float UMovementComponent::SlideAlongSurface(const FVector& Delta, float Time, const FVector& Normal, FHitResult& Hit, bool bHandleImpact)
	if (!Hit.bBlockingHit)
		return 0.f;

	float PercentTimeApplied = 0.f;
	const FVector OldHitNormal = Normal;

	FVector SlideDelta = ComputeSlideVector(Delta, Time, Normal, Hit);

	if ((SlideDelta | Delta) > 0.f)
		const FQuat Rotation = UpdatedComponent->GetComponentQuat();
		SafeMoveUpdatedComponent(SlideDelta, Rotation, true, Hit);

		const float FirstHitPercent = Hit.Time;
		PercentTimeApplied = FirstHitPercent;
		if (Hit.IsValidBlockingHit())
			// Notify first impact
			if (bHandleImpact)
				HandleImpact(Hit, FirstHitPercent * Time, SlideDelta);

			// Compute new slide normal when hitting multiple surfaces.
			TwoWallAdjust(SlideDelta, Hit, OldHitNormal);

			// Only proceed if the new direction is of significant length and not in reverse of original attempted move.
			if (!SlideDelta.IsNearlyZero(1e-3f) && (SlideDelta | Delta) > 0.f)
				// Perform second move
				SafeMoveUpdatedComponent(SlideDelta, Rotation, true, Hit);
				const float SecondHitPercent = Hit.Time * (1.f - FirstHitPercent);
				PercentTimeApplied += SecondHitPercent;

				// Notify second impact
				if (bHandleImpact && Hit.bBlockingHit)
					HandleImpact(Hit, SecondHitPercent * Time, SlideDelta);

		return FMath::Clamp(PercentTimeApplied, 0.f, 1.f);

	return 0.f;
void UCollidingPawnMovementComponent::TickComponent(float DeltaTime, enum ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction* ThisTickFunction)
	Super::TickComponent(DeltaTime, TickType, ThisTickFunction);
	// some amazing coding here

	// Make sure that every thing is still valid and we are allowed to move
	if (!PawnOwner || !UpdatedComponent || ShouldSkipUpdate(DeltaTime))

	// Get (and then clear) the movement vector that we set in ACollidingPawn::Tick
	FVector DesiredMovementThisFrame = ConsumeInputVector().GetClampedToMaxSize(1.0f)*DeltaTime*150.0f;
	if (!DesiredMovementThisFrame.IsNearlyZero())
		FHitResult Hit;
		SafeMoveUpdatedComponent(DesiredMovementThisFrame, UpdatedComponent->GetComponentRotation(), true, Hit);

		// If we bumped into something, try to slide along it // this check is important because otherwise the pawn will simply stop
	/*	if (Hit.IsValidBlockingHit())
			SlideAlongSurface(DesiredMovementThisFrame, 1.f - Hit.Time, Hit.Normal, Hit);

bool UProjectileMovementComponent::HandleSliding(FHitResult& Hit, float& SubTickTimeRemaining)
	FHitResult InitialHit(Hit);
	const FVector OldHitNormal = ConstrainDirectionToPlane(Hit.Normal);

	// Velocity is now parallel to the impact surface.
	// Perform the move now, before adding gravity/accel again, so we don't just keep hitting the surface.
	SafeMoveUpdatedComponent(Velocity * SubTickTimeRemaining, UpdatedComponent->GetComponentQuat(), true, Hit);

	if (HasStoppedSimulation())
		return false;

	// A second hit can deflect the velocity (through the normal bounce code), for the next iteration.
	if (Hit.bBlockingHit)
		const float TimeTick = SubTickTimeRemaining;
		SubTickTimeRemaining = TimeTick * (1.f - Hit.Time);
		if (HandleBlockingHit(Hit, TimeTick, Velocity * TimeTick, SubTickTimeRemaining) == EHandleBlockingHitResult::Abort ||
			return false;
		// Find velocity after elapsed time
		const FVector PostTickVelocity = ComputeVelocity(Velocity, SubTickTimeRemaining);

