ArgsChoiceControl(wxWindow* parent, vector<arg_val_t>& choices) : ArgsControl(parent), choices(choices) { choice_control = new wxComboBox(this, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(100, -1)); choice_control->SetValidator(ComboBoxAwareIntegerValidator<unsigned char>()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < choices.size(); i++) { choice_control->Append( S_FMT("%d: %s", choices[i].value, choices[i].name)); } GetSizer()->Add(choice_control, wxSizerFlags().Expand()); }
SLADECrashDialog(SLADEStackTrace& st) : wxDialog(wxTheApp->GetTopWindow(), -1, "SLADE3 Application Crash") { // Setup sizer wxBoxSizer* sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); SetSizer(sizer); // Add general crash method string message = "SLADE3 has crashed unexpectedly. To help fix the problem that caused this crash,\nplease copy+paste the information from the window below to a text file, and email\nit to <*****@*****.**> along with a description of what you were\ndoing at the time of the crash. Sorry for the inconvenience."; sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, message), 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALL, 4); // Setup stack trace string string trace = S_FMT("Version: %s\n", Global::version); if (current_action.IsEmpty()) trace += "No current action\n"; else trace += S_FMT("Current action: %s", current_action); trace += "\n"; trace += st.getTraceString(); // Add stack trace text area text_stack = new wxTextCtrl(this, -1, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_MULTILINE|wxTE_READONLY|wxHSCROLL); text_stack->SetValue(trace); text_stack->SetFont(wxFont(8, wxFONTFAMILY_MODERN, wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wxFONTWEIGHT_NORMAL)); sizer->Add(text_stack, 1, wxEXPAND|wxALL, 4); // Dump stack trace to a file (just in case) wxFile file(appPath("slade3_crash.log", DIR_USER), wxFile::write); file.Write(trace); file.Close(); // Add standard 'OK' button sizer->Add(CreateStdDialogButtonSizer(wxOK), 0, wxEXPAND|wxALL, 4); // Setup layout Layout(); SetInitialSize(wxSize(500, 500)); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Loads [entry] into the EntryPanel. // Returns false if the map was invalid, true otherwise // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool MapEntryPanel::loadEntry(ArchiveEntry* entry) { // Clear current map data map_canvas_->clearMap(); // Find map definition for entry vector<Archive::MapDesc> maps = entry->getParent()->detectMaps(); Archive::MapDesc thismap; bool found = false; for (unsigned a = 0; a < maps.size(); a++) { if (maps[a].head == entry) { thismap = maps[a]; found = true; break; } } // All errors = invalid map Global::error = "Invalid map"; // There is no map entry for the map marker. // This may happen if a map marker lump is copy/pasted without the rest of the map lumps. if (!found) { entry->setType(EntryType::unknownType()); EntryType::detectEntryType(entry); return false; } // Load map into preview canvas if (map_canvas_->openMap(thismap)) { label_stats_->SetLabel(S_FMT( "Vertices: %d, Sides: %d, Lines: %d, Sectors: %d, Things: %d, Total Size: %dx%d", map_canvas_->nVertices(), map_canvas_->nSides(), map_canvas_->nLines(), map_canvas_->nSectors(), map_canvas_->nThings(), map_canvas_->getWidth(), map_canvas_->getHeight())); return true; } label_stats_->SetLabel(""); return false; }
wxString MOPGAngleProperty::ValueToString(wxVariant &value, int argFlags) const { int angle = value.GetInteger(); switch (angle) { case 0: return "0: East"; break; case 45: return "45: Northeast"; break; case 90: return "90: North"; break; case 135: return "135: Northwest"; break; case 180: return "180: West"; break; case 225: return "225: Southwest"; break; case 270: return "270: South"; break; case 315: return "315: Southeast"; break; default: return S_FMT("%d", angle); break; } }
