static void test_SQLConfigMode(void) { BOOL bool_ret; DWORD error_code; RETCODE sql_ret; UWORD config_mode; int i; ok(SQLGetConfigMode(NULL), "SQLGetConfigMode(NULL) should succeed\n"); bool_ret = SQLGetConfigMode(&config_mode); ok(bool_ret && config_mode == ODBC_BOTH_DSN, "Failed to get the initial SQLGetConfigMode or it was not both\n"); /* try to set invalid mode */ bool_ret = SQLSetConfigMode(ODBC_SYSTEM_DSN+1); sql_ret = SQLInstallerErrorW(1, &error_code, NULL, 0, NULL); ok(!bool_ret && sql_ret == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO && error_code == ODBC_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM_SEQUENCE, "SQLSetConfigMode with invalid argument did not fail correctly\n"); for (i = ODBC_SYSTEM_DSN; i >= ODBC_BOTH_DSN; --i) { ok(SQLSetConfigMode((UWORD)i), "SQLSetConfigMode Failed to set config mode\n"); bool_ret = SQLGetConfigMode(&config_mode); ok(bool_ret && config_mode == i, "Failed to confirm SQLSetConfigMode.\n"); } /* And that leaves it correctly on BOTH */ }
void COdbcDS::UpdateDS(const char* pNewDriverName, int iType, CDSList& DSList) { int count = DSList.getCount(); int length = sizeof(PRIV_PROFILE) / MAXKEYLEN; char* DSName = NULL; char* DSAttVal = NULL; // Set the config mode to the desired type. UWORD oldMode, newMode; if (iType == COdbcDS::DS_TYPE_SYS) { newMode = ODBC_SYSTEM_DSN; } else { newMode = ODBC_USER_DSN; } SQLGetConfigMode(&oldMode); SQLSetConfigMode(newMode); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { DSName = DSList.getAt(i); // Remove the old data sources SQLRemoveDSNFromIni(DSName); // Add the new data source if (TRUE != SQLWriteDSNToIni(DSName, pNewDriverName)) { // Restore old config mode. SQLSetConfigMode(oldMode); throw -1; } // Configure the new data source using previous information. for (int index = 0; index < length; index++) { DSAttVal = DSList.getAttribValue(i, PRIV_PROFILE[index]); if (TRUE != SQLWritePrivateProfileString(DSName, PRIV_PROFILE[index], DSAttVal, ODBC_INI)) { // Restore old config mode. SQLSetConfigMode(oldMode); throw -2; } delete [] DSAttVal; } delete [] DSName; } // Restore old config mode. SQLSetConfigMode(oldMode); }
void COdbcDS::RetrieveMxDSInfo(int iType, CDSList& DSList) { TCHAR Buff[255]; char* DSName = NULL; int count = DSList.getCount(); int length = sizeof(PRIV_PROFILE) / MAXKEYLEN; // Set the config mode to the desired type. UWORD oldMode, newMode; if (iType == COdbcDS::DS_TYPE_SYS) { newMode = ODBC_SYSTEM_DSN; } else { newMode = ODBC_USER_DSN; } SQLGetConfigMode(&oldMode); SQLSetConfigMode(newMode); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { DSName = DSList.getAt(i); for(int index = 0; index < length; index++) { // Retrieve the private profile strings. SQLGetPrivateProfileString(DSName, PRIV_PROFILE[index], "", Buff, sizeof(Buff), ODBC_INI); DSList.addAttrib(i, PRIV_PROFILE[index], Buff); } delete [] DSName; } // Restore old config mode. SQLSetConfigMode(oldMode); }
