文件: barklem.c 项目: kouui/rh
bool_t getBarklemcross(Barklemstruct *bs, RLK_Line *rlk)
  const char routineName[] = "getBarklemcross";

  int index;
  double Z, neff1, neff2, findex1, findex2, reducedmass, meanvelocity,
         crossmean, E_Rydberg, deltaEi, deltaEj;
  Element *element;

  element = &atmos.elements[rlk->pt_index - 1];

  /* --- Note: ABO tabulations are valid only for neutral atoms -- -- */

  if (rlk->stage > 0)
    return FALSE;

  if ((deltaEi = element->ionpot[rlk->stage] - rlk->Ei) <= 0.0)
    return FALSE;
  if ((deltaEj = element->ionpot[rlk->stage] - rlk->Ej) <= 0.0)
    return FALSE;

  Z = (double) (rlk->stage + 1);
  E_Rydberg = E_RYDBERG / (1.0 + M_ELECTRON / (element->weight * AMU));
  neff1 = Z * sqrt(E_Rydberg / deltaEi);
  neff2 = Z * sqrt(E_Rydberg / deltaEj);

  if (rlk->Li > rlk->Lj) SWAPDOUBLE(neff1, neff2);

  if (neff1 < bs->neff1[0] || neff1 > bs->neff1[bs->N1-1])
    return FALSE;
  Locate(bs->N1, bs->neff1, neff1, &index);
  findex1 =
    (double) index + (neff1 - bs->neff1[index]) / BARKLEM_DELTA_NEFF;

  if (neff2 < bs->neff2[0] || neff2 > bs->neff2[bs->N2-1])
    return FALSE;
  Locate(bs->N2, bs->neff2, neff2, &index);
  findex2 =
    (double) index + (neff2 - bs->neff2[index]) / BARKLEM_DELTA_NEFF;

  /* --- Find interpolation in table --                -------------- */

  rlk->cross = cubeconvol(bs->N2, bs->N1,
			  bs->cross[0], findex2, findex1);
  rlk->alpha = cubeconvol(bs->N2, bs->N1,
			  bs->alpha[0], findex2, findex1);

  reducedmass  = AMU / (1.0/atmos.H->weight + 1.0/element->weight);
  meanvelocity = sqrt(8.0 * KBOLTZMANN / (PI * reducedmass));
  crossmean    = SQ(RBOHR) * pow(meanvelocity / 1.0E4, -rlk->alpha);

  rlk->cross *= 2.0 * pow(4.0/PI, rlk->alpha/2.0) *
    exp(gammln((4.0 - rlk->alpha)/2.0)) * meanvelocity * crossmean;

  rlk->vdwaals = BARKLEM;
  return TRUE;
void Functions::sortElementsDouble(RefArrayXd array1, RefArrayXd array2)
    assert(array1.size() == array2.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < array1.size(); i++)
        for (int j = 1; j < (array1.size()-i); j++)
            if (array1(j-1) > array1(j))
                SWAPDOUBLE(array1(j-1),array1(j));        // SWAP array1 elements in increasing order
                SWAPDOUBLE(array2(j-1),array2(j));        // SWAP array2 elements accordingly
                if (array1(j-1) == array1(j))
void Functions::sortElementsInt(vector<int> &array1, RefArrayXd array2)
    for (int i = 0; i < array1.size(); i++)
        for (int j = 1; j < (array1.size()-i); j++)
            if (array1[j-1] > array1[j])
                SWAPINT(array1[j-1], array1[j]);         // SWAP array1 elements in increasing order
                SWAPDOUBLE(array2(j-1), array2(j));      // SWAP array2 elements accordingly
                if (array1[j-1] == array1[j])
文件: rr_fread.c 项目: AIDman/Kaldi
void *rr_fread(char *ptr, int elsize, int n_elem, FILE *fp,
	       char *header, int not_more)
  int n_read, i;
  char dummychar;

  if (n_elem > 0) {
     n_read = fread(ptr,elsize,n_elem,fp);
     if (n_read != n_elem) quit(-1,
	"rr_fread: problems reading %s.  Only %d of %d elements were read\n",
	 header, n_read, n_elem);

     if (elsize == sizeof(int)) {
        for (i=0; i<n_elem; i++) {
     else if (elsize == sizeof(short)) {
        for (i=0; i<n_elem; i++) {
     else if (elsize == sizeof(double)) {
        for (i=0; i<n_elem; i++) {

  if (not_more) {
     if (fread(&dummychar,1,1,fp) != 0)
       quit(-1,"rr_fread: more data after %s - should not be there\n",header);

  return(0); /* Not relevant, but stops compilation warnings. */

文件: barklem.c 项目: kouui/rh
bool_t getBarklemactivecross(AtomicLine *line)
  bool_t determined = TRUE, useBarklem = FALSE;
  int index, Ll, Lu, nq, i, j, ic;
  double Sl, Su, Jl, Ju;
  double Z, neff1, neff2, findex1, findex2, reducedmass, meanvelocity,
         crossmean, E_Rydberg, deltaEi, deltaEj;
  Atom *atom;
  Barklemstruct bs;

  atom = line->atom;
  j = line->j;
  i = line->i;

