static SSLContextRef make_ssl_ref(bool server, int sock, CFArrayRef certs) { SSLContextRef ctx = SSLCreateContext(kCFAllocatorDefault, server?kSSLServerSide:kSSLClientSide, kSSLStreamType); require(ctx, out); require_noerr(SSLSetIOFuncs(ctx, (SSLReadFunc)SocketRead, (SSLWriteFunc)SocketWrite), out); require_noerr(SSLSetConnection(ctx, (SSLConnectionRef)(intptr_t)sock), out); require_noerr(SSLSetCertificate(ctx, certs), out); return ctx; out: if (ctx) CFRelease(ctx); return NULL; }
static int load_cert(URLContext *h) { TLSContext *c = h->priv_data; int ret = 0; CFArrayRef certArray = NULL; CFArrayRef keyArray = NULL; SecIdentityRef id = NULL; CFMutableArrayRef outArray = NULL; if ((ret = import_pem(h, c->tls_shared.cert_file, &certArray)) < 0) goto end; if ((ret = import_pem(h, c->tls_shared.key_file, &keyArray)) < 0) goto end; if (!(id = SecIdentityCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (SecCertificateRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(certArray, 0), (SecKeyRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(keyArray, 0)))) { ret = AVERROR_UNKNOWN; goto end; } if (!(outArray = CFArrayCreateMutableCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, certArray))) { ret = AVERROR(ENOMEM); goto end; } CFArraySetValueAtIndex(outArray, 0, id); SSLSetCertificate(c->ssl_context, outArray); end: if (certArray) CFRelease(certArray); if (keyArray) CFRelease(keyArray); if (outArray) CFRelease(outArray); if (id) CFRelease(id); return ret; }
static void tests(void) { SSLContextRef ctx = NULL; SecIdentityRef identity; CFArrayRef list = NULL; CFArrayRef trust_chain; AddIdentityToKeychain(); EAPSecIdentityListCreate(&list); identity = (SecIdentityRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(list, 0); is(CFGetRetainCount(identity), 1, "identity rc = 1"); ok_status(EAPSecIdentityCreateIdentityTrustChain(identity, &trust_chain), "EAPSecIdentityCreateIdentityTrustChain"); ok(ctx=SSLCreateContext(NULL, kSSLClientSide, kSSLStreamType), "SSLNewContext"); ok_status(SSLSetCertificate(ctx, trust_chain), "SSLSetCertificate"); CFReleaseNull(ctx); DeleteIdentityFromKeychain(); CFRelease(trust_chain); CFReleaseNull(list); }
int /* O - 1 on success, 0 on error */ cupsdStartTLS(cupsd_client_t *con) /* I - Client connection */ { OSStatus error = 0; /* Error code */ SecTrustRef peerTrust; /* Peer certificates */ cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG, "[Client %d] Encrypting connection.", con->number); con->http->encryption = HTTP_ENCRYPTION_ALWAYS; con->http->tls_credentials = copy_cdsa_certificate(con); if (!con->http->tls_credentials) { /* * No keychain (yet), make a self-signed certificate... */ if (make_certificate(con)) con->http->tls_credentials = copy_cdsa_certificate(con); } if (!con->http->tls_credentials) { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Could not find signing key in keychain \"%s\"", ServerCertificate); error = errSSLBadConfiguration; } if (!error) con->http->tls = SSLCreateContext(kCFAllocatorDefault, kSSLServerSide, kSSLStreamType); if (!error) error = SSLSetIOFuncs(con->http->tls, _httpReadCDSA, _httpWriteCDSA); if (!error) error = SSLSetConnection(con->http->tls, HTTP(con)); if (!error) error = SSLSetCertificate(con->http->tls, con->http->tls_credentials); if (!error) { /* * Perform SSL/TLS handshake */ while ((error = SSLHandshake(con->http->tls)) == errSSLWouldBlock) usleep(1000); } if (error) { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to encrypt connection from %s - %s (%d)", con->http->hostname, cssmErrorString(error), (int)error); con->http->error = error; con->http->status = HTTP_ERROR; if (con->http->tls) { CFRelease(con->http->tls); con->http->tls = NULL; } if (con->http->tls_credentials) { CFRelease(con->http->tls_credentials); con->http->tls_credentials = NULL; } return (0); } cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG, "Connection from %s now encrypted.", con->http->hostname); if (!SSLCopyPeerTrust(con->http->tls, &peerTrust) && peerTrust) { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG, "Received %d peer certificates.", (int)SecTrustGetCertificateCount(peerTrust)); CFRelease(peerTrust); } else cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG, "Received NO peer certificates."); return (1); }
static OSStatus sslServe( otSocket listenSock, SSLProtocol tryVersion, const char *hostName, // e.g., "" CFArrayRef serverCerts, // required CFArrayRef encryptServerCerts, // optional CSSM_BOOL allowExpired, CSSM_BOOL allowAnyRoot, char cipherRestrict, // '2', 'd'. etc...'