 amount (Integer integer,
     std::enable_if_t <! std::is_signed <Integer>::value>* = 0)
     static_assert (std::is_integral <Integer>::value, "");
     if (integer < 0)
         return STAmount (-integer, true);
     return STAmount (integer, false);
TER Transactor::apply ()

    // If the transactor requires a valid account and the transaction doesn't
    // list one, preflight will have already a flagged a failure.
    auto const sle = view().peek (keylet::account(account_));

    // sle must exist except for transactions
    // that allow zero account.
    assert(sle != nullptr || account_ == beast::zero);

    if (sle)
        mPriorBalance   = STAmount ((*sle)[sfBalance]).xrp ();
        mSourceBalance  = mPriorBalance;


        auto result = payFee ();

        if (result  != tesSUCCESS)
            return result;

        view().update (sle);

    return doApply ();
文件: Change.cpp 项目: CCJY/rippled
TER Change::payFee ()
    if (mTxn.getTransactionFee () != STAmount ())
        m_journal.warning << "Non-zero fee";
        return temBAD_FEE;

    return tesSUCCESS;
TER ChangeTransactor::payFee ()
    if (mTxn.getTransactionFee () != STAmount ())
        WriteLog (lsWARNING, ChangeTransactor) << "Change transaction with non-zero fee";
        return temBAD_FEE;

    return tesSUCCESS;
    test_operations ()
        testcase ("operations");

        Quality const q11 (Amounts (
            STAmount (noIssue(), 731),
            STAmount (noIssue(), 731)));

        Quality qa (q11);
        Quality qb (q11);

        BEAST_EXPECT(qa == qb);
        BEAST_EXPECT(++qa != q11);
        BEAST_EXPECT(qa != qb);
        BEAST_EXPECT(--qb != q11);
        BEAST_EXPECT(qa != qb);
        BEAST_EXPECT(qb < qa);
        BEAST_EXPECT(qb++ < qa);
        BEAST_EXPECT(qb++ < qa);
        BEAST_EXPECT(qb++ == qa);
        BEAST_EXPECT(qa < qb);
bool PathRequest::isValid (RippleLineCache::ref crCache)
    ScopedLockType sl (mLock);
    bValid = raSrcAccount.isSet () && raDstAccount.isSet () && saDstAmount > zero;
    Ledger::pointer lrLedger = crCache->getLedger ();

    if (bValid)
        AccountState::pointer asSrc = getApp().getOPs ().getAccountState (crCache->getLedger(), raSrcAccount);

        if (!asSrc)
            // no source account
            bValid = false;
            jvStatus = rpcError (rpcSRC_ACT_NOT_FOUND);
            AccountState::pointer asDst = getApp().getOPs ().getAccountState (lrLedger, raDstAccount);

            Json::Value& jvDestCur = (jvStatus["destination_currencies"] = Json::arrayValue);

            if (!asDst)
                // no destination account
                jvDestCur.append (Json::Value ("XRP"));

                if (!saDstAmount.isNative ())
                    // only XRP can be send to a non-existent account
                    bValid = false;
                    jvStatus = rpcError (rpcACT_NOT_FOUND);
                else if (saDstAmount < STAmount (lrLedger->getReserve (0)))
                    // payment must meet reserve
                    bValid = false;
                    jvStatus = rpcError (rpcDST_AMT_MALFORMED);
                bool const disallowXRP (
                    asDst->peekSLE ().getFlags() & lsfDisallowXRP);

                CurrencySet usDestCurrID =
                    usAccountDestCurrencies (raDstAccount, crCache, !disallowXRP);

                for (auto const& currency : usDestCurrID)
                    jvDestCur.append (to_string (currency));

                jvStatus["destination_tag"] = (asDst->peekSLE ().getFlags () & lsfRequireDestTag) != 0;

    if (bValid)
        jvStatus["ledger_hash"] = to_string (lrLedger->getHash ());
        jvStatus["ledger_index"] = lrLedger->getLedgerSeq ();
    return bValid;
TER TrustSetTransactor::doApply ()
    TER         terResult       = tesSUCCESS;
    WriteLog (lsINFO, TrustSetTransactor) << "doTrustSet>";

    const STAmount      saLimitAmount   = mTxn.getFieldAmount (sfLimitAmount);
    const bool          bQualityIn      = mTxn.isFieldPresent (sfQualityIn);
    const bool          bQualityOut     = mTxn.isFieldPresent (sfQualityOut);
    const uint160       uCurrencyID     = saLimitAmount.getCurrency ();
    uint160             uDstAccountID   = saLimitAmount.getIssuer ();
    const bool          bHigh           = mTxnAccountID > uDstAccountID;        // true, iff current is high account.

    uint32              uQualityIn      = bQualityIn ? mTxn.getFieldU32 (sfQualityIn) : 0;
    uint32              uQualityOut     = bQualityOut ? mTxn.getFieldU32 (sfQualityOut) : 0;

    if (!saLimitAmount.isLegalNet ())
        return temBAD_AMOUNT;

    if (bQualityIn && QUALITY_ONE == uQualityIn)
        uQualityIn  = 0;

    if (bQualityOut && QUALITY_ONE == uQualityOut)
        uQualityOut = 0;

    const uint32        uTxFlags        = mTxn.getFlags ();

    if (uTxFlags & tfTrustSetMask)
        WriteLog (lsINFO, TrustSetTransactor) << "doTrustSet: Malformed transaction: Invalid flags set.";

        return temINVALID_FLAG;

    const bool          bSetAuth        = isSetBit (uTxFlags, tfSetfAuth);
    const bool          bSetNoRipple    = isSetBit (uTxFlags, tfSetNoRipple);
    const bool          bClearNoRipple  = isSetBit (uTxFlags, tfClearNoRipple);

    if (bSetAuth && !isSetBit (mTxnAccount->getFieldU32 (sfFlags), lsfRequireAuth))
        WriteLog (lsINFO, TrustSetTransactor) << "doTrustSet: Retry: Auth not required.";

        return tefNO_AUTH_REQUIRED;

    if (saLimitAmount.isNative ())
        WriteLog (lsINFO, TrustSetTransactor) << boost::str (boost::format ("doTrustSet: Malformed transaction: Native credit limit: %s")
                                              % saLimitAmount.getFullText ());

        return temBAD_LIMIT;

    if (saLimitAmount.isNegative ())
        WriteLog (lsINFO, TrustSetTransactor) << "doTrustSet: Malformed transaction: Negative credit limit.";

        return temBAD_LIMIT;

    // Check if destination makes sense.
    if (!uDstAccountID || uDstAccountID == ACCOUNT_ONE)
        WriteLog (lsINFO, TrustSetTransactor) << "doTrustSet: Malformed transaction: Destination account not specified.";

        return temDST_NEEDED;

    if (mTxnAccountID == uDstAccountID)
        SLE::pointer        selDelete   = mEngine->entryCache (ltRIPPLE_STATE, Ledger::getRippleStateIndex (mTxnAccountID, uDstAccountID, uCurrencyID));

        if (selDelete)
            WriteLog (lsWARNING, TrustSetTransactor) << "doTrustSet: Clearing redundant line.";

            return mEngine->getNodes ().trustDelete (selDelete, mTxnAccountID, uDstAccountID);
            WriteLog (lsINFO, TrustSetTransactor) << "doTrustSet: Malformed transaction: Can not extend credit to self.";

            return temDST_IS_SRC;

    SLE::pointer        sleDst          = mEngine->entryCache (ltACCOUNT_ROOT, Ledger::getAccountRootIndex (uDstAccountID));

    if (!sleDst)
        WriteLog (lsINFO, TrustSetTransactor) << "doTrustSet: Delay transaction: Destination account does not exist.";

        return tecNO_DST;

    const uint32        uOwnerCount     = mTxnAccount->getFieldU32 (sfOwnerCount);
    // The reserve required to create the line.
    const uint64        uReserveCreate  = (uOwnerCount < 2) ? 0 : mEngine->getLedger ()->getReserve (uOwnerCount + 1);

    STAmount            saLimitAllow    = saLimitAmount;
    saLimitAllow.setIssuer (mTxnAccountID);

    SLE::pointer        sleRippleState  = mEngine->entryCache (ltRIPPLE_STATE, Ledger::getRippleStateIndex (mTxnAccountID, uDstAccountID, uCurrencyID));

    if (sleRippleState)
        STAmount        saLowBalance;
        STAmount        saLowLimit;
        STAmount        saHighBalance;
        STAmount        saHighLimit;
        uint32          uLowQualityIn;
        uint32          uLowQualityOut;
        uint32          uHighQualityIn;
        uint32          uHighQualityOut;
        const uint160&  uLowAccountID   = !bHigh ? mTxnAccountID : uDstAccountID;
        const uint160&  uHighAccountID  =  bHigh ? mTxnAccountID : uDstAccountID;
        SLE::ref        sleLowAccount   = !bHigh ? mTxnAccount : sleDst;
        SLE::ref        sleHighAccount  =  bHigh ? mTxnAccount : sleDst;

        // Balances

        saLowBalance    = sleRippleState->getFieldAmount (sfBalance);
        saHighBalance   = -saLowBalance;

        // Limits

        sleRippleState->setFieldAmount (!bHigh ? sfLowLimit : sfHighLimit, saLimitAllow);

        saLowLimit  = !bHigh ? saLimitAllow : sleRippleState->getFieldAmount (sfLowLimit);
        saHighLimit =  bHigh ? saLimitAllow : sleRippleState->getFieldAmount (sfHighLimit);

        // Quality in

        if (!bQualityIn)
            // Not setting. Just get it.

            uLowQualityIn   = sleRippleState->getFieldU32 (sfLowQualityIn);
            uHighQualityIn  = sleRippleState->getFieldU32 (sfHighQualityIn);
        else if (uQualityIn)
            // Setting.

            sleRippleState->setFieldU32 (!bHigh ? sfLowQualityIn : sfHighQualityIn, uQualityIn);

            uLowQualityIn   = !bHigh ? uQualityIn : sleRippleState->getFieldU32 (sfLowQualityIn);
            uHighQualityIn  =  bHigh ? uQualityIn : sleRippleState->getFieldU32 (sfHighQualityIn);
            // Clearing.

            sleRippleState->makeFieldAbsent (!bHigh ? sfLowQualityIn : sfHighQualityIn);

            uLowQualityIn   = !bHigh ? 0 : sleRippleState->getFieldU32 (sfLowQualityIn);
            uHighQualityIn  =  bHigh ? 0 : sleRippleState->getFieldU32 (sfHighQualityIn);

        if (QUALITY_ONE == uLowQualityIn)   uLowQualityIn   = 0;

        if (QUALITY_ONE == uHighQualityIn)  uHighQualityIn  = 0;

        // Quality out

        if (!bQualityOut)
            // Not setting. Just get it.

            uLowQualityOut  = sleRippleState->getFieldU32 (sfLowQualityOut);
            uHighQualityOut = sleRippleState->getFieldU32 (sfHighQualityOut);
        else if (uQualityOut)
            // Setting.

            sleRippleState->setFieldU32 (!bHigh ? sfLowQualityOut : sfHighQualityOut, uQualityOut);

            uLowQualityOut  = !bHigh ? uQualityOut : sleRippleState->getFieldU32 (sfLowQualityOut);
            uHighQualityOut =  bHigh ? uQualityOut : sleRippleState->getFieldU32 (sfHighQualityOut);
            // Clearing.

            sleRippleState->makeFieldAbsent (!bHigh ? sfLowQualityOut : sfHighQualityOut);

            uLowQualityOut  = !bHigh ? 0 : sleRippleState->getFieldU32 (sfLowQualityOut);
            uHighQualityOut =  bHigh ? 0 : sleRippleState->getFieldU32 (sfHighQualityOut);

        const uint32    uFlagsIn        = sleRippleState->getFieldU32 (sfFlags);
        uint32          uFlagsOut       = uFlagsIn;

        if (bSetNoRipple && !bClearNoRipple && (bHigh ? saHighBalance : saLowBalance).isGEZero())
            uFlagsOut           |= (bHigh ? lsfHighNoRipple : lsfLowNoRipple);
        else if (bClearNoRipple && !bSetNoRipple)
            uFlagsOut           &= ~(bHigh ? lsfHighNoRipple : lsfLowNoRipple);

        if (QUALITY_ONE == uLowQualityOut)  uLowQualityOut  = 0;

        if (QUALITY_ONE == uHighQualityOut) uHighQualityOut = 0;

        const bool  bLowReserveSet      = uLowQualityIn || uLowQualityOut ||
                                          isSetBit (uFlagsOut, lsfLowNoRipple) ||
                                          !!saLowLimit || saLowBalance.isPositive ();
        const bool  bLowReserveClear    = !bLowReserveSet;

        const bool  bHighReserveSet     = uHighQualityIn || uHighQualityOut ||
                                          isSetBit (uFlagsOut, lsfHighNoRipple) ||
                                          !!saHighLimit || saHighBalance.isPositive ();
        const bool  bHighReserveClear   = !bHighReserveSet;

        const bool  bDefault            = bLowReserveClear && bHighReserveClear;

        const bool  bLowReserved        = isSetBit (uFlagsIn, lsfLowReserve);
        const bool  bHighReserved       = isSetBit (uFlagsIn, lsfHighReserve);

        bool        bReserveIncrease    = false;

        if (bSetAuth)
            uFlagsOut           |= (bHigh ? lsfHighAuth : lsfLowAuth);

        if (bLowReserveSet && !bLowReserved)
            // Set reserve for low account.

            mEngine->getNodes ().ownerCountAdjust (uLowAccountID, 1, sleLowAccount);
            uFlagsOut           |= lsfLowReserve;

            if (!bHigh)
                bReserveIncrease    = true;

        if (bLowReserveClear && bLowReserved)
            // Clear reserve for low account.

            mEngine->getNodes ().ownerCountAdjust (uLowAccountID, -1, sleLowAccount);
            uFlagsOut   &= ~lsfLowReserve;

        if (bHighReserveSet && !bHighReserved)
            // Set reserve for high account.

            mEngine->getNodes ().ownerCountAdjust (uHighAccountID, 1, sleHighAccount);
            uFlagsOut   |= lsfHighReserve;

            if (bHigh)
                bReserveIncrease    = true;

        if (bHighReserveClear && bHighReserved)
            // Clear reserve for high account.

            mEngine->getNodes ().ownerCountAdjust (uHighAccountID, -1, sleHighAccount);
            uFlagsOut   &= ~lsfHighReserve;

        if (uFlagsIn != uFlagsOut)
            sleRippleState->setFieldU32 (sfFlags, uFlagsOut);

        if (bDefault || CURRENCY_BAD == uCurrencyID)
            // Delete.

            terResult   = mEngine->getNodes ().trustDelete (sleRippleState, uLowAccountID, uHighAccountID);
        else if (bReserveIncrease
                 && mPriorBalance.getNValue () < uReserveCreate) // Reserve is not scaled by load.
            WriteLog (lsINFO, TrustSetTransactor) << "doTrustSet: Delay transaction: Insufficent reserve to add trust line.";

            // Another transaction could provide XRP to the account and then this transaction would succeed.
            terResult   = tecINSUF_RESERVE_LINE;
            mEngine->entryModify (sleRippleState);

            WriteLog (lsINFO, TrustSetTransactor) << "doTrustSet: Modify ripple line";
    // Line does not exist.
    else if (!saLimitAmount                                     // Setting default limit.
             && (!bQualityIn || !uQualityIn)                         // Not setting quality in or setting default quality in.
             && (!bQualityOut || !uQualityOut))                      // Not setting quality out or setting default quality out.
        WriteLog (lsINFO, TrustSetTransactor) << "doTrustSet: Redundant: Setting non-existent ripple line to defaults.";

        return tecNO_LINE_REDUNDANT;
    else if (mPriorBalance.getNValue () < uReserveCreate)       // Reserve is not scaled by load.
        WriteLog (lsINFO, TrustSetTransactor) << "doTrustSet: Delay transaction: Line does not exist. Insufficent reserve to create line.";

        // Another transaction could create the account and then this transaction would succeed.
        terResult   = tecNO_LINE_INSUF_RESERVE;
    else if (CURRENCY_BAD == uCurrencyID)
        terResult   = temBAD_CURRENCY;
        STAmount    saBalance   = STAmount (uCurrencyID, ACCOUNT_ONE);  // Zero balance in currency.

        WriteLog (lsINFO, TrustSetTransactor) << "doTrustSet: Creating ripple line: "
                                              << Ledger::getRippleStateIndex (mTxnAccountID, uDstAccountID, uCurrencyID).ToString ();

        // Create a new ripple line.
        terResult   = mEngine->getNodes ().trustCreate (
                          Ledger::getRippleStateIndex (mTxnAccountID, uDstAccountID, uCurrencyID),
                          bSetNoRipple && !bClearNoRipple,
                          saLimitAllow,       // Limit for who is being charged.

