	This is for multi-channel "sounds" like EEG signals.
	The cross-correlation between channel i and channel j is defined as
		sum(k=1..nsamples, (z[i][k] - mean[i])(z[j][k + tau] - mean[j]))*samplingTime
autoCrossCorrelationTable Sound_to_CrossCorrelationTable (Sound me, double startTime, double endTime, double lagStep) {
	try {
		if (endTime <= startTime) {
			startTime = my xmin;
			endTime = my xmax;
		long lag = (long) floor (lagStep / my dx);   // ppgb: voor al dit soort dingen geldt: waarom afronden naar beneden?
		long i1 = Sampled_xToNearestIndex (me, startTime);
		if (i1 < 1) {
			i1 = 1;
		long i2 = Sampled_xToNearestIndex (me, endTime);
		if (i2 > my nx) {
			i2 = my nx;
		i2 -= lag;
		long nsamples = i2 - i1 + 1;
		if (nsamples <= my ny) {
			Melder_throw (U"Not enough samples, choose a longer interval.");
		autoCrossCorrelationTable thee = CrossCorrelationTable_create (my ny);

		NUMcrossCorrelate_rows (my z, my ny, i1, i2, lag, thy data, thy centroid, my dx);

		thy numberOfObservations = nsamples;

		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": CrossCorrelationTable not created.");
	This is for multi-channel "sounds" like EEG signals.
	The cross-correlation between channel i and channel j is defined as
		sum(k=1..nsamples, (z[i][k] - mean[i])(z[j][k + tau] - mean[j]))*samplingTime
CrossCorrelationTable Sound_to_CrossCorrelationTable (Sound me, double startTime, double endTime, double lagTime) {
	try {
		if (endTime <= startTime) {
			startTime = my xmin;
			endTime = my xmax;
		long lag = lagTime / my dx;
		long i1 = Sampled_xToNearestIndex (me, startTime);
		if (i1 < 1) {
			i1 = 1;
		long i2 = Sampled_xToNearestIndex (me, endTime);
		if (i2 > my nx) {
			i2 = my nx;
		i2 -= lag;
		long nsamples = i2 - i1 + 1;
		if (nsamples <= my ny) {
			Melder_throw ("Not enough samples, choose a longer interval.");
		autoCrossCorrelationTable thee = CrossCorrelationTable_create (my ny);

		NUMcrossCorrelate_rows (my z, my ny, i1, i2, lag, thy data, thy centroid, my dx);

		thy numberOfObservations = nsamples;