  /* ---
     JdlCR: Interpolate the tables only if sigma is smaller than 20
     otherwise assume that we are already giving Barklem cross-sections
     --- */

  if(line->cvdWaals[0] < 20.0){

    /* --- ABO tabulations are only valid for neutral atoms  -- -------- */

    if (atom->stage[i] > 0) return FALSE;

    /* --- Get the quantum numbers for orbital angular momentum -- ---- */

    determined &= determinate(atom->label[i], atom->g[i],
			      &nq, &Sl, &Ll, &Jl);
    determined &= determinate(atom->label[j], atom->g[j],
			      &nq, &Su, &Lu, &Ju);

    /* --- See if one of the Barklem cases applies --    -------------- */

    if (determined) {
      if ((Ll == S_ORBIT && Lu == P_ORBIT) ||
	  (Ll == P_ORBIT && Lu == S_ORBIT)) {
          useBarklem = readBarklemTable(SP, &bs);
      } else if ((Ll == P_ORBIT && Lu == D_ORBIT) ||
		 (Ll == D_ORBIT && Lu == P_ORBIT)) {
          useBarklem = readBarklemTable(PD, &bs);
      } else if ((Ll == D_ORBIT && Lu == F_ORBIT) ||
		 (Ll == F_ORBIT && Lu == D_ORBIT)) {
	      useBarklem = readBarklemTable(DF, &bs);
    if (!determined || !useBarklem) return FALSE;

    /* --- Determine the index of the appropriate continuum level -- -- */

    Z = atom->stage[j] + 1;
    for (ic = j + 1;  atom->stage[ic] < atom->stage[j]+1;  ic++);

    deltaEi   = atom->E[ic] - atom->E[i];
    deltaEj   = atom->E[ic] - atom->E[j];
    E_Rydberg = E_RYDBERG / (1.0 + M_ELECTRON / (atom->weight * AMU));

    neff1 = Z * sqrt(E_Rydberg / deltaEi);
    neff2 = Z * sqrt(E_Rydberg / deltaEj);

    if (Ll > Lu) SWAPDOUBLE(neff1, neff2);

    /* --- Interpolate according to effective principal quantum number  */

    if (neff1 < bs.neff1[0] || neff1 > bs.neff1[bs.N1-1])
      return FALSE;
    Locate(bs.N1, bs.neff1, neff1, &index);
    findex1 =
      (double) index + (neff1 - bs.neff1[index]) / BARKLEM_DELTA_NEFF;

    if (neff2 < bs.neff2[0] || neff2 > bs.neff2[bs.N2-1])
      return FALSE;
    Locate(bs.N2, bs.neff2, neff2, &index);
    findex2 =
      (double) index + (neff2 - bs.neff2[index]) / BARKLEM_DELTA_NEFF;

    /* --- Find interpolation in table --                -------------- */

    line->cvdWaals[0] = cubeconvol(bs.N2, bs.N1,
				   bs.cross[0], findex2, findex1);
    line->cvdWaals[1] = cubeconvol(bs.N2, bs.N1,
				   bs.alpha[0], findex2, findex1);

  reducedmass  = AMU / (1.0/atmos.atoms[0].weight + 1.0/atom->weight);
  meanvelocity = sqrt(8.0 * KBOLTZMANN / (PI * reducedmass));
  crossmean    = SQ(RBOHR) * pow(meanvelocity / 1.0E4, -line->cvdWaals[1]);

  line->cvdWaals[0] *= 2.0 * pow(4.0/PI, line->cvdWaals[1]/2.0) *
    exp(gammln((4.0 - line->cvdWaals[1])/2.0)) * meanvelocity * crossmean;

