文件: Sound.cpp 项目: psibre/praat
Sound Sound_resample (Sound me, double samplingFrequency, long precision) {
	double upfactor = samplingFrequency * my dx;
	if (fabs (upfactor - 2) < 1e-6) return Sound_upsample (me);
	if (fabs (upfactor - 1) < 1e-6) return Data_copy (me);
	try {
		long numberOfSamples = lround ((my xmax - my xmin) * samplingFrequency);
		if (numberOfSamples < 1)
			Melder_throw (U"The resampled Sound would have no samples.");
		autoSound filtered = NULL;
		if (upfactor < 1.0) {   // need anti-aliasing filter?
			long nfft = 1, antiTurnAround = 1000;
			while (nfft < my nx + antiTurnAround * 2) nfft *= 2;
			autoNUMvector <double> data (1, nfft);
			filtered.reset (Sound_create (my ny, my xmin, my xmax, my nx, my dx, my x1));
			for (long channel = 1; channel <= my ny; channel ++) {
				for (long i = 1; i <= nfft; i ++) {
					data [i] = 0;
				NUMvector_copyElements (my z [channel], & data [antiTurnAround], 1, my nx);
				NUMrealft (data.peek(), nfft, 1);   // go to the frequency domain
				for (long i = (long) floor (upfactor * nfft); i <= nfft; i ++) {
					data [i] = 0;   // filter away high frequencies
				data [2] = 0.0;
				NUMrealft (data.peek(), nfft, -1);   // return to the time domain
				double factor = 1.0 / nfft;
				double *to = filtered -> z [channel];
				for (long i = 1; i <= my nx; i ++) {
					to [i] = data [i + antiTurnAround] * factor;
			me = filtered.peek();   // reference copy; remove at end
		autoSound thee = Sound_create (my ny, my xmin, my xmax, numberOfSamples, 1.0 / samplingFrequency,
			0.5 * (my xmin + my xmax - (numberOfSamples - 1) / samplingFrequency));
		for (long channel = 1; channel <= my ny; channel ++) {
			double *from = my z [channel];
			double *to = thy z [channel];
			if (precision <= 1) {
				for (long i = 1; i <= numberOfSamples; i ++) {
					double x = Sampled_indexToX (thee.peek(), i);
					double index = Sampled_xToIndex (me, x);
					long leftSample = (long) floor (index);
					double fraction = index - leftSample;
					to [i] = leftSample < 1 || leftSample >= my nx ? 0.0 :
						(1 - fraction) * from [leftSample] + fraction * from [leftSample + 1];
			} else {
				for (long i = 1; i <= numberOfSamples; i ++) {
					double x = Sampled_indexToX (thee.peek(), i);
					double index = Sampled_xToIndex (me, x);
					to [i] = NUM_interpolate_sinc (my z [channel], my nx, index, precision);
		return thee.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": not resampled.");
autoSpectrum Spectrum_shiftFrequencies (Spectrum me, double shiftBy, double newMaximumFrequency, long interpolationDepth) {
	try {
		double xmax = my xmax;
		long numberOfFrequencies = my nx;
		if (newMaximumFrequency != 0) {
			numberOfFrequencies = (long) floor (newMaximumFrequency / my dx) + 1;
			xmax = newMaximumFrequency;
		autoSpectrum thee = Spectrum_create (xmax, numberOfFrequencies);
		// shiftBy >= 0
		for (long i = 1; i <= thy nx; i++) {
			double thyf = thy x1 + (i - 1) * thy dx;
			double myf = thyf - shiftBy;
			if (myf >= my xmin && myf <= my xmax) {
				double index = Sampled_xToIndex (me, myf);
				thy z[1][i] = NUM_interpolate_sinc (my z[1], my nx, index, interpolationDepth);
				thy z[2][i] = NUM_interpolate_sinc (my z[2], my nx, index, interpolationDepth);
		// Make imaginary part of first and last sample zero
		// so Spectrum_to_Sound uses FFT if numberOfSamples was power of 2!
