remap_faces_23(dm, splitdm, mf, facepa, vertpa, i, edgehash, curdupface, v[0], v[1], v[2]); if (numlayer) remap_uvs_23(dm, splitdm, numlayer, i, curdupface, uv[0], uv[1], uv[2]); break; case 0: case 16: df1 = get_dface(dm, splitdm, curdupface, i, mf); facepa[curdupface] = vertpa[mf->v1]; if (df1->v4) df1->flag |= ME_FACE_SEL; else df1->flag &= ~ME_FACE_SEL; break; } curdupface += add_faces[*fs] + 1; } for (i = 0; i < curdupface; i++) { mf = CDDM_get_tessface(splitdm, i); test_index_face(mf, &splitdm->faceData, i, ((mf->flag & ME_FACE_SEL) ? 4 : 3)); } BLI_edgehash_free(edgehash, NULL); MEM_freeN(facesplit); MEM_freeN(vertpa); CDDM_calc_edges_tessface(splitdm); CDDM_tessfaces_to_faces(splitdm); /*builds ngon faces from tess (mface) faces*/ return splitdm; }
static void loop_sync(bNodeTree *ntree, int sync_in_out) { bNodeSocket *sock, *sync, *nsync, *mirror; ListBase *sync_lb; if (sync_in_out==SOCK_IN) { sock = ntree->outputs.first; sync = ntree->inputs.first; sync_lb = &ntree->inputs; } else { sock = ntree->inputs.first; sync = ntree->outputs.first; sync_lb = &ntree->outputs; } /* NB: the sock->storage pointer is used here directly to store the own_index int * out the mirrored socket counterpart! */ while (sock) { /* skip static and internal sockets on the sync side (preserves socket order!) */ while (sync && ((sync->flag & SOCK_INTERNAL) || !(sync->flag & SOCK_DYNAMIC))) sync = sync->next; if (sync && !(sync->flag & SOCK_INTERNAL) && (sync->flag & SOCK_DYNAMIC)) { if (sock->storage==NULL) { /* if mirror index is 0, the sockets is newly added and a new mirror must be created. */ mirror = node_group_expose_socket(ntree, sock, sync_in_out); /* store the mirror index */ sock->storage = SET_INT_IN_POINTER(mirror->own_index); mirror->storage = SET_INT_IN_POINTER(sock->own_index); /* move mirror to the right place */ BLI_remlink(sync_lb, mirror); if (sync) BLI_insertlinkbefore(sync_lb, sync, mirror); else BLI_addtail(sync_lb, mirror); } else { /* look up the mirror socket */ for (mirror=sync; mirror; mirror=mirror->next) if (mirror->own_index == GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(sock->storage)) break; /* make sure the name is the same (only for identification by user, no deeper meaning) */ BLI_strncpy(mirror->name, sock->name, sizeof(mirror->name)); /* fix the socket order if necessary */ if (mirror != sync) { BLI_remlink(sync_lb, mirror); BLI_insertlinkbefore(sync_lb, sync, mirror); } else sync = sync->next; } } sock = sock->next; } /* remaining sockets in sync_lb are leftovers from deleted sockets, remove them */ while (sync) { nsync = sync->next; if (!(sync->flag & SOCK_INTERNAL) && (sync->flag & SOCK_DYNAMIC)) node_group_remove_socket(ntree, sync, sync_in_out); sync = nsync; } }
static DerivedMesh *applyModifier(ModifierData *md, Object *ob, DerivedMesh *derivedData, ModifierApplyFlag UNUSED(flag)) { MaskModifierData *mmd = (MaskModifierData *)md; DerivedMesh *dm = derivedData, *result = NULL; GHash *vertHash = NULL, *edgeHash, *polyHash; GHashIterator *hashIter; MDeformVert *dvert = NULL, *dv; int numPolys = 0, numLoops = 0, numEdges = 0, numVerts = 0; int maxVerts, maxEdges, maxPolys; int i; MPoly *mpoly; MLoop *mloop; MPoly *mpoly_new; MLoop *mloop_new; MEdge *medge_new; MVert *mvert_new; int *loop_mapping; /* Overview of Method: * 1. Get the vertices that are in the vertexgroup of interest * 2. Filter out unwanted geometry (i.e. not in vertexgroup), by populating mappings with new vs old indices * 3. Make a new mesh containing only the mapping data */ /* get original number of verts, edges, and faces */ maxVerts = dm->getNumVerts(dm); maxEdges = dm->getNumEdges(dm); maxPolys = dm->getNumPolys(dm); /* check if we can just return the original mesh * - must have verts and therefore verts assigned to vgroups to do anything useful */ if (!