/* prepare a cursor; return the ID number of that cursor */ static int prepareCursor(const char *stmt, bool scrollflag) { struct OCURS *o = findNewCursor(); stmt = lineFormatStack(stmt, 0, &sqlargs); va_end(sqlargs); hstmt = o->hstmt; if(sql_debug) appendFile(sql_debuglog, "new cursor %d", o->cid); if(sql_debug2) printf("new cursor %d\n", o->cid); rc = SQLSetStmtOption(hstmt, SQL_CURSOR_TYPE, scrollflag ? SQL_CURSOR_STATIC : SQL_CURSOR_FORWARD_ONLY); if(errorTrap(0)) return -1; if(!prepareInternal(stmt)) return -1; o->numrets = rv_numRets; memcpy(o->rv_type, rv_type, NUMRETS); o->flag = (openfirst ? CURSOR_OPENED : CURSOR_PREPARED); o->rownum = 0; return o->cid; } /* prepareCursor */
void t1_bind (HSTMT stmt, t1_t * t1) { OBINDL (stmt, 1, t1->t1_row_no, t1->t1_row_no_len); OBINDFIX (stmt, 2, t1->t1_string1, t1->t1_string1_len); OBINDFIX (stmt, 3, t1->t1_string2, t1->t1_string2_len); OBINDFIX (stmt, 4, t1->t1_fs1, t1->t1_fs1_len); OBINDL (stmt, 5, t1->t1_fi2, t1->t1_fi2_len); IF_ERR_GO (stmt, end, SQLSetStmtOption (stmt, SQL_BIND_TYPE, sizeof (t1_t))); end: ; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { rc = SQLAllocEnv (&henv); IF_EERR_EXIT (henv, rc); rc = SQLAllocConnect (henv, &hdbc); IF_CERR_EXIT (hdbc, rc); rc = SQLConnect (hdbc, argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "1111", SQL_NTS, argc > 2 ? argv[2] : "dba", SQL_NTS, argc > 3 ? argv[3] : "dba", SQL_NTS); IF_CERR_EXIT (hdbc, rc); rc = SQLAllocStmt (hdbc, &hstmt); IF_CERR_EXIT (hdbc, rc); rc = SQLSetStmtOption (hstmt, SQL_ROWSET_SIZE, 10); rc = SQLSetStmtOption (hstmt, SQL_CURSOR_TYPE, SQL_CURSOR_KEYSET_DRIVEN); rc = SQLExecDirect (hstmt, "select distinct name_part (KEY_TABLE, 0) as DB from DB.DBA.SYS_KEYS", SQL_NTS); while (SQL_SUCCESS == (rc = SQLFetch (hstmt))) { char data[128]; SDWORD len = sizeof (data); IF_ERR_EXIT (hstmt, rc); rc = SQLGetData (hstmt, 1, SQL_C_CHAR, data, sizeof (data), &len); IF_ERR_EXIT (hstmt, rc); if (rc == SQL_SUCCESS) fprintf (stdout, "%s\n", data); } IF_ERR_EXIT (hstmt, rc); SQLDisconnect (hdbc); SQLFreeConnect (hdbc); SQLFreeEnv (henv); return 0; }
void t1_window (t1_window_t * tw, char * name, HDBC hdbc, char * text, int cr_type, long kssz, long rssz, int conc, option_t * opts) { option_t * o = opts; SQLAllocStmt (hdbc, &tw->tw_stmt); tw->tw_name = name; IF_ERR_GO (tw->tw_stmt, cerr, SQLSetStmtOption (tw->tw_stmt, SQL_CONCURRENCY, conc)); cerr: ; IF_ERR_GO (tw->tw_stmt, err, SQLSetStmtOption (tw->tw_stmt, SQL_CURSOR_TYPE, cr_type)); IF_ERR_GO (tw->tw_stmt, err, SQLSetStmtOption (tw->tw_stmt, SQL_KEYSET_SIZE, kssz)); IF_ERR_GO (tw->tw_stmt, err, SQLSetStmtOption (tw->tw_stmt, SQL_ROWSET_SIZE, rssz)); IF_ERR_GO (tw->tw_stmt, err, SQLSetCursorName (tw->tw_stmt, (SQLCHAR *) name, SQL_NTS)); if (o) { while (o->o_f != -1) { IF_ERR_GO (tw->tw_stmt, err, SQLSetStmtOption (tw->tw_stmt, o->o_f, o->o_v)); o++; } } IF_ERR_GO (tw->tw_stmt, err, (tw->tw_rc = SQLExecDirect (tw->tw_stmt, (SQLCHAR *) text, SQL_NTS))); tw->tw_set = (t1_t*) malloc (sizeof (t1_t) * (rssz + 1)); tw->tw_stat = (UWORD*) malloc (sizeof (UWORD) * (rssz + 1)); tw->tw_size = rssz; t1_bind (tw->tw_stmt, tw->tw_set); printf ("\n\nWindow %s = %s\n", tw->tw_name, text); tw->tw_hdbc = hdbc; err: ; }
RETCODE backsql_Prepare( SQLHDBC dbh, SQLHSTMT *sth, char *query, int timeout ) { RETCODE rc; rc = SQLAllocStmt( dbh, sth ); if ( rc != SQL_SUCCESS ) { return rc; } #ifdef BACKSQL_TRACE Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "==>backsql_Prepare()\n", 0, 0, 0 ); #endif /* BACKSQL_TRACE */ #ifdef BACKSQL_MSSQL_WORKAROUND { char drv_name[ 30 ]; SWORD len; SQLGetInfo( dbh, SQL_DRIVER_NAME, drv_name, sizeof( drv_name ), &len ); #ifdef BACKSQL_TRACE Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "backsql_Prepare(): driver name=\"%s\"\n", drv_name, 0, 0 ); #endif /* BACKSQL_TRACE */ ldap_pvt_str2upper( drv_name ); if ( !strncmp( drv_name, "SQLSRV32.DLL", STRLENOF( "SQLSRV32.DLL" ) ) ) { /* * stupid default result set in MS SQL Server * does not support multiple active statements * on the same connection -- so we are trying * to make it not to use default result set... */ Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "_SQLprepare(): " "enabling MS SQL Server default result " "set workaround\n", 0, 0, 0 ); rc = SQLSetStmtOption( *sth, SQL_CONCURRENCY, SQL_CONCUR_ROWVER ); if ( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "backsql_Prepare(): " "SQLSetStmtOption(SQL_CONCURRENCY," "SQL_CONCUR_ROWVER) failed:\n", 0, 0, 0 ); backsql_PrintErrors( SQL_NULL_HENV, dbh, *sth, rc ); SQLFreeStmt( *sth, SQL_DROP ); return rc; } } } #endif /* BACKSQL_MSSQL_WORKAROUND */ if ( timeout > 0 ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "_SQLprepare(): " "setting query timeout to %d sec.\n", timeout, 0, 0 ); rc = SQLSetStmtOption( *sth, SQL_QUERY_TIMEOUT, timeout ); if ( rc != SQL_SUCCESS ) { backsql_PrintErrors( SQL_NULL_HENV, dbh, *sth, rc ); SQLFreeStmt( *sth, SQL_DROP ); return rc; } } #ifdef BACKSQL_TRACE Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<==backsql_Prepare() calling SQLPrepare()\n", 0, 0, 0 ); #endif /* BACKSQL_TRACE */ return SQLPrepare( *sth, (SQLCHAR *)query, SQL_NTS ); }
