bool IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::initWithOptions(
    IOOptionBits options,
    vm_size_t    capacity,
    vm_offset_t  alignment,
    task_t	    inTask)
    vm_map_t map = 0;
    IOOptionBits iomdOptions = kIOMemoryAsReference | kIOMemoryTypeVirtual;

    if (!capacity)
        return false;

    _options   	  = options;
    _capacity     = capacity;
    _physAddrs    = 0;
    _physSegCount = 0;
    _buffer	  = 0;

    // Grab the direction and the Auto Prepare bits from the Buffer MD options
    iomdOptions  |= options & (kIOMemoryDirectionMask | kIOMemoryAutoPrepare);

    if ((options & kIOMemorySharingTypeMask) && (alignment < page_size))
        alignment = page_size;

    if ((inTask != kernel_task) && !(options & kIOMemoryPageable))
        return false;

    _alignment = alignment;
    if (options & kIOMemoryPageable)
        iomdOptions |= kIOMemoryBufferPageable;
        if (inTask == kernel_task)
            /* Allocate some kernel address space. */
            _buffer = IOMallocPageable(capacity, alignment);
            if (_buffer)
                map = IOPageableMapForAddress((vm_address_t) _buffer);
            kern_return_t kr;

            if( !reserved) {
                reserved = IONew( ExpansionData, 1 );
                if( !reserved)
                    return( false );
            map = get_task_map(inTask);
            reserved->map = map;
            kr = vm_allocate( map, (vm_address_t *) &_buffer, round_page_32(capacity),
                              VM_FLAGS_ANYWHERE | VM_MAKE_TAG(VM_MEMORY_IOKIT) );
            if( KERN_SUCCESS != kr)
                return( false );

            // we have to make sure that these pages don't get copied on fork.
            kr = vm_inherit( map, (vm_address_t) _buffer, round_page_32(capacity), VM_INHERIT_NONE);
            if( KERN_SUCCESS != kr)
                return( false );
        // @@@ gvdl: Need to remove this
        // Buffer should never auto prepare they should be prepared explicitly
        // But it never was enforced so what are you going to do?
        iomdOptions |= kIOMemoryAutoPrepare;

        /* Allocate a wired-down buffer inside kernel space. */
        if (options & kIOMemoryPhysicallyContiguous)
            _buffer = IOMallocContiguous(capacity, alignment, 0);
        else if (alignment > 1)
            _buffer = IOMallocAligned(capacity, alignment);
            _buffer = IOMalloc(capacity);

    if (!_buffer)
        return false;

    _singleRange.v.address = (vm_address_t) _buffer;
    _singleRange.v.length  = capacity;

    if (!super::initWithOptions(&_singleRange.v, 1, 0,
                                inTask, iomdOptions, /* System mapper */ 0))
        return false;

    if (options & kIOMemoryPageable) {
        kern_return_t kr;
        ipc_port_t sharedMem = (ipc_port_t) _memEntry;
        vm_size_t size = round_page_32(_ranges.v[0].length);

        // must create the entry before any pages are allocated
        if( 0 == sharedMem) {

            // set memory entry cache
            vm_prot_t memEntryCacheMode = VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE;
            switch (options & kIOMapCacheMask)
            case kIOMapInhibitCache:
                SET_MAP_MEM(MAP_MEM_IO, memEntryCacheMode);

            case kIOMapWriteThruCache:
                SET_MAP_MEM(MAP_MEM_WTHRU, memEntryCacheMode);

            case kIOMapWriteCombineCache:
                SET_MAP_MEM(MAP_MEM_WCOMB, memEntryCacheMode);

            case kIOMapCopybackCache:
                SET_MAP_MEM(MAP_MEM_COPYBACK, memEntryCacheMode);

            case kIOMapDefaultCache:
                SET_MAP_MEM(MAP_MEM_NOOP, memEntryCacheMode);

            kr = mach_make_memory_entry( map,
                                         &size, _ranges.v[0].address,
                                         memEntryCacheMode, &sharedMem,
                                         NULL );