/* CTexture::asText * Returns a string representation of the texture, in ZDoom TEXTURES * format *******************************************************************/ string CTexture::asText() { // Can't write non-extended texture as text if (!extended) return ""; // Init text string string text; if (optional) text = S_FMT("%s Optional %s, %d, %d\n{\n", CHR(type), CHR(name), width, height); else text = S_FMT("%s %s, %d, %d\n{\n", CHR(type), CHR(name), width, height); // Write texture properties if (scale_x != 1.0) text += S_FMT("\tXScale %1.1f\n", scale_x); if (scale_y != 1.0) text += S_FMT("\tYScale %1.1f\n", scale_y); if (offset_x != 0 || offset_y != 0) text += S_FMT("\tOffset %d, %d\n", offset_x, offset_y); if (world_panning) text += "\tWorldPanning\n"; if (no_decals) text += "\tNoDecals\n"; if (null_texture) text += "\tNullTexture\n"; // Write patches for (unsigned a = 0; a < patches.size(); a++) text += ((CTPatchEx*)patches[a])->asText(); // Write ending text += "}\n\n"; return text; }
/* MapEditorWindow::saveLayout * Saves the current window layout to a file *******************************************************************/ void MapEditorWindow::saveLayout() { // Open layout file wxFile file(appPath("mapwindow.layout", DIR_USER), wxFile::write); // Write component layout wxAuiManager* m_mgr = wxAuiManager::GetManager(this); // Console pane file.Write("\"console\" "); string pinf = m_mgr->SavePaneInfo(m_mgr->GetPane("console")); file.Write(S_FMT("\"%s\"\n", pinf)); // Item info pane file.Write("\"item_props\" "); pinf = m_mgr->SavePaneInfo(m_mgr->GetPane("item_props")); file.Write(S_FMT("\"%s\"\n", pinf)); // Script editor pane file.Write("\"script_editor\" "); pinf = m_mgr->SavePaneInfo(m_mgr->GetPane("script_editor")); file.Write(S_FMT("\"%s\"\n", pinf)); // Map checks pane file.Write("\"map_checks\" "); pinf = m_mgr->SavePaneInfo(m_mgr->GetPane("map_checks")); file.Write(S_FMT("\"%s\"\n", pinf)); // Undo history pane file.Write("\"undo_history\" "); pinf = m_mgr->SavePaneInfo(m_mgr->GetPane("undo_history")); file.Write(S_FMT("\"%s\"\n", pinf)); // Close file file.Close(); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TextLanguage::getAutocompletionList // // Returns a string containing all words and functions that can be used // directly in scintilla for an autocompletion list // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- string TextLanguage::autocompletionList(string start, bool include_custom) { // Firstly, add all functions and word lists to a wxArrayString wxArrayString list; start = start.Lower(); // Add word lists for (unsigned type = 0; type < 4; type++) { for (auto& word : word_lists_[type].list) if (word.Lower().StartsWith(start)) list.Add(S_FMT("%s?%d", word, type + 1)); if (!include_custom) continue; for (auto& word : word_lists_custom_[type].list) if (word.Lower().StartsWith(start)) list.Add(S_FMT("%s?%d", word, type + 1)); } // Add functions for (auto& func : functions_) if ( list.Add(S_FMT("%s%s",, "?3")); // Sort the list list.Sort(); // Now build a string of the list items separated by spaces string ret; for (unsigned a = 0; a < list.size(); a++) ret += list[a] + " "; return ret; }
/* AnimatedEntryPanel::onSwirlChanged * Called when the 'swirl' checkbox is toggled *******************************************************************/ void AnimatedEntryPanel::onSwirlChanged(wxCommandEvent& e) { if (cbox_swirl->GetValue() != ae_current->getSpeed() > 65535) { ae_modified = true; setModified(true); if (cbox_swirl->GetValue()) ae_current->setSpeed(65536); else ae_current->setSpeed(8); text_speed->ChangeValue(S_FMT("%d", ae_current->getSpeed())); } }
