main(int argc, char **argv)
	SWFMovie mo;
	SWFInput in;
	SWFBitmap bitmap;
	SWFShape shpSmt;
	SWFShape shpHrd;
	SWFMovieClip mc;
	SWFDisplayItem it;
	int swfversion;
	SWFFont font;
	SWFMovieClip dejagnuclip;
	char outputFilename[256];
    FILE* imgfile;

	if ( argc < 2 ) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <swf_version>\n", argv[0]);

	swfversion = atoi(argv[1]);
	sprintf(outputFilename, "BitmapSmoothingTest-v%d.swf", swfversion);

	 * Initialization

	puts("Setting things up");

        Ming_useSWFVersion (swfversion);
	mo = newSWFMovieWithVersion(swfversion);

	* Create filled shapes mc
    imgfile = fopen(MEDIADIR"/vstroke.png", "rb");
    if (!imgfile) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open bitmap file");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    // Note that recent ming version have the more convenient
    // newSWFInput_filename() function, but we want to support
    // older versions.
    in = newSWFInput_file(imgfile);
	bitmap = newSWFBitmap_fromInput(in);
	if (!bitmap) {
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	shpSmt = newSWFShapeFromBitmap(bitmap,

	shpHrd = newSWFShapeFromBitmap(bitmap,

	mc = newSWFMovieClip();
	SWFMovieClip_add(mc, (SWFBlock)shpSmt);
	it = SWFMovieClip_add(mc, (SWFBlock)shpHrd);
	SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it, 0, 5);

	* Create filled shapes mc, and scale it

	it = SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)mc);
	SWFDisplayItem_scaleTo(it, 30, 10);

	SWFMovie_setDimension(mo, SWFBitmap_getWidth(bitmap)*30, 500);

	* Add dejagnu clip

	font = get_default_font(MEDIADIR);
	dejagnuclip = get_dejagnu_clip((SWFBlock)font, 10, 0, 0, 200, 200);
	it = SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)dejagnuclip);
	SWFDisplayItem_setDepth(it, 200); 
	SWFDisplayItem_move(it, 0, 100); 

	* TODO: Add actions

	* Save things up

	printf("Saving %s\n", outputFilename);

	SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo); /* showFrame */

	SWFMovie_save(mo, outputFilename);


main(int argc, char** argv)
  SWFMovie mo;
  int frames;
  SWFVideoStream stream;
  SWFDisplayItem item;
  SWFMovieClip dejagnuclip;
  FILE *flv, *font_file;
  SWFFont font;
  char filename[256];
  char fdbfont[1024];

  if ( argc>1 ) mediadir=argv[1];
    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <mediadir>\n", argv[0]);
    return 1;
  sprintf(filename, "%s/square.flv", mediadir);
  flv = fopen(filename, "rb");
  if (flv == NULL) {
	  return -1;

  sprintf(fdbfont, "%s/Bitstream-Vera-Sans.fdb", mediadir);
  font_file = fopen(fdbfont, "r");
  if ( font_file == NULL )

  Ming_useSWFVersion (OUTPUT_VERSION);

  font = loadSWFFontFromFile(font_file);
  mo = newSWFMovie();
  SWFMovie_setDimension(mo, 320, 96);

  if (mo == NULL) return -1;

  SWFMovie_setRate(mo, 5);

  dejagnuclip = get_dejagnu_clip((SWFBlock)font, 10, 0, 0, 200, 200);
  item = SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)dejagnuclip);
  SWFDisplayItem_setDepth(item, 200); 
  SWFDisplayItem_move(item, 140, 0); 

  stream = newSWFVideoStream_fromFile(flv);
  item = SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)stream);
  SWFDisplayItem_setName(item, "vid");

  // A bug in Ming prevents this from working the
  // way I liked it to. It was useful to try this
  // out as it exposed a bad bug in gnash eating up
  // all memory and a few other issues.
  // In order to keep the test *runner* untouched
  // this will be commented out for now. When Ming
  // is fixed I'll like to have two instances of
  // the definition playing one near the other,
  // both playing all frames.
  //item = SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)stream);
  //SWFDisplayItem_move(item, 150, 0);

