unsigned short SERV_ServerPort(const char*  name,
                               unsigned int host)
    SSERV_Info*    info;
    unsigned short port;

    /* FIXME:  SERV_LOCALHOST may not need to be resolved here,
     *         but taken from LBSMD table (or resolved later in DISPD/LOCAL
     *         if needed).
    if (!host  ||  host == SERV_LOCALHOST)
        host = SOCK_GetLocalHostAddress(eDefault);
    if (!(info = s_GetInfo(name, fSERV_Standalone | fSERV_Promiscuous,
                           host, 0/*pref. port*/, -1.0/*latch host*/,
                           0/*net_info*/, 0/*skip*/, 0/*n_skip*/,
                           0/*not external*/, 0/*arg*/, 0/*val*/,
                           0/*host_info*/))) {
        return 0;
    assert(info->host == host);
    port = info->port;
    free((void*) info);
    return port;
static int/*bool*/ s_LoadSingleService(const char* name, SERV_ITER iter)
    struct SLOCAL_Data* data = (struct SLOCAL_Data*) iter->data;
    const TSERV_Type types = iter->types & ~fSERV_Firewall;
    char key[sizeof(REG_CONN_LOCAL_SERVER) + 10];
    int/*bool*/ ok = 0/*failed*/;
    SSERV_Info* info;
    int n;

    info = 0;
    strcpy(key, REG_CONN_LOCAL_SERVER "_");
    for (n = 0;  n <= 100;  n++) {
        const char* svc;
        char buf[1024];

        if (info) {
            free((void*) info);
            info = 0;
        sprintf(key + sizeof(REG_CONN_LOCAL_SERVER), "%d", n);
        if (!(svc = ConnNetInfo_GetValue(name, key, buf, sizeof(buf), 0)))
        if (!(info = SERV_ReadInfoEx
              (svc, iter->ismask  ||  iter->reverse_dns ? name : "", 0))) {
        if (iter->external  &&  (info->site & (fSERV_Local | fSERV_Private)))
            continue;  /* external mapping for local server not allowed */
        if (!info->host  ||  (info->site & fSERV_Private)) {
            unsigned int localhost = SOCK_GetLocalHostAddress(eDefault);
            if (!info->host)
                info->host = localhost;
            if ((info->site & fSERV_Private)  &&  info->host != localhost)
                continue;  /* private server */
        if (!iter->reverse_dns  &&  info->type != fSERV_Dns) {
            if (types != fSERV_Any  &&  !(types & info->type))
                continue;  /* type doesn't match */
            if (types == fSERV_Any  &&  info->type == fSERV_Dns)
                continue;  /* DNS entries have to be req'd explicitly */
            if (iter->stateless  &&  (info->mode & fSERV_Stateful))
                continue;  /* skip stateful only servers */
        if (!info->rate)
            info->rate = LBSM_DEFAULT_RATE;
        if (!info->time)
            info->time = LBSM_DEFAULT_TIME;

        if (!s_AddService(info, data))

        info = 0;
        ok = 1/*succeeded*/;
    if (info)
        free((void*) info);

    return ok/*whatever*/;
static unsigned int s_GetLocalHostAddress(HEAP heap)
    unsigned int localhost;
    const SLBSM_Version* v = (const SLBSM_Version*) HEAP_Base(heap);
    assert(v->entry.type == eLBSM_Version);
    if (!(localhost = s_Localhost(v)))
        localhost = SOCK_GetLocalHostAddress(eDefault);
    return localhost;
int/*bool*/ SERV_MatchesHost(const SSERV_Info* info, unsigned int host)
    if (host == SERV_ANYHOST)
        return 1/*true*/;
    if (host != SERV_LOCALHOST)
        return info->host == host ? 1/*true*/ : 0/*false*/;
    if (!info->host  ||  info->host == SOCK_GetLocalHostAddress(eDefault))
        return 1/*true*/;
    return 0/*false*/;
文件: ncbi_priv.c 项目: fbtestrepo/hw
extern int g_NCBI_ConnectSrandAddend(void)
#if   defined(NCBI_OS_UNIX)
    return (int) getpid(); 
#elif defined(NCBI_OS_MSWIN)
    return (int) GetCurrentProcessId();
    return SOCK_GetLocalHostAddress(eDefault);
#endif /*NCBI_OS_...*/ 
static int/*bool*/ s_IsSkipHost(unsigned int host, unsigned int skip_host)
    return skip_host == host
        ||  (skip_host == SERV_LOCALHOST
             &&  host == SOCK_GetLocalHostAddress(eDefault));
static int/*bool*/ s_LoadSingleService(const char* name, SERV_ITER iter)
    struct SLOCAL_Data* data = (struct SLOCAL_Data*) iter->data;
    const TSERV_Type type = iter->type & ~fSERV_Firewall;
    int/*bool*/ ok = 0/*failed*/;
    SSERV_Info* info;
    char* buf;
    int n;

    if (!(buf =
          (char*) malloc(strlen(name) + sizeof(REG_CONN_LOCAL_SERVER) + 80))) {
        return 0/*failed*/;

    info = 0;
    for (n = 0;  n <= 100;  n++) {
        char service[1024];
        const char* c;