/*! * \brief Save Data Source Name. * * Call this to save User, System and File DSN's based upon a property list. * * \param pwidgetParent Input. Widget to use as parent for messages. Null is ok. * \param hFirstProperty Input. First property in NULL terminated property list. * \param nType Input. Type of DSN. * \param stringIni Input. Default is QString::null. * * \li User and System DSN. This can be a QString::null to use * default location or it can be a fully qualified path and name. * \li File DSN. This can be a QString::null to use default * location or it can be an abs directory. In either case the file * name itself will be derived from the Name property. * * \return bool * \retval true Hey - it worked :) * \retval false Call failed for some reason. Error message(s) is shown in message dialog. */ bool CODBCInst::saveDataSourceName( QWidget *pwidgetParent, HODBCINSTPROPERTY hFirstProperty, CDSNWizardData::Type nType, const QString &stringIni ) { // sanity checks... if ( !hFirstProperty ) { QMessageBox::critical( pwidgetParent, QObject::tr( "ODBC Administrator" ), QObject::tr( "Programmer error: Uninitialized property list." ) ); return false; } if ( (QString( hFirstProperty->szValue )).simplified().isEmpty() ) { QMessageBox::critical( pwidgetParent, QObject::tr( "ODBC Administrator" ), QObject::tr( "Missing 'Name' property value." ) ); return false; } // init UWORD nConfigMode = ODBC_BOTH_DSN; bool bReturn = false; QString stringFileName = stringIni; switch ( nType ) { case CDSNWizardData::TypeUser: SQLGetConfigMode( &nConfigMode ); SQLSetConfigMode( ODBC_USER_DSN ); if ( stringFileName.isEmpty() ) stringFileName = "odbc.ini"; break; case CDSNWizardData::TypeSystem: SQLGetConfigMode( &nConfigMode ); SQLSetConfigMode( ODBC_SYSTEM_DSN ); if ( stringFileName.isEmpty() ) stringFileName = "odbc.ini"; break; case CDSNWizardData::TypeFile: // should we calc the dir and file name (do not allow the special purpose names)... if ( stringFileName.isEmpty() || 0 ) != QChar( '/' ) ) { char szDirectory[FILENAME_MAX]; szDirectory[0] = '\0'; _odbcinst_FileINI( szDirectory ); stringFileName = QString( "%1/%2.dsn" ).arg( szDirectory ).arg( hFirstProperty->szValue ); } else if ( 0 ) == QChar( '/' ) ) stringFileName = QString( "%1/%2.dsn" ).arg( stringFileName ).arg( hFirstProperty->szValue ); else { QMessageBox::critical( pwidgetParent, QObject::tr( "ODBC Administrator" ), QObject::tr( "File DSN directory expected but seems to be a name or file name." ) ); return false; } break; default: QMessageBox::critical( pwidgetParent, QObject::tr( "ODBC Administrator" ), QObject::tr( "Unhandled Data Source Name Type" ) ); return false; } // save... if ( nType == CDSNWizardData::TypeFile ) { // create the file with a section called "ODBC"... if ( !SQLWriteFileDSN( stringFileName.toAscii().data(), "ODBC", NULL, NULL ) ) { showErrors( 0, QString( "Could not write to (%1)" ).arg( stringFileName ) ); goto CODBCInstExit1; } // add all of the properties... for ( HODBCINSTPROPERTY hCurProperty = hFirstProperty->pNext; hCurProperty != NULL; hCurProperty = hCurProperty->pNext ) { if ( !SQLWriteFileDSN( stringFileName.toAscii().data(), "ODBC", hCurProperty->szName, hCurProperty->szValue ) ) { showErrors( 0, QString( "Could not write to (%1)" ).arg( stringFileName ) ); goto CODBCInstExit1; } } } else { // create a section called using Name property (always 1st property)... if ( SQLWritePrivateProfileString( hFirstProperty->szValue, NULL, NULL, stringFileName.toAscii().data() ) == FALSE ) { showErrors( pwidgetParent, QString( QObject::tr( "Could not write to (%1). You may need additional system privileges." ) ).arg( stringFileName ) ); goto CODBCInstExit1; } // add all of the properties... for ( HODBCINSTPROPERTY hCurProperty = hFirstProperty->pNext; hCurProperty != NULL; hCurProperty = hCurProperty->pNext ) { SQLWritePrivateProfileString( hFirstProperty->szValue, hCurProperty->szName, hCurProperty->szValue, stringFileName.toAscii().data() ); } } bReturn = true; // fini CODBCInstExit1: if ( nType != CDSNWizardData::TypeFile ) SQLSetConfigMode( nConfigMode ); return bReturn; }