		return thee.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, ": CrossCorrelationTable not created.");
static void Pitch_line (Pitch me, Graphics g, double tmin, double fleft, double tmax, double fright,
	int nonPeriodicLineType)
	 * f = fleft + (t - tmin) * (fright - fleft) / (tmax - tmin);
	int lineType = Graphics_inqLineType (g);
	double lineWidth = Graphics_inqLineWidth (g);
	double slope = (fright - fleft) / (tmax - tmin);
	long imin = Sampled_xToNearestIndex (me, tmin);
	if (imin < 1) imin = 1;
	long imax = Sampled_xToNearestIndex (me, tmax);
	if (imax > my nx) imax = my nx;
	for (long i = imin; i <= imax; i ++) {
		double tleft, tright;
		if (! Pitch_isVoiced_i (me, i)) {
			if (nonPeriodicLineType == 2) continue;
			Graphics_setLineType (g, Graphics_DOTTED);
			Graphics_setLineWidth (g, 0.67 * lineWidth);
		} else if (nonPeriodicLineType != 2) {
			Graphics_setLineWidth (g, 2 * lineWidth);
		tleft = Sampled_indexToX (me, i) - 0.5 * my dx, tright = tleft + my dx;
		if (tleft < tmin) tleft = tmin;
		if (tright > tmax) tright = tmax;
		Graphics_line (g, tleft, fleft + (tleft - tmin) * slope,
			tright, fleft + (tright - tmin) * slope);
		Graphics_setLineType (g, lineType);
		Graphics_setLineWidth (g, lineWidth);
static double Sound_findMaximumCorrelation (Sound me, double t1, double windowLength, double tmin2, double tmax2, double *tout, double *peak) {
	double maximumCorrelation = -1.0, r1 = 0.0, r2 = 0.0, r3 = 0.0, r1_best, r3_best, ir;
	double halfWindowLength = 0.5 * windowLength;
	long i1, i2, ileft2;
	long ileft1 = Sampled_xToNearestIndex ((Sampled) me, t1 - halfWindowLength);
	long iright1 = Sampled_xToNearestIndex ((Sampled) me, t1 + halfWindowLength);
	long ileft2min = Sampled_xToLowIndex ((Sampled) me, tmin2 - halfWindowLength);
	long ileft2max = Sampled_xToHighIndex ((Sampled) me, tmax2 - halfWindowLength);
	*peak = 0.0;   /* Default. */
	for (ileft2 = ileft2min; ileft2 <= ileft2max; ileft2 ++) {
		double norm1 = 0.0, norm2 = 0.0, product = 0.0, localPeak = 0.0;
		if (my ny == 1) {
			for (i1 = ileft1, i2 = ileft2; i1 <= iright1; i1 ++, i2 ++) {
				if (i1 < 1 || i1 > my nx || i2 < 1 || i2 > my nx) continue;
				double amp1 = my z [1] [i1], amp2 = my z [1] [i2];
				norm1 += amp1 * amp1;
				norm2 += amp2 * amp2;
				product += amp1 * amp2;
				if (fabs (amp2) > localPeak)
					localPeak = fabs (amp2);
		} else {
			for (i1 = ileft1, i2 = ileft2; i1 <= iright1; i1 ++, i2 ++) {
				if (i1 < 1 || i1 > my nx || i2 < 1 || i2 > my nx) continue;
				double amp1 = 0.5 * (my z [1] [i1] + my z [2] [i1]), amp2 = 0.5 * (my z [1] [i2] + my z [2] [i2]);
				norm1 += amp1 * amp1;
				norm2 += amp2 * amp2;
				product += amp1 * amp2;
				if (fabs (amp2) > localPeak)
					localPeak = fabs (amp2);
		r1 = r2;
		r2 = r3;
		r3 = product ? product / (sqrt (norm1 * norm2)) : 0.0;
		if (r2 > maximumCorrelation && r2 >= r1 && r2 >= r3) {
			r1_best = r1;
			maximumCorrelation = r2;
			r3_best = r3;
			ir = ileft2 - 1;
			*peak = localPeak;  
	 * Improve the result by means of parabolic interpolation.
	if (maximumCorrelation > -1.0) {
		double d2r = 2 * maximumCorrelation - r1_best - r3_best;
		if (d2r != 0.0) {
			double dr = 0.5 * (r3_best - r1_best);
			maximumCorrelation += 0.5 * dr * dr / d2r;
			ir += dr / d2r;
		*tout = t1 + (ir - ileft1) * my dx;
	return maximumCorrelation;
Spectrum FormantFilter_to_Spectrum_slice (FormantFilter me, double t) {
	try {
		double sqrtref = sqrt (FilterBank_DBREF);
		double factor2 = 2 * 10 * FilterBank_DBFAC;
		autoSpectrum thee = Spectrum_create (my ymax, my ny);

		thy xmin = my ymin;
		thy xmax = my ymax;
		thy x1 = my y1;
		thy dx = my dy;   /* Frequency step. */

		long frame = Sampled_xToNearestIndex (me, t);
		if (frame < 1) {
			frame = 1;
		if (frame > my nx) {
			frame = my nx;