\0' for no // restriction SSLAuthenticate authenticate, CSSM_BOOL resumableEnable, CSSM_BOOL silent, // no stdout CSSM_BOOL pause, SSLProtocol *negVersion, // RETURNED SSLCipherSuite *negCipher, // RETURNED CFArrayRef *peerCerts) // mallocd & RETURNED { otSocket acceptSock; PeerSpec peerId; OSStatus ortn; SSLContextRef ctx = NULL; UInt32 length; uint8 rcvBuf[RCV_BUF_SIZE]; char *outMsg = SERVER_MESSAGE; *negVersion = kSSLProtocolUnknown; *negCipher = SSL_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL; *peerCerts = NULL; #if IGNORE_SIGPIPE signal(SIGPIPE, sigpipe); #endif /* first wait for a connection */ if(!silent) { printf("Waiting for client connection..."); fflush(stdout); } ortn = AcceptClientConnection(listenSock, &acceptSock, &peerId); if(ortn) { printf("AcceptClientConnection returned %d; aborting\n", ortn); return ortn; } /* * Set up a SecureTransport session. * First the standard calls. */ ortn = SSLNewContext(true, &ctx); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLNewContext", ortn); goto cleanup; } ortn = SSLSetIOFuncs(ctx, SocketRead, SocketWrite); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetIOFuncs", ortn); goto cleanup; } ortn = SSLSetProtocolVersion(ctx, tryVersion); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetProtocolVersion", ortn); goto cleanup; } ortn = SSLSetConnection(ctx, acceptSock); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetConnection", ortn); goto cleanup; } ortn = SSLSetPeerDomainName(ctx, hostName, strlen(hostName) + 1); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetPeerDomainName", ortn); goto cleanup; } /* have to do these options befor setting server certs */ if(allowExpired) { ortn = SSLSetAllowsExpiredCerts(ctx, true); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetAllowExpiredCerts", ortn); goto cleanup; } } if(allowAnyRoot) { ortn = SSLSetAllowsAnyRoot(ctx, true); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetAllowAnyRoot", ortn); goto cleanup; } } ortn = SSLSetCertificate(ctx, serverCerts); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetCertificate", ortn); goto cleanup; } if(encryptServerCerts) { ortn = SSLSetEncryptionCertificate(ctx, encryptServerCerts); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetEncryptionCertificate", ortn); goto cleanup; } } /* * SecureTransport options. */ if(resumableEnable) { ortn = SSLSetPeerID(ctx, &peerId, sizeof(PeerSpec)); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetPeerID", ortn); goto cleanup; } } if(cipherRestrict != '\0') { ortn = setCipherRestrictions(ctx, cipherRestrict); if(ortn) { goto cleanup; } } #if AUTHENTICATE_ENABLE if(authenticate != kNeverAuthenticate) { ortn = SSLSetClientSideAuthenticate(ctx, authenticate); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetClientSideAuthenticate", ortn); goto cleanup; } } #endif if(pause) { doPause("SSLContext initialized"); } /* Perform SSL/TLS handshake */ do { ortn = SSLHandshake(ctx); if((ortn == errSSLWouldBlock) && !silent) { /* keep UI responsive */ outputDot(); } } while (ortn == errSSLWouldBlock); /* this works even if handshake failed due to cert chain invalid */ copyPeerCerts(ctx, peerCerts); SSLGetNegotiatedCipher(ctx, negCipher); SSLGetNegotiatedProtocolVersion(ctx, negVersion); if(!silent) { printf("\n"); } if(ortn) { goto cleanup; } if(pause) { doPause("SSLContext handshake complete"); } /* wait for one complete line or user says they've had enough */ while(ortn == noErr) { length = sizeof(rcvBuf); ortn = SSLRead(ctx, rcvBuf, length, &length); if(length == 0) { /* keep UI responsive */ outputDot(); } else { /* print what we have */ printf("client request: "); dumpAscii(rcvBuf, length); } if(pause) { /* allow user to bail */ char resp; fpurge(stdin); printf("\nMore client request (y/anything): "); resp = getchar(); if(resp != 'y') { break; } } /* poor person's line completion scan */ for(unsigned i=0; i<length; i++) { if((rcvBuf[i] == '\n') || (rcvBuf[i] == '\r')) { /* a labelled break would be nice here.... */ goto serverResp; } } if (ortn == errSSLWouldBlock) { ortn = noErr; } } serverResp: if(pause) { doPause("Client GET msg received"); } /* send out canned response */ length = strlen(outMsg); ortn = SSLWrite(ctx, outMsg, length, &length); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLWrite", ortn); } if(pause) { doPause("Server response sent"); } if (ortn == noErr) { ortn = SSLClose(ctx); } cleanup: if(acceptSock) { endpointShutdown(acceptSock); } if(ctx) { SSLDisposeContext(ctx); } /* FIXME - dispose of serverCerts */ return ortn; }
static OSStatus sslServe( otSocket listenSock, unsigned short portNum, SSLProtocol tryVersion, // only used if acceptedProts NULL const char *acceptedProts, CFArrayRef serverCerts, // required char *password, // optional CFArrayRef encryptServerCerts, // optional bool allowExpired, bool allowAnyRoot, bool allowExpiredRoot, bool disableCertVerify, char *anchorFile, bool replaceAnchors, char cipherRestrict, // '2', 'd'. etc...'\0' for no // restriction SSLAuthenticate authenticate, unsigned char *dhParams, // optional D-H parameters unsigned dhParamsLen, CFArrayRef acceptableDNList, // optional bool resumableEnable, uint32_t sessionCacheTimeout,// optional bool disableAnonCiphers, bool silent, // no stdout bool pause, SSLProtocol *negVersion, // RETURNED SSLCipherSuite *negCipher, // RETURNED SSLClientCertificateState *certState, // RETURNED Boolean *sessionWasResumed, // RETURNED unsigned char *sessionID, // mallocd by caller, RETURNED size_t *sessionIDLength, // RETURNED CFArrayRef *peerCerts, // mallocd & RETURNED char **argv) { otSocket acceptSock; PeerSpec peerId; OSStatus ortn; SSLContextRef ctx = NULL; size_t length; uint8_t rcvBuf[RCV_BUF_SIZE]; const char *outMsg = SERVER_MESSAGE; *negVersion = kSSLProtocolUnknown; *negCipher = SSL_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL; *peerCerts = NULL; #if IGNORE_SIGPIPE signal(SIGPIPE, sigpipe); #endif /* first wait for a connection */ if(!silent) { printf("Waiting for client connection on port %u...", portNum); fflush(stdout); } ortn = AcceptClientConnection(listenSock, &acceptSock, &peerId); if(ortn) { printf("AcceptClientConnection returned %d; aborting\n", (int)ortn); return ortn; } /* * Set up a SecureTransport session. * First the standard calls. */ ortn = SSLNewContext(true, &ctx); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLNewContext", ortn); goto cleanup; } ortn = SSLSetIOFuncs(ctx, SocketRead, SocketWrite); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetIOFuncs", ortn); goto cleanup; } ortn = SSLSetConnection(ctx, (SSLConnectionRef)(intptr_t)acceptSock); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetConnection", ortn); goto cleanup; } /* have to do these options befor setting server certs */ if(allowExpired) { ortn = SSLSetAllowsExpiredCerts(ctx, true); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetAllowExpiredCerts", ortn); goto cleanup; } } if(allowAnyRoot) { ortn = SSLSetAllowsAnyRoot(ctx, true); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetAllowAnyRoot", ortn); goto cleanup; } } if(anchorFile) { ortn = sslAddTrustedRoot(ctx, anchorFile, replaceAnchors); if(ortn) { printf("***Error obtaining anchor file %s\n", anchorFile); goto cleanup; } } if(serverCerts != NULL) { if(anchorFile == NULL) { /* no specific anchors, so assume we want to trust this one */ ortn = addIdentityAsTrustedRoot(ctx, serverCerts); if(ortn) { goto cleanup; } } ortn = SSLSetCertificate(ctx, serverCerts); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetCertificate", ortn); goto cleanup; } } if(encryptServerCerts) { ortn = SSLSetEncryptionCertificate(ctx, encryptServerCerts); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetEncryptionCertificate", ortn); goto cleanup; } } if(allowExpiredRoot) { ortn = SSLSetAllowsExpiredRoots(ctx, true); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetAllowsExpiredRoots", ortn); goto cleanup; } } if(disableCertVerify) { ortn = SSLSetEnableCertVerify(ctx, false); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetEnableCertVerify", ortn); goto cleanup; } } /* * SecureTransport options. */ if(acceptedProts) { ortn = SSLSetProtocolVersionEnabled(ctx, kSSLProtocolAll, false); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetProtocolVersionEnabled(all off)", ortn); goto cleanup; } for(const char *cp = acceptedProts; *cp; cp++) { SSLProtocol prot = kSSLProtocolUnknown; switch(*cp) { case '2': prot = kSSLProtocol2; break; case '3': prot = kSSLProtocol3; break; case 't': prot = kTLSProtocol1; break; default: usage(argv); } ortn = SSLSetProtocolVersionEnabled(ctx, prot, true); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetProtocolVersionEnabled", ortn); goto cleanup; } } } else { ortn = SSLSetProtocolVersion(ctx, tryVersion); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetProtocolVersion", ortn); goto cleanup; } } if(resumableEnable) { ortn = SSLSetPeerID(ctx, &peerId, sizeof(PeerSpec)); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetPeerID", ortn); goto cleanup; } } if(cipherRestrict != '\0') { ortn = sslSetCipherRestrictions(ctx, cipherRestrict); if(ortn) { goto cleanup; } } if(authenticate != kNeverAuthenticate) { ortn = SSLSetClientSideAuthenticate(ctx, authenticate); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetClientSideAuthenticate", ortn); goto cleanup; } } if(dhParams) { ortn = SSLSetDiffieHellmanParams(ctx, dhParams, dhParamsLen); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetDiffieHellmanParams", ortn); goto cleanup; } } if(sessionCacheTimeout) { ortn = SSLSetSessionCacheTimeout(ctx, sessionCacheTimeout); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetSessionCacheTimeout", ortn); goto cleanup; } } if(disableAnonCiphers) { ortn = SSLSetAllowAnonymousCiphers(ctx, false); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetAllowAnonymousCiphers", ortn); goto cleanup; } /* quickie test of the getter */ Boolean e; ortn = SSLGetAllowAnonymousCiphers(ctx, &e); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLGetAllowAnonymousCiphers", ortn); goto cleanup; } if(e) { printf("***SSLGetAllowAnonymousCiphers() returned true; expected false\n"); ortn = errSecIO; goto cleanup; } } /* XXX/cs if(acceptableDNList) { ortn = SSLSetCertificateAuthorities(ctx, acceptableDNList, TRUE); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetCertificateAuthorities", ortn); goto cleanup; } } */ /* end options */ if(pause) { doPause("SSLContext initialized"); } /* Perform SSL/TLS handshake */ do { ortn = SSLHandshake(ctx); if((ortn == errSSLWouldBlock) && !silent) { /* keep UI responsive */ sslOutputDot(); } } while (ortn == errSSLWouldBlock); /* this works even if handshake failed due to cert chain invalid */ copyPeerCerts(ctx, peerCerts); SSLGetClientCertificateState(ctx, certState); SSLGetNegotiatedCipher(ctx, negCipher); SSLGetNegotiatedProtocolVersion(ctx, negVersion); *sessionIDLength = MAX_SESSION_ID_LENGTH; SSLGetResumableSessionInfo(ctx, sessionWasResumed, sessionID, sessionIDLength); if(!silent) { printf("\n"); } if(ortn) { goto cleanup; } if(pause) { doPause("SSLContext handshake complete"); } /* wait for one complete line or user says they've had enough */ while(ortn == errSecSuccess) { length = sizeof(rcvBuf); ortn = SSLRead(ctx, rcvBuf, length, &length); if(length == 0) { /* keep UI responsive */ sslOutputDot(); } else { /* print what we have */ printf("client request: "); dumpAscii(rcvBuf, length); } if(pause) { /* allow user to bail */ char resp; fpurge(stdin); printf("\nMore client request (y/anything): "); resp = getchar(); if(resp != 'y') { break; } } /* poor person's line completion scan */ for(unsigned i=0; i<length; i++) { if((rcvBuf[i] == '\n') || (rcvBuf[i] == '\r')) { /* a labelled break would be nice here.... */ goto serverResp; } } if (ortn == errSSLWouldBlock) { ortn = errSecSuccess; } } serverResp: if(pause) { doPause("Client GET msg received"); } /* send out canned response */ length = strlen(outMsg); ortn = SSLWrite(ctx, outMsg, length, &length); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLWrite", ortn); } if(pause) { doPause("Server response sent"); } cleanup: /* * always do close, even on error - to flush outgoing write queue */ OSStatus cerr = SSLClose(ctx); if(ortn == errSecSuccess) { ortn = cerr; } if(acceptSock) { endpointShutdown(acceptSock); } if(ctx) { SSLDisposeContext(ctx); } /* FIXME - dispose of serverCerts */ return ortn; }
/* * params->lock is held for us by runSession() - we use it as a semapahore by * unlocking it when we've created a port to listen on. * This is generally run from a thread via sslRunSession() and * sslServerThread() in sslAppUtils.cpp. */ OSStatus sslAppServe( SslAppTestParams *params) { otSocket listenSock = 0; otSocket acceptSock = 0; PeerSpec peerId; OSStatus ortn; SSLContextRef ctx = NULL; SecKeychainRef serverKc = nil; CFArrayRef serverCerts = nil; sslThrDebug("Server", "starting"); params->negVersion = kSSLProtocolUnknown; params->negCipher = SSL_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL; params->ortn = noHardwareErr; /* set up a socket on which to listen */ for(unsigned retry=0; retry<BIND_RETRIES; retry++) { ortn = ListenForClients(params->port, params->nonBlocking, &listenSock); switch(ortn) { case errSecSuccess: break; case errSecOpWr: /* port already in use - try another */ params->port++; if(params->verbose || THREADING_DEBUG) { printf("...retrying ListenForClients at port %d\n", params->port); } break; default: break; } if(ortn != errSecOpWr) { break; } } /* let main thread know a socket is ready */ if(pthread_mutex_lock(¶ms->pthreadMutex)) { printf("***Error acquiring server lock; aborting.\n"); return -1; } params->serverReady = true; if(pthread_cond_broadcast(¶ms->pthreadCond)) { printf("***Error waking main thread; aborting.\n"); return -1; } if(pthread_mutex_unlock(¶ms->pthreadMutex)) { printf("***Error acquiring server lock; aborting.\n"); return -1; } if(ortn) { printf("ListenForClients returned %d; aborting\n", (int)ortn); return ortn; } /* wait for a connection */ if(params->verbose) { printf("Waiting for client connection..."); fflush(stdout); } ortn = AcceptClientConnection(listenSock, &acceptSock, &peerId); if(ortn) { printf("AcceptClientConnection returned %d; aborting\n", (int)ortn); return ortn; } /* * Set up a SecureTransport session. */ ortn = SSLNewContext(true, &ctx); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLNewContext", ortn); goto cleanup; } ortn = SSLSetIOFuncs(ctx, SocketRead, SocketWrite); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetIOFuncs", ortn); goto cleanup; } ortn = SSLSetConnection(ctx, (SSLConnectionRef)acceptSock); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetConnection", ortn); goto cleanup; } if(params->anchorFile) { ortn = sslAddTrustedRoot(ctx, params->anchorFile, params->replaceAnchors); if(ortn) { goto cleanup; } } if(params->myCertKcName != NULL) { /* if not, better be trying anonymous diff-hellman... :-) */ serverCerts = getSslCerts(params->myCertKcName, false, false, NULL, &serverKc); if(serverCerts == nil) { exit(1); } if(params->password) { ortn = SecKeychainUnlock(serverKc, strlen(params->password), (void *)params->password, true); if(ortn) { printf("SecKeychainUnlock returned %d\n", (int)ortn); /* oh well */ } } if(params->idIsTrustedRoot) { /* assume this is a root we want to implicitly trust */ ortn = addIdentityAsTrustedRoot(ctx, serverCerts); if(ortn) { goto cleanup; } } ortn = SSLSetCertificate(ctx, serverCerts); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetCertificate", ortn); goto cleanup; } } if(params->disableCertVerify) { ortn = SSLSetEnableCertVerify(ctx, false); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetEnableCertVerify", ortn); goto cleanup; } } ortn = sslSetProtocols(ctx, params->acceptedProts, params->tryVersion); if(ortn) { goto cleanup; } if(params->resumeEnable) { ortn = SSLSetPeerID(ctx, &peerId, sizeof(PeerSpec)); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetPeerID", ortn); goto cleanup; } } if(params->ciphers != NULL) { ortn = sslSetEnabledCiphers(ctx, params->ciphers); if(ortn) { goto cleanup; } } if(params->authenticate != kNeverAuthenticate) { ortn = SSLSetClientSideAuthenticate(ctx, params->authenticate); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetClientSideAuthenticate", ortn); goto cleanup; } } if(params->dhParams) { #if JAGUAR_BUILD printf("***Diffie-Hellman not supported in this config.