    WriteLog (lsINFO, TrustSetTransactor) << "doTrustSet<";

    return terResult;
// Append a node, then create and insert before it any implied nodes.  Order
// book nodes may go back to back.
// For each non-matching pair of IssuedCurrency, there's an order book.
// <-- resultCode: tesSUCCESS, temBAD_PATH, terNO_ACCOUNT, terNO_AUTH,
//                 terNO_LINE, tecPATH_DRY
TER PathState::pushNode (
    const int iType,
    AccountID const& account,    // If not specified, means an order book.
    Currency const& currency,  // If not specified, default to previous.
    AccountID const& issuer)     // If not specified, default to previous.
    path::Node node;
    const bool pathIsEmpty = nodes_.empty ();

    // TODO(tom): if pathIsEmpty, we probably don't need to do ANYTHING below.
    // Indeed, we might just not even call pushNode in the first place!

    auto const& backNode = pathIsEmpty ? path::Node () : nodes_.back ();

    // true, iff node is a ripple account. false, iff node is an offer node.
    const bool hasAccount = (iType & STPathElement::typeAccount);

    // Is currency specified for the output of the current node?
    const bool hasCurrency = (iType & STPathElement::typeCurrency);

    // Issuer is specified for the output of the current node.
    const bool hasIssuer = (iType & STPathElement::typeIssuer);

    TER resultCode = tesSUCCESS;

    JLOG (j_.trace)
         << "pushNode> " << iType << ": "
         << (hasAccount ? to_string(account) : std::string("-")) << " "
         << (hasCurrency ? to_string(currency) : std::string("-")) << "/"
         << (hasIssuer ? to_string(issuer) : std::string("-")) << "/";

    node.uFlags = iType;
    node.issue_.currency = hasCurrency ?
            currency : backNode.issue_.currency;

    // TODO(tom): we can probably just return immediately whenever we hit an
    // error in these next pages.

    if (iType & ~STPathElement::typeAll)
        // Of course, this could never happen.
        JLOG (j_.debug) << "pushNode: bad bits.";
        resultCode = temBAD_PATH;
    else if (hasIssuer && isXRP (node.issue_))
        JLOG (j_.debug) << "pushNode: issuer specified for XRP.";

        resultCode = temBAD_PATH;
    else if (hasIssuer && !issuer)
        JLOG (j_.debug) << "pushNode: specified bad issuer.";

        resultCode = temBAD_PATH;
    else if (!hasAccount && !hasCurrency && !hasIssuer)
        // You can't default everything to the previous node as you would make
        // no progress.
        JLOG (j_.debug)
            << "pushNode: offer must specify at least currency or issuer.";
        resultCode = temBAD_PATH;
    else if (hasAccount)
        // Account link
        node.account_ = account;
        node.issue_.account = hasIssuer ? issuer :
                (isXRP (node.issue_) ? xrpAccount() : account);
        // Zero value - for accounts.
        node.saRevRedeem = STAmount ({node.issue_.currency, account});
        node.saRevIssue = node.saRevRedeem;

        // For order books only - zero currency with the issuer ID.
        node.saRevDeliver = STAmount (node.issue_);
        node.saFwdDeliver = node.saRevDeliver;

        if (pathIsEmpty)
            // The first node is always correct as is.
        else if (!account)
            JLOG (j_.debug)
                << "pushNode: specified bad account.";
            resultCode = temBAD_PATH;
            // Add required intermediate nodes to deliver to current account.
            JLOG (j_.trace)
                << "pushNode: imply for account.";

            resultCode = pushImpliedNodes (
                isXRP(node.issue_.currency) ? xrpAccount() : account);

            // Note: backNode may no longer be the immediately previous node.

        if (resultCode == tesSUCCESS && !nodes_.empty ())
            auto const& backNode = nodes_.back ();
            if (backNode.isAccount())
                auto sleRippleState = view().peek(
                    keylet::line(backNode.account_, node.account_, backNode.issue_.currency));

                // A "RippleState" means a balance betweeen two accounts for a
                // specific currency.
                if (!sleRippleState)
                    JLOG (j_.trace)
                            << "pushNode: No credit line between "
                            << backNode.account_ << " and " << node.account_
                            << " for " << node.issue_.currency << "." ;

                    JLOG (j_.trace) << getJson ();

                    resultCode   = terNO_LINE;
                    JLOG (j_.trace)
                            << "pushNode: Credit line found between "
                            << backNode.account_ << " and " << node.account_
                            << " for " << node.issue_.currency << "." ;

                    auto sleBck  = view().peek (
                    // Is the source account the highest numbered account ID?
                    bool bHigh = backNode.account_ > node.account_;

                    if (!sleBck)
                        JLOG (j_.warning)
                            << "pushNode: delay: can't receive IOUs from "
                            << "non-existent issuer: " << backNode.account_;

                        resultCode   = terNO_ACCOUNT;
                    else if ((sleBck->getFieldU32 (sfFlags) & lsfRequireAuth) &&
                             !(sleRippleState->getFieldU32 (sfFlags) &
                                  (bHigh ? lsfHighAuth : lsfLowAuth)) &&
                             sleRippleState->getFieldAmount(sfBalance) == zero)
                        JLOG (j_.warning)
                                << "pushNode: delay: can't receive IOUs from "
                                << "issuer without auth.";

                        resultCode   = terNO_AUTH;

                    if (resultCode == tesSUCCESS)
                        STAmount saOwed = creditBalance (view(),
                            node.account_, backNode.account_,
                        STAmount saLimit;

                        if (saOwed <= zero)
                            saLimit = creditLimit (view(),
                            if (-saOwed >= saLimit)
                                JLOG (j_.debug) <<
                                    "pushNode: dry:" <<
                                    " saOwed=" << saOwed <<
                                    " saLimit=" << saLimit;

                                resultCode   = tecPATH_DRY;

        if (resultCode == tesSUCCESS)
            nodes_.push_back (node);
        // Offer link.
        // Offers bridge a change in currency and issuer, or just a change in
        // issuer.
        if (hasIssuer)
            node.issue_.account = issuer;
        else if (isXRP (node.issue_.currency))
            node.issue_.account = xrpAccount();
        else if (isXRP (backNode.issue_.account))
            node.issue_.account = backNode.account_;
            node.issue_.account = backNode.issue_.account;

        node.saRateMax = STAmount::saZero;
        node.saRevDeliver = STAmount (node.issue_);
        node.saFwdDeliver = node.saRevDeliver;

        if (!isConsistent (node.issue_))
            JLOG (j_.debug)
                << "pushNode: currency is inconsistent with issuer.";

            resultCode = temBAD_PATH;
        else if (backNode.issue_ == node.issue_)
            JLOG (j_.debug) <<
                "pushNode: bad path: offer to same currency and issuer";
            resultCode = temBAD_PATH;
        else {
            JLOG (j_.trace) << "pushNode: imply for offer.";

            // Insert intermediary issuer account if needed.
            resultCode   = pushImpliedNodes (
                xrpAccount(), // Rippling, but offers don't have an account.

        if (resultCode == tesSUCCESS)
            nodes_.push_back (node);

    JLOG (j_.trace) << "pushNode< : " << transToken (resultCode);
    return resultCode;
TER PaymentTransactor::doApply ()
    // Ripple if source or destination is non-native or if there are paths.
    std::uint32_t const uTxFlags = mTxn.getFlags ();
	//bool const bPartialPayment = is_bit_set(uTxFlags, tfPartialPayment);
    bool const bLimitQuality = is_bit_set (uTxFlags, tfLimitQuality);
    bool const bNoRippleDirect = is_bit_set (uTxFlags, tfNoRippleDirect);
    bool const bPaths = mTxn.isFieldPresent (sfPaths);
    bool const bMax = mTxn.isFieldPresent (sfSendMax);
    uint160 const uDstAccountID = mTxn.getFieldAccount160 (sfDestination);
    STAmount const saDstAmount = mTxn.getFieldAmount (sfAmount);
    STAmount const saMaxAmount = bMax
                                   ? mTxn.getFieldAmount (sfSendMax)
                                   : saDstAmount.isNative ()
                                   ? saDstAmount
                                   : STAmount (saDstAmount.getCurrency (),
                                        saDstAmount.getMantissa (),
                                        saDstAmount.getExponent (),
                                        saDstAmount < zero);
    uint160 const uSrcCurrency = saMaxAmount.getCurrency ();
    uint160 const uDstCurrency = saDstAmount.getCurrency ();
    bool const bSTRDirect = uSrcCurrency.isZero () && uDstCurrency.isZero ();

    m_journal.trace <<
        "saMaxAmount=" << saMaxAmount.getFullText () <<
        " saDstAmount=" << saDstAmount.getFullText ();

    if (!saDstAmount.isLegalNet () || !saMaxAmount.isLegalNet ())
        return temBAD_AMOUNT;

    if (uTxFlags & tfPaymentMask)
        m_journal.trace <<
            "Malformed transaction: Invalid flags set.";

        return temINVALID_FLAG;
    else if (!uDstAccountID)
        m_journal.trace <<
            "Malformed transaction: Payment destination account not specified.";

        return temDST_NEEDED;
    else if (bMax && saMaxAmount <= zero)
        m_journal.trace <<
            "Malformed transaction: bad max amount: " << saMaxAmount.getFullText ();

        return temBAD_AMOUNT;
    else if (saDstAmount <= zero)
        m_journal.trace <<
            "Malformed transaction: bad dst amount: " << saDstAmount.getFullText ();

        return temBAD_AMOUNT;
    else if (CURRENCY_BAD == uSrcCurrency || CURRENCY_BAD == uDstCurrency)
        m_journal.trace <<
            "Malformed transaction: Bad currency.";

        return temBAD_CURRENCY;
    else if (mTxnAccountID == uDstAccountID && uSrcCurrency == uDstCurrency && !bPaths)
        m_journal.trace <<
            "Malformed transaction: Redundant transaction:" <<
            " src=" << to_string (mTxnAccountID) <<
            " dst=" << to_string (uDstAccountID) <<
            " src_cur=" << to_string (uSrcCurrency) <<
            " dst_cur=" << to_string (uDstCurrency);

        return temREDUNDANT;
    else if (bMax && saMaxAmount == saDstAmount && saMaxAmount.getCurrency () == saDstAmount.getCurrency ())
        m_journal.trace <<
            "Malformed transaction: Redundant SendMax.";

        return temREDUNDANT_SEND_MAX;
    else if (bSTRDirect && bMax)
        m_journal.trace <<
            "Malformed transaction: SendMax specified for STR to STR.";

        return temBAD_SEND_STR_MAX;
    else if (bSTRDirect && bPaths)
        m_journal.trace <<
            "Malformed transaction: Paths specified for STR to STR.";

        return temBAD_SEND_STR_PATHS;
    else if (bSTRDirect && bLimitQuality)
        m_journal.trace <<
            "Malformed transaction: Limit quality specified for STR to STR.";

        return temBAD_SEND_STR_LIMIT;
    else if (bSTRDirect && bNoRippleDirect)
        m_journal.trace <<
            "Malformed transaction: No ripple direct specified for STR to STR.";

        return temBAD_SEND_STR_NO_DIRECT;

    SLE::pointer sleDst (mEngine->entryCache (
        ltACCOUNT_ROOT, Ledger::getAccountRootIndex (uDstAccountID)));

    if (!sleDst)
        // Destination account does not exist.

        if (!saDstAmount.isNative ())
            m_journal.trace <<
                "Delay transaction: Destination account does not exist.";

            // Another transaction could create the account and then this transaction would succeed.
            return tecNO_DST;
        // Note: Reserve is not scaled by load.
        else if (saDstAmount.getNValue () < mEngine->getLedger ()->getReserve (0))
            m_journal.trace <<
                "Delay transaction: Destination account does not exist. " <<
                "Insufficient payment to create account.";

            // Another transaction could create the account and then this
            // transaction would succeed.
            return tecNO_DST_INSUF_STR;

        // Create the account.
        sleDst = mEngine->entryCreate (
            ltACCOUNT_ROOT, Ledger::getAccountRootIndex (uDstAccountID));

        sleDst->setFieldAccount (sfAccount, uDstAccountID);
        sleDst->setFieldU32 (sfSequence, 1);
    else if ((sleDst->getFlags () & lsfRequireDestTag) && !mTxn.isFieldPresent (sfDestinationTag))
        m_journal.trace <<
            "Malformed transaction: DestinationTag required.";

        return tefDST_TAG_NEEDED;
        mEngine->entryModify (sleDst);

    TER terResult;
    // XXX Should bMax be sufficient to imply ripple?
    bool const bRipple = bPaths || bMax || !saDstAmount.isNative ();

    if (bRipple)
        // Ripple payment

        STPathSet spsPaths = mTxn.getFieldPathSet (sfPaths);
        std::vector<PathState::pointer> vpsExpanded;
        STAmount saMaxAmountAct;
        STAmount saDstAmountAct;

            bool const openLedger = is_bit_set (mParams, tapOPEN_LEDGER);
			bool tooManyPaths = false;
			if (spsPaths.size() > MAX_NUM_PATHS) tooManyPaths = true;
				for (auto const& path : spsPaths)
					if (path.size() > MAX_PATH_SIZE)
						tooManyPaths = true;

			terResult = openLedger && tooManyPaths
				? telBAD_PATH_COUNT // Too many paths for proposed ledger.
				: RippleCalc::rippleCalc(
				bNoRippleDirect, // Always compute for finalizing ledger.
				false, // Not standalone, delete unfundeds.
				is_bit_set(mParams, tapOPEN_LEDGER));

			if (isTerRetry(terResult))
				terResult = tecPATH_DRY;

			if ((tesSUCCESS == terResult) && (saDstAmountAct != saDstAmount))
        catch (std::exception const& e)
            m_journal.trace <<
                "Caught throw: " << e.what ();

            terResult   = tefEXCEPTION;
        // Direct STR payment.

        std::uint32_t const uOwnerCount (mTxnAccount->getFieldU32 (sfOwnerCount));
        std::uint64_t const uReserve (mEngine->getLedger ()->getReserve (uOwnerCount));

        // Make sure have enough reserve to send. Allow final spend to use reserve for fee.
        if (mPriorBalance < saDstAmount + std::max(uReserve, mTxn.getTransactionFee ().getNValue ()))
            // Vote no. However, transaction might succeed, if applied in a different order.
            m_journal.trace << "Delay transaction: Insufficient funds: " <<
                " " << mPriorBalance.getText () <<
                " / " << (saDstAmount + uReserve).getText () <<
                " (" << uReserve << ")";

            terResult   = tecUNFUNDED_PAYMENT;
            mTxnAccount->setFieldAmount (sfBalance, mSourceBalance - saDstAmount);
            sleDst->setFieldAmount (sfBalance, sleDst->getFieldAmount (sfBalance) + saDstAmount);

            terResult = tesSUCCESS;

    std::string strToken;
    std::string strHuman;

    if (transResultInfo (terResult, strToken, strHuman))
        m_journal.trace <<
            strToken << ": " << strHuman;
        assert (false);

    return terResult;
TER PathCursor::reverseLiquidityForAccount () const
    TER terResult = tesSUCCESS;
    auto const lastNodeIndex = nodeSize () - 1;
    auto const isFinalNode = (nodeIndex_ == lastNodeIndex);

    // 0 quality means none has yet been determined.
    std::uint64_t uRateMax = 0;

    // Current is allowed to redeem to next.
    const bool previousNodeIsAccount = !nodeIndex_ ||

    const bool nextNodeIsAccount = isFinalNode || nextNode().isAccount();

    AccountID const& previousAccountID = previousNodeIsAccount
        ? previousNode().account_ : node().account_;
    AccountID const& nextAccountID = nextNodeIsAccount ? nextNode().account_
        : node().account_;   // Offers are always issue.

    // This is the quality from from the previous node to this one.
    auto const qualityIn
         = (nodeIndex_ != 0)
            ? quality_in (view(),
            : parityRate;

    // And this is the quality from the next one to this one.
    auto const qualityOut
        = (nodeIndex_ != lastNodeIndex)
            ? quality_out (view(),
            : parityRate;

    // For previousNodeIsAccount:
    // Previous account is already owed.
    const STAmount saPrvOwed = (previousNodeIsAccount && nodeIndex_ != 0)
        ? creditBalance (view(),
        : STAmount (node().issue_);

    // The limit amount that the previous account may owe.
    const STAmount saPrvLimit = (previousNodeIsAccount && nodeIndex_ != 0)
        ? creditLimit (view(),
        : STAmount (node().issue_);

    // Next account is owed.
    const STAmount saNxtOwed = (nextNodeIsAccount && nodeIndex_ != lastNodeIndex)
        ? creditBalance (view(),
        : STAmount (node().issue_);

    JLOG (j_.trace())
        << "reverseLiquidityForAccount>"
        << " nodeIndex_=" << nodeIndex_ << "/" << lastNodeIndex
        << " previousAccountID=" << previousAccountID
        << " node.account_=" << node().account_
        << " nextAccountID=" << nextAccountID
        << " currency=" << node().issue_.currency
        << " qualityIn=" << qualityIn
        << " qualityOut=" << qualityOut
        << " saPrvOwed=" << saPrvOwed
        << " saPrvLimit=" << saPrvLimit;

    // Requests are computed to be the maximum flow possible.
    // Previous can redeem the owed IOUs it holds.
    const STAmount saPrvRedeemReq  = (saPrvOwed > beast::zero)
        ? saPrvOwed
        : STAmount (saPrvOwed.issue ());

    // Previous can issue up to limit minus whatever portion of limit already
    // used (not including redeemable amount) - another "maximum flow".
    const STAmount saPrvIssueReq = (saPrvOwed < beast::zero)
        ? saPrvLimit + saPrvOwed : saPrvLimit;

    // Precompute these values in case we have an order book.
    auto deliverCurrency = previousNode().saRevDeliver.getCurrency ();
    const STAmount saPrvDeliverReq (
        {deliverCurrency, previousNode().saRevDeliver.getIssuer ()}, -1);
    // -1 means unlimited delivery.