		for (long i = 1; i <= my ny; i++) {
				power = ref * 10 ^ (value / 10)
				sqrt(power) = sqrt(ref) * 10 ^ (value / (2*10))
			thy z[1][i] = sqrtref * pow (10, my z[i][frame] / factor2);
			thy z[2][i] = 0.0;
		return thee.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": Spectral slice not created.");
文件: CC.cpp 项目: woodst/praat
double CC_getValue (CC me, double t, long index) {
	long iframe = Sampled_xToNearestIndex (me, t);
	if (iframe < 1 || iframe > my nx) {
		return NUMundefined;
	CC_Frame cf = & me -> frame[iframe];
	return index > cf -> numberOfCoefficients ? NUMundefined : cf -> c[index];
bool structSpectrogramEditor :: v_click (double xWC, double yWC, bool shiftKeyPressed) {
	Spectrogram spectrogram = (Spectrogram) our data;
	/*double frequency = yWC * our maximum;*/
	long bestFrame;
	bestFrame = Sampled_xToNearestIndex (spectrogram, xWC);
	if (bestFrame < 1)
		bestFrame = 1;
	else if (bestFrame > spectrogram -> nx)
		bestFrame = spectrogram -> nx;
	return our SpectrogramEditor_Parent :: v_click (xWC, yWC, shiftKeyPressed);
/* Calculate the CrossCorrelationTable between the channels of two multichannel sounds irrespective of the domains.
 * Both sounds are treated as if their domain runs from 0 to duration.
 * Outside the chosen interval the sounds are assumed to be zero
autoCrossCorrelationTable Sounds_to_CrossCorrelationTable_combined (Sound me, Sound thee, double relativeStartTime, double relativeEndTime, double lagStep) {
	try {
		if (my dx != thy dx) {
			Melder_throw (U"Sampling frequencies must be equal.");
		if (relativeEndTime <= relativeStartTime) {
			relativeStartTime = my xmin;
			relativeEndTime = my xmax;
		long ndelta = (long) floor (lagStep / my dx), nchannels = my ny + thy ny;
		long i1 = Sampled_xToNearestIndex (me, relativeStartTime);
		if (i1 < 1) {
			i1 = 1;
		long i2 = Sampled_xToNearestIndex (me, relativeEndTime);
		if (i2 > my nx) {
			i2 = my nx;
		i2 -= ndelta;
		long nsamples = i2 - i1 + 1;
		if (nsamples <= nchannels) {
			Melder_throw (U"Not enough samples");
		autoCrossCorrelationTable him = CrossCorrelationTable_create (nchannels);
		autoNUMvector<double *> data (1, nchannels);
		for (long i = 1; i <= my ny; i++) {
			data[i] = my z[i];
		for (long i = 1; i <= thy ny; i++) {
			data[i + my ny] = thy z[i];

		NUMcrossCorrelate_rows (data.peek(), nchannels, i1, i2, ndelta, his data, his centroid, my dx);

		his numberOfObservations = nsamples;

		return him;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": CrossCorrelationTable not created.");
autoExcitation Spectrum_to_Excitation (Spectrum me, double dbark) {
	try {
		long nbark = (int) floor (25.6 / dbark + 0.5);
		double *re = my z [1], *im = my z [2]; 

		autoNUMvector <double> auditoryFilter (1, nbark);
		double filterArea = 0;
		for (long i = 1; i <= nbark; i ++) {
			double bark = dbark * (i - nbark/2) + 0.474;
			filterArea += auditoryFilter [i] = pow (10, (1.581 + 0.75 * bark - 1.75 * sqrt (1 + bark * bark)));
		/*for (long i = 1; i <= nbark; i ++)
			auditoryFilter [i] /= filterArea;*/
		autoNUMvector <double> rFreqs (1, nbark + 1);
		autoNUMvector <long> iFreqs (1, nbark + 1);
		for (long i = 1; i <= nbark + 1; i ++) {
			rFreqs [i] = Excitation_barkToHertz (dbark * (i - 1));
			iFreqs [i] = Sampled_xToNearestIndex (me, rFreqs [i]);
		autoNUMvector <double> inSig (1, nbark);
		for (long i = 1; i <= nbark; i ++) {
			long low = iFreqs [i], high = iFreqs [i + 1] - 1;
			if (low < 1) low = 1;
			if (high > my nx) high = my nx;
			for (long j = low; j <= high; j ++) {
				inSig [i] += re [j] * re [j] + im [j] * im [j];   // Pa2 s2

			/* An anti-undersampling correction. */
			if (high >= low)
				inSig [i] *= 2.0 * (rFreqs [i + 1] - rFreqs [i]) / (high - low + 1) * my dx;   // Pa2: power density in this band

		/* Convolution with auditory (masking) filter. */

		autoNUMvector <double> outSig (1, 2 * nbark);
		for (long i = 1; i <= nbark; i ++) {
			for (long j = 1; j <= nbark; j ++) {
				outSig [i + j] += inSig [i] * auditoryFilter [j];

		autoExcitation thee = Excitation_create (dbark, nbark);
		for (long i = 1; i <= nbark; i ++) {
			thy z [1] [i] = Excitation_soundPressureToPhon (sqrt (outSig [i + nbark/2]), Sampled_indexToX (thee.get(), i));