SQLRETURN SQLSetStmtOptionA( SQLHSTMT statement_handle, SQLUSMALLINT option, SQLULEN value ) { return SQLSetStmtOption( statement_handle, option, value ); }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc < 4) { fprintf (stderr, "ERR : called as setcurs <dsn> <uid> <pwd> [<scroll>=1]\n"); exit (-3); } rc = SQLAllocEnv (&henv); if (rc != SQL_SUCCESS) { fprintf (stderr, "ERR : cannot alloc ODBC environment\n"); exit (-3); } rc = SQLAllocConnect (henv, &hdbc); CHK_ERR (SQL_NULL_HSTMT); rc = SQLConnect (hdbc, argv[1], SQL_NTS, argv[2], SQL_NTS, argv[3], SQL_NTS); CHK_ERR (SQL_NULL_HSTMT); /* Allocate the statements and set the cursor name. */ rc = SQLAllocStmt (hdbc, &hstmtSelect); CHK_ERR (SQL_NULL_HSTMT); rc = SQLAllocStmt (hdbc, &hstmtUpdate); CHK_ERR (SQL_NULL_HSTMT); if (argc <= 4 || atoi (argv[4]) != 0) { rc = SQLSetStmtOption (hstmtSelect, SQL_CURSOR_TYPE, SQL_CURSOR_STATIC); CHK_ERR (hstmtSelect); rc = SQLSetScrollOptions (hstmtSelect, SQL_CONCUR_READ_ONLY, 1, 1); CHK_ERR (hstmtSelect); } rc = SQLSetCursorName (hstmtSelect, "C1", SQL_NTS); CHK_ERR (hstmtSelect); /* SELECT the result set and bind its columns to local buffers. */ rc = SQLExecDirect (hstmtSelect, "SELECT NAME,PHONE from GOGO", SQL_NTS); CHK_ERR (hstmtSelect); rc = SQLBindCol (hstmtSelect, 1, SQL_C_CHAR, szName, NAME_LEN, &cbName); CHK_ERR (hstmtSelect); rc = SQLBindCol (hstmtSelect, 2, SQL_C_CHAR, szPhone, PHONE_LEN, &cbPhone); CHK_ERR (hstmtSelect); /* Read through the result set until the cursor is */ /* positioned on the row for John Smith. */ do retcode = SQLFetch (hstmtSelect); while ((retcode == SQL_SUCCESS || retcode == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) && (strcmp (szName, "Smith, John") != 0)); rc = retcode; CHK_ERR (hstmtSelect); /* Perform a positioned update of John Smith's name. */ if (retcode == SQL_SUCCESS || retcode == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) { rc = SQLExecDirect (hstmtUpdate, "UPDATE GOGO SET PHONE='2064890154' WHERE CURRENT OF C1", SQL_NTS); CHK_ERR (hstmtUpdate); } #if 0 SQLFreeStmt (hstmtUpdate, SQL_DROP); SQLFreeStmt (hstmtSelect, SQL_DROP); SQLDisconnect (hdbc); SQLFreeConnect (hdbc); #endif printf ("PASSED: SetCursorName Test\n"); exit (0); }
static int odbc_dispatch11(void) { unsigned long retval; PWord rval; int rtype; PWord arg1; int type1; PWord arg2; int type2; PWord arg3; int type3; PWord arg4; int type4; PWord arg5; int type5; PI_getan(&arg1,&type1,1); if (type1 != PI_INT) if (!CI_get_integer((unsigned long *)&arg1,type1)) PI_FAIL; PI_getan(&arg2,&type2,2); if (type2 != PI_INT) if (!CI_get_integer((unsigned long *)&arg2,type2)) PI_FAIL; PI_getan(&arg3,&type3,3); if (type3 != PI_INT) if (!CI_get_integer((unsigned long *)&arg3,type3)) PI_FAIL; PI_getan(&arg4,&type4,4); if (type4 != PI_INT) if (!CI_get_integer((unsigned long *)&arg4,type4)) PI_FAIL; PI_getan(&arg5,&type5,5); switch(arg1) { case 0: retval = (unsigned long) SQLAllocHandleStd(((SQLSMALLINT ) arg2),((SQLHANDLE ) arg3),((SQLHANDLE * ) arg4)); break; case 1: retval = (unsigned long) SQLParamOptions(((SQLHSTMT ) arg2),((SQLUINTEGER ) arg3),((SQLUINTEGER * ) arg4)); break; case 2: retval = (unsigned long) SQLTransact(((SQLHENV ) arg2),((SQLHDBC ) arg3),((SQLUSMALLINT ) arg4)); break; case 3: retval = (unsigned long) SQLSetStmtOption(((SQLHSTMT ) arg2),((SQLUSMALLINT ) arg3),((SQLUINTEGER ) arg4)); break; case 4: retval = (unsigned long) SQLSetConnectOption(((SQLHDBC ) arg2),((SQLUSMALLINT ) arg3),((SQLUINTEGER ) arg4)); break; case 5: retval = (unsigned long) SQLPutData(((SQLHSTMT ) arg2),((SQLPOINTER ) arg3),((SQLINTEGER ) arg4)); break; case 6: retval = (unsigned long) SQLGetStmtOption(((SQLHSTMT ) arg2),((SQLUSMALLINT ) arg3),((SQLPOINTER ) arg4)); break; case 7: retval = (unsigned long) SQLGetFunctions(((SQLHDBC ) arg2),((SQLUSMALLINT ) arg3),((SQLUSMALLINT * ) arg4)); break; case 8: retval = (unsigned long) SQLGetConnectOption(((SQLHDBC ) arg2),((SQLUSMALLINT ) arg3),((SQLPOINTER ) arg4)); break; case 9: retval = (unsigned long) SQLFetchScroll(((SQLHSTMT ) arg2),((SQLSMALLINT ) arg3),((SQLINTEGER ) arg4)); break; case 10: retval = (unsigned long) SQLEndTran(((SQLSMALLINT ) arg2),((SQLHANDLE ) arg3),((SQLSMALLINT ) arg4)); break; case 11: retval = (unsigned long) SQLAllocHandle(((SQLSMALLINT ) arg2),((SQLHANDLE ) arg3),((SQLHANDLE * ) arg4)); break; default: PI_FAIL; } PI_makedouble(&rval,&rtype,(double) retval); if (PI_unify(arg5,type5,rval,rtype)) PI_SUCCEED; PI_FAIL; }
PassFail TestSQLFetch(TestInfo *pTestInfo) { TEST_DECLARE; TCHAR Heading[MAX_STRING_SIZE]; RETCODE returncode; SQLHANDLE henv; SQLHANDLE hdbc; SQLHANDLE hstmt; SQLUSMALLINT i, j, k, fn, h; SWORD col; TCHAR *CCharOutput1[MAX_NUM1], CCharOutput2[NAME_LEN]; SQLLEN OutputLen1[MAX_NUM1], OutputLen2; SQLSMALLINT CType[] = {SQL_C_TCHAR}; //TCHAR *TestCType[] = // { // "SQL_C_TCHAR","SQL_C_BINARY","SQL_C_SSHORT","SQL_C_USHORT","SQL_C_SHORT","SQL_C_SLONG", // "SQL_C_ULONG","SQL_C_FLOAT","SQL_C_DOUBLE","SQL_C_DATE","SQL_C_TIME","SQL_C_TIMESTAMP" // }; //TCHAR *TestSQLType[] = // { // "SQL_CHAR","SQL_VARCHAR","SQL_DECIMAL","SQL_NUMERIC","SQL_SMALLINT","SQL_INTEGER","SQL_REAL", // "SQL_FLOAT","SQL_DOUBLE","SQL_DATE","SQL_TIME","SQL_TIMESTAMP","SQL_BIGINT", // "SQL_DECIMAL","SQL_DECIMAL","SQL_DECIMAL","SQL_DECIMAL","SQL_DECIMAL","SQL_DECIMAL","SQL_DECIMAL","SQL_DECIMAL" // "SQL_LONGVARCHAR","SQL_WCHAR","SQL_WVARCHAR","SQL_WLONGVARCHAR" // }; TCHAR *ExecDirStr[5]; TCHAR *CResults[] = { #ifndef _WM _T("--"),_T("--"),_T("1234.56789"),_T("1234.56789"),_T("1200"),_T("12000"), _T("12345.0"),_T("123450.0"),_T("1234500.0"),_T("1993-07-01"),_T("09:45:30"), _T("1993-08-02 08:44:31.001000"),_T("120000"), _T("1234567890123456789"), _T("1234567890123.456789"), _T("1234567890123456789012345678901234567890"), _T("0.12345678901234567890123456789012345678900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"), _T("1234567890.1234567890123456789012345678901234567890000000000000000000000000"), _T("12345.56789"), _T("1234567890123.56789"), _T("12345678901234567890.0123456789"), #ifdef UNICODE _T("--"),_T("--"),_T("--"),_T("--"),_T("--"),_T("--") #else _T("--"),_T("--"),_T("--"),_T("--") #endif #else _T("--"),_T("--"),_T("1234.56789"),_T("1234.56789"),_T("1200"),_T("12000"), _T("12345.0"),_T("123450.0"),_T("1234500.0"),_T("93/07/01"),_T("09:45:30"), _T("1993-08-02 