void InitializeTrace() { //Read Trace Flag and TraceDLL char szTraceFlags[100]; char szTraceDll[_MAX_PATH+1]; UWORD wConfigMode; if (g_hTraceDLL != NULL && GetModuleHandle(TRACE_DLL_NAME) == g_hTraceDLL){ if(fpTraceProcessEntry) pdwGlobalTraceVariable = fpTraceProcessEntry(); return; } SQLGetConfigMode( &wConfigMode); SQLSetConfigMode( ODBC_USER_DSN); SQLGetPrivateProfileString(szODBC, szTraceDllKey, szDefaultTraceDll, szTraceDll, sizeof(szTraceDll), szODBCIni); // // ODBC DM 3.52 works only with HKEY_CURRENT_USER // /* if ((g_hTraceDLL = GetModuleHandle(szTraceDll)) == NULL) { SQLSetConfigMode( ODBC_SYSTEM_DSN); SQLGetPrivateProfileString(szODBC, szTraceDllKey, szDefaultTraceDll, szTraceDll, sizeof(szTraceDll), szODBCIni); if ((g_hTraceDLL = GetModuleHandle(szTraceDll)) == NULL) { SQLSetConfigMode( wConfigMode); return; } } */ SQLGetPrivateProfileString(szODBC, szTraceFlagsKey, szDefaultTraceFlags, szTraceFlags, sizeof(szTraceFlags), szODBCIni); SQLSetConfigMode( wConfigMode); gTraceFlags = atol(szTraceFlags); if ((g_hTraceDLL = GetModuleHandle(TRACE_DLL_NAME)) != NULL) { fpTraceProcessEntry = (FPTraceProcessEntry) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceProcessEntry"); fpTraceDebugOut = (FPTraceDebugOut) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceDebugOut"); fpTracePrintMarker = (FPTracePrintMarker) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TracePrintMarker"); fpTraceFirstEntry = (FPTraceFirstEntry) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceFirstEntry"); fpTraceReturn = (FPTraceReturn) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceReturn"); fpTraceSQLAllocHandle = (FPTraceSQLAllocHandle) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLAllocHandle"); fpTraceSQLBindCol = (FPTraceSQLBindCol) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLBindCol"); fpTraceSQLBindParameter = (FPTraceSQLBindParameter) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLBindParameter"); fpTraceSQLCancel = (FPTraceSQLCancel) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLCancel"); fpTraceSQLCloseCursor = (FPTraceSQLCloseCursor) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLCloseCursor"); fpTraceSQLCopyDesc = (FPTraceSQLCopyDesc) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLCopyDesc"); fpTraceSQLDescribeParam = (FPTraceSQLDescribeParam) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLDescribeParam"); fpTraceSQLDisconnect = (FPTraceSQLDisconnect) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLDisconnect"); fpTraceSQLEndTran = (FPTraceSQLEndTran) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLEndTran"); fpTraceSQLExecute = (FPTraceSQLExecute) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLExecute"); fpTraceSQLExtendedFetch = (FPTraceSQLExtendedFetch) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLExtendedFetch"); fpTraceSQLFetch = (FPTraceSQLFetch) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLFetch"); fpTraceSQLFetchScroll = (FPTraceSQLFetchScroll) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLFetchScroll"); fpTraceSQLFreeHandle = (FPTraceSQLFreeHandle) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLFreeHandle"); fpTraceSQLFreeStmt = (FPTraceSQLFreeStmt) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLFreeStmt"); fpTraceSQLGetData = (FPTraceSQLGetData) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLGetData"); fpTraceSQLGetEnvAttr = (FPTraceSQLGetEnvAttr) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLGetEnvAttr"); fpTraceSQLGetTypeInfo = (FPTraceSQLGetTypeInfo) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLGetTypeInfo"); fpTraceSQLMoreResults = (FPTraceSQLMoreResults) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLMoreResults"); fpTraceSQLNumParams = (FPTraceSQLNumParams) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLNumParams"); fpTraceSQLNumResultCols = (FPTraceSQLNumResultCols) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLNumResultCols"); fpTraceSQLParamData = (FPTraceSQLParamData) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLParamData"); fpTraceSQLPutData = (FPTraceSQLPutData) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLPutData"); fpTraceSQLRowCount = (FPTraceSQLRowCount) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLRowCount"); fpTraceSQLSetEnvAttr = (FPTraceSQLSetEnvAttr) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLSetEnvAttr"); fpTraceSQLSetPos = (FPTraceSQLSetPos) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLSetPos"); fpTraceASVersion = (VERSION_def**) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "ASVersion"); fpTraceSrvrVersion = (VERSION_def**) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "SrvrVersion"); fpTraceSqlVersion = (VERSION_def**) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "SqlVersion"); fpTraceTransportIn = (FPTraceTransportIn) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceTransportIn"); fpTraceTransportOut = (FPTraceTransportOut) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceTransportOut"); fpTraceSQLSetDescRec = (FPTraceSQLSetDescRec) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLSetDescRec"); //Unicode functions fpTraceSQLGetDiagRecW = (FPTraceSQLGetDiagRecW) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLGetDiagRecW"); fpTraceSQLGetDiagFieldW = (FPTraceSQLGetDiagFieldW) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLGetDiagFieldW"); fpTraceSQLConnectW = (FPTraceSQLConnectW) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLConnectW"); fpTraceSQLSetConnectAttrW = (FPTraceSQLSetConnectAttrW) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLSetConnectAttrW"); fpTraceSQLGetConnectAttrW = (FPTraceSQLGetConnectAttrW) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLGetConnectAttrW"); fpTraceSQLSetStmtAttrW = (FPTraceSQLSetStmtAttrW) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLSetStmtAttrW"); fpTraceSQLGetStmtAttrW = (FPTraceSQLGetStmtAttrW) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLGetStmtAttrW"); fpTraceSQLGetInfoW = (FPTraceSQLGetInfoW) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLGetInfoW"); fpTraceSQLSetDescFieldW = (FPTraceSQLSetDescFieldW) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLSetDescFieldW"); fpTraceSQLGetDescFieldW = (FPTraceSQLGetDescFieldW) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLGetDescFieldW"); fpTraceSQLGetDescRecW = (FPTraceSQLGetDescRecW) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLGetDescRecW"); fpTraceSQLBrowseConnectW = (FPTraceSQLBrowseConnectW) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLBrowseConnectW"); fpTraceSQLDriverConnectW = (FPTraceSQLDriverConnectW) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLDriverConnectW"); fpTraceSQLPrepareW = (FPTraceSQLPrepareW) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLPrepareW"); fpTraceSQLExecDirectW = (FPTraceSQLExecDirectW) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLExecDirectW"); fpTraceSQLDescribeColW = (FPTraceSQLDescribeColW) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLDescribeColW"); fpTraceSQLTablesW = (FPTraceSQLTablesW) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLTablesW"); fpTraceSQLColumnsW = (FPTraceSQLColumnsW) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLColumnsW"); fpTraceSQLSpecialColumnsW = (FPTraceSQLSpecialColumnsW) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLSpecialColumnsW"); fpTraceSQLPrimaryKeysW = (FPTraceSQLPrimaryKeysW) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLPrimaryKeysW"); fpTraceSQLStatisticsW = (FPTraceSQLStatisticsW) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLStatisticsW"); fpTraceSQLGetCursorNameW = (FPTraceSQLGetCursorNameW) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLGetCursorNameW"); fpTraceSQLSetCursorNameW = (FPTraceSQLSetCursorNameW) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLSetCursorNameW"); fpTraceSQLNativeSqlW = (FPTraceSQLNativeSqlW) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLNativeSqlW"); fpTraceSQLColAttributeW = (FPTraceSQLColAttributeW) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLColAttributeW"); fpTraceSQLProceduresW = (FPTraceSQLProceduresW) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLProceduresW"); fpTraceSQLProcedureColumnsW = (FPTraceSQLProcedureColumnsW) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLProcedureColumnsW"); fpTraceSQLColumnPrivilegesW = (FPTraceSQLColumnPrivilegesW) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLColumnPrivilegesW"); fpTraceSQLTablePrivilegesW = (FPTraceSQLTablePrivilegesW) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLTablePrivilegesW"); fpTraceSQLForeignKeysW = (FPTraceSQLForeignKeysW) GetProcAddress(g_hTraceDLL, "TraceSQLForeignKeysW"); } if(fpTraceProcessEntry) pdwGlobalTraceVariable = fpTraceProcessEntry(); }
BOOL INSTAPI ConfigDSN ( HWND hwndParent, WORD fRequest, LPCSTR lpszDriver, LPCSTR lpszAttributes) { char *dsn = NULL, *connstr = NULL, *curr, *cour = NULL; char dsnread[4096] = { 0 }; char prov[4096] = { 0 }; int driver_type = -1, flags = 0; BOOL retcode = FALSE; UWORD confMode = ODBC_USER_DSN; /* Map the request User/System */ if (fRequest < ODBC_ADD_DSN || fRequest > ODBC_REMOVE_DSN) { SQLPostInstallerError (ODBC_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST_TYPE, NULL); goto done; } if (!lpszDriver || !STRLEN (lpszDriver)) { SQLPostInstallerError (ODBC_ERROR_INVALID_NAME, NULL); goto done; } /* Retrieve the config mode */ SQLGetConfigMode (&confMode); /* Retrieve the DSN if one exist */ for (curr = (LPSTR) lpszAttributes; curr && *curr; curr += (STRLEN (curr) + 1)) { if (!strncmp (curr, "DSN=", STRLEN ("DSN="))) { dsn = curr + STRLEN ("DSN="); break; } } /* Retrieve the corresponding driver */ if (strstr (lpszDriver, "OpenLink") || strstr (lpszDriver, "Openlink") || strstr (lpszDriver, "oplodbc")) { driver_type = 0; for (curr = (LPSTR) lpszAttributes, cour = prov; curr && *curr; curr += (STRLEN (curr) + 1), cour += (STRLEN (cour) + 1)) { if (!strncasecmp (curr, "Host=", STRLEN ("Host=")) && STRLEN (curr + STRLEN ("Host="))) { STRCPY (cour, curr); flags |= 0x1; continue; } if (!strncasecmp (curr, "ServerType=", STRLEN ("ServerType=")) && STRLEN (curr + STRLEN ("ServerType="))) { STRCPY (cour, curr); flags |= 0x2; continue; } STRCPY (cour, curr); } if (cour && !