// Run 16 parallel hashes
void sha2Hash(vecu16 pointers, int totalBlocks, vecu16 outHashes)
	// Initial H values
	vecu16 A = __builtin_vp_makevectori(0x6A09E667);
	vecu16 B = __builtin_vp_makevectori(0xBB67AE85);
	vecu16 C = __builtin_vp_makevectori(0x3C6EF372);
	vecu16 D = __builtin_vp_makevectori(0xA54FF53A);
	vecu16 E = __builtin_vp_makevectori(0x510E527F);
	vecu16 F = __builtin_vp_makevectori(0x9B05688C);
	vecu16 G = __builtin_vp_makevectori(0x1F83D9AB);
	vecu16 H = __builtin_vp_makevectori(0x5BE0CD19);

	for (int i = 0; i < totalBlocks; i++)
		vecu16 W[64];
		for (int index = 0; index < 16; index++)
			W[index] = __builtin_vp_gather_loadi(pointers);
			pointers += __builtin_vp_makevectori(4);
		for (int index = 16; index < 64; index++)
	  		W[index] = SIG1(W[index - 2]) + W[index - 7] + SIG0(W[index - 15]) + W[index - 16];
		for (int round = 0; round < 64; round++)
			vecu16 temp1 = H + SIG1(E) + CH(E, F, G) + __builtin_vp_makevectori(K[round]) + W[round];
			vecu16 temp2 = SIG0(A) + MA(A, B, C);
			H = G;
			G = F;
			F = E;
			E = D + temp1;
			D = C;
			C = B;
			B = A;
			A = temp1 + temp2;

	// doesn't add padding or length fields to end...
	__builtin_vp_scatter_storei(outHashes, A);
	__builtin_vp_scatter_storei(outHashes + __builtin_vp_makevectori(4), B);
	__builtin_vp_scatter_storei(outHashes + __builtin_vp_makevectori(8), C);
	__builtin_vp_scatter_storei(outHashes + __builtin_vp_makevectori(12), D);
	__builtin_vp_scatter_storei(outHashes + __builtin_vp_makevectori(16), E);
	__builtin_vp_scatter_storei(outHashes + __builtin_vp_makevectori(20), F);
	__builtin_vp_scatter_storei(outHashes + __builtin_vp_makevectori(24), G);
	__builtin_vp_scatter_storei(outHashes + __builtin_vp_makevectori(28), H);
static void Sha256_Transform(Sha256ContextType *context, uint8_t * data)
    uint32_t a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,t1,t2,m[64];

    for (i = 0, j = 0; i < 16; ++i, j += 4)
        m[i] = (data[j] << 24) | (data[j+1] << 16) | (data[j+2] << 8) | (data[j+3]);

    for (; i < 64; i++)
        m[i] = SIG1(m[i-2]) + m[i-7] + SIG0(m[i-15]) + m[i-16];

    a = context->State[0];
    b = context->State[1];
    c = context->State[2];
    d = context->State[3];
    e = context->State[4];
    f = context->State[5];
    g = context->State[6];
    h = context->State[7];

    for (i = 0; i < 64; i++)
        t1 = h + EP1(e) + CH(e,f,g) + k[i] + m[i];
        t2 = EP0(a) + MAJ(a,b,c);
        h = g;
        g = f;
        f = e;
        e = d + t1;
        d = c;
        c = b;
        b = a;
        a = t1 + t2;

    context->State[0] += a;
    context->State[1] += b;
    context->State[2] += c;
    context->State[3] += d;
    context->State[4] += e;
    context->State[5] += f;
    context->State[6] += g;
    context->State[7] += h;
static void SHA256_transform( SHA256_ctx* ctx )
   int t;
   unsigned int A = ctx->H[ 0 ];
   unsigned int B = ctx->H[ 1 ];
   unsigned int C = ctx->H[ 2 ];
   unsigned int D = ctx->H[ 3 ];
   unsigned int E = ctx->H[ 4 ];
   unsigned int F = ctx->H[ 5 ];
   unsigned int G = ctx->H[ 6 ];
   unsigned int H = ctx->H[ 7 ];
   unsigned int T1, T2;
   unsigned int W[ 64 ];

   memcpy( W, ctx->M, 64 );

   for ( t = 16; t < 64; t++ )
      W[ t ] = sig1(W[t-2]) + W[t-7] + sig0(W[t-15]) + W[t-16];

   for ( t = 0; t < 64; t++ )
      T1 = H + SIG1(E) + Ch(E,F,G) + K[t] + W[t];
      T2 = SIG0(A) + Maj(A,B,C);
      H = G;
      G = F;
      F = E;
      E = D + T1;
      D = C;
      C = B;
      B = A;
      A = T1 + T2;

   ctx->H[ 0 ] += A;
   ctx->H[ 1 ] += B;
   ctx->H[ 2 ] += C;
   ctx->H[ 3 ] += D;
   ctx->H[ 4 ] += E;
   ctx->H[ 5 ] += F;
   ctx->H[ 6 ] += G;
   ctx->H[ 7 ] += H;
// Run 16 parallel hashes
void sha2Hash(vecu16_t pointers, int totalBlocks, vecu16_t outHashes)
	// Initial H values
	vecu16_t h0 = __builtin_nyuzi_makevectori(0x6A09E667);
	vecu16_t h1 = __builtin_nyuzi_makevectori(0xBB67AE85);
	vecu16_t h2 = __builtin_nyuzi_makevectori(0x3C6EF372);
	vecu16_t h3 = __builtin_nyuzi_makevectori(0xA54FF53A);
	vecu16_t h4 = __builtin_nyuzi_makevectori(0x510E527F);
	vecu16_t h5 = __builtin_nyuzi_makevectori(0x9B05688C);
	vecu16_t h6 = __builtin_nyuzi_makevectori(0x1F83D9AB);
	vecu16_t h7 = __builtin_nyuzi_makevectori(0x5BE0CD19);