08:44:31.001000"),_T("120000"), _T("1234567890123456789"), _T("1234567890123.456789"), _T("1234567890123456789012345678901234567890"), _T(".12345678901234567890123456789012345678900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"), _T("1234567890.1234567890123456789012345678901234567890000000000000000000000000"), _T("12345.56789"), _T("1234567890123.56789"), _T("12345678901234567890.0123456789"), _T("--"),_T("--"),_T("--"),_T("--"),_T("--") #endif }; TCHAR *FetchNStr[5]; struct { SQLULEN AccessParam[2]; SQLULEN TransactParam[2]; } ConnOption = { SQL_MODE_READ_WRITE, SQL_MODE_READ_ONLY, SQL_TXN_READ_COMMITTED, SQL_TXN_READ_UNCOMMITTED }; struct _timeb fetchstarttime; struct _timeb fetchendtime; long AccessTime[2]; //Added for transaction isolation problems TCHAR *iso_level_cqd[] = { _T("control query default isolation_level 'READ_COMMITTED'"), _T("control query default isolation_level 'READ_UNCOMMITTED'"), _T("control query default isolation_level 'REPEATABLE_READ'"), _T("control query default isolation_level 'SERIALIZABLE'"), _T("endloop") }; TCHAR *access_mode[] = { _T("default"), _T("set transaction READ ONLY"), _T("set transaction READ WRITE"), _T("endloop") }; SQLTCHAR *sqlstring0 = (SQLTCHAR*)_T("DROP TABLE YRWK_TY_POS_2"); SQLTCHAR *sqlstring1 = (SQLTCHAR*)_T("CREATE TABLE YRWK_TY_POS_2 ( C1 NUMERIC (9, 2) , C2 NUMERIC (9, 2)) NO PARTITION"); SQLTCHAR *sqlstring2 = (SQLTCHAR*)_T("INSERT INTO YRWK_TY_POS_2 VALUES (119.28, 6)"); SQLTCHAR *sqlstring3 = (SQLTCHAR*)_T("SELECT SUM(C1) + SUM(C2) FROM YRWK_TY_POS_2"); //SQLTCHAR sqlstring0[] = _T("DROP TABLE YRWK_TY_POS_2"); //SQLTCHAR sqlstring1[] = _T("CREATE TABLE YRWK_TY_POS_2 ( C1 NUMERIC (9, 2) , C2 NUMERIC (9, 2)) NO PARTITION"); //SQLTCHAR sqlstring2[] = _T("INSERT INTO YRWK_TY_POS_2 VALUES (119.28, 6)"); //SQLTCHAR sqlstring3[] = _T("SELECT SUM(C1) + SUM(C2) FROM YRWK_TY_POS_2"); //=========================================================================================================== var_list_t *var_list; var_list = load_api_vars(_T("SQLFetch"), charset_file); if (var_list == NULL) return FAILED; //print_list(var_list); ExecDirStr[0] = var_mapping(_T("SQLFetch_ExecDirStr_1"), var_list); ExecDirStr[1] = var_mapping(_T("SQLFetch_ExecDirStr_2"), var_list); ExecDirStr[2] = var_mapping(_T("SQLFetch_ExecDirStr_3"), var_list); ExecDirStr[3] = var_mapping(_T("SQLFetch_ExecDirStr_4"), var_list); ExecDirStr[4] = var_mapping(_T("SQLFetch_ExecDirStr_5"), var_list); CResults[0] = var_mapping(_T("SQLFetch_CResults_1"), var_list); CResults[1] = var_mapping(_T("SQLFetch_CResults_2"), var_list); #ifdef UNICODE CResults[21] = var_mapping(_T("SQLFetch_datastr1"), var_list); CResults[22] = var_mapping(_T("SQLFetch_datastr2"), var_list); CResults[23] = var_mapping(_T("SQLFetch_datastr3"), var_list); CResults[24] = var_mapping(_T("SQLFetch_CResults_24"), var_list); CResults[25] = var_mapping(_T("SQLFetch_CResults_25"), var_list); CResults[26] = var_mapping(_T("SQLFetch_CResults_26"), var_list); #else CResults[21] = var_mapping(_T("SQLFetch_CResults_21"), var_list); CResults[22] = var_mapping(_T("SQLFetch_CResults_22"), var_list); CResults[23] = var_mapping(_T("SQLFetch_CResults_23"), var_list); CResults[24] = var_mapping(_T("SQLFetch_CResults_24"), var_list); #endif FetchNStr[0] = var_mapping(_T("SQLFetch_FetchNStr_1"), var_list); FetchNStr[1] = var_mapping(_T("SQLFetch_FetchNStr_2"), var_list); FetchNStr[2] = var_mapping(_T("SQLFetch_FetchNStr_3"), var_list); FetchNStr[3] = var_mapping(_T("SQLFetch_FetchNStr_4"), var_list); FetchNStr[4] = var_mapping(_T("SQLFetch_FetchNStr_5"), var_list); //================================================================================================= LogMsg(LINEBEFORE+SHORTTIMESTAMP,_T("Begin testing API =>SQLFetch.\n")); TEST_INIT; TESTCASE_BEGIN("Setup for SQLFetch tests\n"); if(!FullConnect(pTestInfo)) { LogMsg(ERRMSG,_T("Unable to connect\n")); TEST_FAILED; TEST_RETURN; } henv = pTestInfo->henv; hdbc = pTestInfo->hdbc; hstmt = (SQLHANDLE)pTestInfo->hstmt; returncode = SQLAllocStmt((SQLHANDLE)hdbc, &hstmt); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLAllocStmt")) { LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt); TEST_FAILED; TEST_RETURN; } SQLExecDirect(hstmt,(SQLTCHAR*) ExecDirStr[0],SQL_NTS); /* cleanup */ returncode = SQLExecDirect(hstmt,(SQLTCHAR*)ExecDirStr[1],SQL_NTS); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLExecDirect")) { LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt); TEST_FAILED; TEST_RETURN; } returncode = SQLExecDirect(hstmt,(SQLTCHAR*)ExecDirStr[2], SQL_NTS); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLExecDirect")) { LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt); TEST_FAILED; TEST_RETURN; } TESTCASE_END; // end of setup for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) { // begin of 1st for loop _stprintf(Heading,_T("Test 1.%d: Positive functionality of SQLFetch by doing SQLBindcol\n"),i); TESTCASE_BEGINW(Heading); returncode = SQLExecDirect(hstmt,(SQLTCHAR*)ExecDirStr[3], SQL_NTS); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLExecDirect")) { LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt); TEST_FAILED; TEST_RETURN; } for (j=0; j<MAX_NUM1; j++) { CCharOutput1[j] = (TCHAR *)malloc(sizeof(TCHAR)*NAME_LEN); *(CCharOutput1[j])=(TCHAR)'\0'; returncode = SQLBindCol(hstmt,(SWORD)(j+1),CType[i],CCharOutput1[j],NAME_LEN,&OutputLen1[j]); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLBindCol")) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt); TEST_RETURN; } } returncode = SQLFetch(hstmt); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLFetch")) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt); } else { for (j=0; j<MAX_NUM1; j++) { if (_tcscmp(CCharOutput1[j],CResults[j]) == 0) { LogMsg(NONE,_T("expect: '%s' and actual: '%s' of column %d are matched\n"),CResults[j],CCharOutput1[j],j+1); } else { TEST_FAILED; LogMsg(ERRMSG,_T("expect: '%s' and actual: '%s' of column %d are not match, at line %d\n"), CResults[j],CCharOutput1[j],j+1,__LINE__); } free(CCharOutput1[j]); } } SQLFreeStmt(hstmt,SQL_CLOSE); TESTCASE_END; } // end of 1st for loop //============================================================================================ TESTCASE_BEGIN("Setup for more SQLFetch tests\n"); SQLFreeStmt(hstmt,SQL_DROP); SQLAllocStmt((SQLHANDLE)hdbc, &hstmt); SQLExecDirect(hstmt,(SQLTCHAR*)ExecDirStr[4],SQL_NTS); returncode = SQLExecDirect(hstmt,(SQLTCHAR*)ExecDirStr[2], SQL_NTS); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLExecDirect")) { LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt); TEST_FAILED; TEST_RETURN; } TESTCASE_END; for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) { _stprintf(Heading,_T("Test 2.