  // Mouse clicks toggle play/stop
	"_root.onMouseDown = function() {"
	"  if (stopped) { play(); stopped=false; }"
	"  else { stop(); stopped=true; }"

  // Pressing a number jumps to the specified frame
	"_root.onKeyDown = function() {"
	" var fnum = Key.getAscii() - 47;"
	//" trace('going to frame '+fnum);"
	" _root.gotoAndPlay(fnum);"
	"}; Key.addListener(_root);");

  // TODO: dynamic frame rate adjust
  frames = SWFVideoStream_getNumFrames(stream);
  for(; frames > 0; frames--)

  /// Video.clear() should not work on embedded Videos.
  add_actions(mo, "stop(); vid.clear(); trace(vid);");
  add_actions(mo, "note('You should still see the video frame."
          " Click to replay');"
		  "o = {};"
		  "o.onMouseDown = function() { _root.play(); };"


  //Output movie
  puts("Saving " OUTPUT_FILENAME );
  SWFMovie_save(mo, OUTPUT_FILENAME);

  return 0;
main(int argc, char **argv)
    SWFMovie mo;
    SWFDisplayItem it;
    const char *srcdir=".";
    char fdbfont[256];
    SWFMovieClip dejagnuclip;
    SWFFont font;

    puts("Setting things up");

    Ming_useSWFVersion (OUTPUT_VERSION);
    mo = newSWFMovie();
    SWFMovie_setDimension(mo, 800, 600);
    SWFMovie_setRate(mo, 1);

    if (argc > 1) srcdir=argv[1];
    else {
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <mediadir>\n", argv[0]);
        return 1;

    sprintf(fdbfont, "%s/Bitstream-Vera-Sans.fdb", srcdir);
    FILE* font_file = fopen(fdbfont, "r");
    if (!font_file) {

    font = loadSWFFontFromFile(font_file);

    /* Dejagnu equipment */
    dejagnuclip = get_dejagnu_clip((SWFBlock)font, 10, 0, 0, 800, 600);
    it = SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)dejagnuclip);
    SWFDisplayItem_setDepth(it, 200); 
    SWFDisplayItem_move(it, 200, 0); 


            "mc1 = _root.createEmptyMovieClip('mc1', 34);"
            "mc2 = mc1.createEmptyMovieClip('mc2', 35);"
            "with(mc2) {"
            "   moveTo(100, 100);"
            "   beginFill(0x20fff0);"
            "   lineTo(100, 200);"
            "   lineTo(200, 200);"
            "   lineTo(200, 100);"
            "_root.onMouseUp = function() { play(); };"
    // One has all the functions, one has __resolve.
            "resolveevents = [];"
            "events = [];"
            "mc1.__resolve = function(a) { resolveevents.push(a); };"
            "mc2.onEnterFrame = function() { events.push('onEnterFrame'); };"
            "mc2.onMouseDown = function() { events.push('onMouseDown'); };"
            "mc2.onMouseUp = function() { events.push('onMouseUp'); };"
            // Gnash sends a bogus event here, but we're not testing that!
            //"mc2.onLoad = function() { events.push('onLoad'); };"
            "mc2.onPress = function() { events.push('onPress'); };"
            "mc2.onRelease = function() { events.push('onRelease'); };"
            "mc2.onRollOver = function() { events.push('onRollOver'); };"
            "mc2.onRollOut = function() { events.push('onRollOut'); };"
            "mc2.onInitialize = function() { events.push('onInitialize'); };"
            "mc2.onConstruct = function() { events.push('onConstruct'); };"
            "mc2.onReleaseOutside = function() { events.push('onReleaseOutside'); };"
            "mc2.onDragOver = function() { events.push('onDragOver'); };"
            "mc2.func = function() { events.push('func'); };"

    add_actions(mo, "_root.note('Do not touch anything!');");

    // The ones called manually should appear in both.
    check_equals(mo, "events.toString()", "'func,onEnterFrame,onRollOver'");
    check_equals(mo, "resolveevents.toString()",

    check_equals(mo, "events.toString()",
    check_equals(mo, "resolveevents.toString()",
    // Otherwise the number is unpredictable.
    add_actions(mo, "mc2.onEnterFrame = function() {};");

    add_actions(mo, "stop();");
    add_actions(mo, "_root.note('Move over square, click and release!');");