		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": not converted to Excitation.");
PowerCepstrum PowerCepstrogram_to_PowerCepstrum_slice (PowerCepstrogram me, double time) {
	try {
		long iframe = Sampled_xToNearestIndex (me, time);
		iframe = iframe < 1 ? 1 : iframe > my nx ? my nx : iframe;
		autoPowerCepstrum thee = PowerCepstrum_create (my ymax, my ny);
		for (long i = 1; i <= my ny; i++) {
			thy z[1][i] = my z[i][iframe];
		return thee.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, ": Cepstrum not extracted.");
int structPitchEditor :: v_click (double xWC, double yWC, bool dummy) {
    Pitch pitch = (Pitch) our data;
    double dyUnv = Graphics_dyMMtoWC (d_graphics, HEIGHT_UNV);
    double dyIntens = Graphics_dyMMtoWC (d_graphics, HEIGHT_INTENS);
    double frequency = (yWC - dyUnv) / (1 - dyIntens - dyUnv) * pitch -> ceiling, tmid;
    double minimumDf = 1e30;
    int cand, bestCandidate = -1;

    long ibestFrame;
    Pitch_Frame bestFrame;
    ibestFrame = Sampled_xToNearestIndex (pitch, xWC);
    if (ibestFrame < 1) ibestFrame = 1;
    if (ibestFrame > pitch -> nx) ibestFrame = pitch -> nx;
    bestFrame = & pitch -> frame [ibestFrame];