%d: Positive functionality of SQLFetch by doing SQLGetData\n"),i); TESTCASE_BEGINW(Heading); returncode = SQLExecDirect(hstmt,(SQLTCHAR*)ExecDirStr[3], SQL_NTS); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLExecDirect")) { LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt); TEST_FAILED; TEST_RETURN; } returncode = SQLFetch(hstmt); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLFetch")) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt); } else { for (j=0; j<MAX_NUM1; j++) { returncode = SQLGetData(hstmt,(SWORD)(j+1),CType[i],CCharOutput2,NAME_LEN,&OutputLen2); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLGetData")) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt); } if (_tcscmp(CCharOutput2,CResults[j]) == 0) { LogMsg(NONE,_T("expect: '%s' and actual: '%s' of column %d are matched\n"), CResults[j],CCharOutput2,j+1); } else { TEST_FAILED; LogMsg(ERRMSG,_T("expect: '%s' and actual: '%s' of column %d are not match, at line %d\n"),CResults[j],CCharOutput2,j+1,__LINE__); } } } SQLFreeStmt(hstmt,SQL_CLOSE); TESTCASE_END; } //============================================================================================ for (fn = 0; fn < NUM_FETCH_LOOP; fn++) { _stprintf(Heading,_T("Setup for Fetch %d tests\n"),(ROWS_INSERTED*(fn+1))); TESTCASE_BEGINW(Heading); SQLFreeStmt(hstmt,SQL_DROP); SQLAllocStmt((SQLHANDLE)hdbc, &hstmt); SQLSetConnectOption((SQLHANDLE)hdbc,SQL_ACCESS_MODE,SQL_MODE_READ_WRITE); SQLSetConnectOption((SQLHANDLE)hdbc,SQL_TXN_ISOLATION,SQL_TXN_READ_COMMITTED); SQLExecDirect(hstmt,(SQLTCHAR*) FetchNStr[0],SQL_NTS); /* cleanup */ returncode = SQLExecDirect(hstmt,(SQLTCHAR*)FetchNStr[1],SQL_NTS); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLExecDirect")) { LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt); TEST_FAILED; TEST_RETURN; } for (i = 0; i < (ROWS_INSERTED*(fn+1)); i++) { returncode = SQLExecDirect(hstmt,(SQLTCHAR*)FetchNStr[2], SQL_NTS); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLExecDirect")) { LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt); TEST_FAILED; TEST_RETURN; } } TESTCASE_END; // end of setup _stprintf(Heading,_T("Test Positive functionality of Fetch %d by doing SQLBindcol\n"),(ROWS_INSERTED*(fn+1))); TESTCASE_BEGINW(Heading); for (k = 0; k < 2; k++) { returncode = SQLSetConnectOption((SQLHANDLE)hdbc,SQL_ACCESS_MODE,ConnOption.AccessParam[k]); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLSetConnection Access")) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt); TEST_RETURN; } returncode = SQLSetConnectOption((SQLHANDLE)hdbc,SQL_TXN_ISOLATION,ConnOption.TransactParam[k]); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLSetConnection Transact")) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt); TEST_RETURN; } returncode = SQLSetStmtOption(hstmt,SQL_ROWSET_SIZE,1); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLSetStmtOption")) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt); TEST_RETURN; } returncode = SQLExecDirect(hstmt,(SQLTCHAR*)FetchNStr[3], SQL_NTS); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLExecDirect")) { LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt); TEST_FAILED; TEST_RETURN; } returncode = SQLNumResultCols(hstmt, &col); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLNumResultCols")) { LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt); TEST_FAILED; } for (j = 0; j < col; j++) { CCharOutput1[j] = (TCHAR *)malloc(NAME_LEN); *(CCharOutput1[j])=(TCHAR)'\0'; returncode = SQLBindCol(hstmt,(SWORD)(j+1),SQL_C_TCHAR,CCharOutput1[j],NAME_LEN,&OutputLen1[j]); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLBindCol")) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt); TEST_RETURN; } } // end of 2nd for loop returncode = SQL_SUCCESS; _ftime(&fetchstarttime); j = 0; while (returncode == SQL_SUCCESS) { returncode = SQLFetch(hstmt); if((returncode != SQL_SUCCESS) && (j < col)) // need to make sure we haven't fallen off the end of the table { if (returncode == SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND) { if (!FindError(_T("00000"),henv,hdbc,hstmt)) // SQLState should be "00000" when return code is SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND. { TEST_FAILED; //assert(0); LogMsg(NONE,_T("Rows #: %d : array %d suppose to be %d at line %d.\n"),j,k, (ROWS_INSERTED*(fn+1)),__LINE__); LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt); } } else { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt); } } if (returncode == SQL_SUCCESS) j++; } _ftime(&fetchendtime); if (j == (ROWS_INSERTED*(fn+1))) { LogMsg(NONE,_T("Rows inserted Expected: %d and Actual: %d.\n"),(ROWS_INSERTED*(fn+1)),j); } else { TEST_FAILED; LogMsg(ERRMSG,_T("Rows inserted Expected: %d and Actual: %d at line%d.\n"),(ROWS_INSERTED*(fn+1)),j,__LINE__); } AccessTime[k] = (long)(((fetchendtime.time - fetchstarttime.time) * 1000) + (fetchendtime.millitm - fetchstarttime.millitm)); for (j = 0; j < col; j++) { free(CCharOutput1[j]); } // end of 3rd for loop SQLFreeStmt(hstmt,SQL_CLOSE); } /* if (AccessTime[0] >= AccessTime[1]) { LogMsg(NONE,_T("FETCH ONE: %d millisecs and FETCH N: %d millisecs.