    // Expect rollover, onMouseDown, onMouseUp, onRelease
    check_equals(mo, "events.toString()",
    check_equals(mo, "resolveevents.toString()",

    add_actions(mo, "_root.note('Move out of square, click and release!');");
    add_actions(mo, "stop();");
    check_equals(mo, "events.toString()",
    check_equals(mo, "resolveevents.toString()",
            "mevents = [];"
            "ressiz = resolveevents.length;"
            "mc2.onMouseMove = function() { mevents.push('onMouseMove'); };");
    // Last test!
    add_actions(mo, "_root.note('Move the mouse about, then click');");

    add_actions(mo, "stop();");
    // Check that mouse events aren't carried to resolve.
    check_equals(mo, "mevents[0]", "'onMouseMove'");
    check_equals(mo, "resolveevents.length", "ressiz");

    add_actions(mo, "_root.note('End of test!');");

    // Finish and save
    add_actions(mo, "stop();");

    puts("Saving " OUTPUT_FILENAME );
    SWFMovie_save(mo, OUTPUT_FILENAME);
    return 0;
main(int argc, char **argv)
	SWFMovie mo;
	SWFDisplayItem it;
	const char *srcdir=".";
	char fdbfont[256];
	SWFMovieClip dejagnuclip;

	 * Initialization

	puts("Setting things up");

        Ming_useSWFVersion (OUTPUT_VERSION);
	mo = newSWFMovie();
	SWFMovie_setDimension(mo, 800, 600);
	SWFMovie_setRate(mo, 1);

	if ( argc>1 ) srcdir=argv[1];
		fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <mediadir>\n", argv[0]);
		return 1;

	sprintf(fdbfont, "%s/Bitstream-Vera-Sans.fdb", srcdir);
	FILE *font_file = fopen(fdbfont, "r");
	if ( font_file == NULL )
	/*SWFBrowserFont bfont = newSWFBrowserFont("_sans");*/
	font = loadSWFFontFromFile(font_file);

	/* Dejagnu equipment */
	dejagnuclip = get_dejagnu_clip((SWFBlock)font, 10, 0, 0, 800, 600);
	it = SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)dejagnuclip);
  	SWFDisplayItem_setDepth(it, 200); 
  	SWFDisplayItem_move(it, 200, 0); 

	add_text_field(mo, "textfield", "_root.msg", "Button events", 10, 0, 5);
	add_text_field(mo, "textfield2", "_root.msg2", "Mouse events", 11, 0, 100);
	add_text_field(mo, "textfield3", "_root.msg3", "Key events", 12, 0, 80);


	 * Add button

	it = add_button(mo);
	SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it, 40, 30);
	SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "square1");
	SWFDisplayItem_setDepth(it, 2);

	// Mouse pointer events
	//add_actions(mo, "square1.button.onRollOver = function() { _root.msg2 = 'RollOver'; };");
	//add_actions(mo, "square1.button.onRollOut = function() { _root.msg2 = 'RollOut'; };");

	// Mouse buttons events
	//add_actions(mo, "square1.button.onPress = function() { _root.msg2 = 'Press'; };");
	//add_actions(mo, "square1.button.onRelease = function() { _root.msg2 = 'Release'; gotoAndStop(1); };");
	//add_actions(mo, "square1.button.onReleaseOutside = function() { _root.msg2 = 'ReleaseOutside'; };");

	// Focus events
	add_actions(mo, "square1.button.onSetFocus = function() { _root.msg3 = 'SetFocus'; };");

	// Key events - button needs focus for these to work
	add_actions(mo, "square1.button.onKeyDown = function() { _root.msg3 = 'KeyDown'; };");
	add_actions(mo, "square1.button.onKeyUp = function() { _root.msg3 = 'KeyUp'; };");

	SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo); /* showFrame */

	 * On second frame, add a shape at lower depth 

		SWFShape sh = make_fill_square(0, 0, 120, 120, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 0);
		SWFDisplayItem itsh = SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)sh);
		SWFDisplayItem_setDepth(itsh, 1);

		SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo); /* showFrame */

	 * On third frame, add a shape at higher depth 

		SWFShape sh = make_fill_square(0, 0, 120, 120, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 0);
		SWFDisplayItem itsh = SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)sh);
		SWFDisplayItem_setDepth(itsh, 3);
		SWFDisplayItem_setColorAdd(itsh, 0, 0, 0, -128);

		SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo); /* showFrame */

	 * On third frame, add a shape at higher depth 


			"square1.button.enabled = false;"
			//"_root.msg = _root.msg2 = _root.msg3 = 'Idle';"
		SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo); /* showFrame */

	 * Save it...

	puts("Saving " OUTPUT_FILENAME );

	SWFMovie_save(mo, OUTPUT_FILENAME);

	return 0;
main(int argc, char **argv)
	SWFMovie mo;
	SWFDisplayItem it;
	const char *srcdir=".";
	SWFMovieClip dejagnuclip;

	 * Initialization

	puts("Setting things up");

        Ming_useSWFVersion (OUTPUT_VERSION);
	mo = newSWFMovie();
	SWFMovie_setDimension(mo, 800, 600);
	SWFMovie_setRate(mo, 12);

	if ( argc>1 ) srcdir=argv[1];
		fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <mediadir>\n", argv[0]);
		return 1;

	font = get_default_font(srcdir); 

	/* Dejagnu equipment */
	dejagnuclip = get_dejagnu_clip((SWFBlock)font, 10, 0, 0, 800, 600);
	it = SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)dejagnuclip);
  	SWFDisplayItem_setDepth(it, 200); 
  	SWFDisplayItem_move(it, 200, 0); 

	add_text_field(mo, "textfield", "_root.msg", "Button events", 10, 0, 5);
	add_text_field(mo, "textfield2", "_root.msg2", "Mouse events", 11, 0, 100);
	add_text_field(mo, "textfield3", "_root.msg3", "Key events", 12, 0, 80);

	SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo); /* showFrame */

	 * Add button

	it = add_button(mo);
	SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it, 40, 30);
	SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "square1");
	SWFDisplayItem_setDepth(it, 2);

		"function printBounds(b) {"
		"   return ''+Math.round(b.xMin*100)/100+','+Math.round(b.yMin*100)/100+' '+Math.round(b.xMax*100)/100+','+Math.round(b.yMax*100)/100;"

	// Mouse pointer events

		"square1.button.onRollOver = function() { "
		"	_root.msg2 = 'RollOver'; "
		// Target is the one this function was defined in
		"	check_equals(_target, '/');"

		"square1.button.onRollOut = function() {"
		"	_root.msg2 = 'RollOut'; "
		// Target is the one this function was defined in
		"	check_equals(_target, '/');"

	// Mouse buttons events

		"square1.button.onPress = function() {"
		"	_root.msg2 = 'Press'; "
		// Target is the one this function was defined in
		"	check_equals(_target, '/');"

		"square1.button.onRelease = function() {"
		"	_root.msg2 = 'Release'; "
		// Target is the one this function was defined in
		"	check_equals(_target, '/');"

		"square1.button.onReleaseOutside = function() {"
		"	_root.msg2 = 'ReleaseOutside'; "
		// Target is the one this function was defined in
		"	check_equals(_target, '/');"

	// Focus events

		"square1.button.onSetFocus = function() {"
		"	_root.msg3 = 'SetFocus';"
		// Target is the one this function was defined in
		"	check_equals(_target, '/');"

	// Key events - button needs focus for these to work

		"square1.button.onKeyDown = function() {"
		"	_root.msg3 = 'KeyDown';"
		// Target is the one this function was defined in
		"	check_equals(_target, '/');"

		"square1.button.onKeyUp = function() {"
		"	_root.msg3 = 'KeyUp';"
		// Target is the one this function was defined in
		"	check_equals(_target, '/');"

	SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo); /* showFrame */

	 * On second frame, check construction of the button
	 * DisplayObject states and give instructions to proceed

	add_actions(mo, "Array.prototype.realLength = function() {"
		" var l=0; for (var i in this) { "
		"	if (Number(i) == i) l++;" /* count only numbers */
		" };"
		" return l;"

