bool ofQuickTimeGrabber::initGrabber(int w, int h){


		//---------------------------------- 1 - open the sequence grabber
		if( !qtInitSeqGrabber() ){
			ofLogError("ofQuickTimeGrabber") << "initGrabber(): unable to initialize the seq grabber";
			return false;

		//---------------------------------- 2 - set the dimensions
		//width 		= w;
		//height 		= h;

		MacSetRect(&videoRect, 0, 0, w, h);

		//---------------------------------- 3 - buffer allocation
		// Create a buffer big enough to hold the video data,
		// make sure the pointer is 32-byte aligned.
		// also the rgb image that people will grab

		offscreenGWorldPixels 	= (unsigned char*)malloc(4 * w * h + 32);
		pixels.allocate(w, h, OF_IMAGE_COLOR);
		#if defined(TARGET_OSX) && defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__)
			QTNewGWorldFromPtr (&(videogworld), k32ARGBPixelFormat, &(videoRect), NULL, NULL, 0, (offscreenGWorldPixels), 4 * w);		
			QTNewGWorldFromPtr (&(videogworld), k24RGBPixelFormat, &(videoRect), NULL, NULL, 0, (pixels.getPixels()), 3 * w);
		SetGWorld (videogworld, NULL);
		SGSetGWorld(gSeqGrabber, videogworld, nil);

		//---------------------------------- 4 - device selection
		bool didWeChooseADevice = bChooseDevice;
		bool deviceIsSelected	=  false;

		//if we have a device selected then try first to setup
		//that device
			deviceIsSelected = qtSelectDevice(deviceID, true);
			if(!deviceIsSelected && bVerbose)
				ofLogError("ofQuickTimeGrabber") << "initGrabber(): unable to open device[" << deviceID << "], will attempt other devices";

		//if we couldn't select our required device
		//or we aren't specifiying a device to setup
		//then lets try to setup ANY device!
		if(deviceIsSelected == false){
			//lets list available devices

			deviceIsSelected = qtSelectDevice(deviceID, false);

		//if we still haven't been able to setup a device
		//we should error and stop!
		if( deviceIsSelected == false){
			goto bail;

		//---------------------------------- 5 - final initialization steps
		OSStatus err;

	 	err = SGSetChannelUsage(gVideoChannel,seqGrabPreview);
		if ( err != noErr ) goto bail;

		//----------------- callback method for notifying new frame
		err = SGSetChannelRefCon(gVideoChannel, (long)&bHavePixelsChanged );
		if(!err) {

			VideoBottles vb; 
			/* get the current bottlenecks */ 
			vb.procCount = 9; 
			err = SGGetVideoBottlenecks(gVideoChannel, &vb); 
			if (!err) { 			
				myGrabCompleteProc = NewSGGrabCompleteBottleUPP(frameIsGrabbedProc);
				vb.grabCompleteProc = myGrabCompleteProc;
				/* add our GrabFrameComplete function */ 
				err = SGSetVideoBottlenecks(gVideoChannel, &vb); 	
		err = SGSetChannelBounds(gVideoChannel, &videoRect);
		if ( err != noErr ) goto bail;

		err = SGPrepare(gSeqGrabber,  true, false); //theo swapped so preview is true and capture is false
		if ( err != noErr ) goto bail;

		err = SGStartPreview(gSeqGrabber);
		if ( err != noErr ) goto bail;

		bGrabberInited = true;
		if( attemptFramerate >= 0 ){
			err = SGSetFrameRate(gVideoChannel, IntToFixed(attemptFramerate) );
			if ( err != noErr ){
				ofLogError("ofQuickTimeGrabber") << "initGrabber: couldn't setting framerate to " << attemptFramerate << ": OSStatus " << err;
		ofLogNotice("ofQuickTimeGrabber") << "           inited grabbed            ";
		ofLogNotice("ofQuickTimeGrabber") << "-------------------------------------";