		// If pointing back into surface, apply friction and acceleration.
		const FVector Force = (PostTickVelocity - Velocity);
		const float ForceDotN = (Force | OldHitNormal);
		if (ForceDotN < 0.f)
			const FVector ProjectedForce = FVector::VectorPlaneProject(Force, OldHitNormal);
			const FVector NewVelocity = Velocity + ProjectedForce;

			const FVector FrictionForce = -NewVelocity.GetSafeNormal() * FMath::Min(-ForceDotN * Friction, NewVelocity.Size());
			Velocity = ConstrainDirectionToPlane(NewVelocity + FrictionForce);
			Velocity = PostTickVelocity;

		// Check min velocity
		if (Velocity.SizeSquared() < FMath::Square(BounceVelocityStopSimulatingThreshold))
			return false;

		SubTickTimeRemaining = 0.f;

	return true;
void UFloatingPawnMovement::TickComponent(float DeltaTime, enum ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction *ThisTickFunction)
	Super::TickComponent(DeltaTime, TickType, ThisTickFunction);

	if (!PawnOwner || !UpdatedComponent || ShouldSkipUpdate(DeltaTime))

	const AController* Controller = PawnOwner->GetController();
	if (Controller && Controller->IsLocalController())
		bPositionCorrected = false;

		// Move actor
		FVector Delta = Velocity * DeltaTime;

		if (!Delta.IsNearlyZero(1e-6f))
			const FVector OldLocation = UpdatedComponent->GetComponentLocation();
			const FRotator Rotation = UpdatedComponent->GetComponentRotation();
			FVector TraceStart = OldLocation;

			FHitResult Hit(1.f);
			SafeMoveUpdatedComponent(Delta, Rotation, true, Hit);

			if (Hit.IsValidBlockingHit())
				HandleImpact(Hit, DeltaTime, Delta);
				// Try to slide the remaining distance along the surface.
				SlideAlongSurface(Delta, 1.f-Hit.Time, Hit.Normal, Hit, true);

			// Update velocity
			// We don't want position changes to vastly reverse our direction (which can happen due to penetration fixups etc)
			if (!bPositionCorrected)
				const FVector NewLocation = UpdatedComponent->GetComponentLocation();
				Velocity = ((NewLocation - OldLocation) / DeltaTime);
		// Finalize
void UProjectileMovementComponent::TickComponent(float DeltaTime, enum ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction *ThisTickFunction)
	QUICK_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER( STAT_ProjectileMovementComponent_TickComponent );

	// skip if don't want component updated when not rendered or updated component can't move
	if (HasStoppedSimulation() || ShouldSkipUpdate(DeltaTime))

	Super::TickComponent(DeltaTime, TickType, ThisTickFunction);

	AActor* ActorOwner = UpdatedComponent->GetOwner();
	if ( !ActorOwner || !CheckStillInWorld() )

	if (UpdatedComponent->IsSimulatingPhysics())

	float RemainingTime	= DeltaTime;
	uint32 NumBounces = 0;
	int32 Iterations = 0;
	FHitResult Hit(1.f);
	while( RemainingTime >= MIN_TICK_TIME && (Iterations < MaxSimulationIterations) && !ActorOwner->IsPendingKill() && !HasStoppedSimulation() )

		// subdivide long ticks to more closely follow parabolic trajectory
		const float TimeTick = ShouldUseSubStepping() ? GetSimulationTimeStep(RemainingTime, Iterations) : RemainingTime;
		RemainingTime -= TimeTick;

		Hit.Time = 1.f;
		const FVector OldVelocity = Velocity;
		const FVector MoveDelta = ComputeMoveDelta(OldVelocity, TimeTick);

		const FRotator NewRotation = (bRotationFollowsVelocity && !OldVelocity.IsNearlyZero(0.01f)) ? OldVelocity.Rotation() : ActorOwner->GetActorRotation();

		// Move the component
		if (bShouldBounce)
			// If we can bounce, we are allowed to move out of penetrations, so use SafeMoveUpdatedComponent which does that automatically.
			SafeMoveUpdatedComponent( MoveDelta, NewRotation, true, Hit );
			// If we can't bounce, then we shouldn't adjust if initially penetrating, because that should be a blocking hit that causes a hit event and stop simulation.
			TGuardValue<EMoveComponentFlags> ScopedFlagRestore(MoveComponentFlags, MoveComponentFlags | MOVECOMP_NeverIgnoreBlockingOverlaps);
			MoveUpdatedComponent(MoveDelta, NewRotation, true, &Hit );
		// If we hit a trigger that destroyed us, abort.
		if( ActorOwner->IsPendingKill() || HasStoppedSimulation() )