	/* buttonChild was initialized with 2 elements */
	check_equals(mo, "typeof(_root.buttonChild)", "'object'");
	check(mo, "_root.buttonChild instanceof Array");
	check_equals(mo, "_root.buttonChild.realLength()", "2"); /* UP and ALL states */

	/* sprite for ALL states */
	check_equals(mo, "typeof(_root.buttonChild[10])", "'object'");
	check_equals(mo, "(_root.buttonChild[10].nam)", "'_level0.square1.button.instance5'"); 
	check_equals(mo, "(_root.buttonChild[10].exe)", "1");
	check_equals(mo, "(_root.buttonChild[10].uld)", "0");

	/* sprite for UP state */
	check_equals(mo, "typeof(_root.buttonChild[12])", "'object'");
	check_equals(mo, "(_root.buttonChild[12].nam)", "'_level0.square1.button.instance6'"); 
	check_equals(mo, "(_root.buttonChild[12].exe)", "1");
	check_equals(mo, "(_root.buttonChild[12].uld)", "0");
	check_equals(mo, "_level0.square1.button.instance6._name", "'instance6'");
	check_equals(mo, "_level0.square1.button.instance6.getDepth()", "-16371");

	/* sprite for HIT state not constructed */
	check_equals(mo, "typeof(_root.buttonChild[11])", "'undefined'");

	/* sprite for DOWN state not constructed */
	check_equals(mo, "typeof(_root.buttonChild[13])", "'undefined'"); 

		/*"_root.note('buttonChild is '+dumpObj(_root.buttonChild));"*/
		"_root.square1.onRollOut = function() { _root.testno++; delete _root.square1.onRollOut; nextFrame(); };"
		"0. Roll over and out the red square, not touching the small dark-red square in it."

	/* hitTest should work on every child, not just first added */
	check(mo, "_level0.square1.hitTest(60,60,true)");

	SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo); /* showFrame */

	 * On third frame, start the button event test

		/*"_root.note('buttonChild is '+dumpObj(_root.buttonChild));"*/
		"1. Roll over the red square."

	SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo); /* showFrame */

	 * On fourth frame, add a shape at lower depth,
	 * and check bounds of square1

		SWFShape sh = make_fill_square(0, 0, 120, 120, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 0);
		SWFDisplayItem itsh = SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)sh);
		SWFDisplayItem_setDepth(itsh, 1);

		check_equals(mo, "printBounds(square1.getBounds())", "'-0.05,-0.05 40.05,40.05'");

		/* buttonChild should now have a total of 4 elements (UP,DOWN, OVER and ALL states) */
		check_equals(mo, "typeof(_root.buttonChild)", "'object'");
		check(mo, "_root.buttonChild instanceof Array");
		check_equals(mo, "_root.buttonChild.realLength()", "4"); 

		/* sprite for ALL states */
		check_equals(mo, "typeof(_root.buttonChild[10])", "'object'");
		check_equals(mo, "(_root.buttonChild[10].nam)", "'_level0.square1.button.instance5'"); 
		check_equals(mo, "(_root.buttonChild[10].exe)", "1");
		check_equals(mo, "(_root.buttonChild[10].uld)", "0");

		/* sprite for UP state */
		check_equals(mo, "typeof(_root.buttonChild[12])", "'object'");
		check_equals(mo, "(_root.buttonChild[12].nam)", "'_level0.square1.button.instance6'"); 
		check_equals(mo, "(_root.buttonChild[12].exe)", "3"); 
		check_equals(mo, "(_root.buttonChild[12].uld)", "2");

		/* sprite for OVER state */
		check_equals(mo, "typeof(_root.buttonChild[13])", "'object'");
		check_equals(mo, "(_root.buttonChild[13].nam)", "'_level0.square1.button.instance7'"); 
		check_equals(mo, "(_root.buttonChild[13].exe)", "4");
		check_equals(mo, "(_root.buttonChild[13].uld)", "4");