(ELEM(mmd->mode, MOD_MASK_MODE_ARM, MOD_MASK_MODE_VGROUP)) || (maxVerts == 0) || (ob->defbase.first == NULL) ) { return derivedData; } /* if mode is to use selected armature bones, aggregate the bone groups */ if (mmd->mode == MOD_MASK_MODE_ARM) { /* --- using selected bones --- */ Object *oba = mmd->ob_arm; bPoseChannel *pchan; bDeformGroup *def; char *bone_select_array; int bone_select_tot = 0; const int defbase_tot = BLI_countlist(&ob->defbase); /* check that there is armature object with bones to use, otherwise return original mesh */ if (ELEM3(NULL, oba, oba->pose, ob->defbase.first)) return derivedData; /* determine whether each vertexgroup is associated with a selected bone or not * - each cell is a boolean saying whether bone corresponding to the ith group is selected * - groups that don't match a bone are treated as not existing (along with the corresponding ungrouped verts) */ bone_select_array = MEM_mallocN(defbase_tot * sizeof(char), "mask array"); for (i = 0, def = ob->defbase.first; def; def = def->next, i++) { pchan = BKE_pose_channel_find_name(oba->pose, def->name); if (pchan && pchan->bone && (pchan->bone->flag & BONE_SELECTED)) { bone_select_array[i] = TRUE; bone_select_tot++; } else { bone_select_array[i] = FALSE; } } /* if no dverts (i.e. no data for vertex groups exists), we've got an * inconsistent situation, so free hashes and return oirginal mesh */ dvert = dm->getVertDataArray(dm, CD_MDEFORMVERT); if (dvert == NULL) { MEM_freeN(bone_select_array); return derivedData; } /* verthash gives mapping from original vertex indices to the new indices (including selected matches only) * key = oldindex, value = newindex */ vertHash = BLI_ghash_int_new("mask vert gh"); /* add vertices which exist in vertexgroups into vertHash for filtering * - dv = for each vertex, what vertexgroups does it belong to * - dw = weight that vertex was assigned to a vertexgroup it belongs to */ for (i = 0, dv = dvert; i < maxVerts; i++, dv++) { MDeformWeight *dw = dv->dw; short found = 0; int j; /* check the groups that vertex is assigned to, and see if it was any use */ for (j = 0; j < dv->totweight; j++, dw++) { if (dw->def_nr < defbase_tot) { if (bone_select_array[dw->def_nr]) { if (dw->weight != 0.0f) { found = TRUE; break; } } } } /* check if include vert in vertHash */ if (mmd->flag & MOD_MASK_INV) { /* if this vert is in the vgroup, don't include it in vertHash */ if (found) continue; } else { /* if this vert isn't in the vgroup, don't include it in vertHash */ if (!found) continue; } /* add to ghash for verts (numVerts acts as counter for mapping) */ BLI_ghash_insert(vertHash, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(i), SET_INT_IN_POINTER(numVerts)); numVerts++; } /* free temp hashes */ MEM_freeN(bone_select_array); } else { /* --- Using Nominated VertexGroup only --- */ int defgrp_index = defgroup_name_index(ob, mmd->vgroup); /* get dverts */ if (defgrp_index != -1) dvert = dm->getVertDataArray(dm, CD_MDEFORMVERT); /* if no vgroup (i.e. dverts) found, return the initial mesh */ if ((defgrp_index == -1) || (dvert == NULL)) return dm; /* hashes for quickly providing a mapping from old to new - use key=oldindex, value=newindex */ vertHash = BLI_ghash_int_new("mask vert2 bh"); /* add vertices which exist in vertexgroup into ghash for filtering */ for (i = 0, dv = dvert; i < maxVerts; i++, dv++) { const int weight_set = defvert_find_weight(dv, defgrp_index) != 0.0f; /* check if include vert in vertHash */ if (mmd->flag & MOD_MASK_INV) { /* if this vert is in the vgroup, don't include it in vertHash */ if (weight_set) continue; } else { /* if this vert isn't in the vgroup, don't include it in vertHash */ if (!weight_set) continue; } /* add to ghash for verts (numVerts acts as counter for mapping) */ BLI_ghash_insert(vertHash, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(i), SET_INT_IN_POINTER(numVerts)); numVerts++; } } /* hashes