		// Handle hit result after movement
		if( !Hit.bBlockingHit )
			PreviousHitTime = 1.f;
			bIsSliding = false;

			// Only calculate new velocity if events didn't change it during the movement update.
			if (Velocity == OldVelocity)
				Velocity = ComputeVelocity(Velocity, TimeTick);				
			// Only calculate new velocity if events didn't change it during the movement update.
			if (Velocity == OldVelocity)
				// re-calculate end velocity for partial time
				Velocity = (Hit.Time > KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER) ? ComputeVelocity(OldVelocity, TimeTick * Hit.Time) : OldVelocity;

			// Handle blocking hit
			float SubTickTimeRemaining = TimeTick * (1.f - Hit.Time);
			const EHandleBlockingHitResult HandleBlockingResult = HandleBlockingHit(Hit, TimeTick, MoveDelta, SubTickTimeRemaining);
			if (HandleBlockingResult == EHandleBlockingHitResult::Abort || HasStoppedSimulation())
			else if (HandleBlockingResult == EHandleBlockingHitResult::Deflect)
				HandleDeflection(Hit, OldVelocity, NumBounces, SubTickTimeRemaining);
				PreviousHitTime = Hit.Time;
				PreviousHitNormal = ConstrainNormalToPlane(Hit.Normal);
			else if (HandleBlockingResult == EHandleBlockingHitResult::AdvanceNextSubstep)
				// Reset deflection logic to ignore this hit
				PreviousHitTime = 1.f;
				// Unhandled EHandleBlockingHitResult
			// A few initial bounces should add more time and iterations to complete most of the simulation.
			if (NumBounces <= 2 && SubTickTimeRemaining >= MIN_TICK_TIME)
				RemainingTime += SubTickTimeRemaining;

bool UMovementComponent::K2_MoveUpdatedComponent(FVector Delta, FRotator NewRotation, FHitResult& OutHit, bool bSweep, bool bTeleport)
	return SafeMoveUpdatedComponent(Delta, NewRotation.Quaternion(), bSweep, OutHit, TeleportFlagToEnum(bTeleport));
void UInterpToMovementComponent::TickComponent(float DeltaTime, enum ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction *ThisTickFunction)
	Super::TickComponent(DeltaTime, TickType, ThisTickFunction);

	// skip if don't want component updated when not rendered or updated component can't move
	if (!UpdatedComponent || ShouldSkipUpdate(DeltaTime))
	AActor* ActorOwner = UpdatedComponent->GetOwner();
	if (!ActorOwner || !CheckStillInWorld())

	if (UpdatedComponent->IsSimulatingPhysics())
	if((bStopped == true ) || ( ActorOwner->IsPendingKill() ) )
	if( ControlPoints.Num()== 0 ) 

	// This will update any control points coordinates that are linked to actors.

	float RemainingTime = DeltaTime;
	int32 NumBounces = 0;
	int32 Iterations = 0;
	FHitResult Hit(1.f);

	FVector WaitPos = FVector::ZeroVector;
	if (bIsWaiting == true)
		WaitPos = UpdatedComponent->GetComponentLocation();
	while (RemainingTime >= MIN_TICK_TIME && (Iterations < MaxSimulationIterations) && !ActorOwner->IsPendingKill() && UpdatedComponent)

		const float TimeTick = ShouldUseSubStepping() ? GetSimulationTimeStep(RemainingTime, Iterations) : RemainingTime;
		RemainingTime -= TimeTick;