        if (info) {
            free((void*) info);
            info = 0;
        sprintf(buf, "%s_" REG_CONN_LOCAL_SERVER "_%d", name, n);
        if (!(c = getenv(buf))  &&  !(c = getenv(strupr(buf)))) {
            char*  b = buf + strlen(name);
            size_t len;
            *b++ = '\0';
            CORE_REG_GET(buf, b, service, sizeof(service) - 1, 0);
            len = strlen(service);
            if (len > 1  &&  (service[0] == '"'  ||  service[0] == '\'')
                &&  service[len - 1] == service[0]  &&  (len -= 2) > 0) {
                memmove(service, service + 1, len);
                service[len] = '\0';
            if (!len)
            c = service;
        if (!(info = SERV_ReadInfoEx
              (c, iter->ismask  ||  iter->reverse_dns ? name : ""))) {
        if (iter->external  &&  info->locl)
            continue;  /* external mapping for local server not allowed */
        if (!info->host  ||  (info->locl & 0xF0)) {
            unsigned int localhost = SOCK_GetLocalHostAddress(eDefault);
            if (!info->host)
                info->host = localhost;
            if ((info->locl & 0xF0)  &&  info->host != localhost)
                continue;  /* private server */
        if (!iter->reverse_dns  &&  info->type != fSERV_Dns) {
            if (type != fSERV_Any  &&  !(type & info->type))
                continue;  /* type doesn't match */
            if (type == fSERV_Any  &&  info->type == fSERV_Dns)
                continue;  /* DNS entries have to be req'd explicitly */
            if (iter->stateless && info->sful && !(info->type & fSERV_Http))
                continue;  /* skip stateful only servers */
        if (!info->rate)
            info->rate = LBSM_DEFAULT_RATE;
        if (!info->time)
            info->time = LBSM_DEFAULT_TIME;

        if (!s_AddService(info, data))

        info = 0;
        ok = 1/*succeeded*/;
    if (info)
        free((void*) info);

    return ok/*whatever*/;
static SERV_ITER s_Open(const char*          service,
                        unsigned/*bool*/     ismask,
                        TSERV_Type           types,
                        unsigned int         preferred_host,
                        unsigned short       preferred_port,
                        double               preference,
                        const SConnNetInfo*  net_info,
                        const SSERV_InfoCPtr skip[],
                        size_t               n_skip,
                        unsigned/*bool*/     external,
                        const char*          arg,
                        const char*          val,
                        SSERV_Info**         info,
                        HOST_INFO*           host_info)
    int/*bool*/ do_lbsmd = -1/*unassigned*/, do_dispd = -1/*unassigned*/;
    const SSERV_VTable* op;
    SERV_ITER iter;
    const char* s;

    if (!(s = s_ServiceName(service, ismask, 0)))
        return 0;
    if (!(iter = (SERV_ITER) calloc(1, sizeof(*iter)))) {
        free((void*) s);
        return 0;
    assert(ismask  ||  *s);

    iter->name              = s;
    iter->type              = types & fSERV_All;
    iter->host              = (preferred_host == SERV_LOCALHOST
                               ? SOCK_GetLocalHostAddress(eDefault)
                               : preferred_host);
    iter->port              = preferred_port;
    iter->pref              = (preference < 0.0
                               ? -1.0
                               :  0.01 * (preference > 100.0
                                          ? 100.0
                                          : preference));
    if (ismask)
        iter->ismask        = 1;
    if (types & fSERV_IncludeDown)
        iter->ok_down       = 1;
    if (types & fSERV_IncludeSuppressed)
        iter->ok_suppressed = 1;
    if (types & fSERV_ReverseDns)
        iter->reverse_dns   = 1;
    if (types & fSERV_Stateless)
        iter->stateless     = 1;
    iter->external          = external;
    if (arg  &&  *arg) {
        iter->arg           = arg;
        iter->arglen        = strlen(arg);
        if (val) {
            iter->val       = val;
            iter->vallen    = strlen(val);
    iter->time              = (TNCBI_Time) time(0);

    if (n_skip) {
        size_t i;
        for (i = 0;  i < n_skip;  i++) {
            const char* name = (iter->ismask  ||  skip[i]->type == fSERV_Dns
                                ? SERV_NameOfInfo(skip[i]) : "");
            SSERV_Info* temp = SERV_CopyInfoEx(skip[i],
                                               !iter->reverse_dns  ||  *name ?
                                               name : s);
            if (temp) {
                temp->time = NCBI_TIME_INFINITE;
                if (!s_AddSkipInfo(iter, name, temp)) {
                    temp = 0;
            if (!temp) {
                return 0;
    assert(n_skip == iter->n_skip);

    if (net_info) {
        if (net_info->firewall)
            iter->type |= fSERV_Firewall;
        if (net_info->stateless)
            iter->stateless = 1;
        if (net_info->lb_disable)
            do_lbsmd = 0/*false*/;
    } else
        do_dispd = 0/*false*/;
    /* Ugly optimization not to access the registry more than necessary */
    if ((!s_IsMapperConfigured(service, REG_CONN_LOCAL_ENABLE)               ||
         !(op = SERV_LOCAL_Open(iter, info, host_info)))                 &&
        (!do_lbsmd                                                           ||
         !(do_lbsmd= !s_IsMapperConfigured(service, REG_CONN_LBSMD_DISABLE)) ||
         !(op = SERV_LBSMD_Open(iter, info, host_info,
                                !do_dispd                                    ||
                                !(do_dispd = !s_IsMapperConfigured
                                  (service, REG_CONN_DISPD_DISABLE)))))  &&
        (!do_dispd                                                           ||
         !(do_dispd= !s_IsMapperConfigured(service, REG_CONN_DISPD_DISABLE)) ||
         !(op = SERV_DISPD_Open(iter, net_info, info, host_info)))) {
        if (!do_lbsmd  &&  !do_dispd) {
            CORE_LOGF_X(1, eLOG_Error,
                        ("[%s]  No service mappers available", service));
        return 0;

    assert(op != 0);
    iter->op = op;
    return iter;