\n"); #else ortn = SSLSetDiffieHellmanParams(ctx, params->dhParams, params->dhParamsLen); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetDiffieHellmanParams", ortn); goto cleanup; } #endif } /* Perform SSL/TLS handshake */ do { ortn = SSLHandshake(ctx); if((ortn == errSSLWouldBlock) && !params->silent) { /* keep UI responsive */ sslOutputDot(); } } while (ortn == errSSLWouldBlock); SSLGetClientCertificateState(ctx, ¶ms->certState); SSLGetNegotiatedCipher(ctx, ¶ms->negCipher); SSLGetNegotiatedProtocolVersion(ctx, ¶ms->negVersion); if(params->verbose) { printf("\n"); } if(ortn) { goto cleanup; } /* wait for one complete line */ char readBuf[READBUF_LEN]; size_t length; while(ortn == errSecSuccess) { length = READBUF_LEN; ortn = SSLRead(ctx, readBuf, length, &length); if (ortn == errSSLWouldBlock) { /* keep trying */ ortn = errSecSuccess; continue; } if(length == 0) { /* keep trying */ continue; } /* poor person's line completion scan */ for(unsigned i=0; i<length; i++) { if((readBuf[i] == '\n') || (readBuf[i] == '\r')) { goto serverResp; } } } serverResp: /* send out canned response */ ortn = SSLWrite(ctx, SERVER_MESSAGE, strlen(SERVER_MESSAGE), &length); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLWrite", ortn); } cleanup: /* * always do close, even on error - to flush outgoing write queue */ if(ctx) { OSStatus cerr = SSLClose(ctx); if(ortn == errSecSuccess) { ortn = cerr; } } if(acceptSock) { while(!params->clientDone && !params->serverAbort) { usleep(100); } endpointShutdown(acceptSock); } if(listenSock) { endpointShutdown(listenSock); } if(ctx) { SSLDisposeContext(ctx); } params->ortn = ortn; sslThrDebug("Server", "done"); return ortn; }
int dtls_client(const char *hostname, int bypass) { int fd; int tlsfd; struct sockaddr_in sa; printf("Running dtls_client test with hostname=%s, bypass=%d\n", hostname, bypass); if ((fd=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0))==-1) { perror("socket"); exit(-1); } memset((char *) &sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); sa.sin_family = AF_INET; sa.sin_port = htons(PORT); if (inet_aton(hostname, &sa.sin_addr)==0) { fprintf(stderr, "inet_aton() failed\n"); exit(1); } if(connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, sizeof(sa))==-1) { perror("connect"); return errno; } /* Change to non blocking io */ fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); SSLRecordContextRef c=(intptr_t)fd; OSStatus ortn; SSLContextRef ctx = NULL; SSLClientCertificateState certState; SSLCipherSuite negCipher; SSLProtocol negVersion; /* * Set up a SecureTransport session. */ ctx = SSLCreateContextWithRecordFuncs(kCFAllocatorDefault, kSSLClientSide, kSSLDatagramType, &TLSSocket_Funcs); if(!ctx) { printSslErrStr("SSLCreateContextWithRecordFuncs", -1); return -1; } printf("Attaching filter\n"); ortn = TLSSocket_Attach(fd); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("TLSSocket_Attach", ortn); return ortn; } if(bypass) { tlsfd = open("/dev/tlsnke", O_RDWR); if(tlsfd<0) { perror("opening tlsnke dev"); exit(-1); } } ortn = SSLSetRecordContext(ctx, c); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetRecordContext", ortn); return ortn; } ortn = SSLSetMaxDatagramRecordSize(ctx, 600); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetMaxDatagramRecordSize", ortn); return ortn; } /* Lets not verify the cert, which is a random test cert */ ortn = SSLSetEnableCertVerify(ctx, false); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetEnableCertVerify", ortn); return ortn; } ortn = SSLSetCertificate(ctx, server_chain()); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetCertificate", ortn); return ortn; } printf("Handshake...\n"); do { ortn = SSLHandshake(ctx); if(ortn == errSSLWouldBlock) { /* keep UI responsive */ sslOutputDot(); } } while (ortn == errSSLWouldBlock); SSLGetClientCertificateState(ctx, &certState); SSLGetNegotiatedCipher(ctx, &negCipher); SSLGetNegotiatedProtocolVersion(ctx, &negVersion); int count; size_t len; ssize_t sreadLen, swriteLen; size_t readLen, writeLen; char buffer[BUFLEN]; count = 0; while(count<COUNT) { int timeout = 10000; snprintf(buffer, BUFLEN, "Message %d", count); len = strlen(buffer); if(bypass) { /* Send data through the side channel, kind of like utun would */ swriteLen=write(tlsfd, buffer, len); if(swriteLen<0) { perror("write to tlsfd"); break; } writeLen=swriteLen; } else { ortn=SSLWrite(ctx, buffer, len, &writeLen); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLWrite", ortn); break; } } printf("Wrote %lu bytes\n", writeLen); count++; if(bypass) { do { sreadLen=read(tlsfd, buffer, BUFLEN); } while((sreadLen==-1) && (errno==EAGAIN) && (timeout--)); if((sreadLen==-1) && (errno==EAGAIN)) { printf("Read timeout...\n"); continue; } if(sreadLen<0) { perror("read from tlsfd"); break; } readLen=sreadLen; } else { do { ortn=SSLRead(ctx, buffer, BUFLEN, &readLen); } while((ortn==errSSLWouldBlock) && (timeout--)); if(ortn==errSSLWouldBlock) { printf("SSLRead timeout...\n"); continue; } if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLRead", ortn); break; } } buffer[readLen]=0; printf("Received %lu bytes: %s\n", readLen, buffer); } SSLClose(ctx); SSLDisposeContext(ctx); return ortn; }