		// Calculate the current time with this tick iteration
		float Time = FMath::Clamp(CurrentTime + ((DeltaTime*TimeMultiplier)*CurrentDirection),0.0f,1.0f);		
		FVector MoveDelta = ComputeMoveDelta(Time);
		// Update the rotation on the spline if required
		FRotator CurrentRotation = UpdatedComponent->GetComponentRotation();				
		// Move the component
 		if ((bPauseOnImpact == false ) && (BehaviourType != EInterpToBehaviourType::OneShot))
 			// If we can bounce, we are allowed to move out of penetrations, so use SafeMoveUpdatedComponent which does that automatically.
 			SafeMoveUpdatedComponent(MoveDelta, CurrentRotation, true, Hit);
			// If we can't bounce, then we shouldn't adjust if initially penetrating, because that should be a blocking hit that causes a hit event and stop simulation.
			TGuardValue<EMoveComponentFlags> ScopedFlagRestore(MoveComponentFlags, MoveComponentFlags | MOVECOMP_NeverIgnoreBlockingOverlaps);
			MoveUpdatedComponent(MoveDelta, CurrentRotation, true, &Hit);
		//DrawDebugPoint(GetWorld(), UpdatedComponent->GetComponentLocation(), 16, FColor::White,true,5.0f);
		// If we hit a trigger that destroyed us, abort.
		if (ActorOwner->IsPendingKill() || !UpdatedComponent)

		// Handle hit result after movement
		if (!Hit.bBlockingHit)
			// If we were 'waiting' were not any more - broadcast we are off again
			if( bIsWaiting == true )
				OnWaitEndDelegate.Broadcast(Hit, Time);
				bIsWaiting = false;
				CalculateNewTime(CurrentTime, TimeTick, Hit, true, bStopped);
				if (bStopped == true)
			if (HandleHitWall(Hit, TimeTick, MoveDelta))

			float SubTickTimeRemaining = TimeTick * (1.f - Hit.Time);
			// A few initial bounces should add more time and iterations to complete most of the simulation.
			if (NumBounces <= 2 && SubTickTimeRemaining >= MIN_TICK_TIME)
				RemainingTime += SubTickTimeRemaining;
	if( bIsWaiting == false )
		FHitResult DummyHit;
		CurrentTime = CalculateNewTime(CurrentTime, DeltaTime, DummyHit, false, bStopped);		
void UShardsMovementComponent::TickComponent(float DeltaTime, enum ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction *ThisTickFunction)
	Super::TickComponent(DeltaTime, TickType, ThisTickFunction);

	FHitResult HitResult;
	FHitResult ShapeTraceResult;
	FCollisionShape shape = FCollisionShape::MakeBox(FVector(0.72f*playerradius, 0.72f*playerradius,10.0f));

	FCollisionQueryParams Params;
	Params.bFindInitialOverlaps = true;

	// Telepads don't count.
	for (TActorIterator<ATelePad> ActorItr(GetWorld()); ActorItr; ++ActorItr) {

	// Neither do destructibles.
	for (TActorIterator<ADestructibleBox> ActorItr(GetWorld()); ActorItr; ++ActorItr) {
		// When they're broken, that is.
		if (ActorItr->fadetimer >= 0.0f) {

	if (isclimbing) {

	TArray<FHitResult> results;
	if (forceregiondirection.Z == 0.0f) {
		GetWorld()->SweepMultiByChannel(results, UpdatedComponent->GetComponentLocation() - 0.0f*45.0f*FVector::UpVector, UpdatedComponent->GetComponentLocation() - 1000.0f*FVector::UpVector, FQuat::Identity, ECC_Visibility, shape, Params); //100
		for (FHitResult r : results) {
			if (r.Normal.Z > 0.6f) {
				ShapeTraceResult = r;
		if (!ShapeTraceResult.IsValidBlockingHit()) {
			GetWorld()->LineTraceSingleByChannel(ShapeTraceResult, UpdatedComponent->GetComponentLocation(), UpdatedComponent->GetComponentLocation() - 1000.0f*FVector::UpVector, ECC_Visibility, Params);

	FVector PlayerCapsuleBottom = UpdatedComponent->GetComponentLocation() - 45.0f * FVector::UpVector; // 50
	float RequiredDistance = (onground ? 50.0f*grounddetecttfudgefactor : 10.0f)*FMath::Pow(playerhalfheight / 90.0f,4.0f) + playerhalfheight/2.0f; //50,1
	DistanceFromImpact = (PlayerCapsuleBottom - ShapeTraceResult.ImpactPoint).Z;
	overground = ShapeTraceResult.IsValidBlockingHit();