            if( (KERN_SUCCESS == kr) && (size != round_page_32(_ranges.v[0].length))) {
                ipc_port_release_send( sharedMem );
                kr = kIOReturnVMError;
            if( KERN_SUCCESS != kr)
                sharedMem = 0;
            _memEntry = (void *) sharedMem;


    return true;
bool IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::initWithPhysicalMask(
				task_t		  inTask,
				IOOptionBits      options,
				mach_vm_size_t    capacity,
				mach_vm_address_t alignment,
				mach_vm_address_t physicalMask)
    kern_return_t 	  kr;
    task_t		  mapTask = NULL;
    vm_map_t 		  vmmap = NULL;
    mach_vm_address_t     highestMask = 0;
    IOOptionBits	  iomdOptions = kIOMemoryTypeVirtual64 | kIOMemoryAsReference;
    IODMAMapSpecification mapSpec;
    bool                  mapped = false;
    bool                  needZero;

    if (!capacity)
        return false;

    _options   	      = options;
    _capacity         = capacity;
    _internalFlags    = 0;
    _internalReserved = 0;
    _buffer	      = 0;

    _ranges.v64 = IONew(IOAddressRange, 1);
    if (!_ranges.v64)
	return (false);
    _ranges.v64->address = 0;
    _ranges.v64->length  = 0;
    //  make sure super::free doesn't dealloc _ranges before super::init
    _flags = kIOMemoryAsReference;

    // Grab IOMD bits from the Buffer MD options
    iomdOptions  |= (options & kIOBufferDescriptorMemoryFlags);

    if (!(kIOMemoryMapperNone & options))
	mapped = (0 != IOMapper::gSystem);
    needZero = mapped;

    if (physicalMask && (alignment <= 1))
	alignment   = ((physicalMask ^ (-1ULL)) & (physicalMask - 1));
	highestMask = (physicalMask | alignment);
	if (alignment < page_size)
            alignment = page_size;

    if ((options & (kIOMemorySharingTypeMask | kIOMapCacheMask | kIOMemoryClearEncrypt)) && (alignment < page_size))
	alignment = page_size;

    if (alignment >= page_size)
	capacity = round_page(capacity);

    if (alignment > page_size)
	options |= kIOMemoryPhysicallyContiguous;

    _alignment = alignment;

    if ((inTask != kernel_task) && !(options & kIOMemoryPageable))
	return false;

    bzero(&mapSpec, sizeof(mapSpec));
    mapSpec.alignment      = _alignment;
    mapSpec.numAddressBits = 64;
    if (highestMask && mapped)
	if (highestMask <= 0xFFFFFFFF)
	    mapSpec.numAddressBits = (32 - __builtin_clz((unsigned int) highestMask));
	    mapSpec.numAddressBits = (64 - __builtin_clz((unsigned int) (highestMask >> 32)));
	highestMask = 0;

    // set flags for entry + object create
    vm_prot_t memEntryCacheMode = VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE;

    // set memory entry cache mode
    switch (options & kIOMapCacheMask)
	case kIOMapInhibitCache:
	    SET_MAP_MEM(MAP_MEM_IO, memEntryCacheMode);

	case kIOMapWriteThruCache:
	    SET_MAP_MEM(MAP_MEM_WTHRU, memEntryCacheMode);

	case kIOMapWriteCombineCache:
	    SET_MAP_MEM(MAP_MEM_WCOMB, memEntryCacheMode);

	case kIOMapCopybackCache:
	    SET_MAP_MEM(MAP_MEM_COPYBACK, memEntryCacheMode);

	case kIOMapCopybackInnerCache:
	    SET_MAP_MEM(MAP_MEM_INNERWBACK, memEntryCacheMode);

	case kIOMapDefaultCache:
	    SET_MAP_MEM(MAP_MEM_NOOP, memEntryCacheMode);

    if (options & kIOMemoryPageable)
	iomdOptions |= kIOMemoryBufferPageable;