		// we are done
		return true;

		//--------------------- (bail) something's wrong -----

			ofLogError("ofQuickTimeGrabber") << "***** ofQuickTimeGrabber error *****";
			ofLogError("ofQuickTimeGrabber") << "------------------------------------";

			//if we don't close this - it messes up the next device!
			if(bSgInited) qtCloseSeqGrabber();

			bGrabberInited = false;
			return false;
		return false;

// Create the Sequence Grabber Video Channel
void QuicktimeLiveImageStream::createSequenceGrabberVideoChannel()
    // Check capability and setting of Sequence Grabber
    GDHandle origDevice;
    CGrafPtr origPort;
    // Create GWorld
    GetGWorld (&origPort, &origDevice);
    SetGWorld (m_gw, NULL); // set current graphics port to offscreen
    // Setup
    // Get a video channel
    ComponentResult result = SGNewChannel (m_gSeqGrabber, VideoMediaType, &m_gVideoChannel);
    if ((m_gVideoChannel != nil) && (result == noErr))
        result = SGInitChannel(m_gVideoChannel, m_gSeqGrabber);
        Rect gActiveVideoRect;
        // Usage
        if (g_s_use_sg_record)
            result = SGSetChannelUsage (m_gVideoChannel, seqGrabRecord | seqGrabLowLatencyCapture);
            result = SGSetChannelUsage (m_gVideoChannel, seqGrabPreview);
        //  result = SGSetUseScreenBuffer(m_gVideoChannel, FALSE);
        // Set
        OSG_DEBUG << "Setting up vdig from input prefs" << std::endl;
        result = SGSetChannelDevice     ( m_gVideoChannel, m_videoDeviceIDStr);
        result = SGSetChannelDeviceInput( m_gVideoChannel, m_videoDeviceInputID);
        // result = SGSetChannelPlayFlags  ( m_gVideoChannel, channelPlayFast | channelPlayHighQuality | channelPlayAllData);
        result = SGSetChannelPlayFlags  ( m_gVideoChannel, channelPlayFast );

        VideoDigitizerComponent vdig = SGGetVideoDigitizerComponent(m_gVideoChannel);
        VideoDigitizerError vid_err;
        vid_err = VDSetInputStandard (vdig, palIn);
        OSG_DEBUG << "Setup vdig from input prefs:" << std::endl;

        result = SGVideoDigitizerChanged( m_gVideoChannel);
        result = SGGetSrcVideoBounds    ( m_gVideoChannel, &gActiveVideoRect);     
        result = SGSetChannelBounds     ( m_gVideoChannel, &gActiveVideoRect);
        result = SGChangedSource (m_gSeqGrabber, m_gVideoChannel);

        Fixed frame_rate;
        result = SGGetFrameRate (m_gVideoChannel, &frame_rate);
        result = SGSetFrameRate (m_gVideoChannel, 100);
        // Sound
        long                sound_id;
        Str255              sound_driver_name;
        char*               sound_driver_name_cstr;
        vid_err = VDGetSoundInputSource(vdig, (long)m_videoDeviceInputID, &sound_id);
        vid_err = VDGetSoundInputDriver(vdig, sound_driver_name);
        sound_driver_name_cstr = pstr_printable(sound_driver_name);
        OSG_DEBUG << "vdig sound driver name :" << sound_driver_name_cstr << std::endl;
        OSG_DEBUG << "vdig sound driver id   :" << sound_id << std::endl;
        OSG_FATAL << "Could not create SGNewChannel for Video Channel" << std::endl;
    // Set GWorld back
    SetGWorld(origPort, origDevice);
// ######################################################################
QuickTimeGrabber::Impl::Impl(const Dims& dims)
  itsSeqGrab(0, &CloseComponent),
  OSErr err;


  // open the default sequence grabber
  itsSeqGrab.it = OpenDefaultComponent(SeqGrabComponentType, 0);
  if (itsSeqGrab.it == NULL)
    LFATAL("OpenDefaultComponent() failed");