/* MapEntryPanel::createImage * Creates a PNG file of the map preview * as well as for image size *******************************************************************/ bool MapEntryPanel::createImage() { if (entry == NULL) return false; ArchiveEntry temp; // Stupid OpenGL grumble grumble grumble if (GLEW_ARB_framebuffer_object) map_canvas->createImage(temp, map_image_width, map_image_height); else map_canvas->createImage(temp, min<int>(map_image_width, map_canvas->GetSize().x), min<int>(map_image_height, map_canvas->GetSize().y)); string name = S_FMT("%s_%s", entry->getParent()->getFilename(false), entry->getName()); wxFileName fn(name); // Create save file dialog wxFileDialog dialog_save(this, S_FMT("Save Map Preview \"%s\"", name), dir_last, fn.GetFullName(), "PNG (*.PNG)|*.png", wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT, wxDefaultPosition); // Run the dialog & check that the user didn't cancel if (dialog_save.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { // If a filename was selected, export it bool ret = temp.exportFile(dialog_save.GetPath()); // Save 'dir_last' dir_last = dialog_save.GetDirectory(); // Open the saved image wxLaunchDefaultApplication(dialog_save.GetPath()); return ret; } return true; }
/* GfxEntryPanel::sliderZoomChanged * Called when the zoom slider is changed *******************************************************************/ void GfxEntryPanel::onZoomChanged(wxCommandEvent& e) { // Get zoom value int zoom_percent = slider_zoom->GetValue(); // Lock to 10% increments int remainder = zoom_percent % 10; zoom_percent -= remainder; // Update zoom label label_current_zoom->SetLabel(S_FMT("%d%%", zoom_percent)); // Zoom gfx canvas and update gfx_canvas->setScale((double)zoom_percent * 0.01); gfx_canvas->Refresh(); }
/* ActionSpecial::reset * Resets all values to defaults *******************************************************************/ void ActionSpecial::reset() { // Reset variables name = "Unknown"; group = ""; tagged = 0; // Reset args for (unsigned a = 0; a < 5; a++) { args[a].name = S_FMT("Arg%d", a+1); args[a].type = ARGT_NUMBER; args[a].custom_flags.clear(); args[a].custom_values.clear(); } }
/* TextureEditorPanel::onZoomChanged * Called when the zoom slider is changed *******************************************************************/ void TextureEditorPanel::onZoomChanged(wxCommandEvent& e) { // Get zoom value int zoom_percent = slider_zoom->GetValue(); // Lock to 10% increments int remainder = zoom_percent % 10; zoom_percent -= remainder; // Update zoom label label_current_zoom->SetLabel(S_FMT("%d%%", zoom_percent)); // Zoom gfx canvas and update tex_canvas->setScale((double)zoom_percent * 0.01); tex_canvas->redraw(false); }
/* ArchiveManager::openBaseResource * Opens the base resource archive [index] *******************************************************************/ bool ArchiveManager::openBaseResource(int index) { // Check we're opening a different archive if (base_resource_archive && base_resource == index) return true; // Close/delete current base resource archive if (base_resource_archive) { theResourceManager->removeArchive(base_resource_archive); delete base_resource_archive; base_resource_archive = NULL; } // Check index if (index < 0 || (unsigned)index >= base_resource_paths.size()) { base_resource = -1; announce("base_resource_changed"); return false; } // Create archive based on file type string filename = base_resource_paths[index]; if (WadArchive::isWadArchive(filename)) base_resource_archive = new WadArchive(); else if (ZipArchive::isZipArchive(filename)) base_resource_archive = new ZipArchive(); else return false; // Attempt to open the file theSplashWindow->show(S_FMT("Opening %s...", filename), true); if (base_resource_archive->open(filename)) { base_resource = index; theSplashWindow->hide(); theResourceManager->addArchive(base_resource_archive); announce("base_resource_changed"); return true; } delete base_resource_archive; base_resource_archive = NULL; theSplashWindow->hide(); announce("base_resource_changed"); return false; }