    // Set to zero, because we're trying to hit the previous node.
    auto saCurRedeemAct = node().saRevRedeem.zeroed();

    // Track the amount we actually redeem.
    auto saCurIssueAct = node().saRevIssue.zeroed();

    // For !nextNodeIsAccount
    auto saCurDeliverAct  = node().saRevDeliver.zeroed();

    JLOG (j_.trace())
        << "reverseLiquidityForAccount:"
        << " saPrvRedeemReq:" << saPrvRedeemReq
        << " saPrvIssueReq:" << saPrvIssueReq
        << " previousNode.saRevDeliver:" << previousNode().saRevDeliver
        << " saPrvDeliverReq:" << saPrvDeliverReq
        << " node.saRevRedeem:" << node().saRevRedeem
        << " node.saRevIssue:" << node().saRevIssue
        << " saNxtOwed:" << saNxtOwed;

    // VFALCO-FIXME this generates errors
    //JLOG (j_.trace()) << pathState_.getJson ();

    // Current redeem req can't be more than IOUs on hand.
    assert (!node().saRevRedeem || -saNxtOwed >= node().saRevRedeem);
    assert (!node().saRevIssue  // If not issuing, fine.
            || saNxtOwed >= beast::zero
            // saNxtOwed >= 0: Sender not holding next IOUs, saNxtOwed < 0:
            // Sender holding next IOUs.
            || -saNxtOwed == node().saRevRedeem);
    // If issue req, then redeem req must consume all owed.

    if (nodeIndex_ == 0)
        // ^ --> ACCOUNT -->  account|offer
        // Nothing to do, there is no previous to adjust.
        // TODO(tom): we could have skipped all that setup and just left
        // or even just never call this whole routine on nodeIndex_ = 0!

    // The next four cases correspond to the table at the bottom of this Wiki
    // page section: https://ripple.com/wiki/Transit_Fees#Implementation
    else if (previousNodeIsAccount && nextNodeIsAccount)
        if (isFinalNode)
            // account --> ACCOUNT --> $
            // Overall deliverable.
            const STAmount saCurWantedReq = std::min (
                pathState_.outReq() - pathState_.outAct(),
                saPrvLimit + saPrvOwed);
            auto saCurWantedAct = saCurWantedReq.zeroed ();

            JLOG (j_.trace())
                << "reverseLiquidityForAccount: account --> "
                << "ACCOUNT --> $ :"
                << " saCurWantedReq=" << saCurWantedReq;

            // Calculate redeem
            if (saPrvRedeemReq) // Previous has IOUs to redeem.
                // Redeem your own IOUs at 1:1

                saCurWantedAct = std::min (saPrvRedeemReq, saCurWantedReq);
                previousNode().saRevRedeem = saCurWantedAct;

                uRateMax = STAmount::uRateOne;

                JLOG (j_.trace())
                    << "reverseLiquidityForAccount: Redeem at 1:1"
                    << " saPrvRedeemReq=" << saPrvRedeemReq
                    << " (available) previousNode.saRevRedeem="
                    << previousNode().saRevRedeem
                    << " uRateMax="
                    << amountFromQuality (uRateMax).getText ();
                previousNode().saRevRedeem.clear (saPrvRedeemReq);

            // Calculate issuing.
            previousNode().saRevIssue.clear (saPrvIssueReq);

            if (saCurWantedReq != saCurWantedAct // Need more.
                && saPrvIssueReq)  // Will accept IOUs from previous.
                // Rate: quality in : 1.0

                // If we previously redeemed and this has a poorer rate, this
                // won't be included the current increment.
                rippleLiquidity (

                JLOG (j_.trace())
                    << "reverseLiquidityForAccount: Issuing: Rate: "
                    << "quality in : 1.0"
                    << " previousNode.saRevIssue:" << previousNode().saRevIssue
                    << " saCurWantedAct:" << saCurWantedAct;

            if (!saCurWantedAct)
                // Must have processed something.
                terResult   = tecPATH_DRY;
            // Not final node.
            // account --> ACCOUNT --> account
            previousNode().saRevRedeem.clear (saPrvRedeemReq);
            previousNode().saRevIssue.clear (saPrvIssueReq);

            // redeem (part 1) -> redeem
            if (node().saRevRedeem
                // Next wants IOUs redeemed from current account.
                && saPrvRedeemReq)
                // Previous has IOUs to redeem to the current account.
                // TODO(tom): add English.
                // Rate : 1.0 : quality out - we must accept our own IOUs
                // as 1:1.
                rippleLiquidity (

                JLOG (j_.trace())
                    << "reverseLiquidityForAccount: "
                    << "Rate : 1.0 : quality out"
                    << " previousNode.saRevRedeem:" << previousNode().saRevRedeem
                    << " saCurRedeemAct:" << saCurRedeemAct;

            // issue (part 1) -> redeem
            if (node().saRevRedeem != saCurRedeemAct
                // The current node has more IOUs to redeem.
                && previousNode().saRevRedeem == saPrvRedeemReq)
                // The previous node has no IOUs to redeem remaining, so issues.
                // Rate: quality in : quality out
                rippleLiquidity (

                JLOG (j_.trace())
                    << "reverseLiquidityForAccount: "
                    << "Rate: quality in : quality out:"
                    << " previousNode.saRevIssue:" << previousNode().saRevIssue
                    << " saCurRedeemAct:" << saCurRedeemAct;

            // redeem (part 2) -> issue.
            if (node().saRevIssue   // Next wants IOUs issued.
                // TODO(tom): this condition seems redundant.
                && saCurRedeemAct == node().saRevRedeem
                // Can only issue if completed redeeming.
                && previousNode().saRevRedeem != saPrvRedeemReq)
                // Did not complete redeeming previous IOUs.
                // Rate : 1.0 : transfer_rate
                rippleLiquidity (
                    transferRate (view(), node().account_),

                JLOG (j_.debug())
                    << "reverseLiquidityForAccount: "
                    << "Rate : 1.0 : transfer_rate:"
                    << " previousNode.saRevRedeem:" << previousNode().saRevRedeem
                    << " saCurIssueAct:" << saCurIssueAct;

            // issue (part 2) -> issue
            if (node().saRevIssue != saCurIssueAct
                // Need wants more IOUs issued.
                && saCurRedeemAct == node().saRevRedeem
                // Can only issue if completed redeeming.
                && saPrvRedeemReq == previousNode().saRevRedeem
                // Previously redeemed all owed IOUs.
                && saPrvIssueReq)
                // Previous can issue.
                // Rate: quality in : 1.0
                rippleLiquidity (

                JLOG (j_.trace())
                    << "reverseLiquidityForAccount: "
                    << "Rate: quality in : 1.0:"
                    << " previousNode.saRevIssue:" << previousNode().saRevIssue
                    << " saCurIssueAct:" << saCurIssueAct;

            if (!saCurRedeemAct && !saCurIssueAct)
                // Did not make progress.
                terResult = tecPATH_DRY;

            JLOG (j_.trace())
                << "reverseLiquidityForAccount: "
                << "^|account --> ACCOUNT --> account :"
                << " node.saRevRedeem:" << node().saRevRedeem
                << " node.saRevIssue:" << node().saRevIssue
                << " saPrvOwed:" << saPrvOwed
                << " saCurRedeemAct:" << saCurRedeemAct
                << " saCurIssueAct:" << saCurIssueAct;
    else if (previousNodeIsAccount && !nextNodeIsAccount)
        // account --> ACCOUNT --> offer
        // Note: deliver is always issue as ACCOUNT is the issuer for the offer
        // input.
        JLOG (j_.trace())
            << "reverseLiquidityForAccount: "
            << "account --> ACCOUNT --> offer";

        previousNode().saRevRedeem.clear (saPrvRedeemReq);
        previousNode().saRevIssue.clear (saPrvIssueReq);

        // We have three cases: the nxt offer can be owned by current account,
        // previous account or some third party account.
        // Also, the current account may or may not have a redeemable balance
        // with the account for the next offer, so we don't yet know if we're
        // redeeming or issuing.
        // TODO(tom): Make sure deliver was cleared, or check actual is zero.
        // redeem -> deliver/issue.
        if (saPrvOwed > beast::zero                    // Previous has IOUs to redeem.
            && node().saRevDeliver)                 // Need some issued.
            // Rate : 1.0 : transfer_rate
            rippleLiquidity (
                transferRate (view(), node().account_),

        // issue -> deliver/issue
        if (saPrvRedeemReq == previousNode().saRevRedeem
            // Previously redeemed all owed.
            && node().saRevDeliver != saCurDeliverAct)  // Still need some issued.
            // Rate: quality in : 1.0
            rippleLiquidity (

        if (!saCurDeliverAct)
            // Must want something.
            terResult   = tecPATH_DRY;

        JLOG (j_.trace())
            << "reverseLiquidityForAccount: "
            << " node.saRevDeliver:" << node().saRevDeliver
            << " saCurDeliverAct:" << saCurDeliverAct
            << " saPrvOwed:" << saPrvOwed;
    else if (!previousNodeIsAccount && nextNodeIsAccount)
        if (isFinalNode)
            // offer --> ACCOUNT --> $
            // Previous is an offer, no limit: redeem own IOUs.
            // This is the final node; we can't look to the right to get values;
            // we have to go up to get the out value for the entire path state.
            STAmount const& saCurWantedReq  =
                    pathState_.outReq() - pathState_.outAct();
            STAmount saCurWantedAct = saCurWantedReq.zeroed();

            JLOG (j_.trace())
                << "reverseLiquidityForAccount: "
                << "offer --> ACCOUNT --> $ :"
                << " saCurWantedReq:" << saCurWantedReq
                << " saOutAct:" << pathState_.outAct()
                << " saOutReq:" << pathState_.outReq();

            if (saCurWantedReq <= beast::zero)
                JLOG (j_.fatal()) << "CurWantReq was not positive";
                return tefEXCEPTION;

            // The previous node is an offer; we are receiving our own currency.

            // The previous order book's entries might hold our issuances; might
            // not hold our issuances; might be our own offer.
            // Assume the worst case, the case which costs the most to go
            // through, which is that it is not our own offer or our own
            // issuances.  Later on the forward pass we may be able to do
            // better.
            // TODO: this comment applies generally to this section - move it up
            // to a document.

            // Rate: quality in : 1.0
            rippleLiquidity (

            if (!saCurWantedAct)
                // Must have processed something.
                terResult   = tecPATH_DRY;

            JLOG (j_.trace())
                << "reverseLiquidityForAccount:"
                << " previousNode().saRevDeliver:" << previousNode().saRevDeliver
                << " saPrvDeliverReq:" << saPrvDeliverReq
                << " saCurWantedAct:" << saCurWantedAct
                << " saCurWantedReq:" << saCurWantedReq;
            // offer --> ACCOUNT --> account
            // Note: offer is always delivering(redeeming) as account is issuer.
            JLOG (j_.trace())
                << "reverseLiquidityForAccount: "
                << "offer --> ACCOUNT --> account :"
                << " node.saRevRedeem:" << node().saRevRedeem
                << " node.saRevIssue:" << node().saRevIssue;

            // deliver -> redeem
            // TODO(tom): now we have more checking in nodeRipple, these checks
            // might be redundant.
            if (node().saRevRedeem)  // Next wants us to redeem.
                // cur holds IOUs from the account to the right, the nxt
                // account.  If someone is making the current account get rid of
                // the nxt account's IOUs, then charge the input for quality
                // out.
                // Rate : 1.0 : quality out
                rippleLiquidity (

            // deliver -> issue.
            if (node().saRevRedeem == saCurRedeemAct
                // Can only issue if previously redeemed all.
                && node().saRevIssue)
                // Need some issued.
                // Rate : 1.0 : transfer_rate
                rippleLiquidity (
                    transferRate (view(), node().account_),

            JLOG (j_.trace())
                << "reverseLiquidityForAccount:"
                << " saCurRedeemAct:" << saCurRedeemAct
                << " node.saRevRedeem:" << node().saRevRedeem
                << " previousNode.saRevDeliver:" << previousNode().saRevDeliver
                << " node.saRevIssue:" << node().saRevIssue;

            if (!previousNode().saRevDeliver)
                // Must want something.
                terResult   = tecPATH_DRY;
        // offer --> ACCOUNT --> offer
        // deliver/redeem -> deliver/issue.
        JLOG (j_.trace())
            << "reverseLiquidityForAccount: offer --> ACCOUNT --> offer";

        // Rate : 1.0 : transfer_rate
        rippleLiquidity (
            transferRate (view(), node().account_),

        if (!saCurDeliverAct)
            // Must want something.
            terResult   = tecPATH_DRY;

    return terResult;
void Transactor::calculateFee()
	mFeeDue	= STAmount(mEngine->getLedger()->scaleFeeLoad(calculateBaseFee()));
void rippleLiquidity (
    RippleCalc& rippleCalc,
    Rate const& qualityIn,
    Rate const& qualityOut,
    STAmount const& saPrvReq,   // --> in limit including fees, <0 = unlimited
    STAmount const& saCurReq,   // --> out limit
    STAmount& saPrvAct,  // <-> in limit including achieved so far: <-- <= -->
    STAmount& saCurAct,  // <-> out limit including achieved so far: <-- <= -->
    std::uint64_t& uRateMax)
    JLOG (rippleCalc.j_.trace())
        << "rippleLiquidity>"
        << " qualityIn=" << qualityIn
        << " qualityOut=" << qualityOut
        << " saPrvReq=" << saPrvReq
        << " saCurReq=" << saCurReq
        << " saPrvAct=" << saPrvAct
        << " saCurAct=" << saCurAct;

    // saCurAct was once zero in a production server.
    assert (saCurReq != zero);
    assert (saCurReq > zero);

    assert (saPrvReq.getCurrency () == saCurReq.getCurrency ());
    assert (saPrvReq.getCurrency () == saPrvAct.getCurrency ());
    assert (saPrvReq.getIssuer () == saPrvAct.getIssuer ());

    const bool bPrvUnlimited = (saPrvReq < zero);  // -1 means unlimited.

    // Unlimited stays unlimited - don't do calculations.

    // How much could possibly flow through the previous node?
    const STAmount saPrv = bPrvUnlimited ? saPrvReq : saPrvReq - saPrvAct;

    // How much could possibly flow through the current node?
    const STAmount  saCur = saCurReq - saCurAct;

    JLOG (rippleCalc.j_.trace())
        << "rippleLiquidity: "
        << " bPrvUnlimited=" << bPrvUnlimited
        << " saPrv=" << saPrv
        << " saCur=" << saCur;

    // If nothing can flow, we might as well not do any work.
    if (saPrv == zero || saCur == zero)

    if (qualityIn >= qualityOut)
        // You're getting better quality than you asked for, so no fee.
        JLOG (rippleCalc.j_.trace()) << "rippleLiquidity: No fees";

        // Only process if the current rate, 1:1, is not worse than the previous
        // rate, uRateMax - otherwise there is no flow.
        if (!uRateMax || STAmount::uRateOne <= uRateMax)
            // Limit amount to transfer if need - the minimum of amount being
            // paid and the amount that's wanted.
            STAmount saTransfer = bPrvUnlimited ? saCur
                : std::min (saPrv, saCur);

            // In reverse, we want to propagate the limited cur to prv and set
            // actual cur.
            // In forward, we want to propagate the limited prv to cur and set
            // actual prv.
            // This is the actual flow.
            saPrvAct += saTransfer;
            saCurAct += saTransfer;

            // If no rate limit, set rate limit to avoid combining with
            // something with a worse rate.
            if (uRateMax == 0)
                uRateMax = STAmount::uRateOne;
        // If the quality is worse than the previous
        JLOG (rippleCalc.j_.trace()) << "rippleLiquidity: Fee";

        std::uint64_t const uRate = getRate (
            STAmount (qualityOut.value),
            STAmount (qualityIn.value));

        // If the next rate is at least as good as the current rate, process.
        if (!uRateMax || uRate <= uRateMax)
            // current actual = current request * (quality out / quality in).
            auto numerator = multiplyRound (saCur, qualityOut, true);
            // True means "round up" to get best flow.