\n"),AccessTime[0],AccessTime[1]); } else { TEST_FAILED; LogMsg(ERRMSG,_T("FETCH ONE: %d millisecs and FETCH N: %d millisecs.\n"),AccessTime[0],AccessTime[1]); } */ LogMsg(NONE,_T("FETCH ONE: %d millisecs and FETCH N: %d millisecs.\n"),AccessTime[0],AccessTime[1]); TESTCASE_END; SQLSetConnectOption((SQLHANDLE)hdbc,SQL_ACCESS_MODE,SQL_MODE_READ_WRITE); SQLSetConnectOption((SQLHANDLE)hdbc,SQL_TXN_ISOLATION,SQL_TXN_READ_COMMITTED); SQLExecDirect(hstmt,(SQLTCHAR*) FetchNStr[0],SQL_NTS); /* cleanup */ } SQLExecDirect(hstmt,(SQLTCHAR*) ExecDirStr[0],SQL_NTS); /* cleanup */ //===================================================================================================== TESTCASE_BEGIN("Setup for SQLFetch isolation level tests\n"); SQLFreeStmt(hstmt,SQL_DROP); SQLAllocStmt((SQLHANDLE)hdbc, &hstmt); SQLExecDirect(hstmt,(SQLTCHAR*)ExecDirStr[0],SQL_NTS);/*clean up*/ returncode = SQLExecDirect(hstmt,(SQLTCHAR*)ExecDirStr[1], SQL_NTS); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLExecDirect")) { LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt); TEST_FAILED; TEST_RETURN; } returncode = SQLExecDirect(hstmt,(SQLTCHAR*)ExecDirStr[2], SQL_NTS); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLExecDirect")) { LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt); TEST_FAILED; TEST_RETURN; } TESTCASE_END; i = 0; k = 0; while (_tcsicmp(iso_level_cqd[k],_T("endloop")) != 0) { h = 0; while (_tcsicmp(access_mode[h],_T("endloop")) != 0) { if ((_tcsstr(iso_level_cqd[k],_T("READ_UNCOMMITTED")) != NULL && _tcsstr(access_mode[h],_T("READ WRITE")) != NULL) || (_tcsstr(iso_level_cqd[k],_T("REPEATABLE_READ")) != NULL && _tcsstr(access_mode[h],_T("default")) != NULL) || (_tcsstr(iso_level_cqd[k],_T("SERIALIZABLE")) != NULL && _tcsstr(access_mode[h],_T("default")) != NULL)) { h++; continue; } FullDisconnect(pTestInfo); _stprintf(Heading, _T("Setup for SQLFetch with: %s\nAnd access-mode: %s\n"), iso_level_cqd[k], access_mode[h]); TESTCASE_BEGINW(Heading); if(!FullConnect(pTestInfo)) { LogMsg(ERRMSG,_T("Unable to connect\n")); TEST_FAILED; TEST_RETURN; } henv = pTestInfo->henv; hdbc = pTestInfo->hdbc; hstmt = (SQLHANDLE)pTestInfo->hstmt; returncode = SQLAllocStmt((SQLHANDLE)hdbc, &hstmt); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLAllocStmt")) { LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt); TEST_FAILED; TEST_RETURN; } returncode = SQLExecDirect(hstmt,(SQLTCHAR*)iso_level_cqd[k],SQL_NTS); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLExecDirect")) { LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt); TEST_FAILED; TEST_RETURN; } if (_tcsicmp(access_mode[h],_T("default")) != 0) { returncode = SQLExecDirect(hstmt,(SQLTCHAR*)access_mode[h],SQL_NTS); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLExecDirect")) { LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt); TEST_FAILED; TEST_RETURN; } } TESTCASE_END; // end of setup _stprintf(Heading,_T("SQLFetch by doing SQLGetData\n")); TESTCASE_BEGINW(Heading); returncode = SQLExecDirect(hstmt,(SQLTCHAR*)ExecDirStr[3], SQL_NTS); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLExecDirect")) { LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt); TEST_FAILED; //TEST_RETURN; } returncode = SQLFetch(hstmt); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLFetch")) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt); } else { for (j=0; j<MAX_NUM1; j++) { returncode = SQLGetData(hstmt,(SWORD)(j+1),CType[i],CCharOutput2,NAME_LEN,&OutputLen2); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLGetData")) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt); } if (_tcscmp(CCharOutput2,CResults[j]) == 0) { LogMsg(NONE,_T("expect: '%s' and actual: '%s' of column %d are matched\n"),CResults[j],CCharOutput2,j+1); } else { TEST_FAILED; LogMsg(ERRMSG,_T("expect: '%s' and actual: '%s' of column %d are not match, at line %d\n"),CResults[j],CCharOutput2,j+1,__LINE__); } } } SQLFreeStmt(hstmt,SQL_CLOSE); TESTCASE_END; h++; } k++; }//End while SQLExecDirect(hstmt,(SQLTCHAR*) ExecDirStr[0],SQL_NTS); /* cleanup */ //============================================================================================ TESTCASE_BEGIN("Testcase for Mode_special_1\n"); returncode = SQLExecDirect(hstmt,sqlstring0,SQL_NTS); returncode = SQLExecDirect(hstmt,sqlstring1,SQL_NTS); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLExecDirect")) { LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt); TEST_FAILED; TEST_RETURN; } returncode = SQLExecDirect(hstmt,sqlstring2,SQL_NTS); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLExecDirect")) { LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt); TEST_FAILED; TEST_RETURN; } returncode = SQLPrepare(hstmt,sqlstring3,SQL_NTS); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLPrepare")) { LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt); TEST_FAILED; TEST_RETURN; } returncode = SQLBindCol(hstmt,1,SQL_C_TCHAR,CCharOutput2,300,NULL); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLBindCol")) { LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt); TEST_FAILED; TEST_RETURN; } returncode = SQLExecute(hstmt); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLExecute")) { LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt); TEST_FAILED; TEST_RETURN; } returncode = SQLFetch(hstmt); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLFetch")) { LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt); TEST_FAILED; TEST_RETURN; } #ifndef _WM if (_tcscmp(CCharOutput2,_T("125.2")) == 0) { LogMsg(NONE,_T("expect: '125.2' and actual: '%s' are matched\n"),CCharOutput2); } else { TEST_FAILED; LogMsg(ERRMSG,_T("expect: '125.2' and actual: '%s' are not match, at line %d\n"),CCharOutput2,__LINE__); } #else if (_tcscmp(CCharOutput2,"125.28") == 0) { LogMsg(NONE,_T("expect: '125.28' and actual: '%s' are matched\n"),CCharOutput2); } else { TEST_FAILED; LogMsg(ERRMSG,_T("expect: '125.28' and actual: '%s' are not match, at line %d\n"),CCharOutput2,__LINE__); } #endif //============================================================================================ FullDisconnect(pTestInfo); LogMsg(SHORTTIMESTAMP+LINEAFTER,_T("End testing API => SQLFetch.\n")); free_list(var_list); TEST_RETURN; }