	FHitResult groundhitresult;
	GetWorld()->LineTraceSingleByChannel(groundhitresult, UpdatedComponent->GetComponentLocation(), UpdatedComponent->GetComponentLocation() - 10000.0f*FVector::UpVector, ECC_Visibility, Params);
	groundtracehit = groundhitresult.ImpactPoint;

	if (!onground) {
		offGroundTime += DeltaTime;

	toosteep = false;
	if (enforcementtimer >= 0.0f) {
		enforcementtimer += DeltaTime;
		toosteep = true;
	wasonground = onground;
	onground = false;
	prevgroundvelocity = groundvelocity;
	groundvelocity = FVector::ZeroVector;
	platformangularfrequency = 0.0f;
	platformspindir = 1;
	FloorNormal = FVector::ZeroVector;

	if ((enforcementtimer < timerlimit && ShapeTraceResult.Normal.Z>0.6f) && DistanceFromImpact < RequiredDistance && !justjumped) { // (PlayerVelocity.Z <= 0.0f || wasonground)
		if (ShapeTraceResult.Normal.Z < minnormalz) {
			if (enforcementtimer == -1.0f) {
				enforcementtimer = 0.0f;
		} else {
			enforcementtimer = -1.0f;

		FVector pvel;
		// Handle moving platforms.
		if (ShapeTraceResult.GetActor() != nullptr && ShapeTraceResult.GetComponent() != nullptr && ShapeTraceResult.GetComponent()->IsA(UStaticMeshComponent::StaticClass())) {
			// The motion of a point on a rigid body is the combination of its motion about the center of mass...
			FVector angvel = FMath::DegreesToRadians((((UStaticMeshComponent*)ShapeTraceResult.GetComponent())->GetPhysicsAngularVelocity()));
			FVector rr = GetActorLocation() - (((UStaticMeshComponent*)ShapeTraceResult.GetComponent())->GetComponentLocation());
			FVector rvel = FVector::CrossProduct(angvel, rr);

			// ...and the motion of the center of mass itself.
			FVector cmvel = (((UStaticMeshComponent*)ShapeTraceResult.GetComponent())->GetPhysicsLinearVelocity());
			groundvelocity = rvel + cmvel;
			platformangularfrequency = -angvel.Z;

		if ((PlayerVelocity.Z <= groundvelocity.Z || wasonground)) {
			onground = true;
			offGroundTime = 0.0f;

	justjumped = false;

	bool TraceBlocked;
	FVector newlocation = UpdatedComponent->GetComponentLocation();

	FHitResult TraceHitResult;
	TraceBlocked = GetWorld()->LineTraceSingleByChannel(TraceHitResult, ShapeTraceResult.ImpactPoint + 1.0f*FVector::UpVector, ShapeTraceResult.ImpactPoint - 10.0f*FVector::UpVector, ECC_Visibility,Params);
	if (TraceHitResult.Normal.Z > minnormalz) {
		enforcementtimer = -1.0f;

	if (onground) {

		if (TraceBlocked) {
			newlocation.Z = TraceHitResult.ImpactPoint.Z + playerhalfheight; // 50
			GetWorld()->LineTraceSingleByChannel(TraceHitResult, ShapeTraceResult.ImpactPoint + 1.0f*FVector::UpVector, ShapeTraceResult.ImpactPoint - 10.0f*FVector::UpVector, ECC_Visibility,Params);
			FloorNormal = TraceHitResult.ImpactNormal;

		SafeMoveUpdatedComponent(newlocation - UpdatedComponent->GetComponentLocation(), UpdatedComponent->GetComponentRotation(), true, HitResult);
		SlideAlongSurface(newlocation - UpdatedComponent->GetComponentLocation(), 1.0 - HitResult.Time, HitResult.Normal, HitResult);
void UArchVisCharMovementComponent::PhysWalking(float DeltaTime, int32 Iterations)
	// let character do its thing for translation
	Super::PhysWalking(DeltaTime, Iterations);