(flags & 1)) { STRCPY (cour, "Host=localhost\0"); cour += (STRLEN (cour) + 1); } if (cour && !(flags & 2)) { STRCPY (cour, "ServerType=Proxy\0"); cour += (STRLEN (cour) + 1); } if (cour) *cour = 0; } else if ((strstr (lpszDriver, "Virtuoso") || strstr (lpszDriver, "virtodbc"))) driver_type = 1; /* For each request */ switch (fRequest) { case ODBC_ADD_DSN: /* Check if the DSN with this name already exists */ SQLSetConfigMode (confMode); #ifdef WIN32 if (hwndParent && dsn && SQLGetPrivateProfileString ("ODBC 32 bit Data Sources", dsn, "", dsnread, sizeof (dsnread), NULL) && !create_confirm (hwndParent, dsn, "Are you sure you want to overwrite this DSN ?")) #else if (hwndParent && dsn && SQLGetPrivateProfileString ("ODBC Data Sources", dsn, "", dsnread, sizeof (dsnread), NULL) && !create_confirm (hwndParent, dsn, "Are you sure you want to overwrite this DSN ?")) #endif goto done; /* Call the right setup function */ connstr = create_gensetup (hwndParent, dsn, STRLEN (prov) ? prov : lpszAttributes, TRUE); /* Check output parameters */ if (!connstr) { SQLPostInstallerError (ODBC_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEM, NULL); goto done; } if (connstr == (LPSTR) - 1L) goto done; /* Add the DSN to the ODBC Data Sources */ SQLSetConfigMode (confMode); if (!SQLWriteDSNToIni (dsn = connstr + STRLEN ("DSN="), lpszDriver)) goto done; /* Add each keyword and values */ for (curr = connstr; *curr; curr += (STRLEN (curr) + 1)) { if (strncmp (curr, "DSN=", STRLEN ("DSN="))) { STRCPY (dsnread, curr); cour = strchr (dsnread, '='); if (cour) *cour = 0; SQLSetConfigMode (confMode); if (!SQLWritePrivateProfileString (dsn, dsnread, (cour && STRLEN (cour + 1)) ? cour + 1 : NULL, NULL)) goto done; } } break; case ODBC_CONFIG_DSN: if (!dsn || !STRLEN (dsn)) { SQLPostInstallerError (ODBC_ERROR_INVALID_KEYWORD_VALUE, NULL); goto done; } /* Call the right setup function */ connstr = create_gensetup (hwndParent, dsn, STRLEN (prov) ? prov : lpszAttributes, FALSE); /* Check output parameters */ if (!connstr) { SQLPostInstallerError (ODBC_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEM, NULL); goto done; } if (connstr == (LPSTR) - 1L) goto done; /* Compare if the DSN changed */ if (strcmp (connstr + STRLEN ("DSN="), dsn)) { /* Remove the previous DSN */ SQLSetConfigMode (confMode); if (!SQLRemoveDSNFromIni (dsn)) goto done; /* Add the new DSN section */ SQLSetConfigMode (confMode); if (!SQLWriteDSNToIni (dsn = connstr + STRLEN ("DSN="), lpszDriver)) goto done; } /* Add each keyword and values */ for (curr = connstr; *curr; curr += (STRLEN (curr) + 1)) { if (strncmp (curr, "DSN=", STRLEN ("DSN="))) { STRCPY (dsnread, curr); cour = strchr (dsnread, '='); if (cour) *cour = 0; SQLSetConfigMode (confMode); if (!SQLWritePrivateProfileString (dsn, dsnread, (cour && STRLEN (cour + 1)) ? cour + 1 : NULL, NULL)) goto done; } } break; case ODBC_REMOVE_DSN: if (!dsn || !STRLEN (dsn)) { SQLPostInstallerError (ODBC_ERROR_INVALID_KEYWORD_VALUE, NULL); goto done; } /* Just remove the DSN */ SQLSetConfigMode (confMode); if (!SQLRemoveDSNFromIni (dsn)) goto done; break; }; quit: retcode = TRUE; done: if (connstr && connstr != (LPSTR) - 1L && connstr != lpszAttributes && connstr != prov) free (connstr); return retcode; }