for quickly providing a mapping from old to new - use key=oldindex, value=newindex */ edgeHash = BLI_ghash_int_new("mask ed2 gh"); polyHash = BLI_ghash_int_new("mask fa2 gh"); mpoly = dm->getPolyArray(dm); mloop = dm->getLoopArray(dm); loop_mapping = MEM_callocN(sizeof(int) * maxPolys, "mask loopmap"); /* overalloc, assume all polys are seen */ /* loop over edges and faces, and do the same thing to * ensure that they only reference existing verts */ for (i = 0; i < maxEdges; i++) { MEdge me; dm->getEdge(dm, i, &me); /* only add if both verts will be in new mesh */ if (BLI_ghash_haskey(vertHash, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(me.v1)) && BLI_ghash_haskey(vertHash, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(me.v2))) { BLI_ghash_insert(edgeHash, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(i), SET_INT_IN_POINTER(numEdges)); numEdges++; } } for (i = 0; i < maxPolys; i++) { MPoly *mp = &mpoly[i]; MLoop *ml = mloop + mp->loopstart; int ok = TRUE; int j; for (j = 0; j < mp->totloop; j++, ml++) { if (!BLI_ghash_haskey(vertHash, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(ml->v))) { ok = FALSE; break; } } /* all verts must be available */ if (ok) { BLI_ghash_insert(polyHash, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(i), SET_INT_IN_POINTER(numPolys)); loop_mapping[numPolys] = numLoops; numPolys++; numLoops += mp->totloop; } } /* now we know the number of verts, edges and faces, * we can create the new (reduced) mesh */ result = CDDM_from_template(dm, numVerts, numEdges, 0, numLoops, numPolys); mpoly_new = CDDM_get_polys(result); mloop_new = CDDM_get_loops(result); medge_new = CDDM_get_edges(result); mvert_new = CDDM_get_verts(result); /* using ghash-iterators, map data into new mesh */ /* vertices */ for (hashIter = BLI_ghashIterator_new(vertHash); !BLI_ghashIterator_isDone(hashIter); BLI_ghashIterator_step(hashIter) ) { MVert source; MVert *dest; int oldIndex = GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(BLI_ghashIterator_getKey(hashIter)); int newIndex = GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(BLI_ghashIterator_getValue(hashIter)); dm->getVert(dm, oldIndex, &source); dest = &mvert_new[newIndex]; DM_copy_vert_data(dm, result, oldIndex, newIndex, 1); *dest = source; } BLI_ghashIterator_free(hashIter); /* edges */ for (hashIter = BLI_ghashIterator_new(edgeHash); !BLI_ghashIterator_isDone(hashIter); BLI_ghashIterator_step(hashIter)) { MEdge source; MEdge *dest; int oldIndex = GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(BLI_ghashIterator_getKey(hashIter)); int newIndex = GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(BLI_ghashIterator_getValue(hashIter)); dm->getEdge(dm, oldIndex, &source); dest = &medge_new[newIndex]; source.v1 = GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(BLI_ghash_lookup(vertHash, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(source.v1))); source.v2 = GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(BLI_ghash_lookup(vertHash, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(source.v2))); DM_copy_edge_data(dm, result, oldIndex, newIndex, 1); *dest = source; } BLI_ghashIterator_free(hashIter); /* faces */ for (hashIter = BLI_ghashIterator_new(polyHash); !BLI_ghashIterator_isDone(hashIter); BLI_ghashIterator_step(hashIter) ) { int oldIndex = GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(BLI_ghashIterator_getKey(hashIter)); int newIndex = GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(BLI_ghashIterator_getValue(hashIter)); MPoly *source = &mpoly[oldIndex]; MPoly *dest = &mpoly_new[newIndex]; int oldLoopIndex = source->loopstart; int newLoopIndex = loop_mapping[newIndex]; MLoop *source_loop = &mloop[oldLoopIndex]; MLoop *dest_loop = &mloop_new[newLoopIndex]; DM_copy_poly_data(dm, result, oldIndex, newIndex, 