void CEnvelopeWizard::SetImageSize(CAGSymImage* pImage, POINT* pCenterPoint)
	if (!pImage)

	// The image symbol should be at (0,0) and have a unity matrix
	CRect DestRect = pImage->GetDestRect();

	// Maintain a maximum image size using the symbol's matrix
	CAGMatrix NewMatrix;
	if (DestRect.Width() > m_nMaxImageSize || DestRect.Height() > m_nMaxImageSize)
		int dx = m_nMaxImageSize;
		int dy = m_nMaxImageSize;
		double fScale = ScaleToFit(&dx, &dy, DestRect.Width(), DestRect.Height(), true/*bUseSmallerFactor*/);
		NewMatrix.Scale(fScale, fScale);

	if (pCenterPoint)
		NewMatrix.Translate(pCenterPoint->x - DestRect.Width()/2, pCenterPoint->y - DestRect.Height()/2);

void IndieLibManager::ScaleToFit(IND_Entity2d* entity, IND_Surface* originsurface,int finalx, int finaly)
	//Get original surface dimensions
	int originx = originsurface->GetWidth();
	int originy = originsurface->GetHeight();
	//Call subfunction
	ScaleToFit(entity, originx, originy, finalx, finaly);
bool CDocCommands::CropSetAspect(int iValue)
	CImageObject* pObject = m_DocWindow.GetSelectedObject();
	if (!pObject)
		return false;

	// Constrain the DestRect to the Aspect ratio and set it as the new CropRect
	CSize Aspect(LOWORD(iValue), HIWORD(iValue));
	CRect DestRect = pObject->GetDestRect();
	int dx = DestRect.Width();
	int dy = DestRect.Height();
	ScaleToFit(&dx, &dy, Aspect.cx, Aspect.cy, true/*bUseSmallerFactor*/);
	DestRect.left -= ((dx - DestRect.Width()) / 2);
	DestRect.top  -= ((dy - DestRect.Height()) / 2);
	DestRect.right  = DestRect.left + dx;
	DestRect.bottom = DestRect.top  + dy;

	return true;
//	Constrain the selection to the AspectX & AspectY.
//	If bCenter then it will try to keep the center constant.
//	Otherwise it will keep the upper left corner constant.
void CSelection::ConstrainSelection(RECT* pRect, long AspectX, long AspectY, bool bCenter)
	if (!AspectX || !AspectY)

	int x = WIDTH(*pRect);
	int y = HEIGHT(*pRect);
	int sx = (x >= 0 ? 1 : -1);
	int sy = (y >= 0 ? 1 : -1);
	x = abs(x);
	y = abs(y);
	ScaleToFit(&x, &y, (int)AspectX, (int)AspectY, true/*bUseSmallerFactor*/);
	x *= sx;
	y *= sy;
	if (bCenter)
		pRect->left -= ((x - WIDTH(*pRect)) / 2);
		pRect->top  -= ((y - HEIGHT(*pRect)) / 2);

	pRect->right  = pRect->left + x;
	pRect->bottom = pRect->top  + y;
BOOL CanZoom( HWND hWnd, LFIXED FileRate, LPRECT lpFileRect,
               LPRECT lpDispRect )
LFIXED DispRate;
long lFileWidth, lFileHeight;
int iDispWidth, iDispHeight;
LPIMAGE lpImage;