		double amp = sqrt (thy z[1][1] * thy z[1][1] + thy z[2][1] * thy z[2][1]);
		thy z[1][1] = amp; thy z[2][1] = 0;
		amp = sqrt (thy z[1][thy nx] * thy z[1][thy nx] + thy z[2][thy nx] * thy z[2][thy nx]);
		thy z[1][thy nx] = amp; thy z[2][thy nx] = 0;
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": not shifted.");
文件: Vector.cpp 项目: psibre/praat
// Vector_getValueAtX () returns the average of all the interpolated channels.
double Vector_getValueAtX (Vector me, double x, long ilevel, int interpolation) {
	double leftEdge = my x1 - 0.5 * my dx, rightEdge = leftEdge + my nx * my dx;
	if (x <  leftEdge || x > rightEdge) return NUMundefined;
	if (ilevel > Vector_CHANNEL_AVERAGE) {
		Melder_assert (ilevel <= my ny);
		return NUM_interpolate_sinc (my z [ilevel], my nx, Sampled_xToIndex (me, x),
	double sum = 0.0;
	for (long channel = 1; channel <= my ny; channel ++) {
		sum += NUM_interpolate_sinc (my z [channel], my nx, Sampled_xToIndex (me, x),
	return sum / my ny;
autoPolynomial LPC_to_Polynomial (LPC me, double time) {
	try {
		long iFrame = Sampled_xToIndex (me, time);

		if (iFrame < 1 || iFrame > my nx) {
			Melder_throw (U"invalid frame number.");
		autoPolynomial thee = LPC_Frame_to_Polynomial (&my d_frames[iFrame]);
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U":no Polynomial created.");
void ParamCurve_draw (ParamCurve me, Graphics g, double t1, double t2, double dt,
	double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2, int garnish)
	if (t2 <= t1) {
		double tx1 = my x -> x1;
		double ty1 = my y -> x1;
		double tx2 = my x -> x1 + (my x -> nx - 1) * my x -> dx;
		double ty2 = my y -> x1 + (my y -> nx - 1) * my y -> dx;
		t1 = tx1 > ty1 ? tx1 : ty1;
		t2 = tx2 < ty2 ? tx2 : ty2;
	if (x2 <= x1) Matrix_getWindowExtrema (my x, 0, 0, 1, 1, & x1, & x2);
	if (x1 == x2) { x1 -= 1.0; x2 += 1.0; }
	if (y2 <= y1) Matrix_getWindowExtrema (my y, 0, 0, 1, 1, & y1, & y2);
	if (y1 == y2) { y1 -= 1.0; y2 += 1.0; }
	if (dt <= 0.0)
		dt = my x -> dx < my y -> dx ? my x -> dx : my y -> dx;
	long numberOfPoints = (long) ceil ((t2 - t1) / dt) + 1;
	if (numberOfPoints > 0) {
		autoNUMvector <double> x (1, numberOfPoints);
		autoNUMvector <double> y (1, numberOfPoints);
		for (long i = 1; i <= numberOfPoints; i ++) {
			double t = i == numberOfPoints ? t2 : t1 + (i - 1) * dt;
			double index = Sampled_xToIndex (my x, t);
			x [i] = NUM_interpolate_sinc (my x -> z [1], my x -> nx, index, 50);
			index = Sampled_xToIndex (my y, t);
			y [i] = NUM_interpolate_sinc (my y -> z [1], my y -> nx, index, 50);
		Graphics_setWindow (g, x1, x2, y1, y2);
		Graphics_setInner (g);
		Graphics_polyline (g, numberOfPoints, & x [1], & y [1]);
		Graphics_unsetInner (g);
	if (garnish) {
		Graphics_drawInnerBox (g);
		Graphics_marksBottom (g, 2, 1, 1, 0);
		Graphics_marksLeft (g, 2, 1, 1, 0);
VocalTract LPC_to_VocalTract (LPC me, double time, double length, int wakita)
	VocalTract thee = NULL;
	struct structTube_Frame area_struct;
	Tube_Frame area = & area_struct;
	LPC_Frame lpc; 
	long i, m, iframe = Sampled_xToIndex (me, time);
	if (iframe < 1) iframe = 1;
	if (iframe > my nx) iframe = my nx;
	memset (& area_struct, 0, sizeof(area_struct));
	lpc = & my frame[iframe];
	m = lpc -> nCoefficients;
	if (! Tube_Frame_init (area, m, length) ||
		! LPC_Frame_into_Tube_Frame_area (lpc, area)) goto end;
	thee = VocalTract_create (m, area -> length / m);
	if (thee == NULL) goto end;