  // initialize the default sequence grabber component
  if (noErr != (err = SGInitialize(itsSeqGrab.it)))
    LFATAL("SGInitialize() failed (err=%ld)", (long) err);

  Rect scaleRect;
  MacSetRect(&scaleRect, 0, 0, dims.w(), dims.h());
  ASSERT(itsGWorld == 0);
              k32ARGBPixelFormat, &scaleRect,
              NULL, NULL,

  // set its graphics world
  if (noErr != (err = SGSetGWorld(itsSeqGrab.it, itsGWorld, NULL)))
    LFATAL("SGSetGWorld() failed (err=%ld)", (long) err);

  // specify the destination data reference for a record operation
  // tell it we're not making a movie if the flag seqGrabDontMakeMovie
  // is used, the sequence grabber still calls your data function, but
  // does not write any data to the movie file writeType will always
  // be set to seqGrabWriteAppend
  if (noErr !=
      (err = SGSetDataRef(itsSeqGrab.it, 0, 0,
                          seqGrabDontMakeMovie | seqGrabDataProcIsInterruptSafe)))
    LFATAL("SGSetDataRef() failed (err=%ld)", (long) err);

  Impl::SGChannelHolder sgchanSound(&itsSeqGrab.it);

  if (noErr != (err = SGNewChannel(itsSeqGrab.it,
                                   VideoMediaType, &itsSGChanVideo.it)))
    LFATAL("SGNewChannel(video) failed (err=%ld)", (long) err);

  if (noErr != (err = SGNewChannel(itsSeqGrab.it,
                                   SoundMediaType, &sgchanSound.it)))
      // don't care if we couldn't get a sound channel
      sgchanSound.it = NULL;
      LERROR("SGNewChannel(audio) failed (err=%ld)", (long) err);

  // get the active rectangle
  Rect srcBounds;
  if (noErr != (err = SGGetSrcVideoBounds(itsSGChanVideo.it, &srcBounds)))
    LFATAL("SGGetSrcVideoBounds() failed (err=%ld)", (long) err);

  // we always want all the source
  setVideoChannelBounds(itsSGChanVideo.it, &srcBounds, &srcBounds);

  // set usage for new video channel to avoid playthrough
  // note we don't set seqGrabPlayDuringRecord
  if (noErr != (err = SGSetChannelUsage(itsSGChanVideo.it,
                                        seqGrabRecord |
                                        seqGrabLowLatencyCapture |
    LFATAL("SGSetChannelUsage(video) failed (err=%ld)", (long) err);

  if (noErr != (err = SGSetChannelUsage(sgchanSound.it, seqGrabRecord |
                                        //seqGrabPlayDuringRecord |
                                        seqGrabLowLatencyCapture |
    LERROR("SGSetChannelUsage(audio) failed (err=%ld)", (long) err);

  // specify a sequence grabber data function
  if (noErr != (err = SGSetDataProc(itsSeqGrab.it,
    LFATAL("SGSetDataProc() failed (err=%ld)", (long) err);

  SGSetChannelRefCon(itsSGChanVideo.it, (long)(this));

  // set up the video bottlenecks so we can get our queued frame count
  VideoBottles vb = { 0 };
  if (noErr != (err = SGGetVideoBottlenecks(itsSGChanVideo.it, &vb)))
    LFATAL("SGGetVideoBottlenecks() failed (err=%ld)", (long) err);

  vb.procCount = 9; // there are 9 bottleneck procs; this must be filled in
  vb.grabCompressCompleteProc =

  if (noErr != (err = SGSetVideoBottlenecks(itsSGChanVideo.it, &vb)))
    LFATAL("SGSetVideoBottlenecks() failed (err=%ld)", (long) err);

  SGSetFrameRate(itsSGChanVideo.it, FixRatio(30, 1));