            STAmount saCurIn = divideRound (numerator, qualityIn, true);

            JLOG (rippleCalc.j_.trace())
                << "rippleLiquidity:"
                << " bPrvUnlimited=" << bPrvUnlimited
                << " saPrv=" << saPrv
                << " saCurIn=" << saCurIn;

            if (bPrvUnlimited || saCurIn <= saPrv)
                // All of current. Some amount of previous.
                saCurAct += saCur;
                saPrvAct += saCurIn;
                JLOG (rippleCalc.j_.trace())
                    << "rippleLiquidity:3c:"
                    << " saCurReq=" << saCurReq
                    << " saPrvAct=" << saPrvAct;
                // There wasn't enough money to start with - so given the
                // limited input, how much could we deliver?
                // current actual = previous request
                //                  * (quality in / quality out).
                // This is inverted compared to the code above because we're
                // going the other way
                auto numerator = multiplyRound (saPrv,
                    qualityIn, saCur.issue(), true);
                // A part of current. All of previous. (Cur is the driver
                // variable.)
                STAmount saCurOut = divideRound (numerator,
                    qualityOut, saCur.issue(), true);

                JLOG (rippleCalc.j_.trace())
                    << "rippleLiquidity:4: saCurReq=" << saCurReq;

                saCurAct += saCurOut;
                saPrvAct = saPrvReq;
            if (!uRateMax)
                uRateMax = uRate;

    JLOG (rippleCalc.j_.trace())
        << "rippleLiquidity<"
        << " qualityIn=" << qualityIn
        << " qualityOut=" << qualityOut
        << " saPrvReq=" << saPrvReq
        << " saCurReq=" << saCurReq
        << " saPrvAct=" << saPrvAct
        << " saCurAct=" << saCurAct;
文件: Payment.cpp 项目: xdv/divvyd
    TER doApply () override
        // Divvy if source or destination is non-native or if there are paths.
        std::uint32_t const uTxFlags = mTxn.getFlags ();
        bool const partialPaymentAllowed = uTxFlags & tfPartialPayment;
        bool const limitQuality = uTxFlags & tfLimitQuality;
        bool const defaultPathsAllowed = !(uTxFlags & tfNoDivvyDirect);
        bool const bPaths = mTxn.isFieldPresent (sfPaths);
        bool const bMax = mTxn.isFieldPresent (sfSendMax);
        AccountID const uDstAccountID (mTxn.getFieldAccount160 (sfDestination));
        STAmount const saDstAmount (mTxn.getFieldAmount (sfAmount));
        STAmount maxSourceAmount;
        if (bMax)
            maxSourceAmount = mTxn.getFieldAmount (sfSendMax);
        else if (saDstAmount.native ())
            maxSourceAmount = saDstAmount;
          maxSourceAmount = STAmount (
              {saDstAmount.getCurrency (), mTxnAccountID},
              saDstAmount.mantissa(), saDstAmount.exponent (),
              saDstAmount < zero);

        m_journal.trace <<
            "maxSourceAmount=" << maxSourceAmount.getFullText () <<
            " saDstAmount=" << saDstAmount.getFullText ();

        // Open a ledger for editing.
        auto const index = getAccountRootIndex (uDstAccountID);
        SLE::pointer sleDst (mEngine->view().entryCache (ltACCOUNT_ROOT, index));

        if (!sleDst)
            // Destination account does not exist.
            if (!saDstAmount.native ())
                m_journal.trace <<
                    "Delay transaction: Destination account does not exist.";

                // Another transaction could create the account and then this
                // transaction would succeed.
                return tecNO_DST;
            else if (mParams & tapOPEN_LEDGER && partialPaymentAllowed)
                // You cannot fund an account with a partial payment.
                // Make retry work smaller, by rejecting this.
                m_journal.trace <<
                    "Delay transaction: Partial payment not allowed to create account.";

                // Another transaction could create the account and then this
                // transaction would succeed.
                return telNO_DST_PARTIAL;
            else if (saDstAmount < STAmount (mEngine->getLedger ()->getReserve (0)))
                // getReserve() is the minimum amount that an account can have.
                // Reserve is not scaled by load.
                m_journal.trace <<
                    "Delay transaction: Destination account does not exist. " <<
                    "Insufficent payment to create account.";

                // TODO: dedupe
                // Another transaction could create the account and then this
                // transaction would succeed.
                return tecNO_DST_INSUF_XDV;

            // Create the account.
            sleDst = std::make_shared<SLE>(ltACCOUNT_ROOT,
                getAccountRootIndex (uDstAccountID));
            sleDst->setFieldAccount (sfAccount, uDstAccountID);
            sleDst->setFieldU32 (sfSequence, 1);
        else if ((sleDst->getFlags () & lsfRequireDestTag) &&
                 !mTxn.isFieldPresent (sfDestinationTag))
            // The tag is basically account-specific information we don't
            // understand, but we can require someone to fill it in.

            // We didn't make this test for a newly-formed account because there's
            // no way for this field to be set.
            m_journal.trace << "Malformed transaction: DestinationTag required.";

            return tecDST_TAG_NEEDED;
            // Tell the engine that we are intending to change the the destination
            // account.  The source account gets always charged a fee so it's always
            // marked as modified.
            mEngine->view().entryModify (sleDst);

        TER terResult;

        bool const bDivvy = bPaths || bMax || !saDstAmount.native ();
        // XXX Should bMax be sufficient to imply divvy?

        if (bDivvy)
            // Divvy payment with at least one intermediate step and uses
            // transitive balances.

            // Copy paths into an editable class.
            STPathSet spsPaths = mTxn.getFieldPathSet (sfPaths);

                path::DivvyCalc::Input rcInput;
                rcInput.partialPaymentAllowed = partialPaymentAllowed;
                rcInput.defaultPathsAllowed = defaultPathsAllowed;
                rcInput.limitQuality = limitQuality;
                rcInput.deleteUnfundedOffers = true;
                rcInput.isLedgerOpen = static_cast<bool>(mParams & tapOPEN_LEDGER);

                bool pathTooBig = spsPaths.size () > MaxPathSize;

                for (auto const& path : spsPaths)
                    if (path.size () > MaxPathLength)
                        pathTooBig = true;

                if (rcInput.isLedgerOpen && pathTooBig)
                    terResult = telBAD_PATH_COUNT; // Too many paths for proposed ledger.

                    path::DivvyCalc::Output rc;
                        ScopedDeferCredits g (mEngine->view ());
                        rc = path::DivvyCalc::divvyCalculate (
                            mEngine->view (),

                    // TODO: is this right?  If the amount is the correct amount, was
                    // the delivered amount previously set?
                    if (rc.result () == tesSUCCESS && rc.actualAmountOut != saDstAmount)
                        mEngine->view ().setDeliveredAmount (rc.actualAmountOut);

                    terResult = rc.result ();

                // TODO(tom): what's going on here?
                if (isTerRetry (terResult))
                    terResult = tecPATH_DRY;

            catch (std::exception const& e)
                m_journal.trace <<
                    "Caught throw: " << e.what ();

                terResult = tefEXCEPTION;
            // Direct XDV payment.

            // uOwnerCount is the number of entries in this legder for this
            // account that require a reserve.
            auto const uOwnerCount = mTxnAccount->getFieldU32 (sfOwnerCount);

            // This is the total reserve in drops.
            std::uint64_t const uReserve =
                mEngine->getLedger ()->getReserve (uOwnerCount);

            // mPriorBalance is the balance on the sending account BEFORE the
            // fees were charged. We want to make sure we have enough reserve
            // to send. Allow final spend to use reserve for fee.
            auto const mmm = std::max(mTxn.getTransactionFee (),
                STAmount (uReserve));

            if (mPriorBalance < saDstAmount + mmm)
                // Vote no. However the transaction might succeed, if applied in
                // a different order.
                m_journal.trace << "Delay transaction: Insufficient funds: " <<
                    " " << mPriorBalance.getText () <<
                    " / " << (saDstAmount + mmm).getText () <<
                    " (" << uReserve << ")";

                terResult = tecUNFUNDED_PAYMENT;
                // The source account does have enough money, so do the
                // arithmetic for the transfer and make the ledger change.
                mTxnAccount->setFieldAmount (sfBalance,
                    mSourceBalance - saDstAmount);
                sleDst->setFieldAmount (sfBalance,
                    sleDst->getFieldAmount (sfBalance) + saDstAmount);

                // Re-arm the password change fee if we can and need to.
                if ((sleDst->getFlags () & lsfPasswordSpent))
                    sleDst->clearFlag (lsfPasswordSpent);

                terResult = tesSUCCESS;

        std::string strToken;
        std::string strHuman;

        if (transResultInfo (terResult, strToken, strHuman))
            m_journal.trace <<
                strToken << ": " << strHuman;
            assert (false);

        return terResult;
// Take as much as possible. Adjusts account balances. Charges fees on top to taker.
// -->    uBookBase: The order book to take against.
// -->  saTakerPays: What the taker offers (w/ issuer)
// -->  saTakerGets: What the taker wanted (w/ issuer)
// <--  saTakerPaid: What taker could have paid including saved not including fees. To reduce an offer.
// <--   saTakerGot: What taker got not including fees. To reduce an offer.
// <--    bUnfunded: if tesSUCCESS, consider offer unfunded after taking.
TER OfferCreateTransactor::takeOffers (
    const bool          bOpenLedger,
    const bool          bPassive,
    const bool          bSell,
    uint256 const&      uBookBase,
    const uint160&      uTakerAccountID,
    SLE::ref            sleTakerAccount,
    const STAmount&     saTakerPays,
    const STAmount&     saTakerGets,
    STAmount&           saTakerPaid,
    STAmount&           saTakerGot,
    bool&               bUnfunded)
    // The book has the most elements. Take the perspective of the book.
    // Book is ordered for taker: taker pays / taker gets (smaller is better)

    // The order is for the other books currencys for get and pays are opposites.
    // We want the same ratio for the respective currencies.
    // So we swap paid and gets for determing take quality.

    assert (saTakerPays && saTakerGets);

    WriteLog (lsDEBUG, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: bSell: " << bSell << ": against book: " << uBookBase.ToString ();

    LedgerEntrySet&         lesActive           = mEngine->getNodes ();
    uint256                 uTipIndex           = uBookBase;
    const uint256           uBookEnd            = Ledger::getQualityNext (uBookBase);
    const uint64            uTakeQuality        = STAmount::getRate (saTakerGets, saTakerPays);
    STAmount                saTakerRate         = STAmount::setRate (uTakeQuality);
    const uint160           uTakerPaysAccountID = saTakerPays.getIssuer ();
    const uint160           uTakerGetsAccountID = saTakerGets.getIssuer ();
    TER                     terResult           = temUNCERTAIN;

    boost::unordered_set<uint256>   usOfferUnfundedBecame;  // Offers that became unfunded.
    boost::unordered_set<uint160>   usAccountTouched;       // Accounts touched.

    saTakerPaid     = STAmount (saTakerPays.getCurrency (), saTakerPays.getIssuer ());
    saTakerGot      = STAmount (saTakerGets.getCurrency (), saTakerGets.getIssuer ());
    bUnfunded       = false;

    while (temUNCERTAIN == terResult)
        SLE::pointer    sleOfferDir;
        uint64          uTipQuality     = 0;
        STAmount        saTakerFunds    = lesActive.accountFunds (uTakerAccountID, saTakerPays);
        STAmount        saSubTakerPays  = saTakerPays - saTakerPaid; // How much more to spend.
        STAmount        saSubTakerGets  = saTakerGets - saTakerGot; // How much more is wanted.

        // Figure out next offer to take, if needed.
        if (saTakerFunds.isPositive ()          // Taker has funds available.
                && saSubTakerPays.isPositive ()
                && saSubTakerGets.isPositive ())
            sleOfferDir     = mEngine->entryCache (ltDIR_NODE, lesActive.getNextLedgerIndex (uTipIndex, uBookEnd));

            if (sleOfferDir)
                uTipIndex       = sleOfferDir->getIndex ();
                uTipQuality     = Ledger::getQuality (uTipIndex);

                WriteLog (lsDEBUG, OfferCreateTransactor) << boost::str (boost::format ("takeOffers: possible counter offer found: uTipQuality=%d uTipIndex=%s")
                        % uTipQuality
                        % uTipIndex.ToString ());

                WriteLog (lsTRACE, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: counter offer book is empty: "
                        << uTipIndex.ToString ()
                        << " ... "
                        << uBookEnd.ToString ();

        if (!saTakerFunds.isPositive ())                    // Taker has no funds.
            // Done. Ran out of funds on previous round. As fees aren't calculated directly in this routine, funds are checked here.
            WriteLog (lsDEBUG, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: done: taker unfunded.";

            bUnfunded   = true;                             // Don't create an order.
            terResult   = tesSUCCESS;
        else if (!sleOfferDir                               // No offer directory to take.
                 || uTakeQuality < uTipQuality                   // No offers of sufficient quality available.
                 || (bPassive && uTakeQuality == uTipQuality))
            // Done.
            STAmount    saTipRate           = sleOfferDir ? STAmount::setRate (uTipQuality) : saTakerRate;

            WriteLog (lsDEBUG, OfferCreateTransactor) << boost::str (boost::format ("takeOffers: done: dir=%d uTakeQuality=%d %c uTipQuality=%d saTakerRate=%s %c saTipRate=%s bPassive=%d")
                    % !!sleOfferDir
                    % uTakeQuality
                    % (uTakeQuality == uTipQuality
                       ? '='
                       : uTakeQuality < uTipQuality
                       ? '<'
                       : '>')
                    % uTipQuality
                    % saTakerRate
                    % (saTakerRate == saTipRate
                       ? '='
                       : saTakerRate < saTipRate
                       ? '<'
                       : '>')
                    % saTipRate
                    % bPassive);

            terResult   = tesSUCCESS;
            // Have an offer directory to consider.
            WriteLog (lsTRACE, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: considering dir: " << sleOfferDir->getJson (0);

            SLE::pointer    sleBookNode;
            unsigned int    uBookEntry;
            uint256         uOfferIndex;

            lesActive.dirFirst (uTipIndex, sleBookNode, uBookEntry, uOfferIndex);

            SLE::pointer    sleOffer        = mEngine->entryCache (ltOFFER, uOfferIndex);

            WriteLog (lsDEBUG, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: considering offer : " << sleOffer->getJson (0);

            const uint160   uOfferOwnerID   = sleOffer->getFieldAccount160 (sfAccount);
            STAmount        saOfferPays     = sleOffer->getFieldAmount (sfTakerGets);
            STAmount        saOfferGets     = sleOffer->getFieldAmount (sfTakerPays);

            STAmount        saOfferFunds;   // Funds of offer owner to payout.
            bool            bValid;

            bValid  =  bValidOffer (
                           sleOfferDir, uOfferIndex, uOfferOwnerID, saOfferPays, saOfferGets,
                           usOfferUnfundedFound, usOfferUnfundedBecame, usAccountTouched,

            if (bValid)
                STAmount    saSubTakerPaid;
                STAmount    saSubTakerGot;
                STAmount    saTakerIssuerFee;
                STAmount    saOfferIssuerFee;
                STAmount    saOfferRate = STAmount::setRate (uTipQuality);

                WriteLog (lsDEBUG, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: applyOffer:    saTakerPays: " << saTakerPays.getFullText ();
                WriteLog (lsDEBUG, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: applyOffer:    saTakerPaid: " << saTakerPaid.getFullText ();
                WriteLog (lsDEBUG, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: applyOffer:   saTakerFunds: " << saTakerFunds.getFullText ();
                WriteLog (lsDEBUG, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: applyOffer:   saOfferFunds: " << saOfferFunds.getFullText ();
                WriteLog (lsDEBUG, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: applyOffer:    saOfferPays: " << saOfferPays.getFullText ();
                WriteLog (lsDEBUG, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: applyOffer:    saOfferGets: " << saOfferGets.getFullText ();
                WriteLog (lsDEBUG, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: applyOffer:    saOfferRate: " << saOfferRate.getFullText ();
                WriteLog (lsDEBUG, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: applyOffer: saSubTakerPays: " << saSubTakerPays.getFullText ();
                WriteLog (lsDEBUG, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: applyOffer: saSubTakerGets: " << saSubTakerGets.getFullText ();
                WriteLog (lsDEBUG, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: applyOffer:    saTakerPays: " << saTakerPays.getFullText ();
                WriteLog (lsDEBUG, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: applyOffer:    saTakerGets: " << saTakerGets.getFullText ();

                bool    bOfferDelete    = STAmount::applyOffer (
                                              lesActive.rippleTransferRate (uTakerAccountID, uOfferOwnerID, uTakerPaysAccountID),
                                              lesActive.rippleTransferRate (uOfferOwnerID, uTakerAccountID, uTakerGetsAccountID),

                WriteLog (lsDEBUG, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: applyOffer: saSubTakerPaid: " << saSubTakerPaid.getFullText ();
                WriteLog (lsDEBUG, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: applyOffer:  saSubTakerGot: " << saSubTakerGot.getFullText ();

                // Adjust offer

                // Offer owner will pay less.  Subtract what taker just got.
                sleOffer->setFieldAmount (sfTakerGets, saOfferPays -= saSubTakerGot);

                // Offer owner will get less.  Subtract what owner just paid.
                sleOffer->setFieldAmount (sfTakerPays, saOfferGets -= saSubTakerPaid);

                mEngine->entryModify (sleOffer);

                if (bOfferDelete)
                    // Offer now fully claimed or now unfunded.
                    WriteLog (lsDEBUG, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: Offer claimed: Delete.";

                    usOfferUnfundedBecame.insert (uOfferIndex); // Delete unfunded offer on success.

                    // Offer owner's account is no longer pristine.
                    usAccountTouched.insert (uOfferOwnerID);
                else if (saSubTakerGot)
                    WriteLog (lsDEBUG, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: Offer partial claim.";

                    if (!saOfferPays.isPositive () || !saOfferGets.isPositive ())
                        WriteLog (lsWARNING, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: ILLEGAL OFFER RESULT.";
                        bUnfunded   = true;
                        terResult   = bOpenLedger ? telFAILED_PROCESSING : tecFAILED_PROCESSING;
                    // Taker got nothing, probably due to rounding. Consider taker unfunded.
                    WriteLog (lsDEBUG, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: No claim.";

                    bUnfunded   = true;
                    terResult   = tesSUCCESS;                   // Done.

                assert (uTakerGetsAccountID == saSubTakerGot.getIssuer ());
                assert (uTakerPaysAccountID == saSubTakerPaid.getIssuer ());

                if (!bUnfunded)
                    // Distribute funds. The sends charge appropriate fees which are implied by offer.

                    terResult   = lesActive.accountSend (uOfferOwnerID, uTakerAccountID, saSubTakerGot);            // Offer owner pays taker.

                    if (tesSUCCESS == terResult)
                        terResult   = lesActive.accountSend (uTakerAccountID, uOfferOwnerID, saSubTakerPaid);           // Taker pays offer owner.

                    if (!bSell)
                        // Buy semantics: Reduce amount considered paid by taker's rate. Not by actual cost which is lower.
                        // That is, take less as to just satify our buy requirement.
                        STAmount    saTakerCould    = saTakerPays - saTakerPaid;    // Taker could pay.