lpImage = GetImagePtr(hWnd);
if (FileRate != 0)  // FileRate passed in
    DispRate = FGET(FUNITY, FileRate);
else        // Displaying a FileRect
    // calculate DispRate using this FileRect and
    // DispRect.
    iDispWidth = RectWidth(lpDispRect);
    iDispHeight = RectHeight(lpDispRect);
    DispRate = ScaleToFit(&iDispWidth, &iDispHeight,
// Calculate eventual size in File coordinates using
// this DispRate.  This calculation is done by most
// of the viewing routines and has the possibility
// of overflow.  Usually in these routines when the
// calculation is made it is too late to turn back
// so those routines call CanZoom() before doing
// anything that is unreversible.
lFileWidth = FMUL(lpImage->npix, DispRate);
lFileHeight = FMUL(lpImage->nlin, DispRate);
// Although MAXINT is 32767, I decided to use 30000 just
// for some slop and my own paranoia
return(lFileWidth > 0L && lFileWidth <= MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH &&
       lFileHeight > 0L && lFileHeight <= MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT);
void IndieLibManager::ScaleToFit(IND_Entity2d* entity, IND_Animation* originalanimation,int finalx, int finaly)
	//An animation can have many sequences, and can have many heights-widths
	//as default, scaling is done to BIGGER frame of ALL SEQUENCES
	int sequences = originalanimation->GetNumSequences();
	int biggerx = 0;
	int biggery = 0;
	//LOOP  Find bigger x and y to scale
	for(int i = 0;i<sequences;i++)
		assert(i-1 < sequences);
		int animwidth = originalanimation->GetHighWidth(i);  //Bigger width of this sequence
		int animheight = originalanimation->GetHighHeight(i); //Bigger heigth of this sequence

		//Assignment if it is bigger
		if(animwidth > biggerx)
			biggerx =  animwidth;
		if(animheight > biggery)
			biggery =  animheight;

	//Call subfunction
	ScaleToFit(entity, biggerx, biggery, finalx, finaly);
void ComputeDispRect(HWND hWnd)
int w, h, dx, dy;
int iWidth, iHeight, iImageWidth, iImageHeight;
LFIXED DispRate;
RECT DispRect;
BOOL bZoomed, bIconic;
LPIMAGE lpImage;
LPDISPLAY lpDisplay;

lpImage = GetImagePtr(hWnd);
lpDisplay = GetDisplayPtr(hWnd);

BOOL bInPlaceFrameType = FALSE;
HWND hMDIWindow = hWnd;
CWnd *pWnd = CWnd::FromHandle(hMDIWindow);
if (pWnd->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CServerView)))        
	hMDIWindow = pWnd->GetParentFrame()->GetSafeHwnd();
	bInPlaceFrameType = ((CServerView*)pWnd)->GetDocument()->IsInPlaceActive();

// get max size of client area with no scrollbars
GetDispRect(hWnd, &DispRect, 1, 1);
w = RectWidth(&DispRect);
h = RectHeight(&DispRect);

// If we have no FileRate to this point, it means somebody wants
// to display a specific FileRect.  Calculate a FileRate so that
// we can calculate a DispRect.  This is necessary because it is
// possible (when the window is maximized for example) that the
// FileRect requested will not fill up the window, so it would
// need to be recalculated.  It is assumed that scrollbars would
// not be needrf and should not be needed if the calculation is
// done correctly, which hopefully it is.
if (!lpDisplay->FileRate)
    iWidth = w; iHeight = h;
    DispRate = ScaleToFit(&iWidth, &iHeight, RectWidth(&lpDisplay->FileRect), RectHeight(&lpDisplay->FileRect));
    lpDisplay->FileRate = FGET(FUNITY, DispRate);
if (lpDisplay->FileRate == TINYRATE) // Iconic
    iWidth = w;
    iHeight = h;

    iImageWidth = lpImage->npix;
    iImageHeight = lpImage->nlin;
    DispRate = ScaleToFit(&iWidth, &iHeight, iImageWidth, iImageHeight);
	// NOTE!! added bInPlaceFrameType here because Insitu needs to be able 
	// to scale over 100%.
	if (!bInPlaceFrameType && (DispRate > FGET(1, 1))) 
        DispRate = FGET(1, 1);
        iWidth = FMUL(iImageWidth, DispRate);
        iHeight = FMUL(iImageHeight, DispRate);
else // if (lpDisplay->FileRate) // Specific FileRate
    // Calulate how much space is needed at this FileRate
    DispRate = FGET(FUNITY, lpDisplay->FileRate);
    iImageWidth = FMUL(lpImage->npix, DispRate);
    iImageHeight = FMUL(lpImage->nlin, DispRate);

