void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::OnFindReplace( wxFindDialogEvent& aEvent )

    bool warpCursor = !( aEvent.GetFlags() & FR_NO_WARP_CURSOR );
    SCH_ITEM* item = (SCH_ITEM*) m_foundItems.GetItem( data );

    wxCHECK_RET( item != NULL, wxT( "Invalid replace item in find collector list." ) );

    wxLogTrace( traceFindReplace, wxT( "Replacing %s with %s in item %s" ),
                GetChars( aEvent.GetFindString() ), GetChars( aEvent.GetReplaceString() ),
                GetChars( m_foundItems.GetText() ) );

    SCH_ITEM* undoItem = data.GetParent();

    if( undoItem == NULL )
        undoItem = item;

    SetUndoItem( undoItem );

    if( m_foundItems.ReplaceItem() )
        SaveUndoItemInUndoList( undoItem );
        RedrawScreen( data.GetPosition(), warpCursor );

    OnFindSchematicItem( aEvent );

    if( aEvent.GetEventType() == wxEVT_COMMAND_FIND_REPLACE_ALL )
        while( ( item = (SCH_ITEM*) m_foundItems.GetItem( data ) ) != NULL )
            wxLogTrace( traceFindReplace, wxT( "Replacing %s with %s in item %s" ),
                        GetChars( aEvent.GetFindString() ), GetChars( aEvent.GetReplaceString() ),
                        GetChars( m_foundItems.GetText() ) );

            SCH_ITEM* undoItem = data.GetParent();

            // Don't save child items in undo list.
            if( undoItem == NULL )
                undoItem = item;

            SetUndoItem( undoItem );

            if( m_foundItems.ReplaceItem() )
                SaveUndoItemInUndoList( undoItem );
                RedrawScreen( data.GetPosition(), warpCursor );

            OnFindSchematicItem( aEvent );
void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::addCurrentItemToList( wxDC* aDC )
    SCH_SCREEN* screen = GetScreen();
    SCH_ITEM*   item = screen->GetCurItem();

    wxCHECK_RET( item != NULL, wxT( "Cannot add current item to list." ) );

    m_canvas->SetAutoPanRequest( false );

    SCH_ITEM* undoItem = item;

    if( item->Type() == SCH_SHEET_PIN_T )
        SCH_SHEET* sheet = (SCH_SHEET*) item->GetParent();

        wxCHECK_RET( (sheet != NULL) && (sheet->Type() == SCH_SHEET_T),
                     wxT( "Cannot place sheet pin in invalid schematic sheet object." ) );

        undoItem = sheet;

    else if( item->Type() == SCH_FIELD_T )
        SCH_COMPONENT* cmp = (SCH_COMPONENT*) item->GetParent();

        wxCHECK_RET( (cmp != NULL) && (cmp->Type() == SCH_COMPONENT_T),
                     wxT( "Cannot place field in invalid schematic component object." ) );

        undoItem = cmp;

    if( item->IsNew() )
        if( item->Type() == SCH_SHEET_T )
            // Fix the size and position of the new sheet using the last values set by
            // the m_mouseCaptureCallback function.
            m_canvas->SetMouseCapture( NULL, NULL );

            if( !EditSheet( (SCH_SHEET*)item, aDC ) )
                screen->SetCurItem( NULL );
                item->Draw( m_canvas, aDC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), g_XorMode );
                delete item;


        if( undoItem == item )
            if( !screen->CheckIfOnDrawList( item ) )  // don't want a loop!
                screen->Append( item );

            SetRepeatItem( item );

            SaveCopyInUndoList( undoItem, UR_NEW );
            // Here, item is not a basic schematic item, but an item inside
            // a parent basic schematic item,
            // currently: sheet pin or component field.
            // currently, only a sheet pin can be found as new item,
            // because new component fields have a specific handling, and do not appears here
            SaveCopyInUndoList( undoItem, UR_CHANGED );

            if( item->Type() == SCH_SHEET_PIN_T )
                ( (SCH_SHEET*)undoItem )->AddPin( (SCH_SHEET_PIN*) item );
                wxLogMessage(wxT( "addCurrentItemToList: expected type = SCH_SHEET_PIN_T, actual type = %d" ),
                            item->Type() );
        SaveUndoItemInUndoList( undoItem );