    tmid = Sampled_indexToX (pitch, ibestFrame);
    for (cand = 1; cand <= bestFrame -> nCandidates; cand ++) {
        double df = frequency - bestFrame -> candidate [cand]. frequency;
        if (fabs (df) < minimumDf) {
            minimumDf = fabs (df);
            bestCandidate = cand;
    if (bestCandidate != -1) {
        double bestFrequency = bestFrame -> candidate [bestCandidate]. frequency;
        double distanceWC = (frequency - bestFrequency) / pitch -> ceiling * (1 - dyIntens - dyUnv);
        double dx_mm = Graphics_dxWCtoMM (our d_graphics, xWC - tmid), dy_mm = Graphics_dyWCtoMM (our d_graphics, distanceWC);
        if (bestFrequency < pitch -> ceiling &&   // above ceiling: ignore
                ((bestFrequency <= 0.0 && fabs (xWC - tmid) <= 0.5 * pitch -> dx && frequency <= 0.0) ||   // voiceless: click within frame
                 (bestFrequency > 0.0 && dx_mm * dx_mm + dy_mm * dy_mm <= RADIUS * RADIUS)))   // voiced: click within circle
            struct structPitch_Candidate help = bestFrame -> candidate [1];
            Editor_save (this, L"Change path");
            bestFrame -> candidate [1] = bestFrame -> candidate [bestCandidate];
            bestFrame -> candidate [bestCandidate] = help;
            FunctionEditor_redraw (this);
            our broadcastDataChanged ();
            our d_startSelection = our d_endSelection = tmid;   // cursor will snap to candidate
            return 1;
        } else {
            return PitchEditor_Parent :: v_click (xWC, yWC, dummy);   // move cursor or drag selection
    return PitchEditor_Parent :: v_click (xWC, yWC, dummy);   // move cursor or drag selection
Sound PointProcess_to_Sound_pulseTrain
	(PointProcess me, double samplingFrequency,
	 double adaptFactor, double adaptTime, long interpolationDepth)
	try {
		long sound_nt = 1 + floor ((my xmax - my xmin) * samplingFrequency);   // >= 1
		double dt = 1.0 / samplingFrequency;
		double tmid = (my xmin + my xmax) / 2;
		double t1 = tmid - 0.5 * (sound_nt - 1) * dt;
		autoSound thee = Sound_create (1, my xmin, my xmax, sound_nt, dt, t1);
		double *sound = thy z [1];
		for (long it = 1; it <= my nt; it ++) {
			double t = my t [it], amplitude = 0.9, angle, halfampsinangle;
			long mid = Sampled_xToNearestIndex (thee.peek(), t);
			if (it <= 2 || my t [it - 2] < my t [it] - adaptTime) {
				amplitude *= adaptFactor;
				if (it == 1 || my t [it - 1] < my t [it] - adaptTime)
					amplitude *= adaptFactor;
			long begin = mid - interpolationDepth, end = mid + interpolationDepth;
			if (begin < 1) begin = 1;
			if (end > thy nx) end = thy nx;
			angle = NUMpi * (Sampled_indexToX (thee.peek(), begin) - t) / thy dx;
			halfampsinangle = 0.5 * amplitude * sin (angle);
			for (long j = begin; j <= end; j ++) {
				if (fabs (angle) < 1e-6)
					sound [j] += amplitude;
				else if (angle < 0.0)
					sound [j] += halfampsinangle *
						(1 + cos (angle / (mid - begin + 1))) / angle;
					sound [j] += halfampsinangle *
						(1 + cos (angle / (end - mid + 1))) / angle;
				angle += NUMpi;
				halfampsinangle = - halfampsinangle;
		return thee.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, ": pulse train not synthesized.");
double Sampled_getValueAtX (Sampled me, double x, long ilevel, int unit, int interpolate) {
	if (x < my xmin || x > my xmax) return NUMundefined;
	if (interpolate) {
		double ireal = Sampled_xToIndex (me, x);
		long ileft = floor (ireal), inear, ifar;
		double phase = ireal - ileft;
		if (phase < 0.5) {
			inear = ileft, ifar = ileft + 1;
		} else {
			ifar = ileft, inear = ileft + 1;
			phase = 1.0 - phase;
		if (inear < 1 || inear > my nx) return NUMundefined;   // x out of range?
		double fnear = my v_getValueAtSample (inear, ilevel, unit);
		if (fnear == NUMundefined) return NUMundefined;   // function value not defined?
		if (ifar < 1 || ifar > my nx) return fnear;   // at edge? Extrapolate
		double ffar = my v_getValueAtSample (ifar, ilevel, unit);
		if (ffar == NUMundefined) return fnear;   // neighbour undefined? Extrapolate
		return fnear + phase * (ffar - fnear);   // interpolate
	return Sampled_getValueAtSample (me, Sampled_xToNearestIndex (me, x), ilevel, unit);
void LPC_and_Sound_filterWithFilterAtTime_inline (LPC me, Sound thee, int channel, double time) {
	long frameIndex = Sampled_xToNearestIndex (me, time);
	if (frameIndex < 1) {
		frameIndex = 1;
	if (frameIndex > my nx) {
		frameIndex = my nx;
	if (channel > thy ny) {
		channel = 1;
	if (frameIndex < 1 || frameIndex > my nx) {
		Melder_throw (U"Frame number out of range.");
	if (channel > 0) {
		LPC_Frame_and_Sound_filter (& (my d_frames[frameIndex]), thee, channel);
	} else {
		for (long ichan = 1; ichan <= thy ny; ichan++) {
			LPC_Frame_and_Sound_filter (& (my d_frames[frameIndex]), thee, ichan);
double Sampled_getValueAtX (I, double x, long ilevel, int unit, int interpolate) {
	iam (Sampled);
	if (x < my xmin || x > my xmax) return NUMundefined;
	if (interpolate) {
		double ireal = Sampled_xToIndex (me, x), phase, fnear, ffar;
		long ileft = floor (ireal), inear, ifar;
		phase = ireal - ileft;
		if (phase < 0.5) {
			inear = ileft, ifar = ileft + 1;
		} else {
			ifar = ileft, inear = ileft + 1;
			phase = 1.0 - phase;
		if (inear < 1 || inear > my nx) return NUMundefined;   /* X out of range? */
		fnear = our getValueAtSample (me, inear, ilevel, unit);
		if (fnear == NUMundefined) return NUMundefined;   /* Function value not defined? */
		if (ifar < 1 || ifar > my nx) return fnear;   /* At edge? Extrapolate. */
		ffar = our getValueAtSample (me, ifar, ilevel, unit);
		if (ffar == NUMundefined) return fnear;   /* Neighbour undefined? Extrapolate. */
		return fnear + phase * (ffar - fnear);   /* Interpolate. */
	return Sampled_getValueAtSample (me, Sampled_xToNearestIndex (me, x), ilevel, unit);
void LPC_and_Sound_filterInverseWithFilterAtTime_inline (LPC me, Sound thee, int channel, double time) {
	try {
		long frameIndex = Sampled_xToNearestIndex (me, time);
		if (frameIndex < 1) {
			frameIndex = 1;
		if (frameIndex > my nx) {
			frameIndex = my nx;
		if (channel > thy ny) {
			channel = 1;
		if (channel > 0) {
			LPC_Frame_and_Sound_filterInverse (& (my d_frames[frameIndex]), thee, channel);
		} else {
			for (long ichan = 1; ichan <= thy ny; ichan++) {
				LPC_Frame_and_Sound_filterInverse (& (my d_frames[frameIndex]), thee, ichan);
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (thee, U": not inverse filtered.");
Spectrum LPC_to_Spectrum (LPC me, double t, double dfMin, double bandwidthReduction, double deEmphasisFrequency) {
	try {
		double samplingFrequency = 1.0 / my samplingPeriod;
		long nfft = 2, index = Sampled_xToNearestIndex (me, t);