    // See if scrollbars will be necessary and get the
    // appropriate DispRect if so
    if (iImageWidth > w && iImageHeight > h)
        GetDispRect(hWnd, &DispRect, 2, 2);
    if (iImageWidth > w)
        GetDispRect(hWnd, &DispRect, 2, 1);
        h = RectHeight(&DispRect);
        if (iImageHeight > h)
            GetDispRect(hWnd, &DispRect, 2, 2);
    if (iImageHeight > h)
        GetDispRect(hWnd, &DispRect, 1, 2);
        w = RectWidth(&DispRect);
        if (iImageWidth > w)
            GetDispRect(hWnd, &DispRect, 2, 2);
    w = RectWidth(&DispRect);
    h = RectHeight(&DispRect);
    iWidth = w;
    iHeight = h;

    // Clip the DispRect size to the amount needed for image
    if (iImageWidth < iWidth)
        iWidth = iImageWidth;
    if (iImageHeight < iHeight)
        iHeight = iImageHeight;

bIconic = IsIconic(hMDIWindow);
bZoomed = IsZoomed(hMDIWindow);
if (bZoomed || bIconic)
    dy = RectHeight(&DispRect) - iHeight;
    dy /= 2;
    dx = RectWidth(&DispRect) - iWidth;
    dx /= 2;
    lpDisplay->DispRect.top = DispRect.top + dy;
    lpDisplay->DispRect.left = DispRect.left + dx;
    lpDisplay->DispRect.top = DispRect.top;
    lpDisplay->DispRect.left = DispRect.left;
lpDisplay->DispRect.bottom = lpDisplay->DispRect.top + iHeight - 1;
lpDisplay->DispRect.right = lpDisplay->DispRect.left + iWidth - 1;
void CalcFullViewWindowSize( LPRECT lpWindowRect, LPRECT lpFileRect,
                              LFIXED FileRate, int npix, int nlin, int x,
                              int y, BOOL fHasRulers, BOOL fClipToImage )
int dx, dy, sx, sy, rs, iImageWidth, iImageHeight, iWidth, iHeight;
LFIXED DispRate;
int minsize;

// normal window - to goal is to size the window to fit the view
// If FileRate == 0 or 1, then we make the window as big as possible
// for the FileRect provided.  If FileRate != 0, then we make the
// the window as big as possible to fit the image at that FileRate.
// If the fClipToImage flag and FileRate == 0, then we do not let
// the FileRate go over 100%.  This is used for a caller who wants
// to display the image pixel for pixel, if possible.
if (x < 0 || y < 0)
	GetDocumentPosition(&x, &y);

dx = 2 * GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFRAME);
dy = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION) + (2*GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFRAME)) - 1;

// get size of scrollbars and rulers for use later
GetScrollBarSize(&sx, &sy);
rs = GetRulerSize();

// determine maximum area for window to occupy
if (IsIconic(PictPubApp.Get_hWndAstral()))
    *lpWindowRect = rClient;
    GetClientRect(PictPubApp.Get_hClientAstral(), lpWindowRect);
lpWindowRect->top = y;
lpWindowRect->left = x;
lpWindowRect->right -= dx;
lpWindowRect->bottom -= (dy + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFRAME));

// start with this maximum Client Area size
minsize = MIN_WINDOW_SIZE+rs;
iWidth = RectWidth(lpWindowRect);
if ( iWidth < minsize )
    iWidth = minsize;
iHeight = RectHeight(lpWindowRect);
if ( iHeight < minsize )
    iHeight = minsize;

// If we already have a FileRate, calculate new size of window
// based on the image size
if (FileRate > TINYRATE)
    // calculate size of area for total image at this
    // FileRate
    DispRate = FGET(FUNITY, FileRate);
    iImageWidth = FMUL(npix, DispRate);
    iImageHeight = FMUL(nlin, DispRate);

    // add in additional space for rulers if necessary
    if (fHasRulers)
        iImageWidth += rs;
        iImageHeight += rs;
    if (iImageWidth > iWidth && iImageHeight < iHeight)
        iImageHeight += sy;
    if (iImageHeight > iHeight && iImageWidth < iWidth)
        iImageWidth += sx;