                        if (saTakerFunds < saTakerCould)
                            saTakerCould    = saTakerFunds;

                        STAmount    saTakerUsed = STAmount::multiply (saSubTakerGot, saTakerRate, saTakerPays);

                        WriteLog (lsDEBUG, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: applyOffer:   saTakerCould: " << saTakerCould.getFullText ();
                        WriteLog (lsDEBUG, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: applyOffer:  saSubTakerGot: " << saSubTakerGot.getFullText ();
                        WriteLog (lsDEBUG, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: applyOffer:    saTakerRate: " << saTakerRate.getFullText ();
                        WriteLog (lsDEBUG, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: applyOffer:    saTakerUsed: " << saTakerUsed.getFullText ();

                        saSubTakerPaid  = std::min (saTakerCould, saTakerUsed);

                    saTakerPaid     += saSubTakerPaid;
                    saTakerGot      += saSubTakerGot;

                    if (tesSUCCESS == terResult)
                        terResult   = temUNCERTAIN;

    WriteLog (lsDEBUG, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: " << transToken (terResult);

    if (tesSUCCESS == terResult)
        // On success, delete offers that became unfunded.
        BOOST_FOREACH (uint256 const & uOfferIndex, usOfferUnfundedBecame)
            WriteLog (lsDEBUG, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: became unfunded: " << uOfferIndex.ToString ();

            terResult   = lesActive.offerDelete (uOfferIndex);

            if (tesSUCCESS != terResult)
// Take as much as possible. Adjusts account balances. Charges fees on top to taker.
// -->    uBookBase: The order book to take against.
// -->  saTakerPays: What the taker offers (w/ issuer)
// -->  saTakerGets: What the taker wanted (w/ issuer)
// <--  saTakerPaid: What taker could have paid including saved not including fees. To reduce an offer.
// <--   saTakerGot: What taker got not including fees. To reduce an offer.
// <--    bUnfunded: if tesSUCCESS, consider offer unfunded after taking.
TER OfferCreateTransactor::takeOffers (
    const bool          bOpenLedger,
    const bool          bPassive,
    const bool          bSell,
    uint256 const&      uBookBase,
    const uint160&      uTakerAccountID,
    SLE::ref            sleTakerAccount,
    const STAmount&     saTakerPays,
    const STAmount&     saTakerGets,
    STAmount&           saTakerPaid,
    STAmount&           saTakerGot,
    bool&               bUnfunded)
    // The book has the most elements. Take the perspective of the book.
    // Book is ordered for taker: taker pays / taker gets (smaller is better)

    // The order is for the other books currencys for get and pays are opposites.
    // We want the same ratio for the respective currencies.
    // So we swap paid and gets for determing take quality.

    assert (saTakerPays && saTakerGets);

    WriteLog (lsDEBUG, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: bSell: " << bSell << ": against book: " << uBookBase.ToString ();

    LedgerEntrySet&         lesActive           = mEngine->getNodes ();
    const uint64            uTakeQuality        = STAmount::getRate (saTakerGets, saTakerPays);
    STAmount                saTakerRate         = STAmount::setRate (uTakeQuality);
    const uint160           uTakerPaysAccountID = saTakerPays.getIssuer ();
    const uint160           uTakerGetsAccountID = saTakerGets.getIssuer ();
    TER                     terResult           = temUNCERTAIN;

    boost::unordered_set<uint256>   usOfferUnfundedBecame;  // Offers that became unfunded.
    boost::unordered_set<uint160>   usAccountTouched;       // Accounts touched.

    saTakerPaid     = STAmount (saTakerPays.getCurrency (), saTakerPays.getIssuer ());
    saTakerGot      = STAmount (saTakerGets.getCurrency (), saTakerGets.getIssuer ());
    bUnfunded       = false;

    OrderBookIterator bookIterator (lesActive,
        saTakerPays.getCurrency(), saTakerPays.getIssuer(),
        saTakerGets.getCurrency(), saTakerGets.getIssuer());

    while ((temUNCERTAIN == terResult) && bookIterator.nextOffer())
        STAmount        saTakerFunds    = lesActive.accountFunds (uTakerAccountID, saTakerPays);
        STAmount        saSubTakerPays  = saTakerPays - saTakerPaid; // How much more to spend.
        STAmount        saSubTakerGets  = saTakerGets - saTakerGot; // How much more is wanted.
        uint64          uTipQuality     = bookIterator.getCurrentQuality();

        if (!saTakerFunds.isPositive ())
            // Taker is out of funds. Don't create the offer.
            bUnfunded = true;
            terResult = tesSUCCESS;
        else if (!saSubTakerPays.isPositive() || !saSubTakerGets.isPositive())
            // Offer is completely consumed
            terResult = tesSUCCESS;
        else if ((uTakeQuality < uTipQuality)
                 || (bPassive && uTakeQuality == uTipQuality))
            // Offer does not cross this offer
            STAmount    saTipRate           = STAmount::setRate (uTipQuality);

            WriteLog (lsDEBUG, OfferCreateTransactor) << boost::str (boost::format ("takeOffers: done: uTakeQuality=%d %c uTipQuality=%d saTakerRate=%s %c saTipRate=%s bPassive=%d")
                    % uTakeQuality
                    % (uTakeQuality == uTipQuality
                       ? '='
                       : uTakeQuality < uTipQuality
                       ? '<'
                       : '>')
                    % uTipQuality
                    % saTakerRate
                    % (saTakerRate == saTipRate
                       ? '='
                       : saTakerRate < saTipRate
                       ? '<'
                       : '>')
                    % saTipRate
                    % bPassive);

            terResult   = tesSUCCESS;
            // We have a crossing offer to consider.

            SLE::pointer    sleOffer        = bookIterator.getCurrentOffer ();

            if (!sleOffer)
            { // offer is in directory but not in ledger
                uint256 offerIndex = bookIterator.getCurrentIndex ();
                WriteLog (lsWARNING, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: offer not found : " << offerIndex;
                usMissingOffers.insert (missingOffer_t (
                    bookIterator.getCurrentIndex (), bookIterator.getCurrentDirectory ()));
                WriteLog (lsDEBUG, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: considering offer : " << sleOffer->getJson (0);

                const uint160&  uOfferOwnerID   = sleOffer->getFieldAccount160 (sfAccount);
                STAmount        saOfferPays     = sleOffer->getFieldAmount (sfTakerGets);
                STAmount        saOfferGets     = sleOffer->getFieldAmount (sfTakerPays);

                STAmount        saOfferFunds;   // Funds of offer owner to payout.
                bool            bValid;

                bValid  =  bValidOffer (
                               sleOffer, uOfferOwnerID, saOfferPays, saOfferGets,
                               usOfferUnfundedFound, usOfferUnfundedBecame, usAccountTouched,

                if (bValid)
                    STAmount    saSubTakerPaid;
                    STAmount    saSubTakerGot;
                    STAmount    saTakerIssuerFee;
                    STAmount    saOfferIssuerFee;
                    STAmount    saOfferRate = STAmount::setRate (uTipQuality);

                    WriteLog (lsTRACE, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: applyOffer:    saTakerPays: " << saTakerPays.getFullText ();
                    WriteLog (lsTRACE, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: applyOffer:    saTakerPaid: " << saTakerPaid.getFullText ();
                    WriteLog (lsTRACE, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: applyOffer:   saTakerFunds: " << saTakerFunds.getFullText ();
                    WriteLog (lsTRACE, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: applyOffer:   saOfferFunds: " << saOfferFunds.getFullText ();
                    WriteLog (lsTRACE, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: applyOffer:    saOfferPays: " << saOfferPays.getFullText ();
                    WriteLog (lsTRACE, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: applyOffer:    saOfferGets: " << saOfferGets.getFullText ();
                    WriteLog (lsTRACE, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: applyOffer:    saOfferRate: " << saOfferRate.getFullText ();
                    WriteLog (lsTRACE, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: applyOffer: saSubTakerPays: " << saSubTakerPays.getFullText ();
                    WriteLog (lsTRACE, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: applyOffer: saSubTakerGets: " << saSubTakerGets.getFullText ();
                    WriteLog (lsTRACE, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: applyOffer:    saTakerPays: " << saTakerPays.getFullText ();
                    WriteLog (lsTRACE, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: applyOffer:    saTakerGets: " << saTakerGets.getFullText ();

                    bool    bOfferDelete    = STAmount::applyOffer (
                                                  lesActive.rippleTransferRate (uTakerAccountID, uOfferOwnerID, uTakerPaysAccountID),
                                                  lesActive.rippleTransferRate (uOfferOwnerID, uTakerAccountID, uTakerGetsAccountID),

                    WriteLog (lsDEBUG, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: applyOffer: saSubTakerPaid: " << saSubTakerPaid.getFullText ();
                    WriteLog (lsDEBUG, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: applyOffer:  saSubTakerGot: " << saSubTakerGot.getFullText ();

                    // Adjust offer

                    // Offer owner will pay less.  Subtract what taker just got.
                    sleOffer->setFieldAmount (sfTakerGets, saOfferPays -= saSubTakerGot);

                    // Offer owner will get less.  Subtract what owner just paid.
                    sleOffer->setFieldAmount (sfTakerPays, saOfferGets -= saSubTakerPaid);

                    mEngine->entryModify (sleOffer);

                    if (bOfferDelete)
                        // Offer now fully claimed or now unfunded.
                        WriteLog (lsDEBUG, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: Offer claimed: Delete.";

                        usOfferUnfundedBecame.insert (sleOffer->getIndex()); // Delete unfunded offer on success.

                        // Offer owner's account is no longer pristine.
                        usAccountTouched.insert (uOfferOwnerID);
                    else if (saSubTakerGot)
                        WriteLog (lsDEBUG, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: Offer partial claim.";

                        if (!saOfferPays.isPositive () || !saOfferGets.isPositive ())
                            WriteLog (lsWARNING, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: ILLEGAL OFFER RESULT.";
                            bUnfunded   = true;
                            terResult   = bOpenLedger ? telFAILED_PROCESSING : tecFAILED_PROCESSING;
                        // Taker got nothing, probably due to rounding. Consider taker unfunded.
                        WriteLog (lsDEBUG, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: No claim.";

                        bUnfunded   = true;
                        terResult   = tesSUCCESS;                   // Done.

                    assert (uTakerGetsAccountID == saSubTakerGot.getIssuer ());
                    assert (uTakerPaysAccountID == saSubTakerPaid.getIssuer ());

                    if (!bUnfunded)
                        // Distribute funds. The sends charge appropriate fees which are implied by offer.

                        terResult   = lesActive.accountSend (uOfferOwnerID, uTakerAccountID, saSubTakerGot);            // Offer owner pays taker.

                        if (tesSUCCESS == terResult)
                            terResult   = lesActive.accountSend (uTakerAccountID, uOfferOwnerID, saSubTakerPaid);           // Taker pays offer owner.

                        if (bSell)
                            // Sell semantics:
                            // Reduce amount considered received to original offer's rate.
                            // Not by crossing rate, which is higher.
                            STAmount saEffectiveGot = STAmount::divide(saSubTakerPaid, saTakerRate, saTakerGets);
                            saSubTakerGot = std::min(saEffectiveGot, saSubTakerGot);
                            // Buy semantics: Reduce amount considered paid by taker's rate. Not by actual cost which is lower.
                            // That is, take less as to just satify our buy requirement.
                            STAmount    saTakerCould    = saTakerPays - saTakerPaid;    // Taker could pay.

                            if (saTakerFunds < saTakerCould)
                                saTakerCould    = saTakerFunds;

                            STAmount    saTakerUsed = STAmount::multiply (saSubTakerGot, saTakerRate, saTakerPays);

                            WriteLog (lsDEBUG, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: applyOffer:   saTakerCould: " << saTakerCould.getFullText ();
                            WriteLog (lsDEBUG, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: applyOffer:  saSubTakerGot: " << saSubTakerGot.getFullText ();
                            WriteLog (lsDEBUG, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: applyOffer:    saTakerRate: " << saTakerRate.getFullText ();
                            WriteLog (lsDEBUG, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: applyOffer:    saTakerUsed: " << saTakerUsed.getFullText ();

                            saSubTakerPaid  = std::min (saTakerCould, saTakerUsed);

                        saTakerPaid     += saSubTakerPaid;
                        saTakerGot      += saSubTakerGot;

                        if (tesSUCCESS == terResult)
                            terResult   = temUNCERTAIN;

    if (temUNCERTAIN == terResult)
        terResult = tesSUCCESS;

    WriteLog (lsDEBUG, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: " << transToken (terResult);

    if (tesSUCCESS == terResult)
        // On success, delete offers that became unfunded.
        BOOST_FOREACH (uint256 const & uOfferIndex, usOfferUnfundedBecame)
            WriteLog (lsDEBUG, OfferCreateTransactor) << "takeOffers: became unfunded: " << uOfferIndex.ToString ();

            terResult   = lesActive.offerDelete (uOfferIndex);

            if (tesSUCCESS != terResult)
// The reverse pass has been narrowing by credit available and inflating by fees
// as it worked backwards.  Now, for the current account node, take the actual
// amount from previous and adjust forward balances.
// Perform balance adjustments between previous and current node.
// - The previous node: specifies what to push through to current.
// - All of previous output is consumed.
// Then, compute current node's output for next node.
// - Current node: specify what to push through to next.
// - Output to next node is computed as input minus quality or transfer fee.
// - If next node is an offer and output is non-XRP then we are the issuer and
//   do not need to push funds.
// - If next node is an offer and output is XRP then we need to deliver funds to
//   limbo.
TER PathCursor::forwardLiquidityForAccount () const
    TER resultCode   = tesSUCCESS;
    auto const lastNodeIndex       = pathState_.nodes().size () - 1;
    auto viewJ = rippleCalc_.logs_.journal ("View");

    std::uint64_t uRateMax = 0;

    AccountID const& previousAccountID =
            previousNode().isAccount() ? previousNode().account_ :
    // Offers are always issue.
    AccountID const& nextAccountID =
            nextNode().isAccount() ? nextNode().account_ : node().account_;

    auto const qualityIn = nodeIndex_
        ? quality_in (view(),
        : parityRate;

    auto const qualityOut = (nodeIndex_ == lastNodeIndex)
        ? quality_out (view(),
        : parityRate;

    // When looking backward (prv) for req we care about what we just
    // calculated: use fwd.
    // When looking forward (cur) for req we care about what was desired: use
    // rev.

    // For nextNode().isAccount()
    auto saPrvRedeemAct = previousNode().saFwdRedeem.zeroed();
    auto saPrvIssueAct = previousNode().saFwdIssue.zeroed();

    // For !previousNode().isAccount()
    auto saPrvDeliverAct = previousNode().saFwdDeliver.zeroed ();

    JLOG (j_.trace())
        << "forwardLiquidityForAccount> "
        << "nodeIndex_=" << nodeIndex_ << "/" << lastNodeIndex
        << " previousNode.saFwdRedeem:" << previousNode().saFwdRedeem
        << " saPrvIssueReq:" << previousNode().saFwdIssue
        << " previousNode.saFwdDeliver:" << previousNode().saFwdDeliver
        << " node.saRevRedeem:" << node().saRevRedeem
        << " node.saRevIssue:" << node().saRevIssue
        << " node.saRevDeliver:" << node().saRevDeliver;

    // Ripple through account.

    if (previousNode().isAccount() && nextNode().isAccount())
        // Next is an account, must be rippling.

        if (!nodeIndex_)
            // ^ --> ACCOUNT --> account

            // For the first node, calculate amount to ripple based on what is
            // available.
            node().saFwdRedeem = node().saRevRedeem;

            if (pathState_.inReq() >= beast::zero)
                // Limit by send max.
                node().saFwdRedeem = std::min (
                    node().saFwdRedeem, pathState_.inReq() - pathState_.inAct());

            pathState_.setInPass (node().saFwdRedeem);

            node().saFwdIssue = node().saFwdRedeem == node().saRevRedeem
                // Fully redeemed.
                ? node().saRevIssue : STAmount (node().saRevIssue);

            if (node().saFwdIssue && pathState_.inReq() >= beast::zero)
                // Limit by send max.
                node().saFwdIssue = std::min (
                    pathState_.inReq() - pathState_.inAct() - node().saFwdRedeem);

            pathState_.setInPass (pathState_.inPass() + node().saFwdIssue);

            JLOG (j_.trace())
                << "forwardLiquidityForAccount: ^ --> "
                << "ACCOUNT --> account :"
                << " saInReq=" << pathState_.inReq()
                << " saInAct=" << pathState_.inAct()
                << " node.saFwdRedeem:" << node().saFwdRedeem
                << " node.saRevIssue:" << node().saRevIssue
                << " node.saFwdIssue:" << node().saFwdIssue
                << " pathState_.saInPass:"******"forwardLiquidityForAccount: account --> "
                << "ACCOUNT --> $ :"
                << " previousAccountID="
                << to_string (previousAccountID)
                << " node.account_="
                << to_string (node().account_)
                << " previousNode.saFwdRedeem:" << previousNode().saFwdRedeem
                << " previousNode.saFwdIssue:" << previousNode().saFwdIssue;

            // Last node. Accept all funds. Calculate amount actually to credit.

            auto& saCurReceive = pathState_.outPass();
            STAmount saIssueCrd = qualityIn >= parityRate
                    ? previousNode().saFwdIssue  // No fee.
                    : multiplyRound (
                          true); // Amount to credit.