	// now we will handle rotation

	// update yaw
	if (CurrentRotInput.Yaw == 0)
		// decelerate to 0
		if (CurrentRotationalVelocity.Yaw > 0.f)
			CurrentRotationalVelocity.Yaw -= RotationalDeceleration.Yaw * DeltaTime;
			CurrentRotationalVelocity.Yaw = FMath::Max(CurrentRotationalVelocity.Yaw, 0.f);		// don't go below 0 because that would be re-accelerating the other way
			CurrentRotationalVelocity.Yaw += RotationalDeceleration.Yaw * DeltaTime;
			CurrentRotationalVelocity.Yaw = FMath::Min(CurrentRotationalVelocity.Yaw, 0.f);		// don't go above 0 because that would be re-accelerating the other way
		// accelerate in desired direction
		// clamp delta so it won't take us outside the acceptable speed range
		// note that if we're already out of that range, we won't clamp back
		float const MaxYawVelMag = FMath::Min(1.f, FMath::Abs(CurrentRotInput.Yaw)) * MaxRotationalVelocity.Yaw;
		float const MaxDeltaYawVel = FMath::Max(0.f, MaxYawVelMag - CurrentRotationalVelocity.Yaw);
		float const MinDeltaYawVel = FMath::Min(0.f, -(CurrentRotationalVelocity.Yaw + MaxYawVelMag));
		float const DeltaYaw = FMath::Clamp(CurrentRotInput.Yaw * RotationalAcceleration.Yaw * DeltaTime, MinDeltaYawVel, MaxDeltaYawVel);
		CurrentRotationalVelocity.Yaw += DeltaYaw;

	// update pitch
	if (CurrentRotInput.Pitch == 0)
		// decelerate to 0
		if (CurrentRotationalVelocity.Pitch > 0.f)
			CurrentRotationalVelocity.Pitch -= RotationalDeceleration.Pitch * DeltaTime;
			CurrentRotationalVelocity.Pitch = FMath::Max(CurrentRotationalVelocity.Pitch, 0.f);		// don't go below 0 because that would be reaccelerating the other way
			CurrentRotationalVelocity.Pitch += RotationalDeceleration.Pitch * DeltaTime;
			CurrentRotationalVelocity.Pitch = FMath::Min(CurrentRotationalVelocity.Pitch, 0.f);		// don't go above 0 because that would be reaccelerating the other way
		float const MaxPitchVelMag = FMath::Min(1.f, FMath::Abs(CurrentRotInput.Pitch)) * MaxRotationalVelocity.Pitch;
		float const MaxDeltaPitchVel = FMath::Max(0.f, MaxPitchVelMag - CurrentRotationalVelocity.Pitch);
		float const MinDeltaPitchVel = FMath::Min(0.f, -(CurrentRotationalVelocity.Pitch + MaxPitchVelMag));
		float const DeltaPitch = FMath::Clamp(CurrentRotInput.Pitch * RotationalAcceleration.Pitch * DeltaTime, MinDeltaPitchVel, MaxDeltaPitchVel);
		CurrentRotationalVelocity.Pitch += DeltaPitch;

	// apply rotation
	FRotator RotDelta = CurrentRotationalVelocity * DeltaTime;
	if (!RotDelta.IsNearlyZero())
		FRotator const CurrentComponentRot = UpdatedComponent->GetComponentRotation();

		// enforce pitch limits
		float const CurrentPitch = CurrentComponentRot.Pitch;
		float const MinDeltaPitch = MinPitch - CurrentPitch;
		float const MaxDeltaPitch = MaxPitch - CurrentPitch;
		float const OldPitch = RotDelta.Pitch;
		RotDelta.Pitch = FMath::Clamp(RotDelta.Pitch, MinDeltaPitch, MaxDeltaPitch);
		if (OldPitch != RotDelta.Pitch)
			// if we got clamped, zero the pitch velocity
			CurrentRotationalVelocity.Pitch = 0.f;

		FRotator const NewRot = CurrentComponentRot + RotDelta;

		FHitResult Hit(1.f);
		SafeMoveUpdatedComponent(FVector::ZeroVector, NewRot, false, Hit);

	// consume input
	CurrentRotInput = FRotator::ZeroRotator;