void MOPGThingTypeProperty::openObjects(vector<MapObject*>& objects) { // Reset arg property names for (unsigned a = 0; a < 5; a++) { if (args[a]) { args[a]->SetLabel(S_FMT("Arg%d", a+1)); args[a]->SetHelpString(""); } } // Set unspecified if no objects given if (objects.size() == 0) { SetValueToUnspecified(); return; } // Get property of first object int first = objects[0]->intProperty(GetName()); // Check whether all objects share the same value for (unsigned a = 1; a < objects.size(); a++) { if (objects[a]->intProperty(GetName()) != first) { // Different value found, set unspecified SetValueToUnspecified(); return; } } // Set to common value noupdate = true; if (!parent->showAll() && udmf_prop && !udmf_prop->showAlways() && udmf_prop->getDefaultValue().getIntValue() == first) Hide(true); else Hide(false); SetValue(first); noupdate = false; // Set arg property names ThingType* tt = theGameConfiguration->thingType(first); for (unsigned a = 0; a < 5; a++) { if (!args[a]) continue; args[a]->SetLabel(tt->getArg(a).name); args[a]->SetHelpString(tt->getArg(a).desc); } }
/* ArchiveEntry::exportFile * Exports entry data to a file. * Returns false if file cannot be written, true otherwise *******************************************************************/ bool ArchiveEntry::exportFile(string filename) { // Attempt to open file wxFile file(filename, wxFile::write); // Check it opened ok if (!file.IsOpened()) { Global::error = S_FMT("Unable to open file %s for writing", filename); return false; } // Write entry data to the file file.Write(getData(), this->getSize()); return true; }
/* Executables::writeExecutables * Writes all executable definitions as text *******************************************************************/ string Executables::writeExecutables() { string ret = "executables\n{\n"; // Write game exes for (auto& exe : game_exes) { // ID ret += S_FMT("\tgame_exe %s\n\t{\n",; // Name ret += S_FMT("\t\tname = \"%s\";\n",; // Exe name ret += S_FMT("\t\texe_name = \"%s\";\n\n", exe.exe_name); // Configs for (auto& config : exe.configs) ret += S_FMT( "\t\tconfig \"%s\" = \"%s\";\n", config.key, StringUtils::escapedString(config.value) ); ret += "\t}\n\n"; } // Write external exes for (auto& exe : external_exes) { // Name ret += S_FMT("\texternal_exe \"%s\"\n\t{\n",; // Entry Category ret += S_FMT("\t\tcategory = \"%s\";\n", exe.category); // Path string path = exe.path; path.Replace("\\", "/"); ret += S_FMT("\t\tpath = \"%s\";\n", path); ret += "\t}\n\n"; } ret += "}\n"; return ret; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Opens the base resource archive [index] // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ArchiveManager::openBaseResource(int index) { // Check we're opening a different archive if (base_resource_archive_ && base_resource == index) return true; // Close/delete current base resource archive if (base_resource_archive_) { theResourceManager->removeArchive(base_resource_archive_.get()); base_resource_archive_ = nullptr; } // Check index if (index < 0 || (unsigned)index >= base_resource_paths_.size()) { base_resource = -1; announce("base_resource_changed"); return false; } // Create archive based on file type string filename = base_resource_paths_[index]; if (WadArchive::isWadArchive(filename)) base_resource_archive_ = std::make_unique<WadArchive>(); else if (ZipArchive::isZipArchive(filename)) base_resource_archive_ = std::make_unique<ZipArchive>(); else return false; // Attempt to open the file UI::showSplash(S_FMT("Opening %s...", filename), true); if (base_resource_archive_->open(filename)) { base_resource = index; UI::hideSplash(); theResourceManager->addArchive(base_resource_archive_.get()); announce("base_resource_changed"); return true; } base_resource_archive_ = nullptr; UI::hideSplash(); announce("base_resource_changed"); return false; }
/* TextStylePrefsPanel::onBtnSaveStyleSet * Called when the 'Save' style set button is clicked *******************************************************************/ void TextStylePrefsPanel::onBtnSaveStyleSet(wxCommandEvent& e) { // Get name for set string name = wxGetTextFromUser("Enter Style Set name:", "Save Style Set"); if (name.IsEmpty()) return; // Create temp styleset StyleSet ss_temp(name); ss_temp.copySet(&ss_current); // Remove spaces from name (for filename) name.Replace(" ", "_"); // Write set to file string filename = appPath(S_FMT("text_styles/%s.sss", name), DIR_USER); ss_temp.writeFile(filename); }
