//             This software is provide under the GNU General Public License
//             Please visit: http://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0

#include <stdafx.h>           // precompiled headers
#include <nvwa/debug_new.h>   // memory leak detector

#include "SLMaterial.h"
#include "SLSceneView.h"
#include "SLShape.h"

SLMaterial SLMaterial::AIR = SLMaterial((SLchar*)"Air", 
                                        SLCol4f(0,0,0), SLCol4f(0,0,0));
SLfloat SLMaterial::PERFECT = 1000.0f;
SLMaterial* SLMaterial::current = 0;
// Default ctor
SLMaterial::SLMaterial(const SLchar* name,
                       SLCol4f amdi, 
                       SLCol4f spec,
                       SLfloat shininess, 
                       SLfloat kr, 
                       SLfloat kt, 
                       SLfloat kn) : SLObject(name)
{  _ambient = _diffuse = amdi;
   _specular = spec;
SLButton::buildBuffers creates the VAO for rendering
void SLButton::buildBuffers()
    SLVVec2f  P;   // vertex positions
    SLVCol4f  C;   // colors
    SLfloat   x = _minX;
    SLfloat   y = _minY;
    SLfloat   w = _btnW;
    SLfloat   h = _btnH;
    SLfloat   mx = x + 2*_sv->dpmm()*BTN_GAP_W_MM; // center x of check mark
    SLfloat   my = y + h*0.5f; // center y of check mark
    SLfloat   diff1 = 0.3f;    // button color difference upper to lower border
    SLfloat   diff2 = 0.6f;    // border color difference upper to lower border  
    SLint     nP = 0;
    SLint     nC = 0;
    // up button 
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(x,   y+h));      // button top left corner
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(x,   y  ));      // button bottom left corner
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(x+w, y+h));      // button top right corner
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(x+w, y  ));      // button bottom right corner
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r+diff1, _btnCol.g+diff1, _btnCol.b+diff1, _btnAlpha));
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r-diff1, _btnCol.g-diff1, _btnCol.b-diff1, _btnAlpha));
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r+diff1, _btnCol.g+diff1, _btnCol.b+diff1, _btnAlpha));
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r-diff1, _btnCol.g-diff1, _btnCol.b-diff1, _btnAlpha)); 

    // down button
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(x,   y+h));      // button top left corner
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(x,   y  ));      // button bottom left corner
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(x+w, y+h));      // button top right corner
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(x+w, y  ));      // button bottom right corner
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r+diff1, _btnCol.g+diff1, _btnCol.b+diff1, _btnAlpha));
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r+diff1, _btnCol.g+diff1, _btnCol.b+diff1, _btnAlpha)); 
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r+diff1, _btnCol.g+diff1, _btnCol.b+diff1, _btnAlpha));
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r+diff1, _btnCol.g+diff1, _btnCol.b+diff1, _btnAlpha));
    // pressed button
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(x,   y+h));      // button top left corner
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(x,   y  ));      // button bottom left corner
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(x+w, y+h));      // button top right corner
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(x+w, y  ));      // button bottom right corner
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r-diff1, _btnCol.g-diff1, _btnCol.b-diff1, _btnAlpha));
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r+diff1, _btnCol.g+diff1, _btnCol.b+diff1, _btnAlpha));
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r-diff1, _btnCol.g-diff1, _btnCol.b-diff1, _btnAlpha));
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r+diff1, _btnCol.g+diff1, _btnCol.b+diff1, _btnAlpha)); 

    // down border
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(x,   y  ));      // button bottom left corner
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(x+w, y  ));      // button bottom right corner
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(x+w, y+h));      // button top right corner
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(x,   y+h));      // button top left corner
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r+diff2, _btnCol.g+diff2, _btnCol.b+diff2, 1.0f));
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r+diff2, _btnCol.g+diff2, _btnCol.b+diff2, 1.0f)); 
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r-diff2, _btnCol.g-diff2, _btnCol.b-diff2, 1.0f));
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r-diff2, _btnCol.g-diff2, _btnCol.b-diff2, 1.0f));
    // up border
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(x,   y  ));      // button bottom left corner
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(x+w, y  ));      // button bottom right corner
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(x+w, y+h));      // button top right corner
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(x,   y+h));      // button top left corner
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r-diff2, _btnCol.g-diff2, _btnCol.b-diff2, 1.0f));
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r-diff2, _btnCol.g-diff2, _btnCol.b-diff2, 1.0f)); 
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r+diff2, _btnCol.g+diff2, _btnCol.b+diff2, 1.0f));
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r+diff2, _btnCol.g+diff2, _btnCol.b+diff2, 1.0f));
    // White check box
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(mx-5, my-5));    // 1st point of check box rect
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(mx+5, my-5));    // 2nd point of check box rect
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(mx+5, my+5));    // 3rd point of check box rect
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(mx-5, my+5));    // 4th point of check box rect
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r-diff2, _btnCol.g-diff2, _btnCol.b-diff2, 1.0f));
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r-diff2, _btnCol.g-diff2, _btnCol.b-diff2, 1.0f));
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r-diff2, _btnCol.g-diff2, _btnCol.b-diff2, 1.0f));
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r-diff2, _btnCol.g-diff2, _btnCol.b-diff2, 1.0f));