		area[lips..glottis] (m^2) to VocalTract[glottis..lips] (m^2)
	for (i = 1; i <= m; i++)
		thy z[1][i] = area -> c[m + 1 - i];
	if (wakita)
		double wakita_length =  LPC_Frame_getVTL_wakita (lpc, my samplingPeriod, length);
		if (wakita_length == NUMundefined)
			Melder_warning1 (L"Vocal tract length could not be calculated.\nRelevant tract dimensions will be undefined.");
			thy xmax = thy x1 = thy dx = NUMundefined;

	Tube_Frame_destroy (area);
	return thee;
double Sampled_getValueAtX (Sampled me, double x, long ilevel, int unit, int interpolate) {
	if (x < my xmin || x > my xmax) return NUMundefined;
	if (interpolate) {
		double ireal = Sampled_xToIndex (me, x);
		long ileft = floor (ireal), inear, ifar;
		double phase = ireal - ileft;
		if (phase < 0.5) {
			inear = ileft, ifar = ileft + 1;
		} else {
			ifar = ileft, inear = ileft + 1;
			phase = 1.0 - phase;
		if (inear < 1 || inear > my nx) return NUMundefined;   // x out of range?
		double fnear = my v_getValueAtSample (inear, ilevel, unit);
		if (fnear == NUMundefined) return NUMundefined;   // function value not defined?
		if (ifar < 1 || ifar > my nx) return fnear;   // at edge? Extrapolate
		double ffar = my v_getValueAtSample (ifar, ilevel, unit);
		if (ffar == NUMundefined) return fnear;   // neighbour undefined? Extrapolate
		return fnear + phase * (ffar - fnear);   // interpolate
	return Sampled_getValueAtSample (me, Sampled_xToNearestIndex (me, x), ilevel, unit);
double Sampled_getValueAtX (I, double x, long ilevel, int unit, int interpolate) {
	iam (Sampled);
	if (x < my xmin || x > my xmax) return NUMundefined;
	if (interpolate) {
		double ireal = Sampled_xToIndex (me, x), phase, fnear, ffar;
		long ileft = floor (ireal), inear, ifar;
		phase = ireal - ileft;
		if (phase < 0.5) {
			inear = ileft, ifar = ileft + 1;
		} else {
			ifar = ileft, inear = ileft + 1;
			phase = 1.0 - phase;
		if (inear < 1 || inear > my nx) return NUMundefined;   /* X out of range? */
		fnear = our getValueAtSample (me, inear, ilevel, unit);
		if (fnear == NUMundefined) return NUMundefined;   /* Function value not defined? */
		if (ifar < 1 || ifar > my nx) return fnear;   /* At edge? Extrapolate. */
		ffar = our getValueAtSample (me, ifar, ilevel, unit);
		if (ffar == NUMundefined) return fnear;   /* Neighbour undefined? Extrapolate. */
		return fnear + phase * (ffar - fnear);   /* Interpolate. */
	return Sampled_getValueAtSample (me, Sampled_xToNearestIndex (me, x), ilevel, unit);
autoSound Spectrogram_to_Sound (Spectrogram me, double fsamp) {
	try {
		double dt = 1 / fsamp;
		long n = (long) floor ((my xmax - my xmin) / dt);
		if (n < 0) return autoSound ();
		autoSound thee = Sound_create (1, my xmin, my xmax, n, dt, 0.5 * dt);
		for (long i = 1; i <= n; i ++) {
			double t = Sampled_indexToX (thee.peek(), i);
			double rframe = Sampled_xToIndex (me, t), phase, value = 0.0;
			long leftFrame, rightFrame;
			if (rframe < 1 || rframe >= my nx) continue;
			leftFrame = (long) floor (rframe), rightFrame = leftFrame + 1, phase = rframe - leftFrame;
			for (long j = 1; j <= my ny; j ++) {
				double f = Matrix_rowToY (me, j);
				double power = my z [j] [leftFrame] * (1 - phase) + my z [j] [rightFrame] * phase;
				value += sqrt (power) * sin (2 * NUMpi * f * t);
			thy z [1] [i] = value;
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": not converted to Sound.");