		/* sprite for DOWN state */
		check_equals(mo, "typeof(_root.buttonChild[14])", "'object'");
		check_equals(mo, "(_root.buttonChild[14].nam)", "'_level0.square1.button.instance8'"); 
		check_equals(mo, "(_root.buttonChild[14].exe)", "2");
		check_equals(mo, "(_root.buttonChild[14].uld)", "2");

		/* sprite for HIT state never constructed */
		check_equals(mo, "typeof(_root.buttonChild[11])", "'undefined'"); 

			"_root.note('-- Added shape at lower depth --');"
			"_root.note(_root.testno+'. Roll over the square.');"

		SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo); /* showFrame */

	 * On fifth frame, add a shape at higher depth 

		SWFShape sh = make_fill_square(0, 0, 120, 120, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 0);
		SWFDisplayItem itsh = SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)sh);
		SWFDisplayItem_setDepth(itsh, 3);
		SWFDisplayItem_setColorAdd(itsh, 0, 0, 0, -128);

		/* buttonChild should now have a total of 4 elements (UP,DOWN, OVER and ALL states) */
		check_equals(mo, "typeof(_root.buttonChild)", "'object'");
		check(mo, "_root.buttonChild instanceof Array");
		check_equals(mo, "_root.buttonChild.realLength()", "4"); 

		/* sprite for ALL states */
		check_equals(mo, "typeof(_root.buttonChild[10])", "'object'");
		check_equals(mo, "(_root.buttonChild[10].nam)", "'_level0.square1.button.instance5'"); 
		check_equals(mo, "(_root.buttonChild[10].exe)", "1");
		check_equals(mo, "(_root.buttonChild[10].uld)", "0");

		/* sprite for UP state */
		check_equals(mo, "typeof(_root.buttonChild[12])", "'object'");
		check_equals(mo, "(_root.buttonChild[12].nam)", "'_level0.square1.button.instance6'"); 
		check_equals(mo, "(_root.buttonChild[12].exe)", "5"); 
		check_equals(mo, "(_root.buttonChild[12].uld)", "4");

		/* sprite for OVER state */
		check_equals(mo, "typeof(_root.buttonChild[13])", "'object'");
		check_equals(mo, "(_root.buttonChild[13].nam)", "'_level0.square1.button.instance7'"); 
		check_equals(mo, "(_root.buttonChild[13].exe)", "8");
		check_equals(mo, "(_root.buttonChild[13].uld)", "8");

		/* sprite for DOWN state */
		check_equals(mo, "typeof(_root.buttonChild[14])", "'object'");
		check_equals(mo, "(_root.buttonChild[14].nam)", "'_level0.square1.button.instance8'"); 
		check_equals(mo, "(_root.buttonChild[14].exe)", "4");
		check_equals(mo, "(_root.buttonChild[14].uld)", "4");

		/* sprite for HIT state never constructed */
		check_equals(mo, "typeof(_root.buttonChild[11])", "'undefined'"); 

			"_root.note('-- Added shape at higher depth --');"
			"_root.note(_root.testno+'. Roll over the square.');"

		SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo); /* showFrame */

	 * On sixth frame, disable the button
	 * and check total tests so far


            "check_equals(square1.button.enabled, true);"
			"square1.button.enabled = 6;"
            "check_equals(square1.button.enabled, 6);"
			"square1.button.enabled = 'string';"
            "check_equals(square1.button.enabled, 'string');"
            "square1.button._visible = false;"
            "check_equals(square1.button.enabled, 'string');"
            "square1.button._visible = true;"
			"square1.button.enabled = false;"
			"_root.note('-- Button disabled, try playing with it, nothing should happen --');"
		SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo); /* showFrame */

	 * Save it...

	puts("Saving " OUTPUT_FILENAME );

	SWFMovie_save(mo, OUTPUT_FILENAME);

	return 0;
文件: minghsp.c 项目: tkhaga/MingHSP
EXPORT BOOL WINAPI i_move(float x, float y, int p3, int p4)
	lstrcpy(funcname, "i_move");
	SWFDisplayItem_move(mhsp_item, x, y);
	return 0;
int main(void)
        // Create local variables
        int i;
        SWFDisplayItem image_display_item;
        SWFFont font_object;
        SWFMovie test_movie;
        SWFText text_object;

        // Initialise the movie structure in memory
        test_movie = newSWFMovieWithVersion(7);