    // White check mark
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(mx-4, my+4));    // 1st point of check mark
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(mx+4, my-4));    // 2nd point of check mark
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(mx-4, my-4));    // 3rd point of check mark
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(mx+4, my+4));    // 4th point of check mark
    // create buffers on GPU
    SLGLProgram* sp = SLScene::current->programs(SP_colorAttribute);
    _vao.setAttrib(AT_position, sp->getAttribLocation("a_position"), &P);
    _vao.setAttrib(AT_color, sp->getAttribLocation("a_color"), &C);
SLAssimpImporter::loadMaterial loads the AssImp material an returns the SLMaterial.
The materials and textures are added to the SLScene material and texture 
SLMaterial* SLAssimpImporter::loadMaterial(SLint index, 
                                           aiMaterial *material,
                                           SLstring modelPath)
    // Get the materials name
    aiString matName;
    material->Get(AI_MATKEY_NAME, matName);
    SLstring name = matName.data;
    if (name.empty()) name = "Import Material";
    // Create SLMaterial instance. It is also added to the SLScene::_materials vector
    SLMaterial* mat = new SLMaterial(name.c_str());

    // set the texture types to import into our material
    const SLint		textureCount = 4;
    aiTextureType	textureTypes[textureCount];
    textureTypes[0] = aiTextureType_DIFFUSE;
    textureTypes[1] = aiTextureType_NORMALS;
    textureTypes[2] = aiTextureType_SPECULAR;
    textureTypes[3] = aiTextureType_HEIGHT;
    // load all the textures for this material and add it to the material vector
    for(SLint i = 0; i < textureCount; ++i) 
    {   if(material->GetTextureCount(textureTypes[i]) > 0) 
        {   aiString aipath;
            material->GetTexture(textureTypes[i], 0, &aipath, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
            SLTextureType texType = textureTypes[i]==aiTextureType_DIFFUSE  ? TT_color :
                                textureTypes[i]==aiTextureType_NORMALS  ? TT_normal :
                                textureTypes[i]==aiTextureType_SPECULAR ? TT_gloss :
                                textureTypes[i]==aiTextureType_HEIGHT   ? TT_height : 
            SLstring texFile = checkFilePath(modelPath, aipath.data);
            SLGLTexture* tex = loadTexture(texFile, texType);
    // get color data
    aiColor3D ambient, diffuse, specular, emissive;
    SLfloat shininess, refracti, reflectivity, opacity;
    material->Get(AI_MATKEY_COLOR_AMBIENT, ambient);
    material->Get(AI_MATKEY_COLOR_DIFFUSE, diffuse);
    material->Get(AI_MATKEY_COLOR_SPECULAR, specular);
    material->Get(AI_MATKEY_COLOR_EMISSIVE, emissive);
    material->Get(AI_MATKEY_SHININESS, shininess);
    material->Get(AI_MATKEY_REFRACTI, refracti);
    material->Get(AI_MATKEY_REFLECTIVITY, reflectivity);
    material->Get(AI_MATKEY_OPACITY, opacity);

    // increase shininess if specular color is not low.
    // The material will otherwise be to bright
    if (specular.r > 0.5f &&
        specular.g > 0.5f &&
        specular.b > 0.5f &&
        shininess < 0.01f)
        shininess = 10.0f;

    // set color data
    mat->ambient(SLCol4f(ambient.r, ambient.g, ambient.b));
    mat->diffuse(SLCol4f(diffuse.r, diffuse.g, diffuse.b));
    mat->specular(SLCol4f(specular.r, specular.g, specular.b));
    mat->emission(SLCol4f(emissive.r, emissive.g, emissive.b));

    return mat;