static autoSpectrum Spectrum_shiftFrequencies2 (Spectrum me, double shiftBy, bool changeMaximumFrequency) {
	try {
		double xmax = my xmax;
		long numberOfFrequencies = my nx, interpolationDepth = 50;
		if (changeMaximumFrequency) {
			xmax += shiftBy;
			numberOfFrequencies += (xmax - my xmax) / my dx;
		autoSpectrum thee = Spectrum_create (xmax, numberOfFrequencies);
		// shiftBy >= 0
		for (long i = 1; i <= thy nx; i++) {
			double thyf = thy x1 + (i - 1) * thy dx;
			double myf = thyf - shiftBy;
			if (myf >= my xmin && myf <= my xmax) {
				double index = Sampled_xToIndex (me, myf);
				thy z[1][i] = NUM_interpolate_sinc (my z[1], my nx, index, interpolationDepth);
				thy z[2][i] = NUM_interpolate_sinc (my z[2], my nx, index, interpolationDepth);
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": not shifted.");
PowerCepstrogram Sound_to_PowerCepstrogram_hillenbrand (Sound me, double minimumPitch, double dt) {
	try {
		// minimum analysis window has 3 periods of lowest pitch
		double analysisWidth = 3  / minimumPitch;
		if (analysisWidth > my dx * my nx) {
			analysisWidth = my dx * my nx;
		double t1, samplingFrequency = 1 / my dx;
		autoSound thee;
		if (samplingFrequency > 30000) {
			samplingFrequency = samplingFrequency / 2;
			thee.reset (Sound_resample (me, samplingFrequency, 1));
		} else {
			thee.reset (Data_copy (me));
		// pre-emphasis with fixed coefficient 0.9
		for (long i = thy nx; i > 1; i--) {
			thy z[1][i] -= 0.9 * thy z[1][i - 1];
		long nosInWindow = analysisWidth * samplingFrequency, nFrames;
		if (nosInWindow < 8) {
			Melder_throw ("Analysis window too short.");
		Sampled_shortTermAnalysis (thee.peek(), analysisWidth, dt, & nFrames, & t1);
		autoNUMvector<double> hamming (1, nosInWindow);
		for (long i = 1; i <= nosInWindow; i++) {
			hamming[i] = 0.54 -0.46 * cos(2 * NUMpi * (i - 1) / (nosInWindow - 1));
		long nfft = 8; // minimum possible
		while (nfft < nosInWindow) { nfft *= 2; }
		long nfftdiv2 = nfft / 2;
		autoNUMvector<double> fftbuf (1, nfft); // "complex" array
		autoNUMvector<double> spectrum (1, nfftdiv2 + 1); // +1 needed 
		autoNUMfft_Table fftTable;
		NUMfft_Table_init (&fftTable, nfft); // sound to spectrum
		double qmax = 0.5 * nfft / samplingFrequency, dq = qmax / (nfftdiv2 + 1);
		autoPowerCepstrogram him = PowerCepstrogram_create (my xmin, my xmax, nFrames, dt, t1, 0, qmax, nfftdiv2+1, dq, 0);
		autoMelderProgress progress (L"Cepstrogram analysis");
		for (long iframe = 1; iframe <= nFrames; iframe++) {
			double tbegin = t1 + (iframe - 1) * dt - analysisWidth / 2;
			tbegin = tbegin < thy xmin ? thy xmin : tbegin;
			long istart = Sampled_xToIndex (thee.peek(), tbegin);
			istart = istart < 1 ? 1 : istart;
			long iend = istart + nosInWindow - 1;
			iend = iend > thy nx ? thy nx : iend;
			for (long i = 1; i <= nosInWindow; i++) {
				fftbuf[i] = thy z[1][istart + i - 1] * hamming[i];
			for (long i = nosInWindow + 1; i <= nfft; i++) { 
				fftbuf[i] = 0;
			NUMfft_forward (&fftTable, fftbuf.peek());
			complexfftoutput_to_power (fftbuf.peek(), nfft, spectrum.peek(), true); // log10(|fft|^2)
			// subtract average
			double specmean = spectrum[1];
			for (long i = 2; i <= nfftdiv2 + 1; i++) {
				specmean += spectrum[i];
			specmean /= nfftdiv2 + 1;
			for (long i = 1; i <= nfftdiv2 + 1; i++) {
				spectrum[i] -= specmean;
			 * Here we diverge from Hillenbrand as he takes the fft of half of the spectral values.