            // Amount to credit. Credit for less than received as a surcharge.
            pathState_.setOutPass (previousNode().saFwdRedeem + saIssueCrd);

            if (saCurReceive)
                // Actually receive.
                resultCode = rippleCredit(view(),
                    previousNode().saFwdRedeem + previousNode().saFwdIssue,
                    false, viewJ);
                // After applying quality, total payment was microscopic.
                resultCode   = tecPATH_DRY;
            // account --> ACCOUNT --> account
            JLOG (j_.trace())
                << "forwardLiquidityForAccount: account --> "
                << "ACCOUNT --> account";

            node().saFwdRedeem.clear (node().saRevRedeem);
            node().saFwdIssue.clear (node().saRevIssue);

            // Previous redeem part 1: redeem -> redeem
            if (previousNode().saFwdRedeem && node().saRevRedeem)
                // Previous wants to redeem.
                // Rate : 1.0 : quality out
                rippleLiquidity (

            // Previous issue part 1: issue -> redeem
            if (previousNode().saFwdIssue != saPrvIssueAct
                // Previous wants to issue.
                && node().saRevRedeem != node().saFwdRedeem)
                // Current has more to redeem to next.
                // Rate: quality in : quality out
                rippleLiquidity (

            // Previous redeem part 2: redeem -> issue.
            if (previousNode().saFwdRedeem != saPrvRedeemAct
                // Previous still wants to redeem.
                && node().saRevRedeem == node().saFwdRedeem
                // Current redeeming is done can issue.
                && node().saRevIssue)
                // Current wants to issue.
                // Rate : 1.0 : transfer_rate
                rippleLiquidity (
                    transferRate (view(), node().account_),

            // Previous issue part 2 : issue -> issue
            if (previousNode().saFwdIssue != saPrvIssueAct
                // Previous wants to issue.
                && node().saRevRedeem == node().saFwdRedeem
                // Current redeeming is done can issue.
                && node().saRevIssue)
                // Current wants to issue.
                // Rate: quality in : 1.0
                rippleLiquidity (

            STAmount saProvide = node().saFwdRedeem + node().saFwdIssue;

            // Adjust prv --> cur balance : take all inbound
            resultCode = saProvide
                ? rippleCredit(view(),
                    previousNode().saFwdRedeem + previousNode().saFwdIssue,
                    false, viewJ)
                : tecPATH_DRY;
    else if (previousNode().isAccount() && !nextNode().isAccount())
        // Current account is issuer to next offer.
        // Determine deliver to offer amount.
        // Don't adjust outbound balances- keep funds with issuer as limbo.
        // If issuer hold's an offer owners inbound IOUs, there is no fee and
        // redeem/issue will transparently happen.

        if (nodeIndex_)
            // Non-XRP, current node is the issuer.
            JLOG (j_.trace())
                << "forwardLiquidityForAccount: account --> "
                << "ACCOUNT --> offer";

            node().saFwdDeliver.clear (node().saRevDeliver);

            // redeem -> issue/deliver.
            // Previous wants to redeem.
            // Current is issuing to an offer so leave funds in account as
            // "limbo".
            if (previousNode().saFwdRedeem)
                // Previous wants to redeem.
                // Rate : 1.0 : transfer_rate
                // XXX Is having the transfer rate here correct?
                rippleLiquidity (
                    transferRate (view(), node().account_),

            // issue -> issue/deliver
            if (previousNode().saFwdRedeem == saPrvRedeemAct
                // Previous done redeeming: Previous has no IOUs.
                && previousNode().saFwdIssue)
                // Previous wants to issue. To next must be ok.
                // Rate: quality in : 1.0
                rippleLiquidity (

            // Adjust prv --> cur balance : take all inbound
            resultCode   = node().saFwdDeliver
                ? rippleCredit(view(),
                    previousAccountID, node().account_,
                    previousNode().saFwdRedeem + previousNode().saFwdIssue,
                    false, viewJ)
                : tecPATH_DRY;  // Didn't actually deliver anything.
            // Delivering amount requested from downstream.
            node().saFwdDeliver = node().saRevDeliver;

            // If limited, then limit by send max and available.
            if (pathState_.inReq() >= beast::zero)
                // Limit by send max.
                node().saFwdDeliver = std::min (
                    node().saFwdDeliver, pathState_.inReq() - pathState_.inAct());

                // Limit XRP by available. No limit for non-XRP as issuer.
                if (isXRP (node().issue_))
                    node().saFwdDeliver = std::min (
                            fhIGNORE_FREEZE, viewJ)); // XRP can't be frozen


            // Record amount sent for pass.
            pathState_.setInPass (node().saFwdDeliver);

            if (!node().saFwdDeliver)
                resultCode   = tecPATH_DRY;
            else if (!isXRP (node().issue_))
                // Non-XRP, current node is the issuer.
                // We could be delivering to multiple accounts, so we don't know
                // which ripple balance will be adjusted.  Assume just issuing.

                JLOG (j_.trace())
                    << "forwardLiquidityForAccount: ^ --> "
                    << "ACCOUNT -- !XRP --> offer";

                // As the issuer, would only issue.
                // Don't need to actually deliver. As from delivering leave in
                // the issuer as limbo.
                JLOG (j_.trace())
                    << "forwardLiquidityForAccount: ^ --> "
                    << "ACCOUNT -- XRP --> offer";

                // Deliver XRP to limbo.
                resultCode = accountSend(view(),
                    node().account_, xrpAccount(), node().saFwdDeliver, viewJ);
    else if (!previousNode().isAccount() && nextNode().isAccount())
        if (nodeIndex_ == lastNodeIndex)
            // offer --> ACCOUNT --> $
            JLOG (j_.trace())
                << "forwardLiquidityForAccount: offer --> "
                << "ACCOUNT --> $ : "
                << previousNode().saFwdDeliver;

            // Amount to credit.
            pathState_.setOutPass (previousNode().saFwdDeliver);

            // No income balance adjustments necessary.  The paying side inside
            // the offer paid to this account.
            // offer --> ACCOUNT --> account
            JLOG (j_.trace())
                << "forwardLiquidityForAccount: offer --> "
                << "ACCOUNT --> account";

            node().saFwdRedeem.clear (node().saRevRedeem);
            node().saFwdIssue.clear (node().saRevIssue);

            // deliver -> redeem
            if (previousNode().saFwdDeliver && node().saRevRedeem)
                // Previous wants to deliver and can current redeem.
                // Rate : 1.0 : quality out
                rippleLiquidity (

            // deliver -> issue
            // Wants to redeem and current would and can issue.
            if (previousNode().saFwdDeliver != saPrvDeliverAct
                // Previous still wants to deliver.
                && node().saRevRedeem == node().saFwdRedeem
                // Current has more to redeem to next.
                && node().saRevIssue)
                // Current wants issue.
                // Rate : 1.0 : transfer_rate
                rippleLiquidity (
                    transferRate (view(), node().account_),

            // No income balance adjustments necessary.  The paying side inside
            // the offer paid and the next link will receive.
            STAmount saProvide = node().saFwdRedeem + node().saFwdIssue;

            if (!saProvide)
                resultCode = tecPATH_DRY;
        // offer --> ACCOUNT --> offer
        // deliver/redeem -> deliver/issue.
        JLOG (j_.trace())
            << "forwardLiquidityForAccount: offer --> ACCOUNT --> offer";

        node().saFwdDeliver.clear (node().saRevDeliver);

        if (previousNode().saFwdDeliver && node().saRevDeliver)
            // Rate : 1.0 : transfer_rate
            rippleLiquidity (
                transferRate (view(), node().account_),

        // No income balance adjustments necessary.  The paying side inside the
        // offer paid and the next link will receive.
        if (!node().saFwdDeliver)
            resultCode   = tecPATH_DRY;

    return resultCode;
    TER doApply () override
        // Ripple if source or destination is non-native or if there are paths.
        std::uint32_t const uTxFlags = mTxn.getFlags ();
        bool const partialPaymentAllowed = uTxFlags & tfPartialPayment;
        bool const limitQuality = uTxFlags & tfLimitQuality;
        bool const defaultPathsAllowed = !(uTxFlags & tfNoRippleDirect);
        bool const bPaths = mTxn.isFieldPresent (sfPaths);
        bool const bMax = mTxn.isFieldPresent (sfSendMax);
        Account const uDstAccountID (mTxn.getFieldAccount160 (sfDestination));
        STAmount const saDstAmount (mTxn.getFieldAmount (sfAmount));
        STAmount maxSourceAmount;
        if (bMax)
            maxSourceAmount = mTxn.getFieldAmount (sfSendMax);
        else if (saDstAmount.isNative ())
            maxSourceAmount = saDstAmount;
          maxSourceAmount = STAmount (
              {saDstAmount.getCurrency (), mTxnAccountID},
              saDstAmount.mantissa(), saDstAmount.exponent (),
              saDstAmount < zero);
        auto const& uSrcCurrency = maxSourceAmount.getCurrency ();
        auto const& uDstCurrency = saDstAmount.getCurrency ();

        // isZero() is XRP.  FIX!
        bool const bXRPDirect = uSrcCurrency.isZero () && uDstCurrency.isZero ();

        m_journal.trace <<
            "maxSourceAmount=" << maxSourceAmount.getFullText () <<
            " saDstAmount=" << saDstAmount.getFullText ();

        if (!isLegalNet (saDstAmount) || !isLegalNet (maxSourceAmount))
            return temBAD_AMOUNT;

        if (uTxFlags & tfPaymentMask)
            m_journal.trace <<
                "Malformed transaction: Invalid flags set.";

            return temINVALID_FLAG;
        else if (!uDstAccountID)
            m_journal.trace <<
                "Malformed transaction: Payment destination account not specified.";

            return temDST_NEEDED;
        else if (bMax && maxSourceAmount <= zero)
            m_journal.trace <<
                "Malformed transaction: bad max amount: " << maxSourceAmount.getFullText ();

            return temBAD_AMOUNT;
        else if (saDstAmount <= zero)
            m_journal.trace <<
                "Malformed transaction: bad dst amount: " << saDstAmount.getFullText ();

            return temBAD_AMOUNT;
        else if (badCurrency() == uSrcCurrency || badCurrency() == uDstCurrency)
            m_journal.trace <<
                "Malformed transaction: Bad currency.";

            return temBAD_CURRENCY;
        else if (mTxnAccountID == uDstAccountID && uSrcCurrency == uDstCurrency && !bPaths)
            // You're signing yourself a payment.
            // If bPaths is true, you might be trying some arbitrage.
            m_journal.trace <<
                "Malformed transaction: Redundant transaction:" <<
                " src=" << to_string (mTxnAccountID) <<
                " dst=" << to_string (uDstAccountID) <<
                " src_cur=" << to_string (uSrcCurrency) <<
                " dst_cur=" << to_string (uDstCurrency);

            return temREDUNDANT;
        else if (bMax && maxSourceAmount == saDstAmount &&
                 maxSourceAmount.getCurrency () == saDstAmount.getCurrency ())
            // Consistent but redundant transaction.
            m_journal.trace <<
                "Malformed transaction: Redundant SendMax.";

            return temREDUNDANT_SEND_MAX;
        else if (bXRPDirect && bMax)
            // Consistent but redundant transaction.
            m_journal.trace <<
                "Malformed transaction: SendMax specified for XRP to XRP.";

            return temBAD_SEND_XRP_MAX;
        else if (bXRPDirect && bPaths)
            // XRP is sent without paths.
            m_journal.trace <<
                "Malformed transaction: Paths specified for XRP to XRP.";

            return temBAD_SEND_XRP_PATHS;
        else if (bXRPDirect && partialPaymentAllowed)
            // Consistent but redundant transaction.
            m_journal.trace <<
                "Malformed transaction: Partial payment specified for XRP to XRP.";

            return temBAD_SEND_XRP_PARTIAL;
        else if (bXRPDirect && limitQuality)
            // Consistent but redundant transaction.
            m_journal.trace <<
                "Malformed transaction: Limit quality specified for XRP to XRP.";

            return temBAD_SEND_XRP_LIMIT;
        else if (bXRPDirect && !defaultPathsAllowed)
            // Consistent but redundant transaction.
            m_journal.trace <<
                "Malformed transaction: No ripple direct specified for XRP to XRP.";

            return temBAD_SEND_XRP_NO_DIRECT;

        // Open a ledger for editing.
        auto const index = getAccountRootIndex (uDstAccountID);
        SLE::pointer sleDst (mEngine->entryCache (ltACCOUNT_ROOT, index));

        if (!sleDst)
            // Destination account does not exist.
            if (!saDstAmount.isNative ())
                m_journal.trace <<
                    "Delay transaction: Destination account does not exist.";

                // Another transaction could create the account and then this
                // transaction would succeed.
                return tecNO_DST;
            else if (mParams & tapOPEN_LEDGER && partialPaymentAllowed)
                // You cannot fund an account with a partial payment.
                // Make retry work smaller, by rejecting this.
                m_journal.trace <<
                    "Delay transaction: Partial payment not allowed to create account.";

                // Another transaction could create the account and then this
                // transaction would succeed.
                return telNO_DST_PARTIAL;
            else if (saDstAmount.getNValue () < mEngine->getLedger ()->getReserve (0))
                // getReserve() is the minimum amount that an account can have.
                // Reserve is not scaled by load.
                m_journal.trace <<
                    "Delay transaction: Destination account does not exist. " <<
                    "Insufficent payment to create account.";

                // TODO: dedupe
                // Another transaction could create the account and then this
                // transaction would succeed.
                return tecNO_DST_INSUF_XRP;

            // Create the account.
            auto const newIndex = getAccountRootIndex (uDstAccountID);
            sleDst = mEngine->entryCreate (ltACCOUNT_ROOT, newIndex);
            sleDst->setFieldAccount (sfAccount, uDstAccountID);
            sleDst->setFieldU32 (sfSequence, 1);
        else if ((sleDst->getFlags () & lsfRequireDestTag) &&
                 !mTxn.isFieldPresent (sfDestinationTag))
            // The tag is basically account-specific information we don't
            // understand, but we can require someone to fill it in.

            // We didn't make this test for a newly-formed account because there's
            // no way for this field to be set.
            m_journal.trace << "Malformed transaction: DestinationTag required.";

            return tefDST_TAG_NEEDED;
            // Tell the engine that we are intending to change the the destination
            // account.  The source account gets always charged a fee so it's always
            // marked as modified.
            mEngine->entryModify (sleDst);

        TER terResult;

        bool const bRipple = bPaths || bMax || !saDstAmount.isNative ();
        // XXX Should bMax be sufficient to imply ripple?

        if (bRipple)
            // Ripple payment with at least one intermediate step and uses
            // transitive balances.

            // Copy paths into an editable class.
            STPathSet spsPaths = mTxn.getFieldPathSet (sfPaths);

                path::RippleCalc::Input rcInput;
                rcInput.partialPaymentAllowed = partialPaymentAllowed;
                rcInput.defaultPathsAllowed = defaultPathsAllowed;
                rcInput.limitQuality = limitQuality;
                rcInput.deleteUnfundedOffers = true;
                rcInput.isLedgerOpen = static_cast<bool>(mParams & tapOPEN_LEDGER);

                bool pathTooBig = spsPaths.size () > MaxPathSize;

                for (auto const& path : spsPaths)
                    if (path.size () > MaxPathLength)
                        pathTooBig = true;

                if (rcInput.isLedgerOpen && pathTooBig)
                    terResult = telBAD_PATH_COUNT; // Too many paths for proposed ledger.
                    auto rc = path::RippleCalc::rippleCalculate (
                        mEngine->view (),

                    // TODO: is this right?  If the amount is the correct amount, was
                    // the delivered amount previously set?
                    if (rc.result () == tesSUCCESS && rc.actualAmountOut != saDstAmount)
                        mEngine->view ().setDeliveredAmount (rc.actualAmountOut);

                    terResult = rc.result ();

                // TODO(tom): what's going on here?
                if (isTerRetry (terResult))
                    terResult = tecPATH_DRY;

            catch (std::exception const& e)
                m_journal.trace <<
                    "Caught throw: " << e.what ();

                terResult = tefEXCEPTION;
            // Direct XRP payment.