	for (int i = 0; i < totalBlocks; i++)
		vecu16_t w[64];
		for (int index = 0; index < 16; index++)
			w[index] = __builtin_nyuzi_gather_loadi(pointers);
			pointers += __builtin_nyuzi_makevectori(4);
		for (int index = 16; index < 64; index++)
	  		w[index] = SIG1(w[index - 2]) + w[index - 7] + SIG0(w[index - 15]) + w[index - 16];

		vecu16_t a = h0;
		vecu16_t b = h1;
		vecu16_t c = h2;
		vecu16_t d = h3;
		vecu16_t e = h4;
		vecu16_t f = h5;
		vecu16_t g = h6;
		vecu16_t h = h7;
		for (int round = 0; round < 64; round++)
			vecu16_t temp1 = h + SIG1(e) + CH(e, f, g) + __builtin_nyuzi_makevectori(K[round]) + w[round];
			vecu16_t temp2 = SIG0(a) + MA(a, b, c);
			h = g;
			g = f;
			f = e;
			e = d + temp1;
			d = c;
			c = b;
			b = a;
			a = temp1 + temp2;
		h0 += a;
		h1 += b;
		h2 += c;
		h3 += d;
		h4 += e;
		h5 += f;
		h6 += g;
		h7 += h;

	// doesn't add padding or length fields to end...
	__builtin_nyuzi_scatter_storei(outHashes, h0);
	__builtin_nyuzi_scatter_storei(outHashes + __builtin_nyuzi_makevectori(4), h1);
	__builtin_nyuzi_scatter_storei(outHashes + __builtin_nyuzi_makevectori(8), h2);
	__builtin_nyuzi_scatter_storei(outHashes + __builtin_nyuzi_makevectori(12), h3);
	__builtin_nyuzi_scatter_storei(outHashes + __builtin_nyuzi_makevectori(16), h4);
	__builtin_nyuzi_scatter_storei(outHashes + __builtin_nyuzi_makevectori(20), h5);
	__builtin_nyuzi_scatter_storei(outHashes + __builtin_nyuzi_makevectori(24), h6);
	__builtin_nyuzi_scatter_storei(outHashes + __builtin_nyuzi_makevectori(28), h7);
void *subchain_hash_thread(void *pthread_arg) {
	* subchain_hash_thread()
	* Given a hash value and its position (index) in the chain, determine
	* the corresponding final hash. This is then used to find a candidate
	* chain in the main table
	PthreadData *mydata;
	mydata = (PthreadData*)pthread_arg;
	// TableHeader *header = mydata->header;
	TableEntry  *entry  = mydata->entry;
	uint thread_idx = mydata->entry_idx;	
	uint8_t  M[64];	// Initial string - zero padded and length in bits appended
	uint32_t W[64];	// Expanded Key Schedule
	uint32_t H[8];	// Hash
	int i = 0;		// working index
	uint64_t l = 0; // length of message
	uint8_t  B[64];	// store initial and working passwords here to protect original data
	uint8_t *in,*out;	
	int reduction_idx,count;	

	if(thread_idx<LINKS) {
		// set up a pointer to input_hash & final_hash
		TableEntry *data = entry + thread_idx;
		// move target hash to H
		for(i=0;i<8;i++) H[i] = data->input_hash[i];

		reduction_idx = thread_idx;
		count = LINKS - thread_idx - 1;

		while(count > 0) {
			// Reduce hash to zero terminated password in B

			// copy zero terminated string from B to M and note length
			in = B;
			out = M;
			i=0; l=0;
			while(in[i] != 0x00) {
				out[i] = in[i];
			out[i++] = 0x80;
			// zero fill
			while(i < 56) out[i++]=0x00;
				 * The hash algorithm uses 32 bit (4 byte words).
				 * On little endian machines (Intel) the constants
				 * are stored lsb->msb internally. To match this the WORDS
				 * of the input message are subject to endian swap.
			uint8_t *x = M;
			int y;
			for(y=0; y<14; y++) {
				// long swap
				*(x+3) ^= *x;
				*x     ^= *(x+3);
				*(x+3) ^= *x;
				// short swap
				*(x+2) ^= *(x+1);
				*(x+1) ^= *(x+2);
				*(x+2) ^= *(x+1);
				// move pointer up
				x += 4;
			// need a 32 bit pointer to store length as 2 words
			l*=8;	//length in bits
			uint32_t *p = (uint32_t*)&l;
			uint32_t *q = (uint32_t*)&out[i];
			*q = *(p+1);
			*(q+1) = *p;

			// The 64 bytes in the message block can now be used
			// to initialise the 64 4-byte words in the message schedule W[64]
			// REUSE i
			uint8_t *r = (uint8_t*)M;
			uint8_t *s = (uint8_t*)W;
			for(i=0;i<64;i++) s[i] = r[i];
			for(i=16;i<64;i++) W[i] = SIG1(W[i-2]) + W[i-7] + SIG0(W[i-15]) + W[i-16];

			// set initial hash values

			// Now calc the hash

			// update the counters
			reduction_idx += 1;
			count -= 1;

		} // while(count>0)

		// copy comp_hash to final hash
		for(i=0;i<8;i++) data->final_hash[i] = H[i];
		data->sublinks = thread_idx;

	} // if(thread_idx<LINKS)
	void *void_ptr=NULL;
} // hash_calculate