/* KeyBind::mbName * Returns a string representation of mouse [button] *******************************************************************/ string KeyBind::mbName(int button) { switch (button) { case wxMOUSE_BTN_LEFT: return "mouse1"; case wxMOUSE_BTN_RIGHT: return "mouse2"; case wxMOUSE_BTN_MIDDLE: return "mouse3"; case wxMOUSE_BTN_AUX1: return "mouse4"; case wxMOUSE_BTN_AUX2: return "mouse5"; default: return S_FMT("mouse%d", button); }; }
/* AudioEntryPanel::onBtnPrev * Called when the previous track button is pressed *******************************************************************/ void AudioEntryPanel::onBtnPrev(wxCommandEvent& e) { if (subsong > 0) subsong--; else subsong = num_tracks - 1; if (entry->getType()->getFormat() == "xmi") { MemChunk& mcdata = entry->getMCData(); MemChunk convdata; if (Conversions::zmusToMidi(mcdata, convdata, subsong)) openMidi(convdata, prevfile); } //else if (entry->getType()->getFormat().StartsWith("gme")) // theGMEPlayer->play(subsong); txt_track->SetLabel(S_FMT("%d/%d", subsong+1, num_tracks)); updateInfo(); }
/* AudioEntryPanel::onBtnNext * Called when the next track button is pressed *******************************************************************/ void AudioEntryPanel::onBtnNext(wxCommandEvent& e) { int newsong = (subsong + 1) % num_tracks; if (entry->getType()->getFormat() == "xmi") { MemChunk& mcdata = entry->getMCData(); MemChunk convdata; if (Conversions::zmusToMidi(mcdata, convdata, newsong) && openMidi(convdata, prevfile)) subsong = newsong; } /*else if (entry->getType()->getFormat().StartsWith("gme")) { if (theGMEPlayer->play(newsong)) subsong = newsong; }*/ txt_track->SetLabel(S_FMT("%d/%d", subsong+1, num_tracks)); updateInfo(); }
/* NodesPrefsPanel::populateOptions * Populates the options CheckListBox with options for the currently * selected node builder *******************************************************************/ void NodesPrefsPanel::populateOptions(string options) { // Get current builder NodeBuilders::builder_t& builder = NodeBuilders::getBuilder(choice_nodebuilder->GetSelection()); // Set builder path text_path->SetValue(builder.path); // Clear current options clb_options->Clear(); // Add builder options for (unsigned a = 0; a < builder.option_desc.size(); a++) { clb_options->Append(builder.option_desc[a]); if (!options.IsEmpty() && options.Contains(S_FMT(" %s ", builder.options[a]))) clb_options->Check(a); } }
void setArgValue(long val) { if (val < 0) { choice_control->ChangeValue(""); return; } // Look for a name for this value for (unsigned i = 0; i < choices.size(); i++) { if (val == choices[i].value) { choice_control->SetSelection(i); return; } } choice_control->ChangeValue(S_FMT("%ld", val)); }
/* TextureEditorPanel::updateTextureScaleLabel * Updates the 'Scaled Size' label according to the current texture's * dimensions and scale *******************************************************************/ void TextureEditorPanel::updateTextureScaleLabel() { // Check texture is open if (!tex_current) return; // Determine scaled X value uint32_t scaled_x = tex_current->getWidth(); if (tex_current->getScaleX() != 0) scaled_x /= tex_current->getScaleX(); // Determine scaled Y value uint32_t scaled_y = tex_current->getHeight(); if (tex_current->getScaleY() != 0) scaled_y /= tex_current->getScaleY(); // Update the label label_scaled_size->SetLabel(S_FMT("Scaled Size: %dx%d", scaled_x, scaled_y)); }
void LineTextureOverlay::browseTexture(tex_inf_t& tex, string position) { // Get initial texture string texture; if (tex.textures.size() > 0) texture = tex.textures[0]; else texture = "-"; // Open texture browser MapTextureBrowser browser(theMapEditor, 0, texture); browser.SetTitle(S_FMT("Browse %s Texture", CHR(position))); if (browser.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { // Set texture tex.textures.clear(); tex.textures.push_back(browser.getSelectedItem()->getName()); tex.changed = true; close(false); } }