  /* --- Use UNSOLD for the contribution of Helium atoms -- ---------- */

  line->cvdWaals[2] = 1.0;
  line->cvdWaals[3] = 0.0;

  return TRUE;
文件: kurucz.c 项目: kouui/rh
void readKuruczLines(char *inputFile)
  const char routineName[] = "readKuruczLines";
  const double  C = 2.0*PI * (Q_ELECTRON/EPSILON_0) *
                             (Q_ELECTRON/M_ELECTRON) / CLIGHT;

  char   inputLine[RLK_RECORD_LENGTH+1], listName[MAX_LINE_SIZE],
    filename[MAX_LINE_SIZE], Gvalues[18+1], elem_code[7],
         labeli[RLK_LABEL_LENGTH+1], labelj[RLK_LABEL_LENGTH+1],
        *commentChar = COMMENT_CHAR;
  bool_t swap_levels, determined, useBarklem;
  int    Nline, Nread, Nrequired, checkPoint, hfs_i, hfs_j, gL_i, gL_j,
  double lambda0, Ji, Jj, Grad, GStark, GvdWaals, pti,
         Ei, Ej, gf, lambda_air;
  RLK_Line *rlk;
  Barklemstruct bs_SP, bs_PD, bs_DF;
  FILE  *fp_Kurucz, *fp_linelist;

  if (!strcmp(inputFile, "none")) return;

  /* --- Read in the data files for Barklem collisional broadening -- */

  readBarklemTable(SP, &bs_SP);
  readBarklemTable(PD, &bs_PD);
  readBarklemTable(DF, &bs_DF);

  labeli[RLK_LABEL_LENGTH] = '\0';
  labelj[RLK_LABEL_LENGTH] = '\0';

  if ((fp_Kurucz = fopen(inputFile, "r")) == NULL) {
    sprintf(messageStr, "Unable to open input file %s", inputFile);
    Error(ERROR_LEVEL_1, routineName, messageStr);
  /* --- Go through each of the linelist files listed in input file - */

  while (getLine(fp_Kurucz, commentChar, listName, FALSE) != EOF) {
    Nread = sscanf(listName, "%s", filename);
    if ((fp_linelist = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL) {
      sprintf(messageStr, "Unable to open input file %s", filename);
      Error(ERROR_LEVEL_1, routineName, messageStr);
    /* --- Count the number of lines in this file --   -------------- */

    Nline = 0;
    while (fgets(inputLine, RLK_RECORD_LENGTH+1, fp_linelist) != NULL)
      if (*inputLine != *commentChar) Nline++;

    if (atmos.Nrlk == 0) atmos.rlk_lines = NULL;
    atmos.rlk_lines = (RLK_Line *)
      realloc(atmos.rlk_lines, (Nline + atmos.Nrlk) * sizeof(RLK_Line));

    /* --- Read lines from file --                     -------------- */

    rlk = atmos.rlk_lines + atmos.Nrlk;
    while (fgets(inputLine, RLK_RECORD_LENGTH+1, fp_linelist) != NULL) {
      if (*inputLine != *commentChar) {


	Nread = sscanf(inputLine, "%lf %lf %s %lf",
		       &lambda_air, &gf, (char *) &elem_code, &Ei);

        /* --- Ionization stage and periodic table index -- --------- */

        sscanf(elem_code, "%d.%d", &rlk->pt_index, &rlk->stage);

	Nread += sscanf(inputLine+53, "%lf", &Ej);

	Ei = fabs(Ei) * (HPLANCK * CLIGHT) / CM_TO_M;
	Ej = fabs(Ej) * (HPLANCK * CLIGHT) / CM_TO_M;

	/* --- Beware: the Kurucz linelist has upper and lower levels
	       of a transition in random order. Therefore, we have to
               check for the lowest energy of the two and use that as
               lower level --                          -------------- */

	if (Ej < Ei) {
	  swap_levels = TRUE;
	  rlk->Ei = Ej;
	  rlk->Ej = Ei;
	  strncpy(labeli, inputLine+69, RLK_LABEL_LENGTH);
	  strncpy(labelj, inputLine+41, RLK_LABEL_LENGTH);
	} else {
	  swap_levels = FALSE;
	  rlk->Ei = Ei;
          rlk->Ej = Ej;
	  strncpy(labeli, inputLine+41, RLK_LABEL_LENGTH);
	  strncpy(labelj, inputLine+69, RLK_LABEL_LENGTH);

	Nread += sscanf(inputLine+35, "%lf", &Ji);
	Nread += sscanf(inputLine+63, "%lf", &Jj);
	if (swap_levels) SWAPDOUBLE(Ji, Jj);
	rlk->gi = 2*Ji + 1;
	rlk->gj = 2*Jj + 1;

	lambda0 = (HPLANCK * CLIGHT) / (rlk->Ej - rlk->Ei);
	rlk->Aji = C / SQ(lambda0) * POW10(gf) / rlk->gj;
	rlk->Bji = CUBE(lambda0) / (2.0 * HPLANCK * CLIGHT) * rlk->Aji;
	rlk->Bij = (rlk->gj / rlk->gi) * rlk->Bji;

        /* --- Store in nm --                          -------------- */

	rlk->lambda0 = lambda0 / NM_TO_M;