    // see if we don't need the total width
    // otherwise, use the maximum
    if (iImageWidth < iWidth)
        iWidth = iImageWidth;
    // see if we don't need the total height
    // otherwise, use the maximum
    if (iImageHeight < iHeight)
        iHeight = iImageHeight;
// if we have no FileRate, then somebody wants a specific
// FileRect, figure out how big the window needs to be and
// whether we need rulers
    // get width and height of area to be displayed
    iImageWidth = RectWidth(lpFileRect);
    iImageHeight = RectHeight(lpFileRect);

    // reduce the maximum area if we have rulers
    if (fHasRulers)
        iWidth -= rs;
        iHeight -= rs;

    // reduce the maximum area if we need scrollbars
    if (lpFileRect->left != 0 ||
        lpFileRect->right != npix-1 ||
        lpFileRect->top != 0 ||
        lpFileRect->bottom != nlin-1)
        iWidth -= sx;
        iHeight -= sy;

    // scale maximum client area size (not including rulers and
    // scrollbars) to fit aspect ratio of FileRect
    DispRate = ScaleToFit(&iWidth, &iHeight, iImageWidth, iImageHeight);

    // if caller wants to clip to hires to achieve 100% view,
    // clip.  But only if hires is smaller
    if (iImageWidth <= iWidth && iImageHeight <= iHeight && fClipToImage)
        iWidth = iImageWidth;
        iHeight = iImageHeight;

    // add ruler size back into client area
    if (fHasRulers)
        iWidth += rs;
        iHeight += rs;

    // add scrollbar size back into client area
    if (lpFileRect->left != 0 ||
        lpFileRect->right != npix-1 ||
        lpFileRect->top != 0 ||
        lpFileRect->bottom != nlin-1)
        iWidth += sx;
        iHeight += sy;
// Calculate new window size based on iWidth and iHeight */
lpWindowRect->right = lpWindowRect->left + iWidth + dx - 1;
lpWindowRect->bottom = lpWindowRect->top + iHeight + dy - 1;
LOCAL BOOL FullScreenView_OnInitDialog(HWND hDlg, HWND hWndFocus, LPARAM lParam)
	CPPMDIChildWnd *pMDIChild;
	RECT ClientRect;
	int npix, nlin, cx, cy, dx, dy;
	HWND hControl, hMDIChild, hView;
	LPFRAME lpFrame;

	// Make the window as big as the screen
	dx = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSCREEN );
	dy = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSCREEN );
	MoveWindow( hDlg, 0, 0, dx, dy, NO );

	// Compute the center of the window
	GetClientRect( hDlg, &ClientRect );
	cx = ( ClientRect.right + ClientRect.left ) / 2;
	cy = ( ClientRect.bottom + ClientRect.top ) / 2;

	// Link all of the images to image controls
	hControl = GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDC_VIEWFULL );

	CServerView *pView = PictPubApp.GetActiveView();
	BOOL bInplaceActive = (pView && pView->GetDocument()->IsInPlaceActive());
	if (bInplaceActive)
		hMDIChild = pView->GetParentFrame()->GetSafeHwnd();
		hView = pView->GetSafeHwnd();
		pMDIChild = (CPPMDIChildWnd*)((CMDIFrame*)PictPubApp.m_pMainWnd)->MDIGetActive();
		hMDIWnd = pMDIChild->GetSafeHwnd();
		if (hMDIWnd)
			hView = pMDIChild->GetActiveView()->GetSafeHwnd();
			hView = NULL;

	while ( hView )
		lpBase = ImgGetBase((LPIMAGE)GetImagePtr(hView));
		if ( !lpBase || !hControl )
		lpFrame = ObjGetEditFrame(lpBase);

		// Link the frame to the image control
		SetWindowLong( hControl, GWL_IMAGE, (long)lpBase );
		// The destination size can be no bigger the the screen
		npix = FrameXSize(lpFrame);
		nlin = FrameYSize(lpFrame);
		if ( npix > dx || nlin > dy )
			npix = dx;
			nlin = dy;
			ScaleToFit( &npix, &nlin,
				FrameXSize(lpFrame), FrameYSize(lpFrame));