Connection::Connection(Context& ctx, std::ios& ios, OpenMode omode) : _ctx(&ctx) , _context(0) , _ios(&ios) , _iocount(0) , _connected(false) , _wantRead(false) , _isReading(false) , _isWriting(false) , _receivedShutdown(false) , _sentShutdown(false) { Boolean isServer = (omode == Accept); SSLNewContext(isServer, &_context); SSLSetConnection(_context, (SSLConnectionRef) this); SSLSetIOFuncs(_context, &Connection::sslReadCallback, &Connection::sslWriteCallback); SSLSetProtocolVersionEnabled(_context, kSSLProtocolAll, false); switch(_ctx->protocol()) { case SSLv2: SSLSetProtocolVersionEnabled(_context, kSSLProtocol2, true); break; case SSLv3or2: SSLSetProtocolVersionEnabled(_context, kSSLProtocol2, true); SSLSetProtocolVersionEnabled(_context, kSSLProtocol3, true); break; default: case SSLv3: SSLSetProtocolVersionEnabled(_context, kSSLProtocol3, true); break; case TLSv1: SSLSetProtocolVersionEnabled(_context, kTLSProtocol1, true); break; } if(isServer) { #ifdef PT_IOS SSLSetEnableCertVerify(_context, false); SSLSetSessionOption(_context, kSSLSessionOptionBreakOnClientAuth, true); #else if(_ctx->verifyMode() == NoVerify) { SSLSetClientSideAuthenticate(_context, kNeverAuthenticate); } else if(_ctx->verifyMode() == TryVerify) { SSLSetClientSideAuthenticate(_context, kTryAuthenticate); } else if(_ctx->verifyMode() == AlwaysVerify) { SSLSetClientSideAuthenticate(_context, kAlwaysAuthenticate); } CFArrayRef caArr = _ctx->impl()->caCertificates(); SSLSetCertificateAuthorities(_context, caArr, true); SSLSetTrustedRoots(_context, caArr, true); #endif } else { SSLSetEnableCertVerify(_context, false); SSLSetSessionOption(_context, kSSLSessionOptionBreakOnServerAuth, true); } // certificates to present to peer CFArrayRef certs = _ctx->impl()->certificates(); if(certs) { log_debug("using " << CFArrayGetCount(certs) << " certificates"); SSLSetCertificate(_context, certs); } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* user-spec'd variables */ const char *kcName = DEFAULT_KC; unsigned xferSize = XFERSIZE_DEF; int port = PORT_DEF; const char *hostName = HOST_DEF; SSLCipherSuite cipherSuite = TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA; SSLProtocol prot = kTLSProtocol1Only; char password[200]; bool clientAuthEnable = false; bool isServer = false; unsigned bufSize = BUFSIZE; bool diffieHellman = false; int nonBlocking = 0; if(argc < 2) { usage(argv); } password[0] = 0; switch(argv[1][0]) { case 's': isServer = true; break; case 'c': isServer = false; break; default: usage(argv); } extern int optind; extern char *optarg; int arg; optind = 2; while ((arg = getopt(argc, argv, "h:p:k:x:c:v:w:b:aB")) != -1) { switch (arg) { case 'h': hostName = optarg; break; case 'p': port = atoi(optarg); break; case 'k': kcName = optarg; break; case 'x': xferSize = atoi(optarg); break; case 'c': if(!isServer) { printf("***Specify cipherSuite on server side.\n"); exit(1); } switch(optarg[0]) { case 'r': cipherSuite = SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA; break; case 'd': cipherSuite = SSL_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA; break; case 'D': cipherSuite = SSL_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA; break; case 'h': cipherSuite = SSL_DH_anon_WITH_RC4_128_MD5; diffieHellman = true; break; case 'H': cipherSuite = SSL_DHE_DSS_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA; diffieHellman = true; break; case 'A': cipherSuite = TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA; break; default: usage(argv); } break; case 'v': if(!isServer) { printf("***Specify protocol on server side.\n"); exit(1); } switch(optarg[0]) { case 't': prot = kTLSProtocol1Only; break; case '2': prot = kSSLProtocol2; break; case '3': prot = kSSLProtocol3Only; break; default: usage(argv); } break; case 'w': strcpy(password, optarg); break; case 'b': bufSize = atoi(optarg); break; case 'a': clientAuthEnable = true; break; case 'B': nonBlocking = 1; break; default: usage(argv); } } /* per-transfer buffer - make it random for server */ char *buf = (char *)malloc(bufSize); if(isServer) { Security::DevRandomGenerator rng; rng.random(buf, bufSize); } /* gather Diffie-Hellman params from cwd */ unsigned char *dhParams = NULL; unsigned dhParamsLen = 0; if(diffieHellman && isServer) { if(readFile(DH_PARAM_FILE, &dhParams, &dhParamsLen)) { printf("***Error reading Diffie-Hellman Params. Prepare to " "wait for a minute during SSL handshake.\n"); } } /* * Open keychain; both sides use the same one. */ OSStatus ortn; SecKeychainRef certKc = NULL; CFAbsoluteTime kcOpenStart = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent(); ortn = SecKeychainOpen(kcName, &certKc); if(ortn) { printf("Error opening keychain %s (%d); aborting.\n", kcName, (int)ortn); exit(1); } if(password[0]) { ortn = SecKeychainUnlock(certKc, strlen(password), password, true); if(ortn) { printf("SecKeychainUnlock returned %d\n", (int)ortn); /* oh well */ } } CFAbsoluteTime kcOpenEnd = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent(); otSocket peerSock = 0; otSocket listenSock = 0; // for server only PeerSpec peerId; if(isServer) { printf("...listening for client connection on port %d\n", port); ortn = ListenForClients(port, nonBlocking, &listenSock); if(ortn) { printf("...error establishing a listen socket. Aborting.\n"); exit(1); } ortn = AcceptClientConnection(listenSock, &peerSock, &peerId); if(ortn) { printf("...error listening for connection. Aborting.\n"); exit(1); } } else { printf("...connecting to host %s at port %d\n", hostName, port); ortn = MakeServerConnection(hostName, port, nonBlocking, &peerSock, &peerId); if(ortn) { printf("...error connecting to server %s. Aborting.