1); DM_copy_loop_data(dm, result, oldLoopIndex, newLoopIndex, source->totloop); *dest = *source; dest->loopstart = newLoopIndex; for (i = 0; i < source->totloop; i++) { dest_loop[i].v = GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(BLI_ghash_lookup(vertHash, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(source_loop[i].v))); dest_loop[i].e = GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(BLI_ghash_lookup(edgeHash, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(source_loop[i].e))); } } BLI_ghashIterator_free(hashIter); MEM_freeN(loop_mapping); /* why is this needed? - campbell */ /* recalculate normals */ CDDM_calc_normals(result); /* free hashes */ BLI_ghash_free(vertHash, NULL, NULL); BLI_ghash_free(edgeHash, NULL, NULL); BLI_ghash_free(polyHash, NULL, NULL); /* return the new mesh */ return result; }
/** * Calculate edges from polygons * * \param mesh The mesh to add edges into * \param update When true create new edges co-exist */ void BKE_mesh_calc_edges(Mesh *mesh, bool update, const bool select) { CustomData edata; EdgeHashIterator *ehi; MPoly *mp; MEdge *med, *med_orig; EdgeHash *eh = BLI_edgehash_new(); int i, totedge, totpoly = mesh->totpoly; int med_index; /* select for newly created meshes which are selected [#25595] */ const short ed_flag = (ME_EDGEDRAW | ME_EDGERENDER) | (select ? SELECT : 0); if (mesh->totedge == 0) update = false; if (update) { /* assume existing edges are valid * useful when adding more faces and generating edges from them */ med = mesh->medge; for (i = 0; i < mesh->totedge; i++, med++) BLI_edgehash_insert(eh, med->v1, med->v2, med); } /* mesh loops (bmesh only) */ for (mp = mesh->mpoly, i = 0; i < totpoly; mp++, i++) { MLoop *l = &mesh->mloop[mp->loopstart]; int j, l_prev = (l + (mp->totloop - 1))->v; for (j = 0; j < mp->totloop; j++, l++) { if (!BLI_edgehash_haskey(eh, l_prev, l->v)) { BLI_edgehash_insert(eh, l_prev, l->v, NULL); } l_prev = l->v; } } totedge = BLI_edgehash_size(eh); /* write new edges into a temporary CustomData */ CustomData_reset(&edata); CustomData_add_layer(&edata, CD_MEDGE, CD_CALLOC, NULL, totedge); med = CustomData_get_layer(&edata, CD_MEDGE); for (ehi = BLI_edgehashIterator_new(eh), i = 0; BLI_edgehashIterator_isDone(ehi) == FALSE; BLI_edgehashIterator_step(ehi), ++i, ++med) { if (update && (med_orig = BLI_edgehashIterator_getValue(ehi))) { *med = *med_orig; /* copy from the original */ } else { BLI_edgehashIterator_getKey(ehi, &med->v1, &med->v2); med->flag = ed_flag; } /* store the new edge index in the hash value */ BLI_edgehashIterator_setValue(ehi, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(i)); } BLI_edgehashIterator_free(ehi); if (mesh->totpoly) { /* second pass, iterate through all loops again and assign * the newly created edges to them. */ for (mp = mesh->mpoly, i = 0; i < mesh->totpoly; mp++, i++) { MLoop *l = &mesh->mloop[mp->loopstart]; MLoop *l_prev = (l + (mp->totloop - 1)); int j; for (j = 0; j < mp->totloop; j++, l++) { /* lookup hashed edge index */ med_index = GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(BLI_edgehash_lookup(eh, l_prev->v, l->v)); l_prev->e = med_index; l_prev = l; } } } /* free old CustomData and assign new one */ CustomData_free(&mesh->edata, mesh->totedge); mesh->edata = edata; mesh->totedge = totedge; mesh->medge = CustomData_get_layer(&mesh->edata, CD_MEDGE); BLI_edgehash_free(eh, NULL); }