		// Position the control in the center of the window
		ClientRect.left = cx - npix/2;
		ClientRect.right = ClientRect.left + npix;
		ClientRect.top = cy - nlin/2;
		ClientRect.bottom = ClientRect.top + nlin;
		MoveWindow( hControl,
			ClientRect.left, ClientRect.top, // New position
			RectWidth( &ClientRect ),
			RectHeight( &ClientRect ), // New size
			NO /* No repaint*/ );

		if (bInplaceActive)

		// Check to see if these get destroyed when the window does
			hView = NULL;
			if (hMDIWnd = GetWindow( hMDIWnd, GW_HWNDNEXT ))
				if ((CWnd::FromHandle(hMDIWnd))->
					hView = ((CPPMDIChildWnd*)CWnd::FromHandle(hMDIWnd))->

		} while (hMDIWnd && !hView);

		if (!hView)

		// Get another image control				 
		hControl = CopyWindow( hControl );

	return TRUE;
HICON CXTPIconHandle::ScaleToFit(CSize desiredExtent) const
	return ScaleToFit(m_hIcon, desiredExtent);
void  CPictureListView::DrawListViewThumbnails()
	// Set the length of the space between thumbnails
	// You can also calculate and set it based on the length of your list control

	// Hold the window update to avoid flicking

	// Reset the image list
	for (int i=0; i<m_ImageList.GetImageCount(); i++)

	// Remove all items from list view
	if (GetItemCount())

	// Draw the thumbnails
	i = 0;
	for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < MAX_NUM_PICTURES; nIndex++)
		CAGSymImage* pImage = m_pParent->GetEnvelopeWizard()->m_pGraphics[nIndex];
		if (!pImage)

		BITMAPINFOHEADER* pDib = pImage->GetDib();
		if (!pDib)

		// Borrow our dib header to create our thumbnail bitmap
		int nWidth = pDib->biWidth;
		int nHeight = pDib->biHeight;
		pDib->biWidth = m_nThumbnailSize;
		pDib->biHeight = m_nThumbnailSize;

		// Create thumbnail bitmap section
		HBITMAP hBitmap = ::CreateDIBSection(NULL, (BITMAPINFO*)pDib, DIB_RGB_COLORS, NULL, NULL, 0); 

		// Restore the dib header
		pDib->biWidth = nWidth;
		pDib->biHeight = nHeight;

		// Select the thumbnail bitmap into screen dc
		HDC	hMemDC = ::CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);	
		HGDIOBJ	hOldObj = ::SelectObject(hMemDC, hBitmap);

		// Set stretch mode
		::SetStretchBltMode(hMemDC, COLORONCOLOR);

		int dx = m_nThumbnailSize;
		int dy = m_nThumbnailSize;
		ScaleToFit(&dx, &dy, nWidth, nHeight, true/*bUseSmallerFactor*/);

		// Populate the thumbnail bitmap bits
		RECT rect = {0, 0, m_nThumbnailSize, m_nThumbnailSize};
		::FillRect(hMemDC, &rect, CAGBrush(RGB(255,255,255)));
						(m_nThumbnailSize - dx)/2, (m_nThumbnailSize - dy)/2,
						dx, dy, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, DibPtr(pDib), 

		// Restore DC object
		::SelectObject(hMemDC, hOldObj);
		// Clean up
		// Add the bitmap to our image list

		// Set the image file name as item text
		InsertItem(i, "", i);

		// Get the current item position	 
		POINT pt;
		GetItemPosition(i, &pt);	 
		// Shift the thumbnail to desired position
		pt.x = 0; 
		pt.y = i * m_nThumbnailSize;
		SetItemPosition(i, pt);

	// Show the new thumbnails
//j	Arrange(LVA_ALIGNLEFT);
void CPhotoManager::Callback(IDispatch* pDisp1, IDispatch* pDisp2, DISPID id, VARIANT* pVarResult)
	if (!pDisp1)