		if (index < 1) {
			index = 1;
		if (index > my nx) {
			index = my nx;
		if (dfMin <= 0) {
			nfft = 512; dfMin = samplingFrequency / nfft;
		while (samplingFrequency / nfft > dfMin || nfft <= my d_frames[index].nCoefficients) {
			nfft *= 2;
		autoSpectrum thee = Spectrum_create (samplingFrequency / 2, nfft / 2 + 1);
		LPC_Frame_into_Spectrum (& my d_frames[index], thee.peek(), bandwidthReduction, deEmphasisFrequency);
		return thee.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, ": no Spectrum created.");
autoSound AmplitudeTier_to_Sound (AmplitudeTier me, double samplingFrequency, long interpolationDepth) {
	try {
		long sound_nt = 1 + (long) floor ((my xmax - my xmin) * samplingFrequency);   // >= 1
		double dt = 1.0 / samplingFrequency;
		double tmid = (my xmin + my xmax) / 2;
		double t1 = tmid - 0.5 * (sound_nt - 1) * dt;
		double *sound;
		autoSound thee = Sound_create (1, my xmin, my xmax, sound_nt, dt, t1);
		sound = thy z [1];
		for (long it = 1; it <= my points -> size; it ++) {
			RealPoint point = (RealPoint) my points -> item [it];
			double t = point -> number, amplitude = point -> value, angle, halfampsinangle;
			long mid = Sampled_xToNearestIndex (thee.peek(), t), j;
			long begin = mid - interpolationDepth, end = mid + interpolationDepth;
			if (begin < 1) begin = 1;
			if (end > thy nx) end = thy nx;
			angle = NUMpi * (Sampled_indexToX (thee.peek(), begin) - t) / thy dx;
			halfampsinangle = 0.5 * amplitude * sin (angle);
			for (j = begin; j <= end; j ++) {
				if (fabs (angle) < 1e-6)
					sound [j] += amplitude;
				else if (angle < 0.0)
					sound [j] += halfampsinangle *
						(1 + cos (angle / (mid - begin + 1))) / angle;
					sound [j] += halfampsinangle *
						(1 + cos (angle / (end - mid + 1))) / angle;
				angle += NUMpi;
				halfampsinangle = - halfampsinangle;
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": not converted to Sound.");
Spectrum Spectrogram_to_Spectrum (I, double tim) {
	iam (Spectrogram);
	try {
		autoSpectrum thee = Spectrum_create (my ymax, my ny);
		/* Override stupid Spectrum values. */
		thy xmin = my ymin;
		thy xmax = my ymax;
		thy x1 = my y1;   // centre of first band, instead of 0 (makes it unFFTable)
		thy dx = my dy;   // frequency step
		long itime = Sampled_xToNearestIndex (me, tim);
		if (itime < 1 ) itime = 1;
		if (itime > my nx) itime = my nx;
		for (long ifreq = 1; ifreq <= my ny; ifreq ++) {
			double value = my z [ifreq] [itime];
			if (value < 0.0)
				Melder_throw (U"Negative values in spectrogram.");
			thy z [1] [ifreq] = sqrt (value);
			thy z [2] [ifreq] = 0.0;
		return thee.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": spectral slice not extracted.");
Sound PointProcess_to_Sound_phonation
	(PointProcess me, double samplingFrequency, double adaptFactor, double maximumPeriod,
	 double openPhase, double collisionPhase, double power1, double power2)
	try {
		long sound_nt = 1 + floor ((my xmax - my xmin) * samplingFrequency);   // >= 1
		double dt = 1.0 / samplingFrequency;
		double tmid = (my xmin + my xmax) / 2;
		double t1 = tmid - 0.5 * (sound_nt - 1) * dt;
		double a = (power1 + power2 + 1.0) / (power2 - power1);
		double re = openPhase - collisionPhase;
		autoSound thee = Sound_create (1, my xmin, my xmax, sound_nt, dt, t1);
		 * Compute "re" by iteration.
		if (collisionPhase <= 0.0) {
			re = openPhase;
		} else {
			double xmaxFlow = pow (power1 / power2, 1.0 / (power2 - power1));
			double xleft = xmaxFlow;
			double gleft = pow (xleft, power1) - pow (xleft, power2);
			double gderivleft = power1 * pow (xleft, power1 - 1.0) - power2 * pow (xleft, power2 - 1.0);
			double fleft = - gleft / gderivleft;
			double xright = 1.0;
			double gright = pow (xright, power1) - pow (xright, power2);
			double gderivright = power1 * pow (xright, power1 - 1.0) - power2 * pow (xright, power2 - 1.0);
			double fright = - gright / gderivright;
			for (int i = 1; i <= 50; i ++) {