int BKE_mesh_validate_arrays(Mesh *mesh, MVert *mverts, unsigned int totvert, MEdge *medges, unsigned int totedge, MFace *mfaces, unsigned int totface, MLoop *mloops, unsigned int totloop, MPoly *mpolys, unsigned int totpoly, MDeformVert *dverts, /* assume totvert length */ const bool do_verbose, const bool do_fixes) { # define REMOVE_EDGE_TAG(_me) { _me->v2 = _me->v1; do_edge_free = true; } (void)0 # define IS_REMOVED_EDGE(_me) (_me->v2 == _me->v1) # define REMOVE_LOOP_TAG(_ml) { _ml->e = INVALID_LOOP_EDGE_MARKER; do_polyloop_free = true; } (void)0 # define REMOVE_POLY_TAG(_mp) { _mp->totloop *= -1; do_polyloop_free = true; } (void)0 MVert *mv = mverts; MEdge *me; MLoop *ml; MPoly *mp; unsigned int i, j; int *v; bool do_edge_free = false; bool do_face_free = false; bool do_polyloop_free = false; /* This regroups loops and polys! */ bool verts_fixed = false; bool vert_weights_fixed = false; bool msel_fixed = false; bool do_edge_recalc = false; EdgeHash *edge_hash = BLI_edgehash_new(); BLI_assert(!(do_fixes && mesh == NULL)); PRINT("%s: verts(%u), edges(%u), loops(%u), polygons(%u)\n", __func__, totvert, totedge, totloop, totpoly); if (totedge == 0 && totpoly != 0) { PRINT("\tLogical error, %u polygons and 0 edges\n", totpoly); do_edge_recalc = do_fixes; } for (i = 1; i < totvert; i++, mv++) { int fix_normal = TRUE; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (!finite(mv->co[j])) { PRINT("\tVertex %u: has invalid coordinate\n", i); if (do_fixes) { zero_v3(mv->co); verts_fixed = TRUE; } } if (mv->no[j] != 0) fix_normal = FALSE; } if (fix_normal) { PRINT("\tVertex %u: has zero normal, assuming Z-up normal\n", i); if (do_fixes) { mv->no[2] = SHRT_MAX; verts_fixed = TRUE; } } } for (i = 0, me = medges; i < totedge; i++, me++) { int remove = FALSE; if (me->v1 == me->v2) { PRINT("\tEdge %u: has matching verts, both %u\n", i, me->v1); remove = do_fixes; } if (me->v1 >= totvert) { PRINT("\tEdge %u: v1 index out of range, %u\n", i, me->v1); remove = do_fixes; } if (me->v2 >= totvert) { PRINT("\tEdge %u: v2 index out of range, %u\n", i, me->v2); remove = do_fixes; } if (BLI_edgehash_haskey(edge_hash, me->v1, me->v2)) { PRINT("\tEdge %u: is a duplicate of %d\n", i, GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(BLI_edgehash_lookup(edge_hash, me->v1, me->v2))); remove = do_fixes; } if (remove == FALSE) { BLI_edgehash_insert(edge_hash, me->v1, me->v2, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(i)); } else { REMOVE_EDGE_TAG(me); } } if (mfaces && !mpolys) { # define REMOVE_FACE_TAG(_mf) { _mf->v3 = 0; do_face_free = TRUE; } (void)0 # define CHECK_FACE_VERT_INDEX(a, b) \ if (mf->a == mf->b) { \ PRINT(" face %u: verts invalid, " STRINGIFY(a) "/" STRINGIFY(b) " both %u\n", i, mf->a); \ remove = do_fixes; \ } (void)0 # define CHECK_FACE_EDGE(a, b) \ if (!BLI_edgehash_haskey(edge_hash, mf->a, mf->b)) { \ PRINT(" face %u: edge " STRINGIFY(a) "/" STRINGIFY(b) \ " (%u,%u) is missing egde data\n", i, mf->a, mf->b); \ do_edge_recalc = TRUE; \ } (void)0 MFace *mf; MFace *mf_prev; SortFace *sort_faces = MEM_callocN(sizeof(SortFace) * totface, "search faces"); SortFace *sf; SortFace *sf_prev; unsigned int totsortface = 0; PRINT("No Polys, only tesselated Faces\n"); for (i = 0, mf = mfaces, sf = sort_faces; i < totface; i++, mf++) { int remove = FALSE; int fidx; unsigned int fv[4]; fidx = mf->v4 ? 3 : 2; do { fv[fidx] = *(&(mf->v1) + fidx); if (fv[fidx] >= totvert) { PRINT("\tFace %u: 'v%d' index out of range, %u\n", i, fidx + 1, fv[fidx]); remove = do_fixes; } } while (fidx--); if (remove == FALSE) { if (mf->v4) { CHECK_FACE_VERT_INDEX(v1, v2); CHECK_FACE_VERT_INDEX(v1, v3); CHECK_FACE_VERT_INDEX(v1, v4); CHECK_FACE_VERT_INDEX(v2, v3); CHECK_FACE_VERT_INDEX(v2, v4); CHECK_FACE_VERT_INDEX(v3, v4); } else { CHECK_FACE_VERT_INDEX(v1, v2); CHECK_FACE_VERT_INDEX(v1, v3); CHECK_FACE_VERT_INDEX(v2, v3); } if (remove == FALSE) { if (totedge) { if (mf->v4) { CHECK_FACE_EDGE(v1, v2); CHECK_FACE_EDGE(v2, v3); CHECK_FACE_EDGE(v3, v4); CHECK_FACE_EDGE(v4, v1); } else { CHECK_FACE_EDGE(v1, v2); CHECK_FACE_EDGE(v2, v3); CHECK_FACE_EDGE(v3, v1); } } sf->index = i; if (mf->v4) { edge_store_from_mface_quad(sf->es, mf); qsort(sf->es, 4, sizeof(int64_t), int64_cmp); } else { edge_store_from_mface_tri(sf->es, mf); qsort(sf->es, 