	// must create the entry before any pages are allocated

	// set flags for entry + object create
	memEntryCacheMode |= MAP_MEM_NAMED_CREATE;

	if (options & kIOMemoryPurgeable)
	    memEntryCacheMode |= MAP_MEM_PURGABLE;
	memEntryCacheMode |= MAP_MEM_NAMED_REUSE;
	vmmap = kernel_map;

	// Buffer shouldn't auto prepare they should be prepared explicitly
	// But it never was enforced so what are you going to do?
	iomdOptions |= kIOMemoryAutoPrepare;

	/* Allocate a wired-down buffer inside kernel space. */

	bool contig = (0 != (options & kIOMemoryHostPhysicallyContiguous));

	if (!contig && (0 != (options & kIOMemoryPhysicallyContiguous)))
	    contig |= (!mapped);
	    contig |= (0 != (kIOMemoryMapperNone & options));
#if 0
	    // treat kIOMemoryPhysicallyContiguous as kIOMemoryHostPhysicallyContiguous for now
	    contig |= true;

	if (contig || highestMask || (alignment > page_size))
            _internalFlags |= kInternalFlagPhysical;
            if (highestMask)
                _internalFlags |= kInternalFlagPageSized;
                capacity = round_page(capacity);
            _buffer = (void *) IOKernelAllocateWithPhysicalRestrict(
            				capacity, highestMask, alignment, contig);
	else if (needZero
		  && ((capacity + alignment) <= (page_size - kIOPageAllocChunkBytes)))
            _internalFlags |= kInternalFlagPageAllocated;
            needZero        = false;
            _buffer         = (void *) iopa_alloc(capacity, alignment);
	else if (alignment > 1)
            _buffer = IOMallocAligned(capacity, alignment);
            _buffer = IOMalloc(capacity);
	if (!_buffer)
            return false;
	if (needZero) bzero(_buffer, capacity);

    if( (options & (kIOMemoryPageable | kIOMapCacheMask))) {
	ipc_port_t	sharedMem;
	vm_size_t	size = round_page(capacity);

	kr = mach_make_memory_entry(vmmap,
				    &size, (vm_offset_t)_buffer,
				    memEntryCacheMode, &sharedMem,
				    NULL );

	if( (KERN_SUCCESS == kr) && (size != round_page(capacity))) {
	    ipc_port_release_send( sharedMem );
	    kr = kIOReturnVMError;
	if( KERN_SUCCESS != kr)
	    return( false );

	_memEntry = (void *) sharedMem;

	if( options & kIOMemoryPageable) {
	    debug_iomallocpageable_size += size;
	    mapTask = inTask;
	    if (NULL == inTask)
		inTask = kernel_task;
	else if (options & kIOMapCacheMask)
	    // Prefetch each page to put entries into the pmap
	    volatile UInt8 *	startAddr = (UInt8 *)_buffer;
	    volatile UInt8 *	endAddr   = (UInt8 *)_buffer + capacity;

	    while (startAddr < endAddr)
		startAddr += page_size;

    _ranges.v64->address = (mach_vm_address_t) _buffer;;
    _ranges.v64->length  = _capacity;

    if (!super::initWithOptions(_ranges.v64, 1, 0,
				inTask, iomdOptions, /* System mapper */ 0))
	return false;

    // give any system mapper the allocation params
    if (kIOReturnSuccess != dmaCommandOperation(kIOMDAddDMAMapSpec, 
    						&mapSpec, sizeof(mapSpec)))
	return false;

    if (mapTask)
	if (!reserved) {
	    reserved = IONew( ExpansionData, 1 );
	    if( !reserved)
		return( false );
	reserved->map = createMappingInTask(mapTask, 0, 
			    kIOMapAnywhere | (options & kIOMapCacheMask), 0, 0);
	if (!reserved->map)
	    _buffer = 0;
	    return( false );
	release();	    // map took a retain on this
	mach_vm_address_t buffer = reserved->map->getAddress();
	_buffer = (void *) buffer;
	if (kIOMemoryTypeVirtual64 == (kIOMemoryTypeMask & iomdOptions))
	    _ranges.v64->address = buffer;


    return true;