				double xmid = 0.5 * (xleft + xright);
				double gmid = pow (xmid, power1) - pow (xmid, power2);
				double gderivmid = power1 * pow (xmid, power1 - 1.0) - power2 * pow (xmid, power2 - 1.0);
				double fmid = - gmid / gderivmid;
				if (fmid > collisionPhase / openPhase) {
					xleft = xmid;
					fleft = fmid;
				} else {
					xright = xmid;
					fright = fmid;
				re = xmid * openPhase;
		 * Cycle through the points. Each will become a period.
		double *sound = thy z [1];
		for (long it = 1; it <= my nt; it ++) {
			double t = my t [it], amplitude = a;
			double period = NUMundefined, te, phase, flow;
			long midSample = Sampled_xToNearestIndex (thee.peek(), t);
			 * Determine the period: first look left (because that's where the open phase is),
			 * then right.
			if (it >= 2) {
				period = my t [it] - my t [it - 1];
				if (period > maximumPeriod) {
					period = NUMundefined;
			if (period == NUMundefined) {
				if (it < my nt) {
					period = my t [it + 1] - my t [it];
					if (period > maximumPeriod) {
						period = NUMundefined;
				if (period == NUMundefined) {
					period = 0.5 * maximumPeriod;   /* Some default value. */
			te = re * period;
			 * Determine the amplitude of this peak.
			amplitude /= period * openPhase;
			if (it == 1 || my t [it - 1] < my t [it] - maximumPeriod) {
				amplitude *= adaptFactor * adaptFactor;
			} else if (it == 2 || my t [it - 2] < my t [it - 1] - maximumPeriod) {
				amplitude *= adaptFactor;
			 * Fill in the samples to the left of the current point.
			{// scope
				long beginSample = midSample - floor (te / thy dx);
				if (beginSample < 1) beginSample = 1;
				long endSample = midSample;
				if (endSample > thy nx) endSample = thy nx;
				for (long isamp = beginSample; isamp <= endSample; isamp ++) {
					double tsamp = thy x1 + (isamp - 1) * thy dx;
					phase = (tsamp - (t - te)) / (period * openPhase);
					if (phase > 0.0)
						sound [isamp] += amplitude * (power1 * pow (phase, power1 - 1.0) - power2 * pow (phase, power2 - 1.0));
			 * Determine the signal parameters at the current point.
			phase = te / (period * openPhase);
			flow = amplitude * (period * openPhase) * (pow (phase, power1) - pow (phase, power2));
			 * Fill in the samples to the right of the current point.
			if (flow > 0.0) {
				double flowDerivative = amplitude * (power1 * pow (phase, power1 - 1.0) - power2 * pow (phase, power2 - 1.0));
				double ta = - flow / flowDerivative;
				double factorPerSample = exp (- thy dx / ta);
				double value = flowDerivative * factorPerSample;
				long beginSample = midSample + 1;
				if (beginSample < 1) beginSample = 1;
				long endSample = midSample + floor (20 * ta / thy dx);
				if (endSample > thy nx) endSample = thy nx;
				for (long isamp = beginSample; isamp <= endSample; isamp ++) {
					sound [isamp] += value;
					value *= factorPerSample;
		Vector_scale (thee.peek(), 0.9);
		return thee.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, ": not converted to Sound (phonation).");
文件: CC.cpp 项目: woodst/praat
double CC_getC0ValueAtTime (CC me, double t) {
	long iframe = Sampled_xToNearestIndex (me, t);
	return CC_getC0ValueInFrame (me, iframe);
static autoIntensity Sound_to_Intensity_ (Sound me, double minimumPitch, double timeStep, int subtractMeanPressure) {
	try {
		 * Preconditions.
		if (! NUMdefined (minimumPitch)) Melder_throw (U"(Sound-to-Intensity:) Minimum pitch undefined.");
		if (! NUMdefined (timeStep)) Melder_throw (U"(Sound-to-Intensity:) Time step undefined.");
		if (timeStep < 0.0) Melder_throw (U"(Sound-to-Intensity:) Time step should be zero or positive instead of ", timeStep, U".");
		if (my dx <= 0.0) Melder_throw (U"(Sound-to-Intensity:) The Sound's time step should be positive.");
		if (minimumPitch <= 0.0) Melder_throw (U"(Sound-to-Intensity:) Minimum pitch should be positive.");
		 * Defaults.
		if (timeStep == 0.0) timeStep = 0.8 / minimumPitch;   // default: four times oversampling Hanning-wise