3, sizeof(int64_t), int64_cmp); } totsortface++; sf++; } } if (remove) { REMOVE_FACE_TAG(mf); } } qsort(sort_faces, totsortface, sizeof(SortFace), search_face_cmp); sf = sort_faces; sf_prev = sf; sf++; for (i = 1; i < totsortface; i++, sf++) { int remove = FALSE; /* on a valid mesh, code below will never run */ if (memcmp(sf->es, sf_prev->es, sizeof(sf_prev->es)) == 0) { mf = mfaces + sf->index; if (do_verbose) { mf_prev = mfaces + sf_prev->index; if (mf->v4) { PRINT("\tFace %u & %u: are duplicates (%u,%u,%u,%u) (%u,%u,%u,%u)\n", sf->index, sf_prev->index, mf->v1, mf->v2, mf->v3, mf->v4, mf_prev->v1, mf_prev->v2, mf_prev->v3, mf_prev->v4); } else { PRINT("\tFace %u & %u: are duplicates (%u,%u,%u) (%u,%u,%u)\n", sf->index, sf_prev->index, mf->v1, mf->v2, mf->v3, mf_prev->v1, mf_prev->v2, mf_prev->v3); } } remove = do_fixes; } else { sf_prev = sf; } if (remove) { REMOVE_FACE_TAG(mf); } } MEM_freeN(sort_faces); # undef REMOVE_FACE_TAG # undef CHECK_FACE_VERT_INDEX # undef CHECK_FACE_EDGE } /* Checking loops and polys is a bit tricky, as they are quite intricated... * * Polys must have: * - a valid loopstart value. * - a valid totloop value (>= 3 and loopstart+totloop < me.totloop). * * Loops must have: * - a valid v value. * - a valid e value (corresponding to the edge it defines with the next loop in poly). * * Also, loops not used by polys can be discarded. * And "intersecting" loops (i.e. loops used by more than one poly) are invalid, * so be sure to leave at most one poly per loop! */ { SortPoly *sort_polys = MEM_callocN(sizeof(SortPoly) * totpoly, "mesh validate's sort_polys"); SortPoly *prev_sp, *sp = sort_polys; int prev_end; for (i = 0, mp = mpolys; i < totpoly; i++, mp++, sp++) { sp->index = i; if (mp->loopstart < 0 || mp->totloop < 3) { /* Invalid loop data. */ PRINT("\tPoly %u is invalid (loopstart: %u, totloop: %u)\n", sp->index, mp->loopstart, mp->totloop); sp->invalid = TRUE; } else if (mp->loopstart + mp->totloop > totloop) { /* Invalid loop data. */ PRINT("\tPoly %u uses loops out of range (loopstart: %u, loopend: %u, max nbr of loops: %u)\n", sp->index, mp->loopstart, mp->loopstart + mp->totloop - 1, totloop - 1); sp->invalid = TRUE; } else { /* Poly itself is valid, for now. */ int v1, v2; /* v1 is prev loop vert idx, v2 is current loop one. */ sp->invalid = FALSE; sp->verts = v = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(int) * mp->totloop, "Vert idx of SortPoly"); sp->numverts = mp->totloop; sp->loopstart = mp->loopstart; /* Test all poly's loops' vert idx. */ for (j = 0, ml = &mloops[sp->loopstart]; j < mp->totloop; j++, ml++, v++) { if (ml->v >= totvert) { /* Invalid vert idx. */ PRINT("\tLoop %u has invalid vert reference (%u)\n", sp->loopstart + j, ml->v); sp->invalid = TRUE; } mverts[ml->v].flag |= ME_VERT_TMP_TAG; *v = ml->v; } /* is the same vertex used more than once */ if (!sp->invalid) { v = sp->verts; for (j = 0; j < mp->totloop; j++, v++) { if ((mverts[*v].flag & ME_VERT_TMP_TAG) == 0) { PRINT("\tPoly %u has duplicate vert reference at corner (%u)\n", i, j); sp->invalid = TRUE; } mverts[*v].flag &= ~ME_VERT_TMP_TAG; } } if (sp->invalid) continue; /* Test all poly's loops. */ for (j = 0, ml = &mloops[sp->loopstart]; j < mp->totloop; j++, ml++) { v1 = ml->v; v2 = mloops[sp->loopstart + (j + 1) % mp->totloop].v; if (!BLI_edgehash_haskey(edge_hash, v1, v2)) { /* Edge not existing. */ PRINT("\tPoly %u needs missing edge (%u, %u)\n", sp->index, v1, v2); if (do_fixes) do_edge_recalc = TRUE; else sp->invalid = TRUE; } else if (ml->e >= totedge) { /* Invalid edge idx. * We already know from previous text that a valid edge exists, use it (if allowed)! */ if (do_fixes) { int prev_e = ml->e; ml->e = GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(BLI_edgehash_lookup(edge_hash, v1, v2)); PRINT("\tLoop %u has invalid edge reference (%u), fixed using edge %u\n", sp->loopstart + j, prev_e, ml->e); } else { PRINT("\tLoop %u has invalid edge reference (%u)\n", sp->loopstart + j, ml->e); sp->invalid = TRUE; } } else { me = &medges[ml->e]; if (IS_REMOVED_EDGE(me) || !