void SV_UserVoip( client_t *cl, msg_t *msg ) {
	const int sender = (int) (cl - svs.clients);
	const int generation = MSG_ReadByte(msg);
	const int sequence = MSG_ReadLong(msg);
	const int frames = MSG_ReadByte(msg);
	const int recip1 = MSG_ReadLong(msg);
	const int recip2 = MSG_ReadLong(msg);
	const int recip3 = MSG_ReadLong(msg);
	const int packetsize = MSG_ReadShort(msg);
	byte encoded[sizeof (cl->voipPacket[0].data)];
	client_t *client = NULL;
	voipServerPacket_t *packet = NULL;
	int i;

	if (generation < 0)
		return;   // short/invalid packet, bail.
	else if (sequence < 0)
		return;   // short/invalid packet, bail.
	else if (frames < 0)
		return;   // short/invalid packet, bail.
	else if (recip1 < 0)
		return;   // short/invalid packet, bail.
	else if (recip2 < 0)
		return;   // short/invalid packet, bail.
	else if (recip3 < 0)
		return;   // short/invalid packet, bail.
	else if (packetsize < 0)
		return;   // short/invalid packet, bail.

	if (packetsize > sizeof (encoded)) {  // overlarge packet?
		int bytesleft = packetsize;
		while (bytesleft) {
			int br = bytesleft;
			if (br > sizeof (encoded))
				br = sizeof (encoded);
			MSG_ReadData(msg, encoded, br);
			bytesleft -= br;
		return;   // overlarge packet, bail.

	MSG_ReadData(msg, encoded, packetsize);

	if (SV_ShouldIgnoreVoipSender(cl))
		return;   // Blacklisted, disabled, etc.

	// !!! FIXME: see if we read past end of msg...

	// !!! FIXME: reject if not speex narrowband codec.
	// !!! FIXME: decide if this is bogus data?

	// (the three recip* values are 31 bits each (ignores sign bit so we can
	//  get a -1 error from MSG_ReadLong() ... ), allowing for 93 clients.)
	assert( sv_maxclients->integer < 93 );

	// decide who needs this VoIP packet sent to them...
	for (i = 0, client = svs.clients; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++, client++) {
		if (client->state != CS_ACTIVE)
			continue;  // not in the game yet, don't send to this guy.
		else if (i == sender)
			continue;  // don't send voice packet back to original author.
		else if (!client->hasVoip)
			continue;  // no VoIP support, or support disabled.
		else if (client->muteAllVoip)
			continue;  // client is ignoring everyone.
		else if (client->ignoreVoipFromClient[sender])
			continue;  // client is ignoring this talker.
		else if (*cl->downloadName)   // !!! FIXME: possible to DoS?
			continue;  // no VoIP allowed if downloading, to save bandwidth.
		else if ( ((i >= 0) && (i < 31)) && ((recip1 & (1 << (i-0))) == 0) )
			continue;  // not addressed to this player.
		else if ( ((i >= 31) && (i < 62)) && ((recip2 & (1 << (i-31))) == 0) )
			continue;  // not addressed to this player.
		else if ( ((i >= 62) && (i < 93)) && ((recip3 & (1 << (i-62))) == 0) )
			continue;  // not addressed to this player.

		// Transmit this packet to the client.
		// !!! FIXME: I don't like this queueing system.
		if (client->queuedVoipPackets >= (sizeof (client->voipPacket) / sizeof (client->voipPacket[0]))) {
			Com_Printf("Too many VoIP packets queued for client #%d\n", i);
			continue;  // no room for another packet right now.

		packet = &client->voipPacket[client->queuedVoipPackets];
		packet->sender = sender;
		packet->frames = frames;
		packet->len = packetsize;
		packet->generation = generation;
		packet->sequence = sequence;
		memcpy(packet->data, encoded, packetsize);
void SV_UserVoip(client_t *cl, msg_t *msg)
	int sender, generation, sequence, frames, packetsize;
	uint8_t recips[(MAX_CLIENTS + 7) / 8];
	int flags;
	byte encoded[sizeof(cl->voipPacket[0]->data)];
	client_t *client = NULL;
	voipServerPacket_t *packet = NULL;
	int i;

	sender = cl - svs.clients;
	generation = MSG_ReadByte(msg);
	sequence = MSG_ReadLong(msg);
	frames = MSG_ReadByte(msg);
	MSG_ReadData(msg, recips, sizeof(recips));
	flags = MSG_ReadByte(msg);
	packetsize = MSG_ReadShort(msg);

	if (msg->readcount > msg->cursize)
		return;   // short/invalid packet, bail.

	if (packetsize > sizeof (encoded)) {  // overlarge packet?
		int bytesleft = packetsize;
		while (bytesleft) {
			int br = bytesleft;
			if (br > sizeof (encoded))
				br = sizeof (encoded);
			MSG_ReadData(msg, encoded, br);
			bytesleft -= br;
		return;   // overlarge packet, bail.

	MSG_ReadData(msg, encoded, packetsize);

	if (SV_ShouldIgnoreVoipSender(cl))
		return;   // Blacklisted, disabled, etc.

	// !!! FIXME: see if we read past end of msg...

	// !!! FIXME: reject if not speex narrowband codec.
	// !!! FIXME: decide if this is bogus data?

	// decide who needs this VoIP packet sent to them...
	for (i = 0, client = svs.clients; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++, client++) {
		if (client->state != CS_ACTIVE)
			continue;  // not in the game yet, don't send to this guy.
		else if (i == sender)
			continue;  // don't send voice packet back to original author.
		else if (!client->hasVoip)
			continue;  // no VoIP support, or unsupported protocol
		else if (client->muteAllVoip)
			continue;  // client is ignoring everyone.
		else if (client->ignoreVoipFromClient[sender])
			continue;  // client is ignoring this talker.
		else if (*cl->downloadName)   // !!! FIXME: possible to DoS?
			continue;  // no VoIP allowed if downloading, to save bandwidth.

		if(Com_IsVoipTarget(recips, sizeof(recips), i))
			flags |= VOIP_DIRECT;
			flags &= ~VOIP_DIRECT;

		if (!(flags & (VOIP_SPATIAL | VOIP_DIRECT)))
			continue;  // not addressed to this player.

		// Transmit this packet to the client.
		if (client->queuedVoipPackets >= ARRAY_LEN(client->voipPacket)) {
			Com_Printf("Too many VoIP packets queued for client #%d\n", i);
			continue;  // no room for another packet right now.

		packet = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*packet));
		packet->sender = sender;
		packet->frames = frames;
		packet->len = packetsize;
		packet->generation = generation;
		packet->sequence = sequence;
		packet->flags = flags;
		memcpy(packet->data, encoded, packetsize);

		client->voipPacket[(client->queuedVoipIndex + client->queuedVoipPackets) % ARRAY_LEN(client->voipPacket)] = packet;