文件: star.c 项目: jsyk/snet-rts
 * A custom creation function for instances of star operands
 * - having a separate function here allows for distinction
 *   of an "ordinary" serial combinator and
 *   another replica of the serial replicator (star)
static snet_stream_t *SNetSerialStarchild(snet_stream_t *input,
    snet_info_t *info,
    int location,
    snet_startup_fun_t box_a,
    snet_startup_fun_t box_b)
  snet_stream_t *internal_stream;
  snet_stream_t *output;
  snet_locvec_t *locvec;

  locvec = SNetLocvecGet(info);
  (void) SNetLocvecStarSpawn(locvec);

  /* create operand A */
  SNetRouteDynamicEnter(info, SNetLocvecTopval(SNetLocvecGet(info)),
                        location, box_a);
  internal_stream = (*box_a)(input, info, location);
  internal_stream = SNetRouteUpdate(info, internal_stream, location);
  SNetRouteDynamicExit(info, SNetLocvecTopval(SNetLocvecGet(info)),
                       location, box_a);

  assert( SNetLocvecStarWithin(SNetLocvecGet(info)) );

  /* create operand B */
  output = (*box_b)(internal_stream, info, location);

  (void) SNetLocvecStarSpawnRet(locvec);

void SNetRouteNewDynamic(snet_dest_t dest)
  snet_ast_t *ast = NULL; //FIXME
  snet_stream_t *stream;

  snet_info_t *info = SNetInfoInit();
  SNetInfoSetTag(info, prevDest, (uintptr_t) SNetDestCopy(&dest),
                (void* (*)(void*)) &SNetDestCopy, &SNetMemFree);

  SNetRouteDynamicEnter(info, dest.dynamicIndex, dest.dynamicLoc, NULL);
  stream = SNetInstantiate(ast, NULL, info);
  SNetRouteUpdate(info, stream, dest.parentNode);
  SNetRouteDynamicExit(info, dest.dynamicIndex, dest.dynamicLoc, NULL);

void SNetRouteNewDynamic(snet_dest_t dest)
  snet_startup_fun_t fun = SNetIdToNet(dest.parent);

  snet_info_t *info = SNetInfoInit();
  SNetInfoSetTag(info, prevDest, (uintptr_t) SNetDestCopy(&dest),
                (void* (*)(void*)) &SNetDestCopy);

  SNetLocvecSet(info, SNetLocvecCreate());

  SNetRouteDynamicEnter(info, dest.dynamicIndex, dest.dynamicLoc, NULL);

  //TODO may not need to update loc here

  SNetRouteUpdate(info, fun(NULL, info, dest.dynamicLoc), dest.parentNode);
  SNetRouteDynamicExit(info, dest.dynamicIndex, dest.dynamicLoc, NULL);

 * Split box task.
 * Implements both the non-deterministic and deterministic variants.
static void SplitBoxTask(snet_entity_t *ent, void *arg)
  int i;
  split_arg_t *sarg = (split_arg_t *)arg;
  snet_stream_desc_t *initial, *instream;
  int ltag_val, utag_val;
  snet_info_t *info;
  snet_record_t *rec;
  snet_locvec_t *locvec;
  bool terminate = false;
  /* a list of all outstreams for all yet created instances */
  snet_streamset_t repos_set = NULL;
  snet_stream_iter_t *iter = SNetStreamIterCreate( &repos_set);
  /* a hashtable for fast lookup, initial capacity = 2^4 = 16 */
  hashtab_t *repos_tab = HashtabCreate( 4);
  (void) ent; /* NOT USED */

  /* for deterministic variant: */
  int counter = 0;

  initial = SNetStreamOpen(sarg->output, 'w');
  instream = SNetStreamOpen(sarg->input, 'r');

  while( !terminate) {
    /* read from input stream */
    rec = SNetStreamRead( instream);

    switch( SNetRecGetDescriptor( rec)) {

      case REC_data:
        /* get lower and upper tag values */
        ltag_val = SNetRecGetTag( rec, sarg->ltag);
        utag_val = SNetRecGetTag( rec, sarg->utag);