((me->v1 == v1 && me->v2 == v2) || (me->v1 == v2 && me->v2 == v1))) { /* The pointed edge is invalid (tagged as removed, or vert idx mismatch), * and we already know from previous test that a valid one exists, use it (if allowed)! */ if (do_fixes) { int prev_e = ml->e; ml->e = GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(BLI_edgehash_lookup(edge_hash, v1, v2)); PRINT("\tPoly %u has invalid edge reference (%u), fixed using edge %u\n", sp->index, prev_e, ml->e); } else { PRINT("\tPoly %u has invalid edge reference (%u)\n", sp->index, ml->e); sp->invalid = TRUE; } } } } /* Now check that that poly does not use a same vertex more than once! */ if (!sp->invalid) { int *prev_v = v = sp->verts; j = sp->numverts; qsort(sp->verts, j, sizeof(int), int_cmp); for (j--, v++; j; j--, v++) { if (*v != *prev_v) { int dlt = v - prev_v; if (dlt > 1) { PRINT("\tPoly %u is invalid, it multi-uses vertex %u (%u times)\n", sp->index, *prev_v, dlt); sp->invalid = TRUE; } prev_v = v; } } if (v - prev_v > 1) { /* Don't forget final verts! */ PRINT("\tPoly %u is invalid, it multi-uses vertex %u (%u times)\n", sp->index, *prev_v, (int)(v - prev_v)); sp->invalid = TRUE; } } } } /* Second check pass, testing polys using the same verts. */ qsort(sort_polys, totpoly, sizeof(SortPoly), search_poly_cmp); sp = prev_sp = sort_polys; sp++; for (i = 1; i < totpoly; i++, sp++) { int p1_nv = sp->numverts, p2_nv = prev_sp->numverts; int *p1_v = sp->verts, *p2_v = prev_sp->verts; short p1_sub = TRUE, p2_sub = TRUE; if (sp->invalid) break; /* Test same polys. */ #if 0 /* NOTE: This performs a sub-set test. */ /* XXX This (and the sort of verts list) is better than systematic * search of all verts of one list into the other if lists have * a fair amount of elements. * Not sure however it's worth it in this case? * But as we also need sorted vert list to check verts multi-used * (in first pass of checks)... */ /* XXX If we consider only "equal" polys (i.e. using exactly same set of verts) * as invalid, better to replace this by a simple memory cmp... */ while ((p1_nv && p2_nv) && (p1_sub || p2_sub)) { if (*p1_v < *p2_v) { if (p1_sub) p1_sub = FALSE; p1_nv--; p1_v++; } else if (*p2_v < *p1_v) { if (p2_sub) p2_sub = FALSE; p2_nv--; p2_v++; } else { /* Equality, both next verts. */ p1_nv--; p2_nv--; p1_v++; p2_v++; } } if (p1_nv && p1_sub) p1_sub = FALSE; else if (p2_nv && p2_sub) p2_sub = FALSE; if (p1_sub && p2_sub) { PRINT("\tPolys %u and %u use same vertices, considering poly %u as invalid.\n", prev_sp->index, sp->index, sp->index); sp->invalid = TRUE; } /* XXX In fact, these might be valid? :/ */ else if (p1_sub) { PRINT("\t%u is a sub-poly of %u, considering it as invalid.\n", sp->index, prev_sp->index); sp->invalid = TRUE; } else if (p2_sub) { PRINT("\t%u is a sub-poly of %u, considering it as invalid.\n", prev_sp->index, sp->index); prev_sp->invalid = TRUE; prev_sp = sp; /* sp is new reference poly. */ } #else if (0) { p1_sub += 0; p2_sub += 0; } if ((p1_nv == p2_nv) && (memcmp(p1_v, p2_v, p1_nv * sizeof(*p1_v)) == 0)) { if (do_verbose) { PRINT("\tPolys %u and %u use same vertices (%u", prev_sp->index, sp->index, *p1_v); for (j = 1; j < p1_nv; j++) PRINT(", %u", p1_v[j]); PRINT("), considering poly %u as invalid.