            // uOwnerCount is the number of entries in this legder for this account
            // that require a reserve.

            std::uint32_t const uOwnerCount (mTxnAccount->getFieldU32 (sfOwnerCount));

            // This is the total reserve in drops.
            // TODO(tom): there should be a class for this.
            std::uint64_t const uReserve (mEngine->getLedger ()->getReserve (uOwnerCount));

            // mPriorBalance is the balance on the sending account BEFORE the fees were charged.
            // Make sure have enough reserve to send. Allow final spend to use
            // reserve for fee.
            auto const mmm = std::max(uReserve, mTxn.getTransactionFee ().getNValue ());
            if (mPriorBalance < saDstAmount + mmm)
                // Vote no.
                // However, transaction might succeed, if applied in a different order.
                m_journal.trace << "Delay transaction: Insufficient funds: " <<
                    " " << mPriorBalance.getText () <<
                    " / " << (saDstAmount + uReserve).getText () <<
                    " (" << uReserve << ")";

                terResult = tecUNFUNDED_PAYMENT;
                // The source account does have enough money, so do the arithmetic
                // for the transfer and make the ledger change.
                mTxnAccount->setFieldAmount (sfBalance, mSourceBalance - saDstAmount);
                sleDst->setFieldAmount (sfBalance, sleDst->getFieldAmount (sfBalance) + saDstAmount);

                // Re-arm the password change fee if we can and need to.
                if ((sleDst->getFlags () & lsfPasswordSpent))
                    sleDst->clearFlag (lsfPasswordSpent);

                terResult = tesSUCCESS;

        std::string strToken;
        std::string strHuman;

        if (transResultInfo (terResult, strToken, strHuman))
            m_journal.trace <<
                strToken << ": " << strHuman;
            assert (false);

        return terResult;
文件: Payment.cpp 项目: xdv/divvyd
    TER preCheck () override
        std::uint32_t const uTxFlags = mTxn.getFlags ();

        if (uTxFlags & tfPaymentMask)
            m_journal.trace << "Malformed transaction: " <<
                "Invalid flags set.";
            return temINVALID_FLAG;

        bool const partialPaymentAllowed = uTxFlags & tfPartialPayment;
        bool const limitQuality = uTxFlags & tfLimitQuality;
        bool const defaultPathsAllowed = !(uTxFlags & tfNoDivvyDirect);
        bool const bPaths = mTxn.isFieldPresent (sfPaths);
        bool const bMax = mTxn.isFieldPresent (sfSendMax);

        STAmount const saDstAmount (mTxn.getFieldAmount (sfAmount));

        STAmount maxSourceAmount;

        if (bMax)
            maxSourceAmount = mTxn.getFieldAmount (sfSendMax);
        else if (saDstAmount.native ())
            maxSourceAmount = saDstAmount;
            maxSourceAmount = STAmount (
                { saDstAmount.getCurrency (), mTxnAccountID },
                saDstAmount.mantissa(), saDstAmount.exponent (),
                saDstAmount < zero);

        auto const& uSrcCurrency = maxSourceAmount.getCurrency ();
        auto const& uDstCurrency = saDstAmount.getCurrency ();

        // isZero() is XDV.  FIX!
        bool const bXDVDirect = uSrcCurrency.isZero () && uDstCurrency.isZero ();

        if (!isLegalNet (saDstAmount) || !isLegalNet (maxSourceAmount))
            return temBAD_AMOUNT;

        AccountID const uDstAccountID (mTxn.getFieldAccount160 (sfDestination));

        if (!uDstAccountID)
            m_journal.trace << "Malformed transaction: " <<
                "Payment destination account not specified.";
            return temDST_NEEDED;
        if (bMax && maxSourceAmount <= zero)
            m_journal.trace << "Malformed transaction: " <<
                "bad max amount: " << maxSourceAmount.getFullText ();
            return temBAD_AMOUNT;
        if (saDstAmount <= zero)
            m_journal.trace << "Malformed transaction: "<<
                "bad dst amount: " << saDstAmount.getFullText ();
            return temBAD_AMOUNT;
        if (badCurrency() == uSrcCurrency || badCurrency() == uDstCurrency)
            m_journal.trace <<"Malformed transaction: " <<
                "Bad currency.";
            return temBAD_CURRENCY;
        if (mTxnAccountID == uDstAccountID && uSrcCurrency == uDstCurrency && !bPaths)
            // You're signing yourself a payment.
            // If bPaths is true, you might be trying some arbitrage.
            m_journal.trace << "Malformed transaction: " <<
                "Redundant payment from " << to_string (mTxnAccountID) <<
                " to self without path for " << to_string (uDstCurrency);
            return temREDUNDANT;
        if (bXDVDirect && bMax)
            // Consistent but redundant transaction.
            m_journal.trace << "Malformed transaction: " <<
                "SendMax specified for XDV to XDV.";
            return temBAD_SEND_XDV_MAX;
        if (bXDVDirect && bPaths)
            // XDV is sent without paths.
            m_journal.trace << "Malformed transaction: " <<
                "Paths specified for XDV to XDV.";
            return temBAD_SEND_XDV_PATHS;
        if (bXDVDirect && partialPaymentAllowed)
            // Consistent but redundant transaction.
            m_journal.trace << "Malformed transaction: " <<
                "Partial payment specified for XDV to XDV.";
            return temBAD_SEND_XDV_PARTIAL;
        if (bXDVDirect && limitQuality)
            // Consistent but redundant transaction.
            m_journal.trace << "Malformed transaction: " <<
                "Limit quality specified for XDV to XDV.";
            return temBAD_SEND_XDV_LIMIT;
        if (bXDVDirect && !defaultPathsAllowed)
            // Consistent but redundant transaction.
            m_journal.trace << "Malformed transaction: " <<
                "No divvy direct specified for XDV to XDV.";
            return temBAD_SEND_XDV_NO_DIRECT;

        return Transactor::preCheck ();
void Transactor::calculateFee ()
    mFeeDue = STAmount (mEngine->getLedger ()->scaleFeeLoad (calculateBaseFee (), isSetBit (mParams, tapADMIN)));
TER computeReverseLiquidityForAccount (
    RippleCalc& rippleCalc,
    const unsigned int nodeIndex, PathState& pathState,
    const bool bMultiQuality)
    TER terResult = tesSUCCESS;
    auto const lastNodeIndex = pathState.nodes().size () - 1;
    auto const isFinalNode = (nodeIndex == lastNodeIndex);

    // 0 quality means none has yet been determined.
    std::uint64_t uRateMax = 0;

    auto& previousNode = pathState.nodes()[nodeIndex ? nodeIndex - 1 : 0];
    auto& node = pathState.nodes()[nodeIndex];
    auto& nextNode = pathState.nodes()[isFinalNode ? lastNodeIndex : nodeIndex + 1];

    // Current is allowed to redeem to next.
    const bool previousNodeIsAccount = !nodeIndex || previousNode.isAccount();
    const bool nextNodeIsAccount = isFinalNode || nextNode.isAccount();

    Account const& previousAccountID = previousNodeIsAccount
        ? previousNode.account_ : node.account_;
    Account const& nextAccountID = nextNodeIsAccount ? nextNode.account_
        : node.account_;   // Offers are always issue.

    // This is the quality from from the previous node to this one.
    const std::uint32_t uQualityIn
         = (nodeIndex != 0)
            ? rippleCalc.mActiveLedger.rippleQualityIn (
                node.account_, previousAccountID, node.currency_)
            : QUALITY_ONE;

    // And this is the quality from the next one to this one.
    const std::uint32_t uQualityOut
        = (nodeIndex != lastNodeIndex)
            ? rippleCalc.mActiveLedger.rippleQualityOut (
                node.account_, nextAccountID, node.currency_)
            : QUALITY_ONE;

    // For previousNodeIsAccount:
    // Previous account is already owed.
    const STAmount saPrvOwed = (previousNodeIsAccount && nodeIndex != 0)
        ? rippleCalc.mActiveLedger.rippleOwed (
            node.account_, previousAccountID, node.currency_)
        : STAmount ({node.currency_, node.account_});

    // The limit amount that the previous account may owe.
    const STAmount saPrvLimit = (previousNodeIsAccount && nodeIndex != 0)
        ? rippleCalc.mActiveLedger.rippleLimit (
            node.account_, previousAccountID, node.currency_)
        : STAmount ({node.currency_, node.account_});

    // Next account is owed.
    const STAmount saNxtOwed = (nextNodeIsAccount && nodeIndex != lastNodeIndex)
        ? rippleCalc.mActiveLedger.rippleOwed (
            node.account_, nextAccountID, node.currency_)
        : STAmount ({node.currency_, node.account_});

    WriteLog (lsTRACE, RippleCalc)
        << "computeReverseLiquidityForAccount>"
        << " nodeIndex=%d/%d" << nodeIndex << "/" << lastNodeIndex
        << " previousAccountID=" << previousAccountID
        << " node.account_=" << node.account_
        << " nextAccountID=" << nextAccountID
        << " currency_=" << node.currency_
        << " uQualityIn=" << uQualityIn
        << " uQualityOut=" << uQualityOut
        << " saPrvOwed=" << saPrvOwed
        << " saPrvLimit=" << saPrvLimit;

    // Requests are computed to be the maximum flow possible.
    // Previous can redeem the owed IOUs it holds.
    const STAmount saPrvRedeemReq  = (saPrvOwed > zero)
        ? saPrvOwed
        : STAmount (saPrvOwed.issue ());

    // This is the amount we're actually going to be setting for the previous
    // node.
    STAmount& saPrvRedeemAct = previousNode.saRevRedeem;

    // Previous can issue up to limit minus whatever portion of limit already
    // used (not including redeemable amount) - another "maximum flow".
    const STAmount saPrvIssueReq = (saPrvOwed < zero)
        ? saPrvLimit + saPrvOwed : saPrvLimit;
    STAmount& saPrvIssueAct = previousNode.saRevIssue;

    // Precompute these values in case we have an order book.
    auto deliverCurrency = previousNode.saRevDeliver.getCurrency ();
    const STAmount saPrvDeliverReq (
        {deliverCurrency, previousNode.saRevDeliver.getIssuer ()}, -1);
    // Unlimited delivery.

    STAmount& saPrvDeliverAct = previousNode.saRevDeliver;

    // For nextNodeIsAccount
    const STAmount& saCurRedeemReq  = node.saRevRedeem;

    // Set to zero, because we're trying to hit the previous node.
    auto saCurRedeemAct = saCurRedeemReq.zeroed();

    const STAmount& saCurIssueReq = node.saRevIssue;

    // Track the amount we actually redeem.
    auto saCurIssueAct = saCurIssueReq.zeroed();

    // For !nextNodeIsAccount
    const STAmount& saCurDeliverReq = node.saRevDeliver;
    auto saCurDeliverAct  = saCurDeliverReq.zeroed();

    WriteLog (lsTRACE, RippleCalc)
        << "computeReverseLiquidityForAccount:"
        << " saPrvRedeemReq:" << saPrvRedeemReq
        << " saPrvIssueReq:" << saPrvIssueReq
        << " saPrvDeliverAct:" << saPrvDeliverAct
        << " saPrvDeliverReq:" << saPrvDeliverReq
        << " saCurRedeemReq:" << saCurRedeemReq
        << " saCurIssueReq:" << saCurIssueReq
        << " saNxtOwed:" << saNxtOwed;

    WriteLog (lsTRACE, RippleCalc) << pathState.getJson ();

    // Current redeem req can't be more than IOUs on hand.
    assert (!saCurRedeemReq || (-saNxtOwed) >= saCurRedeemReq);
    assert (!saCurIssueReq  // If not issuing, fine.
            || saNxtOwed >= zero
            // saNxtOwed >= 0: Sender not holding next IOUs, saNxtOwed < 0:
            // Sender holding next IOUs.
            || -saNxtOwed == saCurRedeemReq);
    // If issue req, then redeem req must consume all owed.

    if (nodeIndex == 0)
        // ^ --> ACCOUNT -->  account|offer
        // Nothing to do, there is no previous to adjust.
        // TODO(tom): we could have skipped all that setup and just left
        // or even just never call this whole routine on nodeIndex = 0!

    // The next four cases correspond to the table at the bottom of this Wiki
    // page section: https://ripple.com/wiki/Transit_Fees#Implementation
    else if (previousNodeIsAccount && nextNodeIsAccount)
        if (isFinalNode)
            // account --> ACCOUNT --> $
            // Overall deliverable.
            const STAmount saCurWantedReq = std::min (
                pathState.outReq() - pathState.outAct(),
                saPrvLimit + saPrvOwed);
            auto saCurWantedAct = saCurWantedReq.zeroed ();

            WriteLog (lsTRACE, RippleCalc)
                << "computeReverseLiquidityForAccount: account --> ACCOUNT --> $ :"
                << " saCurWantedReq=" << saCurWantedReq;

            // Calculate redeem
            if (saPrvRedeemReq) // Previous has IOUs to redeem.
                // Redeem your own IOUs at 1:1

                saCurWantedAct = std::min (saPrvRedeemReq, saCurWantedReq);
                saPrvRedeemAct = saCurWantedAct;

                uRateMax = STAmount::uRateOne;

                WriteLog (lsTRACE, RippleCalc)
                    << "computeReverseLiquidityForAccount: Redeem at 1:1"
                    << " saPrvRedeemReq=" << saPrvRedeemReq
                    << " (available) saPrvRedeemAct=" << saPrvRedeemAct
                    << " uRateMax="
                    << STAmount::saFromRate (uRateMax).getText ();
                saPrvRedeemAct.clear (saPrvRedeemReq);

            // Calculate issuing.
            saPrvIssueAct.clear (saPrvIssueReq);

            if (saCurWantedReq != saCurWantedAct // Need more.
                && saPrvIssueReq)  // Will accept IOUs from previous.
                // Rate: quality in : 1.0

                // If we previously redeemed and this has a poorer rate, this
                // won't be included the current increment.
                computeRippleLiquidity (
                    uQualityIn, QUALITY_ONE,
                    saPrvIssueReq, saCurWantedReq,
                    saPrvIssueAct, saCurWantedAct, uRateMax);

                WriteLog (lsTRACE, RippleCalc)
                    << "computeReverseLiquidityForAccount: Issuing: Rate: quality in : 1.0"
                    << " saPrvIssueAct:" << saPrvIssueAct
                    << " saCurWantedAct:" << saCurWantedAct;

            if (!saCurWantedAct)
                // Must have processed something.
                terResult   = tecPATH_DRY;
            // Not final node.
            // account --> ACCOUNT --> account
            saPrvRedeemAct.clear (saPrvRedeemReq);
            saPrvIssueAct.clear (saPrvIssueReq);

            // redeem (part 1) -> redeem
            if (saCurRedeemReq
                // Next wants IOUs redeemed from current account.
                && saPrvRedeemReq)
                // Previous has IOUs to redeem to the current account.
                // TODO(tom): add English.
                // Rate : 1.0 : quality out - we must accept our own IOUs as 1:1.
                computeRippleLiquidity (
                    QUALITY_ONE, uQualityOut,
                    saPrvRedeemReq, saCurRedeemReq,
                    saPrvRedeemAct, saCurRedeemAct, uRateMax);

                WriteLog (lsTRACE, RippleCalc)
                    << "computeReverseLiquidityForAccount: "
                    << "Rate : 1.0 : quality out"
                    << " saPrvRedeemAct:" << saPrvRedeemAct
                    << " saCurRedeemAct:" << saCurRedeemAct;

            // issue (part 1) -> redeem
            if (saCurRedeemReq != saCurRedeemAct
                // The current node has more IOUs to redeem.
                && saPrvRedeemAct == saPrvRedeemReq)
                // The previous node has no IOUs to redeem remaining, so issues.
                // Rate: quality in : quality out
                computeRippleLiquidity (
                    uQualityIn, uQualityOut,
                    saPrvIssueReq, saCurRedeemReq,
                    saPrvIssueAct, saCurRedeemAct, uRateMax);

                WriteLog (lsTRACE, RippleCalc)
                    << "computeReverseLiquidityForAccount: "
                    << "Rate: quality in : quality out:"
                    << " saPrvIssueAct:" << saPrvIssueAct
                    << " saCurRedeemAct:" << saCurRedeemAct;

            // redeem (part 2) -> issue.
            if (saCurIssueReq   // Next wants IOUs issued.
                // TODO(tom): this condition seems redundant.
                && saCurRedeemAct == saCurRedeemReq
                // Can only issue if completed redeeming.
                && saPrvRedeemAct != saPrvRedeemReq)
                // Did not complete redeeming previous IOUs.
                // Rate : 1.0 : transfer_rate
                computeRippleLiquidity (
                    rippleCalc.mActiveLedger.rippleTransferRate (node.account_),
                    saPrvRedeemReq, saCurIssueReq,
                    saPrvRedeemAct, saCurIssueAct, uRateMax);

                WriteLog (lsDEBUG, RippleCalc)
                    << "computeReverseLiquidityForAccount: "
                    << "Rate : 1.0 : transfer_rate:"
                    << " saPrvRedeemAct:" << saPrvRedeemAct
                    << " saCurIssueAct:" << saCurIssueAct;

            // issue (part 2) -> issue
            if (saCurIssueReq != saCurIssueAct
                // Need wants more IOUs issued.
                && saCurRedeemAct == saCurRedeemReq
                // Can only issue if completed redeeming.
                && saPrvRedeemReq == saPrvRedeemAct
                // Previously redeemed all owed IOUs.
                && saPrvIssueReq)
                // Previous can issue.
                // Rate: quality in : 1.0
                computeRippleLiquidity (
                    uQualityIn, QUALITY_ONE,
                    saPrvIssueReq, saCurIssueReq,
                    saPrvIssueAct, saCurIssueAct, uRateMax);

                WriteLog (lsTRACE, RippleCalc)
                    << "computeReverseLiquidityForAccount: "
                    << "Rate: quality in : 1.0:"
                    << " saPrvIssueAct:" << saPrvIssueAct
                    << " saCurIssueAct:" << saCurIssueAct;

            if (!saCurRedeemAct && !saCurIssueAct)
                // Did not make progress.
                terResult = tecPATH_DRY;