        /* for all tag values */
        for( i = ltag_val; i <= utag_val; i++) {
          snet_stream_desc_t *outstream = HashtabGet( repos_tab, i);

          if( outstream == NULL) {
            snet_stream_t *temp_stream;
            snet_stream_t *newstream_addr = SNetStreamCreate(0);
            /* instance does not exist yet, create it */
            outstream = SNetStreamOpen(newstream_addr, 'w');
            /* add to lookup table */
            HashtabPut( repos_tab, i, outstream);
            /* add to list */
            SNetStreamsetPut( &repos_set, outstream);

            /* create info and location vector for creation of this replica */
            info = SNetInfoCopy(sarg->info);
            locvec = SNetLocvecSplitSpawn(SNetLocvecGet(sarg->info), i);
            SNetLocvecSet(info, locvec);

            if( sarg->is_byloc) {
              SNetRouteDynamicEnter(info, i, i, sarg->boxfun);
              temp_stream = sarg->boxfun(newstream_addr, info, i);
              temp_stream = SNetRouteUpdate(info, temp_stream, sarg->location);
              SNetRouteDynamicExit(info, i, i, sarg->boxfun);
            } else {
              SNetRouteDynamicEnter(info, i, sarg->location, sarg->boxfun);
              temp_stream = sarg->boxfun(newstream_addr, info, sarg->location);
              temp_stream = SNetRouteUpdate(info, temp_stream, sarg->location);
              SNetRouteDynamicExit(info, i, sarg->location, sarg->boxfun);

            /* destroy info and location vector */

            if(temp_stream != NULL) {
              /* notify collector about the new instance via initial */
              SNetStreamWrite( initial,
                  SNetRecCreate( REC_collect, temp_stream));
          } /* end if (outstream==NULL) */

          /* multicast the record */
          SNetStreamWrite( outstream,
              /* copy record for all but the last tag value */
              (i!=utag_val) ? SNetRecCopy( rec) : rec
        } /* end for all tags  ltag_val <= i <= utag_val */

        /* If deterministic, append a sort record to *all* registered
         * instances and the initial stream.
        if( sarg->is_det ) {
          /* reset iterator */
          SNetStreamIterReset( iter, &repos_set);
          while( SNetStreamIterHasNext( iter)) {
            snet_stream_desc_t *cur_stream = SNetStreamIterNext( iter);

            SNetStreamWrite( cur_stream,
                SNetRecCreate( REC_sort_end, 0, counter));
          /* Now also send a sort record to initial,
             after the collect records for new instances have been sent */
          SNetStreamWrite( initial,
              SNetRecCreate( REC_sort_end, 0, counter));
        /* increment counter for deterministic variant */
        counter += 1;

      case REC_sync:
          snet_stream_t *newstream = SNetRecGetStream( rec);
          SNetStreamReplace( instream, newstream);
          SNetRecDestroy( rec);

      case REC_sort_end:
        /* broadcast the sort record */
        SNetStreamIterReset( iter, &repos_set);
        /* all instances receive copies of the record */
        while( SNetStreamIterHasNext( iter)) {
          snet_stream_desc_t *cur_stream = SNetStreamIterNext( iter);
          SNetStreamWrite( cur_stream,
              SNetRecCreate( REC_sort_end,
                /* we have to increase level */
                SNetRecGetLevel( rec)+1,
                SNetRecGetNum( rec))
        /* send the original record to the initial stream,
           but with increased level */
        SNetRecSetLevel( rec, SNetRecGetLevel( rec) + 1);
        SNetStreamWrite( initial, rec);

      case REC_terminate:

        SNetStreamIterReset( iter, &repos_set);
        /* all instances receive copies of the record */
        while( SNetStreamIterHasNext( iter)) {
          snet_stream_desc_t *cur_stream = SNetStreamIterNext( iter);
          SNetStreamWrite( cur_stream, SNetRecCopy( rec));

          SNetStreamIterRemove( iter);
          /* close  the stream to the instance */
          SNetStreamClose( cur_stream, false);
        /* send the original record to the initial stream */
        SNetStreamWrite( initial, rec);
        /* note that no sort record has to be appended */
        terminate = true;

      case REC_collect:
        /* invalid control record */
        assert( 0);
        /* if ignore, at least destroy it */
        SNetRecDestroy( rec);
  } /* MAIN LOOP END */

  /* destroy repository */
  HashtabDestroy( repos_tab);
  SNetStreamIterDestroy( iter);

  /* close and destroy initial stream */
  SNetStreamClose( initial, false);
  /* close instream */
  SNetStreamClose( instream, true);

  /* destroy the argument */
  SNetMemFree( sarg);