		double windowDuration = 6.4 / minimumPitch;
		Melder_assert (windowDuration > 0.0);
		double halfWindowDuration = 0.5 * windowDuration;
		long halfWindowSamples = (long) floor (halfWindowDuration / my dx);
		autoNUMvector <double> amplitude (- halfWindowSamples, halfWindowSamples);
		autoNUMvector <double> window (- halfWindowSamples, halfWindowSamples);

		for (long i = - halfWindowSamples; i <= halfWindowSamples; i ++) {
			double x = i * my dx / halfWindowDuration, root = 1 - x * x;
			window [i] = root <= 0.0 ? 0.0 : NUMbessel_i0_f ((2 * NUMpi * NUMpi + 0.5) * sqrt (root));

		long numberOfFrames;
		double thyFirstTime;
		try {
			Sampled_shortTermAnalysis (me, windowDuration, timeStep, & numberOfFrames, & thyFirstTime);
		} catch (MelderError) {
			Melder_throw (U"The duration of the sound in an intensity analysis should be at least 6.4 divided by the minimum pitch (", minimumPitch, U" Hz), "
				U"i.e. at least ", 6.4 / minimumPitch, U" s, instead of ", my xmax - my xmin, U" s.");
		autoIntensity thee = Intensity_create (my xmin, my xmax, numberOfFrames, timeStep, thyFirstTime);
		for (long iframe = 1; iframe <= numberOfFrames; iframe ++) {
			double midTime = Sampled_indexToX (thee.peek(), iframe);
			long midSample = Sampled_xToNearestIndex (me, midTime);
			long leftSample = midSample - halfWindowSamples, rightSample = midSample + halfWindowSamples;
			double sumxw = 0.0, sumw = 0.0, intensity;
			if (leftSample < 1) leftSample = 1;
			if (rightSample > my nx) rightSample = my nx;

			for (long channel = 1; channel <= my ny; channel ++) {
				for (long i = leftSample; i <= rightSample; i ++) {
					amplitude [i - midSample] = my z [channel] [i];
				if (subtractMeanPressure) {
					double sum = 0.0;
					for (long i = leftSample; i <= rightSample; i ++) {
						sum += amplitude [i - midSample];
					double mean = sum / (rightSample - leftSample + 1);
					for (long i = leftSample; i <= rightSample; i ++) {
						amplitude [i - midSample] -= mean;
				for (long i = leftSample; i <= rightSample; i ++) {
					sumxw += amplitude [i - midSample] * amplitude [i - midSample] * window [i - midSample];
					sumw += window [i - midSample];
			intensity = sumxw / sumw;
			intensity /= 4e-10;
			thy z [1] [iframe] = intensity < 1e-30 ? -300 : 10 * log10 (intensity);
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": intensity analysis not performed.");