            WriteLog (lsTRACE, RippleCalc)
                << "computeReverseLiquidityForAccount: "
                << "^|account --> ACCOUNT --> account :"
                << " saCurRedeemReq:" << saCurRedeemReq
                << " saCurIssueReq:" << saCurIssueReq
                << " saPrvOwed:" << saPrvOwed
                << " saCurRedeemAct:" << saCurRedeemAct
                << " saCurIssueAct:" << saCurIssueAct;
    else if (previousNodeIsAccount && !nextNodeIsAccount)
        // account --> ACCOUNT --> offer
        // Note: deliver is always issue as ACCOUNT is the issuer for the offer
        // input.
        WriteLog (lsTRACE, RippleCalc)
            << "computeReverseLiquidityForAccount: "
            << "account --> ACCOUNT --> offer";

        saPrvRedeemAct.clear (saPrvRedeemReq);
        saPrvIssueAct.clear (saPrvIssueReq);

        // We have three cases: the nxt offer can be owned by current account,
        // previous account or some third party account.
        // Also, the current account may or may not have a redeemable balance
        // with the account for the next offer, so we don't yet know if we're
        // redeeming or issuing.
        // TODO(tom): Make sure deliver was cleared, or check actual is zero.
        // redeem -> deliver/issue.
        if (saPrvOwed > zero                    // Previous has IOUs to redeem.
            && saCurDeliverReq)                 // Need some issued.
            // Rate : 1.0 : transfer_rate
            computeRippleLiquidity (
                rippleCalc, QUALITY_ONE,
                rippleCalc.mActiveLedger.rippleTransferRate (node.account_),
                saPrvRedeemReq, saCurDeliverReq,
                saPrvRedeemAct, saCurDeliverAct, uRateMax);

        // issue -> deliver/issue
        if (saPrvRedeemReq == saPrvRedeemAct    // Previously redeemed all owed.
            && saCurDeliverReq != saCurDeliverAct)  // Still need some issued.
            // Rate: quality in : 1.0
            computeRippleLiquidity (
                uQualityIn, QUALITY_ONE,
                saPrvIssueReq, saCurDeliverReq,
                saPrvIssueAct, saCurDeliverAct, uRateMax);

        if (!saCurDeliverAct)
            // Must want something.
            terResult   = tecPATH_DRY;

        WriteLog (lsTRACE, RippleCalc)
            << "computeReverseLiquidityForAccount: "
            << " saCurDeliverReq:" << saCurDeliverReq
            << " saCurDeliverAct:" << saCurDeliverAct
            << " saPrvOwed:" << saPrvOwed;
    else if (!previousNodeIsAccount && nextNodeIsAccount)
        if (isFinalNode)
            // offer --> ACCOUNT --> $
            // Previous is an offer, no limit: redeem own IOUs.
            // This is the final node; we can't look to the right to get values;
            // we have to go up to get the out value for the entire path state.
            const STAmount& saCurWantedReq  =
                    pathState.outReq() - pathState.outAct();
            STAmount saCurWantedAct = saCurWantedReq.zeroed();

            WriteLog (lsTRACE, RippleCalc)
                << "computeReverseLiquidityForAccount: "
                << "offer --> ACCOUNT --> $ :"
                << " saCurWantedReq:" << saCurWantedReq
                << " saOutAct:" << pathState.outAct()
                << " saOutReq:" << pathState.outReq();

            if (saCurWantedReq <= zero)
                // TEMPORARY emergency fix
                // TODO(tom): why can't saCurWantedReq be -1 if you want to
                // compute maximum liquidity?  This might be unimplemented
                // functionality.  TODO(tom): should the same check appear in
                // other paths or even be pulled up?
                WriteLog (lsFATAL, RippleCalc) << "CurWantReq was not positive";
                return tefEXCEPTION;

            assert (saCurWantedReq > zero); // FIXME: We got one of these
            // The previous node is an offer;  we are receiving our own currency;

            // The previous order book's entries might hold our issuances; might
            // not hold our issuances; might be our own offer.
            // Assume the worst case, the case which costs the most to go
            // through, which is that it is not our own offer or our own
            // issuances.  Later on the forward pass we may be able to do
            // better.
            // TODO: this comment applies generally to this section - move it up
            // to a document.

            // Rate: quality in : 1.0
            computeRippleLiquidity (
                uQualityIn, QUALITY_ONE,
                saPrvDeliverReq, saCurWantedReq,
                saPrvDeliverAct, saCurWantedAct, uRateMax);

            if (!saCurWantedAct)
                // Must have processed something.
                terResult   = tecPATH_DRY;

            WriteLog (lsTRACE, RippleCalc)
                << "computeReverseLiquidityForAccount:"
                << " saPrvDeliverAct:" << saPrvDeliverAct
                << " saPrvDeliverReq:" << saPrvDeliverReq
                << " saCurWantedAct:" << saCurWantedAct
                << " saCurWantedReq:" << saCurWantedReq;
            // offer --> ACCOUNT --> account
            // Note: offer is always delivering(redeeming) as account is issuer.
            WriteLog (lsTRACE, RippleCalc)
                << "computeReverseLiquidityForAccount: "
                << "offer --> ACCOUNT --> account :"
                << " saCurRedeemReq:" << saCurRedeemReq
                << " saCurIssueReq:" << saCurIssueReq;

            // deliver -> redeem
            // TODO(tom): now we have more checking in nodeRipple, these checks
            // might be redundant.
            if (saCurRedeemReq)  // Next wants us to redeem.
                // cur holds IOUs from the account to the right, the nxt
                // account.  If someone is making the current account get rid of
                // the nxt account's IOUs, then charge the input for quality out.
                // Rate : 1.0 : quality out
                computeRippleLiquidity (
                    QUALITY_ONE, uQualityOut,
                    saPrvDeliverReq, saCurRedeemReq,
                    saPrvDeliverAct, saCurRedeemAct, uRateMax);

            // deliver -> issue.
            if (saCurRedeemReq == saCurRedeemAct
                // Can only issue if previously redeemed all.
                && saCurIssueReq)
                // Need some issued.
                // Rate : 1.0 : transfer_rate
                computeRippleLiquidity (
                    rippleCalc.mActiveLedger.rippleTransferRate (node.account_),
                    saPrvDeliverReq, saCurIssueReq, saPrvDeliverAct,
                    saCurIssueAct, uRateMax);

            WriteLog (lsTRACE, RippleCalc)
                << "computeReverseLiquidityForAccount:"
                << " saCurRedeemAct:" << saCurRedeemAct
                << " saCurRedeemReq:" << saCurRedeemReq
                << " saPrvDeliverAct:" << saPrvDeliverAct
                << " saCurIssueReq:" << saCurIssueReq;

            if (!saPrvDeliverAct)
                // Must want something.
                terResult   = tecPATH_DRY;
        // offer --> ACCOUNT --> offer
        // deliver/redeem -> deliver/issue.
        WriteLog (lsTRACE, RippleCalc)
            << "computeReverseLiquidityForAccount: offer --> ACCOUNT --> offer";

        // Rate : 1.0 : transfer_rate
        computeRippleLiquidity (
            rippleCalc.mActiveLedger.rippleTransferRate (node.account_),
            saPrvDeliverReq, saCurDeliverReq, saPrvDeliverAct,
            saCurDeliverAct, uRateMax);

        if (!saCurDeliverAct)
            // Must want something.
            terResult   = tecPATH_DRY;

    return terResult;
 // Create a raw, non-integral amount from mantissa and exponent
 static raw (std::uint64_t mantissa, int exponent)
     return STAmount ({Currency(3), AccountID(3)}, mantissa, exponent);
// Append a node and insert before it any implied nodes.
// Offers may go back to back.
// <-- terResult: tesSUCCESS, temBAD_PATH, terNO_ACCOUNT, terNO_AUTH, terNO_LINE, tecPATH_DRY
TER PathState::pushNode (
    const int iType,
    const uint160& uAccountID,
    const uint160& uCurrencyID,
    const uint160& uIssuerID)
    Node                pnCur;
    const bool          bFirst      = vpnNodes.empty ();
    const Node&         pnPrv       = bFirst ? Node () : vpnNodes.back ();
    // true, iff node is a ripple account. false, iff node is an offer node.
    const bool          bAccount    = is_bit_set (iType, STPathElement::typeAccount);
    // true, iff currency supplied.
    // Currency is specified for the output of the current node.
    const bool          bCurrency   = is_bit_set (iType, STPathElement::typeCurrency);
    // Issuer is specified for the output of the current node.
    const bool          bIssuer     = is_bit_set (iType, STPathElement::typeIssuer);
    TER                 terResult   = tesSUCCESS;

    WriteLog (lsTRACE, RippleCalc) << "pushNode> " <<
       iType <<
       ": " << (bAccount ? RippleAddress::createHumanAccountID (uAccountID) : "-") <<
       " " << (bCurrency ? STAmount::createHumanCurrency (uCurrencyID) : "-") <<
       "/" << (bIssuer ? RippleAddress::createHumanAccountID (uIssuerID) : "-");

    pnCur.uFlags        = iType;
    pnCur.uCurrencyID   = bCurrency ? uCurrencyID : pnPrv.uCurrencyID;

    if (iType & ~STPathElement::typeValidBits)
        WriteLog (lsDEBUG, RippleCalc) << "pushNode: bad bits.";

        terResult   = temBAD_PATH;
    else if (bIssuer && !pnCur.uCurrencyID)
        WriteLog (lsDEBUG, RippleCalc) << "pushNode: issuer specified for STR.";

        terResult   = temBAD_PATH;
    else if (bIssuer && !uIssuerID)
        WriteLog (lsDEBUG, RippleCalc) << "pushNode: specified bad issuer.";

        terResult   = temBAD_PATH;
    else if (!bAccount && !bCurrency && !bIssuer)
        WriteLog (lsDEBUG, RippleCalc) << "pushNode: offer must specify at least currency or issuer.";

        terResult   = temBAD_PATH;
    else if (bAccount)
        // Account link

        pnCur.uAccountID    = uAccountID;
        pnCur.uIssuerID     = bIssuer
                              ? uIssuerID
                              : !!pnCur.uCurrencyID
                              ? uAccountID
                              : ACCOUNT_STR;
        pnCur.saRevRedeem   = STAmount (pnCur.uCurrencyID, uAccountID);
        pnCur.saRevIssue    = STAmount (pnCur.uCurrencyID, uAccountID);
        pnCur.saRevDeliver  = STAmount (pnCur.uCurrencyID, pnCur.uIssuerID);
        pnCur.saFwdDeliver  = pnCur.saRevDeliver;

        if (bFirst)
            // The first node is always correct as is.

            nothing ();
        else if (!uAccountID)
            WriteLog (lsDEBUG, RippleCalc) << "pushNode: specified bad account.";

            terResult   = temBAD_PATH;
            // Add required intermediate nodes to deliver to current account.
            WriteLog (lsTRACE, RippleCalc) << "pushNode: imply for account.";

            terResult   = pushImply (
                              pnCur.uAccountID,                                   // Current account.
                              pnCur.uCurrencyID,                                  // Wanted currency.
                              !!pnCur.uCurrencyID ? uAccountID : ACCOUNT_STR);    // Account as wanted issuer.

            // Note: pnPrv may no longer be the immediately previous node.

        if (tesSUCCESS == terResult && !vpnNodes.empty ())
            const Node&     pnBck       = vpnNodes.back ();
            bool            bBckAccount = is_bit_set (pnBck.uFlags, STPathElement::typeAccount);

            if (bBckAccount)
                SLE::pointer    sleRippleState  = lesEntries.entryCache (ltRIPPLE_STATE, Ledger::getRippleStateIndex (pnBck.uAccountID, pnCur.uAccountID, pnPrv.uCurrencyID));

                if (!sleRippleState)
                    WriteLog (lsTRACE, RippleCalc) << "pushNode: No credit line between "
                                                   << RippleAddress::createHumanAccountID (pnBck.uAccountID)
                                                   << " and "
                                                   << RippleAddress::createHumanAccountID (pnCur.uAccountID)
                                                   << " for "
                                                   << STAmount::createHumanCurrency (pnCur.uCurrencyID)
                                                   << "." ;

                    WriteLog (lsTRACE, RippleCalc) << getJson ();

                    terResult   = terNO_LINE;
                    WriteLog (lsTRACE, RippleCalc) << "pushNode: Credit line found between "
                                                   << RippleAddress::createHumanAccountID (pnBck.uAccountID)
                                                   << " and "
                                                   << RippleAddress::createHumanAccountID (pnCur.uAccountID)
                                                   << " for "
                                                   << STAmount::createHumanCurrency (pnCur.uCurrencyID)
                                                   << "." ;

                    SLE::pointer        sleBck  = lesEntries.entryCache (ltACCOUNT_ROOT, Ledger::getAccountRootIndex (pnBck.uAccountID));
                    bool                bHigh   = pnBck.uAccountID > pnCur.uAccountID;

                    if (!sleBck)
                        WriteLog (lsWARNING, RippleCalc) << "pushNode: delay: can't receive IOUs from non-existent issuer: " << RippleAddress::createHumanAccountID (pnBck.uAccountID);

                        terResult   = terNO_ACCOUNT;
                    else if ((is_bit_set (sleBck->getFieldU32 (sfFlags), lsfRequireAuth)
                             && !is_bit_set (sleRippleState->getFieldU32 (sfFlags), (bHigh ? lsfHighAuth : lsfLowAuth)))) 
                        WriteLog (lsWARNING, RippleCalc) << "pushNode: delay: can't receive IOUs from issuer without auth.";

                        terResult   = terNO_AUTH;

                    if (tesSUCCESS == terResult)
                        STAmount    saOwed  = lesEntries.rippleOwed (pnCur.uAccountID, pnBck.uAccountID, pnCur.uCurrencyID);
                        STAmount    saLimit;

                        if (saOwed <= zero
                                && -saOwed >= (saLimit = lesEntries.rippleLimit (pnCur.uAccountID, pnBck.uAccountID, pnCur.uCurrencyID)))
                            WriteLog (lsWARNING, RippleCalc) <<
                                "pushNode: dry:" <<
                                " saOwed=" << saOwed <<
                                " saLimit=" << saLimit;

                            terResult   = tecPATH_DRY;

        if (tesSUCCESS == terResult)
            vpnNodes.push_back (pnCur);
        // Offer link
        // Offers bridge a change in currency & issuer or just a change in issuer.
        pnCur.uIssuerID     = bIssuer
                              ? uIssuerID
                              : !!pnCur.uCurrencyID
                              ? !!pnPrv.uIssuerID
                              ? pnPrv.uIssuerID   // Default to previous issuer
                              : pnPrv.uAccountID  // Or previous account if no previous issuer.
                      : ACCOUNT_STR;
        pnCur.saRateMax     = saZero;
        pnCur.saRevDeliver  = STAmount (pnCur.uCurrencyID, pnCur.uIssuerID);
        pnCur.saFwdDeliver  = pnCur.saRevDeliver;

        if (!!pnCur.uCurrencyID != !!pnCur.uIssuerID)
            WriteLog (lsDEBUG, RippleCalc) << "pushNode: currency is inconsistent with issuer.";

            terResult   = temBAD_PATH;
        else if(!LedgerDump::enactHistoricalQuirk (QuirkSameCurrencyOffer) &&
                pnPrv.uCurrencyID == pnCur.uCurrencyID &&
                pnPrv.uIssuerID == pnCur.uIssuerID)
            WriteLog(lsDEBUG, RippleCalc) <<
                "pushNode: bad path: offer to same currency and issuer";
            terResult = temBAD_PATH;
            // Previous is an account.
            WriteLog (lsTRACE, RippleCalc) << "pushNode: imply for offer.";

            // Insert intermediary issuer account if needed.
            terResult   = pushImply (
                ACCOUNT_STR, // Rippling, but offers don't have an account.

        if (tesSUCCESS == terResult)
            vpnNodes.push_back (pnCur);

    WriteLog (lsTRACE, RippleCalc) << "pushNode< : " << transToken (terResult);

    return terResult;
bool PathRequest::isValid (RippleLineCache::ref crCache)
    ScopedLockType sl (mLock);
    bValid = raSrcAccount && raDstAccount &&
            saDstAmount > zero;
    auto const& lrLedger = crCache->getLedger ();

    if (bValid)
        if (! crCache->getLedger()->exists(
            // no source account
            bValid = false;
            jvStatus = rpcError (rpcSRC_ACT_NOT_FOUND);

    if (bValid)
        auto const sleDest = crCache->getLedger()->read(

        Json::Value& jvDestCur =
                (jvStatus[jss::destination_currencies] = Json::arrayValue);

        if (!sleDest)
            // no destination account
            jvDestCur.append (Json::Value ("XRP"));

            if (!saDstAmount.native ())
                // only XRP can be send to a non-existent account
                bValid = false;
                jvStatus = rpcError (rpcACT_NOT_FOUND);
            else if (saDstAmount < STAmount (lrLedger->fees().accountReserve (0)))
                // payment must meet reserve
                bValid = false;
                jvStatus = rpcError (rpcDST_AMT_MALFORMED);
            bool const disallowXRP (
                sleDest->getFlags() & lsfDisallowXRP);

            auto usDestCurrID = accountDestCurrencies (
                    *raDstAccount, crCache, !disallowXRP);

            for (auto const& currency : usDestCurrID)
                jvDestCur.append (to_string (currency));

            jvStatus["destination_tag"] =
                    (sleDest->getFlags () & lsfRequireDestTag)
                    != 0;

    if (bValid)
        jvStatus[jss::ledger_hash] = to_string (lrLedger->info().hash);
        jvStatus[jss::ledger_index] = lrLedger->seq();
    return bValid;