/* PaletteEntryPanel::addCustomPalette * Adds the current palette to the custom user palettes folder, so * it can be selected via the palette selector *******************************************************************/ bool PaletteEntryPanel::addCustomPalette() { // Get name to export as string name = wxGetTextFromUser("Enter name for Palette:", "Add to Palettes"); if (name.IsEmpty()) return false; // Write current palette to the user palettes directory string path = appPath(S_FMT("palettes/%s.pal", name), DIR_USER); palettes[cur_palette]->saveFile(path); // Add to palette manager and main palette chooser Palette8bit* pal = new Palette8bit(); pal->copyPalette(palettes[cur_palette]); thePaletteManager->addPalette(pal, name); thePaletteChooser->addPalette(name); return true; }
void BrowserCanvas::onKeyChar(wxKeyEvent& e) { // Check the key pressed is actually a character (a-z, 0-9 etc) bool isRealChar = false; if (e.GetKeyCode() >= 'a' && e.GetKeyCode() <= 'z') // Lowercase isRealChar = true; else if (e.GetKeyCode() >= 'A' && e.GetKeyCode() <= 'Z') // Uppercase isRealChar = true; else if (e.GetKeyCode() >= '0' && e.GetKeyCode() <= '9') // Number isRealChar = true; else { for (int a = 0; a < n_bc_chars; a++) { if (e.GetKeyCode() == bc_chars[a]) { isRealChar = true; break; } } } if (isRealChar) { // Get currently selected item (or first if nothing is focused) int selected = itemIndex(item_selected); if (selected < 0) selected = 0; // Build search string search += e.GetKeyCode(); search.MakeUpper(); // Search for match from the current focus, and if failed // start a new search from after the current focus. if (!searchItemFrom(selected)) { search = S_FMT("%c", e.GetKeyCode()); search.MakeUpper(); searchItemFrom(selected+1); } // Refresh canvas Refresh(); } else { search = ""; e.Skip(); } }
/* MainApp::initDirectories * Checks for and creates necessary application directories. Returns * true if all directories existed and were created successfully if * needed, false otherwise *******************************************************************/ bool MainApp::initDirectories() { // Setup separator character #ifdef WIN32 string sep = "\\"; #else string sep = "/"; #endif // Setup app dir dir_app = wxFileName(wxStandardPaths::Get().GetExecutablePath()).GetPath(); // Check for portable install if (wxFileExists(appPath("portable", DIR_APP))) { // Setup portable user/data dirs dir_data = dir_app; dir_user = dir_app + sep + "config"; } else { // Setup standard user/data dirs dir_user = wxStandardPaths::Get().GetUserDataDir(); dir_data = wxStandardPaths::Get().GetDataDir(); } // Create user dir if necessary if (!wxDirExists(dir_user)) { if (!wxMkdir(dir_user)) { wxMessageBox(S_FMT("Unable to create user directory \"%s\"", dir_user), "Error", wxICON_ERROR); return false; } } // Check data dir if (!wxDirExists(dir_data)) dir_data = dir_app; // Use app dir if data dir doesn't exist return true; }
void syncControls(int value) { ArgsTextControl::setArgValue(value); if (value < 0) { slider_control->SetValue(0); speed_label->SetLabel(""); } else { slider_control->SetValue(value); speed_label->SetLabel(S_FMT( "%s (%.1f units per tic, %.1f units per sec)", arg_t::speedLabel(value), value / 8.0, // A tic is 28ms, slightly less than 1/35 of a second value / 8.0 * 1000.0 / 28.0 )); } }
/* PaletteEntryPanel::showPalette * Shows the palette at [index]. Returns false if [index] is out of * bounds, true otherwise *******************************************************************/ bool PaletteEntryPanel::showPalette(uint32_t index) { // Check index range if (index >= palettes.size()) return false; // Copy palette at index into canvas pal_canvas->getPalette().copyPalette(palettes[index]); // Set current palette text text_curpal->SetLabel(S_FMT("%u/%lu", index+1, palettes.size())); // Refresh Layout(); pal_canvas->Refresh(); // The color values of the selected index have probably changed. updateStatus(); return true; }