		CComQIPtr<IHTMLElement2> spElem2(pDisp1);
		if (!spElem2)

		hr = spElem2->focus();
		CComQIPtr<IHTMLElement> spElem(pDisp1);
		if (!spElem)
		CComPtr<IDispatch> spDisp;
		CComQIPtr<IHTMLDocument2> spDoc(spDisp);
		if (FAILED(hr) || !spDoc)
		CComPtr<IHTMLWindow2> spWnd;
		HRESULT hr = spDoc->get_parentWindow(&spWnd);
		if (FAILED(hr) || !spWnd)
		CComPtr<IHTMLEventObj> spEventObj;
		hr = spWnd->get_event(&spEventObj);
		if (FAILED(hr) || !spEventObj)
		long lVal;
		if ( lVal == 1) // 1 = left button is pressed 		
			hr = spElem->click();		
	if (id == DISPID_MYCLICK)
		CComQIPtr<IHTMLElement> spElem(pDisp1);
		if (!spElem)

		CComQIPtr<IHTMLImgElement> spImgElem(pDisp1);
		if (!spImgElem)

		CComPtr<IDispatch> spDisp;
		hr = spElem->get_document(&spDisp);
		if (FAILED(hr) || !spDisp)

		CComQIPtr<IHTMLDocument2> spDoc(spDisp);
		if (!spDoc)

		CString strFileName;
		bool bOK = AddAPhoto((IHTMLDocument2*)spDoc, strFileName);
		if (!bOK)
		CComQIPtr<IMarkupServices2> spMarkup2 = spDoc;
		if (spMarkup2)
			hr = spMarkup2->BeginUndoUnit(L"Add a Photo");

		long lElemWidth = 0;
		long lElemHeight = 0;
		GetElemSize(spElem, lElemWidth, lElemHeight);
		if (!lElemWidth && !lElemHeight)
			GetImgElemSize(spImgElem, lElemWidth, lElemHeight);
			SetElemSize(spElem, lElemWidth, lElemHeight);

		long lImageWidth = 0;
		long lImageHeight = 0;
		CImage Image(strFileName);
		Image.GetNativeImageSize(lImageWidth, lImageHeight);

		#define SHIFT (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0)
		if (SHIFT)
			::MessageBox(NULL, "The photo will be embedded in the email message.", g_szAppName, MB_OK);
			CString strURL = m_strHost + "/cgi-bin/flashalbum/cmaddaphoto.pl";

			// strFormDataPairs is a string of name/value pairs as follows "name1:value1|\nname2:value2|\n"
			CString strFormDataPairs;
			strFormDataPairs += "inputfile:~" + strFileName + "|\n";

			CUploadImages Upload(ULI_NOUPSIZE /*| ULI_LEAVETEMP | ULI_DEBUG*/);
			CString strResult;
			Upload.UploadImages(strURL, strFormDataPairs, lElemWidth, lElemHeight, 70/*nQuality*/, strResult);
			if (strResult.Find("error") < 0 && strResult.Find("http") >= 0)
				strFileName = strResult;
				//::MessageBox(NULL, String("The photo was uploaded first to %s.", strFileName), g_szAppName, MB_OK);
				CString szMsg;
				::MessageBox(NULL, szMsg, g_szAppName, MB_OK);
				if (spMarkup2)
					hr = spMarkup2->EndUndoUnit();

		if (lImageWidth && lImageHeight)
			ScaleToFit(&lElemWidth, &lElemHeight, lImageWidth, lImageHeight, true/*bUseSmallerFactor*/);
			SetImgElemSize(spImgElem, lElemWidth, lElemHeight);
			SetElemStyle(spElem, lElemWidth, lElemHeight);

		hr = spImgElem->put_src(CComBSTR(strFileName));

		if (spMarkup2)
			hr = spMarkup2->EndUndoUnit();
			CComQIPtr<IMarkupContainer2> spMarkupCont2 = spMarkup2;
			if (spMarkupCont2)
				long l = spMarkupCont2->GetVersionNumber();
				l += 0;

		if (FAILED(hr))
BOOL ReadObjData( LPSTR lpFileName, LPOBJECTLIST lpObjList, int outDepth,
		LPINT lpDataType, LPRECT lpScaleRect, LPINT lpFullFileX, LPINT lpFullFileY, LPINT lpFullResolution)