    // Erase the wire representation before the 'normal' view is drawn.
    if ( item->IsWireImage() )
        item->Draw( m_canvas, aDC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), g_XorMode );

    screen->SetCurItem( NULL );
    m_canvas->SetMouseCapture( NULL, NULL );

    if( item->IsConnectable() )

    if( aDC )
        EDA_CROSS_HAIR_MANAGER( m_canvas, aDC );  // Erase schematic cursor
        undoItem->Draw( m_canvas, aDC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), GR_DEFAULT_DRAWMODE );
void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::OnFindReplace( wxFindDialogEvent& aEvent )
    static int              nextFoundIndex = 0;
    SCH_ITEM*               item;
    SCH_SHEET_PATH*         sheet;
    SCH_SHEET_LIST          schematic( g_RootSheet );
    SCH_FIND_REPLACE_DATA   searchCriteria;

    searchCriteria.SetFlags( aEvent.GetFlags() );
    searchCriteria.SetFindString( aEvent.GetFindString() );
    searchCriteria.SetReplaceString( aEvent.GetReplaceString() );
    m_foundItems.SetReplaceString( aEvent.GetReplaceString() );

    if( IsSearchCacheObsolete( searchCriteria ) )
        if( aEvent.GetFlags() & FR_CURRENT_SHEET_ONLY && g_RootSheet->CountSheets() > 1 )
            m_foundItems.Collect( searchCriteria, m_CurrentSheet );
            m_foundItems.Collect( searchCriteria );

        // Restore the next found index on cache refresh.  Prevents single replace events
        // from starting back at the beginning of the cache.
        m_foundItems.SetFoundIndex( nextFoundIndex );

    if( aEvent.GetEventType() == wxEVT_COMMAND_FIND_REPLACE_ALL )
        while( ( item = (SCH_ITEM*) m_foundItems.GetItem( data ) ) != NULL )
            SCH_ITEM* undoItem = data.GetParent();

            // Don't save child items in undo list.
            if( undoItem == NULL )
                undoItem = item;

            SetUndoItem( undoItem );

            sheet = schematic.GetSheetByPath( data.GetSheetPath() );

            wxCHECK_RET( sheet != NULL, wxT( "Could not find sheet path " ) + data.GetSheetPath() );

            if( m_foundItems.ReplaceItem( sheet ) )
                SaveUndoItemInUndoList( undoItem );
                updateFindReplaceView( aEvent );


            if( m_foundItems.PassedEnd() )
        item = (SCH_ITEM*) m_foundItems.GetItem( data );

        wxCHECK_RET( item != NULL, wxT( "Invalid replace item in find collector list." ) );

        SCH_ITEM* undoItem = data.GetParent();

        if( undoItem == NULL )
            undoItem = item;

        SetUndoItem( undoItem );

        sheet = schematic.GetSheetByPath( data.GetSheetPath() );

        wxCHECK_RET( sheet != NULL, wxT( "Could not find sheet path " ) + data.GetSheetPath() );

        if( m_foundItems.ReplaceItem( sheet ) )
            SaveUndoItemInUndoList( undoItem );
            updateFindReplaceView( aEvent );

        nextFoundIndex = m_foundItems.GetFoundIndex();

    // End the replace if we are at the end if the list.  This prevents an infinite loop if
    // wrap search is selected and all of the items have been replaced with a value that
    // still satisfies the search criteria.
    if( m_foundItems.PassedEnd() )
        aEvent.SetFlags( aEvent.GetFlags() & ~FR_REPLACE_ITEM_FOUND );