//--------------------------------------------------------- // TestSQLAllocStmt() //--------------------------------------------------------- PassFail TestSQLAllocStmt (TestInfo *pTestInfo, int MX_MP_SPECIFIC) { TEST_DECLARE; char Heading[MAX_STRING_SIZE]; RETCODE returncode; SQLHANDLE henv; SQLHANDLE hdbc; SQLHANDLE hstmt[NUM_STMT]; //RETCODE AsyncStmt[NUM_ASYNC_STMT]; char *StmtHndlStr; int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; int AnyAsync; int AsyncOper[] = {CREATE_TABLE,INSERT_TABLE,SELECT_TABLE,DROP_TABLE,999}; char *teststmthndl[21]; //=========================================================================================================== var_list_t *var_list; var_list = load_api_vars("SQLAllocateStatement", charset_file); if (var_list == NULL) return FAILED; teststmthndl[0] = var_mapping("TestStmtHndl_0", var_list); teststmthndl[1] = var_mapping("TestStmtHndl_1", var_list); teststmthndl[2] = var_mapping("TestStmtHndl_2", var_list); teststmthndl[3] = var_mapping("TestStmtHndl_3", var_list); teststmthndl[4] = var_mapping("TestStmtHndl_4", var_list); teststmthndl[5] = var_mapping("TestStmtHndl_5", var_list); teststmthndl[6] = var_mapping("TestStmtHndl_6", var_list); teststmthndl[7] = var_mapping("TestStmtHndl_7", var_list); teststmthndl[8] = var_mapping("TestStmtHndl_8", var_list); teststmthndl[9] = var_mapping("TestStmtHndl_9", var_list); teststmthndl[10] = var_mapping("TestStmtHndl_10", var_list); teststmthndl[11] = var_mapping("TestStmtHndl_11", var_list); teststmthndl[12] = var_mapping("TestStmtHndl_12", var_list); teststmthndl[13] = var_mapping("TestStmtHndl_13", var_list); teststmthndl[14] = var_mapping("TestStmtHndl_14", var_list); teststmthndl[15] = var_mapping("TestStmtHndl_15", var_list); teststmthndl[16] = var_mapping("TestStmtHndl_16", var_list); teststmthndl[17] = var_mapping("TestStmtHndl_17", var_list); teststmthndl[18] = var_mapping("TestStmtHndl_18", var_list); teststmthndl[19] = var_mapping("TestStmtHndl_19", var_list); teststmthndl[20] = var_mapping("TestStmtHndl_20", var_list); //====================================================================================== if (MX_MP_SPECIFIC == MX_SPECIFIC) LogMsg(LINEBEFORE+SHORTTIMESTAMP,"Begin testing API => MX specific SQLAllocStmt | SQLAllocStmt | alocstmt.c\n"); else LogMsg(LINEBEFORE+SHORTTIMESTAMP,"Begin testing API => MP specific SQLAllocStmt | SQLAllocStmt | alocstmt.c\n"); TEST_INIT; TESTCASE_BEGIN("Setup for SQLAllocStmt/SQLFreeStmt tests\n"); /* 6-5-00: Need to turn Autocommit off since MX will close all open cursors that are open if the end of ANY of the cursors is reached. */ if(!FullConnectWithOptions(pTestInfo, CONNECT_ODBC_VERSION_2)) { LogMsg(NONE,"Unable to connect\n"); TEST_FAILED; TEST_RETURN; } henv = pTestInfo->henv; hdbc = pTestInfo->hdbc; //set the connection attribute to SQL_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF to enable use of multiple stmt without errors SQLSetConnectAttr((SQLHANDLE)hdbc, SQL_ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT, SQL_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF, SQL_IS_UINTEGER); TESTCASE_END; // end of setup StmtHndlStr = (char *)malloc(MAX_NOS_SIZE); //==================================================================================================== // General statement handle exercise testcases. for (k = 0; k < 2; k++) { for (i = 0; i < NUM_STMT; i++) { hstmt[i] = (SQLHANDLE)pTestInfo->hstmt; sprintf(Heading,"SQLAllocstmt: Test #%d\n",i); TESTCASE_BEGIN(Heading); returncode = SQLAllocStmt((SQLHANDLE)hdbc, &hstmt[i]); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLAllocStmt")) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt[i]); } TESTCASE_END; if (returncode == SQL_SUCCESS) { if (i == 0) // cleanup { for (j = 0; j < NUM_STMT; j++) { SQLExecDirect(hstmt[0],StmtQueries(DROP_TABLE,teststmthndl[j],StmtHndlStr),SQL_NTS); } } sprintf(Heading,"SQLAllocStmt: create table teststmthndl%d\n",i+1); TESTCASE_BEGIN(Heading); if (k == 0) // prepare & execute { returncode = SQLPrepare(hstmt[i],StmtQueries(CREATE_TABLE,teststmthndl[i],StmtHndlStr),SQL_NTS); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLPrepare")) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt[i]); } else{ returncode = SQLExecute(hstmt[i]); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLExecute")){ TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt[i]); } } } else // execdirect { returncode = SQLExecDirect(hstmt[i],StmtQueries(CREATE_TABLE,teststmthndl[i],StmtHndlStr),SQL_NTS); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLExecDirect")) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt[i]); } } } if (returncode == SQL_SUCCESS) TESTCASE_END; } for (i = 0; i < NUM_STMT; i++) { sprintf(Heading,"SQLAllocStmt: inserts on Stmt Handle(%d)\n",i); TESTCASE_BEGIN(Heading); if (k == 0) // prepare & execute { returncode = SQLPrepare(hstmt[i],StmtQueries(INSERT_TABLE,teststmthndl[i],StmtHndlStr),SQL_NTS); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLPrepare")) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt[i]); } else { returncode = SQLExecute(hstmt[i]); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLExecute")) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt[i]); } } } else // execdirect { returncode = SQLExecDirect(hstmt[i],StmtQueries(INSERT_TABLE,teststmthndl[i],StmtHndlStr),SQL_NTS); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLExecDirect")) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt[i]); } } if (returncode == SQL_SUCCESS)TESTCASE_END; } for (i = 0; i < NUM_STMT; i++) { sprintf(Heading,"SQLAllocStmt: selects on Stmt Handle(%d)\n",i); TESTCASE_BEGIN(Heading); if (k == 0) // prepare & execute { returncode = SQLPrepare(hstmt[i],StmtQueries(SELECT_TABLE,teststmthndl[i],StmtHndlStr),SQL_NTS); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLPrepare")) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt[i]); } else{ returncode = SQLExecute(hstmt[i]); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLExecute")){ TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt[i]); } } } else // execdirect { returncode = SQLExecDirect(hstmt[i],StmtQueries(SELECT_TABLE,teststmthndl[i],StmtHndlStr),SQL_NTS); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLExecDirect")) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt[i]); } } if (returncode == SQL_SUCCESS) TESTCASE_END; } for (i = (NUM_STMT-1); i > -1; i--) { sprintf(Heading,"SQLAllocStmt: fetches on selects on Stmt Handle(%d)\n",i); TESTCASE_BEGIN(Heading); returncode = SQLFetch(hstmt[i]); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLFetch")) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt[i]); } if (returncode == SQL_SUCCESS) TESTCASE_END; } for (i = 0; i < NUM_STMT; i++) { sprintf(Heading,"SQLAllocStmt: SQLFreeStmt(%d) with SQL_CLOSE\n",i); TESTCASE_BEGIN(Heading); returncode = SQLFreeStmt(hstmt[i],SQL_CLOSE); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLFreeStmt")) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt[i]); } else{ TESTCASE_END; } if (i == (NUM_STMT-1)) // cleanup { for (j = 0; j < NUM_STMT; j++) { SQLExecDirect(hstmt[0],StmtQueries(DROP_TABLE,teststmthndl[j],StmtHndlStr),SQL_NTS); } } } for (i = 0; i < NUM_STMT; i++) { sprintf(Heading,"SQLAllocStmt: SQLFreeStmt(%d) with SQL_DROP\n",i); TESTCASE_BEGIN(Heading); returncode = SQLFreeStmt(hstmt[i],SQL_DROP); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLFreeStmt")) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt[i]); } else{ TESTCASE_END; } } sprintf(Heading,"SLQAllocStmt: same sql operations on different of SQLAllocstmt(%d)s\n",i); TESTCASE_BEGIN(Heading); for (i = 0; i < NUM_STMT; i++) { hstmt[i] = (SQLHANDLE)pTestInfo->hstmt; returncode = SQLAllocStmt((SQLHANDLE)hdbc, &hstmt[i]); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLAllocStmt")) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt[i]); } if (returncode == SQL_SUCCESS) { if (i == 0) // cleanup { SQLExecDirect(hstmt[0],StmtQueries(DROP_TABLE,teststmthndl[20],StmtHndlStr),SQL_NTS); returncode = SQLExecDirect(hstmt[0],StmtQueries(CREATE_TABLE,teststmthndl[20],StmtHndlStr),SQL_NTS); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLExecDirect")) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt[0]); } } if (k == 0) // prepare & execute { returncode = SQLPrepare(hstmt[i],StmtQueries(INSERT_TABLE,teststmthndl[20],StmtHndlStr),SQL_NTS); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLPrepare")) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt[i]); } returncode = SQLExecute(hstmt[i]); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLExecute")) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt[i]); } } else // execdirect { returncode = SQLExecDirect(hstmt[i],StmtQueries(INSERT_TABLE,teststmthndl[20],StmtHndlStr),SQL_NTS); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLExecDirect")) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt[i]); } } if (k == 0) // prepare & execute { returncode = SQLPrepare(hstmt[i],StmtQueries(SELECT_TABLE,teststmthndl[20],StmtHndlStr),SQL_NTS); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLPrepare")) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt[i]); } returncode = SQLExecute(hstmt[i]); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLExecute")) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt[i]); } } else { returncode = SQLExecDirect(hstmt[i],StmtQueries(SELECT_TABLE,teststmthndl[20],StmtHndlStr),SQL_NTS); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLExecDirect")) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt[i]); } } returncode = SQLFetch(hstmt[i]); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLFetch")) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt[i]); } } } for (i = 0; i < NUM_STMT; i++) { returncode = SQLFreeStmt(hstmt[i],SQL_CLOSE); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLAllocStmt")) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt[i]); } if (i == 0) { SQLExecDirect(hstmt[0],StmtQueries(DROP_TABLE,teststmthndl[20],StmtHndlStr),SQL_NTS); } returncode = SQLFreeStmt(hstmt[i],SQL_DROP); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLFreeStmt")) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt[i]); } } TESTCASE_END; } //==================================================================================================== // Asynchronus Testcases if (MX_MP_SPECIFIC == MX_SPECIFIC) { for (i = 0; i < NUM_ASYNC_STMT; i++) { hstmt[i] = (SQLHANDLE)pTestInfo->hstmt; // Creating statement handles sprintf(Heading,"SQLAllocstmt: Test #%d and Enable the ASYNC MODE ON.