\n", hostName); exit(1); } } /* start timing SSL setup */ CFAbsoluteTime setupStart = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent(); SSLContextRef ctx; ortn = SSLNewContext(isServer, &ctx); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLNewContext", ortn); exit(1); } ortn = SSLSetIOFuncs(ctx, SocketRead, SocketWrite); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetIOFuncs", ortn); exit(1); } ortn = SSLSetConnection(ctx, (SSLConnectionRef)peerSock); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetConnection", ortn); exit(1); } ortn = SSLSetPeerDomainName(ctx, hostName, strlen(hostName) + 1); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetPeerDomainName", ortn); exit(1); } /* * Server/client specific setup. * * Client uses the same keychain as server, but it uses it for * sslAddTrustedRoots() instead of getSslCerts() and * SSLSetCertificate(). */ CFArrayRef myCerts = NULL; if(clientAuthEnable || isServer) { myCerts = sslKcRefToCertArray(certKc, CSSM_FALSE, CSSM_FALSE, NULL, NULL); if(myCerts == NULL) { exit(1); } ortn = addIdentityAsTrustedRoot(ctx, myCerts); if(ortn) { exit(1); } ortn = SSLSetCertificate(ctx, myCerts); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetCertificate", ortn); exit(1); } } if(isServer) { SSLAuthenticate auth; if(clientAuthEnable) { auth = kAlwaysAuthenticate; } else { auth = kNeverAuthenticate; } ortn = SSLSetClientSideAuthenticate(ctx, auth); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetClientSideAuthenticate", ortn); exit(1); } ortn = SSLSetEnabledCiphers(ctx, &cipherSuite, 1); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetEnabledCiphers", ortn); exit(1); } ortn = SSLSetProtocolVersion(ctx, prot); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetProtocolVersion", ortn); exit(1); } if(dhParams != NULL) { ortn = SSLSetDiffieHellmanParams(ctx, dhParams, dhParamsLen); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetDiffieHellmanParams", ortn); exit(1); } } } else { /* client setup */ if(!clientAuthEnable) { /* We're not presenting a cert; trust the server certs */ bool foundOne; ortn = sslAddTrustedRoots(ctx, certKc, &foundOne); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("sslAddTrustedRoots", ortn); exit(1); } } } /* * Context setup complete. Start timing handshake. */ CFAbsoluteTime hshakeStart = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent(); do { ortn = SSLHandshake(ctx); } while (ortn == errSSLWouldBlock); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLHandshake", ortn); exit(1); } CFAbsoluteTime hshakeEnd = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent(); /* snag these before data xfer possibly shuts down connection */ SSLProtocol negVersion; SSLCipherSuite negCipher; SSLClientCertificateState certState; // RETURNED SSLGetNegotiatedCipher(ctx, &negCipher); SSLGetNegotiatedProtocolVersion(ctx, &negVersion); SSLGetClientCertificateState(ctx, &certState); /* server sends xferSize bytes to client and shuts down */ size_t bytesMoved; CFAbsoluteTime dataStart = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent(); size_t totalMoved = 0; if(isServer) { size_t bytesToGo = xferSize; bool done = false; do { size_t thisMove = bufSize; if(thisMove > bytesToGo) { thisMove = bytesToGo; } ortn = SSLWrite(ctx, buf, thisMove, &bytesMoved); switch(ortn) { case noErr: case errSSLWouldBlock: break; default: done = true; break; } bytesToGo -= bytesMoved; totalMoved += bytesMoved; if(bytesToGo == 0) { done = true; } } while(!done); if(ortn != noErr) { printSslErrStr("SSLWrite", ortn); exit(1); } } else { /* client reads until error or errSSLClosedGraceful */ bool done = false; do { ortn = SSLRead(ctx, buf, bufSize, &bytesMoved); switch(ortn) { case errSSLClosedGraceful: done = true; break; case noErr: case errSSLWouldBlock: break; default: done = true; break; } totalMoved += bytesMoved; } while(!done); if(ortn != errSSLClosedGraceful) { printSslErrStr("SSLRead", ortn); exit(1); } } /* shut down channel */ ortn = SSLClose(ctx); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLCLose", ortn); exit(1); } CFAbsoluteTime dataEnd = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent(); /* how'd we do? */ printf("SSL version : %s\n", sslGetProtocolVersionString(negVersion)); printf("CipherSuite : %s\n", sslGetCipherSuiteString(negCipher)); printf("Client Cert State : %s\n", sslGetClientCertStateString(certState)); if(password[0]) { printf("keychain open/unlock : "); } else { printf("keychain open : "); } printf("%f s\n", kcOpenEnd - kcOpenStart); printf("SSLContext setup : %f s\n", hshakeStart - setupStart); printf("SSL Handshake : %f s\n", hshakeEnd - hshakeStart); printf("Data Transfer : %u bytes in %f s\n", (unsigned)totalMoved, dataEnd - dataStart); printf(" : %.1f Kbytes/s\n", totalMoved / (dataEnd - dataStart) / 1024.0); return 0; }