			 * H. forgets that the actual spectrum has nfft/2+1 values. Thefore, we take the inverse
			 * transform because this keeps the number of samples a power of 2.
			 * At the same time this results in twice as much numbers in the quefrency domain, i.e. we end with nfft/2+1
			 * numbers while H. has only nfft/4!
			fftbuf[1] = spectrum[1];
			for (long i = 2; i < nfftdiv2 + 1; i++) {
				fftbuf[i+i-2] = spectrum[i];
				fftbuf[i+i-1] = 0;
			fftbuf[nfft] = spectrum[nfftdiv2 + 1];
			NUMfft_backward (&fftTable, fftbuf.peek());
			for (long i = 1; i <= nfftdiv2 + 1; i++) {
				his z[i][iframe] = fftbuf[i] * fftbuf[i];
			if ((iframe % 10) == 1) {
				Melder_progress ((double) iframe / nFrames, L"Cepstrogram analysis of frame ",
					 Melder_integer (iframe), L" out of ", Melder_integer (nFrames), L".");
		return him.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, ": no Cepstrogram created.");
static void Sampled_getSum2AndDefinitionRange
	(Sampled me, double xmin, double xmax, long ilevel, int unit, double mean, int interpolate, double *return_sum2, double *return_definitionRange)
		This function computes the area under the linearly interpolated squared difference curve between xmin and xmax.
		Outside [x1-dx/2, xN+dx/2], the curve is undefined and neither times nor values are counted.
		In [x1-dx/2,x1] and [xN,xN+dx/2], the curve is linearly extrapolated.
	long imin, imax, isamp;
	double sum2 = 0.0, definitionRange = 0.0;
	Function_unidirectionalAutowindow (me, & xmin, & xmax);
	if (Function_intersectRangeWithDomain (me, & xmin, & xmax)) {
		if (interpolate) {
			if (Sampled_getWindowSamples (me, xmin, xmax, & imin, & imax)) {
				double leftEdge = my x1 - 0.5 * my dx, rightEdge = leftEdge + my nx * my dx;
				for (isamp = imin; isamp <= imax; isamp ++) {
					double value = my v_getValueAtSample (isamp, ilevel, unit);   // a fast way to integrate a linearly interpolated curve; works everywhere except at the edges
					if (NUMdefined (value)) {
						value -= mean;
						value *= value;
						definitionRange += 1.0;
						sum2 += value;
				 * Corrections within the first and last sampling intervals.
				if (xmin > leftEdge) {   // otherwise, constant extrapolation over 0.5 sample is OK
					double phase = (my x1 + (imin - 1) * my dx - xmin) / my dx;   // this fraction of sampling interval is still to be determined
					double rightValue = Sampled_getValueAtSample (me, imin, ilevel, unit);
					double leftValue = Sampled_getValueAtSample (me, imin - 1, ilevel, unit);
					if (NUMdefined (rightValue)) {
						rightValue -= mean;
						rightValue *= rightValue;
						definitionRange -= 0.5;   // delete constant extrapolation over 0.5 sample
						sum2 -= 0.5 * rightValue;
						if (NUMdefined (leftValue)) {
							leftValue -= mean;
							leftValue *= leftValue;
							definitionRange += phase;   // add current fraction
							sum2 += phase * (rightValue + 0.5 * phase * (leftValue - rightValue));   // interpolate to outside sample
						} else {
							if (phase > 0.5) phase = 0.5;
							definitionRange += phase;   // add current fraction, but never more than 0.5
							sum2 += phase * rightValue;
					} else if (NUMdefined (leftValue) && phase > 0.5) {
						leftValue -= mean;
						leftValue *= leftValue;
						definitionRange += phase - 0.5;
						sum2 += (phase - 0.5) * leftValue;
				if (xmax < rightEdge) {   // otherwise, constant extrapolation is OK
					double phase = (xmax - (my x1 + (imax - 1) * my dx)) / my dx;   // this fraction of sampling interval is still to be determined
					double leftValue = Sampled_getValueAtSample (me, imax, ilevel, unit);
					double rightValue = Sampled_getValueAtSample (me, imax + 1, ilevel, unit);
					if (NUMdefined (leftValue)) {
						leftValue -= mean;
						leftValue *= leftValue;
						definitionRange -= 0.5;   // delete constant extrapolation over 0.5 sample
						sum2 -= 0.5 * leftValue;
						if (NUMdefined (rightValue)) {
							rightValue -= mean;
							rightValue *= rightValue;
							definitionRange += phase;   // add current fraction
							sum2 += phase * (leftValue + 0.5 * phase * (rightValue - leftValue));   // interpolate to outside sample
						} else {
							if (phase > 0.5) phase = 0.5;
							definitionRange += phase;   // add current fraction, but never more than 0.5
							sum2 += phase * leftValue;
					} else if (NUMdefined (rightValue) && phase > 0.5) {
						rightValue -= mean;
						rightValue *= rightValue;
						definitionRange += phase - 0.5;
						sum2 += (phase - 0.5) * rightValue;
			} else {   // no sample centres between xmin and xmax
				 * Try to return the mean of the interpolated values at these two points.