\n",i); TESTCASE_BEGIN(Heading); returncode = SQLAllocStmt((SQLHANDLE)hdbc, &hstmt[i]); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLAllocStmt")) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt[i]); } else { if (i == 0) // cleanup { // Creating tables to be used by each of the stmt handles for (j = 0; j < NUM_ASYNC_STMT; j++) { SQLExecDirect(hstmt[0],StmtQueries(DROP_TABLE,teststmthndl[j],StmtHndlStr),SQL_NTS); } } // Putting each stmthandle into Asynchronus mode returncode = SQLSetStmtOption(hstmt[i],SQL_ASYNC_ENABLE,SQL_ASYNC_ENABLE_ON); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLSetStmtOptions")) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt[i]); } } TESTCASE_END; } // Running the Asynchronus tests // WHAT IS GOING ON // Two tests cases are being checked: // 1. That the status of an asynchronus stmt handle CAN be checked. // 2. That the stmt handle completes correctly. // // HOW IT'S BEING RUN // Steps being performed until all handles are no longer executing: // 1. Prepare the async test data structure. // 2. Generate table name based on statement handle being used. // 3. If handle's status has not been checked already, check as test case 1. // Else, check it's status NOT as a test case. // 4. Run the statement (also used to check the status of the handle). // 5. If the stmt completes, verify that it does so successfully. Test case 2. // // Once all of the handles have completed, perform the next Async Operation // until the terminating operation (a.k.a "999") is reached. k = 0; while (AsyncOper[k] != 999) { // 1. Preparing the async test data structure for (i = 0; i < NUM_ASYNC_STMT; i++) { AsyncStmt[i].status = SQL_STILL_EXECUTING; AsyncStmt[i].checked = FALSE; } AnyAsync = 1; // Testing begins while (AnyAsync > 0) { for (i = 0; i < NUM_ASYNC_STMT; i++) { if (AsyncStmt[i].status == SQL_STILL_EXECUTING) { // 3. Has the handle been checked for its status? if (AsyncStmt[i].checked) { // 4. Run the statement. returncode = SQLExecDirect(hstmt[i],StmtQueries(AsyncOper[k],teststmthndl[i],StmtHndlStr),SQL_NTS); AsyncStmt[i].status = returncode; // 5. Result Test: Verifying that the statement completes correctly. if (returncode != SQL_STILL_EXECUTING) { sprintf(Heading,"SQLAllocStmt: Result Test: %d; SQLStmt: %s.\n",i,StmtQueries(AsyncOper[k],teststmthndl[i],StmtHndlStr)); TESTCASE_BEGIN(Heading); if (returncode != SQL_SUCCESS) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt[i]); } TESTCASE_END; } } else { // Status Test (Test case 1): // Only EXECUTING and SUCCESS are acceptable, others are errors. // This test is only run once! sprintf(Heading,"SQLAllocStmt: Status Test: %d; SQLStmt: %s.\n",i,StmtQueries(AsyncOper[k],teststmthndl[i],StmtHndlStr)); TESTCASE_BEGIN(Heading); // 4. Run the statement. returncode = SQLExecDirect(hstmt[i],StmtQueries(AsyncOper[k],teststmthndl[i],StmtHndlStr),SQL_NTS); AsyncStmt[i].status = returncode; AsyncStmt[i].checked = TRUE; if ((returncode != SQL_STILL_EXECUTING) && (returncode != SQL_SUCCESS)) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt[i]); } TESTCASE_END; // 5. If the stmt completes, verify that it does so successfully. if (returncode != SQL_STILL_EXECUTING) { // Result Test: Verifying that the stmt completes successfully. sprintf(Heading,"SQLAllocStmt: Result Test: %d; SQLStmt: %s.\n",i,StmtQueries(AsyncOper[k],teststmthndl[i],StmtHndlStr)); TESTCASE_BEGIN(Heading); if (returncode != SQL_SUCCESS) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt[i]); } TESTCASE_END; } //Sleep (500); } } } AnyAsync = 0; for (i = 0; i < NUM_ASYNC_STMT; i++) { if (AsyncStmt[i].status == SQL_STILL_EXECUTING) { AnyAsync = AnyAsync + 1; } } } // Special tests for Fetching after doing a SELECT // Steps are identical to the above steps. if (AsyncOper[k] == SELECT_TABLE) { // Preparing data structure for (i = 0; i < NUM_ASYNC_STMT; i++) { AsyncStmt[i].status = SQL_STILL_EXECUTING; AsyncStmt[i].checked = FALSE; } AnyAsync = 1; // Select testing begins while (AnyAsync > 0) { for (i = 0; i < NUM_ASYNC_STMT; i++) { if (AsyncStmt[i].status == SQL_STILL_EXECUTING) { if (AsyncStmt[i].checked) { returncode = SQLFetch(hstmt[i]); AsyncStmt[i].status = returncode; if (returncode != SQL_STILL_EXECUTING) { // Result Test sprintf(Heading,"SQLAllocStmt: Result Test:%d; performing SQLFetch.\n",i); TESTCASE_BEGIN(Heading); if (returncode != SQL_SUCCESS) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt[i]); } TESTCASE_END; } } else { // Status Test sprintf(Heading,"SQLAllocStmt: Status Test:%d; performing SQLFetch.\n",i); TESTCASE_BEGIN(Heading); returncode = SQLFetch(hstmt[i]); AsyncStmt[i].status = returncode; AsyncStmt[i].checked = TRUE; if ((returncode != SQL_STILL_EXECUTING) && (returncode != SQL_SUCCESS)) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt[i]); } TESTCASE_END; // Result Test if (returncode != SQL_STILL_EXECUTING) { sprintf(Heading,"SQLAllocStmt: Result Test:%d; performing SQLFetch.\n",i); TESTCASE_BEGIN(Heading); if (returncode != SQL_SUCCESS) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt[i]); } TESTCASE_END; } } } } AnyAsync = 0; for (i = 0; i < NUM_ASYNC_STMT; i++) { if (AsyncStmt[i].status == SQL_STILL_EXECUTING) { AnyAsync = AnyAsync + 1; } } } // Closing the cursor from the SELECT stmt result set. for (i = 0; i < NUM_ASYNC_STMT; i++) { sprintf(Heading,"SQLFreeStmt: %d.\n",i); TESTCASE_BEGIN(Heading); returncode = SQLFreeStmt(hstmt[i],SQL_CLOSE); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLFreeStmt")) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrors(henv,hdbc,hstmt[i]); } TESTCASE_END; } } // End of async SELECT test. // Resetting the checked status for the next operation. for (i = 0; i < NUM_ASYNC_STMT; i++) { AsyncStmt[i].checked = FALSE; } k++; } } //==================================================================================================== free(StmtHndlStr); returncode = SQLDisconnect((SQLHANDLE)hdbc); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_ERROR,returncode,"SQLDisconnect")) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrorsVer3(henv,hdbc,hstmt[0]); } // Free the open transactions. returncode=SQLTransact((SQLHANDLE)henv,(SQLHANDLE)hdbc,SQL_ROLLBACK); Sleep(2); returncode=FullDisconnect(pTestInfo); if(!CHECKRC(SQL_SUCCESS,returncode,"SQLFullDisconnect")) { TEST_FAILED; LogAllErrorsVer3(henv,hdbc,hstmt[0]); } LogMsg(SHORTTIMESTAMP+LINEAFTER,"End testing API => SQLAllocStmt.\n"); free_list(var_list); TEST_RETURN; }