        // Set the desired compression level 
		// for the output (9 = maximum compression)

        // Set the background color for the movie
        SWFMovie_setBackground(test_movie, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00);

        // Adjust the dimensions of the movie
        SWFMovie_setDimension(test_movie, 800, 600);

        // Set the frame rate for the movie to 24 frames per second
        SWFMovie_setRate(test_movie, 24.0);

        // Load a font from disk
        font_object = newSWFFont_fromFile("../../fonts/vera/Vera.ttf");
        if (NULL == font_object)
                // Something went wrong, so exit
                printf("Unable to load font from file.\n");
                return EXIT_FAILURE;

        // Create a new, empty text object
        text_object = newSWFText();

        // Tell the text object to use the font previously loaded
        SWFText_setFont(text_object, font_object);

        // Set the height of the text
        SWFText_setHeight(text_object, 18.0);

        // Set the color of the text
        SWFText_setColor(text_object, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff);

        // Add a string to the text object
        SWFText_addString(text_object, "This is some example text", NULL);

        // Add the text object to the movie (at 0,0)
        image_display_item = SWFMovie_add(test_movie, (SWFBlock) text_object);

        // Move to 100, 100
        SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(image_display_item, 100.00, 100.0);

        // Progressively move the text down and to the right
        for (i = 0; i <= 250; i++)
                SWFDisplayItem_move(image_display_item, 2, 2);

        // Save the swf movie file to disk
        SWFMovie_save(test_movie, "ming-test-text.swf");

        // Free the swf movie in memory

        // Free the swf text object

        return EXIT_SUCCESS;
main(int argc, char **argv)
	SWFMovie mo;
	SWFDisplayItem it;
	const char *srcdir=".";
	SWFMovieClip dejagnuclip;

	 * Initialization

	puts("Setting things up");

        Ming_useSWFVersion (OUTPUT_VERSION);
	mo = newSWFMovie();
	SWFMovie_setDimension(mo, 800, 600);
	SWFMovie_setRate(mo, 12);

	if ( argc>1 ) srcdir=argv[1];
		fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <mediadir>\n", argv[0]);
		return 1;

	font = get_default_font(srcdir); 

	/* Dejagnu equipment */
	dejagnuclip = get_dejagnu_clip((SWFBlock)font, 10, 0, 0, 800, 600);
	it = SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)dejagnuclip);
  	SWFDisplayItem_setDepth(it, 200); 
  	SWFDisplayItem_move(it, 200, 0); 

	SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo); /* showFrame */

	 * Add button

	it = add_button(mo);
	SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it, 40, 30);
	SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "square1");
	SWFDisplayItem_setDepth(it, 2);

    /* This button has one character per state. It shows that each state
     * except HIT generates one new instance and deletes the old one.
     * HIT deletes the old instance property and does not add a new one.

    add_actions(mo, "note('This is a very simple test. Do anything you like "
            "with the buttons and you should get no failures');");

    add_actions(mo, "var c = 2;");
            "props = function() {"
            "   s=''; "
            "   for (i in square1.button) { "
            "       if (i.substr(0, 8) == 'instance') { s += i; }; "
            "   };"
            "   return s;"
    add_actions(mo, "check_equals(props(), 'instance' + c++);");
            "square1.button.onRollOver = function() {"
            "   check_equals(props(), '');"
            "square1.button.onRollOut = function() {"
            "   check_equals(props(), 'instance' + c++);"
            "square1.button.onMouseDown = function() {"
            "   check_equals(props(), 'instance' + c++);"
            "square1.button.onPress = function() {"
            "   check_equals(props(), 'instance' + c++);"
            "square1.button.onRelease = function() {"
            "   check_equals(props(), '');"
            "square1.button.onReleaseOutside = function() {"
            "   check_equals(props(), 'instance' + c++);"
    //add_actions(mo, "onEnterFrame = function() { props(); trace (s); };");
    add_actions(mo, "stop();");
	SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo); /* showFrame */

	 * Save it...

	puts("Saving " OUTPUT_FILENAME );

	SWFMovie_save(mo, OUTPUT_FILENAME);

	return 0;