LPFRAME lpFrame;
LPOBJECT lpObject;
int ifh;
LPLONG lngptr;
LPWORD shtptr;
int nObjects, i, idFileType, nPasses;
WORD wBytes, wByteOrder, wVersion;
long lObjSize, lObjStart;
LFIXED xrate, yrate;
int opix, olin, baseW, baseH;
LPRECT lpLoadRect;

xrate = yrate = UNITY;
lpOffsets = NULL;

if ( !lpObjList )
	return( FALSE );

lpObjList->lpHead = lpObjList->lpTail = NULL;
if ( (ifh = _lopen(lpFileName, OF_READ)) < 0)
	Message( IDS_EOPEN, lpFileName );
	return( FALSE );

// Read in header info
wBytes = OBJ_HDR_SIZE;
if ( _lread(ifh, LineBuffer[0], wBytes) != wBytes )
	goto BadRead;
shtptr = (LPWORD)LineBuffer[0];
wByteOrder = GetNextWord(&shtptr);	/* byte order is LSB,MSB */
if (wByteOrder != TIF_II && wByteOrder != TIF_MM)
	goto BadRead;
wVersion  = GetNextWord(&shtptr);	/* Version Number */
nObjects  = GetNextWord(&shtptr);	/* Number of Objects */
lngptr    = (LPLONG)shtptr;
lObjSize  = GetNextLong(&lngptr);	/* size of object data */
lObjStart = GetNextLong(&lngptr);	/* start of object data */

if (!(lpOffsets = (LPOBJOFFSETS)Alloc(sizeof(OBJOFFSETS)*nObjects)))
_llseek (ifh, lObjStart, 0);
wBytes = (WORD)lObjSize;
nPasses = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nObjects; ++i)
	if ( _lread(ifh, LineBuffer[0], wBytes) != wBytes )
		goto BadRead;
	shtptr = (LPWORD)LineBuffer[0];

	Obj.ObjectType 		= (OBJECT_TYPE)GetNextWord(&shtptr);
	Obj.rObject.left 	= GetNextWord(&shtptr);
	Obj.rObject.top 	= GetNextWord(&shtptr);
	Obj.rObject.right 	= GetNextWord(&shtptr);
	Obj.rObject.bottom 	= GetNextWord(&shtptr);
	Obj.Opacity 		= GetNextWord(&shtptr);
	Obj.MergeMode 		= (MERGE_MODE)GetNextWord(&shtptr);
	Obj.wGroupID 		= GetNextWord(&shtptr);

	if (i==0 && lpScaleRect)
		opix = RectWidth(lpScaleRect);
		olin = RectHeight(lpScaleRect);
		baseW = RectWidth(&Obj.rObject);
		baseH = RectHeight(&Obj.rObject);
		xrate = ScaleToFit(&opix, &olin, baseW, baseH);
		if (opix > baseW || olin > baseH)
		{ // No upsizing allowed
			opix = baseW;
			olin = baseH;
		xrate = FGET( opix, baseW );
		yrate = FGET( olin, baseH );
	// scale the object rect
	Obj.rObject.left	= FMUL(Obj.rObject.left, xrate);
	Obj.rObject.top 	= FMUL(Obj.rObject.top, yrate);
	Obj.rObject.right 	= FMUL(Obj.rObject.right, xrate);
	Obj.rObject.bottom 	= FMUL(Obj.rObject.bottom, yrate);