				 * Thus, a small (xmin, xmax) range gives the same value as the (xmin+xmax)/2 point.
				double leftValue = Sampled_getValueAtSample (me, imax, ilevel, unit);
				double rightValue = Sampled_getValueAtSample (me, imin, ilevel, unit);
				double phase1 = (xmin - (my x1 + (imax - 1) * my dx)) / my dx;
				double phase2 = (xmax - (my x1 + (imax - 1) * my dx)) / my dx;
				if (imin == imax + 1) {   // not too far from sample definition region
					if (NUMdefined (leftValue)) {
						leftValue -= mean;
						leftValue *= leftValue;
						if (NUMdefined (rightValue)) {
							rightValue -= mean;
							rightValue *= rightValue;
							definitionRange += phase2 - phase1;
							sum2 += (phase2 - phase1) * (leftValue + 0.5 * (phase1 + phase2) * (rightValue - leftValue));
						} else if (phase1 < 0.5) {
							if (phase2 > 0.5) phase2 = 0.5;
							definitionRange += phase2 - phase1;
							sum2 += (phase2 - phase1) * leftValue;
					} else if (NUMdefined (rightValue) && phase2 > 0.5) {
						rightValue -= mean;
						rightValue *= rightValue;
						if (phase1 < 0.5) phase1 = 0.5;
						definitionRange += phase2 - phase1;
						sum2 += (phase2 - phase1) * rightValue;
		} else {   // no interpolation
			double rimin = Sampled_xToIndex (me, xmin), rimax = Sampled_xToIndex (me, xmax);
			if (rimax >= 0.5 && rimin < my nx + 0.5) {
				imin = rimin < 0.5 ? 0 : (long) floor (rimin + 0.5);
				imax = rimax >= my nx + 0.5 ? my nx + 1 : (long) floor (rimax + 0.5);
				for (isamp = imin + 1; isamp < imax; isamp ++) {
					double value = my v_getValueAtSample (isamp, ilevel, unit);
					if (NUMdefined (value)) {
						value -= mean;
						value *= value;
						definitionRange += 1.0;
						sum2 += value;
				if (imin == imax) {
					double value = my v_getValueAtSample (imin, ilevel, unit);
					if (NUMdefined (value)) {
						double phase = rimax - rimin;
						value -= mean;
						value *= value;
						definitionRange += phase;
						sum2 += phase * value;
				} else {
					if (imin >= 1) {
						double value = my v_getValueAtSample (imin, ilevel, unit);
						if (NUMdefined (value)) {
							double phase = imin - rimin + 0.5;
							value -= mean;
							value *= value;
							definitionRange += phase;
							sum2 += phase * value;
					if (imax <= my nx) {
						double value = my v_getValueAtSample (imax, ilevel, unit);
						if (NUMdefined (value)) {
							double phase = rimax - imax + 0.5;
							value -= mean;
							value *= value;
							definitionRange += phase;
							sum2 += phase * value;
	if (return_sum2) *return_sum2 = sum2;
	if (return_definitionRange) *return_definitionRange = definitionRange;