bool COdbcDS::GetMxDSList(const char* pDriverName, int iType, CDSList& DSList) { SQLCHAR DSNName[SQL_MAX_DSN_LENGTH + 1]; SQLCHAR Description[100]; SQLSMALLINT nameLen, descLen; SQLUSMALLINT direction; SQLRETURN retVal = SQL_SUCCESS; bool bFound = FALSE; // Set the config mode to the desired type. UWORD oldMode, newMode; if (iType == COdbcDS::DS_TYPE_SYS) { newMode = ODBC_SYSTEM_DSN; direction = SQL_FETCH_FIRST_SYSTEM; } else { newMode = ODBC_USER_DSN; direction = SQL_FETCH_FIRST_USER; } SQLGetConfigMode(&oldMode); SQLSetConfigMode(newMode); // Get the type of data source we're interested in. retVal = SQLDataSources(m_henv, direction, DSNName, sizeof(DSNName), &nameLen, Description, sizeof(Description), &descLen); if (retVal == SQL_ERROR) { SQLSetConfigMode(oldMode); throw 4; } // Loop through all of the data sources until the one we're looking for // is found. while (retVal == SQL_SUCCESS || retVal == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) { if (strcmp(pDriverName, (const char*)Description) == 0) { DSList.append((const char*)DSNName, pDriverName); bFound = true; } retVal = SQLDataSources(m_henv, SQL_FETCH_NEXT, DSNName, sizeof(DSNName), &nameLen, Description, sizeof(Description), &descLen); if (retVal == SQL_ERROR) { SQLSetConfigMode(oldMode); throw 4; } } // Restore old config mode. SQLSetConfigMode(oldMode); return bFound; }
int odbc_read_login_info(void) { static const char *PWD = "../../../PWD"; FILE *in = NULL; char line[512]; char *s1, *s2; const char *const *search_p; char path[1024]; int len; #ifdef _WIN32 UWORD old_config_mode; #endif setbuf(stdout, NULL); setbuf(stderr, NULL); s1 = getenv("TDSPWDFILE"); if (s1 && s1[0]) in = fopen(s1, "r"); if (!in) in = fopen(PWD, "r"); if (!in) in = fopen("PWD", "r"); if (!in) { fprintf(stderr, "Can not open PWD file\n\n"); return 1; } while (fgets(line, 512, in)) { s1 = strtok(line, "="); s2 = strtok(NULL, "\n"); if (!s1 || !s2) continue; if (!strcmp(s1, "UID")) { strcpy(odbc_user, s2); } else if (!strcmp(s1, "SRV")) { strcpy(odbc_server, s2); } else if (!strcmp(s1, "PWD")) { strcpy(odbc_password, s2); } else if (!strcmp(s1, "DB")) { strcpy(odbc_database, s2); } } fclose(in); /* find our driver */ #ifndef _WIN32 if (!getcwd(path, sizeof(path))) #else if (!_getcwd(path, sizeof(path))) #endif return 0; #ifdef __VMS { /* A hard-coded driver path has to be in unix syntax to be recognized as such. */ const char *unixspec = decc$translate_vms(path); if ( (int)unixspec != 0 && (int)unixspec != -1 ) strcpy(path, unixspec); } #endif len = strlen(path); if (len < 10 || (strcasecmp(path + len - 10, "/unittests") != 0 #ifdef _WIN32 && strcasecmp(path + len - 10, "\\unittests") != 0 #endif )) return 0; path[len - 9] = 0; for (search_p = search_driver; *search_p; ++search_p) { if (check_lib(path, *search_p)) break; } if (!*search_p) return 0; strcpy(odbc_driver, path); #ifndef _WIN32 /* craft out odbc.ini, avoid to read wrong one */ snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "odbc.ini.