	if (!(lpObject = ObjCreateFromFrame(ST_PERMANENT, NULL, NULL, &Obj.rObject,
		goto BadRead;
	idFileType                = GetNextWord(&shtptr);
	lpOffsets[i].bInvert      = GetNextWord(&shtptr);
	lpOffsets[i].rMask.left   = GetNextWord(&shtptr);
	lpOffsets[i].rMask.top    = GetNextWord(&shtptr);
	lpOffsets[i].rMask.right  = GetNextWord(&shtptr);
	lpOffsets[i].rMask.bottom = GetNextWord(&shtptr);
	// scale the mask rect
	lpOffsets[i].rMask.left	  = FMUL(lpOffsets[i].rMask.left,   xrate);
	lpOffsets[i].rMask.top 	  = FMUL(lpOffsets[i].rMask.top,    yrate);
	lpOffsets[i].rMask.right  = FMUL(lpOffsets[i].rMask.right,  xrate);
	lpOffsets[i].rMask.bottom = FMUL(lpOffsets[i].rMask.bottom, yrate);
	lngptr = (LPLONG)shtptr;
	lpOffsets[i].lDataOffset  = GetNextLong(&lngptr);
	lpOffsets[i].lAlphaOffset = GetNextLong(&lngptr);
	shtptr = (LPWORD)lngptr;

	// versions after 1.1 saved selected state
	if (wVersion == 0x0101)
		Obj.fSelected = NO;
		Obj.fSelected = GetNextWord(&shtptr);

    if (wVersion < 0x0103 || lObjSize == 41)
        Obj.ObjectDataID = OBJECT_DATA_NONE;
        Obj.dwObjectData = 0;
        Obj.ObjectDataID = GetNextWord(&shtptr);
        Obj.dwObjectData = *(LPDWORD)shtptr;
        shtptr += 2;

	lpObject->ObjectType 	= Obj.ObjectType;
	lpObject->Opacity 		= Obj.Opacity;
	lpObject->MergeMode 	= Obj.MergeMode;
	lpObject->wGroupID 		= Obj.wGroupID;
	lpObject->fSelected 	= Obj.fSelected;
    lpObject->ObjectDataID 	= Obj.ObjectDataID;
    lpObject->dwObjectData 	= Obj.dwObjectData;

	ObjAddTail(lpObjList, (LPPRIMOBJECT)lpObject);

	if (lpOffsets[i].lAlphaOffset)

ProgressBegin(nPasses, 0);
lpObject = NULL;
i = 0;
while (lpObject = (LPOBJECT)ObjGetNextObject(lpObjList, (LPPRIMOBJECT)lpObject, YES))
	if (lpScaleRect && i!=0)
		lpLoadRect = &lpObject->rObject;
		lpLoadRect = lpScaleRect;
	_llseek (ifh, lpOffsets[i].lDataOffset, 0);
	lpFrame = ReadTiffData(ifh, lpFileName, outDepth, lpDataType,
		NO/*bReadOnly*/, lpLoadRect, NO, lpFullFileX, lpFullFileY,
	if (i == 0)
		lpDataType = NULL;
		lpFullFileX = NULL;
		lpFullFileY = NULL;
		lpFullResolution = NULL;
	if (!lpFrame)
		goto BadRead;
	PixmapSetup(&lpObject->Pixmap, lpFrame, Control.NoUndo);
	if (!lpOffsets[i].lAlphaOffset)
	_llseek (ifh, lpOffsets[i].lAlphaOffset, 0);
	lpFrame = ReadTiffData(ifh, lpFileName, outDepth, lpDataType,
		NO/*bReadOnly*/, lpLoadRect, NO, NULL, NULL, NULL);
	if (!lpFrame)
		goto BadRead;
	lpObject->lpAlpha = MaskCreate(lpFrame, 0, 0, OFF, Control.NoUndo);
	if (!lpObject->lpAlpha)
		goto BadRead;
	lpObject->lpAlpha->bInvert = lpOffsets[i].bInvert;
	lpObject->lpAlpha->rMask = lpOffsets[i].rMask;

if ( lpOffsets )
	FreeUp( (LPTR)lpOffsets );
return( TRUE );

while (lpObject = (LPOBJECT)ObjGetNextObject(lpObjList, NULL, YES))
	ObjUnlinkObject(lpObjList, (LPPRIMOBJECT)lpObject);
if ( lpOffsets )
	FreeUp( (LPTR)lpOffsets );
if (nPasses)
Message( IDS_EREAD, lpFileName );
return( FALSE );