\n", sp->index); } sp->invalid = TRUE; } #endif else { prev_sp = sp; } } /* Third check pass, testing loops used by none or more than one poly. */ qsort(sort_polys, totpoly, sizeof(SortPoly), search_polyloop_cmp); sp = sort_polys; prev_sp = NULL; prev_end = 0; for (i = 0; i < totpoly; i++, sp++) { /* Free this now, we don't need it anymore, and avoid us another loop! */ if (sp->verts) MEM_freeN(sp->verts); /* Note above prev_sp: in following code, we make sure it is always valid poly (or NULL). */ if (sp->invalid) { if (do_fixes) { REMOVE_POLY_TAG((&mpolys[sp->index])); /* DO NOT REMOVE ITS LOOPS!!! * As already invalid polys are at the end of the SortPoly list, the loops they * were the only users have already been tagged as "to remove" during previous * iterations, and we don't want to remove some loops that may be used by * another valid poly! */ } } /* Test loops users. */ else { /* Unused loops. */ if (prev_end < sp->loopstart) { for (j = prev_end, ml = &mloops[prev_end]; j < sp->loopstart; j++, ml++) { PRINT("\tLoop %u is unused.\n", j); if (do_fixes) REMOVE_LOOP_TAG(ml); } prev_end = sp->loopstart + sp->numverts; prev_sp = sp; } /* Multi-used loops. */ else if (prev_end > sp->loopstart) { PRINT("\tPolys %u and %u share loops from %u to %u, considering poly %u as invalid.\n", prev_sp->index, sp->index, sp->loopstart, prev_end, sp->index); if (do_fixes) { REMOVE_POLY_TAG((&mpolys[sp->index])); /* DO NOT REMOVE ITS LOOPS!!! * They might be used by some next, valid poly! * Just not updating prev_end/prev_sp vars is enough to ensure the loops * effectively no more needed will be marked as "to be removed"! */ } } else { prev_end = sp->loopstart + sp->numverts; prev_sp = sp; } } } /* We may have some remaining unused loops to get rid of! */ if (prev_end < totloop) { for (j = prev_end, ml = &mloops[prev_end]; j < totloop; j++, ml++) { PRINT("\tLoop %u is unused.\n", j); if (do_fixes) REMOVE_LOOP_TAG(ml); } } MEM_freeN(sort_polys); } BLI_edgehash_free(edge_hash, NULL); /* fix deform verts */ if (dverts) { MDeformVert *dv; for (i = 0, dv = dverts; i < totvert; i++, dv++) { MDeformWeight *dw; for (j = 0, dw = dv->dw; j < dv->totweight; j++, dw++) { /* note, greater then max defgroups is accounted for in our code, but not < 0 */ if (!finite(dw->weight)) { PRINT("\tVertex deform %u, group %d has weight: %f\n", i, dw->def_nr, dw->weight); if (do_fixes) { dw->weight = 0.0f; vert_weights_fixed = TRUE; } } else if (dw->weight < 0.0f || dw->weight > 1.0f) { PRINT("\tVertex deform %u, group %d has weight: %f\n", i, dw->def_nr, dw->weight); if (do_fixes) { CLAMP(dw->weight, 0.0f, 1.0f); vert_weights_fixed = TRUE; } } if (dw->def_nr < 0) { PRINT("\tVertex deform %u, has invalid group %d\n", i, dw->def_nr); if (do_fixes) { defvert_remove_group(dv, dw); if (dv->dw) { /* re-allocated, the new values compensate for stepping * within the for loop and may not be valid */ j--; dw = dv->dw + j; vert_weights_fixed = TRUE; } else { /* all freed */ break; } } } } } } # undef REMOVE_EDGE_TAG # undef IS_REMOVED_EDGE # undef REMOVE_LOOP_TAG # undef REMOVE_POLY_TAG if (mesh) { if (do_face_free) { BKE_mesh_strip_loose_faces(mesh); } if (do_polyloop_free) { BKE_mesh_strip_loose_polysloops(mesh); } if (do_edge_free) { BKE_mesh_strip_loose_edges(mesh); } if (do_edge_recalc) { BKE_mesh_calc_edges(mesh, true, false); } } if (mesh && mesh->mselect) { MSelect *msel; int free_msel = FALSE; for (i = 0, msel = mesh->mselect; i < mesh->totselect; i++, msel++) { int tot_elem = 0; if (msel->index < 0) { PRINT("\tMesh select element %d type %d index is negative, " "resetting selection stack.\n", i, msel->type); free_msel = TRUE; break; } switch (msel->type) { case ME_VSEL: tot_elem = mesh->totvert; break; case ME_ESEL: tot_elem = mesh->totedge; break; case ME_FSEL: tot_elem = mesh->totface; break; } if (msel->index > tot_elem) { PRINT("\tMesh select element %d type %d index %d is larger than data array size %d, " "resetting selection stack.\n", i, msel->type, msel->index, tot_elem); free_msel = TRUE; break; } } if (free_msel) { MEM_freeN(mesh->mselect); mesh->mselect = NULL; mesh->totselect = 0; } } PRINT("%s: finished\n\n", __func__); return (verts_fixed || vert_weights_fixed || do_polyloop_free || do_edge_free || do_edge_recalc || msel_fixed); }