%d", (int) getpid()); in = fopen(path, "w"); if (in) { fprintf(in, "[%s]\nDriver = %s\nDatabase = %s\nServername = %s\n", odbc_server, odbc_driver, odbc_database, odbc_server); fclose(in); setenv("ODBCINI", "./odbc.ini", 1); setenv("SYSODBCINI", "./odbc.ini", 1); rename(path, "odbc.ini"); unlink(path); } #else if (SQLGetConfigMode(&old_config_mode)) { SQLSetConfigMode(ODBC_USER_DSN); SQLWritePrivateProfileString(odbc_server, "Driver", odbc_driver, "odbc.ini"); SQLWritePrivateProfileString(odbc_server, "Database", odbc_database, "odbc.ini"); SQLWritePrivateProfileString(odbc_server, "Servername", odbc_server, "odbc.ini"); SQLSetConfigMode(old_config_mode); } #endif return 0; }
BOOL INSTAPI ConfigDriver ( HWND hwndParent, WORD fRequest, LPCSTR lpszDriver, LPCSTR lpszArgs, LPSTR lpszMsg, WORD cbMsgMax, WORD * pcbMsgOut) { char *curr, *cour; char driverread[4096] = { 0 }; BOOL retcode = FALSE; UWORD confMode = ODBC_USER_DSN; /* Map the request User/System */ if (fRequest < ODBC_INSTALL_DRIVER || fRequest > ODBC_CONFIG_DRIVER_MAX) { SQLPostInstallerError (ODBC_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST_TYPE, NULL); goto done; } if (!lpszDriver || !STRLEN (lpszDriver)) { SQLPostInstallerError (ODBC_ERROR_INVALID_NAME, NULL); goto done; } /* Retrieve the config mode */ SQLGetConfigMode (&confMode); /* Treat corresponding to the request */ switch (fRequest) { case ODBC_INSTALL_DRIVER: /* Check if the DRIVER with this name already exists */ SQLSetConfigMode (confMode); #ifdef WIN32 if (hwndParent && SQLGetPrivateProfileString ("ODBC 32 bit Drivers", lpszDriver, "", driverread, sizeof (driverread), "odbcinst.ini") && !create_confirm (hwndParent, NULL, "Are you sure you want to overwrite this driver ?")) #else # ifdef _MACX if (hwndParent && SQLGetPrivateProfileString ("ODBC Drivers", lpszDriver, "", driverread, sizeof (driverread), "odbcinst.ini") && !create_confirm (hwndParent, NULL, "Are you sure you want to overwrite this driver ?")) # else if (hwndParent && SQLGetPrivateProfileString ("ODBC Drivers", lpszDriver, "", driverread, sizeof (driverread), "odbcinst.ini") && !create_confirm (hwndParent, NULL, "Are you sure you want to overwrite this driver ?")) # endif #endif { SQLPostInstallerError (ODBC_ERROR_DRIVER_SPECIFIC, "Driver already installed previously."); goto done; } /* Add the Driver to the ODBC Drivers */ SQLSetConfigMode (confMode); if (!SQLInstallDriverEx (lpszArgs, NULL, driverread, sizeof (driverread), NULL, ODBC_INSTALL_COMPLETE, NULL)) { SQLPostInstallerError (ODBC_ERROR_DRIVER_SPECIFIC, "Could not add the driver information."); goto done; } break; case ODBC_CONFIG_DRIVER: if (!lpszArgs || !STRLEN (lpszArgs)) { SQLPostInstallerError (ODBC_ERROR_DRIVER_SPECIFIC, "No enough parameters for configururation."); goto done; } /* Add each keyword and values */ for (curr = (LPSTR) lpszArgs; *curr; curr += (STRLEN (curr) + 1)) { STRCPY (driverread, curr); cour = strchr (driverread, '='); if (cour) *cour = 0; SQLSetConfigMode (confMode); if (!SQLWritePrivateProfileString (lpszDriver, driverread, (cour && STRLEN (cour + 1)) ? cour + 1 : NULL, "odbcinst.ini")) goto done; } break; case ODBC_REMOVE_DRIVER: /* Remove the Driver to the ODBC Drivers */ SQLSetConfigMode (confMode); if (!SQLRemoveDriver (lpszDriver, TRUE, NULL)) { SQLPostInstallerError (ODBC_ERROR_DRIVER_SPECIFIC, "Could not remove driver information."); goto done; } break; default: SQLPostInstallerError (ODBC_ERROR_REQUEST_FAILED, NULL); goto done; }; quit: retcode = TRUE; done: if (pcbMsgOut) *pcbMsgOut = 0; return retcode; }