bool mongoc_secure_transport_setup_certificate (mongoc_stream_tls_secure_transport_t *secure_transport, mongoc_ssl_opt_t *opt) { bool success; CFArrayRef items; SecIdentityRef id; SecKeyRef key = NULL; SecCertificateRef cert = NULL; SecExternalItemType type = kSecItemTypeCertificate; if (!opt->pem_file) { MONGOC_INFO ("No private key provided, the server won't be able to verify us"); return false; } success = _mongoc_secure_transport_import_pem (opt->pem_file, opt->pem_pwd, &items, &type); if (!success) { MONGOC_ERROR ("Can't find certificate in: '%s'", opt->pem_file); return false; } if (type != kSecItemTypeAggregate) { MONGOC_ERROR ("Cannot work with keys of type \"%d\". Please file a JIRA", type); CFRelease (items); return false; } for (CFIndex i = 0; i < CFArrayGetCount (items); ++i) { CFTypeID item_id = CFGetTypeID (CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (items, i)); if (item_id == SecCertificateGetTypeID()) { cert = (SecCertificateRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (items, i); } else if (item_id == SecKeyGetTypeID()) { key = (SecKeyRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (items, i); } } if (!cert || !key) { MONGOC_ERROR ("Couldn't find valid private key"); CFRelease (items); return false; } id = SecIdentityCreate (kCFAllocatorDefault, cert, key); secure_transport->my_cert = CFArrayCreateMutableCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, (CFIndex)2, items); CFArraySetValueAtIndex(secure_transport->my_cert, 0, id); CFArraySetValueAtIndex(secure_transport->my_cert, 1, cert); /* * Secure Transport assumes the following: * * The certificate references remain valid for the lifetime of the session. * * The identity specified in certRefs[0] is capable of signing. */ success = !SSLSetCertificate (secure_transport->ssl_ctx_ref, secure_transport->my_cert); MONGOC_DEBUG("Setting client certificate %s", success ? "succeeded" : "failed"); CFRelease (items); return true; }
/* relies on SSLSetProtocolVersionEnabled */ OSStatus sslAppClient( SslAppTestParams *params) { PeerSpec peerId; otSocket sock = 0; OSStatus ortn; SSLContextRef ctx = NULL; SecKeychainRef clientKc = nil; CFArrayRef clientCerts = nil; sslThrDebug("Client", "starting"); params->negVersion = kSSLProtocolUnknown; params->negCipher = SSL_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL; params->ortn = noHardwareErr; /* first make sure requested server is there */ ortn = MakeServerConnection(params->hostName, params->port, params->nonBlocking, &sock, &peerId); if(ortn) { printf("MakeServerConnection returned %d; aborting\n", (int)ortn); return ortn; } /* * Set up a SecureTransport session. */ ortn = SSLNewContext(false, &ctx); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLNewContext", ortn); goto cleanup; } ortn = SSLSetIOFuncs(ctx, SocketRead, SocketWrite); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetIOFuncs", ortn); goto cleanup; } ortn = SSLSetConnection(ctx, (SSLConnectionRef)sock); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetConnection", ortn); goto cleanup; } if(!params->skipHostNameCheck) { ortn = SSLSetPeerDomainName(ctx, params->hostName, strlen(params->hostName)); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetPeerDomainName", ortn); goto cleanup; } } /* remainder of setup is optional */ if(params->anchorFile) { ortn = sslAddTrustedRoot(ctx, params->anchorFile, params->replaceAnchors); if(ortn) { goto cleanup; } } ortn = sslSetProtocols(ctx, params->acceptedProts, params->tryVersion); if(ortn) { goto cleanup; } if(params->resumeEnable) { ortn = SSLSetPeerID(ctx, &peerId, sizeof(PeerSpec)); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetPeerID", ortn); goto cleanup; } } if(params->disableCertVerify) { ortn = SSLSetEnableCertVerify(ctx, false); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetEnableCertVerify", ortn); goto cleanup; } } if(params->ciphers != NULL) { ortn = sslSetEnabledCiphers(ctx, params->ciphers); if(ortn) { goto cleanup; } } if(params->myCertKcName) { clientCerts = getSslCerts(params->myCertKcName, false, false, NULL, &clientKc); if(clientCerts == nil) { exit(1); } if(params->password) { ortn = SecKeychainUnlock(clientKc, strlen(params->password), (void *)params->password, true); if(ortn) { printf("SecKeychainUnlock returned %d\n", (int)ortn); /* oh well */ } } if(params->idIsTrustedRoot) { /* assume this is a root we want to implicitly trust */ ortn = addIdentityAsTrustedRoot(ctx, clientCerts); if(ortn) { goto cleanup; } } ortn = SSLSetCertificate(ctx, clientCerts); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLSetCertificate", ortn); goto cleanup; } } do { ortn = SSLHandshake(ctx); if((ortn == errSSLWouldBlock) && !params->silent) { /* keep UI responsive */ sslOutputDot(); } } while (ortn == errSSLWouldBlock); SSLGetClientCertificateState(ctx, ¶ms->certState); SSLGetNegotiatedCipher(ctx, ¶ms->negCipher); SSLGetNegotiatedProtocolVersion(ctx, ¶ms->negVersion); if(ortn != errSecSuccess) { goto cleanup; } /* send a GET msg */ size_t actLen; ortn = SSLWrite(ctx, CLIENT_GETMSG, strlen(CLIENT_GETMSG), &actLen); if(ortn) { printSslErrStr("SSLWrite", ortn); goto cleanup; } #if KEEP_CONNECTED /* * Consume any server data and wait for server to disconnect */ char readBuf[READBUF_LEN]; do { ortn = SSLRead(ctx, readBuf, READBUF_LEN, &actLen); } while (ortn == errSSLWouldBlock); /* convert normal "shutdown" into zero err rtn */ if(ortn == errSSLClosedGraceful) { ortn = errSecSuccess; } #endif /* KEEP_CONNECTED */ cleanup: if(ctx) { OSStatus cerr = SSLClose(ctx); if(ortn == errSecSuccess) { ortn = cerr; } } if(sock) { endpointShutdown(sock); } if(ctx) { SSLDisposeContext(ctx); } params->ortn = ortn; sslThrDebug("Client", "done"); return ortn; }