	/* --- Get quantum numbers for angular momentum and spin -- - */

        determined = RLKdeterminate(labeli, labelj, rlk);
        rlk->polarizable = (atmos.Stokes && determined);

        /* --- Line broadening --                      -------------- */

	strncpy(Gvalues, inputLine+79, 18);
	Nread += sscanf(Gvalues, "%lf %lf %lf", &Grad, &GStark, &GvdWaals);

	if (GStark != 0.0)
	  rlk->GStark = POW10(GStark) * CUBE(CM_TO_M);
	  rlk->GStark = 0.0;

	if (GvdWaals != 0.0)
	  rlk->GvdWaals = POW10(GvdWaals) * CUBE(CM_TO_M);
	  rlk->GvdWaals = 0.0;

        /* --- If possible use Barklem formalism --    -------------- */

	useBarklem = FALSE;
	if (determined) {
	  if ((rlk->Li == S_ORBIT && rlk->Lj == P_ORBIT) ||
              (rlk->Li == P_ORBIT && rlk->Lj == S_ORBIT)) {
	    useBarklem = getBarklemcross(&bs_SP, rlk);
	  } else if ((rlk->Li == P_ORBIT && rlk->Lj == D_ORBIT) ||
		     (rlk->Li == D_ORBIT && rlk->Lj == P_ORBIT)) {
	    useBarklem = getBarklemcross(&bs_PD, rlk);
	  } else if ((rlk->Li == D_ORBIT && rlk->Lj == F_ORBIT) ||
		     (rlk->Li == F_ORBIT && rlk->Lj == D_ORBIT)) {
	    useBarklem = getBarklemcross(&bs_DF, rlk);
	/* --- Else use good old Unsoeld --            -------------- */

        if (!useBarklem) {
	/* --- Radiative broadening --                 -------------- */

	if (Grad != 0.0) {
	  rlk->Grad = POW10(Grad);
	} else {

	  /* --- Just take the Einstein Aji value, but only if either
                 Stark or vd Waals broadening is in effect -- ------- */

	  if (GStark != 0.0  || GvdWaals != 0.0)
	    rlk->Grad = rlk->Aji;
	  else {
	    rlk->Grad = 0.0;

            /* --- In this case the line is not polarizable because
                   there is no way to determine its damping -- ------ */

	    rlk->polarizable = FALSE;
	/* --- Isotope and hyperfine fractions and slpittings -- ---- */

	Nread += sscanf(inputLine+106, "%d", &rlk->isotope);
	Nread += sscanf(inputLine+108, "%lf", &rlk->isotope_frac);
	rlk->isotope_frac = POW10(rlk->isotope_frac);
	Nread += sscanf(inputLine+117, "%lf", &rlk->hyperfine_frac);
	rlk->hyperfine_frac = POW10(rlk->hyperfine_frac);
	Nread += sscanf(inputLine+123, "%5d%5d", &hfs_i, &hfs_j);
	rlk->hfs_i = ((double) hfs_i) * MILLI * KBOLTZMANN;
	rlk->hfs_j = ((double) hfs_j) * MILLI * KBOLTZMANN;

	/* --- Effective Lande factors --              -------------- */

	Nread += sscanf(inputLine+143, "%5d%5d", &gL_i, &gL_j);
	rlk->gL_i = gL_i * MILLI;
	rlk->gL_j = gL_j * MILLI;
	if (swap_levels) {
	  SWAPDOUBLE(rlk->hfs_i, rlk->hfs_j);
	  SWAPDOUBLE(rlk->gL_i, rlk->gL_j);

	/*      Nread += sscanf(inputLine+154, "%d", &iso_dl); */
	iso_dl = 0;
	rlk->iso_dl = iso_dl * MILLI * ANGSTROM_TO_NM;

	checkNread(Nread, Nrequired=17, routineName, checkPoint=1);
	printf("  Line: %f (vacuum), %f (air)\n"
	       " gi, gj: %f, %f\n"
	       " Ei, Ej: %e, %e\n"
	       " Aji: %e\n"
               " Grad, GStark, GvdWaals: %e, %e, %e\n"
               " VdWaals: %d\n"
	       " hyperfine_frac, isotope_frac: %f, %f\n"
	       " cross, alpha: %e, %e\n\n",
	       rlk->lambda0, lambda_air,
	       rlk->gi, rlk->gj, rlk->Ei, rlk->Ej, rlk->Aji,
	       rlk->Grad, rlk->GStark, rlk->GvdWaals,
	       rlk->hyperfine_frac, rlk->isotope_frac,
	       rlk->cross, rlk->alpha);

    sprintf(messageStr, "Read %d Kurucz lines from file %s\n",
	    Nline, listName);
    Error(MESSAGE, routineName, messageStr);
    atmos.Nrlk += Nline;

